Experiment 2
Experiment 2
Experiment 2
Tensile Testing
Experiment NO.: 2
Date: 15/11/2020
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1… Tensile Test ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2… Engineering Stress-Strain Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.3… Mechanical Properties (Tensile Testing) .................................................................................................................. 4
1.4… True stress-strain diagram ......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5… Standard specimens are used for tensile test ............................................................................................................. 7
2. Objectives....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Experimental Setup....................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 … Equipments(Fig 1.7): ............................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2… Set up ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
4. Experimental Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 10
5. Results and Discussion ................................................................................................................................................ 10
6. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
7. References .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
1. Introduction
Tensile testing is performed by elongating a specimen and measuring the load carried by the specimen. This is done
using a test machine known as an Universal Materials Testing Machine. From knowledge of the specimen dimensions, the
load and deflection data can be translated into a stress–strain curve. A variety of tensile properties can be extracted from
the stress–strain curve.
Tensile testing is a destructive test process that provides information about the tensile strength, yield strength, and
ductility of the metallic material. It measures the force required to break a composite or plastic specimen and the extent to
which the specimen stretches or elongates to that breaking point.
a b
Fig 1.1…(a)+(b) Engineering stress-strain diagrams for ductile material.( Mild steel)
As we have seen in Figure 1.1, the stress-strain curve is divided into four regions as follows:
I. Elastic Behavior
The curve is a straight line throughout most of this region, the stress is proportional to the strain. The material in this
region is said to be linear elastic and the upper stress limit to this linear relationship is called the proportional limit (σₚₗ).
Beyond this point, the curve tends to bend and flatten out and continues until the stress reaches the elastic limit. Upon
reaching this point, if the load is removed the specimen will still return to its original shape.
II. Yielding
A slight increase in stress above the elastic limit will result in a breakdown of the material and cause it to deform
permanently, yielding. The stress that causes yielding is called the yield stress or yield point (σY), and the deformation
that occurs is called plastic deformation. Once the yield point is reached, the specimen will continue to elongate (strain)
without any increase in load. When the material is in this state, it is often referred to as being perfectly plastic.
When yielding has ended, an increase in load can be supported by the specimen, resulting in a curve that rises
continuously but becomes flatter until it reaches a maximum stress referred to as the ultimate stress (σu), the rise in the
curve in this manner is called strain hardening.
IV. Necking
Up to the ultimate stress, as the specimen elongates, its cross-sectional area will decrease. This decrease is
uniform mover the specimen’s entire gauge length; however, just after, at the ultimate stress, the cross-sectional
area will begin to decrease in a localized region of the specimen. As a result, a constriction or “neck” tends to
form in this region as the specimen elongates further. Here the stress–strain diagram tends to curve downward
until the specimen breaks at the fracture stress (σf).
Figure 1.2…shows these regions and Specimen deformations during each region.(for steel)
(a) (b)
Figure1.2: (a) Engineering and true stress-strain diagrams for ductile material. (b) Specimen deformations during the test stages.
Different mechanical properties can be determined from the normal stress-strain diagram such as:
I. Yield Strength
A material's "yield strength" is defined as the stress applied to the material at which plastic deformation starts to occur.
Some metals such as steel, brass, molybdenum, and zinc have a clearly defined yield point. Other metals such as
aluminum and aluminum alloys do not have a well-defined yield point. An equivalent of yield stress is used to define the
yield point of materials that have no clearly defined yield point, and it is known as proof stress. Proof stress is a term used
to describe the stress that is required to produce some specified small amount of plastic deformation.
For materials that do not have a clear end to the initial linear region, the offset method is used to approximate yield. The
offset method uses the stress-strain curve of the material and overlays a line with a slope equal to the initial slope of the
stress-strain curve. The line is offset along the strain axis, usually by 0.2% (the line crosses the strain axis at ε = 0.002).
The offset yield point is determined as the point of intersection between this line and the stress-strain curve(Fig 1.3)
Hooke's Law: For most materials, the initial portion of the test will exhibit a linear relationship between the applied force
or load and the elongation exhibited by the specimen. In this linear region, the line obeys the relationship defined as
"Hooke's Law" where the ratio of stress to strain is a constant, or =E. E is the slope of the line in this region where
stress (σ) is proportional to strain (ε) and is called the "Modulus of Elasticity" or "Young's Modulus."
UTS can be defined as the maximum tensile stress that a material can withstand before breaking and it is the
IV. Ductility
Ductility relates to the elongation of a tensile test. The percentage of elongation is calculated by the maximum gage length
divided by the original gage length. It is commonly described.
1.4… True stress-strain diagram
In the Engineering stress-strain diagram, the curve declination beyond the UTS point seems to indicate that the
metal becomes weaker; but it is increasing its strength. Beyond the yield point, the specimen cross section
decreases and becomes more rapid within the necking region. The engineering stress is computed based on the
original cross-sectional area before any deformation and does not consider this reduction in area. Sometimes it is more
meaningful to use the true values of stress and strain. True stress is defined as the load divided by the
instantaneous cross-sectional area, and true strain is based on the instantaneous change in length divided by the
During plastic deformation, the specimen volume is constant, and the initial volume is equal to the final volume
(AₒLₒ = AfLf). As well, the initial volume is equal to the instantaneous volume (AₒLₒ = AiLi). Hence, Ai = AₒLₒ/Li. True
stress and strain can be also computed by the following relations:
σt = σn (1 + εn) , εt = ln (1 + εn)
The true stress continues to rise past the UTS point to sustain the increased strain. Beyond this point, the formation of the
neck introduces a complex stress state within the neck region, and other stress components in addition to the axial stress
will be existed. True stress and strain should be computed from actual load, cross-sectional area, and gauge length
measurements (the equations are valid only to the onset of necking). Therefore, the correct stress (axial) within the neck is
slightly lower than the stress computed from the applied load and neck cross sectional area, and a corrected curve will be
formed (Fig. 1.4).
(a) (b)
Fig 1.4… (a) A comparison of tensile engineering stress–strain and true stress–strain behaviors. (b) Engineering and true stress-strain diagrams
For some metals and alloys the region of the true stress–strain curve from the onset of plastic deformation to the point at
which necking begins may be approximated by
Where: K: Strength coefficient and it is measured in Pascal. And n: Strain hardening index (exponent) and it is unitless
and has a value less than unity. By taking the natural logarithm of the two sides of the equation:
ln 𝝈𝒕 = ln K + n ln 𝜺𝒕
Tensile test specimens are prepared in a variety of ways depending on the test specifications. Most specimens use either a
round or square standard cross section with two shoulders and a reduced section gauge length in between. The shoulders
allow the specimen to be gripped while the gauge length shows the deformation and failure in the elastic region as it is
stretched under load. The reduced cross section gauge length of specific dimensions assists with accurate calculation of
engineering stress via load over area calculation. Specimens are fabricated with fillets instead of sharp corners (gradual
reduction in the area) to minimize the stress concentration in this region(Fig 1.6).
Fig 1.6… Standard tensile test specimens (a) Round specimen. (b) Flat specimen
2. Objectives
a- understand the principle of a uniaxial tensile testing and gain their practices on operating the tensile testing
b- To explain load "extension and stress" strain relationships
c- To obtain all mechanics of materials properties, that given from stress-strain diagram
3. Experimental Setup
Fig 1.7… Equipments 9
3.2… Set up
A material is gripped at both ends by an apparatus, which slowly pulls lengthwise on the piece until it fractures. The
pulling force is called a load, which is plotted against the material length change, or displacement. The load is converted
to a stress value and the displacement is converted to a strain value.
4. Experimental Procedure
a- Prepare the testing Specimen and determine its dimensions
Fig 1.9… : ln (True Stress) – ln (True Strain) diagram.
6. Conclusions
a- Right understanding of the behavior of ductile material under a various loads
7. References
a- Hibbeler R, Fan S. Statics and mechanics of materials. 8th ed. Singapore: Prentice Hall; 2011.
b- Images – Google .
c- Laboratory Experiment .