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MSC Structural Integrity Academic Year 2017-2018: College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences

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College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences


Academic Year 2017-2018


Fracture and Fatigue –Fatigue Assignment

ISSUE DATE: 9.11.2018

HAND IN DATE: 21.01.2019

 Dr Tom De Vuyst
 Dr Kevin Hughes
 Dr James Campbell


MSc Structural Integrity
Academic Year 2017-2018

Table of contents:
Nomenclature ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................ 3
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................................... 4
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction: ................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Crack initiation: ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Fatigue test_ rotating bend test:: ........................................................................................... 5
2. Expeimental procedure:............................................................................................................7

3. Observation and calculation:.....................................................................................................8

4. Graph:........................................................................................................................................9

5. Analysis:...................................................................................................................................12

3.1. Comments about materials: ................................................................................................... 8

Reference: ............................................................................................................................................. 13

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MSc Structural Integrity
Academic Year 2017-2018

A Tube section cross-sectional area (mm2)
d Greatest amount of deflection measured ... (mm)
s Flexural stress
E Elastic or Young’s modulus (GPa)
G Shear modulus (GPa)
L Length (m)
M Mass (kg)
V Volume (m3)
ρ Density (kg/m3)
σy Yield stress (MPa)
ν Poisson’s ratio ( - )
M Bending moment
W Resisting moment
g Gravitational acceleration

SN Stress to number of cycles

i-e That is

FE Finite Element

Fig figure

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MSc Structural Integrity
Academic Year 2017-2018

List of Figures
Figure 1 rotating bending test fatigue machine ..................................................................................... 6
Figure 1.2 shown of load action on specimen ........................................................................................ 6
Figure 1.3 shown of the stress with time................................................................................................ 7
Figure 1.4graph between stress and number of cycle (SN curve) ........................................................ 10
Figure 1.5graph between stress and number of cycle (SN curve) ........................................................ 11
Figure 1.6 graph between stress and number of cycle (SN curve) ....................................................... 11
Figure 1.7graph between stress and number of cycle (SN curve) ........................................................ 12
Figure 1.8 shows a fracture with the help of microscope .................................................................... 12

List of Tables
Table 1 some properties used in document with their units.................................................................. 7
Table 1.2 values of different specimen with their mass, rpm and total cycle time................................ 8
Table 1.3 values of experiment that is stress, mass and total cycle time............................................... 9
Table 1.4values of experiment that is stress, mass and total cycle time ............................................... 9
Table 1.5values of experiment that is stress, mass and total cycle time ............................................. 10

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MSc Structural Integrity
Academic Year 2017-2018

1. Introduction:
When a specimen is subjected to cyclic loading, over a specific interval of time when a specimen is
subjected to cyclic loading, over a specific interval of time a crack will initiate at a microscopic scale
tracked to macroscopic crack, failure will occur in the last cycle. This phenomenon is known as fatigue.
A crack will initiate at a microscopic scale tracked to macroscopic crack, failure will occur in the last
cycle. This phenomenon is known as fatigue. Fatigue failure costs are significant which can be judged
by the fact that they are about 3% of the US GDP (Norton, 2007).

1.1 Crack initiation:

Fatigue occurs when applied stresses are less than yield stress. The plane of the crack emergence is in
the maximum shear plane that has an angle of 45 degrees to the normal stress direction. The crack
initiate and propagates in two stages. First, it starts in the plane that has maximum shear stress and
grows in a direction perpendicular to applied normal stress. The behaviour of the structural
component does not alter by the crack initiation and growth and it keeps going till sudden failure
occurs that affect humans, equipment’s and structure. That’s why fatigue forecasting techniques have
a significant role in engineering.

1.2 fatigue test _ rotating bend test:

The most commonly used technique is the SN method which relates stress to the maximum number
of cycles(N) that a material undergoes to initiate a macrocrack. Fatigue properties for SN test are
measured by rotating bending machine. The purpose of the SN test is to avoid crack initiation. In
rotating bend test, the test specimen functions as a simply supported beam loaded symmetrically at
both ends. When test specimen rotates during each half revolution stresses in the specimen
changes. Initially, stress above neutral axis is tension and below is compression. When specimen
take one-half revolution the stress in the specimen change from tension to compression and vice
versa. Upon completing the next half revolution, the stresses are again reversed.

Fatigue tests are used to find out the test sample's life experimentally under actual service loads in
practical or real usage.so now here explain about how the machine works

A motor drive which provides rotation during testing. Then we have two main bearing which
provides support to specimen and shaft then we two Load bearing which helps in the application of
the load on the specimen.

How parts are aligned and how they work in fatigue testing machine

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Academic Year 2017-2018

First, we have a motor which is connected to the electric supply. He set the motor to the desired
rpm. When electric supply turns on it rotates motor which rotates a shaft connected to the motor
through flexible coupling main bearing help to support the load applied to specimen then it has load
bearing which helps in the application of load on the specimen. On another side of the machine,
these bearing is also present and he makes the specimen in dog bone structure for the test. we
apply the load on the load bearing.so if he applied the load W so on each bearing 0.5W loads
applied. The main bearing or support bearing support load that is 0.5W each.

Figure 1 rotating bending test fatigue machine

Figure 1.2 shown of load action on specimen

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Academic Year 2017-2018

Figure 1.3 shown of the stress with time

Properties Unit

Time sec

Stress N/m2

Force N

Area m2

Table 1 some properties used in document with their units

2. Experimental Procedure:
• Firstly, select the material for his experiment which would use in the experiment.
• At here we select EN9 steel, AA6082 aluminium, and CZ121 brass.
• After the selection of material, we make the test specimen according to the requirement
of the machine.
• We make the specimen in the dog bone specimen which is machine required.
• Now insert our specimen into the machine.
• The load is applied by him.
• Set the rpm at different speeds.
• Now counter count the cycles of the specimen.
• When specimen fails to take readings from the machine count and note mass and rpm.
• Similarly, the same procedure followed by the other two specimens.
• Check their cycle time and so on
So here mild steel and aluminium are the specimen for which he is responsible for their test.

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Academic Year 2017-2018

3. Observation and calculation:

Material CZ121 CZ1212 EN9 AA6082 CZ1213 EN94 CZ1215 AA60826
Mass 5.5kg 3.2kg 6.3kg 2.24kg 2.92kg 6.3kg 3.8kg 1.86kg
Total life
cycle N/A 22455 5215 12863 102164 3076 149387 179214
Speed N/A 1000rpm 3000rpm 1000rpm 2500rpm 1000rpm 2000rpm 6000rpm
Stress (GPa) 0.54 0.32 0.62 0.22 0.28 0.62 0.375 0.184

Table 1.2 values of different specimen with their mass, rpm and total cycle time
The Bending moment is calculated from the below formula


Here m is mass of applied load kg

G is gravitational acceleration in m/s2

L is lever length and it is 1m

So, now resisting moment calculated form

W= π*d3/32

Here d is the diameter of the specimen which is 0.01m



So now static flexural stresses calculated from


3.1. Comments about materials:

For material CZ121 Static bending failure occur

For material CZ1212 they fail after its life cycle i-e 22455 At 1000rpm

For material CZ1213 they fail after its life cycle i-e 102164 At 2500rpm

For material CZ1215 they fail after its life cycle i-e 149387 At 2000rpm

For material EN9 they are too hot! At 3000rpm

For material EN94 they fail after its life cycle i-e 3076 but still hot at 1000rpm

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Academic Year 2017-2018

For material AA6082 they fail after its life cycle i-e 12863 At 1000rpm

*load cell, if used, was not zeroed (reading at -0.31kg, so mass could be 2.55kg)

For material AA60824 they fail after its life cycle i-e 179214 At 6000rpm

4. Graph:

EN9 Steel
Mass (Kg) Total Cycles Stress (MPa)
3.2 1002457 316.1290323
4.5 209531 444.5564516
5.3 34828 521.6129032
5.5 36204 543.3467742
5.6 22846 553.2258065
5.9 15486 582.8629032
6.3 9256 622.3790323
6.5 7049 642.1370968
4.5 109286 444.5564516
6.0 7461 592.7419355
5.5 29112 543.3467742

Table 1.3 values of experiment that is stress, mass and total cycle time
AA6082 Aluminium
Mass (Kg) Total Stress (MPa)
2.0 643736 197.5806452
2.5 146521 246.9758065
2.7 71234 266.733871
2.7 84728 266.733871
2.7 69,723 266.733871
3.0 29956 296.3709677
3.1 19985 306.25
3.2 14175 316.1290323
3.3 13216 326.0080645
3.5 7034 345.766129

Table 1.4values of experiment that is stress, mass and total cycle time

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Academic Year 2017-2018

CZ121 Brass
Mass (Kg) Total Cycles Stress (MPa)
3.0 94935 296.3709677
3.2 63494 316.1290323
3.5 28062 345.766129
3.6 8654 355.6451613
3.8 5572 375.4032258
4.0 1120 395.1612903

Table 1.5values of experiment that is stress, mass and total cycle time








1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000

Figure 1.4graph between stress and number of cycle (SN curve)

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MSc Structural Integrity
Academic Year 2017-2018









1000 201000 401000 601000 801000 1001000 1201000

Figure 1.5graph between stress and number of cycle (SN curve)



1000 101000 201000 301000 401000 501000 601000 701000

Figure 1.6 graph between stress and number of cycle (SN curve)

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Academic Year 2017-2018



1000 21000 41000 61000 81000 101000

Figure 1.7graph between stress and number of cycle (SN curve)

5. Analysis:

Figure 1.8 shows a fracture with the help of microscope

So, here analyzation section starts and above fig shows the cracks of failure

So, from the above graphs, it’s easy to say that ferrous materials have a greater number of cycle and
operate at high stress. For Aluminium it’s easy to say that it has a cycle time less than the ferrous
material but greater than alloy. It’s operated at less amount of stress than the ferrous and alloy both.
Brass has the lowest number of cycles from a given data.

Here the material that is ferrous or EN9 is best in between them.

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Academic Year 2017-2018

I. Norton, R. L. Machine Design – Integrated Approach, 4th Edition 2007, Bookman
II. Zwick / Roell, “Section 4 – Instruction / User Manual for material testing machines
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XI. Schijve fatigue of structures and materials. Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic press, 2001.
XII. Nordson DAGE, 3- and 4-point flexural testing application note.pdf.
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Academic Year 2017-2018

XX. Hoeppner DW, Chandrasekaran V, Elliot CB (eds) Fretting fatigue:current technologies and
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