DAWG: A Defense Against Cache Timing Attacks in Speculative Execution Processors
DAWG: A Defense Against Cache Timing Attacks in Speculative Execution Processors
DAWG: A Defense Against Cache Timing Attacks in Speculative Execution Processors
set metadata
3) Reducing privacy leakage from caches: Since Spectre
== == == ==
attacks are outside of the threat model anticipated by prior work, hit
way hits
most prior defenses are ineffective. LLC defenses against cross-
core attacks, such as SHARP [58] and RIC [28], do not stop cache line
8/16 ways 9/16 11/16 13/16 15/16 16/16 ways
bc pr tc
0.8 10
234578 234578 234578 234578 234578 234578
blackscholes facesim fluidanimate freqmine raytrace x264 5
Ways allocated
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 8. Way partitioning performance at low associativity in all caches (8-way
L1, 8-way L2, and 16-way L3). 3
bfs cc sssp
locality [5]. The power law structure, however, implies that 0.9
there is diminishing return from each additional L3 way. As 0.8
shown, at half cache capacity (8/16 L3, Section VI-B1), there 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
is at most 15% slowdown (bc and tc benchmarks) at the Graph Size (log N)
largest simulated size (2 vertices). A characteristic eye is
formed when the performance curves of different configurations Fig. 10. Read-only sharing effects of two instances using Shared vs Private
cross over the working set boundary (e.g., graph size of 217 ). data of varying scale (1-thread instances). Actual Haswell 20-way 30 MB L3.
Performance with working sets smaller or larger than the
effective cache capacity is unaffected — at the largest size cc, while CAT may lose block history effectively exhibiting random
pr, and sssp show 1–4% slowdown. replacement – a minor, workload-dependent perturbation. In
Reserving for the OS (Section VI-B3), one way (6% of LLC simulations (not shown), we replicate a known observation that
capacity) adds no performance overhead to most workloads. random replacement occasionally performs better than LRU
The only exception would be a workload caught in the eye, near cache capacity. We did not observe this effect with NRU
e.g., PageRank at 217 has 30% overhead (Fig. 9), while at 216 replacement.
or 218 — 0% difference. 2) Read-only Sharing: CAT QoS guarantees a lower bound
on a workload’s effective cache capacity, while DAWG isolation
D. CAT versus DAWG forces a tight upper bound. DAWG’s isolation reduces cache
We analyze and evaluate scenarios based on the degree of capacity compared to CAT when cache lines are read-only
code and data sharing across domains. shared across mutually untrusting protection domains. CAT
1) No Sharing: There is virtually no performance differ- permits hits across partitions where code or read-only data are
ence between secure DAWG partitioning, and insecure CAT unsafely shared. We focus on read-only data in our evaluation,
partitioning in the absence of read-sharing across domains. as benchmarks with low L1i MPKI like GAPBS, PARSEC, or
DAWG reduces interference in replacement metadata updates SPECCPU are poorly suited to study code cache sensitivity.
and enforces the intended replacement strategy within a domain, We analyze real applications using one line modifications
to GAPBS to fork (a single-thread process) either before or We are grateful to Carl Waldspurger for his valuable feedback
after creating in-memory graph representations. The first results on the initial design as well as the final presentation of this
in a private graph for each process, while the latter simulates paper. We also thank our anonymous reviewers and Julian Shun
mmap of a shared graph. The shared graphs access read-only for helpful questions and comments.
data across domains in the baseline and CAT, while DAWG R EFERENCES
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