Comparative Study of Giriraja and Desi Birds Under Backyard System of Rearing in Farmers Field
Comparative Study of Giriraja and Desi Birds Under Backyard System of Rearing in Farmers Field
Comparative Study of Giriraja and Desi Birds Under Backyard System of Rearing in Farmers Field
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1 author:
Yogeshpriya Somu
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RTICLE Comparative study of Giriraja and Desi
birds under backyard system of rearing
in farmers field
Poultry is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector in and around Thanjavur district of Tamil
Nadu. Under intensive rearing system, indigenous hens laid 100 -110 eggs from starting to ten months of laying. By
proper selection programme, egg production of Desi hen could be increased up to 135 eggs per year. Productivity of
indigenous chicken breeds may be doubled with improved diets and management conditions. The indigenous chickens
have not attained their full production potential due to exposure to risks that influence against their survival and
productivity under extensive management conditions. However, the research works under field level on age at sexual
maturity, average weight at first egg, average live weight at 28th week and hen day egg production at 52 weeks of age
of Desi birds and Giriraja birds are studied. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare and evaluate the
productive and reproductive performance, as well as heritability of body weight of indigenous hens and Giriraja birds
under backyard management system.
Present study was undertaken on the Giriraja birds and Desi hens which are maintained by a farmer’s field.
Data’s were collected from 32 smallholders those are having 20 birds under backyard system of rearing in Thanjavur
district of Tamil Nadu state with respect to age at sexual maturity, average weight at first egg, average live weight at
28th week and hen day egg production at 52 weeks of age. Age at sexual maturity of birds observed in all households.
After sexual maturity, First egg of both Giriraja and Desi bird were collected from 32 houses of each bird. Data were
analyzed using the General Linear Procedure of SAS (1986) and were subjected to analysis of variance.
condition as suggested by Fassill et al. (2010) which indicates that cross breeding has potential for improving
economically important traits. The economic return from the poultry largely depends on characters like body weight,
age at sexual maturity, egg production, egg weight and other egg quality traits. Knowledge of these parameters is
essential to decide selection programme for overall improvement and hence, the present investigation has been
undertaken to help the small hold farmers for selecting giriraja birds over Desi birds.
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