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Persuasive Essays

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Student A Writing Sample

We Should Use Less Gasoline 

By ​Andrew 

Do you know how much gasoline is used in a day? If you don't,scientist say that
100 million barrels of gasoline is used in a day.This matters because the world is getting
polluted by all the gasoline. In this essay I will argue that we should use less gasoline
because it is causing global warming,it's making the quality of air get worse and also
people could use different forms of transportation.

One reason we should use less gasoline is because it is causing global warming.
For example in myclass we watched a time-lapse video of a glacier in Alaska melt and I
was surprised because that is really bad. Because it shows signs of pollution. Because
of this, more glaciers and snowy areas are slowly melting because of the percentage of
gasoline used in a day. Which is bad because in the future all the snowy areas and
glaciers will all be melted because of the high percentage of gasoline used in a day.

Another reason we should use less gasoline is because the quality of air is
getting worse. As a result, when people breath the air it's not clean because the
gasoline from the cars make smoke which pollutes the air. Also, that's bad because the
animals in the air also won't be able to breath well because the air is not clean. Lastly
it's also gonna make the birds unhealthy because of the air pollution happening so we
should use less gasoline.Also another way to stop air pollution is to use electric cars or
solar powered cars which are expensive but good to the environment.

Lastly my final reason is we should use less gasoline is because people can take
other forms of transportation instead. For example when I walk out my apartment
complex door all I See is a lot of cars and not many buses which means that people are
using a lot of gasoline and not using a little. They don't want to use the buses because
they are slow but, if they did use the bus more often the percentage of gasoline used in
a day would go down. Because people are using the bus more often. People could also
take trains and taxis more often. Also, experts say that 5% of gasoline created by
transportation is causing air pollution which is also bad.

As I have argued in this essay, we should use less gasoline. For nearly, all my
life i've seen cars using gasoline, I have seen more cars then buses which is bad
because the percentage of gasoline used in a day is still high. So if you're reading this
essay and use a gasoline powered car, please use you're gasoline powered car less
and think about other ways to travel than using cars more.
Student B Writing Sample

Why People Should Stop Poaching 

By ​Constanza 
Did you know 100 species of animals go extinct every single day!? The main reason of
that is because of poaching and people destroying their homes. In this essay, I will argue about
why poaching should stop completely. Here I’ll teach you how I learned about poaching. Also,I'll
teach about animals are not our trophies, that poaching is illegal, and also that animals that
were here before us, will go extinct because of our fault!

The first time I ever got to know about poaching was, last year in third grade. My
classmates and I had to do a project about tigers. My topic was about endangered tigers. I was
horrified by the fact that animals have to go through this every single day! Animals that were
here before us are going extinct at an alarming rate and poaching is contributing to this. If we
keep hunting animals and hurting the ecosystem, we are also damaging the Earth and
ourselves because of destroying the food chain. This is why I believe people should stop
poaching animals.

Another reason people should stop is because animals are not our trophies, they are
living creatures. I am sure you have heard about the white rhino incident. People kept on
poaching, and poaching, and poaching until, well, the last male white rhino died of old age and
there was no other rhino out there to have a family with. You might be asking yourself, “why did
they poach them?”. It was all just for their horns. Another unfortunate case was, with the bengal
tiger. People believed that the blood of the tiger could cure their diseases. Studies have shown,
that the blood of tigers would not actually cure peoples diseases. Some people stopped
poaching the poor tigers. But some didn’t stop. They sold the blood in black markets. They
couldn't care any less. Those people illegally sold tiger blood for the money. They already knew
that mith wasn't true in the first place.

In addition, poaching should be stopped because killing wild animals is considered illegal
amongst a lot of countries around the globe. Although it is illegal, some poachers get away with
it instead of being sent to jail. According to the CITES website, poaching is illegal in these
countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, China, Thailand and the Philippines. I believe, more
countries should make this illegal.

Most importantly, if we do not stop poaching, many animals will go extinct at some point
and we will never get to see them ever again! Like I said before, animals are part of our
ecosystem and part of our food chain. So if we keep killing animals, it hurts us because we
won’t have enough food to survive. We could go extinct too. This is what people call progress,
but in my eyes it looks more like destruction. And poaching is one of those problems. It is very
sad to see that animals are going extinct because of our greed.

As I have argued in this essay, people should stop poaching. As I look back and reflect,
humans have been the most destructive creatures on Earth. Poachers are making the world an
awful place. So please, go to the World Wildlife Foundation website and volunteer.It would be
awesome if you could donate some money to this incredible animal rescue foundation so we
find ways to help end this mass destruction.This is a life threatening situation. You could be a
hero. Make the world a better place!
Student C Writing Sample  
War Should Not Exist 
By ​Shoshanna 
Recently I have been reading a lot about World War II, and I have come to think that war is not
an answer to fix problems. In this essay I will argue that war causes mass destruction, people
die when they are innocent or not fighting, and finally at the end of the war things are probably
exactly the same except millions of people are left homeless and/or have a dead relative who
died during the war.

One reason that war is horrible: is that war causes mass destruction. For example, war
monuments have been destroyed. In war, cities can be destroyed because of bombings. Even
entire countries are destroyed because of bombings. All the buildings below are examples of
things in England that were destroyed during World War II. According to historians, these are a
few of the buildings that were destroyed during World War II: Big Ben and Parliament; Tower
Bridge; St Pauls Cathedral; Tower of London; No. 10 Downing Street: Buckingham Palace;
London Eye; Nelson’s Column; Westminster Abbey; Piccadilly Circus​.”

Another reason that war is horrible is that people die when they aren’t even fighting or
they die for a very bad reason. Such as during World War II the Nazis killed millions of Jews for
no good reason. Which caused a massive problem because soldiers were already dying, and
then extra millions of innocent women, children, and men were dying every month. In addition to
that the world lost millions and maybe even billions of people during World War II.

My final reason is that at the end of the war everything is practically the same except so
it wasn't even worth it to start a war.Homes, cities, and monuments are destroyed. Millions of
people are left homeless and/or have a dead relative. Rebuilding cities can take many years, so
as a result some people might have to live in tents or shacks. I also want people to consider the
historic monuments that are destroyed in war, that we will probably never be able to rebuild or
learn more about historic civilizations.

As I have argued in this essay, people should not take part in war. Having read a lot
about war, I have noticed my whole life how bad and evil it is. I strongly believe that we can stop
it from happening around the world. Governments and citizens, instead of making a big fight or
some sort of violence try to negotiate so it doesn’t cost thousands of innocent lives.
Student D Writing Sample

People Should Adopt Pets Not Buy Pets 


By ​Paula G 

Have you seen a trapped animal? Have you seen a pet in the streets? How did you feel?
Today I will argue that people should adopt pets not buy pets because there are so many pets
without a home and can become trapped in fences, underground and a lot more places, animals
can get really sick and die if they are not adopted from shelters or streats, and because it can
bring a special happiness and you can help them get them off the streets.

One reason that people should adopt pets instead of buying pets is that there's so many
pets without a home. This is bad because they can get trapped in fences, underground and alot
more places. For instance, research had found that there are between 6,000 and 10,000 pets
without a home in the city of Madrid.

Another reason is that pets can get really sick if there not adopted from shelters or
streets and also they can die.They can get really sick and also they can die because they can
get hit by a car, truck and alot more vehicles. They can get really sick and also they can die
because they cannot get so much food from the streets. They can get really sick and also they
can die because if they don't get their shots they can get really sick because there more likely to
catch a disease.

Finally reason is that people should adopt pets because it can bring a special happiness.
One day, my mom was going to work and then she stopped. She saw there was a
brownish puppy that was crossing the road by himself. He had no home and lived in the streets.
My mom got down the car and she got the puppy. The puppy was scared but she got
him. She gave food and water when they got on the car and went to the vet. After that they
came home. Now he is a grown up dog and he lives really happy now and us to.

As I have argued in this essay, people should adopt pets, not buy pets. Having 3
adopted pets has made me realize that getting adopted pets from the streets is more important
than buying a pet. Next time you are thinking to buy a pet - DON’T- adopt a pet instead! It will
make you have a special happiness and it will help the animals in the world.
Student E Writing Sample

People should put their trash in the correct place  

By: ​Suheyla Mayfield

Many people don't care but people should put their trash in the correct place. In this
essay I will argue why people should put their trash in the correct place because the ground
gets dirty so it makes it hard for animals get harmed by the trash, and most importantly it makes
the world look dirtier and uglier.

One reason people should put their trash in the correct place is because animals are
getting harmed by the trash. For example, once I was walking on the sidewalk and I saw a bird
that was lying exactly in front of a cigaret. So it probably tried to eat it cause it was hungry. This
is dangerous because its dead so it could have diseases that could get other animals sick if they
touch or eat it. Also once when I went to the beach in anchorage there was a grayish fish dead
on the sand stuck in the plastic used to hold soda cans and waters. It was very sad to see the
fish laying on the sand and made me think how scared the fish was geting traped in the plastic
used to hold the cans and waters.

Another reason people should put there trash in the correct place is because the ground
gets very dirty and makes it hard for plants to grow. For example, with trash it's like poisoning
the plants so the plants won’t grow because it can block the light from the sun if there's lots of
trash. Also there be know fruits and vegetables so you can't cook.And the nice plants and
flowers can't show their beauty.

Most importantly why people should put their trash in the correct place because when
trash is on the ground it makes the world look dirtier and uglier. For example, it can make nice
places with trash look like garbage dump. Once when I was driving on a bridge at the bottom of
the bridge there was ground that was almost filled with trash it had bottles, chip bags, and
crumbled up papers and plastic. Also once when I was in the streets close to my house and
there was a field that had trash and down the dip close to the road there has always been a
plastic black bag filled with trash as well as in my bus stop its on a square sidewalk and on the
end therese trash. It makes me feel embarrassed to see so much trash on the ground because I
live in this world that has trash.

People should put their trash in the correct place. Since I have been living in this world
for ten years, I have see lots of trash people do care about the trash but most people don't,
which is why in this essay I argued why people should put their trash in the correct place so that
everyone in the world does it. It will make the world better and less dangerous for animals. If
you're reading this essay and you put your trash in the correct place “Go tell other people to do
the same” be a good person.

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