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07 Chapter 2

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Principle of operation – Ideal PMSM – EMF and Torque equations – Armature MMF –
Synchronous Reactance – Sine wave motor with practical windings - Phasor diagram
– Torque/speed characteristics - Power controllers - Converter Volt-ampere
requirements– Applications.


A permanent magnet synchronous motor is also called as brushless permanent magnet

sine wave motor. A sine wave motor has a

1. Sinusoidal or quasi-sinusoidal distribution of magnetic flux in the air gap.

2. Sinusoidal or quasi-sinusoidal current wave forms.
3. Quasi-sinusoidal distribution of stator conductors (i.e.) short-pitched and
distributed or concentric stator windings.

The quasi sinusoidal distribution of magnetic flux around the air gap is achieved by
tapering the magnet thickness at the pole edges and by using a shorter magnet pole arc typically

The quasi sinusoidal current wave forms are achieved through the use of PWM inverters
and this may be current regulated to produce the best possible approximation to a pure sine
wave. The use of short pitched distributed or concentric winding is exactly the same as in ac


Permanent magnet synchronous machines generally have same operating and

performance characteristics as synchronous machines. A permanent magnet machine can have a
configuration almost identical to that of the conventional synchronous machines with absence of
slip rings and a field winding.


Fig. 5.1 shows a cross section of simple permanent magnet synchronous machines. It
consists of the stationary member of the machine called stator. Stator laminations for axial air
gap machines are often formed by winding continuous strips of soft steel. Various parts of the
laminations are the teeth slots which contain the armature windings. Yoke completes the
magnetic path. Lamination thickness depends upon the frequency of the armature source voltage
and cost.

Armature windings are generally double layer (two coil side per slot) and lap wound.
Individual coils are connected together to form phasor groups. Phasor groups are connected
together in series/parallel combinations to form star, delta, two phase (or) single windings.

AC windings are generally short pitched to reduce harmonic voltage generated in the windings.

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Coils, phase groups and phases must be insulated from each other in the end-turn regions
and the required dielectric strength of the insulation will depend upon the voltage ratings of the

Fig. 5.1 structure of the stator and rotor

In a permanent magnet machines the air gap serves an role in that its length largely
determines the operating point of the permanent magnet in the no-load operating condition of the
machines .Also longer air gaps reduce machines windage losses.

The permanent magnets form the poles equivalent to the wound field pole of
conventional synchronous machines. Permanent magnet poles are inherently ―salient‖ and there
is no equivalent to the cylindrical rotor pole configurations used in many convectional
synchronous machines.

Many permanent magnet synchronous machines may be cylindrical or ―smooth rotor‖

physically but electrically the magnet is still equivalent to a salient pole structure. Some of the
PMSM rotors have the permanent magnets directly facing the air gap as in fig. 5.2.

Rotor yoke is the magnetic portion of the rotor to provide a return path for the permanent
magnets and also provide structural support. The yoke is often a part of the pole structure

Fig. 5.2 PMSM rotor

Damper winding is the typical cage arrangement of conducting bars, similar to induction
motor rotor bars and to damper bars used on many other types of synchronous machines. It is not

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essential for all permanent magnet synchronous machines applications, but is found in most
machines used in power applications.

The main purpose is to dampen the oscillations about synchronous speed, but the bars are
also used to start synchronous motors in many applications.

The design and assembly of damper bars in permanent magnet machines are similar to
the other types of synchronous machines.

Synchronous machines are classified according to their rotor configuration. There are
four general types of rotors in permanent magnet synchronous machines. They are

1. Peripheral rotor
2. Interior rotor
3. Claw pole or lundell rotor.
4. Transverse rotor.
 
Peripheral rotor
The permanent magnets are located on the rotor periphery and permanent magnet flux is

 Interior rotor
The permanent magnets are located on the interior of the rotor and flux is generally radial.
 
Claw pole or Lund ell
The permanent magnets are generally disc shaped and magnetized axially. Long soft iron
extensions emanate axially from periphery of the discs like claws or Lund ell poles. There is
set of equally spaced claws on each disc which alternate with each other forming alternate
north and south poles.
 
Transverse rotor
In this type the permanent magnets are generally between soft iron poles and the
permanent magnet flux is circumferential. In this soft iron poles at as damper bars.
Magnetically this configuration is similar to a reluctance machine rotor, since the
permeability of the permanent magnet is very low, almost the same as that of a non-magnetic
material. Therefore, reluctance torque as well as torque resulting from the permanent magnet
flux is developed.
Thus BLPM sine waves (SNW) motor is construction wise the same as that of BLPM
square wave (SQW) motor. The armature winding and the shape of the permanent magnet
are so designed that flux density distribution of the air gap is sinusoidal(i.e.) .The magnetic
field setup by the permanent magnet in the air gap is sinusoidal

Prepared by : U.NAGABALAN., AP/EEE



5.3.1 Flux density distribution

cospθ or cos
(ρθ+α),2p=p,(i.e)p-no of pole pairs depending upon the position of the reference axis as shown in

Fig 5.3 flux density distribution

Consider a full pitched single turn armature coil as shown in fig 5.4.Let the rotor be revolving
with a uniform angular velocity of ὠm mech.rad/sec.
At time t = 0, let the axis of the single turn coil be along the polar axis.

Consider a small strip of dθ mech.radians at a position θ from the reference.

sin pθ
Incremental flux in the strip dθ = B Χ area swept by the conductor
sin pθ X lr dθ
B lr dθ weber
L – Length of the armature in m
r – Radians of the armature
sin pθ X lr dθ
lr sin pθ X dθ
Flux enclosed by the coil after lapes of t sec is

ɸ= ……..(5.1)

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ɸ lr/p) cos pθ ωmt

5.3.2. EMF Equation of an ideal BLPM sine wave motor

As per faradays law of electromagnetic induction, emf induction in the single turn coil.

e = -N d ɸ /dt

-dɸ /dt as N=1

= - dɸ lr/p)
cos pθ ωmt)
lr/p) p ωm sin p ωmt

lr ωm sin p ωmt ……..(5.2)

let the armature winding be such that all turns of the phase are concentrated full pitched and
located with respect to pole axis in the same manner.

Let Tph be the number of turns connected in series per phase. Then the algebraic addition of the
emfs of the individual turns gives the emf induced per phase as all the emf are equal and in

eph =lr ωm sin p ωmt)Tph ……..(5.3)

lr ωm Tph sin p ωmt
= Ĕ ph sin ωet

Ĕ ph lr ωm Tph ωm

Ĕ ph = rms value of the phase emf

= Ĕ ph/ √2

lr ωm Tph ωm

ωm= ωe/ρ

ɸ m – sinusoidal distributedflux / pole

ɸ =Bav τ l

=Bav X (2πr / 2p) X l

Average value of flux density for sinewave =2/π

ɸm X (πr / P). l

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ɸm rl/P)

r l = (P ɸ m / 2) ……..(5.6)

E ph lr ωm Tph .volt

Sub equ

E ph = √ 2 (P ɸ m / 2)ωm Tph

= √ 2 (P ɸ m / 2) (ω/p) Tph

=√ 2 (P ɸ m / 2) (2πf/p) Tph

E ph = 4.44 f ɸ m Tph. Volt ……..(5.7)

5.3.3 EMF equation of practical BLPM sine wave motor

In a practical BLPM sine wave motor at the time of design it is taken care to have the flux
density is sinusoidal distributed and rotor rotates with uniform angular velocity. However
armature winding consists of short chorded coils properly distributed over a set of slot.

These aspect reduce the magnitude of E ph of an ideal winding by a factor Kw1 which is known
as the winding factor the fundamental component of flux.

Kw1 = Ks1 Kp1 Kb1 ……..(5.8)

Ks1 =slew factor

Ks1 = (sin σ/2)/ (σ/2)

Ks1 = 1 (slightly less than 1)

– Skew angle in elec. Radians.

Kp1 = pitch factor (or) short chording factor

= sin m or

cos 2 Where m =

coil span/pole pitch

elec rad

/ mech. Rad

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Kp1=sin or cos

[m mech. Rad. ]

Kb1 = Distribution factor or width factor

Kb1 =

Where v = slot angle in elec. Radians

= ; = no. of slots (total)

q = slots/pole/phase for 60 phase spread

= slots/pair of poles/phase

Kb1< 1; Kp1< 1; Ks1< 1

Therefore Kw1 = Kp1 Kb1 Ks1< 1 (winding factor)

Thus rms value of the per phase emf is

Eph = 4.44 fTph Kw1 volts. ……..(5.9)


5.4.1. Ampere conductor density distribution

Let the fig. 5.5 shows the ampere conductor density distribution in the air gap due to the
current carrying armature winding be sinusoidal distributed in the airgap space.

Fig. 5.5 Ampere conductor density distribution

A = A^ sin p Ө

Where A = ampere conductor density

= ampere conductor/degree

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Consider a strip of d at an angle from the reference axis.

Ampere conductor in the strip d =Ad ……..(5.10)

= A^ sin P

Ampere conductor per pole = ……..(5.11)

= - A^ [ ]

=- [cos ]

Let Tph be the number of full pitched turns per phase.

Let i be the current

i T ph be the total ampere turns which is assumed to be sine distributed.

Total ampere conductors [sine distributed] = 2i T ph

Sine distributed ampere conductors/pole =

Equating eqn. 6.30 and eqn. 6.32

A^ = ……..(5.12)

5.4.2. Torque equation of an ideal BLPM sine wave motor:

Let the ampere conductor distribution of ideal BLPM sine wave motor

be given by A = A^ sin P

Let the flux density distribution set up by the rotor permanent magnet be also

Let the axis of armature ampere conductor distribution be displaced from the axis of
the flux density distribution by an angle ( ) as shown in fig 5.6

[ B = B^ sin ……..(5.13)

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= B^ sin

= B^ cos

B = B^ cos ……..(5.14)

Consider a small strip of width d at an angle from the reference axis.

Flux density at the strip B =B^ cos(pӨ-α)

Ampere conductors in the strip =AdӨ

=A sinPӨ dӨ

Force experienced by the armature conductors in the strip dӨ= BIAdӨ

dF=B^ cos(PӨ-α)1.A^B^1.A^sin PӨ.dӨ

dF=A^B^I sinPӨ cos(PӨ-α) dӨ.

Let ‗r‘ be the radial distance of the conductors from the axis of the shaft.

Torque experienced by the ampere conductors of the strip=dF*r

dT=AB r1 sin PӨ cos(PӨ-α) Dө N-m

Torque experienced by the ampere conductors/pole T/Pole =

T= sin P θ cos (P θ – α) d θ ……..(5.16)

= A B rl/2

= A B rl/2

=A B rl/2 –

T=A B rl/2. N-m ……..(5.17)

The total torque experienced by all the armature conductors

=2P x torque/pole

=2P x

T= π A B rl sin α N-m… …..(5.18)

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As the armature conductors are located in stator of the BLPM SNW motor, the rotor
experiences an equal and opposite torque.

= Torque developed by the rotor

= -π A B rl sin α

= π A B rl sin β where β= -α ……..(5.19)

Β is known as power angle or

torque angle. T= π A B rl sin β

in an ideal motor.

Consider the case of an armature winding which has three phases. Further the winding consists
of short chorded coils and the coils of a phase group are distributed. The 3 phase armature
winding carries a balanced 3 phase ac current which are sinusoidally varying. The various phase
windings are ph a, ph b and ph c.

The axis of phase winding are displaced by 2π/3p mechanical radians or 2π/3 elec. Radians.
The current in the winding are also balanced. An armature winding is said to be balanced if all
the three phase winding are exactly identical in all respects but there axes are mutually displaced
by 2π/3p mech radians apart.

A three phase armature current is said to be balanced when the 3 phase currents are exactly
equal but mutually displaced in phase by 120 degree.



cos = cos ……..(5.21)

=cos = cos ……..(5.22)

When the 3 phase ac current passes through the 3 phase balanced winding it sets up an armature
mmf in the air gap.

Space distribution of the fundamental component of armature ampere conductors can

be written as.

= cos P θ ……..(5.23)


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= cos ……..(5.24)

= cos ……..(5.25)

5.4.3 Torque developed in a practical BLPM SNW motor:

Ampere turn distribution of a phase winding consisting of full pitched coil is rectangular of
 
amplitude I T ph. But the fundamental component of this distribution is the fundamental
component of this distribution is 4/πi Tph.

In a practical motor, the armature turns are short chorded and distributed .Further they may
be accomonadated in skewed slots. In such a case for getting fundamental component of
ampere turns distribution the turns per
phase is modified as Kw1 Tph where Kw1 is winding
factor which is equal to Ks1 Kp1 Kd1

Ks1 = Skew factor

= ; σ = skew angle in elec. rad.

Kp1 = sin ; = coil span in elec. Rad

Kd = distribution factor

= v-slot angle in electrical.rad, q-slot per pole for 60degree phase spread.

Fundamental component of ampere turns per phase of a practical one

=4/π I Tph Kw1 ……..(5.26)

 
when a balanced sinusoidally varying 3 phase ac current pass through a balanced 3 phase
winding it can be shown that the total sinusoidally distributed ampere turns is equal to
3/2.4/π Imax Kw1 Tph.

= 4/π.3/2 Iph Kw1 Tph ……..(5.27)

4.The amplitude of the ampere conductor density distribution is shown is equal to the total
sinusoidally distributed ampere turns divided by 2.

Therefore Ā in a practical 3 phase motor = Iph Kw1 Tph

Electromagnetic torque developed in a practical BLPL SNW motor

=π A B rl sin β ……..(5.28)

=π B r l sin β


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= 3( Kw1 Tph B rl)

=3 ……..(5.29)

= cosωt cosθ ……..(5.30)

= cos cos ……..(5.31)

= cos cos ……..(5.32)

+ + ……..(5.33)

= + +

= ……..(5.34)

Properties of ‗A‘ ( Ampere conductor density);

 Ampere conductor density is sinusoidally distributed in space
with amplitude Â. This distribution
has 2p poles (i.e) same as the rotor permanent magnetic field.

The ampere conductor distribution revolves in air gap with uniform angular velocity ώ m rad
 /sec .or ώelec.rad/sec.(Ns rpm). This is the same speed as that of rotor magnetic field. 

The direction of rotation of armature ampere conductor distribution is same as that of rotor.
 
This is achieved by suitably triggering the electronic circuit from the signals obtained from
rotor position sensor.

4. The relative angular velocity between sine distributed permanent magnetic field and  sine
distributed armature ampere conductor density field is 0. Under such condition it has been
shown an electromagnetic torque is developed whose magnitude is proportional to sin β.

β-torque angle or power angle.

Angle between the axes of the two fields is π/2-α and β=-α

Torque developed by the motor = 3EphIphsinβ/ώmN-m

Where ώm-angular velocity in rad/sec.


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ώm=2πNs/60 where NS is in rpm

T=60/2πNs (3EphIphsinβ)

=3EphIphsinβ syn.watts.

1 syn.watt=60/2πNs N-m

It is a machine dependent conversion factor



Consider a BLPM SNW motor, the stator carries a balanced 3υ winding .this winding is
connected to a dc supply through an electronic commutator whose switching action is influenced
by the signal obtained from the rotor position sensor.

Under steady state operating condition, the voltage available at the input terminals of the
armature winding is assumed to be sinusoidally varying three phase balanced voltage. The
electronic commutator acts as an ideal inverter whose frequency is influenced by the rotor speed.
Under this condition a revolving magnetic field is set up in the air gap which is sinusoidally
distributed in space, having a number of poles is equal to the rotor. It rotates in air gap in the
same direction as that of rotor and a speed eq1ual to the aped of the rotor

Rotor carries a permanent magnet. Its flux density is sine distributed. It also
revolved in the air gap with as particular apreed

It is assumed that the motor acts as a balanced 3υsystem. Therefore it is sufficient

to draw the phasor diagram for only one phase. The armature winding circuit is influenced by the
following emfs.

1. V - supply voltage per phase across each winding of the armature .

The magnitude of this voltage depends upon dc voltage and switching
techniques adopted .
2. Ef - emf induced in the armature winding per phase due to sinusoidally varying
permanent magnetic field
flux. Magnitude of
Ef=4.44υmfKw1Tph=Ӏ EfӀ
As per Faradays law of electromagnetic induct5ion, this emf lags
behind υmf-permanent magnet flux enclosed by armature phase winding by
3. Ea - emf induced in the armature phase winding due to the flux υ a set up by
resultant armature mmf υ∞Ia


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Ӏ EaӀ =Ӏ IaXaӀ where Xa=4.44fKKw1Tph

This lags behind υa by 90° or in other words Ea lags behind Ia by 90°.

Therefore Ea=-jXaIa

4. - emf induced in the same armature winding due to armature leakage flux.

= 4.44 f

is the leakage flux and is directly proportional to .

Therefore = 4.44 f ( )

Where = 4.44 f in the leakage inductance. lags behind

Or , by 90º


Voltage equation:

The Basic voltage equation of the armature circuit is

f + al = a Ra ……..(5.35)

Where Ra is the resistance per phase of the armature winding.

f –j a Xa –j a Xal = a Ra

f –j a (Xa + Xal) = a Ra

f –j a Xs = a Ra ……..(5.36)

Where Xs=Xa+Xl

Xs is knowen as synchronous reactance per phase or fictious reactance.


q+ a Zs

Where Zs is the synchronous impedance.

Let Eq be the reference phasor. Let it be represented by OA.


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Let I be the current phasor.OB represents I.

Ef be the emf induced in the armature winding by permanent magnet flux = -Eq

OC represents Ef

Fig 5.7 phasor diagram of BLPM sine wave motor

be the mutual flux set up by the permanent magnet,but linked by the armature winding.

Ef lags behind =

AF represents IaRa

FG represents Ia Xs; FG is perpendicular to I phasor

OG represents V

Angle between the I and is β the torque or power angle.

Power input = 3VI

= 3 (Eq +Ia Ra + j I Xs).I

= 3 Eq.Ia+3 Ra+O ……..(5.37)

3Eq I – electromagnetic power transferred as mechanical power.

3 Ra – copper losss.

Mechanical power developed = 3 Eq.I ……..(5.38)

= 3 Eq I cos(90-β)

= 3 Eq I sin β

= 3 Ef I sin β ……..(5.39)
The motor operates at Ns rpm or 120f/2p rpm


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Therefore electromagnetic torque developed =60/2 Ns × 3Eq I sin β

= P/

= 3Eq Isin β/ ……..(5.40)

Fig 5.8 Phasor Diagram of BLPM sine wave motor with ɸ d or ɸ mf as reference axis

Further the current I phasor is resolved into two components

Id and Iq Id set up mmf along the direct axis (or axis of the

permanent magnet)

Iq sets up mmf along quadrature axis (i,e) axis perpendicular to the axis of permanent magnet.

V = Eq +I Ra + j I Xs ……..(5.41)

I = Iq + Id ……..(5.42)

Therefore V =Eq+Id +Iq + j Id Xs +j Iq Xs

V can be represented as a complex quantity.

V=( +j )

From the above drawn phasor.

V=(Id - Iq Xs)+j (Eq+ Iq + Id Xs)

I can also be represented as a complex quantity

I = Id + j Iq

Power input = Re (3 ) - conjugate

= Re(3((Id - Iq Xs)+j (Eq+ Iq + Id Xs)) ((Id-j IQ)))


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Torque developed for a salient pole machine is given by


In case of surface – magnet motors, the reluctance torque becomes zero.

Therefore, torque developed = N-m

Or = N-m


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At a given speed, is fixed as it is proportional to speed. Then torque is proportional to q-axis


The linear relationship between torque and current simplifies the controller design and makes
the dynamic performance more regular and predictable. The same property is shared by the
square wave motor and the permanent commutator motor.

In the phasor diagram shown in fig. 5.10.

Fig 5.9 Phasor Diagram neglecting the effect of resistance

Neglecting the effect of resistance, the basic voltage equation of BLPMSNW motor

(i.e.,) = +j

As the effect of resistance is neglected

= + ……..(5.44)

= ……..(5.45)

For a particular frequency of operation the phasor diagram can be drawn as shown in figure.


Prepared by : U.NAGABALAN., AP/EEE



The torque-speed characteristics of BLPM sine wave motor is shown in fig. 5.10

Fig 5.10 torque-speed characteristics of BLPM sine wave (SNW) motor.

For a given and (i.e) maximum permissible voltage and maximum permissible
current, maximum torque remains constant from a low frequency to (i.e) corner frequency.

Any further increase in frequency decreases the maximum torque. At f= (i.e.)

the torque Developed is zero. Shaded pole represents the permissible region of
operation in torque speed characteristics.

Effect of over speed

In the torque speed characteristics, if the speed is increased beyond the point D, there is a
risk of over current because the back emf continues to increase while the terminal voltage
remains constant. The current is then almost a pure reactive current flowing from the motor back
to the supply. There is a small q axis current and a small torque because of losses in the motor
and in the converter. The power flow is thus reversed. This mode of operation is possible only if
the motor ‗over runs‘ the converter or is driven by an external load or prime mover.

In such a case the reactive current is limited only by the synchronous reactance. As the
speed increase further, it approaches the short circuit current which is many times larger than
the normal current rating of the motor winding or the converter. This current may be sufficient to
demagnetize the magnets particularly if their temperature is high. Current is rectified by the
freewheeling diodes in the converter and there is a additional risk due to over voltage on the dc
side of the converter, especially if a filter capacitor and ac line rectifiers are used to supply the
dc. But this condition is unusual, even though in the system design the possibility should be


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An effective solution is to use an over speed relay to short circuit the 3υ winding in a 3υ
resistor or a short circuit to produce a braking torque without actually releasing the converter.


Electromagnetic torque in any electrical machine is developed due to the interaction of

current carrying armature conductors with the air gap flux. Consider a two machine whose
armature conductor currents and air gap flux are as shown in fig. 5.12. Here the flux is in
quadrature with the armature mmf axis.

Each and every armature conductor experiences a force which contributes the torque. The
torque contributed by various armature conductors have the same direction even through their
magnitude may vary. It is observed that the steady state and dynamic (behaviors) performance of
a most of such an arrangement are better.

Consider a second case wherein the armature conductor current distribution and air gap
flux distribution are as shown in fig. 6.26. In this case the angle between the axis of the air gap
flux and the armature mmf axis is different from 90° elec.

In this case also each and every armature conductor experiences a force and contributes
to the torque. But in this case the direction of the torque experienced by the conductors is not the
same. Since conduction develops torque in one direction while the others develop in the opposite
direction. As a result, the resultant torque gets reduced; consequently it is observed that both the
steady state and dynamic performance of such a motor is poorer.

For a BLPM motor to have better steady state and dynamic performance, it is essential
that the armature mmf axis and the axis of PM are to be in quadrature for all operating condition.


Prepared by : U.NAGABALAN., AP/EEE


5.7.1. Principle of vector control

BLPM SNW motor is usually employed for variable speed applications. For this we keep
V/f constant and vary V and f to get the desired speed and torque.

From the theory of BLPM SNW motor it is known that as the speed is varied from a very
low value upto the corner frequency, the desired operating point of current is such that I d =0 and
I is along the q-axis. Such a condition can be achieved by suitably controlling the voltage by
PWM technique after adjusting the frequency to a desired value.

When the frequency is more than the corner frequency it is not possible to make I d =0,
due to the voltage constraints. In such a case a better operating point for current is obtained with
minimum I d value after satisfying the voltage constraints. Controlling BLPM SNW motor taking
into consideration the above mentioned aspects is known as ―vector Control‖ of BLPM SNW

5.7.2. Schematic Diagram of Vector Control

The schematic block diagram of vector control is as shown in figure 5.13Knowing the
value of the desired torque and speed and also the parameters and the voltage to which the motor
is subjected to, it is possible to complete the values of id .ref and iq .ref for the desired dynamic
and steady state performance.

RPS – Rotor position sensor, TG – Tachogenerator

Fig.5.13 Schematic diagram of vector control

The reference values of id and iq are transformed into reference values of currents namely
ia ref, ib ref and ic ref. These currents are compared with the actual currents and the error values
actuate the triggering circuitry which is also influenced by the rotor position sensor and speed.
Thus the vector control of BLPM SNW motor is achieved.


Prepared by : U.NAGABALAN., AP/EEE



As the rotor speed changes the armature supply frequency is also change proportionally
so that the armature field always moves (rotates) at the same speed as the rotor. The armature
and rotor field move in synchronism for all operating points. Here accurate tracking of speed by
frequency is realized with the help of rotor position sensor.

When the rotor makes certain predetermined angle with the axis of the armature phases
the firing pulses to the converter feeding the motor is also change. The switches are fired at a
frequency proportional to the motor speed. Thus the frequency of the voltage induced in the
armature is proportional to the speed.

Self-control ensures that for all operating points the armature and rotor fields move
exactly at the same speed. The torque angle is adjusted electronically hence there is an additional
controllable parameter passing greater control of the motor behavior by changing the firing of the
semi-conductor switches of an inverter.

The torque angle is said electronically hence the fundamental component of phase A
needs Φf/β, it lies along the direct axis that rotates at a synchronous speed. The switches must be
triggered by phase A current component when Φf axis is β electrical degrees behind the phase A
axis. This is achieved by firing the switch when direct axis is δ+β behind axis of A as show
shown in fig.

Self-control is applicable to all variable frequency converters, the frequency being determined by

Fig 5.14 Schematic diagram of self-control

At high power levels the most common power converter configuration is the current fed DC link
converter which is shown in fig. 5.14.


Prepared by : U.NAGABALAN., AP/EEE


5.8.1 Inner current and outer speed loop

The phase controlled thyristor rectifier on the supply side of the DC link has the current
regulating loop and operate as a control current source. The regulated DC current is delivered to
the DC link inductor to the thyristor of load commutator inverter which supplies line current to
the synchronous motor.

The inverter gating signals are under the control of shaft-position sensor giving a commutator
less dc motor with armature current controlled. The thyristor of these inverters utilize load
commutation because of the generated emf appearing at the armature. It is ensured by the over
excitation of synchronous motor, so that it operates at leading power factor hence it reduces
commutating circuitry, low losses and is applicable to power levels of several megawatts.

The shaft position is sensed by the position sensor. The shaft speed is obtained by converting the
position information. This speed is compared with the reference speed signal which provides the
speed error. This is the current reference signal for the linear current loop.

This reference current is compared with the sensed dc link current which provides control signals
for the rectifier thyristor. The sensed shaft position is used as gating signal for inverter thyristor.

5.8.2Commutation at low speed

Load commutation is ensured only at high speeds. Whereas at low speeds the emf generated is
not sufficient for load commutation. The inverter can be commutated by supplying pulsating on
and off dc link current. This technique produces large pulsating torque but this is not suitable for
drives which require smooth torque at low speed.

The DC link current is pulsed by phase shifting the gate signal of the supply side converter from
rectification to inversion and back again. When the current is zero the motor side converter is
switched to a new conduction period and supply side converter is then turned on. Time required
for the motor current to fall to zero can be significantly shortened by placing a shunt thyristor in
parallel with a DC link inductor. When the current zero is needed the line side converter is
phased back to inversion and the auxiliary thyristor is gated.

The DC link inductor is then short circuited and its current can supply freely without affecting
the motor. When the line side converter is turned on the auxiliary thyristor is quickly blocked.
This method of interruption of the motor current reduces the effect of pulsating torque.

5.8.3 Four Quadrant Operations

The drive characteristics are similar to those of a conventional DC motor drive. Motor speed can
be increased to a certain base speed corresponding to the maximum voltage from the supply.
Further, increase in speed is obtained by reducing the field current to give a field weakening
region of operation.


Prepared by : U.NAGABALAN., AP/EEE


Regenerative braking is accomplished by shifting the gate signal, so that machine side inverter
acts as a rectifier and supply side rectifier as a inverter, hence the power is return to the ac utility
network. The direction of rotation

Of the motor is also reversible by alternating the gate sequence of the motor side converter. Thus
four quadrant operations are achieved, without additional circuitry.


Fig.5.15 Microprocessor Based Control of PMSM

Fig 5.15 shows the block diagram of microprocessor based permanent magnet
synchronous motor drive.

The advent of microprocessor has raised interest in digital control of power converter
systems and electronics motor drives since the microprocessor provides a flexible and low cost
alternative to the conventional method.

For permanent magnet synchronous motor drive systems, microprocessor control offers
several interesting features principally improved performance and reliability, versatility of the
controller, reduced components and reduced development and manufacturing cost. In the block
diagram of the microprocessor controller PMSM shown in fig 5.15, the permanent magnet
synchronous motor is fed from a current source d.c link converter system, which consists of a
SCR inverter through rectifier and which is operated from three phase a.c supply lines, and its
gating signals are provided by digitally controlled firing circuit.

The optical encoder which is composed of a coded disk attached to the motor shaft and
four optical sensors, providing rotor speed and position signals. The inverter triggering pulses are
synchronized to the rotor position reference signals with a delay angle determined by an 8-bit
control input. The inverter SCR‘s are naturally commutated by the machines voltages during

normal conditions. The speed signals, which is a train of pulses of frequency, proportional to the
motor speed, is fed to a programmable counter used for speed sensing.


Prepared by : U.NAGABALAN., AP/EEE


The stator current is detected by current sensor and amplified by optically isolated
amplifier. The output signals are multiplexed and converted to digital form by a high speed
analog to digital converter.

The main functions of the microprocessor are monitoring and control of the system
variables for the purpose of obtaining desired drive features. It can also perform various auxiliary
tasks such as protection, diagnosis and display. In normal operation, commands are fetched from
the input-output terminals, and system variables (the dc link current, the rotor position and
speed) are sensed and fed to the CPU. After processing, the microprocessor issues control signal
to the input rectifier, then the machine inverter, so as to provide the programmed drive


Prepared by : U.NAGABALAN., AP/EEE

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