3M Respirator Selection Guide 2018 PDF
3M Respirator Selection Guide 2018 PDF
3M Respirator Selection Guide 2018 PDF
Selection Guide
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Table of Contents Respirator Selection Criteria................................................................................. 1
• Respirator Program Management
• Respirator Fit
• Assigned Protection Factors (APF)
• Effects from Skin or Eye Contact
• Human Factors
• Location of Hazardous Areas
• Respirator Characteristics, Capabilities, and Limitations
• General Use Instructions
• General Use Limitations
Format Explanation................................................................................................ 4
• Chemical Name
• CAS #
• Synonyms
• IDLH Level
• Respirator Recommendations
• Comments
Particulate Filter Definitions ................................................................................10
• N-Series
• R-Series
• P-Series
Format Explanation 4
The reasons NIOSH established an IDLH at The concentration that would result in an Association is listed when it is the most
a particular level for a specific chemical are oxygen deficient atmosphere should also stringent value or there is no TLV or PEL.
described in Documentation for be considered to be IDLH.
• Time Weighted Average (TWA) exposure
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health
OEL limits are for a normal eight (8) hour
Concentrations (IDLHs), NTIS Publication
• The occupational exposure limits listed workday and a forty (40) hour work-week.
No. PB-94-195047, May 1994. The 1994
are 2017 ACGIH Threshold Limit
IDLH values established by NIOSH used • Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL) is
Values (TLVs), unless otherwise stated.
interim criteria, and OSHA stated in a May a 15-minute time weighted average
From ACGIH®, 2017 TLVs® and BEIs®
21, 1996 memorandum that OSHA will use exposure which should not be
Book. Copyright 2017. Reprinted with
the older IDLH values while NIOSH exceeded at any time during a workday.
permission. The concentrations are
conducts further study regarding the 1994 • Ceiling (C) exposure limits refer to
expressed in ppm — parts per million
values. The 1990 IDLH values are used in concentrations that should not be
(parts of contaminant per million parts
this guide since OSHA uses these values exceeded during any part of the
of air) — unless specifically stated as
for enforcement. working exposure.
mg/m3 (milligrams of contaminant per
For those substances with no IDLH listed, cubic meter of air) or some other unit. • Exposure limits for particulates are as
the manufacturer or supplier may have • The OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit total dust unless otherwise noted (e.g.,
additional chemical information. The (PEL) is listed when it is more stringent inhalable fraction, respirable fraction,
Chemical Referral Center operated by the than the current TLV. respirable fibers, etc.)
Chemical Manufacturers Association can • Skin notations indicate the substance
• The 2010 Workplace Environmental
assist in providing telephone numbers for can be absorbed through the skin. In
Exposure Levels (WEEL) from
obtaining information from manufacturers. these cases, appropriate measures must
the American Industrial Hygiene
The lower explosive level (LEL) has been
listed when an IDLH value was not located.
be taken to prevent skin and eye contact For more information on odor thresholds, The recommendations are for single
to avoid invalidating the OEL. please see relevant publications such as substances. When two or more
“Odor Thresholds for Chemicals with substances are present, a combination
• For a more detailed explanation of TLVs
Established Health Standards, Second respirator may be appropriate. For
and their proper application, refer to the
Edition. AIHA (2013).” example, with a spray paint that contains
TLV booklet available for a nominal fee
from ACGIH, 1330 Kemper Meadow Respirator Type organic solvents and titanium dioxide, a
Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240 respirator consisting of an organic vapor
This column lists the suggested type of cartridge and a particle filter may be
particulate, gas/vapor or supplied air appropriate. In cases where an air
Odor Threshold respirator. The abbreviations used are purifying respirator is not available for all
Odor thresholds have been removed explained at the end of this document. of the substances of concern in a
from this version of the guide. While All of these respirators have not been mixture, a supplied air respirator may be
contaminant odor or irritation may serve specifically tested against each compound required.
as a secondary indicator of when to listed. A review of chemical and physical In some cases, the respirator is
change cartridges, it cannot be used as properties of the materials, as well as preceded by an “(F)” designation. These
the primary indicator for when to adsorption or filtration characteristics of contaminants have been identified as
change. the respirators, forms the basis for the potential eye irritants. Full facepieces,
recommendations. hoods, helmets or loose fitting
facepieces, or half facepieces with
appropriate eye protection should be
Format Explanation 6
Do not exceed maximum use concentrations Comments Sometimes, a supplied air respirator
established by regulatory agencies. Follow the Other information may be listed in is recommended because the
protection factor guidelines in specific OSHA this column: service life may be so short that the
standards, and refer to the instructions in the frequency required for changing the
A. Short service life means predicted
Respirator Selection Criteria and How To Use cartridges may not be practical.
cartridge life of less than 30 minutes at
This Guide sections of this guide.
concentrations of ten times (10X) the OEL, References to Ineffective sorbents
When a chemical cartridge respirator is or the contaminant’s boiling point is less or Unknown sorbent effectiveness
recommended, it can only be used if a than 65C. Actual service life will vary indicate 3M does not make chemical
cartridge change schedule is established as considerably depending on concentration cartridge respirators appropriate for
described in 29 CFR 1910.134 (d)(3)(iii) (B) (2). levels, temperature, humidity, work rate, these substances at this time or it is not
If a change schedule is not established, a etc. See the following literature references known how effective the sorbents would
supplied air respirator must be used instead. for specific details on the conditions and be for these materials.
limitations of these estimates:
B. References to a respirator not
1. 3M Company. being specifically approved refer to
3M Service Life Software. approvals for that particular substance
3M.com/sls only. All respirators listed in this guide
2. Nelson, G.O. and C.A. Harder. are NIOSH approved for specific
Respirator Cartridge Efficiency substances and/or conditions.
Studies: V. Effect of Solvent Vapor.
Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 35(7):
391-410 (1974).
C. {Comments regarding warning specific exposure data and Both chemical properties and use
properties have been removed as workplace conditions before making conditions/processes can affect the
OSHA allows air purifying respirators to their final selection.* If a chemical physical form in the workplace. Users
be used against gases and vapors with cartridge is used, a change schedule should consider specific exposure
poor or unknown warning properties. must be established to replace the data and workplace conditions before
Instead cartridge change schedules cartridges before the end of their making their final selection.*
based on objective information and service life.
F. It is believed that an N-series filter is
data must be established.} E. These compounds have been identified sufficient since these materials will not
D. These compounds have been as possibly existing in both vapor and coat the filter fibers, but since this
identified as possibly existing in both particulate phase in the workplace. material may contain oil aerosols, an
particulate and vapor phase in the Even though these chemicals would R- or P-series filter is recommended
workplace. For these compounds, 3M be expected to be in the vapor phase, until further research or a regulatory
recommends that a gas/vapor when other aerosols are present or agency takes a specific position.
cartridge be used in addition to the there is high humidity, it is possible
that the vapor may be adsorbed onto G. R- or P-series filters have been
traditionally accepted particulate recommended pending more research
filter. It is the user’s responsibility these coexisting particles or dissolved
in available water droplets; therefore, as to how these materials affect the
to determine whether both forms filter fibers.
coexist. Both chemical properties and 3M recommends a filter for the
use conditions/processes particulate phase be used in addition H. Listing of 3M 3510, 3530, 3550, or
can affect the physical form in the to the traditionally accepted chemical 3720 refers to a 3M™ Personal Air
workplace. Users should consider cartridge. It is the user’s responsibility to Monitor with Pre-Paid Analysis.
determine whether both forms coexist.
* See Perez, C. and S. C. Soderholm: Some Chemicals Requiring Special Consideration When Deciding Whether to Sample the Particle, Vapor, or Both Phases of an
Atmosphere. Appl. Occup. Hyg. 6(10): 859-864 (1991).
Format Explanation 8
the same organ system are present, must still be considered when choosing the If SA or SA(F) is one of the
consideration should be given to the appropriate filter.) respirators listed, this respirator must
combined effect rather than individual be selected over all others. If any of
a) If yes, a respirator with either an
effects. Consult the current TLVs® the respirator codes contain the (F)
R- or P-series or HEPA filter must be
and documentation published by the designation, respirators with half
selected. R-series filters must be
American Conference of Governmental facepieces cannot be used unless
changed after 8 hours use or after the
Industrial Hygienists for more appropriate eye protection is also
respirator is loaded with or exposed to
information and the appropriate formula. worn. If no air-purifying respirator
200 mg of aerosol. The manufacturer’s
If combined effects are considered, will provide the protection required,
service time recommendation must be
calculate the hazard ratio for the mixture. select SA or SA(F). Go to Step 17.
followed for P-series filters. Record the
b) If no, go to Step 11.
respirator with the R- or P-series filter b) If no, record the respirator listed
11. Are
any of the respirators listed in the last that is being selected. Go to Step 14.
as the final respirator selected
column a particulate filter respirator (i.e., b) If no, go to Step 14.
(bottom line). Go to Step 17.
does it have an N, R or P filter?)?
14. Was more than one respirator type
15. If the chemical is not listed in the guide,
a) If yes, go to Step 12. required for the specific exposure situation
either it is a pesticide or an occupational
b) If no, go to Step 14. (i.e., is there more than one respirator code
exposure limit was not located. If an
included in the list made in the
12. Are only N-series particulate filter acceptable exposure level is not known, a
last column of the form?)?
respirator(s) listed? respirator cannot be recommended. If you
a) If yes, note all respirators
a) If yes, go to Step 13.
have an exposure level for the material
recommended. If your list contains
b) If no, go to Step 14. and would like help, go to Step 17. If no
more than one respirator and all are air-
exposure limit is known, go to Step 16.
13. Is
airborne oil mist present at a
purifying respirators, select the one
concentration greater than 0.1 mg/m³ with the highest assigned protection 16. These conditions (unknown, <19.5%
but less than the value in the OEL column factor (see page 2) and one that oxygen, airborne concentration >IDLH)
of the guide? (If a respirator is not being removes all of the contaminants, if are generally considered as IDLH or the
selected for oil, the presence of the oil available. hazard ratio exceeds 1000. Select either a
positive pressure self-contained breathing
apparatus (SCBA) or combination 17. Do you need help?
respirator consisting of a positive pressure a) If yes, call 3M for assistance at
supplied air respirator with an auxiliary 1-800-243-4630.
SCBA. The rated duration of the auxiliary b) If no, order the selected respirator(s)
SCBA should be sufficient to allow from your local safety equipment
adequate time for escape. Record the distributor.
respirator selected in the final row of the
form. This is the minimum acceptable
level of respiratory protection; the
selection process is finished. If you need
help, go to Step 17.
Respirator Selected:
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 15
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Acetaldehyde Acetic aldehyde, Ethanal 10000 TWA=200 (OSHA) (F)OV Multigas cartridge
75-07-0 C=25 (F)MG recommended for longer
service life
Acetamide Ethanamide TWA=1 OV/N95 See comment D on
60-35-5 (inhalable fraction page 8
and vapor)
Acetic acid Ethanoic acid, Glacial acetic 1000 TWA=10 (F)OV/AG
64-19-7 acid, Methane carboxylic acid, STEL=15
Vinegar acid
Acetic anhydride Acetic acid anhydride, Acetyl 1000 TWA=1 (F)OV
108-24-7 oxide, Ethanoic anhydride STEL=3
Acetone 2-Propanone, Dimethyl ketone, 20000 TWA=250 OV Short service life.
67-64-1 Ketone propane STEL=500 3M 3530 Monitor
Acetone 2-Cyano-2-propanol, 22000 TWA=2 (AIHA) OV
cyanohydrin 2-Hydroxy-2-methyl STEL=5 (AIHA)
75-86-5 propanenitrile, C=5 mg/m3 (as CN)
2-Methyllactonile, 2-Propane -skin-
cyanohydrin, a-Hydroxy
Acetonitrile Cyanomethane, Ethane 4000 TWA=20 OV 3M 3530 Monitor
75-05-8 nitrile, Ethyl nitrile, -skin-
Methanecarbonitrile, Methyl
Acetophenone 1-Phenylethanone, Acetyl TWA=10 OV See comment E on
98-86-2 benzene, Benzoyl methide, page 8
Methyl phenyl ketone
Acetylsalicylic acid Aspirin TWA=5 mg/m3 N95
Acrolein Acrylaldehyde, 5 TWA=0.1 (OSHA) (F)OV Short service life
107-02-8 Acrylic aldehyde, C=0.1
Allylaldehyde, Propenal -skin-
Acrylamide Acrylamide monomer, TWA=0.03 mg/m3 OV/N95 See comment D on
79-06-1 Acrylic amide, Propenamide (inhalable fraction page 8
and vapor)
Acrylic acid Acroleic acid, Propenoic acid 24000 TWA=2 (F)OV
79-10-7 -skin-
Acrylonitrile AN, Propenenitrile, 500 TWA=2 OV SA if cartridge not
107-13-1 Vinyl cyanide -skin- disposed of after shift,
per 29 CFR 1910.1045.
3M 3510 monitor.
Adipic acid 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid, TWA=5 mg/m3 (F)N95
124-04-9 1,6-Hexanedioic acid, Adipinic
acid, Hexanedioic acid
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 19
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 21
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 23
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 25
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Butylene oxide 1,2-Butene oxide; 1,2-Butylene TWA=2 (AIHA) OV Short service life
106-88-7 oxide; 1,2-Epoxybutane;
1-Butene oxide; BO; Epoxy-
n-Butyl glycidyl 1,2-Epoxy-3-butoxypropane, 3500 TWA=3 OV 3M 3510 Monitor
ether BGE -skin-
n-Butyl lactate Lactic acid butylester 11500 TWA=5 OV Irritation also
138-22-7 provides warning
Butyl mercaptan 1-Mercaptobutane, 2500 TWA=0.5 OV
109-79-5 n-Butanethiol
o-sec-Butylphenol 2-sec-Butylphenol TWA=5 OV/P95
89-72-5 -skin-
p-tert-Butyltoluene 1-Methyl-4-tert-butylbenzene 1000 TWA=1 OV 3M 3510 Monitor
Butyraldehyde Butal, Butaldehyde, Butalyde, 19000 TWA=25 (AIHA) (F)Form Formaldehyde
123-72-8 Butanal, Butanaldehyde, cartridge not
Butylaldehyde, Butyral butyric specifically approved,
aldehyde but 3M recommended
for longer service life
Cadmium and Cadmium oxide fume 9 mg/m3 TWA=0.002 mg/m3 N100
compounds (as Cd) (fume) (respirable fraction)
7440-43-9 50 mg/m3 TWA=0.005 mg/
m3 (OSHA)
Calcium arsenate Cucumber dust, Tricalcium 100 mg/m3 TWA=0.01 mg/m3 N100
(as As) arsenate, Tricalcium o-arsenate
Calcium carbonate Limestone, Marble TWA=15 mg/m3 N95
1317-65-3 (OSHA)
TWA= 5 mg/m3
(OSHA, respirable
Calcium chromate Calcium chrome yellow TWA=0.001 mg/m3 N95
(as Cr)
Calcium cyanamide Calcium carbimide, Lime TWA=0.5 mg/m3 N95
156-62-7 nitrogen
Calcium fluoride Fluorite, Fluorospar TWA= 2.5 mg/m3 N95
(as F)
Calcium hydroxide Calcium hydrate, Caustic lime, TWA=5 mg/m3 N95
1305-62-0 Hydrated lime
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 29
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 31
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 33
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 35
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Chlorosulfonic acid Chlorosulfuric acid, CSA C=0.1 mg/m3 (AIHA) (F)AG/N95 HCl, SO2 hydrolysis
7790-94-5 products
2-Chloro-1,1,1,2- Chlorotetrafluoroethane, TWA=1000 (AIHA) SA Short OV service life
tetrafluoroethane Fluorocarbon 124, HCFC124,
2837-89-0 HFA124
o-Chlorotoluene 2-Chloro-1-methylbenzene TWA=50 OV 3M 3510 Monitor
Chlorotrifluoroethylene CFE, CTFE, TWA=5 (AIHA) SA Short OV service life
79-38-9 Trifluorochloroethylene,
Chromium II TWA=0.5 mg/m3 N95
compounds (as Cr) (OSHA)
Chromium metal and Cr TWA=0.5 mg/m3 N95
III compounds
(as Cr)
Chromium compounds, TWA=0.01 mg/m3 N95
insoluble Cr VI
compounds (as Cr)
Chromium Chromic acid 30 mg/m3 TWA=0.005 mg/m3 N95
compounds, (OSHA)
water soluble Cr
VI compounds (not
otherwise classified)
(as Cr)
Chromyl chloride Chloro-chromic anhydride, TWA=0.025 AG
14977-61-8 Chromium oxychloride
Citral 2,6-Octadienal-3,7-dimethyl; TWA=5 (inhalable OV/P95 See comment D on
5392-40-5 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienal fraction and vapor) page 8
Coal dust, Anthracite TWA=0.4 mg/m3 N95 May also contain
(respirable fraction) crystaline silica (quartz)
Coal dust, Bituminous or TWA=0.9 mg/m3 N95 May also contain
Lignite (respirable fraction) crystaline silica (quartz)
Coal tar pitch volatiles Particulate polycyclic aromatic 700 mg/m3 TWA=0.2 mg/m3 R95 Respirators with
(as Benzene solubles) hydrocarbons, PPAH P95 nuisance level
65996-93-2 organic vapor or acid
gas relief specifically
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 37
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 39
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 41
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 43
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 45
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 49
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 51
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 53
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 55
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 57
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Ethyl isocyanate Isocyanatoethene; Isocyanic TWA= 0.02 ppm OV Short service life
109-90-0 acid, ethyl ester STEL= 0.06 ppm
Ethyl mercaptan Ethanethiol, Ethyl sulfhydrate 2500 TWA=0.5 OV Short service life
75-08-1 C=10 (OSHA)
N-Ethylmorpholine 4-Ethylmorpholine 2000 TWA=5 (F)OV
100-74-3 -skin-
Ethyl silicate Ethyl orthosilicate, Tetraethoxy- 1000 TWA=10 OV
78-10-4 silane, Tetraethyl silicate
Ferrovanadium dust TWA=1 mg/m3 N95
12604-58-9 STEL=3 mg/m3
Flour dust TWA=0.5 mg/m3 N95
(inhalable fraction)
Fluorides (as F) (Synonyms vary depending 500 mg/m3 TWA=2.5 mg/m3 N95
upon specific compound.)
Fluorine 25 TWA=0.1 (OSHA) (F)SA Unknown reaction
7782-41-4 STEL=2 products with sorbent
Formaldehyde Formalin, Methylene oxide 30 TWA=0.1 (F)Form Irritation also
50-00-0 STEL=2 (OSHA) provides warning.
C=0.3 3M 3720 Monitor
Formamide Methanamide TWA=10 OV
75-12-7 -skin-
Formic acid Hydrogencarboxylic acid, 30 TWA=5 (F)AG Low IDLH
64-18-6 Methanoic acid STEL=10 (F)Form
Furfural 2-Furaldehyde, 250 TWA=0.2 (F)OV 3M 3510 Monitor
98-01-1 2-Furancarboxaldehyde, -skin-
Fural, Furfuraldehyde
Furfuryl alcohol 2-Hydroxymethylfuran, 250 TWA=0.2 (F)OV See comment E on
98-00-0 2-Furylmethanol -skin- page 8
Gallium arsenide Gallium monoarsenide TWA=0.0003 N100
1303-00-0 mg/m3 (respirable
Gasoline Petrol 14000 TWA=300 (F)OV
86290-81-5 STEL=500
Germanium Germane, Germanium hydride TWA=0.2 (F)SA Unknown sorbent
tetrahydride effectiveness
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 59
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 61
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 63
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 65
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen dioxide, Peroxide 75 TWA=1 (F)OV See Technical Data
7722-84-1 Bulletin #185
Hydrogen selenide Selenium hydride 2 TWA=0.05 (F)MG
(as Se)
Hydrogen sulfide H2S, Hepatic gas, Hydrosulfuric 300 TWA=1 AG Poor warning
7783-06-4 acid, Sulfuretted hydrogen STEL=5 (olfactory fatigue)
Hydroquinone 1,4-Benzenediol, TWA=1 mg/m3 (F)OV/N95 See comment D on
123-31-9 Dihydroxybenzene, Quinol page 8
4-Hydroxybenzoic TWA=5 mg/m3 (F)N95
acid (AIHA)
2-Hydroxypropyl HPA 18000 TWA=0.5 OV
acrylate -skin-
Indene Indonaphthene TWA=5 OV
Indium and TWA=0.1 mg/m3 N95
compounds (as In)
Iodides TWA=0.01 (inhalable (F)MG/N95 See comment E on
fraction and vapor) page 8
Iodine 10 TWA=0.01 (inhalable (F)MG/N95 See comment E on
7553-56-2 fraction and vapor) page 8
STEL=0.1 (vapor)
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 67
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Isoamyl alcohol 3-Methyl-1-butanol, Fusel oil, 10000 TWA=100 (F)OV See comment E on
123-51-3 Isobutyl carbinol, Isopentyl STEL=125 page 8
Isobutane 2-Methyl propane, 16000 STEL=1000 SA Short OV service life
75-28-5 Methylpropane
Isobutene 1,1-Dimethylethene, TWA=250 OV Short service life
115-11-7 1,1-Dimethylethylene,
2-Methylpropylene, Isobutylene
Isobutyl acetate 2-Methylpropyl acetate 7500 TWA=50 (F)OV
110-19-0 STEL=150
Isobutyl alcohol 2-Methyl-1-propanol, IBA, 8000 TWA=50 (F)OV 3M 3510 Monitor
78-83-1 Isobutanol, Isopropylcarbinol
Isobutyl nitrite IBN; Nitrous acid, C=1 (inhalable OV/N95 See comment E on
542-56-3 2-methylpropyl ester; Nitrous fraction and vapor) page 8
acid, isobutyl ester
Isobutyraldehyde 2-Methyl-1-propanal, TWA=25 (AIHA) OV Short service life
78-84-2 2-Methylpropanal,
Isobutanal, Isobutyl aldehyde,
Isobutyric aldehyde,
Valine aldehyde
Isocyanuric acid Cyanuric acid; s-Triazine- TWA=10 mg/m3 N95 AM/N95 may be
108-80-5 2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-triione; (AIHA) preferable if wet
s-Triazinetriol TWA=5 mg/m3
(AIHA, respirable
Isooctyl alcohol Isooctanol 9000 TWA=50 OV
26952-21-6 -skin-
Isophorone 3,5,5-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexene- 800 C=5 OV See comment E on
78-59-1 1-one page 8. 3M 3510
Isophorone IPDI TWA=0.005 OV/N95
Isophthalic acid 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, TWA=10 mg/m3 N95
121-91-5 IA, IPA, m-Phthalic acid (AIHA)
TWA=5 mg/m3
(AIHA, respirable
Isoprene 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene 15000 TWA=2 (AIHA) OV Short service life
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 69
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 71
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 75
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 77
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 79
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Methyl formate Formic acid methyl ester, 5000 TWA=50 SA Short OV service life
107-31-3 Methyl methanoate STEL=100
Methyl hydrazine Monomethyl hydrazine 50 TWA=0.01 (F)AM
60-34-4 C=0.2 (OSHA)
Methyl iodide Iodomethane 800 TWA=2 (F)SA Short OV service life. Use
74-88-4 -skin- of 60928 cartridge/filter
recommended by 3M,
not specifically approved
for methyl iodide.
Methyl isoamyl ketone 2-Methyl-5-hexanone, 10000 TWA=20 (F)OV
110-12-3 5-Methyl-2-hexanone, MIAK STEL=50
Methyl isobutyl ketone Hexone, MIBK 3000 TWA=20 (F)OV 3M 3510 Monitor
108-10-1 STEL=75
Methyl isocyanate Isocyanic acid,methyl ester 20 TWA=0.02 SA Unknown sorbent
624-83-9 STEL=0.06 effectiveness
Methyl isopropyl 3-Methyl-2-butanone, MIPK TWA=20 (F)OV
ketone 563-80-4
Methyl mercaptan Mercaptomethane, 400 TWA=0.5 OV Short service life
74-93-1 Methanethiol, Methyl C=10 (OSHA)
sulfhydrate, Thiomethyl alcohol
Methyl methacrylate 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid 4000 TWA=50 OV 3M 3510 Monitor
80-62-6 methyl ester; Methacrylic STEL=100
acid,methyl ester; Methyl alpha-
methyl-acrylate; Methyl-2-
methyl-2-propenoate; Methyl-2-
methylpropenoate; MMA
1-Methylnaphthalene a-Methyl naphthalene, TWA=0.5 OV/R95
90-12-0 a-Methylnaphthalene -skin- OV/P95
2-Methylnaphthalene b-Methyl naphthalene, TWA=0.5 OV/R95
91-57-6 b-Methylnaphthalene -skin- OV/P95
Methyl propyl ketone 2-Pentanone, Ethyl acetone, 5000 STEL=150 (F)OV 3M 3510 Monitor
107-87-9 MPK
n-Methyl-2- 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone, TWA=10 (AIHA) OV
pyrrolidone m-Pyrol, n-Methyl Pyrrolidone, -skin-
872-50-4 NMP
Methyl silicate Tetramethoxy silane TWA=1 (F)OV
a-Methyl styrene 1-Methyl-1-phenylethylene, 5000 TWA=10 OV See comment E on
98-83-9 AMS page 8
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 81
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 83
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 85
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 87
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 89
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 91
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Phenyl ether, vapor Diphenyl ether, Diphenyl oxide 7000 TWA=1 OV See comment E on
101-84-8 STEL=2 page 8. 3M 3510
Phenyl ether-biphenyl Diphenyl oxide-diphenyl mixture, TWA=1 (OSHA) OV See comment E on
mixture vapor Dowtherm™ A page 8
Phenyl glycidyl ether 1,2-Epoxy-3-phenoxy propane, TWA=0.1 OV
122-60-1 Glycidyl phenyl ether, -skin-
Oxirane, PGE, Phenoxymethyl,
Phenoxypropenoxide, Phenyl
epoxypropyl ether
Phenylhydrazine Hydrazinobenzene 295 TWA=0.1 (F)OV
100-63-0 -skin-
Phenyl isocyanate Isocyanatobenzene, Carbamil TWA=0.005 OV
103-71-9 Phenyl carbamide STEL=0.015
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 95
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Polyethylene glycols PEG, PGE, Polyoxyethylene TWA=10 mg/m3 R95 See comment G on
25322-68-3 (AIHA) P95 page 8
Polypropylene PPG TWA=10 mg/m3 R95 See comment G on
glycols (AIHA) P95 page 8
Polyvinyl chloride Cloroethene polymer, TWA=1 mg/m3 N95
9002-86-2 Cloroethylene homopolymer, (respirable fraction)
Cloroethylene polymer,
Polychloroethylene, PVC, Vinyl
chloride homoploymer, Vinyl
chloride polymer
Portland cement Cement, Hyraulic cement, TWA=1 mg/m3 N95
(containing no Portland cement silicate (respirable fraction)
asbestos and <1%
crystaline silica)
Potassium bromate Bromic acid potassium salt TWA=0.1 mg/m3 N95
7758-01-2 (AIHA)
Potassium hydroxide Caustic potash, Lye, Potassium C=2 mg/m3 N95
1310-58-3 hydrate
Propane Dimethyl methane, n-Propane 20000 TWA=1000 SA Ineffective sorbents
74-98-6 (OSHA)
2-Propanol IPA, Isopropanol, 12000 TWA=200 (F)OV Irritation also provides
67-63-0 Isopropyl alcohol, STEL=400 warning. 3M 3530
sec-Propyl alcohol Monitor
n-Propanol 1-Propanol, Ethyl carbinol, 4000 TWA=100 (F)OV See comment E on
71-23-8 n-Propyl alcohol, Propan-1-ol page 8
Propargyl alcohol 2-Propyn-1-ol TWA=1 OV
107-19-7 -skin-
Propargyl bromide 1-Bromo-2-propyne; TWA=0.1 (AIHA) OV
106-96-7 3-Bromopropyne; -skin-
Bromopropyne; gama-
Bromoallylene; Propyne,
2-Propenoic acid, IOA, Isoctyl acrylate TWA=5 (AIHA) OV
Isooctyl ester
b-Propiolactone 3-Hydroxy beta-lactone; 29000 TWA=0.5 (F)OV OSHA requires SA
57-57-8 3-Hydroxypropionic acid; beta- with hood for certain
Propiolactone; BPL; Hydroacrylic applications; see 29
acid, beta-lactone; Propiolactone CFR 1910.1003
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 97
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 99
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 101
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 103
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Sodium metabisulfite Sodium pyrosulfite TWA=5 mg/m3 AG/N95 N95 alone may be suitable
7681-57-4 if irritation eliminated
Starch Corn starch TWA=10 mg/m3 N95
9005-25-8 TWA= 5 mg/m3
(OSHA, respirable
Stearates Aluminium stearate, Calcium TWA=10 mg/m3 N95
646-29-7; 557-05-1; stearate, Glyceryl stearate, (inhalable fraction)
557-04-0; 57-11-4; Lithium stearate, magnesium
stearate, Potassium stearate, TWA=3 mg/m3
Sodium stearate, Stearic acid, (respirable
Zinc stearate fraction)
Stibine Antimony trihydride, 40 TWA=0.1 SA Unknown sorbent
7803-52-3 Hydrogen antimonide effectiveness
Stoddard solvent Dry cleaning safety solvent, 29500 TWA=100 OV 3M 3510 Monitor
8052-41-3 Mineral spirits mg/m3
Strontium chromate C.I. pigment yellow 32, TWA=0.0005 N95
(as Cr) Strontium yellow mg/m3
Strychnine 3 mg/m3 TWA=0.15 mg/m3 N95
Styrene Cinnamene, Phenylethylene, 5000 TWA=20 OV 3M 3510 Monitor
100-42-5 Styrene, Styrene monomer, STEL=40
Vinyl benzene
Subtilisins Proteolytic enzymes as 100% C=0.00006 mg/m3 SA Difficult to measure 10X
1395-21-7 crystalline enzyme OEL. N95 acceptable
9014-01-1 with suitable air
sampling data
Sucrose Saccharose, Table sugar TWA=10 mg/m3 N95
57-50-1 TWA= 5 mg/m3
(OSHA, respirable
Sulfur dioxide SO2 100 STEL=0.25 AG Irritation and taste also
7446-09-5 provides warning
Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 TWA=1000 SA Unknown sorbent
2551-62-4 effectiveness
Sulfuric acid Hydrogen sulfate, Matting acid, 80 mg/m3 TWA=0.2 mg/m3 (F)N95 N95 acceptable with
7664-93-9 Oil of vitriol, Sulphuric acid, (thoracic fraction) appropriate eye/face
Vitriol brown oil protection
Sulfur monochloride Sulfur chloride, 10 C=1 (F)AG
10025-67-9 Sulfur subchloride
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 107
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 109
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 111
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 115
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene sym-Trinitrotoluene, TNT, 1000 mg/m3 TWA=0.1 mg/m3 OV/N95 See comment D on
(TNT) Trinitrotoluene, Trinitrotoluol -skin- page 8
Triorthocresyl o-Tritolyl phosphate, TCP, 40 mg/m3 TWA=0.02 mg/m3 R95 See comment D on
phosphate TOCP, Tricresylphosphate (inhalable fraction P95 page 8
78-30-8 and vapor)
Triphenyl phosphate Phenyl phosphate, TPP TWA=3 mg/m3 N95 OV/N95 may be
115-86-6 preferable if heat is
Trisodium phosphate Sodium o-phosphate, TSP STEL=5 mg/m3 (F)N95 N95 acceptable with
7601-54-9 (AIHA) appropriate eye/face
Tungsten and compounds, TWA=3 mg/m3 N95
the absence of cobalt (respirable
7440-33-7 particulate matter)
Turpentine Gum spirits, Gum turpentine, 1500 TWA=20 (F)OV See comment E on
8006-64-2 Turps, Wood turpentine page 8
Uranium, insoluble 30 mg/m3 TWA=0.2 mg/m3 N95 See 10 CFR 20
compounds (as U) STEL=0.6 mg/m3 subpart H
Uranium, soluble 20 mg/m3 TWA=0.05 mg/m3 N95 AG/N95 if halides. See
compounds (as U) (OSHA) 10 CFR 20 subpart H
Urea Carbamide, Carbonyldiamide, TWA=10 mg/m3 N95 AM/N95 may be
57-13-6 Carbonyldiamine, Isourea (AIHA) preferable if heat is
n-Valeraldehyde Pentanal, Valeric aldehyde TWA=50 (F)OV
Vanadium pentoxide Vanadic anhydride, 70 mg/m3 TWA= 0.05 mg/m3 N95
1314-62-1 Vanadium oxide (inhalable fraction)
C=0.5 mg/m3
(OSHA, respirable
Vanadium 70 mg/m3 TWA=0.05 mg/m3 N95
pentoxide fume (inhalable fraction)
1314-62-1 C=0.1 mg/m3
Vanillin Vanilla, Vanillaldehyde, TWA=10 mg/m3 N95
121-33-5 Vanillic aldehyde (AIHA)
NOTE: For explanation of column headings and abbreviations, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 4. 119
Chemical Name IDLH OEL (Exposures < both
CAS # Synonym (ppm) (ppm) APF x OEL and IDLH) Comments
Respirator Codes and Descriptions
(F) Full Facepiece (with appropriate P100 P100 Particulate Respirator
cartridges and filters)
P95 P95 Particulate Respirator
AG Acid Gas Respirator
R95 R95 Particulate Respirator
AM Ammonia/Methylamine Respirator
SA Supplied Air Respirator
FORM Formaldehyde Respirator SA(F) Supplied air respirator with full facepiece,
HF Hydrogen Fluoride Respirator helmet, hood or loose fitting facepiece,
or half half facepiece with appropriate
Hg Mercury Vapor Respirator eye protection
Note: Respirator abbreviations may be combined. For
MG Multi-gas/Vapor Respirator example, (F)OV/AG/P95 is a full facepiece respirator with an
N100 N100 Particulate Respirator organic vapor/acid gas cartridge and a P95 particulate filter.
N95 N95 Particulate Respirator HEPA filters are used for PAPRs instead of N, R, P
type particle filters.
OV Organic Vapor Respirator
3M™ Select and Service Life Software helps you
OZ Ozone Respirator select the most appropriate respirator or estimate
service life of 3M gas/vapor cartridges. Both
programs are simple, accurate and give printable
reports. 3M.com/sls
Data for this guide compiled March, 2018.
Always refer to latest TLV Guide and OSHA standards
for possible changes and rulings.
TLVs from ACGIH®, 2017 TLVs® and BEIs® Book.
Copyright 2017. Reprinted with permission.