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Integration of Utility Grid With Hybrid Generation For Power Quality Conditioning Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer

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Dharavath and Raglend., Vol.9, No.1, 2019

Integration of Utility Grid with Hybrid Generation

for Power Quality Conditioning Using Dynamic
Voltage Restorer
Ravi Dharavath*, I Jacob Raglend**‡
*School of Electrical Engineering, Research Scholar, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu-632014
**School of Electrical Engineering, Professor, Vellore Institute of Engineering, Vellore, Tamilnadu-632014
(rv.dharavath@gmail.com, jacobraglend.i@vit.ac.in)

Corresponding Author; Second Author, Postal address, Tel: +90 312 123 4567,
Fax: +90 312 123 4567, corresponding@affl.edu

Received: 22.11.2018 Accepted:30.12.2018

Abstract- The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources is influencing the system parameters while being integrated
with the power system. The switching of the load also influences the system and may causes the power quality issues such as
voltage sag, swell, voltage interruption and voltage spikes. Getting the smoothening power and meeting the peak demand is the
greatest challenge in the current scenario. The necessary and sufficient power is provided with the use of integration of
renewable sources and power conditioning unit. In this work, the grid integration of solar photovoltaic, fuel cell with heavy
duty gas turbine generator is made. The voltage interruption is avoided using hybrid generation with dynamic voltage restorer.
The solar photovoltaic is integrated with DC link through the boost converter and the maximum power is extracted using fuzzy
based maximum power point tracking technique. The fuel cell and the heavy-duty gas turbine are integrated with DC link for
providing continues power and this integration can avoid the effect of intermittent nature of solar power. The DC link power is
integrated with the grid through the voltage source converter. The voltage source converter and the dynamic voltage restorer
are operated through a power conditioning unit. The performances of the hybrid generation with dynamic voltage restorer are
simulated under dynamic source and load variations. The total harmonic distortion of the hybrid generation with dynamic
voltage restorer performance is maintained within the limit as per IEEE-519 standard.

Keywords Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), Fuel cell, Fuzzy logic controller, Heavy duty gas turbine generator, Solar

photovoltaic (SPV), Voltage Source Converter.

1. Introduction The integration of solar, wind energy sources are used

for effective utilization of renewable sources and it is defined
The effective utilization of the intermittent nature of as a hybrid system. But the solar, wind integrations of two
renewable energy sources is a key role in the present power sources are dependable nature and may fail to supply the
system and it became a biggest challenge in the current prime power continuous for the whole day. This can be achieved
research. The stochastic nature of renewable energy sources with the storage system and its response is very quick [6-9].
is influencing the system parameters and diminishes the The storage for high power requires large size and space
sensitive load. The effective utilization of renewable energy required is more. The storage system is used for limitedly
source can be achieved using the integration of solar, wind, based on the availability of power and state of the charge. It
tidal etc. [1, 2]. The integration of solar photovoltaic (SPV) may not support for longer time.
with the distribution system is more flexible among the other
The one way of providing continues power supply
renewable energy sources. The different kind of MPPT
without storage system is the integration of the SPV, Fuel
(Maximum Power Point Tracking) technique [3-5] is used
cell and heavy-duty gas turbine-based generator. The
for extracting the maximum power from SPV systems such
integration of these three sources with a grid playing vital
as perturb and observation, incremental conductance (INC)
role in meeting the peak demand and providing continues
method etc. The extracted solar power is influencing the
power supply. The fuel cell is supported as a secondary
sensitive load due to dependency of solar dynamic irradiance
source and the base power supply are used for heavy-duty
and temperature. This issue is avoided with integration of
gas turbine based generation. The heavy-duty gas turbine is
solar and wind.
response is very quick under dynamic condition of the load.

Dharavath and Raglend., Vol.9, No.1, 2019

The heavy duty gas turbine generator is free from greenhouse source converter instead of using separate supply. The
gases. The integration of these sources is providing flexible voltage source converter-based source and load side
power for meeting the necessary peak demand for longer connected DVR and the DC link of DVR again depends on
time. The hybrid generation is integrated with the grid the line supply voltage [13-16]. It may not reliably for
through the power converter and it is providing continues compensating the line voltage. In abnormal conditions DVR
power supply to the load. may not protect the sensitive load. The line interference in
the DC link can be avoided using the renewable energy
The integration of SPV sources are influencing the
integration with an energy storage system [17-18]. The solar
system voltage due to dynamic in nature and the switching of
power with battery is employed only for providing necessary
load may lead to cause the power quality problem such as
DC link power only, but it will not provide the continuous
voltage spikes, sag, and swell [10]. The voltage related
power to the load. The advantages compare to conventional
problems may overcome with the customer power devices.
DVR and it can provide power supply during the daytime,
The sensitive loads are protected by the customer power
but the intermittent nature of solar power can’t provide
devices and these are used in the distribution system such as
quality power. It works in the day time only. The continuous
dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), distribution static
peak power and sensitive load protection can be achieved by
compensator (DSTATCOM), and unified power quality
the proposed hybrid system.
conditioner (UPQC). The DVR is most favourable among the
customer power device and cost-effective solution to solve In the utility system, the major issue is continuous load
voltage related issues. A DVR is a voltage restoring device interruption and unavailability of necessary power. The load
which is integrated in series with the line through the series interruption and switching on the instant load continuously
connected transformer. The dynamic voltage restorer leads to create the low voltage issues. The necessary power
topology categorized two types based on the integration and supply and low voltage issue together can be overcome by
location. The first integration is source side connected DVR the invention of hybrid generation with dynamic voltage
and the second one is load side connected DVR as shown in restorer. The continuous peak power and sensitive load
the Fig.1. The based on the input of the DVR at the DC link protection can be achieved by the proposed hybrid system. In
support is categorized as storage system, self-supported this work, the utility grid integrated hybrid generation with
charging capacitor and without storage DVR. DVR is integrated with DC link system. The DC link system
is common bus for the hybrid generation and DVR. The
hybrid generation excessive power is integrated with the
utility grid and DVR is protecting the sensitive load based on
the DC link power available.
In this paper, the proposed hybrid system maintains
constant DC link voltage and it stabilizes the load under
dynamic condition of solar power. The next section deals
with modules of the hybrid generation with dynamic voltage
restore and its layout. The third section dealing with control
strategy of the proposed system and the final section deals
with the MATLAB-SIMULINK results of proposed hybrid

Fig. 1. Dynamic Voltage Restorer Layout 2. Proposed Hybrid System

In the Self charging DVR is protecting the sensitive load The proposed hybrid generation with dynamic voltage
within the short period of time and its contribution is based restorer is shown in Fig.2. The module of the proposed
on the source intensity. The author in [11, 12] has been hybrid system contains SPV with boost converter, Fuel cell,
explained the self-supported DVR with a novel synchronous DC-DC Converter, Heavy duty gas turbine-based generator,
reference theory control algorithm using a reference with DC/AC voltage source converter, AC loads. The utility grid
positive sequence voltage of two unbalanced voltages. In the is fed to the load through the DVR and point of common
steady state, the need of active power is not required in coupling (PCC). The DC link is interfaced with various
capacitor-based DVR due to injected voltage in orthogonal sources through the DC-DC converter such as SPV, Fuel cell
with line current. This configuration is the most cost and the heavy-duty gas turbine-based generator. The SPV
effective, but it depends on the source side or load side and fuel cell are integrated through the boost converter. The
integrated power supply. The self-supported is DVR will not heavy-duty gas turbine (HVDGT) generators are integrated
support long time for higher rating of loads and it required a through the uncontrolled rectifier. The load is connected
large size capacitor. This can be avoided by maintaining the through the DVR.
separate source or storage. The DC power supply or external
batteries supported DVR is inject the unbalanced voltage
efficiently, but the cost is high.
To protect sensitive load, DVR requires the necessary
DC link power, and this can be provided through the voltage

Dharavath and Raglend., Vol.9, No.1, 2019

Where, Vpv , ipv, – PV voltage (V) and current (A), isc –

Short circuit current (A), K- Boltzmann constant, ipvo-diode
saturation current (A), T- cell reference temperature, n- is
ideality factor of diode, Ns- number of series cell, q-
Electronic charge (coulombs), P- Power calculated from
solar PV (Watt), Rs, Rsh-series and shunt resistance (Ω).

2.2. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)

The PEMFC is having fast response, high efficiency and

the lifetime is more. PEMFC stack is fed with the hydrogen
and air (oxygen) and its layout is shown in the Fig.4.

Fig. 2. Dynamic Voltage Restorers with Hybrid System

The voltage at DC link is stabilized with the hybrid

system and the loads are protected with DVR. The power
transfer capability is increased in the distribution line. During
the intermittent nature of the SPV, the fuel cell is stabilizing Fig. 4 Layout of PEMFC
the power. The heavy-duty gas turbine power generation will
support the base load and peak demand. It will stabilize the
PEMFC One of the most electrochemical devices, which
DC link voltage. When the peak power demanded in the day
turn chemical power expressing into an electrical power with
time, the integration of the SPV system with fuel cell and
the by-product of water. It contains three major parts such as
HVDGT generator can support and the DC link maintains
fuel, oxidant electrode and an electrolyte squeezing between
constant. The proposed system each module function is
them. The PEMFC can be modelled using the Eq.3 and Eq.4
described in the following section in detail.
2.1. Solar photovoltaic with DC-DC
Enerst = 1.129 − 0.85 * 0.001* (Tcell − 298.15) + 4.3085 *10−5 * T * ln(PH 2 * P02 ) (3)
The SPV system is playing an important role in
providing green power and it is abundant. According to the Vcell = Ecell − η act − ηohm − η mt (4)
principles of the photoelectric effect, SPV system converts
solar power into electrical power. The SPV is integrated with
the DC link through the boost converter as shown in the Where Vcell is the single cell terminal voltage of fuel cell
Fig.3. The maximum power from the solar power is extracted (V), Enernst - Nernst voltage is the voltage across each cell and
using a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) based MPPT technique. is given by thermodynamic principle (V), pH2, pO2 are the
The switching pulse of the DC-DC boost converter is hydrogen and oxygen partial pressures, Tcell -the temperature
analysed with the FLC based MPPT. of fuel cell (K), ηact -activation loss, ηohm –Ohmic loss, ηmt –
mass transfer loss. The PEMFC fuel cell simplified model is
integrated with the DC link for stabilizing the DC link
voltage. The PEMFC fuel cell voltage synchronized with the
DC link and it is consider as a secondary source for the
proposed hybrid system.

2.3. Heavy Duty Gas Turbine (HVDGT) Generator with AC-

DC Converter

Fig. 3. Solar photovoltaic with Boost Converter [19] The HVDGT with uncontrolled AC-DC converter is
integrated with the DC link as shown in the Fig.5. The
The solar PV array model based on the using Eq.1 and HVDGT generator is having two sections. One is the heavy-
Eq.2 duty gas turbine modelling and the other section is regulating
the AC to DC converter output. The immediate response of
n * K *T (1) mechanical power is fed with synchronous generator. The
V pv =
i heavy-duty gas turbine-based generator is used to stabilize
q * ln( sc + 1) the DC link with quick response. It will support the
i pv
maximum demand and provides continuing supply [21].
q * (Vpv + i pv * Rs ) (Vpv + iSC * Rs ) (2)
i pv = i pv − i pvo *[exp( − 1] −
N s * K * Tn Rs

Dharavath and Raglend., Vol.9, No.1, 2019

Where, VL is voltage at the load point, VDVR is DVR

injected voltage and VPCC is the point of common coupling

3. Control Strategies

The control strategies of the proposed hybrid system are

categorized into two modules. One is Fuzzy logic controller
(FLC) based maximum power tracking technique (MPPT)
and another one is a grid synchronization unit. The FLC
based MPPT is extracts the maximum power from the SPV
system. The grid synchronization units contain the combine
control strategy of DVR and voltage source converter. The
control section is described in the following section.
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of Heavy-duty gas turbine based
3.1. Fuzzy logic Controller(FLC) based MPPT Method
synchronous generator
The FLC based MPPT is used for tracking the maximum
In the Fig.5, LVG stands for the low value gate, Vmax & power and efficient utilization solar power. The FLC based
Vmin are the Maximum and minimum valve position,Vref MPPT generate the switching pulses to boost converter as
desired voltage of stator terminal, Vstab stabilized voltage of shown in the Fig.7. In the FLC based MPPT, the ratio of
power system Vd, Vq are the terminal voltage. Vf is the field change in power to change in voltage (called as a fuzzy
voltage of synchronous machine block. T1 = 10 sec, T2 = 0.1 factor) as an error signal (Eo) and it is zero at the maximum
sec and T3 = 3 sec are time constant of valve, fuel system and power point. For desired response, the fuzzy inputs are
combustor delay, Kt =1 and Kr = 0.04 are the gain of the considered as the error and the change in error signals are
turbine and fuel system respectively, Dturb = 0.03 is turbine obtained using Eq.6 and Eq.7.
constant Pmech is the turbine output power [22].
Ppv (i ) − Ppv (i − 1) (6)
E (i ) =
2.4. Three Phase Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) V pv (i ) − V pv (i − 1)

The DVR is injecting the voltage in quadrant with the ΔE (i ) = E (i ) − E (i − 1) (7)

line and is placed in series in the distribution line through the
series connected transformer as shown in the Fig.6. The where E(i) is the error, ∆E - Change in the ratio error, ∆P-
three-phase DVR is directly integrated with the DC link of Change in power(W), ∆V- Change in voltage(V), E(i-1) is
the proposed systems and it doesn’t require any storage error in the previous state, PPV(i)- Instant power(W), PPV(i-
device or large size capacitor. 1)- Previous state instantaneous power(W), VPV(i)– Instant
Voltage(V), VPV(i-1) - Previous instant voltage(V).

Fig. 6. Layout of three phase Dynamic Voltage restorers

The combine control switching strategy is generating the

switching pulses to DVR by taking the reference of line
voltage and DC link voltage. The stabilized load voltage is
given by Eq.5. Fig. 7. Fuzzy based MPPT tracking [21]

VL = VDVR + VPCC (5)

Dharavath and Raglend., Vol.9, No.1, 2019

The behavior of three phase voltage calculated using

park’s transformation in the following way

⎡ 2π 4π ⎤
⎡Vd ⎤ ⎢ cos(θ ) cos(θ − 3 ) cos(θ − 3 )⎥
⎡Va ⎤
⎢ ⎥ 2 ⎢ 2π 4π ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ (8)
⎢Vq ⎥ = 3 × − sin(θ ) sin(θ − 3 ) sin(θ − 3 ) × ⎢Vb ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎥ ⎢⎣Vc ⎥⎦
⎢V ⎥
⎣ o⎦ ⎢ 1 1 1
⎢ 2 2 2 ⎥
⎣ ⎦

⎡ ⎤
Fig. 8. Fuzzy logic controller surface viewer V
⎡ a⎤ ⎢ cos( θ ) − sin(θ ) 1⎥ ⎡V ⎤
⎢V ⎥ = cos(θ − 2π ) − sin(θ − 2π ) 1⎥ × ⎢V ⎥

The boost converter duty cycle is regulated using the ⎢ b⎥ ⎢ 3 3
⎥ ⎢ q⎥
fuzzy factor in obtaining the maximum power from the SPV ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢cos(θ + 2π ) − sin(θ + 2π ) 1⎥ ⎣Vo ⎦
⎢⎣Vc ⎥⎦
system. The maximum power from the solar is obtained
using a fuzzy rule viewer. The membership functions of ⎢⎣ 3 3 ⎥⎦
fuzzy logic controller are modulated, and the output as
shown in Fig.8. The switching function of the boost Where Va, Vb, Vc are the PCC voltages. Vabc reference
converter is regulated using the FLC based MPPT method. generator generates the switching pulses for the voltage
This control switching function helps in achieving DC link source converter connected at PCC through the pulse width
voltage. modulation generator. These switching pulses are regulating
the voltage source converter output and are synchronized
3.2. Grid Synchronization Control Unit with the grid voltage. The dynamic voltage restorer control
unit contains PLL unit, PI controller and three-phase to two
The grid synchronization unit is regulating the switching phase transformation vice-versa. The control unit stabilizes
pulses of voltage source converter and DVR as shown in the the load voltage through the PI controller. The three-phase
Fig.9. Grid synchronization unit synchronizes the DC link- voltage is analyzed with inverse park transformation using
based hybrid generation with the grid voltage through the Eq.9. Similarly, the three phase’s current is measured with
three phase three level voltage source converter. The Grid current sensor and is analyzed with parks transformation.
control unit contains the current regulator, phase locked loop The switching pulses of DVR are regulated through the PI
(PLL) and measurement, voltage regulator and voltage controller and these pulses are given to three phase voltage
reference generator. The PCC voltage, currents are source converters of the DVR. The grid synchronization unit
monitored through the voltage, current sensor respectively. monitor the grid connected voltage source converter and
The measured voltage (Vabc) and currents (Iabc) are regulated DVR.
by the reference quantity with the help of PLL and current
regulator. 4. Simulink Results

The hybrid generation of SPV source is the primary

source for supplying the power during the day. The SPV with
boost converter specification is mentioned in the Tab.1. The
dynamic irradiance, temperature is considered for the
simulation of SPV system.

Table 1. Solar PV array with boost converter Specification

Si.No. Name of the Parameter Rating

1. Solar Parallel strings 02
Fig. 9. Grid synchronization units 2. Solar Series module per string 08
3. Solar PV Array Open Circuit Voltage 37.3V
The PLL is used to calculate the magnitude and phase 4. Solar PV current at Short circuit 8.66A
separately without taking input and it will help in the 5. Voltage at MPP 30.7V
synchronization process. The voltage regulator regulates the 6. Current at MPP 8.15A
voltage at DC link based on the reference DC link voltage. 7. Capacitor at solar PV 212.33µF
The current regulator with feed forward path monitore the 8. Boost converter switching frequency 5kHz
active and reactive power of grid. It regulate the swiching 9. Boost Inductor 2mH
pulses of the grid conncted inverter through the pulse width 10. Boost Capacitor 35.211µF
modulation generator. 11. Inverter DC link Voltage 720V
12. AC Load 5kW,230V

Dharavath and Raglend., Vol.9, No.1, 2019

The solar irradiance varies from 1000W/m2 to 250 W/m2

at t=0.05sec and then at t=0.2sec irradiance varies 250 W/m2
to 1000 W/m2 as shown in the Fig.10. The temperature also
varied from 25oc to 50oc at t=0.25sec. Due to dynamic
variation in the temperature and irradiance, the SPV power is
becoming intermittent. The solar power is stabilized with
integration of battery, fuel cell and HVDT. This hybrid
generation maintains the constant voltage at DC link, which
is represented in the Fig.11.

Fig. 12. Heavy duty gas turbine-based generator speed,
Fig. 10. Dynamic Irradiances and Temperature current, active power, reactive power and load angle

Fig. 11. DC link voltage

The voltage at the DC link maintained constant even

under dynamic variation in of the integrated sources. The
battery and fuel cell are designed with the rating of DC link
voltage. The HVDT gas turbine generator is integrated at the Fig. 13. Voltage under the dynamic condition of load
DC link with the help of AC-DC converter and it used as a
base load power supply. The performance of HVDT gas The hybrid generation-based DC link power is
turbine is shown in the Fig.12. It will maintain the stabilized integrated with the grid through the point of common
active and reactive power within the short time. From the coupling (PCC) using the DC to AC converter. The PCC is
characteristic of the HVDT gas turbine is observed that the fed to the load through the DVR. The voltage sag is created
response is very quick and maintain the balanced current.
during the interval t=0.3sec to 0.37sec is represented in the
The corresponding load angle of HVDT gas generator is also
shown and its DC link support for maintaining the constant Fig.13. The voltage sag under fault condition is shown in the
voltage. Fig.14. The Fig.15 shows the DVR injected voltage.

Dharavath and Raglend., Vol.9, No.1, 2019

Fig. 14. The load voltage under fault condition

Fig. 17. Load Current

Fig. 15. DVR compensated voltage

Fig. 18. THD of Load Voltage

The DVR is protecting the sensitive load by maintaining

the balanced voltage at the load point is shown in the Fig.16.
The voltage is stabilized during sags in the interval t=0.3sec
Fig. 16. Load voltages with DVR
to 0.36 sec. The voltage is maintaining balance during the
source and load variation. The proposed system is providing
continues power. The total harmonic distortion of the load
current and voltage are within the limit as per IEEE-519
standard as shown in the Fig.17 and Fig.18.

Dharavath and Raglend., Vol.9, No.1, 2019

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