Ls1-Lesson 1 Subject Verb Agreement
Ls1-Lesson 1 Subject Verb Agreement
Ls1-Lesson 1 Subject Verb Agreement
Learning Center Program Accreditation &
1. Content Standard/Focus Demonstrate understanding of speech cues for clear expressions of ideas, processes, information and verbal
or non-verbal cues for effective presentation.
2. Performance Standards/ Performance Standard B: Speak clearly and appropriately in English so as to function effectively as a
Terminal Objectives member of the family, community, nation, and the world, and to participate in community and economic
3. Learning Competencies/ Observe correct subject-verb agreement LS1CS/EN-S-PSB-AE-53
Enabling Objectives
II. Content (Subject Matter) SUBJECT VERB- AGREEMENT
A. References
1. Session Guide/Module pages
2. Module/Learner’s Materials Curriculum guide page 17
3. Additional Materials from Learning activity sheets number 1
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
4. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation,
sentences-with-subject-verb agreement#:~:text=What%20is%20subject%2Dverb%20agreement,subject
A. Springboard/Motivation RED & GREEN FLAG SENTENCE.
(Establishing a purpose for the Tell whether the sentence is correct by raising green flag and if wrong raise the red flag.
lesson) 1. I read my books. BLUE
2. Several finds the movie boring. RED
A. Activity (Review of the previous I am going to flash sentences, which are grammatically incorrect. I will call some learners who task is to
lesson/s or Presenting the new make the sentences correct.
lesson) 1. One hundred miles are a long distance to travel. Is
2. When I go shopping, I always takes cloth bag to put my groceries. Take
3. Love and respect is important in family. Are
B. Analysis (Presenting examples/ Subject verb- agreement simply means the subject and verb must agree in number to ensure that a
instances of the new lesson) sentence is grammatically correct. Generally, if the subject is singular, the verb is also singular. If the
subject is plural. Notice the bolded (subject) and italized (verb) word in each sample sentences.
Simple present form: A and E Program helps us pursue our goals.
Singular subject singular verb
Collective Noun:
Our class participates the annual tree planting activity. (singular)
The family members eat their breakfast together. (plural)
C. Discussing new concepts and 1. A verb agrees with its subject in number. Singular subjects take singular verbs. Plural subjects take
practicing new skills (sub- plurals verbs.
activity #1) Example: Crizel looks pretty today. (singular)
The flowers smell good (plural)
2. The number of the subject (singular/plural) is not changed by words that come between the subject
and the verb.
Example: One of the eggs is broken.
3. Some subjects always take a singular verb even though the meaning may seem plural.
(each, either, neither, one no one, everyone, someone, anyone, nobody, somebody, anybody,
Example: someone in the game was hurt.
4. Subjects joined by and are plural. Subjects joined by or nor take a verb that agrees with the subject.
Example: bob and George are leaving. Neither Bob nor George is leaving.
Neither Bob nor his friends are leaving.
5. Some nouns, while plural in form, are actually singular in meaning.
(mumps, measles, physics, acrobatics, home, economics, phonics, thesis, civics, news, mathematics)
Example: Mathematics is an easy subject for some people
D. Abstraction (Making What is subject verb agreement?
generalizations about the
E. Application (Developing Group activity- the learners will stand up and clap their hands once if the sentence follows subject verb
mastery) agreement otherwise, they will sit down and clap their hands twice.
F. Valuing (Finding practical Write a short paragraph about yourself. Observe correct subject-verb agreement.
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living)
G. Evaluation (Assessing learning)
Answer the learning activity sheet number 1 and fill in the blank with the correct verb. Use the given verb
inside the parenthesis.