Axis Drive Systems PDF
Axis Drive Systems PDF
Axis Drive Systems PDF
Amplifier Chassis All of the amplifier chassis that Fadal uses have the same basic operation.
The inputs to the chassis consist of Power input, which is either 86 VAC 3
phase or 120 VAC single phase, for DC machine and 230 VAC 3 phase, for AC
machines, 120 VAC Fan (1100-1 TB2-1 & TB2-2) and a Control Signal 120
VAC (1100-1 TB1-8 & TB1-9). The Fan input is a 120 VAC to run the fans on
the chassis and will be on whenever the machine is powered up. This input is
fused on the 1100-1 Power Distribution Board with F23. The Control Signal is
120 VAC that activates the chassis’ solid-state relays to allow the Power input
to flow to the Bridge Rectifiers to convert the AC input to DC voltage for
Amplifier power. This control signal comes from the 1100-1 TB1-8 and TB1-9
(this is the E-stop circuit amplifier controller enable signal from K2). From the
rectifiers, the voltage is filtered by the large blue capacitor or bank of capacitors
with a bleeder resistor.
The amplifier chassis bus voltage is measured across the blue capacitor or
bank of capacitors and should about 120 VDC for 3 phase input DC amps, 160
VDC for single phase input and 320 VDC for AC amps.
Troubleshooting the If the amplifier chassis bus voltage is too low or zero, then check:
Amplifier Chassis
1. The power voltage input.
2. The control voltage input.
3. The fuses on the inputs to the chassis.
4. Disconnect the amplifiers (caution, do not allow the wires to touch any
metal) and measure the bus voltage. If the voltage is good then one of the
amplifiers is pulling the voltage down.
5. The solid state relays (see instructions).
6. The bridge rectifier (see instructions).
7. The capacitor(s).
Testing Instructions:
All the measurements performed in this instruction will be using the black lead
(negative lead) in the common input. The red lead (positive lead) is the Volt,
Ohm, Diode input.
Solid State Relay With the relay disconnected from the circuit and the multimeter set to the Diode
position, the contact side will read 6 to 8 Megohms and the control side will
read an open, or OL on the meter, with the leads measuring one way. Swap the
leads and about 1.5 Megohms will be read.
Check the circuit and verify that the control input is about 120 VAC and then
check the output side, which connects to the bridge rectifier for the 3 phase
power voltage. Both readings will be approximately the same.
Bridge Rectifier The rectifiers have two AC inputs, and two DC outputs (+DC and –DC). They are
marked by the terminals or they have a cutoff corner by the +DC output. With
the rectifier removed from the circuit and the multimeter set to read Ohms,
place the black lead on the +DC and the red lead on the AC input or the black
lead on the AC input and the red lead on the –DC. The meter will read 1 to 2
Megohms. With the Red lead on the +DC and the black lead on the AC input or
the black lead on the -DC and the red lead on the AC input, an open will be
The next three pages have the wiring diagrams for the chassis that are installed
in the Fadal VMCs.
AC Brushless
Chassis Diagram
Both DC and AC axis drive amplifiers are Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) type.
PWM is a method to output high current efficiently.
For the DC drives this is achieved by turning the power transistor on to full
voltage output and then turning them off for no voltage output. The width of the
pulse will determine the output average current that drives the motor. The
process is done very fast to eliminate audible noise but the speed creates more
electrical noise. When the amount of time the pulse is turned on is increased
the average current is increased. If the time that the pulse is turned on is
decreased the average current is decreased. The width of each pulse is the
same so that a DC output is obtained. The output current is filtered to remove
the electrical noise. Then the signal is outputted to the motor, through choke
coils on some chassis. A DC tachometer is used to monitor the motor velocity.
The tach outputs a DC voltage to represent a speed in RPMs that is 7 VDC per
1000 RPM. A resolver is used to feedback the position. The resolver has two
input signals generated by the Clock Board, they are called SIN and COS and
are 10 VAC peak to peak (about 3.54 VAC on a meter). The resolver uses these
two to generate a third signal. Resolver signal is 5 VAC peak to peak (about
1.77 VAC on a meter). Each Axis Controller board receives the resolver signal
at J2 bullet connector. This voltage can be checked at this point. The voltage
must very close or there may be a problem with it. The controller compares the
SIN and resolver signals to determine the position.
For the AC drives, this is achieved by turning the power transistors on to full
voltage output and then turning them off for no voltage output. The width of the
pulse will determine the output average current that drives the motor.
By varying the pulse slightly from pulse to pulse and using both positive and
negative voltage an AC signal can be obtained. The process is done on three
lines, each 120 degrees out of phase with each other. The axis motors are
three phase motors. The frequency of the three phase input signal determines
the RPM of the motor, the current determines the torque and the phasing
determines the direction of rotation. An incremental encoder provides position
information from the motor. It operates with light source through a focus lens
through rotating glass disk with precision etched lines through a light mask to
two photoelectric cells offset 90 degrees from each other. This creates 5 volt
square waves A,/A,B,/B. A and /A are 180 degrees out of phase as well as B
and /B are 180 degrees out of phase. A and B are 90 degrees out of phase, by
counting the pulses the position can be determined and the direction is
determined by is A or B the first signal. This information is sent to the controller
board. The 3 phase input from the hall effect (U,V,W) returns the rotor position
feedback for the amplifier to compensate the magnetic fields to optimize the
Both amps have a output of 10 VDC used for the fault signal in the E-stop
circuit. They all also have inputs from the controller commanding speed and
DC Axis Drive
Note: Set the master feedrate clock before beginning this procedure. The Position
Loop Gain and Master Feedrate Clock are interrelated.
3) At the amplifier to be adjusted, use a small screwdriver and turn the SIG2
potentiometer until the monitor’s display of the appropriate axis reads the
following error: 595 - inch ballscrew / 302 - metric ballscrew.
4) Press the SLIDE HOLD button on the keypad and adjust the balance of the
amplifier to read between 0 - 1.
5) Press the START button on the keypad and the program will start again.
Verify that the following error is still 595 or 302.
6) Press the SLIDE HOLD key to stop the machine. Press the MANUAL key and
then type SETCS and HO, to send the machine home. Adjustment of the
amplifier is complete. Repeat the procedure for all axes.
Axis Software To improve the floor finish using G8 command, the default Contouring Gain has
Version AC0017-5 been changed. The Position Loop Gain #5911 program now requires different
for AC Drive VMCs amplifier settings than previous axis software. VMC 6535 and 8535 also are
set at different values from the other machines.
The Rapid Gain for the VMC6535 and 8535 is different from other 900 IPM
machines. The Following Error will be around 3200 for X and Y axes in G0.
Procedure for This procedure has been changed from earlier versions and is applicable when
Setting Loop Gain AC0017-5 is installed on the Controller Cards. While amplifier adjustments may
not require any changes when removing earlier software and installing
AC0017, the adjustments should be verified.
N1 L100
N2 X-6. Y-6. Z-6. F150. G1 G91
N3 X6. Y6. Z6.
N4 M17
N5 M30
N6 M49 M91 (M91 sets the Normal Gain, and is important with AC0017-5)
N7 L101.1
N8 M2
Following the procedure for POSITION LOOP GAIN, please note the changes
below. The Following Error displayed will not be the same as earlier versions of
AC axis software when the AXIS DISPLAY Parameter in SETP is set to ERR.
M92 can be used to increase gain for crisper performance. This is identical to
M90Pxxx can be used to MODIFY gain where xxx represents the GAIN
MODIFICATION FACTOR. The value used may range from 50 to 200, and is
modal until POWER OFF, or until changed with another M90Pxxx, M91, or M92
command. This allows the user to freely select any appropriate gain value, and
restore to the DEFAULT gain with M91, assuring flexibility over the performance
of the machine.
Setting Cold Start Cold start the VMC. The axis motors are now at their index marks. The VMC
Position cold start indicators may be misaligned. The following procedure will measure
the offset value.
1) Use a tape measure to measure the length of the table. Mark the center
point with a marker or pen. Measure the table again, except, this time start
measuring from the other end of the table. Mark that point.
2) Remove the cover from the X axis motor. Loosen the three screws that are
securing the resolver.
3) Put a small drill into the spindle and jog the head down until the drill is
approximately .100”[2.54mm] above the table. Move the X axis in either
direction, by turning the resolver, until the drill is centered between the two
marks that were made in step #1.
4) Tighten the three screws on the resolver and replace the motor cover.
1) Press the MANUAL button until ENTER NEXT COMMAND is displayed. Type
Ho, press the ENTER button, and then press the START button. This will
send the machine back to the original cold start position.
2) Put a .0005”[.001mm] indicator into a tool holder and insert the tool holder
into the spindle. Jog the Z axis and the Y axis until the indicator is centered
inside the center T-SLOT, while rotating the tool holder.
3) Remove the cover from the Y axis motor and loosen the three screws that
are securing the resolver.
4) Turn the resolver on the Y axis as needed, to position the indicator so that it
reads the same value on both sides of the T-SLOT, while rotating the tool
5) Tighten the three screws on the resolver and replace the motor cover.
Refer to the Automatic Tool Changers Section for procedures on setting the Z
axis cold start.
3) Remove the orange connector or disconnect signal wires on the front of the
faulty card.
5) Using a long phillips screw driver, loosen the two screws securing the
amplifier to the chassis. Slide the amp to the other side and remove.
7) Reconnect the orange connector or signal wires on the front of the new
card making sure that they are installed on the correct terminals.
8) Connect the Power and Motor wires, insuring their correct position.
9) Turn the Loop Gain and Current Limit potentiometers fully clockwise.
Setting Gain For The Using software to set the gain enables the user to change gain setting on the
1010-5 fly in their part program.
We recommend that the gain be set to normal at all times in the SV and if high
gain is desired use the M codes described below in the part program.
Verify The Gain 1) Return the machine to its COLD START position.
Setting In The SV
2) At the prompt “ENTER NEXT COMMAND”, type SV, which will start the
survey program.
3) Next select the X axis, and when the menu appears select #2 from the
menu. This will read the current settings on the axis controller.
4) After reading the axis controller settings, the CNC will display the current
gain setting. Menu selection #6 should read “CURRENTLY = NORMAL.”
5) If the gain setting is not set to NORMAL select #6 from the menu and then
press 0 to select normal gain. After selecting the gain, press selection #3 to
write the setting back to the axis controller.
Changes to the setting must be written back to the axis controller or they
! will not be permanent.
6) Once the X axis has been verified do the same for all the other axes.
AC Drive Systems
Amplifier Chassis
Wago connector on bottom . . . . . . . . . . (L1,L2,L3, 4,5 (120VAC for SSR), 6,7
(120VAC fans)
Amplifier sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X, Y, Z, A, B (from top)
Fuse sequence on power supply . . . . . . X, Y, Z, A, B (from front to back)
Supply voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230 VAC 3phase
Bus voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325 VDC
Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30A peak (3 sec.) 19A continuous
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LSECB trips for anything above 9A for
longer than 3 sec.
Bus Capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1500 uF 450 V
Regen (if equipped):
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .On 400 VDC
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Off 350 VDC
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fault 450 VDC
Physical Layout
R S T B+ B- feedback encoder
Signals Speed Test Points*
from motor to 1010 Command
Comp. Pot**
Signal Pot
Hall Encoder Index Balance OT OV LSECB HSECB RUN
Error Error Mark Pot
Signals Connector (from left) See pinout descriptions for 8-pin Molex
Absolute Current Output
Fault I/O
Total Inhibit
- Limit Switch
+ Limit Switch
+12V output
3 Pots:
Balance 10 turn pot
Top Row:
Foldback Red(OC folds back to continuous after 2 secs.)
Enc. Error Red(solid red for encoder error;
blinking if amp returns to trap mode)
Index Mark Green
Bottom Row:
Over Temp Red(motor or amplifier)
Over Voltage Red(high speed overcurrent or bus over-
Run (or ON) Green
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . COM . . . . . . . . . . . . . black
8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COM . . . . . . . . . . . . .black
9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .brown
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .yellow
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENC.ERR. . . . . . . . . . purple
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nc
13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nc
14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .gray
15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tan
16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .brown
17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEMP . . . . . . . . . . . .dark blue
18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +5V . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pink
19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COM . . . . . . . . . . . . .black
20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHIELD
Test Points:
AC Axis Adjustments Before adjusting any amplifiers, verify that scale cables (if applicable) are
disconnected. If they are not disconnected, power down the machine,
disconnect the cables, and then power up the machine.
3) To adjust the Gain and Balance, the following program will be used:
The Signal gain and Balance can be set for either metric or inch pitch
1) Use a Multimeter set for VDC. Attach the black lead to the signal - (COM)
and the red lead to the signal +.
2) Start the program and adjust the Signal Gain potentiometer until the
multimeter reads 1.470VDC.
4) When the above steps have been completed, the monitor will read 302 for
the following error.
1) Use a Multimeter set for VDC. Attach the black lead to the signal - (COM)
and the red lead to the signal +.
2) Start the program and adjust the Signal Gain potentiometer until the
multimeter reads 2.880VDC.
4) When the above steps have been completed, the monitor will read 595 for
the following error.
Note: The following amplifier adjustments are made with the VMC set to INCH.
Use the parameters page (SETP) to verify or change modes.
Axis Card Adjusting the amplifiers with the axis cards is done by using the red Light
Adjustments Emitting Diodes (LEDs) while adjusting the potentiometers. In order to use this
method, the axis cards must have software version AC0003-5 or higher.
1) Press the MANUAL button until the ENTER NEXT COMMAND screen is
2) Type DI and press the ENTER button. Type DL, and press the ENTER
button. This will display the percentage of load, instead of the axis following
error, in 1% increments. This command prepares the axis card for
balancing the amplifiers.
3) Press the MANUAL button to return to the ENTER NEXT COMMAND mode.
Observe the red LED on the axis card. If the light is on or is blinking, the
amplifier is not properly balanced.
4) Turn the Balance potentiometer, on the amplifier, until the LED goes out.
The slower the light blinks, the closer the amp is to the balance point. If the
LED starts blinking faster, the potentiometer is being turned the wrong way.
Signal Gain
1) After the balance has been adjusted, the Signal Gain must be adjusted.
Change the program that was entered on the previous page to read as
2) Start the program. With the program running, observe the red LED on the
axis card The red LED should not be on. When the axis changes direction
the LED will come on for a brief interval and go out until the next change of
direction. Adjust the Signal Gain on the axis amplifier, until the light goes
out. If the light goes out in one direction, but not the other, the balance will
have to be adjusted again.
3) Perform the Balance and Signal Gain adjustments on the remaining axes. If
the desired feed rate for adjustment purposes is 25 ipm (F25), mm pitch
ballscrews will have a following error of 50 and Inch pitch ballscrews will
have a following error of 100. Rotary tables will always have a 2000ipm
feed rate for 90:1 ratios and 1000ipm for 180:1 ratio and a 680 following
error. If the VMC is being adjusted for rotary dies, using a feed rate of 150
ipm, the following error for the X,Y, and Z axes is 465. The following error
for 25 ipm is 78. The A and B axis still use a 2000 ipm feed rate. The
following error is 540.
SV Command The survey command (SV) is a utility that manages the axis compensation
data. Each axis controller card stores the screw compensation, the zero offset,
and the servo gain settings. To view or edit data, you must use the SV
Using SV The previously used SV utility program was replaced in System 98 with a more
advanced and easier to use editing utility screen. When entering the survey
menu (type SV at the ENTER NEXT COMMAND prompt), the survey menu now
automatically loads the survey into memory, starting with the default X Axis
survey. If no survey exists, a new empty survey will be created. The survey is
then automatically displayed on the screen in groups of 40 values at a time. If
more than 40 values in any given survey exists, there will be an additional
option located at the bottom of the first column called SURVEY VALUES. This
option will allow the user to toggle between Page 1 (the first 40 values) and
Page 2 (the remaining values), of the survey. The zero offset and gain options
are also displayed on the bottom of the first column.
Review or Change To edit any values, the user must move a cursor, defined by an asterisk (*)
Survey symbol, around the screen. This cursor may be moved up, down, left, or right
by pressing the U, ENTER, D, BACKSPACE or the L and R keys respectively. To
change the axis that is currently being displayed, the user must move the
selector cursor to the currently selected axis located at the top of the first
column. At this point, the user will be prompted with an ENTER AXIS ID prompt.
The user may now type in the desired axis (X, Y, Z, A, or B).
The actual survey values may be altered by moving the selector cursor to the
desired index location and then typing in the corresponding value. The editor
will then place the value in the correct location and will check for errors. Errors
will occur if the difference in the values of two adjacent indexes is greater than
9. If errors are found, the brackets around the index value will change from
square brackets,[ ], to round brackets, ( ). All of the numerical errors must be
corrected before the user is enabled to exit the menu.The menu may be exited
by pressing the MANUAL key, or by selecting another axis in the survey menu.
Two new editing features have been added to help speed up the process of
entering similar index values. The first feature, called the ALL command, is
invoked by pressing the A button while the selector cursor is located on any
index value. This command will give all of the indexes following the currently
selected index the same value as that index. If, for example, the last 10 survey
values all had the value of 1, the user may type the first 1, move the selector
cursor back up to that value, and press the A button. The last 9 indexes will
now have the same value as the selected index.
The second feature is used if a currently selected index has the same value as
the previous index, then the user may press the space bar to copy the previous
survey value into the current index. This feature may be used when adjacent
index values have the same value.
Determining the Zero Cold start the VMC. With the Zero Offset set to 0, the axis motors are now at
Offset their index marks. The VMC cold start indicators may be misaligned. The
following procedure will measure the offset value.
1) Use a tape measure to measure the length of the table, with the end covers
removed. Mark the center point with a marker or pen. Measure the table
again, except, this time start measuring from the other end of the table.
Mark that point.
2) Put a small drill into the spindle and jog the head down until the drill is
approximately .100” (2.54 mm.) above the table. Move the X axis in either
direction, by turning the resolver, until the drill is centered between the two
marks that were made in step #1.
3) The number on the monitor, in the X axis display, is the offset amount.
Record the value on a sheet of paper.
1) Press the MANUAL button until ENTER NEXT COMMAND is displayed. Type
HO, press the ENTER button, and then press the START button. This will
send the machine back to the cold start position.
2) Put a .0005” indicator into a tool holder and insert the tool holder into the
spindle. Jog the Z axis and the Y axis until the indicator is located in the
center of the T-SLOT of the table.
3) Jog the Y axis as needed to position the indicator so that it reads the same
value on both sides of the T-SLOT, while rotating the tool holder.
Refer to Section One of this maintenance manual for procedures on Z axis cold
Changing the Zero The zero offset is used for scales and AC drives. The zero offset will move the
Offset axis in 0.0001 of an inch (0.00254mm) increments from the cold start position.
To reset the zero offset, follow these steps:
1) In the SV program, move the selector cursor to the Zero Offset Index
position, and enter the value of 0 (zero).
AC-Drive Systems:
Cold Start all 3 axes, and then Jog from the Cold Start position to the
measured position (section 2.2.3). After moving to the measured point, insert
the value, displayed on the monitor, into the SV program at the Zero Offset
Index selection. When entering offsets, use the following examples as a
If the position recorded was .0105, enter 105.
If the position recorded was -.1350, enter -1350.
Scale Systems:
Use the SVT-0081 Encoder Tester (1000 line). Disconnect the scale feedback
cable from the Axis Controller card and connect it to the Encoder Tester.
Connect the Encoder Tester to the spindle controller card for 5-volt power. Cold
Start the axes, and Jog the axis until the closest green index light is seen.
Insert the position value, displayed on the screen, into the SV program at the
Zero Offset Index selection, and change the sign from + to - or from - to +.
Changing Gain The default gain option may be changed by moving the selecting cursor to the
change gain index. Select either normal, intermediate, or maximum gain.
Saving a Survey to A survey may be saved by either exiting out of the survey menu by pressing the
the Axis Control Card Manual key, or by selecting another survey to edit. On exiting, the CNC will
automatically cold start to enable the changes. If a survey has not been altered
before exiting, the CNC will not require a cold start. This new feature allows the
user to go into the survey menu just to look at the current settings, without
having to wait for a cold start when exiting.
If a mistake has been made and a user wants to reload an axis without saving
the changes, move the selector cursor to display the Enter Axis ID prompt. At
this prompt, re-enter the axis that is currently being edited. The message “Do
You Want To Save Survey Before Re-Loading (Y/N)” will appear. Press “N” to
reload the survey without saving the changes.
Copying a Survey To If an axis card needs to be replaced, copying the survey to a new axis card can
A New Axis Control be accomplished by using two new features called the SVREAD and SVWRITE
Card commands. To replace an axis card, follow these steps:
1) Type SVREAD at the Enter Next Command prompt. All of the surveys will
automatically be loaded into memory.
2) Shut off the machine and exchange the axis card to be replaced.
3) Turn the machine back on and type SVWRITE at the ENTER NEXT
COMMAND prompt.
Another method of copying axis surveys is to save them to disk using the PU,5
command. This option may also be used to prevent any accidental losses of
surveys. To load a saved survey from a disk, the user must enter the
diagnostics option (option 7) in the Functions menu. A submenu will appear
with the option, 5-LOAD CONFIGURATION. If this option is invoked, the user will
be asked for the filename of the survey. The survey will now be automatically
loaded and saved. Note that any previously stored survey will be destroyed. To
prevent a user from accidentally loading in a survey, the survey may not be
loaded in through the disk command in the functions menu.
Motor Wiring When installing an axis motor, it is important to wire the motor the same way
that the one before it was wired. If the motor is from a different manufacturer,
use the table below correctly wire that particular model or brand. Each motor
has four wires, two wires for the power and two wires for the tachometer
feedback. Connecting these wires the wrong way will result in axis motor
1) With the machine at the cold start position, depress the Emergency Stop
button and power off the VMC.
2) Remove the four 3/8 hex head bolts holding the axis motor in place.
4) For DC motors, remove the end cap of the motor. For AC motors, remove
the Rose Box cover or disconnect the cannon plugs. If the motor has
cannon plugs, go to section 5.3 for installation instructions.
5) For DC motors, disconnect the two power wires and the two tachometer
wires. For AC motors, disconnect the three wires of the power cable and the
signal cable.
6) Loosen the 45 degree connector and pull all of the wires out of the motor.
1) Verify that the Emergency Stop button is pressed in.
2) For DC motors, remove the end cap of the motor. For AC motors, Remove
the Rose Box cover.
3) Run the machine wires into the new motor. Tighten the 45 degree
connector. For the motors with the cannon plugs, connect the power and
signal cables to the new motor and proceed to step number 5.
4) For DC motors, connect the two power wires and the two tachometer wires
using the DC chart in table 1. For AC motors, connect the three power wires
together (red-red, blue-blue, and black-black or black-white, then connect
the signal cable.
5) Reinstall the axis motor using the four 3/8” hex head screws. Center the
motor during installation.
6) Power on the machine. Release the Emergency Stop button and observe
the motor. If there is any malfunction or axis runaway, depress the
Emergency Stop button.
8) Adjust the axis amplifier (section 1.1 for DC motors and 2.5 for AC motors)
9) Reset the cold start position (DC motors only, see section 1.2).
Resolvers Before proceeding with the following instruction, verify that the VMC is at the
cold start position and the Emergency Stop button is depressed.
1) With the machine at the cold start position, press the Emergency Stop
button and power off the VMC.
2) Remove the four 3/8 hex head bolts holding the axis motor in place.
5) Loosen the three screws that are holding the resolver in place.
6) Remove the two screws that are holding the resolver circuit board to the
7) Rotate the motor shaft so that a 3/32” hex wrench can be inserted into the
top screw on the resolver coupler
1) Insert the resolver into the coupler and hold the resolver flush to the
mounting surface as the coupler screw is tightened.
3) Install and tighten the two screws that hold the resolver circuit board to the
4) Release the Emergency Stop button and cold start the machine. If the
applicable axis is not aligned with the cold start mark after the machine has
been cold started, then refer to section 1.2.
EMC and TRM Way The EMC and TRM model VMC’s must be manually lubed by the owner
Lubrication every 3-6 months depending on use:
d. Grease every lubrication port at the saddle, table, and head. Supply
grease until it comes out from the ball slide or ball nut area.
e. Move saddle, table, and head a few times through full travel to spread
the grease throughout the system.
f. Wipe off excess grease that accumulates at the end of the rails and ball
screw shafts.
Waylube System
New Relief port
(Arrow points away from
Outlet to filter
(No arrow)
USE RECOMENDED WAYLUBE TYPE Castrol Magna BD68, Shell Tonna 68V or
Mobil Vactra Oil #
Operation Note: Frequently clogging components indicate that the wrong waylube is
being used. The recommended waylubes are Castrol Magna BD68, Shell
Tonna 68V or Mobil Vactra Oil #2.
Two waylube systems have been used, the motor-driven piston pump and the
Positive Displacement Injection (PDI). The early linear way VMC 15 models
used hand pumped grease. For these machines use Mobil SHC32 grease and
Bi-weekly grease with 3 to 4 strokes to the ballscrews and 2 strokes to the
ways. Caution: Pump slowly to avoid damaging the lines.
The System Software determines the waylube cycles so both systems will
operate correctly. The operation is as follows:
• One cycle is defined as: ON for 3 minutes 50 seconds and OFF for 10
seconds for a total cycle time of 4 minutes.
• After power on: two 4 minute cycles
• In Auto and not waiting mode: continuously run 4 minute cycles
• Just after exiting Auto: one 4 minute cycle.
• Enter Jog mode: one 4 minute cycle.
The CPU board issues the command to activate waylube. This command goes
to the Computer Interface (1030) and then to the Mill Interface board (1040).
The Mill Interface activates relay K19 on the 1100-2 board which outputs 110
VAC (TB1-11 & RET TB1-12) to the waylube pump.
The Motor-Driven Piston Pump type operates with the 110 VAC input running
a 3 RPM motor. The motor drives some gears which move an arm up and down
to pump the pump. This pump can be pumped manually by pulling up on the
handle and released. The pump then pumps oil through a filter and then on to
the line. The line goes to two junction blocks that output the oil through meters
that restrict the amount of oil to each line to the ways and ballscrews.
The pump is activated for 10 seconds, within the 4 minute cycle, during which
oil is distributed to all of the valves on the junction block assemblies. The pump
sends oil to the filter and then to the junction block assembles, which may
contain several different size valves, at a pressure ratio of 5:1. The valves inject
a measured amount of oil to their respected lines. When the solenoid is
deactivated the pressure is released through a relief valve. When the pressure
drops below 50 psi, a spring inside the valve returns the valve to its at rest
position. This position allows the injector cavity to refill with oil.
PDI Waylube Observe the operation of the PDI Waylube pump throughout a 4-minute cycle
Troubleshooting with axes moving. Proper operation would include 120VAC power ON to the
Observations and VLV-0028 Air Valve on top of the Lubrication Pump for 3 minutes and 50
Tests seconds. This is then followed by a 10 second power OFF to the Air Valve,
during which time the gauge pressure increases to 200-350 PSI (14-24 bar).
Again, the 3 minute 50 second power ON cycle repeats, and the gauge
pressure reduces to 0.
Air Valve Operation If the air valve does not operate, inspect F13 fuse and K19 relay on the 1100-2
board. Use SVT-0104 Test Relay as substitution for K19. If Test Relay shows no
5VDC, then trace 5VDC circuit back to motherboard through 1100-2 / J1-7,
1100-1 / J2-7, 1100-1 / J1-23, and 1060-0 / J7-23 to the 1040-2 card.
Remember that 5VDC relative to ground is present on BOTH legs of the K19
relay until it is energized by the 1040 card pulling one leg to ground. Test for
120VAC at valve coil when energized. If power is OK, then test mechanically by
pressing white button on end of air valve when not energized. Air line output
from valve can be disconnected to check for air flow.
Pump Operation Disconnect output oil lines from gauge, and using a short piece of 5/32 air line,
close output Y fitting by inserting the tubing, one end into each side of the Y.
Cycle pump until pressure builds.
Does pressure now rise and fall from 200-350 PSI and return to 0 as described
above over a 4-minute cycle? If so, then pump operates OK.
Is pressure at or near zero constantly? Then the pump piston may not be
returning to top of the stroke. Disconnect the air supply, and then remove the
threaded stop rod with the plastic cap on it from the top of the pump assembly.
Insert a screwdriver to measure how far down the piston is. It should be at the
top of the stroke).
If piston was not stuck or does not stick at lowest position, then LUB-0051
Choke Valve may have a ruptured diaphragm. Replace LUB-0051.
The newer version of the LUB-0051 Choke Valve releases pressure when the
machine is powered off. This device restricts the strong impulse from the high
pressure of the pump to protect the individual injectors, but also is the relief
valve when the pump is turned off, so that the pressure drops to zero to reset
the injectors.
The problem is that the pressure rises to the maximum when the machine is
powered off, and the constant pressure damages the valve diaphragm when
the machine is not being used. If the valve is damaged, the result then is that
the pressure never climbs to the maximum because the diaphragm leaks, and
no lube flows, or, the pressure never declines below the 50 PSI minimum
because the relief valve is blocked, and the injectors cannot reset.
The newer version has an extra port on it, as shown below, and allows the
pressure to bleed off when the machine is powered off. Installation of the new
Choke Valve is simple. Note that two of the ports are similar, except that a
marked arrow points into the valve on one, or away from the valve on the other.
Thread the port that has the arrow pointing INTO the new Choke Valve onto the
pump’s piston housing. Install the port tube that feeds the lube into the filter
unit onto the ¼ inch compression fitting, (it is different from the other two). The
third port has the arrow pointing AWAY from the Choke Valve and is not
connected to anything at all.
If Waylube Pump is operating OK, and system cannot develop greater than 200
PSI (14 bar), then inspect system for a leak. Inspect under table for ruptured
hose and replace with LUB-0071 or LUB-0073 Waylube Carrier Update kit.
If OK, then one of the PDI Injectors may be leaking. Determine which manifold
is leaking by isolating each section separately. Inspect Injectors for one that is
not seating. Replace LUB-0083, LUB-0084, or LUB-0085 Injector or complete
Manifold assembly.
2) Look behind the rear y-axis chip tray for oil on the base ways.
3) Remove either the left or right way cover on the table to check for oil on the
X axis ways.
2) Loosen each line attached to the manifold. Remove the two attaching bolts
of the manifold. Remove the old manifold and install the new manifold
using the existing attaching bolts. Insert each line and tighten.
2) Power off the machine and lock out the main disconnect. (Both)
5) Remove the oil lines and “Y” fitting from the filter element. (Both)
6) Disconnect the wiring to the solenoid and the float switch. (PDI)
7) Disconnect the wiring to the motor and the float switch. (Motor)
! Tank will come off.
10) Install a new waylube pump assembly and reattach the fitting, “Y” fitting,
and oil lines.
11) Install tank and fill the oil reservoir with Fadal recommended way lube.
12) Connect the wiring to the float switch and solenoid or motor using insulated
14) Manually activate the solenoid to fill the oil lines and filter element
assembly. (PDI)
1) The relay and fuse are located on the 1100-2 power distribution board.
2) The float and solenoid wiring are located on the top of pump. (PDI)
3) The float and motor wiring are located on top of the pump.
Filter Replacement
LUB-0049 Filter Element, PDI B6 889
1) Disconnect the air supply line from the VMC. (PDI)
2) Unscrew the filter element bowl (LUB-0049) and remove the filter. (Both)
4) Install a new filter in the bowl. Fill filter with Fadal recommended way lube
oil and reattach the filter element assembly.
Note: Place plastic bags over the drains of the coolant tank to keep kerosene
out of tank.
1) Replace the external filter on the Bijur way lube pump. (Both)
2) Remove the oil line between the way lube pump and the three port junction
T located near the pump mount.
4) Flush each line individually. Do not try to flush through PDI injection value.
This will destroy them and the motor meter can be flushed through.
Verify that the air regulator is closed.
! 6) Insert the 3/8" hose from the flush pump into a container of grade A
7) Slowly open the air regulator clockwise to start the flush pump.
8) Increase the air pressure; use caution and verify that the output pressure
does not exceed 180 psi at the gauge. The pump ratio is 4:1. An input air
pressure of 45 psi will produce an output air pressure of 180 psi.
9) Enter a program that will exercise all axes to their limits. Start the program
10) Maintain a constant flow of kerosene through the way lube system.
11) If kerosene is found dripping down the column from underneath the Z axis
head, the manifold filters are probably clogged. Replace the 8 port junction
block located on the Z axis head. Start over at step 4.
12) Remove the 3/8" hose from the kerosene and place the hose in a can of
clean fresh waylube.
13) Slowly open the regulator clockwise on the flush pump. Pump oil through
the lines, until the system is well lubricated.
14) Stop the machine and return it to the COLD START position.
15) Turn the flush pump air regulator fully counterclockwise and remove the air
16) Remove the flush pump and reattach the oil line from the Bijur pump to the
3 port junction.
Cool Power – The purpose of the Cool Power system is to control thermal expansion. This is
Ballscrew / Spindle accomplished by pumping coolant continuously through the ballscrews and
Cooling System spindle. Different models have different cooling configurations.
Note: All temperatures are in Fahrenheit unless stated otherwise.
A double 120 VAC outlet (must have the bridge between outlets removed see
Chiller Unit
Coolant Pump Motor
Note: 120 VAC output must have the bridge between the brass screws
removed. Bridge between silver screws is present.
When the machine is powered on, the coolant pump remains on all the time
and the coolant temperature is monitored by a coolant sensor and compared to
an ambient sensor. When a difference of one or two degrees is detected the
chiller is activated to cool the coolant.
The sensors have three wires, a ground, a reference (REF) voltage and a signal
output (ambient or coolant). The sensor circuits on the controller consist of +12
VDC through a resistor to the REF line and signal (ambient or coolant) input line
to a resistor and a OP AMP. These circuits compare the ambient to the coolant
to determine when the temperatures are different.
If a difference is detected, the chiller controller then activates a solid state relay
on the chiller overload / relay board to turn on the chiller. This is accomplished
by the controller outputting the +5VDC on pin 1 to the 1560 board pin 4 and
connecting to the Solid State Relay (SSR) + control. On pin 2 the controller will
pull the line to about zero volts to activate the chiller relay. On the 1560 board
the wire is connected to pin 5 of 1560 which is connected to the control on the
The 120VAC input to the 1560 is on pin 11 and the RET is on pin 10. Both are
connected to the transformer. The 120 VAC is routed through a fuse (F1) to two
circuit breakers, one (CB1) outputs 120 VAC to the pump motor on pin 1 and
the other (CB2) outputs 120 VAC to the contacts of the SSR and when activated
outputs to pin 9 which connects to the chiller. The chiller consumes about
2,000 watts for start up and about 500 watts during normal operation.
The current chiller controller is a dual controller; it can operate one or two
chillers. On this board J2 is a 8 pin connector and the pins are connected as
follows: 1 - +5VDC, 2 – SSR, 3 – Gnd, 4 – Coolant, 5 – REF, 6 – Gnd, 7 –
Ambient & 8 – REF.
The chiller controller board is normally in slot three in the control card cage. It
receives the + 5 VDC and + 12 VDC from the backplane but does not
communicate to the other boards.
The controller has a heart beat LED to indicate that the board is operational. It
also has a test button for each chiller. When the test button is pressed the
chiller will run for one minute. There is an LED for each chiller to indicate that it
is turned on. There is also an LED for the timer to indicate that the timer is
running, a 2.5 minute delay between power up and when the chiller can be
activated. This allows the pressure in the chiller unit to decrease to the point
where the compressor is able to restart after turned off and immediately power
on. A timer button deactivates the timers. If the coolant temperature exceeds
100 degrees, the chiller unit is activated regardless of the ambient
temperature. If the coolant temperature falls below 60 degrees the chiller is
Older Controller For older controller boards with adjustable temperature control, the spindle /
Boards head must be the same temperature as the base of machine before adjusting.
The chiller must be off. Adjust R17 CCW until TEMP LED is off. Turn CW until it
comes ON. Find midpoint between on and off.
Coolant flow paths Different models of the VMC have different coolant configurations.
The configuration, the coolant and the amount of coolant will affect the cooling
process. If the tank is full the temperature swings are larger then if the tank is
low because more fluid is required to cool and larger temperatures range from
top to bottom of the tank.
VMC 15 10,000 RPM Spindle or VMC 4020A / 5020A 7,500 RPM Spindle
Spindle is cooled by flood coolant pumped through the spindle and returned on
the base under the saddle.
VMC 2216 / 3016 / 4020 Metric ballscrews, 10,000 RPM Spindle, Sealed
Cabinet Configuration
The coolant flow path is coolant tank to pump to coolant sensor to X axis
ballscrew to Z axis ballscrew to spindle to Y axis ballscrew to cabinet cooler to
chiller and back to coolant tank.
Motor Couplers The motor couplers are the connection between the motor and the ballscrew.
When replacing the motor or the ballscrew measure the distance from the end
of the coupler and the motor or ballscrew. Install the coupler on the new motor
or ballscrew and place the coupler back to the same dimension as before. The
first couplers were three pronged with a insert disk between them.
A problem when milling a circle was found, the center was off specification as
much as .0005 inch (.0127mm) in both X and Y axis. Larger machines may be
off more than smaller machines. This has to do with the MTR-0071 Coupler
Insert Disk, manufactured of Delrin, deflecting on axis direction change and
yielding a small amount of backlash as the castings are reversed in direction.
3) Install coupler onto motor, measuring from face of motor flange to coupler
4) Insert Aluminum Bronze Disk onto Ballscrew Coupler, making certain not to
gouge or burr the edges, and aligning the two lobes horizontally to retain
the disk.
5) Install the motor, using SVT-0122 Motor Alignment Guides, and bolt in
6) Check to be certain that the maximum gap between the Coupler lobe and
the Disk pocket is .070 inch (1.8mm), and the minimum is .050 inch
7) Operate the machine and check for Motor axis to Ballscrew axis alignment.
Re-center motor under the 4 bolts to reduce Coupler Insert Disk runout, to
prevent premature wear.
Figure 6-3 These couplers will provide an audible “click” if the axis is jogged back and forth.
This is normal.
Aluminum Bronze disk style couplers wear down, and clearances between
components result in one or more of the symptoms described above.
A new type of Bellows Coupler, made with a stainless steel bellows and bonded
between two aluminum mounts is currently being installed. The Bellows
enables the Motor shaft centerline to drive the Ballscrew and flex slightly if any
mismatch in alignment exists, thus eliminating moving components.
2) For VMCs 6535, 4525 and 3020 Y-Axis, remove the rear hood from the Y-
Axis cover, and slide forward when Y is at positive limit.
4) Install the new Bellows Coupler tight against the Ballscrew jam nut.
6) Using SVT-0122 Motor Alignment Guide Rods, slide the Motor into the
Mount and Coupler.
Figure 6-4 MTR-0189 Coupler, Bellows; 7/8 Shaft. MTR-0190 Coupler, Bellows; Siemens.
Gib Adjustment
DO NOT rush gib adjustments—they are critical! Do not adjust any gibs
! unless the machine is leveled properly.
There are two gibs at the front of the table and from 4 to 6 Gib/Strap
assemblies on the underside of the table (depending on the VMC model, see
Figure 6-1). The following procedure covers adjustment of the front table gibs.
There are two front gibs, one on the left and one on the right. This adjustment
procedure is applicable for all VMC models.
1) Center the table at the X-axis cold start position. Attach a magnetic base
and an indicator just below the gib, as shown in Figure 6-7. Adjust and set
at a zero reading.
2) Place a pry bar between the front table gib/strap assembly and the saddle.
3) With the pry bar, move the table forward so the solid rear way of the table is
against the saddle.
5) Place the pry bar between the rear table gib/strap assembly and the
9) Repeat the above steps until a .0003” indicator motion is achieved. Then,
perform the procedure over again for the gib at the opposite end.
After both gibs have been completely adjusted, run the table to its extremes at
the plus and minus ends and then return the table back to center. Then, repeat
the above gib adjustment procedure for verification.
Table Gib/Strap
Assembly When adjusting gibs with shim stock, use extreme care to prevent ripping the
shim and leaving pieces of it between the gib and way surfaces.
There are gib/strap assemblies on the underside of the table at the front and
rear. Depending on the model of VMC there will be from one to three gib/strap
assemblies at the front and at the rear.
1) Jog the table in the X-axis to clear the cold start indicator.
2) Loosen the three hex head bolts. The slot for the bolt is tapered. When the
gib is moved, the head of the bolt may bind. Verify that the bolt is loosened
enough to allow the gib to slide from left to right.
3) Slide the gib to the right to loosen the gib. The gib must be loosened first
before it can be tightened. To move the gib, use an open end wrench or a
hex head and tap with a mallet.
4) To adjust, slide the gib to the left (operator orientation is facing the strap)
until it contacts the underside of the saddle. Use finger pressure to push
the gib.
5) Verify that each of the three hex head bolts are not caught in the tapered
slot. If the bolts are binding on the slot, loosen and re-adjust the bolts.
7) Repeat the above steps for the opposite table gib/strap assembly.
Saddle Gibs There are two gibs to the right of the center base rail and two gib/strap
assemblies on the underside of the saddle. The following procedure covers
adjustment of the center saddle gibs only. The following adjustments apply to
all VMC models. It may be necessary to remove the rear Y-axis tray to adjust
the saddle gibs.
1) Center the saddle to the Y-axis cold start position. Attach the magnetic
base and indicator to the saddle. Position the indicator as shown in Figure
6-8. Set the indicator to zero.
2) Standard machines: Place a pry bar between the right saddle gib/strap
assembly and the base.
2) Performance Models: Place a pry bar between the X axis ballscrew mount
and the table.
3) With the pry bar, move the saddle so the solid way of the saddle makes
contact with the center base rail.
5) Standard machines: Place the pry bar between the left saddle gib/strap
assembly and base.
5) Performance models: Place the pry bar between the other side of the X axis
ballscrew mount of the table.
7) The indicator reading specifies the amount that the gib should be adjusted.
A properly adjusted set of gibs will have a side to side motion of .0003”.
8) If the gibs need adjusting, there is a gib adjuster screw located at the end
of each gib. Turning this screw clockwise will loosen the gib and counter
clockwise will tighten the gib.
9) Repeat the above steps, until .0003” indicator motion is achieved, then
adjust the gib at the opposite side.
After the gib adjustments are complete, run the saddle to its extremes at the
plus and minus end and then back to center again. Then, repeat the above gib
adjustment procedure for verification.
Saddle Gib/Strap
Assembly When adjusting gibs with shim stock, use extreme care to prevent ripping the
shim and leaving pieces of it between the gib and way surfaces.
There is one gib/strap assembly on the left side of the saddle and one on the
right. Each gib/strap assembly has two gibs that require adjustment. Adjust the
saddle gib/strap assembly as follows:
1) Loosen both the front and back gibs on the strap by turning the gib adjuster
screw clockwise.
2) Insert a .001" shim about three to four inches between the gib and the
way. Place shims in both the front and rear at the same time.
3) Tighten the gib to pinch the shim between the gib and way by turning the
gib adjuster screw counter clockwise. Tighten the screw enough to prevent
the shim from moving.
4) Slowly turn the gib adjuster screw clockwise while pulling on the shim.
Shim stock is very sharp!
5) When the shim starts pulling out, stop turning the gib adjuster screw and
remove the shim completely.
7) Repeat the above steps for the front, rear, left, and right gibs.
Head Gibs There are two gibs that ride between the column ways, one at the top and one
at the bottom. See Figure 6-9. There is also one gib/strap assembly on the
back of each column rail (the 3020 and 4525 have two gib/strap assemblies on
each way).
Gib adjuster screw
2) Center the Z axis head within its travel limits so it will be easy to work on.
4) Using a pry bar between the left side of the head and Z-axis way, move the
head so the inside of the left way contacts the left column way.
6) Place the pry bar between the right side of the head and Z-axis way.
9) If the gibs need adjusting, there is a gib adjuster screw located at the end
of each gib. Turning this screw clockwise loosens the gib and counter
clockwise tightens the gib.
10) Repeat the above steps, until indicator motion is .0002” to .0003”, then
adjust the gib at the opposite side.
After both gib adjustments are complete, run the head to its extremes at the
plus and minus end and then back to center again. Then, repeat the above gib
adjustment procedure for verification.
Head Gib/Strap
Assembly When adjusting gibs with shim stock, use extreme care to prevent ripping the
shim and leaving pieces of it between the gib and way surfaces.
There is one gib/strap assembly at the left and right side of the head. Each gib/
strap assembly has a top and bottom gib that requires adjusting. Adjust the
head gib/strap assembly as follows:
Top Gibs 1) Loosen all four gibs by turning the gib adjuster screws clockwise.
2) Insert a .001" shim, approximately 3” to 4" long, between the column and
the Z-axis head. Do both the left and right sides.
3) Tighten the gib, to pinch the shim between the head and way, by turning
the gib adjuster screw counter clockwise. Tighten the gib enough to prevent
the shim from moving.
4) Slowly turn the gib adjuster screw clockwise while pulling on the shim.
Shim stock is very sharp!
5) When the shim starts to pull out, stop turning the gib adjuster screw and
remove the shim, completely.
7) Turn both gib adjuster screws one turn counter-clockwise after the shims
have been removed from the left and right sides.
Bottom Gibs 8) Insert a .001" shim about 3” to 4" long between the rear of the column way
and the bottom gib. Do the same for left and right sides.
9) Tighten the gib to pinch the shim between the gib and way by turning to the
gib adjuster screw counter clockwise. Tighten the gib enough to prevent the
shim from moving.
10) Slowly turn the gib adjuster screw clockwise while pulling on the shim.
Shim stock is very sharp!
11) When the shim starts pulling out, stop turning the gib adjuster screw and
remove the shim completely.
13) Turn both gib adjuster screws one turn counter clockwise after the shims
have been removed from the left and right sides.
Gib & Strap
Table Gibs
There are two (2) gibs at the front of the table and four (4) GIB/STRAP
assemblies on the underside of the table. The following steps describe how to
adjust the front table gibs. There is one at the left and one at the right.
a. Attach a magnetic base and indicator just below the gib to be adjusted,
and set a zero reading.
b. Place a pry bar between the X axis ballscrew mount and the table.
c. With the pry bar, move the table forward so the solid rear way of the
table is up against the table.
d. Zero the indicator.
e. Now place the pry bar between the other side of the X axis ballscrew
mount and the table.
f. Gently pry the table the opposite way.
g. The indicator reading is the adjustment that needs to be made. A prop-
erly adjusted set of gibs will have front to back motion of .0003 (+/-
h. If the gibs need adjusting, there is a gib adjuster screw located at the
end of each gib. Turning this screw clockwise will loosen the gib and
counter clockwise tighten the gib.
gib bracket Gib
gib adjuster
i. Repeat the above steps until you get .0003 indicator motion, and then
go to the other gib at the opposite end. Note: If the gibs are more than
a .0010” out of adjustment, then adjust one side to about .0009” and
repeat on the opposite end. Repeat the steps to .0003”. This is to avoid
maladjustment due to binding.
After both gibs have been completely adjusted run the table to its extremes at
the plus and minus end and then back to center again. Then repeat the above
gib adjustment procedure for verification.
Table Gib/Strap
Shim Stock is very sharp. Handle with care.
When adjusting gibs with shim shock be very careful not to cause the shim to
rip and leave a piece between the gib and way surface. There are GIB/STRAP
assemblies on the underside of the table at the front and rear. There will be two
(2) GIB/STRAP assemblies at the front and rear. The front straps are wider than
the rear straps.Adjust the table GIB/STRAP assembly as follows:
1) Loosen both the front and back gibs on the strap by turning the gib adjuster
screw clockwise.
2) Insert a .001" shim about 3-4" between the gib and the way. Place shims in
both the front and rear at the same.
3) Tighten the gib to pinch the shim between the gib and the way by turning
the gib adjuster screw counter clockwise. Tighten the gib enough to prevent
the shim from moving.
4) Slowly turn the gib adjuster screw clockwise while pulling on the shim.
5) When the shim begins to pull out, stop turning the gib adjustment screw
and remove the shim completely.
7) Repeat the above steps for the front, rear, left and right gibs.
Saddle Gibs
Shim Stock is very sharp. Handle with care.
There are two (2) gibs on the inside of the right rail on the base and two (2)
GIB/STRAP assemblies on the underside of the saddle on each side to the
inside of the rails. The GIB/STRAP assemblies are wider on the right side to
allow space for the gibs. It will be necessary to remove the way covers to adjust
the gibs.
1) With the saddle centered at the Y axis cold start position, attach a magnetic
base and indicator to the saddle and place the indicator near the gib to be
2) Place a pry bar between the saddle and the outside of the base rail.
3) With the pry bar, move the saddle so the solid way of the saddle contacts
the inside of the left base rail.
5) Now place the pry bar between the saddle and the outside of the base rail.
8) If the gibs need adjusting, there is a adjuster screw located at the end of
each gib. Turning this screw clockwise will loosen the gib and counter
clockwise will tighten the gib.
9) Repeat the above steps until you get .0003” indicator motion, then adjust
the other gib on the opposite side.
After both gibs have been completely adjusted run the saddle to its extremes at
the plus and minus end and then back to center again. Then repeat the above
gib adjustment procedure for verification.
When adjusting gibs with shim stock be very careful not to cause the shim to
rip and leave a piece between the gib and way surface. There are GIB/STRAP
assemblies on the underside of the saddle at the front and back of both sides.
The right side straps are wider than the left side straps.
1) Loosen both the front and back gibs on the straps by turning the gib
adjustment screw clockwise.
2) Insert a .001" shim about 3-4" between the gib and the way. Place shims in
both the front and back at the same time.
3) Tighten the gib to pinch the shim between the gib and the way by turning
the gib adjuster screw counter clockwise. Tighten the gib enough to prevent
the shim from moving.
4) Slowly turn the gib adjuster screw clockwise while pulling on the shim.
5) When the shim begins to pull out, stop turning the gib adjuster screw and
remove the shim completely.
7) Repeat the above steps for the front, rear, left and right gibs.
Head Gibs
Shim Stock is very sharp. Handle with care.
There are two (2) gibs that ride between column ways on the right side, one at
the top and on at the bottom. There is also two (2) GIB/STRAP assemblies on
the back of each column rail. The center gibs are adjusted in this section. Either
gib can be adjusted first.
2) Center the Z axis head within its travel limits so it will be easy to work on.
4) Using a pry bar between the left side of the head and Z-axis way, move the
head so the inside of the left way contacts the left column way.
6) Place the pry bar between the right side of the head and Z-axis way.
9) If the gibs need adjusting, there is a gib adjuster screw located at the end
of each gib. Turning this screw clockwise loosens the gib and counter
clockwise tightens the gib.
10) Repeat the above steps, until indicator motion is .0002” to .0003”, then
adjust the gib at the opposite side.
After both gib adjustments are complete, run the head to its extremes at the
plus and minus end and then back to center again. Then, repeat the above gib
adjustment procedure for verification.
Head Gib/Strap
Shim Stock is very sharp. Handle with care.
When adjusting gibs with shim stock be very careful not to cause the shim to
rip and leave a piece between the gib and way surface. There are two (2) GIB/
STRAP assemblies top and bottom on both sides, left and right. The two (2) top
and the two (2) bottom must be adjusted together.
Top Gib/Strap 1) Loosen all four (4) gibs by turning the gib adjuster screws clockwise .
2) Insert a .001" shim about 3-4" long between the column and the Z axis
head, be sure the shim is in the center of the way. Do the same for the left
and right side.
3) Tighten the gib to pinch the shim between the head and way by turning the
gib adjuster screw counterclockwise. Tighten enough to prevent the shim
from moving.
4) Slowly turn the gib adjuster screw clockwise while pulling on the shim.
5) When the shim begins to pull out, stop turning the gib adjuster screw and
remove the shim completely.
7) Turn both gib adjuster screws one (1) turn counterclockwise after the shims
have been removed from the left and the right.
Bottom Gib/Strap 8) Insert a .001" shim about 3-4" long between the rear of the column way
and the bottom gib. Do the same for the left and right side.
9) Tighten the gib to pinch the shim between the gib and the way by turning
the gib adjuster screw counterclockwise. Tighten enough to prevent the
shim from moving.
10) Slowly turn the gib adjuster screw clockwise while pulling on the shim.
11) When the shim begins to pull out, stop turning the gib adjuster screw and
remove the shim completely.
13) Turn both gib adjuster screws one (1) turn counterclockwise after the shims
have been removed from the left and the right side.
4) The above items must be properly set or the SQUARENESS TEST may be
5) Using a granite plate, zero indicator at point A (front left position on plate)
and make a 10.000 inch move in X axis from point A to point B (front right
position on plate). Using MDI mode enter “X10.0 F50. G1.”
6) Take a reading at point B. If not zero, adjust the granite plate for a zero
8) Zero indicator at point C (front of right side position on plate) and make a
10.000 inch move in Y axis from point C to point D (back of the right side of
the plate). Using MDI enter “Y10.0 F50. G1.”
7) Install saddle assembly to mounting pads, slowly lower and check pad
position and grease line couplers as installing.
14) Jog table to the left and Install Y axis grease lines.
15) Jog table to the right and Install Y axis grease lines.
Procedure for
Correcting the +10 Shim here
Saddle Squareness Positive reading:
0 0
Negative reading:
Shim here
0 0 Front
6) Install shim (between pad and hard stop) and pry saddle to mounting pad.
Procedure for
Correcting the Table
Positive reading: Negative reading:
Shim here
Front Front
7) Install shim (between pad and hard stop) and pry table to mounting pad.
No adjustment is needed for the EMC or TRM ballscrew limit stops. Each is
created to the exact dimension needed to prevent an axis from traveling
beyond it’s intended range.
Mechanical Y Axis
1) Position the saddle to its positive limit.
3) Tighten the adjustment nut until there is no play between the Belleville
springs, but loose enough so the springs will rotate.
Backlash For VMCs equipped with the PDI waylube pump, turn the power to the pump off
and on. JOG the axis that is being inspected a few inches back and forth to
ensure the ways of the machine are riding on a film of oil.
Note: Values are NOT stored for axes not installed on a given machine.
Entering Backlash Backlash values are entered into the control using the BL command. The
Values format of the command is:
BL, a, b, c, d
Typing BL <ENTER> (that is, without values) will display currently stored values.
Determining Proper There are several methods for determining the correct value(s) of each axis.
Backlash Values The programmatic method described here is the most reliable.
1) Enter the cold start command CS <ENTER>. After the cold start, DO NOT
return to the last home position.
2) From the command mode, clear the current backlash values for the X axis
by typing BL,1,0,0,0 and pressing the ENTER button.
3) Place a surface indicator in a tool holder and JOG the needle to Z-.1 and
X.1 from the X-positive side of a block in the center of the table. The face of
the indicator should be toward the right side (X-positive) side of the
machine. From the command mode, type SETH and press the ENTER
Note: For part programs requiring close tolerances, setting the feed rate in line
N1 to match the feed rate of the part program to be run will maximize the
accuracy of the backlash values.
a. At line N2 the control will be in the waiting state. Adjust the dial of the
surface indicator to zero on the needle, then press the START button to
b. At line N7 the control will be in the waiting state. Read the indicator dial
to see how many tenths the needle is away from zero.
c. Press the START button followed by the MANUAL button.
d. Enter the number determined in step b as the backlash value (see
e. Repeat steps a through c and verify that the indicator now reads zero
after step c. If not, adjust the backlash value entered in step d. Con-
tinue this process until the indicator consistently reads zero after step c.
6) Repeat step 4, placing the block at the negative limit of the X axis. Repeat
step 5 to determine the negative limit value.
7) Repeat step 4, placing the block at the positive limit of the X axis. Repeat
step 5 to determine the negative limit value.
Note: When entering the value for the negative limit, you MUST enter at least a
comma for the at-center value; when entering the value for the positive
limit, you MUST enter at least a comma for both the at-center and the
negative-limit values. For example, to set a value of 5 tenths (.0005) for the
negative limit of the Y axis without affecting the current value for the center,
type BL,2,,5, ENTER ; to set a value of 3 tenths (.0003) for the center and 2
tenths (.0002) for the positive limit on the X axis without affecting the
current value for the negative limit, type BL,1,3,,2, ENTER.
8) The home position was set with the indicator tip close to an edge. Before
continuing with other operations, the home position must be reset.
a. From the command mode, type SETCS and press the ENTER button.
b. Type HO and press the ENTER button, followed by the START button.
c. After the axes return to the cold start position, type SETH and press the
ENTER button.