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Chapter 3.0.2018 - Column Design PDF

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Dr. Zainorizuan Bin Mohd Jaini
Department of Structure and Material Engineering

▪ Columns act as vertical supports to beams and slabs, and to

transmit the loads to the foundations.
▪ Columns are primarily compression members, although they
may also have to resist bending moment transmitted by beams.
▪ Columns may be classified as braced or unbraced, short or
slender, depending on various dimensional and structural
▪ EC2 in term of column design provides:
1) New guideline to determine the effective height of column,
slenderness ratio and limiting slenderness.
2) Design for second order (so-called P-Δ)
3) Design moment method based on nominal curvature.
4) Geometry imperfection: Deviations in cross-section
dimensions are normally taken into account in the material
factors and should not be included in structural analysis.

▪ Classification of column:
Braced Unbraced

Where the lateral loads are Where horizontal loads are

resisted by shear wall or other resisted by the frame action of
form of bracing capable of rigidity connected columns,
transmitting all horizontal beams and slabs
loading to the foundations.

With a braced structure, the With an unbraced structure,

axial forces and moments in the loading arrangement
the columns are induced by which include the effects of
the permanent and variable lateral load must also be
actions (vertical) only. considered
Failure of Column

Buckling of freeway
support columns,
San Fernando Valley

Damage of circular
column during
earthquake due to
poor detailing of Shear failure
transverse of a column of the
reinforcement Shinkansen bridge
Failure of Column

Batu Pahat,
13 July 2014
Kukup Laut, Johor
9 January 2014
Design Procedure

▪ Classification of column:
Action and Response

▪ For a braced structure, the critical arrangement of the ultimate

load is usually that which causes the largest moment in the
column together with a larger axial load.
▪ The critical loading arrangement:
1.35 Gk + 1.5 Qk

1.35 Gk + 1.5 Qk Load arrangement for

maximum moment

1.35 Gk + 1.5 Qk
1.35 Gk

Load arrangement for

maximum axial load
Action and Response

▪ Bending moment and deflected profile of column


Design Moment

▪ In general, the magnitude and direction of moment that react on

a column are dependant upon the following factors:
1. Position of column in building, either located at internal, side
or corner.
2. Type of column, either short or slender.
3. Shape of column, either square, rectangular or circular.
4. Arrangement of beam supported by column, either
symmetrical or unsymmetrical.
5. Span of beam at both sides of column.
6. Difference of load for beam at both sides of column.
▪ The above mentioned factors determine whether the induced
moments are about single axis or double axis and about major or
minor axis.
▪ Moment calculated from frame analysis is not the ultimate value
of design moment and must not be used directly in column
With Wisdom We Explore
Design Moment

▪ Different moment conditions with respect to column positions

With Wisdom We Explore

Design Moment

▪ Column with bending at one axis

▪ Column with biaxial bending

= i) and ii)
Durability and Fire Resistance

▪ For a braced structure, the critical arrangement of the ultimate

load is usually that which causes the largest moment in the
column together with a larger axial load.
▪ The critical loading arrangement:

a ≥ cnom + Ølink + Øbar/2


▪ EC2 states that second order effects may be ignored if they are
less than 10% of the first order effects.
▪ As an alternative, if the slenderness ratio (λ) is less than the
slenderness limit (λlim), then second order effects can be
▪ The slenderness ratio (λ) of a column bent about an axis is
given by Cl. as:

l0 l0
= =
i I/A

lo = effective height of the column
i = radius of gyration about the axis
I = the second moment of area of the section about the axis
A = the cross section area of the column

▪ Effective height
̶ lo is the height of a theoretical column of equivalent section
but pinned at both ends.
̶ This depends on the degree of fixity at each end and of the
̶ Depends on the relative stiffness of the column and beams
connected to either end of the column under consideration
EC2: Cl.

Different buckling modes and

corresponding effective height
for isolated column

▪ Formula to calculate the effective height (Cl.

̶ For braced member:

l0 = 0.5l  1 +  1 + 
k1 k2
 0.45 + k1 
 0.45 + k2 

̶ For unbraced member (which one maximum)

 k1k2 
=  1 + k1  1 + k2 
l0 = l  1 + 10  or l l   
 k1 + k 2 
 1 + k1  1 + k 2 

where, k1 and k2 relative flexibility of the rotational restrains

at end ‘1’ and ‘2’ of the column respectively.

At each end k1 and k2 can be taken as:


column stiffness
k =
 beam stiffness
( EI / L )column
 2 ( EI / L )beam
( I / L )column
 2 ( I / L )beam
For a typical column in a symmetrical frame with span
approximately equal length, k1 and k2 can be calculated as:
( I / L )column ** It is also generally accepted
k1 = k2 =
4 ( I / L )beam that Table 3.19 of BS 8110 may
conservatively be used to
determine the effective length
Limiting λ – Short or Slender Column
▪ Slenderness ratio,  =
i *Minimum limit
20 ABC 15.4C 26.2
▪ Slenderness limit, lim =  lim =
n n NED / ( Ac fcd )

A = 1/(1+0.2φef) (if φef is not known, A = 0.7 may be used)
B = (1+2w)1/2
w = reinforcement ratio (if w is not known, B = 1.1 may be used)
C = 1.7 – rm (if rm is not known, C = 0.7 may be used)
n = (NED)/(Acfcd) ; fcd=design compressive strength
rm=.(M01/ M02) M01, M02 are the first order end moments, in which
|M02| ≥ |M01|. If the end moments M01 and M02 give tension on
the same side, rm should be taken positive.

▪ Of the three factors A, B and C ;C will has the largest impact on

λlim and is the simplest to calculate.
▪ An initial assessment of λlim can therefore be made using the
default values for A and B, but including a calculation for C.
▪ Care should be taken in determining C because the sign of the
moments makes a significant difference. For unbraced members
C should always be taken as 0.7.
▪ If the comparison yield the condition:

λ ≤ λlim Short column and the slenderness effect may be


λ ≥ λlim Slender column and must be designed for an

additional moment cause by its curvature at
ultimate conditions.
Example 3.1

▪ Determine if the column in the braced frame shown in the figure

below is short or slender. The concrete strength fck = 25 N/mm2
and the ultimate axial load = 1280kN.

Highest slenderness ratio

hcol = 3.5m

-Column with smallest h

(about axis YY, h=300mm)

-End restraints are less stiff

(smallest dimension of
beam, 300 x 500)

Note: The beams are continuous in

both directions
Example 3.1

Effective column height, lo

400  3003
lcol = = 900  106 mm4
300  5003
l beam = = 3125  106 mm4
Icol / lcol 900  106 / 3  103
k1 = k2 = = = 0.096
(2Ibeam / l beam ) 2(2  3125  10 / 4  10 )
6 3

 k1  k2 
lo = 0.5l  1 +  1 +  = 0.59  3.0 = 1.77 mm
 0.45 + k1  0.45 + k2 
Icol bh3 / 12 h
Radius of gyration, i = = = = 86.6 mm
Acol bh 3.46
l0 1.77  103
Slenderness ratio,  = = = 20.4
i 86.6
Example 3.1

For braced column:

lim =
lim =
NED / ( Ac fcd )

f 
fcd = 0.85  ck 
 1.5 

NED / ( Ac fcd ) = 1280  103 / (400  300  0.85  25 / 1.5) = 0.866

lim = = 30.25  20.4
Hence, compared with λlim, the column is short and second order
moment effects would not have taken into account.
Principle of Design
Reinforcement Details
▪ Longitudinal steel
A minimum of four bars is required in the rectangular column
(one bar in each corner) and six bars in circular column. Bar
diameter should not be less than 12mm.

The minimum area of steel is given in Cl.9.5.2(2) as:

As,min =  0.002 Ac

▪ Links
The diameter of the transverse reinforcement should not be
less than 6mm or one quarter of the maximum diameter of the
longitudinal bars.
link = max  0.25main ;6 
Principle of Design

▪ Spacing requirements
The maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement (i.e. links) in
columns (Cl.9.5.3(1)) should not generally exceed:
✓ 20 times the minimum diameter of the longitudinal bars.
✓ the lesser dimension of the column.
✓ 400 mm.

Normal Spacing > 150mm Spacing < 150mm

Principle of Design
Design Moment
▪ For braced slender column, the design bending moment is
defined as given in Cl.

MEd = max {M02 ; M0e + M2 ; M01 + 0.5 M2 ; NEd.e0}

▪ For unbraced slender column:

MEd = max {M02 + M2 ; NEd.e0}

M01 = min {Mtop ; Mbot} + NEd.ei
M02 = max {Mtop ; Mbot} + Ned.ei
e0 = max {h/30; 20 mm}
ei = lo/400
Mtop = Moment at the top of the column
Mbot = Moment at the bottom of the column
Principle of Design

▪ Moment diagram (first and second orders):


Principle of Design

M0e = 0.6 M02 + 0.4 M01 ≥ 0.4 M02

M01 and M02 should be positive if they give tension on the same

M2 = NEd  e2 = The nominal second order moment

NEd = the design axial load
e2 = Deflection due to second order effects
1  l 02 
=  
r c 
lo = effective length
c = a factor depending on the curvature
distribution, normally  2  10
1/r = the curvature = Kr.Kφ.1/r0
Phi (uppercase Φ, lowercase φ, or math symbol ϕ
Principle of Design

Axial load correction factor, Kr = ( nu − n ) / ( nu − nbal )  1

where, n = NEd / ( Ac fcd ) , nu = 1 + w , nbal = 0.4
w = As fyd / ( Ac fcd )
Creep correction factor, K = 1 + ef  1

where: φef = effective creep ratio = jM0Eqp / M0Ed

= 0, if (φ < 2, M/N > h, 1/r0 < 75)
β = 0.35 + fck/200 – λ/150
1/r0 =  yd / (0.45d ) = ( fyd / Es ) / 0.45d

A non-slender column can be designed ignoring second order

effects and therefore the ultimate design moment,
MEd = M02 for short column
Principle of Design
Method of Design
▪ Short column resisting moments and axial forces
▪ The area of longitudinal reinforcement is determined based on:
1. Design chart or rectangular or circular section
construction M-N and symmetrical arrangement
interaction diagram of reinforcement (d’/h = 0.05-
0.25 as provided by EC2)
2. A solution a basic Unsymmetrical arrangement
design equation of reinforcement, or cross
3. An approximate method section is non rectangular

A column should not be designed for a moment less than

NEd x emin where emin has a grater value of h/300 or 20 mm
Principle of Design
Design Chart
▪ Design chart for rectangular column






** d2 or d’
Principle of Design

▪ Two expressions can be derived for the area of steel required

(based on a rectangular stress block), one for the axial loads
and the other for the moments.
▪ Interaction diagrams can be constructed for any arrangement of
cross section.
Principle of Design

▪ Basic equation

NEd = Fcc + Fsc + Fs = 0.567fck bs + fsc A 's + fs As

h s h   h
MEd = Fcc  −  + Fsc  − d '  − Fs  d − 
2 2 2   2
NEd = design ultimate axial load
MEd = design ultimate moment
s = the depth of the stress block = 0.8x
A’s = the area of longitudinal reinforcement in the more highly
compressed face
As = the area of reinforcement in the other face
fsc = the stress in reinforcement A’s
fs = the stress in reinforcement As, negative when tensile
Principle of Design
Basic Equation
▪ Area of reinforcement required to resist axial load:
AsN / 2 = ( NEd − fcd bdc )  / ( sc −  st )  c 

▪ While the total are of reinforcement required to resist moment:

AsM / 2 = M − fcd bdc ( h / 2 − dc / 2 )  / ( h / 2 − d 2 )( sc +  st )  c 

NEd = Axial load
fcd = Design value of concrete compressive strength
σsc(σst) = Stress in compression (and tension) reinforcement
b = Breadth of section; h = Height of section
γc = Partial factor for concrete (1.5)
dc = Effective depth of concrete in compression = λx ≤ h
λ = 0.8 for ≤ C50/60
x = Depth to neutral axis
Example 3.2

Figure 3.2 shows a frame of heavily loaded industrial structure

for which the centre column along line PQ are to be designed in
this example. The frame at 4m centres are braced against
lateral forces and support the following floor loads:

gk = 10 kN/m2
qk = 15 kN/m2
fck = 25 N/mm2
fyk = 500 N/mm2
Example 3.2

Maximum ultimate load at each floor:

= 4.0 (1.35gk + 1.5qk) per meter length of beam
= 4.0 (1.35 x 10 + 1.5 x 15)
= 144 kN/m
Minimum ultimate load at each floor:
= 4.0 x 1.35gk
= 4.0 x (1.35 x 10)
= 54 kN per meter length of beam
Selfweight of
Column load: column
1st floor= 144 x 6/2 + 54 x 4/2 = 540 kN =
2nd and 3rd floor = 2 x 144 x 10/2 = 1440 kN (0.3x0.4
Column self weight = 2 x 14 = 28 kN x3.0x24) x 3
NEd = 2008 kN = 26 kN
Example 3.2

b) Substitute frame

a) Critical loading arrangement for

centre columns at 1st floor

c) Fixed end moments

Example 3.2
Example 3.2
Example 3.2
Example 3.2
Example 3.2

Using the design chart:

Assume cover = 50mm
d’/h= 80/400 = 0.2
Ground to 1st floor:
NEd/bhfck= 0.67 , MEd/bh2fck= 0.067 ➔ Asfyk/bhfck = 0.3
NEd/bhfck= 0.67 , MEd/bh2fck= 0.06 ➔ As= 1800mm2
1st to 3rd floor:
NEd/bhfck= 0.24 , MEd/bh2fck= 0.07 ➔ Asfyk/bhfck = 0.0
NEd/bhfck= 0.67 , MEd/bh2fck= 0.06 ➔ As,min= 240mm2
Example 3.2

Ground –
1st floor

1st – 3rd floor

Example 3.2

The min. area allowed:

As,min= 0.002bh 300

H8 at 300
H8 at 300
As,min= 0.002 x 300 x 400
As,min= 240mm2

The max. area:
As,max= 0.08bh
As,max= 0.08 x 300 x 400 4H25 4H16

Ground to 1st Floor 1st to 3rd Floor

As,max= 9600mm2
Although EC2 permits the use of 12mm main steel, 16mm bars
have been used to ensure adequate rigidity of the reinforcing
Example 3.2

1st floor = 144 x 6/2 + 54 x 4/2 = 540 kN

u.s – under side Total =
2nd and 3rd floor = 2 x 144 x 10/2 = 1440 kN
t.s – top side 2008 kN
Column self weight = 2 x 14 = 28 kN
Design Under Biaxial Bending

▪ The effects of biaxial bending may be checked using Eq.(5.39),

Cl.5.8.9, which was first developed by Breslaer:
a a
 Edz  +  MEdy   1.0
M  M 
 Rdz   Rdy 
MEdz,y = Design moment in the respective direction including
second order effects in a slender column
MRdz,y = Moment of resistance in the respective direction
a = 2 for circular and elliptical sections; refer to Table 1 for
rectangular sections
NRd = Acfcd + Asfyd
Design Under Biaxial Bending

ez ey e e
Either /  0.2 or y / z  0.2 Must bigger than 0.2 for
b h h b biaxial moments

where ey and ez are the first-order eccentricities in the direction

of the section dimensions b and h respectively.
Mz My
If  , then the increased single axis design moment is
h' b'
M 'z = M z +  M y
Mz My
If  , then the increased single axis design moment is
h' b'
M 'y = M y +  Mz
Design Under Biaxial Bending

▪ The dimension h’ and b’ are defined in the figure below and the
coefficient β is specified as:
 = 1−

▪ Value coefficient β for biaxial bending

Section with biaxial bending

Example 3.3

Design of column for biaxial bending. The column section

shown in the figure below is to be designed to resist an ultimate
axial load plus moments:

- ultimate axial load = 1200kN

- moment of Mz = 75kNm
- moment of My = 80kNm.

The characteristic strength:

- fck = 25N/mm2
- fyk = 500N/mm2
Example 3.3
Example 3.3
Example 3.3
Example 3.4

Design the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement for the

column shown in the figure below. The column is subjected to
50 years working life, 1 hour fire resistance and build inside
building. Use grade C25/30 concrete, and grade 500 steel

- Effective height, lo = 3.8m

- Braced non-slender column

- Short column bend about major axis
Example 3.4
Example 3.4
Example 3.4
Example 3.4
Example 3.5

Design the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement for a

rectangular column size 300 x 350 mm. This column is
classified as non-slender and subjected to ultimate axial load of
1800kN and bending moments of 55 kNm and 32 kNm about
major and minor axis respectively. Use grade C25/30 concrete,
grade 500 steel reinforcement and nominal cover of 30mm.
= 55 kNm

= 32 kNm

- Short column under biaxial moments
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5

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