The document provides information and instructions for a speaking unit test, including two potential activities:
1) Describing rules, career plans, and life changes in 3 sentences or less.
2) Role playing a conversation where a friend tells about bad news and how they dealt with it, using prompts.
3) Optionally meeting a friend unexpectedly and discussing news using example prompts.
The document provides information and instructions for a speaking unit test, including two potential activities:
1) Describing rules, career plans, and life changes in 3 sentences or less.
2) Role playing a conversation where a friend tells about bad news and how they dealt with it, using prompts.
3) Optionally meeting a friend unexpectedly and discussing news using example prompts.
The document provides information and instructions for a speaking unit test, including two potential activities:
1) Describing rules, career plans, and life changes in 3 sentences or less.
2) Role playing a conversation where a friend tells about bad news and how they dealt with it, using prompts.
3) Optionally meeting a friend unexpectedly and discussing news using example prompts.
The document provides information and instructions for a speaking unit test, including two potential activities:
1) Describing rules, career plans, and life changes in 3 sentences or less.
2) Role playing a conversation where a friend tells about bad news and how they dealt with it, using prompts.
3) Optionally meeting a friend unexpectedly and discussing news using example prompts.
Your teacher will choose two activities. Photo description
About you 4 Look at the two photos and describe them.
1 Talk about the rules in your school, future
career plans and big changes in your life. • What are the rules in your school? • What job would you like in the future? • What personal qualities do you need for that job? • How can you prepare for that job? • What big changes have you experienced in your life? Photo A • What did you learn from the experience? • What can you see? • What is he / she doing? • What’s this person’s job? Role play • What qualities do you need for this job? 2 Look at the dialogue. A friend is telling you some bad news. Use your own words to complete the dialogue. Then practise it with your partner. A: How was your holiday in Brazil? B: It was fun, but the beginning was terrible because I lost my luggage. A: How __________ ! B: I know! Photo B A: What did you do? • What can you see? B: I contacted the airline and they returned it. • What are they doing? A: How did you __________ when it happened? • What’s this person’s job? B: I was very relieved. • What qualities do you need for this job? A: That sounds __________ . What was the rest of your holiday __________ ? 5 EXTENSION Talk about the two photos. B: I really liked it. Brazil is beautiful. • Which job would you prefer to do? Why? • Think of a good friend. Which of these careers 3 EXTENSION You meet a friend unexpectedly. do you recommend? What advice can you give One of you has some news. Use the prompts, him / her to start off? words and phrases to help you. excited exciting happy I really liked it. Oh really? surprising That sounds … . A Greet B. B Express surprise at seeing A. A Ask how B is. B Tell A your news. A React to B’s news. Ask a question. B Answer and give more information. A React to the additional information. B Ask A a question. A Answer.