Chapter-1: Check Dams
Chapter-1: Check Dams
Chapter-1: Check Dams
A check dam is a small, sometimes temporary, dam constructed across a swale, drainage
ditch, or waterway to counteract erosion by reducing water flow velocity. Check dams
themselves are not a type of new technology; rather, they are an ancient technique dating all the
way back to the second century A.D. Check dams are typically, though not always, implemented
as a system of several check dams situated at regular intervals across the area of interest
First of all, we should have a better idea about the persistent use of the term check dam. So, a
check dam is a solid structure, preferably made of concrete or in some cases (where current is
less), masonry, which is constructed across a river to create a reservoir on its upstream. The
section of the gravity dam is approximately triangular in shape, with its apex at its top and
maximum width at bottom. The section is so proportioned that it resists the various forces acting
on it by its own weight. Most of the gravity dams are solid, so that no bending stress (so that
serviceability of the concrete along with its' reinforcement is increased) is introduced at any point
and hence, they are sometimes known as solid gravity dams to distinguish them from hollow
gravity dams in those hollow spaces are kept to reduce the weight. Early gravity dams were built
of masonry, but nowadays with improved methods of construction, quality control and curing,
concrete is most commonly used for the construction of modern gravity dams. About 60 % of the
total arable land in India is rain-fed and characterized by low productivity, low income, low
employment with high incidence of poverty and a bulk of fragile and marginal land (Joshi et al.
2008). Rainfall pattern in these areas are highly variable both in terms of total amount and its
distribution, which lead to moisture stress during critical stages of crop production and makes agriculture
production vulnerable to pre and post production risk.
The check dam system helps to measure the gully erosion due to strong current of river channels.
Check dam also prevents silting and thus, helps in reducing the augmented height of the lower
Concrete dams are used more often than fill dams to produce hydroelectric power
because gates (also called sluices) or other kinds of outlet structures can be built into the concrete
to allow for water to be released from the reservoir in a controlled manner. When water for
power, drinking water, or irrigation is needed downstream, the gates can be opened to release the
amount needed over a specified time. Water can be kept flowing in the river downstream so fish
and other wildlife can survive. Both concrete and fill dams are required to have emergency
spillways so that flood waters can be safely released downstream before the water flows over the
top or crest of the dam and potentially erodes it.
Design issues which are highly important while designing of the check dam are:-
Incorporation of spillways so that the over-burdened water can be released
Earthquake Resistant Design
Mix Design for the mass concrete
Evaluation of foundation conditions and their foundations treatment
Concrete production and placement system
Traditional concrete dams generally don't employ these designing issues which can late
malign the compressive strength of the composite structure
Check dams are rarely effective in steep channels (i.e., more than 10 percent slope), and are
easily dislodged by high ditch/channel flow velocities if they are not designed, sized, and
installed properly. Common causes of failure include
failure to account for high intensity rain storms,
use of rock that is too small for flow velocities/volumes present,
failure to secure temporary dike products against heavy flows,
use of fiber log stakes that are too short or that are spaced too far apart, and
Presence of woody or other debris in storm flows, causing structural damage to check dams.
Planning guidelines and material selection for check dams are driven by site considerations (e.g.,
ditch/channel slope, length, flow velocities, soils) and the longevity desired. In general,
ditch/channel slope should not exceed 10 percent (otherwise, a drop structure should be
considered), the drainage area should not exceed 10 acres, and flow velocities should not exceed
12 feet per second for a 10-year, 24-hour storm frequency.
When installing drainage ditches or channels, plan to stabilize them immediately after
construction, as required. Un-vegetated/unarmored ditches and channels erode quickly on contact
with flowing water, especially when they are long and steep. Include check dams as part of the
ditch erosion prevention and sediment control system when ditches are longer than 200 feet and
steeper than 3 percent. Wide, flat swales (i.e., less than 1 percent slope, greater than 4 foot width)
can also benefit from check dam installations when used as temporary linear sediment traps
during the construction phase.
A check dam is a small, sometimes temporary, dam constructed across a swale, drainage
ditch, or waterway to counteract erosion by reducing water flow velocity.
Stone should be placed over the channel banks to keep water from cutting around the dam.
Example rock check dam installation
Rock check dams should consist of well-graded stone consisting of a mixture of rock sizes.
For best results, use mixed sizes of aggregate and riprap that are collectively sized to
withstand expected ditch channel flows (typically 1.5 inch to 12 inches). For example, a
check dam specification may require riprap with percent less than the specified rock
o 100%: < 24 inches
o 75%: < 15 inches
o 50%: < 9 inches
o 10%: < 4 inches
Check dams may be constructed of riprap, with a coarse aggregate facing on the uphill side.
Other options include 1.5-inch clean gravel and river rock.
Place a strip of nonwoven geotextile below check dam to provide a stable foundation and for
easier removal.
Construct check dams 4 to 5 feet wide at the bottom, and 1.5 to 2 feet wide at the top.
Construct check dams 1.5 to 2 feet high, with side slopes no steeper that 2H:1V.
To increase the effectiveness of rock check dams, a shallow pool upstream of the check is
recommended, which allows additional sediment storage.
Rock/sand bags are manufactured from durable, weather resistant, tightly woven
geotextile fabric material sufficient to prevent leakage of the filler material. They are relatively
low cost and easy to install, move, replace, and reuse (if not damaged). Rock/sand bag check
dams are a good short-term solution where concentrated flows are causing erosion, and can also
be used to divert and slow the velocity of small flows. Biofilter bags may also be used when
firmly staked to the ground. Additional rock/sand bag considerations include the following.
These systems are not intended for use in steep slope applications or where water velocities
or volumes are high.
Because they are lightweight, they can easily be damaged by construction equipment.
Products that are not damaged or deteriorated may be reused.
Ditch cross-section illustrating fiber check dam spacing to create series of pools.
Fiber logs (straw wattles, excelsior logs) are straw and wood-fiber cores wrapped with synthetic
netting. They can be partially buried in a channel to create mini-dams.
Erosion control blankets installed in ditches can be folded over to create “pillow checks”
across the bottom of the channel. To install, fold a 12 to 16 inch section of the blanket over itself
during blanket installation in the ditch bottom and stake down securely with long staples or
wooden stakes spaced every 12 inches. An alternate approach is to install the erosion blanket or
turf reinforcement mat after seeding the ditch/channel, then install folded-over sections of
blanket at regular intervals on top, similar to installation of other ditch checks. Spacing can range
from 50 to 60 feet for flat ditches/channels and 15 to 20 feet for steeper sections. Pillow checks
can be left in the ditch or channel to decompose naturally.
Check dams are used to regulate flow velocities, reduce scour erosion, and trap small
quantities of sediment along higher-risk ditches and channels that have slopes greater than 10
percent and soil types conducive to erosion (e.g., sandy/silty soils). They are appropriate for both
temporary and permanent ditches and swales. While most flatter and shorter channels (i.e., slope
less than 3 percent, length less than 200 feet) generally do not need check dams if they are
stabilized immediately after construction (i.e., with sod, or seed and the appropriate rolled
erosion control product), longer and steeper ditches can benefit from check dam installations.
When evaluating the use of check dams for a particular site, consider the following.
When carefully located and constructed, check dams may function as permanent
Rock from a temporary check dam can be spread into a ditch and used as a channel lining
when the check dam is no longer necessary.
Removal may be costly for some types of check dams.
Check dams are suitable only for a limited drainage area (generally 10 acres or less).
Check dams are intended for use in small open channels, not streams or rivers.
Hydraulic capacity of the channel can be reduced when check dams are in place.
Check dams may create turbulence downstream, causing erosion of the channel banks.
Ponder water may kill grass in grass-lined channels.
Check dams may be an obstruction to construction equipment.
surface water. Stabilization of the last 200 lineal feet must be completed within 24 hours after
connecting to a surface water or property edge.”
In addition, the permittee(s) must “complete stabilization of the remaining portions of any
temporary or permanent ditches or swales within 14 calendar days after connecting to a surface
water or property edge and construction in that portion of the ditch has temporarily or
permanently ceased.” Check dams should be used in conjunction with seed, mulch, blankets,
mats, and/or other stabilization measures to help meet these requirements. Effectiveness
Check dams are moderately effective in trapping sediment, and highly effective in preventing
down cutting in a ditch or channel when used with appropriate rolled erosion control products
installed over seed. They generally provide relatively fair-to-good removal of coarse and
medium-sized sediment from runoff; however, most fine silt and clay particles will pass through
the voids on these structures. Their primary benefit lies in preventing erosion prior to seed
germination and growth in vegetated ditches and channels. The following table summarizes
expected performance for an array of typical water quantity and quality target constituents for
check dams.
Water Quantity
Water Quantity
Pollution prevention
Water Quantity
Pollutant removal
Select a check dam type to meet longevity and other design objectives.
Complete final grading of the ditch and rock/debris removal prior to check dam installation.
Channel protection and stabilization (i.e., with turf reinforcement mats, Type 3 or 4 erosion
control blankets, seed, etc.) should be achieved prior to installation of check dams.
Install check dams immediately after ditch/channel stabilization (i.e., seeding and mulching
or installation of rolled erosion control products).
Install check dams all the way across the ditch or channel, perpendicular to the flow.
Configure check dams so the sides extend up the bank slopes, with the overflow in the
The ends of each dam should be installed up bank slopes so that the bottom of the dam is 6
inches higher than the top of the center; this practice prevents water from running around the
ends and causing additional erosion.
Overflow dips in the middle of the check dam should be 8 to 12 inches lower than the sides.
Ensure culvert entrances below check dams are not subject to damage or blockage from
displaced stones.
Protect the channel downstream of the lowest check dam from erosion, since water will flow
over and around the dam.
Ensure that the channel is stable above the most upstream check dam.
If check dams are to be removed, vegetate and stabilize the footprint area immediately after
removal. Seeding, mulching, or matting are appropriate stabilization practices.
The maximum height of check dams varies by material (see table below for examples).
The spacing between ditch checks should be such that the bottom of the upstream check
should be at the same elevation as the top of the downstream check.
General check dam spacing can be calculated by dividing the height of the structure by the
slope percentage (i.e., represented in the decimal form, for example, 5 percent = 0.05, etc.).
Check dams are made of a variety of materials. Because they are typically
used as temporary structures, they are often made of cheap and accessible materials such as
rocks, gravel, logs, hay bales, and sandbags of these, logs and rock check dams are usually
permanent or semi-permanent; and the sandbag check dam is implemented primarily for
temporary purposes. Also, there are check dams that are constructed with rock fill or wooden
boards. These dams are usually implemented only in small, open channels that drain 10 acres
(0.04 km2) or less; and usually do not exceed 2 ft (0.61 m) high. Woven-wire can be used to
construct check dams in order to hold fine material in a gully. They are typically utilized in
environments where the gully has a moderate slope (less than 10%), small drainage area, and in
regions where flood flows do not typically carry large rocks or boulders. In nearly all instances,
erosion control blankets, which are biodegradable open-weave blankets, are used in conjunction
with check dams. These blankets help enforce vegetation growth on the slopes, shorelines and
ditch bottoms.
Constructed drainages on steeper slopes where runoff velocities exceed 5 feet per
second. May be placed below spillways to reduce water velocity and erosion.
Helps establish grass linings and other vegetation in swales or drainage ditches
Where erosion is a concern. Not applicable in natural streams except as part of an
approved restoration plan.
Advantages Captures the incidental discharge of sediment.
Reduces channel down-cutting by slowing flow velocities within channels.
Promotes runoff infiltration and sediment deposition at each check dam.
Reduces peak storm water runoff.
Disadvantages Sediment trapped behind each check dam can be re-suspended by
Subsequent runoff, if not cleaned out regularly and after large storms.
Will reduce conveyance capacity in channel, leading to a higher probability
Long periods of submergence.
Check dams should be inspected regularly, especially after rainfall exceeding 0.5
inch. Section IV.E.5.c of the 2013 MPCA Construction Storm water General Permit states that
“drainage ditches and conveyance systems...must be inspected for evidence of erosion and
sediment deposition during each inspection. The Permit tee(s) must remove all deltas and
sediment deposited in surface waters, including drainage ways, catch basins, and other drainage
systems, and re-stabilizes the areas where sediment removal results in exposed soil. The removal
and stabilization must take place within seven (7) days of discovery unless precluded by legal,
regulatory, or physical access constraints.” Specific inspection guidelines for check dams include
the following.
Inspect check dams and channels for damage after each runoff event (including runoff from
snowmelt), and correct all damage immediately.
Regular inspections should be made to ensure that the center of the dam is lower than the
Check the structural integrity of the check dams – shape, anchoring, and overall condition.
Look for scour underneath the check dam and bypasses on the sides.
Note the amount of sediment deposited upslope of the check dams.
Observe erosion of ditch segments between check dams – down cutting and side scour.
Collaborative efforts among community members and stakeholders more broadly are
necessary to achieve a high level of resilience. Ideas need to be integrated and solutions
implemented that meet community needs and address community-identified resilience goals.
However, even members of the geographic community can have broad and sometimes
competing interests, as well as different technical and nontechnical backgrounds that make
communication difficult. The differences become even more pronounced when considering
stakeholders from outside the geographic area. Even so, it is important to involve community
members and stakeholders as main actors in enhancing resilience to gain trust and “buy-in” of
resilience-enhancing processes. Hazards and risks need to be communicated by means that can
be understood by all, which implies careful consideration of community factors to identify those
means. The same means may not work for all groups.
The committee experienced communication problems similar to those described above, albeit
on a smaller scale, during its own deliberations. As a diverse group of engineers, social
scientists, community planners, and other experts, the committee had to learn to communicate to
identify issues and a vision for incorporating concepts of community resilience into dam and
levee safety programs. The committee quickly learned that individual members used different
vocabularies to express themselves, complicating the sharing of ideas. As committee discussions
progressed, members often recognized that their goals were not actually divergent. They found
instead a common vision and a shared set of conclusions.
Similar challenges will present themselves to dam and levee safety professionals on a much
greater scale as they attempt to engage the broader community in improving community
resilience. Different groups will have different assumptions, perceptions, and vocabularies,
which will make communication difficult—at least initially. But the experience of this
committee suggests that progress can be made when individual and mutual needs and goals are
identified and clearly stated.