Various Functions 1 Function Example Output String Description
Various Functions 1 Function Example Output String Description
Various Functions 1 Function Example Output String Description
3 AverageSame as above 2 =AVERAGECalculate the average of the specified range
4 Count Same as above 3 =COUNT(CCounts the number of cells having value in a specified cell range
5 Counta Same as above 3 =COUNTA(Counts the nuber of cells that are not empty in a cell range
6 Countblan
Same as above 1 =COUNTBLCounts the number of cells that are blank in a range
7 Countif Same as above 1 =COUNTIFCounts the number of cells within a range that meet a single criterion th
8 Minimum Same as above 1 =MIN(C4: Calculate the minimum value.
9 Maximum Same as above 3 =MAX(C4:Calculate the maximum value.
10 Concatena Ram RamHari =CONCATEJoin two or more different cell values.
11 & ( Amper Hari RamHari =C15&C16Join two or more different cell values.
12 Absolute -2 2 =ABS(C17)Returns the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a number
13 Day ### 17 =DAY(C18)Returns the day of a date , represented by a serial number from 1 to 31
14 Today ### 6/6/2019 =TODAY() Returns the current date
15 Now ### =NOW() Returns the Current date and time as well
16 Exact ExTreme 0 =EXACT(CCompares two strings and returns True , if they are exactly the same, Fal
Extreme EXACT is case sensitive but ignores formatting differences.
17 Exp 1 2.718282 =EXP(C23)Returns e raised to the power of number. The constant e equals to 2.718
2 7.389056 Number is the exponent applied to the base
18 Even 2.225 4 =EVEN(C2Returns number rounded up to the nearest even integer.
1.5 2
19 Int 8.9 8 =INT(C27)Rounds the number down to the nearest integer
-8.9 -9
20 Power 5 125 =POWER(CReturns the result of a number raised to a power
5 25 =POWER(C30,2)
21 Rank 6.9 5 =RANK(C3Returns the rank of number in a list of numbers.
7.2 1 =RANK(C30 for descending and 1 for ascending order.
5 6 =RANK(C3Non-numeric values in ref are ignored
22 Isblank 1 =ISBLANKReturns the logical value TRUE if the value argument is a reference to an
23 Len ExTreme 7 =LEN(C38)Returns the number of characters in a string
24 Text 25 $25.00 =TEXT(C39Converts a numeric value to text and lets you specify the display formatti
### Friday =TEXT(C40,"dddd")
25 Lef ExTreme ExT =LEFT(C41Returns the first Character or characters in a string, based on the numbe
26 Right ExTreme Treme =RIGHT(C4Returns thellast Character or characters in a string, based on the numbe
27 Round 12.675 12.68 =ROUND(CRounds a number to a specified number of digits
28 Trim First quarter
First quarter=TRIM(C4Removes all spaces from text except for single spaces between words
29 Lower QUARTER quarter =LOWER(CConverts all uppercase letters in a text string to lower case.
30 Upper quarter QUARTER =UPPER(CConverts all lowercase letters in a text string to upper case.
31 Proper QuArTeR Quarter =PROPER(Capitalizes the first letter in a text string and any other letters in text tha
32 Clean_x0007_Hello_x0007_
Hello =CLEAN(CRemoves non printable characters from text
33 Char 65 A =CHAR(C49Generates ASCII Characters and useful in Generating ABCD..
34 Convert 10 -12.2222 =CONVERTConverts one Unit to Other
35 Mround 41.56 41.55 =MROUND(
Round up to nearest Multiple value
in a specified cell range
mpty in a cell range
k in a range
e that meet a single criterion that you specify
Generating ABCD..
List of Shortcut Keys