Chapter 3.0.2018 - Column Design PDF
Chapter 3.0.2018 - Column Design PDF
Chapter 3.0.2018 - Column Design PDF
Dr. Zainorizuan Bin Mohd Jaini
Department of Structure and Material Engineering
▪ Classification of column:
Braced Unbraced
Buckling of freeway
support columns,
San Fernando Valley
Damage of circular
column during
earthquake due to
poor detailing of Shear failure
transverse of a column of the
reinforcement Shinkansen bridge
Failure of Column
Batu Pahat,
13 July 2014
Kukup Laut, Johor
9 January 2014
Design Procedure
▪ Classification of column:
Action and Response
1.35 Gk + 1.5 Qk
1.35 Gk
Design Moment
= i) and ii)
Durability and Fire Resistance
▪ EC2 states that second order effects may be ignored if they are
less than 10% of the first order effects.
▪ As an alternative, if the slenderness ratio (λ) is less than the
slenderness limit (λlim), then second order effects can be
▪ The slenderness ratio (λ) of a column bent about an axis is
given by Cl. as:
l0 l0
= =
i I/A
lo = effective height of the column
i = radius of gyration about the axis
I = the second moment of area of the section about the axis
A = the cross section area of the column
▪ Effective height
̶ lo is the height of a theoretical column of equivalent section
but pinned at both ends.
̶ This depends on the degree of fixity at each end and of the
̶ Depends on the relative stiffness of the column and beams
connected to either end of the column under consideration
EC2: Cl.
l0 = 0.5l 1 + 1 +
k1 k2
0.45 + k1
0.45 + k2
= 1 + k1 1 + k2
l0 = l 1 + 10 or l l
k1 + k 2
1 + k1 1 + k 2
column stiffness
k =
beam stiffness
( EI / L )column
2 ( EI / L )beam
( I / L )column
2 ( I / L )beam
For a typical column in a symmetrical frame with span
approximately equal length, k1 and k2 can be calculated as:
( I / L )column ** It is also generally accepted
k1 = k2 =
4 ( I / L )beam that Table 3.19 of BS 8110 may
conservatively be used to
determine the effective length
Limiting λ – Short or Slender Column
▪ Slenderness ratio, =
i *Minimum limit
20 ABC 15.4C 26.2
▪ Slenderness limit, lim = lim =
n n NED / ( Ac fcd )
A = 1/(1+0.2φef) (if φef is not known, A = 0.7 may be used)
B = (1+2w)1/2
w = reinforcement ratio (if w is not known, B = 1.1 may be used)
C = 1.7 – rm (if rm is not known, C = 0.7 may be used)
n = (NED)/(Acfcd) ; fcd=design compressive strength
rm=.(M01/ M02) M01, M02 are the first order end moments, in which
|M02| ≥ |M01|. If the end moments M01 and M02 give tension on
the same side, rm should be taken positive.
k1 k2
lo = 0.5l 1 + 1 + = 0.59 3.0 = 1.77 mm
0.45 + k1 0.45 + k2
Icol bh3 / 12 h
Radius of gyration, i = = = = 86.6 mm
Acol bh 3.46
l0 1.77 103
Slenderness ratio, = = = 20.4
i 86.6
Example 3.1
fcd = 0.85 ck
lim = = 30.25 20.4
Hence, compared with λlim, the column is short and second order
moment effects would not have taken into account.
Principle of Design
Reinforcement Details
▪ Longitudinal steel
A minimum of four bars is required in the rectangular column
(one bar in each corner) and six bars in circular column. Bar
diameter should not be less than 12mm.
As,min = 0.002 Ac
▪ Links
The diameter of the transverse reinforcement should not be
less than 6mm or one quarter of the maximum diameter of the
longitudinal bars.
link = max 0.25main ;6
Principle of Design
▪ Spacing requirements
The maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement (i.e. links) in
columns (Cl.9.5.3(1)) should not generally exceed:
✓ 20 times the minimum diameter of the longitudinal bars.
✓ the lesser dimension of the column.
✓ 400 mm.
M01 = min {Mtop ; Mbot} + NEd.ei
M02 = max {Mtop ; Mbot} + Ned.ei
e0 = max {h/30; 20 mm}
ei = lo/400
Mtop = Moment at the top of the column
Mbot = Moment at the bottom of the column
Principle of Design
Principle of Design
M01 and M02 should be positive if they give tension on the same
** d2 or d’
Principle of Design
▪ Basic equation
h s h h
MEd = Fcc − + Fsc − d ' − Fs d −
2 2 2 2
NEd = design ultimate axial load
MEd = design ultimate moment
s = the depth of the stress block = 0.8x
A’s = the area of longitudinal reinforcement in the more highly
compressed face
As = the area of reinforcement in the other face
fsc = the stress in reinforcement A’s
fs = the stress in reinforcement As, negative when tensile
Principle of Design
Basic Equation
▪ Area of reinforcement required to resist axial load:
AsN / 2 = ( NEd − fcd bdc ) / ( sc − st ) c
NEd = Axial load
fcd = Design value of concrete compressive strength
σsc(σst) = Stress in compression (and tension) reinforcement
b = Breadth of section; h = Height of section
γc = Partial factor for concrete (1.5)
dc = Effective depth of concrete in compression = λx ≤ h
λ = 0.8 for ≤ C50/60
x = Depth to neutral axis
Example 3.2
gk = 10 kN/m2
qk = 15 kN/m2
fck = 25 N/mm2
fyk = 500 N/mm2
Example 3.2
b) Substitute frame
Ground –
1st floor
H8 at 300
H8 at 300
As,min= 0.002 x 300 x 400
As,min= 240mm2
The max. area:
As,max= 0.08bh
As,max= 0.08 x 300 x 400 4H25 4H16
ez ey e e
Either / 0.2 or y / z 0.2 Must bigger than 0.2 for
b h h b biaxial moments
▪ The dimension h’ and b’ are defined in the figure below and the
coefficient β is specified as:
= 1−
= 32 kNm
- Short column under biaxial moments
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5
Example 3.5