Excel Cheat Sheet
Excel Cheat Sheet
Excel Cheat Sheet
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=SMALL(B1:B7, 2) Calculates the second smallest =PROPER Converts a text string to
number in a range proper case
=LARGE(G13:D7,3) Calculates the third largest =LEN Returns a text string’s length in
number in a range characters
=POWER(9,2) Calculates nine squared =REPT Repeats text a given number
=9^3 Calculates nine cubed of times
=FACT(A1) Factorial of value in A1 =TEXT Formats a number and
=EVEN Rounds a number up to the converts it to text
nearest even integer =VALUE Converts a text cell to a
=ODD Rounds a number up to the number
nearest odd integer =EXACT Checks to see if two text
=AVERAGE Calculates the average values are identical
=MEDIAN Calculates the median =DOLLAR Converts a number to text,
=SQRT Calculates the square root of a using the USD currency format
number =CLEAN Removes all non-printable
=PI Shows the value of pi characters from text
=POWER Calculates the result of a
number raised to a power Finance
=RAND Returns a random number
between 0 and 1 =INTRATE Calculates the interest rate for
=RANDBETWEEN Returns a random number a fully invested security
between the numbers you =EFFECT Calculates the effective annual
specify interest rate
=COS Calculates the cosine of a =FV Calculates the future value of
number an investment
=SIN Returns the Calculates the sine of the given =FVSCHEDULE Calculates the future value of
sine of the given angle an initial principal after
angle applying a series of compound
=TAN Calculates the tangent of a interest rates
number =PMT Calculates the total payment
=CORREL Calculates the correlation (debt and interest) on a debt
coefficient between two data security
sets =IPMT Calculates the interest
=STDEVA Estimates standard deviation payment for an investment for
based on a sample a given period
=PROB Returns the probability that =ACCRINT Calculates the accrued interest
values in a range are between for a security that pays
two limits periodic interest
=ACCRINTM Calculates the accrued interest
Text for a security that pays interest
at maturity
=LEFT Extracts one or more =AMORLINC Calculates the depreciation for
characters from the left side of each accounting period
a text string =NPV Calculates the net present
=RIGHT Extracts one or more value of cash flows based on a
characters from the right side discount rate
of a text string =YIELD Calculates the yield of a
=MID Extracts characters from the security based on maturity,
middle of a text string face value, and interest rate
=CONCATENATE Merges two or more text =PRICE Calculates the price per $100
strings face value of a periodic coupon
=REPLACE Replaces part of a text string bond
=LOWER Converts a text string to all