A Research Project
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School Department
Parada National High School
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the course
Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion (III)
Charles Dean Candelaria
Winston Panio
Randolph Rosales
Kristine Joy Olivar
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Appendices
Single parent households are more likely to experience with poverty. Being the
employee can cause reasonablespace between your income and that of your two-
income view. Poverty can be terrify and tough for children, causing them to feel bother
and angry at the difference between them and their classmates or friends. The first is
learning to budget successfully, and adopting an attitude of looking for the most cost-
effective way to do things. The second is to focus on what you can give your child.
Maybe you can’t buy them the latest gadget, but you can inspireda good relationship
with them, and find fun things you can enjoy together for free. It’s not easy, but with
the right attitude, you and your child can get through this.Being from a single parent
These problems involve: harshness towards the absent partner, loneliness, poverty
and self-doubt about raising children alone without a help. The research done by
performance of adolescents in senior high school in Parada national high school, found
that there are some problems that are uncommon, which are only faced by single-
Over the past 35 years, United States of America’s children being raised in two-
parent homes has dropped significantly from about 85% in 1968 to 70% in 2003 while
the proportion of children living in single-parent homes has nearly doubled (Center for
Marriage and Families, 2005). According to the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS)
7,237,730 (42.9%) of them are married; 315,910 (1.9%) are separated; 574,271 (3.4%)
are divorced while 823,562 (4.9%) of them are widowed.Generally such studies have
residential experience (Win and Miller, n.d.; Donkor, 2010; Farooq, Chaudhry, Shafiq
andBerhanu, 2011;Mahama and Campion, 2011; Insah, Mumuni and Bowan, 2013).
What these studies failed to realize is that the variable family structure.
parenting can be identified as one risk factor that can lead to unsuccessful outcomes.
The effect or causes of being single parent its have a damage in student can affect the
behavioral development and academic performance, its have possible can destroy the
I have been able to understand that parenting usually involves two or more people in
raising up a child or a ward of theirs but due to some unfortunate circumstances which
could have been avoided or cause by human nature,those factors are more than what
we can ever be able to put down in paper , but am gonna be listing the important ones
us and no man or woman can stop it when it happens hence If it occurs between a
couple and one is taken,thus this would lead to single parenting. 2 migration. A partner
change in career thus leaving behind a partner and the possibility of returning soonest
is not predictable or certain in a short period of time and as a result brings about a
temporary single parenting period. 3 divorce. This is also one cause of it, partners or
married couples might decide to divorce after having one or two children together and
later on they might decide to remain single thus arising into a single parent.
Literature Review
socialstructure, such as a change in work force, norms, and values& Several key
changes inthe family that began to occur in many countries around the world, including
Philippinesfrom the latter half of the twentieth century on, have captured the attention
of those studying family patterns. One of these is changing union formations that
variables that affect the success or failure of children, who grew up in these family
formation are also being explore. This chapter discusses literatures and research
findings that indicate a variationof quality of home environment and child outcomes
“immediate group of father,mother and children living together ‟‟.This may be more
specifically defined as “nuclear family” (Berelsen and Steiner 1964). The idea of a
normal family has now been affected by the rapid growing of single-parent family in
responsible for thenurturing and child rearing is not available and the work meant for
two people is now carried out by only one person.According Longman Dictionary of
looks after children on their own without the other partner.Single-parenting can be
the child is responsible for the upbringing of the child. (Whitting and Child
(1993),Eshelman (1981) and Henslim (1985)).In the United States, almost half of all
percentage of single-parent families have tripled in the past fifty(50)years and has
the general population ( U.S Census,2010).In 2000, 27% of all U.S children living
were in single-parent families; among African Americanfamilies 53% were living with
only one parent. (Sigle-Rushton and McLanahan, 2004). The vastmajority of these
single-parents homes are headed by women. Debell (2008) reported that single-father
Single-parent may arise when either the male or female decides to produce and
rear a child outside wedlock (Ortesse, 1998). The charter of the organization of
was unknown and where they existed, they were ignored as exceptional cases.
However nowadays, there are rapid growing family patterns both in side and outside
Ghana. In Ghana, among our ethnic groups, the parental roles are culturally determined
and distributed. The maternal roles are that of child-rearing, home training and playing
her work “Marriage and Families”, Nijole V Benokraitis PhD in sociology defines
mother as the expressive roles players who provide the emotional support and
nurturing that sustain the family unit. According to Nwachukwu (1998), children from
single-parents are more hostile, hyperactive and aggressive in nature. Many of the
problems faced by single-parent are similar to that of two parents but these problems
seen more difficult to bear or manage when the home is tutored by only one person.
For example, all children feel hostile toward their parents as they grow up and try to
be independent but in a situation, where the anger and rebellion are directed toward
one person, it may seem worse if there is only one person to bear it not for two to share.
There are some problems which are only faced by the single-parents which make it
difficult to raise children. These problems include bitterness towards the absent spouse,
loneliness, poverty, insecurity about raising children without a help. The child is
morally upright, mentally upright and emotional balance when the caring
responsibilities are carried out by both parents. Sociology of Education makes us aware
that the first primary social group that the child belongs to, come in contact with and
this group has a greater influence on the child’s physical mental and moral mental and
moral development. The family lays the foundation of education before a child goes to
school and personality that the child tales to school is determined by the family
(Maduewesi and Emenogu, 1997). Fadeiye(1985) pointed out that both parents have
their own roles to play in child’s education. The father is to provide every necessary
tool for the educational advancement while the mother is expected to supplement the
efforts of the father. Many studies have documented the challenges faced by single
parents and the disadvantages of their children relative to children raised from two
parent households. Although, some studies have been inconclusive, majority of studies
reviewed that children from single-parent homes score lower on tests of cognitive
functioning and standardized tests receive lower GPAS and complete fewer years of
school when compared to children from two parent -homes. (Bain, Boersma and
Chapman 1983, Balcom 1998, Biller 1970, Chapman 1977, Daniels1986, Downey,
controlling for economic and racial differences of the family, children from two-
of measures. (Downey 1994, Kim 2004, Krein and Beller 1998, Mulkey, Crain and
research by writing: Children who grow up in a household with, only one biological
parent are worse off on average than children who grow up in households with both of
regardless of whether the parents are married when the child was born and regardless
of whether the resident parent remarries. It is widely believed that children from broken
homes have high incidence of academic, emotional and behavioral problems than
of Educational Procurement) 1986, indicated that third graders living with one-parent
score considerably lower than third graders living with both parents.
and the absence of a father -- coupled with lower household income -- can increase the
risk of children performing poorly in school. The lack of financial support from a father
often results in single mothers working more, which can in turn affect children because
they receive less attention and guidance with their homework. Researcher Virginia
Knox concluded from data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, that for
every $100 of child support mothers receive, their children's standardized test scores
increase by 1/8 to 7/10 of a point. In addition, Knox found that children with single
mothers who have contact and emotional support from their fathers tend to do better
• Emotional Effects Having only one income earner in the home puts single
parent households at risk for poverty, finds research compiled by the University of
Washington's West Coast Poverty Center. Living in poverty is stressful and can have
many emotional effects on children, including low self-esteem, increased anger and
frustration and an increased risk for violent behavior. Besides financial constraints,
with others. Effects vary from child to child, however, and the individual parenting
style of the single parent is also a big influence on the child’s development.
well, depending on other factors such as personality types and parenting techniques.
According to a study at Cornell University, positive single parenting did not show any
negative impact on the social and educational development of the 12- and 13-year-olds
strong responsibility skills, as they are often called upon to help out more with family
chores and tasks. Children in single-parent families often form close bonds with their
parent, as they are closely dependent on each other throughout the child’s life. Children
from single-parent families may also form closer bonds with extended family members
• Due to the many issues that stem from single- parent families, some
students are unable to reach their full potential. Again, an analysis of data by the
living with one parent score considerably lower than third grades living with both
parents. It is widely believed that children from broken homes have high incidence of
academic, emotional and behavioral problems than children from two parent family.
Ideally, children are supposed to live with both parent in order for them to be assisted
with both academic and social activities that will help them to achieve full potentials
and become more than happy children in the society. However, there are situations
where children live or stay with only one parent. When it happens like this, children
do not get the necessary parental guidance. These children sometimes become
wayward by dropping out of school. Again, Fischer (2007) indicated that children who
grow up in household with only one biological parent are worse of average than
children who grow up in household with both of their biological parents. On the other
hand, some studies identified many positive effects of single parenting on the children,
parents and even on the society such as the ability and ease with which to take all
financial decisions, being close to children, undivided love thus maintaining closer
ties, easier to make rules, and enforce such rules for children to follow. Children in
single-parent family are believed to contribute and participate more in family activities
and therefore children grow up with a sense of respect, responsible citizens, as well as
KUNZ 383 shares. According to 2012 U.S. Census Bureau information, the number of
children reared in single-parent households continues to rise. Children with two parents
in the home -- earning two incomes -- tend to have better financial and educational
reaching and impact several areas of life, including academic achievement and social
socialization because many with one parent receive less economic and emotional
support, less practical assistance less information, guidance and supervision, less role
modeling than children in two parent families those. Among children in single parent
families those from mothers absent household earn lower grades than children from
fathers absent homes and matter which are absent children from single parent families
generally find it difficult to connect with school activities both academically and
morally (Murkey et al 2004). The family is the first socializing agent; the child come
in contact with it has a great influence on the child’s physical mental and moral
development. The father is to provide the necessary tools for educational while the
mother is supposed to supplement the father’s effort in this regard when the father is
absent and the mother is not privilege enough to cater for all the basic needs as well as
supervised the child educationally and morally will be backward. The teacher at school
•Several good reasons exist for assuming that the number of parents in a
household affects children’s academic achievement (for reviews, see Amato, 2010;
Family income, in turn, is a good predictor of children’s school grades and test scores.
Second, parents are important sources of social capital and provide many resources to
with children’s school success. Children who live with single parents, however, have
less access to these social resources, in general, than do children with two parents in
the household. Finally, most children with single parents have experienced the
disruption of their parents’ unions, and many of these children endure additional
“Living apart from natural fathers can be associated with poverty and negative
mothers, but Tim Casey, a senior staff attorney at Legal Momentum, (the U. S. ’ oldest
“Employment isn’t keeping U. S. ingle parents — more than 80 percent of whom are
single mothers — out of poverty”. (Casey, 2012). Here it states that not only are the
majority of single-parent or single mothers, but that the income provided to these
mothers is generally still not enough to keep them above the poverty line even though,
“single mothers in the U. S. are employed more hours and yet have much higher
Pennsylvania State University, makes a good point saying due to lack of funds, “It is
difficult for poor single parents to afford the books, home computers, and private
lessons that make it easier for their children to succeed in school”. (Amato, 2005). This
is a direct linkage with the academic success of children from single-parent families,
which will be discussed later in the essay. Amato makes several good points, also
saying, “they cannot afford clothes, shoes, cell phones, and other consumer goods that
give their children status among their peers. (2005) Again this is in direct correlation
with self-esteem issues that are more common in children raised by single parents.
“Consistent with these observations, many studies have shown that economic
resources explain some of the differences in well-being between children with single
parents and those with continuously married parents”. (Amato, 2005). Amato makes
households versus children raised with both parents can be explained by the financial
I. Theoretical Framework:
Vygotsky's cognitive development theory (1978) stresses that parents play a central
role in the process of making meaning. Vygotsky further states cognitive development
stems from social interactions from guided learning within the zone of proximal
development as children and their partners co-construct knowledge. For Vygotsky, the
environment in which children grow up will affect how they think and what they think
about (Roth & Lee, 2007). He also believed that there were certain higher functions
developed through the direct interaction with significant people in a child’s life. The
absence of the missing parent to guide, discipline, direct, model, and teach may be one
of the causes that a child from a single parent family may not perform at their full
the cultural or ideal or material heritage which exists in the present to coordinate people
Also, Vygotsky's concept of cognitive development suggests that the social world
defines the way children think. Vygotsky's (1978) believed that children learn more
when their learning is best supported at opportune times when the caregiver aides them
“When children raised in single-parent households are left alone for long periods or
left in the hands of uninvolved caregivers, their academic skills are not being fully
because it places parents as partners in their child’s life is crucial as he believed that
everything a child learns is through the interactions with knowledgeable partners, thus
children who experience cooperative and assistive, rather than punitive styles of
parenting, will quickly increase cognitive skills and be motivated to learn. This applies
to practical skills like writing or building things from blocks, as well as the learning of
students from single- parent homes and those from two-parent homes.
Definition of Terms:
Circumstances- A particular situation are the conditions which affect what happens.
Single Parent- Is a person who lives with a child or children and who does not have a
Chapter 2
Research Design:
This study use a survey method of research that was focus at collecting data for
School Students. The questionnaire was basically designed to seek information from
the students that play absence, from intact homes and from single-parenthood family
class and the family structure. The reason for adding name of subject is to able to marry
the names of the subjects and the academic performance after collection and prevalent
absence behavior. How to have the academic performance and the rate of absence of
the students. The researcher used sampling to select the schools and to select the
academic purposes of junior and senior high school students along personal conditions,
“Factors affecting the academic performance of the intermediate senior high school in
Through survey to get the data gathered. The researchers will be using the
questionnaire that they made, and the researchers find all single parenthood in Parada
National High School Senior High. Then after get the data gathered the researchers we
need to check whether the data we had collected is legitimate so that it can be approve
by professional.
Data Analysis:
Content analysis was used to analyze the data which was gathered from
collected being reduced and simplified. Researchers analyze the data was gathered
through survey.
Ethical Considerations:
The current study was subject to certain ethical issues. As it was mentioned
earlier, all participants report their written acceptance about their participation in the
research, through a signed Agreement and Information Letter. At the same time,
sample members were asked to sign a Interview and Removal Letter. The aim of both
letters was to reassure participants that their participation in the research is voluntary
and that they were free to leave from it at any point and for any reason.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Summary of Results
Curriculum Vitae