College of Teacher Education
College of Teacher Education
College of Teacher Education
7 Contained Class
9 This is a study conducted by Ms. Zoraida F. Angeles and Mr. Yuri Harris S.
11 Mindanao State University. This study is part of the requirements of the program.
16 In addition, this study aims to find out conditions and barriers of the general
18 The results of this study will indicate the experiences of general education
19 teachers who are both teaching in a regular class setting and subsequently dealing
21 The study will be conducted from November 2018 to March 2019 covering
22 faculty members of School 1 who are on permanent status. The respondents will
23 be determined using purposive sampling procedure among regular faculty
24 members and who are engaged in teaching in a self-contained class. The study
28 Data gathering will be done through interview. It consists of two parts. Part I is on
32 The interview will last for about thirty minutes to one hour.
33 The interview will only be held once upon the agreed schedule time of both the
36 payment for participating in the study is expected. The participant will not incur
37 any expenses for participating in the study since there is no need to be absent
39 The researchers ensure that there will be minimal anticipated risks related to this
41 disability is expected resulting from the study related activities, The result of this
42 research will not affect any personal and/or academic standing of the participant.
43 At any time, the participant can refuse to answer a certain question, discuss
44 certain topics or even refuse to answer the questionnaire without any prejudice.
45 The interview session will be audio-recorded. After analyzing the data, the
46 recordings gathered from the interview will be deleted upon the completion of this
47 study.
48 All data gathered in this study will be handled with utmost confidentiality. No
49 name of actual respondents will be mentioned and the information will be coded.
50 The researcher assures the protection of data collection and protection methods.
51 The researchers ensure that the respondent can access the results of the study and
53 The respondent will be informed of any information when this becomes available
55 The researcher will serve only as an investigator and will not serve as an
57 For more information about the study, the respondent may contact Zoraida F.
60 reached through Tel. No. 991-1771 for information regarding rights of study
65 _________________