The September 19, 2017 (M 7.1), Intermediate-Depth Mexican Earthquake: A Slow and Energetically Inefficient Deadly Shock
The September 19, 2017 (M 7.1), Intermediate-Depth Mexican Earthquake: A Slow and Energetically Inefficient Deadly Shock
The September 19, 2017 (M 7.1), Intermediate-Depth Mexican Earthquake: A Slow and Energetically Inefficient Deadly Shock
intermediate-depth Mexican earthquake: a slow and
energetically inefficient deadly shock
1 1 1
Aron Mirwald , Vı́ctor M. Cruz-Atienza , John Dı́az-Mojica , Arturo
1 1 1 2
Iglesias , Shri K. Singh , Carlos Villafuerte and Josué Tago
Vı́ctor M. Cruz-Atienza
Instituto de Geofı́sica, Universidad
Facultad de Ingenierı́a, Universidad
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through
the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences be-
tween this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1029/2018GL080904
c American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
Abstract. We investigate dynamic source parameters of the MW 7.1 Puebla-
2017, that devastated Mexico City. Our simple, elliptical source model, cou-
propagation within the subducted Cocos plate, featuring a high stress drop
(∆τ = 14.2 ± 5.8 MPa) and a remarkably low radiation efficiency (ηr =
0.16 ± 0.09). Fracture energy was large (G = (1.0 ± 0.3) × 1016 J), produc-
(Er /M0 = 3.2×10− 5). About 84% of the available potential energy for the
dynamic rupture was dissipated in the focal region, likely producing friction-
• The temperature rise associated with the specific fracture energy likely
c American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
1. Introduction
(IDE) occurred in the subducting Cocos plate at 57 km depth, with epicentral distance of
114 km from Mexico City [Cruz-Atienza et al., 2017; Singh et al., 2018] (Figure 1). The
peak ground acceleration (PGA) at the rock reference site of Ciudad Universitaria (CU)
was 57 cm/s2 , twice the value recorded at that site during the 1985 devastating earth-
quake (29 cm/s2 ). The earthquake resulted in 369 deaths, of which more than two third
perished in the capital, where 57 buildings suffered total or partial collapse. Devastation
produced by an IDE in the country is not unusual. Several past intraslab earthquakes, as
the great MW 8.2 rupture offshore the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas on September 8, 2017
[Okuwaki and Yagi , 2017; Suárez et al., 2019], have also caused large damage in other
regions of the country (see Singh et al. [2018] for a historical overview of IDEs in Mexico).
Despite the hazard that IDEs represent in Mexico and other regions of the globe, the
physics of this kind of events has challenged the seismological community for decades
[Frohlich, 2006]. At focal depths below 30 kilometers, brittle failure should be inhibited
due to the high normal stresses and frictional stability [Scholz , 1998; Green and Hous-
ton, 1995]. Yet most IDEs are characterized by unstable slip radiating high frequencies
[Frohlich, 2006]. Dehydration reactions at those depths have often been invoked to explain
brittle fracture [Hacker et al., 2003]. Water release from mineralogical phase transitions
could counteract the confining pressure directly (dehydration embrittlement) [Jung et al.,
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2004] or indirectly (dehydration driven stress-transfer) [Ferrand et al., 2017], enabling a
brittle fracture.
However, it is also possible that brittle fracture is not responsible for IDEs. Thermal
shear runaway in the focal region can generate highly localized ductile deformation and
slip instabilities [Kanamori et al., 1998; Prieto et al., 2012]. This mechanism was shown
2009] and geological evidence [Di Toro et al., 2005; John et al., 2009; Andersen et al.,
2008]. Recently, local and global seismological studies have shown that most of IDEs have
a low radiation efficiency, suggesting that thermal shear runaway is the leading source
mechanism of IDEs [Prieto et al., 2013; Dı́az-Mojica et al., 2014; Nishitsuji and Mori ,
Advances in source imaging currently permit the retrieval of some dynamic rupture
parameters directly from ground motion records. After the pioneering work of Peyrat and
Olsen [2004], a few other efforts have led to improved methodologies for inverting the fric-
tion and stress changes on seismogenic faults [Di Carli et al., 2010; Ruiz and Madariaga,
2013; Dı́az-Mojica et al., 2014; Twardzik et al., 2014; Herrera et al., 2017]. Since these
methods model the spontaneous rupture process to explain the observed seismograms (by
solving the elastodynamic equations coupled with a fault-friction constitutive law), they
allow assessment of fundamental properties of the source, such as the energy partition
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In this work, we present the dynamic source inversion of the 2017 Puebla-Morelos earth-
quake to investigate the physics of the source process that originated the devastating
ground motion in central Mexico. To this purpose, we improved the methodology intro-
algorithm [Eberhart and Kennedy, 1995] that takes advantage of parallel computing, high
convergence rates and a thorough exploration of the model space around the best solutions.
a 3-D elastic full space. Sliding begins when the shear traction in the nucleation zone
(NZ) exceeds the static fault strength. In nature, the traction builds up gradually due to
tectonic loading. Here, the shear traction in the NZ, which we assume as a 3 km-radius
circular patch, is prescribed slightly higher than the static strength of the fault so that
the spontaneous rupture initiates with the simulation. To stop rupture propagation, we
assume a barrier model that makes the strength of the rock infinite outside the source.
The rupture area has an elliptical shape, which is a reasonable constraint for moderate
sized IDEs that generally show simpler and localized slip distributions [Di Carli et al.,
We adopt the linear slip-weakening friction law [Ida, 1972] that depends on three con-
stitutive parameters: the static (µs ) and dynamic (µd ) friction coefficients, and the slip
weakening distance (Dc ). We assume a constant fault normal traction equal to the litho-
static pressure at 60 km depth (1,564 MPa), although this is irrelevant for the rupture
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process because seismic radiation only depends on the relative stress changes. We fix µd
equal to 0.5 and invert for the change of friction coefficient from the static to the dynamic
levels, ∆µ. We also invert for Dc , the last constitutive parameter defining our friction
The source model is determined by nine parameters: the initial shear tractions in the NZ
and on the fault outside the NZ, the change of the friction coefficient, the slip weakening
distance, and the five geometrical parameters of the ellipse (lengths of its two semiaxes,
two coordinates of its center with respect to the NZ, and its rotation angle). From models
parameterized in this way, we can derive physical quantities involved in the rupture process
[Dı́az-Mojica et al., 2014] such as the fracture energy, G, the radiated energy, Er , and,
hence, the radiation efficiency, ηr = Er /(Er +G), which tells how dissipative is the rupture
The dynamic source inversion problem has been solved using heuristic strategies such
as the neighborhood (e.g. Di Carli et al. [2010]; Ruiz and Madariaga [2013]) and genetic
[Dı́az-Mojica et al., 2014] algorithms. In this work we introduce a new Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) algorithm to invert the rupture dynamics, which has the remarkable
of the individuals through their interactions. In any case, populations are organized ac-
In PSO a number of simple entities −the particles− are placed in the model space, and
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each evaluates the objective (or misfit) function at its current location. Each particle
then determines its movement through the space by combining some aspect of the his-
tory of its own current and best locations with those of one or more members of the
swarm, with some random perturbations. Eventually the swarm as a whole, like a flock of
birds collectively foraging for food, is likely to move close to an optimum of the objective
function [Poli et al., 2007]. The PSO has proven to be very efficient for a large class
of multiparametric nonlinear problems [Blum and Li, 2008]. Our PSO algorithm follows
Suganthan [1999] with and increasing size of the models’ vicinity to prevent premature
convergence. Its parameters, listed in the Supplementary Table 1, were chosen based on
a parametric study we performed for the 9-dimensional Langerman function [Jamil and
Yang, 2013]. The size of the population we used was 420 particles (i.e. models), and
tested models per inversion. Since we performed 12 inversions per auxiliary fault plane as
explained later in section Results, we explored a total of 504,000 dynamic source models
to generate our preferred solution. In Table 1 we provide the searching ranges of the
model space. To avoid wasting computational time when solving unfeasible models, we
constrained the parameters in such way that the initial traction was always larger than
the static strength in the NZ, and lower than that in the rest of the fault.
To quantify the quality of the source models we use a misfit function that involves the
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where the sum is over the three components for all seismic stations. The first term on
the right-hand side accounts for the time shift between the signals that depends on the
this case τc = 7s) [Dı́az-Mojica et al., 2014], and τmax is the absolute value of the time shift
for the maximum cross-correlation coefficient. The second term involves the maximum
of the cross-correlation and auto-correlation functions, and accounts for the similarity of
Following Di Carli et al. [2010], the forward problem is solved in two steps. First,
difference method [Dalguer and Day, 2007] as compared with most of the well-established
numerical methods [Harris et al., 2018], in a cubic domain with 50 km length per side and
a grid size of 400 m. We verified that such grid size virtually produces the same solutions
as for 300 m in a wide range of constitutive parameters including those explored in our
inversions (e.g. rupture time errors smaller than 10% in all cases). The time step was
adjusted according to the stability criterion. The cube contains the fault-plane where the
friction law is imposed. Around the cube, the outgoing seismic energy is absorbed with
a Perfectly Matched Layer [Marcinkovich and Olsen, 2003] to simulate an infinite space.
Second, the output source kinematics is used to propagate the wave-field up to the stations
by convolving the slip-rate functions with the double-couple Green’s functions computed
for the region [Campillo et al., 1996]. The dynamic source inversion methods are very
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time consuming. In our case, each forward problem took about 15 minutes in a single 2.4
GHz Intel Xeon processor. Each inversion was run in parallel with the PSO algorithm
over 210 processors. Considering a population of 420 models and 50 generations, each
sity of Mexico (UNAM) with an epicentral distance smaller than 110 km (Figure 1a).
We selected the stations avoiding those with large site-effects, while maintaining a good
azimuthal coverage. The seismograms were aligned with the theoretical P-wave arrival
times predicted by the regional velocity model [Campillo et al., 1996]. Then, the accelero-
grams were bandpass filtered between 0.05 and 0.15 Hz and integrated twice to obtain
the displacements that were inverted. The inverted frequency band contains the corner
frequency of the event, fc ∼0.08 Hz (Supplementary Figure 1) (consistent with the source
duration of ∼13 s reported by the USGS), and thus essential information of the source
finiteness. We choose the upper cutoff frequency to avoid unmodeled effects due to the
simplicity of both the source model and the 1D velocity structure, that prevent us to solve
for source details that are not critical for capturing the overall physics of the rupture pro-
For an ω 2 Brune source model, the radiated energy contained in frequencies f < 2 ∗ fc
(i.e. below 0.16 Hz in this case) is less than 42% of the total [Singh and Ordaz , 1994].
However, since low frequencies are intrinsically linked to high frequencies through the
downscale causal relationship given by the elastodynamic and fault constitutive equations
c American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
governing the propagating crack, the source energy partition is reasonably well solved
provided that the fault mechanical model we assumed is a good proxy. This has been
S1 for this event, where the spectrum of our preferred source model above 0.16 Hz is
consistent with two other functions determined independently and slightly above the ω 2
Brune’s prediction.
Since it was not possible to determine unambiguously the fault plane using the small
aftershocks sequence, we inverted the source process for both auxiliary planes (Figure 1).
The inversions yielded similar model parameters for both planes, so we decided to discuss
only the results for the fault dipping to the south (φ = 108◦ , δ = 47◦ , λ = −98◦ ), which
3. Results
Because of the stochastic nature of the optimization method, we decided to run multiple
inversions in the same model space. Although the best-misfit values from all inversions
were of the same order, we noticed that the associated parameters were different to some
extent and that they were interdependent. As expected, (a) larger stress-drops were gen-
erally associated with smaller rupture areas and larger Dc , and (b) lower rupture velocities
were often associated with larger Dc . Ruiz and Madariaga [2013] noticed similar trade-
offs between these parameters in their dynamic source inversions. However, the variation
range of the preferred models from our inversions is relatively small. More importantly,
there are quasi-invariant meta-parameters across the solutions such as the radiated en-
ergy, fracture energy, radiation efficiency and rupture velocity. This means that all models
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essentially share the same energy partition and rupture kinematics.
Our solution models correspond to the best-fit individuals from 12 independent inver-
sions, whose misfit values are smaller than 0.15. We took as the final, preferred solution
(Table 1) the average of these models along with their standard deviation per parameter.
The seismograms fits are shown in Figure 2, where we compare the observed waveforms
(black curves) with the average waveforms from the selected models (red curves) along
with the associated standard deviations (pink band). Despite the simplicity of the source
model and the velocity structure, most of the waveforms and amplitudes are well repro-
duced in the three components, which gives us confidence to our solution models.
In Figure 3a we show the average final slip distributions from the 12 selected models
and the geometry of the best-fit solution whose misfit value is 0.11 (white dashed ellipse).
Rupture predominantly propagates to the northwest and updip with an average final slip
of 2.1 ± 0.3 m, which is a reasonable value for earthquakes of this size. If we project the
rupture path from the NZ to the left extremity of the rupture into the Earth’s surface,
rupture directivity points roughly towards Mexico City (Figure 1a), suggesting that the
anomalously high ground accelerations and velocities observed in that direction could be
due to source directivity [Singh et al., 2018]. It is worth mentioning that a consistent
direction of rupture directivity was found for all solutions obtained from the inversions
done for the other auxiliary fault plane, dipping to the north (not shown).
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Although rupture velocity is remarkably low across large parts of the fault (average
speed of 0.34 ± 0.04 of the shear wave speed (Table 1)), it is also highly variable (Figure
3b). Just after nucleation, rupture propagates with speed around 0.5vs along ∼10 km
updip from the NZ and then slows down rapidly, specially along-strike, where it almost
stops a few kilometers to the northwest (i.e. with speeds of 0.1 − 0.2vs ). Rupture finally
accelerates around 20 km from the NZ to reach again values around 0.5vs close to the
northwest fault extremity. We notice that the relatevely-high front velocity just after
nuclation may be an artifact of the highly stressed NZ required to sustain the rupture
Dynamic crack theory predicts that the faster the rupture front, the larger is the radi-
ation efficiency. This is shown in Figure 4a for the three different fracture modes (gray
lines). Since fracture energy for a given model is almost constant across the fault because
of the slip-weakening friction law (i.e. it is constant except in a narrow belt next to the
fault edge where the final slip is smaller than Dc ), rupture speed variations should map
bulk regions where radiation of seismic energy (or the seismic-moment rate) is enhanced.
Figure 3c confirms such expectation by revealing two maxima of the peak slip-rate that
spatially correlate with fault regions where Vr is maximum (compare with panel b). Ac-
cordingly, the average moment rate function (black line in Figure 3d) shows the associated
bumps centered at 1 and 9 s, as well as a total source duration close to 16 s. Although the
stress drop in the nuclation zone has been inverted, we notice that the timing and width
of the first peak could be biased to some extend by the initial kick imposed to initiate
rupture. However, as seen in Figures 3b and 3d, such effect should not be preponderant in
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the relatively long (∼13 s long) rupture history after the first 2-3 s of rupture propagation.
Our preferred model exhibits a stress drop of 14.9 ± 5.6 MPa, which is high compared
with typical values for shallow earthquakes, but consistent with IDEs in Mexico [Garcı́a
et al., 2004] and at global scale, which have a mean value around 15 MPa [Prieto et al.,
2012; Poli and Prieto, 2016]. From the model parameters, we derived the radiated energy
Er = (1.8 ± 0.9) · 1015 J, the fracture energy G = (1.04 ± 0.3) · 1016 J and a remarkably
low radiation efficiency ηr = 0.16 ± 0.09. All the inverted and derived parameters from
4. Discussion
Similar to the analysis of the 2011 Zumpango IDE (Mw 6.5) in Guerrero, Mexico [Dı́az-
Mojica et al., 2014], the inversion of the Puebla-Morelos event revealed that the average
rupture speed (vr /vs ∼ 0.34) and the radiation efficiency (ηr ∼0.16) were also remarkably
low (Figure 4a). As expected for intraslab Mexican earthquakes, the stress drop (∆τ ∼14
MPa) was relatively high. Similar results for IDEs have been reported in the Japan sub-
duction zone [Nishitsuji and Mori , 2013], and more recently at a global scale [Poli and
Prieto, 2016] and below the Wyoming Craton, USA, in a completely different tectonic
setting [Prieto et al., 2017], suggesting that slow, inefficient processes characterize the
source of IDEs.
Although such rupture properties are typical of tsunami earthquakes (see Figure 4a),
the 2017 Mw 7.1 shock produced a Fourier acceleration spectrum at CU between 1 and
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2 s two times larger than observed for previous Mexican IDEs with similar magnitude
reduced to the same hypocentral distance [Singh et al., 2018]. This shows that despite the
highly dissipative source process and the slow rupture propagation, the event generated
high radiation of relatively short period waves. This is opposite to tsunami earthquakes
which are characterized by large MS − MW disparities and anomalously low values of the
ratio Er /M0 [Newman and Okal , 1998; Ammon et al., 2006]. In the case of the Puebla-
Morelos IDE, our inversion yielded Er /M0 = 3.2 × 10− 5, which is consistent with the
value found from the dynamic source inversion of the Mw 6.5 Zumpango IDE in the region
[Dı́az-Mojica et al., 2014], and with those of many earthquakes at a global scale (Figure
Careful examination of the waveforms does not reveal a preponderant source directivity
as clearly seen for a similar IDE in the region [Singh et al., 2014]. As a matter of fact, in the
absence of strong directivity such as in our preferred source model, strong motions below
1 Hz can be satisfactorily explained with the dynamic rupture properties described in last
section. The peak focal-particle acceleration in the two patches with maximum slip rates
(Figure 3c) are significantly higher than 0.5g (i.e., between 415 and 585 cm/s2 ). These
values in the source region are consistent with most of the Peak Ground Accelerations
(PGA) observed at the stations including RABO, the closest site (hypocentral distance
of 65 km), for periods longer than 1 s as shown in Figure 4c. Model underestimations
in the strike-parallel direction (i.e. at stations YAIG and FTIG) are certainly due to the
source model simplicity, specially at FTIG towards the southeast, where even kinematic
source inversions poorly fit the waveforms [Melgar et al., 2018]. Two main features of our
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moment rate function are consistent with previous estimates (Figure 3d): the duration of
about 16 s and two peaks in the moment release (between 1 and 4 s, and between 5 and 12
s). Although the source time functions are remarkably different among each other in the
timing of the main peaks, they share similar amplitudes except for the solution reported by
Melgar et al. [2018], which significantly underestimates the scalar moment. Integration of
the moment rate functions gives scalar moments of 1.0520 Nm (Mw = 7.28), 3.519 Nm (Mw
= 6.96), 7.6319 Nm (Mw = 7.18) and 5.819 Nm (Mw = 7.11), for our preferred model, and
the solutions from Melgar et al. [2018], Ye [2018] and Vallée and Duet [2016], respectively.
Most interplate earthquakes have radiation efficiencies larger than 0.5 [Venkataraman
and Kanamori, 2004] (Figure 4a), which implies G < Er . Since ηr ∼ 0.16 for the Puebla-
Morelos event, then G = 5.8Er in this case. This means that ∼84% of the available
potential energy for the dynamic process of faulting was dissipated in the focal region.
Energy dissipation during an earthquake may involve different processes such as off-fault
generation (friction-induced melts) in the fault-core [Kanamori et al., 1998; Di Toro et al.,
2005]. Since most of the mechanical energy during rupture is converted into work against
frictional stresses, it has been shown that about 90% of the energy partition goes into
heat production for most large earthquakes [Cocco et al., 2006]. Could fault-core melting
have happened during the Puebla-Morelos event? At the tip of the rupture front (i.e. in
the stress breakdown zone), the temperature rise, ∆T , is related to the specific fracture
energy, Gc (or breakdown work density, namely Wb = G/A), as [Prieto et al., 2013]
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∆T = , (2)
where C ∼ 1 J/g ◦ C is the heat capacity, ρ ∼3230 kg/m3 and w is the fault-core width.
This equation assumes that the whole fracture energy is dissipated into heat. In our
model, Gc is equal to (1.7 ± 0.9) · 107 J/m2 in average. Figure 4d shows the temperature
rise for different widths predicted by Equation 2. According to thermal models of the
subducted Cocos plate, the temperature of the slab where the earthquake took place is
between 600 − 700◦ C [Manea and Manea, 2011; Perry et al., 2016]. The melting tem-
perature of peridotite and gabbroic rocks at those depths (i.e. at 1.5 - 2 GPa) range
between 1400◦ and 1800◦ C [Nielsen et al., 2010; Philpotts and Ague, 2009; Takahashi and
Scarfe, 1985; Katz et al., 2003]. Therefore, we expect melting to occur at fault core widths
between 0.2-1.2 cm (see red line in Figure 4d). Field observations show that exhumed
fault-core widths are variable, but most fault veins and pseudotachylites related to sub-
duction earthquakes are between 0.1-3 cm [Andersen and Austrheim, 2006; Obata and
Karato, 1995]. Therefore, the temperature rise at the rupture front (estimated between
700 − 1200◦ C) may indeed have resulted in rock melting as suggested for other IDEs
[Prieto et al., 2013]. Note that we did not consider the heat generated by the total slip
involving the dynamic friction level in large parts of the fault, as done by Kanamori et al.
Our heat production estimates suggest that melting may have happened at the rupture
tip of the Puebla-Morelos earthquake (absolute temperatures at the tip of 1300−1900◦ C),
supporting the idea that a thermal runaway process could be a preponderant mechanism
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enhancing unstable slip through lubrication effects despite the high confining pressures of
the focal region. Dehydration from water-rich minerals could also have played a role in
the source region, which doesn’t preclude the existence of the thermal runaway process
5. Conclusions
Morelos earthquake with a new Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. Our results
indicate that the rupture was highly dissipative and remarkably slow. More than 84%
of the available potential energy for the dynamic rupture propagation dissipated in the
focal region. Considering the preexistent slab temperature and heat production during
the rupture process, creation of pseudotachylytes (friction-induced melts) in the fault core
is a plausible process that could enhance the slip instability by lubricating the fault-core.
Despite the large energy dissipation and the slow rupture propagation, our dynamic model
explains most of the observed PGAs below 1 Hz (i.e. the excitation of relatively short
period waves), which were responsible of the extreme ground motion observed in Mexico
City. Independent estimates of IDEs energy balances in Guerrero and different tectonic
settings across the globe suggest that slow, inefficient ruptures with scaling-consistent
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CyT. We thank the ”Servicio Sismológico Nacional” and the ”Instituto de Ingenirı́a”,
both belonging to the ”Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México” (UNAM), for the
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c American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
Table 1. Inverted and derived parameters of our preferred dynamic source model. Search
range for the inverted parameters, and mean values with their standard deviations for both the
c American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 1. Map showing significant IDEs in central Mexico. (a) Location of strong motion
stations (green squares) used for the inversion of the Puebla-Morelos event (modified from Cruz-
Atienza et al. [2017]). The straight dashed line depicts the cross section shown below. (b) Cross
section showing the tectonic setting of the region and the projection of some IDEs.
c American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 2. Observed (black) and synthetic (red) seismograms in the frequency band 0.05-0.15
Hz. The black lines are the average of the 12 solution models from independent inversions and
the shaded pink areas depicts two times the associated standard deviation.
c American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 3. Averages of the 12 solution models where the dashed ellipse corresponds to the
best-fit model geometry. (a) Final slip, (b) rupture velocity normalized by a shear wave speed of
4.7 km/s along with the rupture time contours (in seconds) of the best-fit model, (c) peak slip
rate and (d) moment rate function along with the standard deviation in gray. All models share
c American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 4. (a) Radiation efficiency (ηr ) as a function of rupture velocity (Vr) normalized by the shear
wave speed (Vs) for different types of earthquakes including the Puebla-Morelos and Zumpango events
in central Mexico. Reported IDEs (red dots) share the same properties as tsunami earthquakes, with
very low rupture velocity and radiation efficiency. Gray lines depict theoretical predictions for the three
different fracture modes (modified from Kanamori and Brodsky [2004]). (b) Energy-moment ratios for
global earthquakes as a function of magnitude Mw taken from Kanamori and Brodsky [2004] along with
values found for the Puebla-Morelos and Zumpango IDEs. The straight lines depict the best linear fit
(solid) and the 60th percentile (dashed). (c) Horizontal-components geometric mean of the observed
and synthetic (best-fit model) PGAs below 1 Hz. (d) Temperature rise as a function of the fault-core
width according to Equation 2. The green dashed lines depict the temperature range associated to our
fracture energy uncertainty, and the red dashed lines the range where peridotites and gabbroic rocks
melt at the earthquake depth.
c American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.