Jurnal 7
Jurnal 7
Jurnal 7
Context: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with increased risk of endometrial cancer.
This is usually explained by chronic anovulation and deficient progesterone activity. However, the
role of progesterone receptors (PRs) in endometrial proliferation is unclear.
Participants: Twenty obese women with PCOS and 10 age- and body mass index–matched regularly
menstruating controls.
Main Outcome Measures: Endometrial messenger RNA (mRNA) levels and immunostaining of the
nuclear PRs A (PRA) and B (PRB), nongenomic progesterone receptor membrane component
1 (PGRMC1) and 2 (PGRMC2), and proliferation marker Ki67.
Results: Before lifestyle intervention, mRNA expression of PRAB was lower while PRB was higher in
proliferative endometrium of obese women with PCOS compared with controls (P , 0.05). After
lifestyle intervention and weight loss, mRNA expression of PRAB was still low but PRB mRNA de-
creased and was not different to controls in proliferative endometrium (P , 0.01). The subgroup of
PCOS women who remained anovulatory displayed higher protein levels of PRB, PGRMC1,
PGRMC2 and of the proliferative marker Ki67 on cycle days 21 to 23 than controls (P , 0.05). In
contrast, the subgroup of PCOS women with confirmed ovulation showed immunostaining, in-
cluding Ki67, in secretory endometrium that was not different to controls, except for higher PRA
(P , 0.05).
Conclusions: Lifestyle intervention improves, but not fully restores PR expression and decreases prolif-
eration in secretory endometrium of obese PCOS women. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 102: 1244–1253, 2017)
olycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous anovulation, hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries. In the
P endocrine metabolic disorder (1, 2). It affects about
10% of fertile age women and is characterized by chronic
long term, PCOS is associated with an increased incidence
of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer (3). The endometrial
ISSN Print 0021-972X ISSN Online 1945-7197 Abbreviations: E%, percentage of energy; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; LC-MS/MS,
Printed in USA liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry; LH, luteinizing hormone; mRNA,
Copyright © 2017 Endocrine Society messenger RNA; OB-C, obese women without polycystic ovary syndrome (controls); OB-
Received 1 September 2016. Accepted 16 December 2016. PCOS, obese women with polycystic ovarian syndrome; PCOS, polycystic ovarian syn-
First Published Online 20 December 2016 drome; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PGRMC1, progesterone receptor membrane
component 1; PGRMC2, progesterone receptor membrane component 2; PR, pro-
gesterone receptor; PRA, nuclear progesterone receptor A; PRB, nuclear progesterone
receptor B; SHBG, sex hormone-binding globulin.
1244 https://academic.oup.com/jcem J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2017, 102(4):1244–1253 doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-3155
doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-3155 https://academic.oup.com/jcem 1245
abnormalities have been attributed to chronic anovulation, estrogen and androgen receptors in women with PCOS
a lack of progesterone, and, therefore, unopposed estrogen (15). The effect of lifestyle changes on the endometrial
stimulation of the tissue (3). expression of PRs and proliferation is not known. The
Progesterone protects the endometrium from estrogen- aim of the present study was to investigate genomic and
stimulated proliferation via genomic pathways by the nongenomic PRs in relation to proliferation, as de-
nuclear progesterone receptors (PRs) A and B (PRA and termined by the proliferation marker Ki67, in the en-
PRB) and via more rapid, nongenomic pathways such as dometrium of women with PCOS.
progesterone receptor membrane component (PGRMC)
1 and PGRMC2 (4, 5). The expression of both PRA and Materials and Methods
PRB in epithelial cells of the endometrium increases
acetate, 10 mg/d for 7 days). The women in the OB-C group computer with an image analysis system (Leica Imaging System
were examined once, during a single menstrual cycle on cycle Ltd., Cambridge, UK) were used. Cytosolic immunostaining
days 6 to 8 and 21 to 23. A fasting blood sample was collected was evaluated using the manual scoring, which was performed
at the same time from a peripheral vein and stored at 270°C by 2 of us who were blinded to the group and order of sampling.
for analysis of hormones and binding proteins. A gyneco- For manual scoring, a 4-point grading scale was used: 2, neg-
logical examination, including transvaginal ultrasonography, ative; +, faint; ++, moderate; and +++, strong immunostaining.
was performed by the same investigator (A.L.H.) using
Sonoline SL-250 equipment (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Serum analyses
Erlangen, Germany). After local anesthesia, biopsy specimens Serum concentrations of testosterone were analyzed using
were collected using an endometrial suction curette (Pipet liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
Curet; CooperSurgical, Trumbull, CT). (19). Free testosterone was calculated from the serum con-
During the lifestyle intervention, the menstrual pattern of
Table 1. Clinical Characteristics, Endocrinological Variables, and Relative mRNA Levels of Progesterone
Receptors and Protein Expression of Ki67 on Cycle Days 6 to 8 in Obese Women with PCOS and BMI-Matched
Variable OB-PCOSa (n = 18) OB-C (n = 10)
Patient characteristics
Age, yrb 28.2 6 4.9 33.5 6 3.4
BMI, kg/m2b 37.4 6 5.4 34.0 6 5.1
Endometrial thickness, mmb 5.6 6 2.2 5.2 6 1.3
Endocrinological variables
LH, IU/Lb 4.6 6 1.6 4.9 6 2.0
FSH, IU/Lb 5.1 6 1.1c 7.3 6 2.9
controls (Table 1). No statistically significant differences expected, the serum progesterone levels were higher in the
were found in either PGRMC1 mRNA or PGRMC2 OB-PCOS women with a confirmed luteal phase than in
mRNA levels between groups. Furthermore, we found no the OB-PCOS women with no luteal phase (Supplemental
substantial differences in immunostaining between the Table 3) (14, 15).
groups for any of the proteins examined (data not shown),
including the proliferative marker Ki67 (Table 1). Gene expression on cycle days 6 to 8 and 21 to 23
No substantial changes were found in PR expression in
the whole group of PCOS women on cycle days 6 to 8
After lifestyle intervention
after the lifestyle intervention (Supplemental Table 4).
Clinical characteristics Moreover, mRNA expression of PRAB and PRAB/B
After the lifestyle intervention, body weight was sig- in proliferative endometrium (cycle days 6 to 8) was still
nificantly reduced in the OB-PCOS women (average lower in the women with PCOS after the lifestyle intervention
of 5%), 6 OB-PCOS women had confirmed ovulation (P , 0.01 and P , 0.001, respectively). However, expression
and luteal phase at cycle days 21 to 23, and 12 of the 18 of PRB mRNA had changed and was no longer signif-
OB-PCOS women were still anovulatory. As previously icantly different from that of the controls on cycle days
reported (14, 15), OB-PCOS women with no luteal phase 6 to 8.
had higher serum levels of LH and FSH and lower levels Figure 1 shows the gene expression of PRs on cycle
of SHBG, estradiol, and progesterone on cycle days 21 to days 6 to 8 and 21 to 23 in the endometrium of the
23 compared with the OB-PCOS and OB-C groups with a OB-PCOS women with no luteal phase (n = 12), OB-
confirmed luteal phase (Supplemental Table 3) (14, 15). PCOS women with a confirmed luteal phase (n = 6), and
However, the serum levels of total testosterone were still the control group. In the control group (OB-C), endo-
higher in both subgroups of OB-PCOS women compared metrial mRNA expression of PRAB, PRB, and PGRMC1
with the OB-C group (Supplemental Table 3) (14, 15). As was lower on cycle days 21 to 23 compared with days 6 to 8
1248 Paulson et al Progesterone Receptors in Women With PCOS J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2017, 102(4):1244–1253
Figure 1. Relative mRNA expression of the nuclear receptors PRAB, PRB, PRAB/B ratio and the nongenomic receptors PGRMC1 and PGRMC2 after Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-abstract/102/4/1244/3109069 by guest on 27 March 2019
lifestyle intervention on cycle days 6 to 8 and 21 to 23 in the endometrium of obese women with PCOS and no luteal phase (OB-PCOS, no luteal phase,
n = 12), obese women with PCOS and a confirmed luteal phase (OB-PCOS, confirmed luteal phase, n = 6), and age- and BMI-matched controls (OB-C,
confirmed luteal phase, n = 10). Box and whisker plots represent the median and interquartile range (25th to 75th percentile). *P , 0.05, **P , 0.01,
***P , 0.001 indicating differences within groups; boxes with different letters indicate differences between groups (P , 0.05).
(Fig. 1). In contrast, no substantial changes in these mRNA In the OB-PCOS group with no luteal phase, endo-
levels were evident between cycle days in the subgroups of metrial expression of PRAB, PRB, and PGRMC1 was
OB-PCOS women without or with a confirmed luteal higher and PRAB/B was lower on cycle days 21 to 23
phase. The only exception was PGRMC2 mRNA ex- compared with the controls (Fig. 1). In the OB-PCOS
pression, which was increased in the group of OB-PCOS group with a confirmed luteal phase, mRNA expression
women with a confirmed luteal phase and was higher than of PRAB and PRB was in between that of the other 2
that in the OB-PCOS women with no luteal phase. groups and not significantly different from that in either
However, PGRMC2 mRNA expression was not different the OB-PCOS women with no luteal phase or that in the
from that seen in the controls (Fig. 1). controls (Fig. 1). However, mRNA expression of PRAB/B
doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-3155 https://academic.oup.com/jcem 1249
Figure 3. Immunohistochemistry scores of PRA, PRB, and Ki67, evaluated by image analyses, and PGRMC1 and PGRMC2, evaluated by manual
scoring, in the endometrial stroma, glandular epithelium (GE), and luminal epithelium (LE) on cycle days 21 to 23 of obese PCOS women with no
luteal phase (OB-PCOS, no luteal phase, n = 10), PCOS women with a confirmed luteal phase (OB-PCOS, confirmed luteal phase, n = 6), and
obese controls with a confirmed luteal phase (OB-C, confirmed luteal phase, n = 10). Box and whisker plots represent the median and interquartile
range (25th to 75th percentile). Different letters indicate differences between groups (P , 0.05).
proliferation (3). Because progesterone action could be impaired receptivity and contribute to the reduced fer-
mediated via both nuclear and membrane-bound PRs, tility, endometrial hyperplasia, and cancer in obese
altered expression of these receptors might indicate women with PCOS. However, little is known about the
doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-3155 https://academic.oup.com/jcem 1251
progesterone production in this group of women (5). but does not fully restore, the expression of PRs in the
However, the regulation and role of PGRMC1 and endometrium of obese women with PCOS. We propose
PGRMC2 in the endometrium of women with PCOS that impaired progesterone action in the endometrium
remain to be determined. can lead to proliferative abnormalities and an increased
Activation of progesterone signaling affects the gene risk of cancer in women with PCOS.
expression pattern in the endometrium and its proliferative
activity (9). In our study, the anovulatory OB-PCOS Acknowledgments
women exhibited lower endometrial mRNA expression
We are grateful to Åsa Nybacka, Department of Clinical Nu-
of the progesterone regulated gene S100P on cycle days 21
trition and Dietetics, for supervising and supporting the women
to 23. In contrast, in the subgroup of PCOS women with to change their dietary habits. We thank Lotta Blomberg, Siv
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