Copywriting 5: Dr. Will Kurlinkus
Copywriting 5: Dr. Will Kurlinkus
Copywriting 5: Dr. Will Kurlinkus
2. Show don’t tell. Active verbs and nouns are greater than
adjectives. Specificity is always better.
¡ I know this guy Brian who is intelligent, hard-working, and really
¡ Brian found founded a successful company, he created a
popular blog, and he leads a talented team.
¡ Our world class widgets help you increase email sign-ups
¡ 549,333 websites use our widgets to increase email sign-ups
¡ Highlight benefits not features:
¡ Oh that TV is great. It's a 120Hz HDTV.
¡ What does that mean? What’s the benefit?
¡ Avoid hedging words: replace might, could, may, possible with
will, can, is.
¡ Lead with your strongest point. We place the most emphasis on
what we read first.
¡ Shorter (words, sentences, paragraphs) is almost always better.
We trust shorter phrases.
Top 10 Copywriting Tips
¡ Scenarios: Tell short stories of this persona doing the task in action,
incorporating features of the bio. Shows why and how this action
might take place.