Continental-Scale Tectonic Controls of Biogeography and Ecology
Continental-Scale Tectonic Controls of Biogeography and Ecology
Continental-Scale Tectonic Controls of Biogeography and Ecology
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Fish biogeography in the Neotropical region has been a sub- the South American freshwater fish fauna were facing when
ject of increasing interest in the last few years. Less than thirty interpreting historical vicariant events, Lundberg and col-
years ago, Weitzman and Weitzman (1982) could still claim leagues (1998) provided a synthesis of the geological evolu-
that “ichthyologists have not as yet contributed substan- tion of South American river basins, with an emphasis on the
tive results to the combined studies of biogeography, species hydrogeographic changes in the river basins draining the sedi-
diversification, and evolution of higher fish taxa within South mentary basins adjacent to the Andean cordillera during the
America.” Since then, however, a growing body of information Cenozoic.
on fish taxonomy, distribution, and phylogenetic relation- The synthesis by Lundberg and colleagues (1998) was influ-
ships has opened a path for a substantial improvement in our ential in changing the way South American fish biogeography
understanding of the subject. The first major move toward an is interpreted and inspired new approaches to its comprehen-
adequate assessment of biogeographical patterns presented sion. Examples of recent papers examining broad patterns of
by South American freshwater fishes was the paper by Vari fish biogeography in South America that incorporated views
(1988), which, based on an extensive revision of curimatid on the evolution of hydrogeographic systems expressed by
systematics, discussed in detail freshwater fish biogeographic Lundberg and colleagues (1998) were Lovejoy and colleagues
patterns across South America north of Patagonia. Both Vari (2006), Albert and colleagues (2006), and Hubert and Renno
(1988) and Vari and Weitzman (1990) pointed out the need for (2006). Lovejoy and colleagues (2006) addressed primary
increasing our knowledge of species-level systematics, distri- marine fish groups with representatives in freshwaters in
bution information, and phylogenetic relationships of South South America and concluded that their establishment in the
American freshwater fishes as a necessary step toward the region is probably ascribable to marine incursions that have
formulation of adequate hypotheses about their historical bio- taken place during the Miocene. Albert, Lovejoy, and col-
geography. Subsequent authors have followed those precepts leagues (2006) reviewed the fish clades present in trans-
and provided discussions on possible vicariant events that have Andean river basins and their relationships with cis-Andean
affected some other fish clades—for example, Schaefer (1990) clades, thus expanding the views earlier advanced by Lundberg
on Scoloplax (Scoloplacidae), Schaefer (1997) on Otocinclus and colleagues (1986, 1988), Lundberg and Chernoff (1992),
(Loricariidae), Reis (1998b) on Lepthoplosternum (Callichthy- and Vari (1988) on a substantial vicariant event elicited by the
idae), and Costa (1996) on Simpsonichthys (Rivulidae). formation of a new drainage limit by the uplift of the East-
A widely held assumption in freshwater fish biogeography is ern Andes and the Caribbean coastal cordillera during the
that a good knowledge of the geological evolution of the river Miocene. Hubert and Renno (2006) undertook a parsimony
basins is fundamental to understand the history of the vicari- analysis of endemicity (PAE) using a large database of South
ant events responsible for the current distribution patterns of American characiforms, aiming to identify the relationships
freshwater taxa. With that view in mind, it was evident that among hypothesized areas of fish endemism in the continent,
the meager geological information used to interpret biogeo- in which these authors formally proposed four major hypo-
graphical patterns identified in the aforementioned studies thesis for diversification of the South American biota, two of
was not sufficiently detailed to fully appreciate the impact of which, the “palaeogeography hypothesis” and the “hydrogeo-
the dynamics of geological processes that were thought to be logy hypothesis,” involve changes in river-drainage configura-
responsible for configuring distribution patterns. Prompted tion as the causal factors explaining current fish distributions.
by the perceived difficulties that ichthyologists working with The thorough and detailed review by Lundberg and col-
leagues (1998), however, did not address the hydrogeographic
evolution of the South American river basins that drain
Historical Biogeography of Neotropical Freshwater Fishes, edited by
James S. Albert and Roberto E. Reis. Copyright © 2011 by The Regents shields, and several large basins were excluded from their his-
of the University of California. All rights of reproduction in any form torical narrative. Even though much more stable than the sedi-
reserved. mentary basins adjacent to the Andean orogenic belt, these
146 C O N T I N E N TA L A N A LYS I S
fish collections, was available. The selection of taxa for which collection, specimens of which were checked to confirm their
an adequate knowledge of both the taxonomy and the geo- identifications, plus reliable literature records—for Abramites
graphic range is available is an obviously essential prerequisite hypselonotus, Vari and Williams (1987) and Taphorn (1992);
before its incorporation into any biogeographical hypothesis for Roeboexodon guyanensis (note: we do not follow the nomen-
(Brown et al. 1996). Some genera poorly known taxonomically clatural suggestion for the change of the name of this species
(e.g., Mylossoma, Hypoptopoma) are also mentioned because predicated by Lucena and Lucinda, in F. Lima et al. 2003),
they constitute monophyletic taxa, with well-known distri- Lucena and Lucinda (2004), and Planquette et al. (1996); for
bution ranges, factors that allow a biogeographical interpre- Anostomus ternetzi, Winterbottom (1980), G. Santos and Jégu
tation of their distribution patterns. In the maps presented, (1989), and Sidlauskas and Santos (2005); for Leporinus brun-
localities plotted were based on material deposited at MZUSP neus, Chernoff et al. (1991) and Santos and Jégu (1996); and
for Curimatella meyeri, Vari (1992b). Localities for Thayeria boe- continental portion of the South American plate not affected
hlkei were based on an extensive survey of material conducted by the Caribbean and Andean orogenic zones and is consti-
by the first author, along with C. R. Moreira, as part of revi- tuted by the Brazilian Platform and the Patagonian Platform
sionary studies on the genus Thayeria. (Almeida et al. 2000).The geological structure of the South
Distribution patterns are summarized in Tables 9.1 and 9.2, American Platform can be synthetically described as a Gond-
which include the list of taxa used for the interpretation of wanaland fragment that includes a set of five Arquean cratons
the distribution patterns, with a summary of their distribution (Amazonian, São Francisco, Rio de La Plata, São Luiz, and Luiz
ranges. These data were coded into a data matrix for absence Alves) (Cordani et al. 2000) surrounded by ancient Precam-
(0) and presence (1) of taxa, and a parsimony analysis was brian orogenic belts (both consisting of the crystalline shields)
carried out using the heuristic option of the software PAST, and associated sedimentary cover. The South American Plat-
version 1.90 (Hammer et al. 2001) for hypothesizing hierar- form interacts with the Nazca Plate to the west, creating the
chical interrelationships among areas, following the methods Andean orogenic belt.
proposed by B. Rosen and Smith (1988). Most of the South American platform rocky basement
resulted from a set of paleocontinental amalgamations devel-
oped in response to the convergence of the São Francisco,
Geological Background Congo, and Rio de La Plata cratons during the Neoprotero-
zoic to Early Paleozoic (between 0.9 and 0.5 Ga) originating
the Eastern Gondwanaland supercontinent in the so-called
Distribution and biogeographical patterns discussed in this Brazilian/Pan-African orogenic cycle (Trouw et al. 2000;
chapter take place in the central area of the ancient upland Almeida et al. 2000).
Brazilian crystalline shield and adjacencies, developed as a Within the Brazilian Platform, therefore, shields are consti-
set of lowland areas, in which large river systems evolved as tuted by rocks of the cratons and neighboring ancient oro-
a result of major landscape rearrangements driven by global genic belts that resulted mostly from the Brazilian/Pan-African
tectonic processes acting along most of the South American cycle. These sets of Precambrian rocks present a structural
continent since the Cretaceous period (Potter 1997). Under- inheritance of their collisional origin. Among one of the most
standing this complex history cannot be achieved without conspicuous is the presence of a complex system of Precam-
considering some major aspects of the geological structure of brian rift and shear zones. This complex system of ancient rifts
the South American continent and the way this ancient struc- behaves as weakness zones, more susceptible to undergoing
ture responds to more recent global tectonic forces. Interaction deformations due to tectonic reactivation events (Saadi 1993;
between two connected elements—ancient geological struc- Saadi et al. 2002; Riccomini and Assumpção 1999). Since the
ture and its behavior under present-day tectonics settings—are Gondwanaland breakup (culminating approximately 90 MY)
key factors in elaborating a scenario on the biogeographic his- reactivations along this set of Precambrian fracture zones have
tory of South American freshwater fish fauna. been driving the tectonic behavior of the entire platform. This
Most of the South American Continent consists of the South analysis is based on the concept of resurgent tectonics (Suguio
American Platform (Figure 9.3), which is defined as the stable 2001), in which ancient structures (faults and shear zones)
148 C O N T I N E N TA L A N A LYS I S
NOTE : OS, Orinoco shield tributaries; GU, Guyana; SU, Suriname; FG, French Guiana; AN, Amazon northern tributaries; TO, Tocantins; XU, Xingu;
TA, Tapajós, MS, Madeira shield tributaries.
become reactivated subsequently by more recent tectonic when the streams suffer an abrupt deviation as a consequence
events. The evolution of the continental paleodrainage and of the relative movement between rifted blocks. Alternatively,
relief is strongly controlled by resurgent tectonics (Saadi it occurs by differential erosion, because deformation in the
et al. 2005). landscape promotes the adjustment of the drainage to a new
Among large hydrogeographic basins of South America, base level, causing streams on lowered blocks, with a steeper
the Upper Paraná, Uruguay, São Francisco, and large Brazilian gradient and, consequently, more energy, to extend their val-
coastal rivers such as the rio Doce and rio Jequitinhonha show leys headward as a result of erosion, eventually breaking down
strong evidence of acquiring most of their present courses as a the divide and capturing part or all of the drainage of adjacent
result of tectonics associated with the Gondwanaland breakup, slower streams (Tarbuck and Lutgens 2002).
which configured the major shape of their drainage basins If, on one hand, the tectonic activity associated with the
(K. Cox 1989; Potter 1997; A. Ribeiro 2006). Within these evolution of the eastern divergent rifted margin of the South
basins, recent tectonic reactivation events have constantly American platform affects distribution and biogeography of
promoted drainage rearrangements and are the main cause of the central-eastern Brazilian shield fish fauna (A. Ribeiro 2006),
headwater captures between adjacent basins from the Paleo- the tectonic evolution of the Andean cordilleras, on the other,
gene to the present. Examples of large and small drainage devi- is the main geological process affecting drainage dynamics and
ations driven by Paleogene and Neogene tectonic reactivations consequently, fish fauna biogeography of western cis-Andean
on basin divides have been more extensively reported recently South America.
(Ab’Sáber 1957, 1998; Cobbold et al. 2001; Brito-Neves et al. Within the context of Andean tectonics, evolution of fore-
2004; Modenesi-Guattieri et al. 2002; A. Ribeiro 2006; A. land basins is a main point in understanding cis-Andean low-
Ribeiro et al. 2006; Menezes et al. 2008). Stream capture or land fish faunal distribution patterns. Foreland basin systems
piracy can operate basically in two different ways in tectoni- develop as a result of flexural warping of the lithosphere in
cally active areas. It can be a direct effect of tectonic stress, response to supralithospheric and sublithospheric orogenic
150 C O N T I N E N TA L A N A LYS I S
Taxon OL WA ES TL PP NC Source
Kanazawa 1966; Jégu and Keith 1999;
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum X X X X X
Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2008
Arapaima gigas X X X
Jurengraulis juruensis X Whitehead et al. 1988
Anchoviella jamesi X X Whitehead et al. 1988
Whitehead 1985; G. Santos et al. 2004;
Pellona castelnaeana X X
Melo et al. 2005
Whitehead 1985; Menezes and Pinna
Pristigaster cayana X X
2000; G. Santos et al. 2004
Pristigaster whiteheadi X Menezes and de Pinna 2000
Abramites hypselonotus X X X X Vari and Williams 1987
Leporinus striatus X X X Britski and Garavello 1980; Taphorn 1992
Leporinus trifasciatus X X
Rhytiodus spp. X
Schizodon fasciatus X
Cyphocharax spiluropsis X Vari 1992a
Curimata aspera and C. cerasina X X Vari 1989a
Curimatella dorsalis X X X Vari 1992b
Curimatella meyeri X Vari 1992b
Potamorhina altamazonica X X Vari 1984
Potamorhina spp. X X X Vari 1984
Psectrogaster curviventris X X Vari 1989b
Steindachnerina bimaculata X X Vari 1991
Steindachnerina guentheri X X Vari 1991
Steindachnerina spp.
X X X Vari 1991
(S. conspersa group)
Gasteropelecus sternicla X X X X Weitzman 1960; Britski et al. 2007
Thoracocharax spp. X X X X Weitzman 1960
Chalceus erythrurus X Zanata and Toledo-Piza 2004
Hydrolycus scomberoides X Toledo-Piza et al. 1999
Brycon amazonicus X X F. Lima 2001
Brycon hilarii X X F. Lima 2001
Clupeacharax anchovioides X X X F. Lima 2003
Odontostilbe fugitiva X Bührnheim and Malabarba 2006
Colossoma macropomum X X Araújo-Lima and Goulding 1997
Jégu and Keith 1999; Machado-Allison
Mylossoma spp. X X X X
and Fink 1995; Britski et al. 2007
Jégu and Keith 1999; Machado-Allison
Piaractus spp. X X X X
and Fink 1995; Britski et al. 2007
Lowe-McConnnell 1964; W. Fink 1993;
Pygocentrus nattereri X X X X X
Jégu and Keith 1999
Serrasalmus elongatus X Jégu and Keith 1999
Stethaprion spp. X Reis 1989
Brachychalcinus spp. X X Reis 1989, 1998b
Taxon OL WA ES TL PP NC Source
Gephyrocharax spp. X X X Weitzman 2003; MZUSP
Incertae sedis
Astyanacinus moorii X X MZUSP
Ctenobrycon spp. X X X X X X
Creagrutus barrigai X Vari and Harold 2001
Creagrutus cochui X Vari and Harold 2001
Engraulisoma taeniatum X X X F. Lima et al. 2003; Taphorn 1992
Gymnocorymbus spp. X X X X F. Lima et al. 2003
Hemigrammus barrigonae and
H. ulreyi
Leptagoniates pi X
Leptagoniates steindachneri X
Markiana spp. X X
Paracheirodon innesi X Weitzman and Fink 1983; Kullander 1986
Paragoniates alburnus X
Parecbasis cyclolepis X MZUSP
Prionobrama spp. X X X
Cetopsis candiru X Vari et al. 2005
Cetopsis coecutiens X X X Vari et al. 2005
Megalocentor echthrus X X Pinna and Britski 1991
Leptoplosternum spp. X X Reis 1998b; Reis and Kaefer 2005
Dianema spp. X
Corydoras spp. (C. reynoldsi
X Britto and Lima 2003
Hypoptopoma spp. X X X X X
Otocinclus macrospilus X Schaefer 1997
Otocinclus huaorani X X Schaefer 1997
Otocinclus vestitus X X Schaefer 1997
Otocinclus vittatus X X X X Schaefer 1997
Apistoloricaria spp. X X
Crossoloricaria spp.* X
Isbrücker and Nijssen 1978a; Taphorn and
Lamontichthys spp.* X X
Lilyestrom 1984b
Planiloricaria cryptodon X Isbrücker and Nijssen 1986
Pseudohemiodon spp. X X X
Aphanotolurus spp. X X Armbruster 1998b
Hypostomus pyrineusi X Armbruster 2003
Panaque spp. (Panaque Schaefer and Stewart 1993; Chockley and
dentex group) Armbruster 2002
Peckoltia bachi X X Armbruster 2008
Peckoltia brevis X Armbruster 2008
Pseudorinelepis genibarbis X Armbruster and Hardman 1999
Pterygoplichthys pardalis X Weber 1992
Pterygoplichthys punctatus X Weber 1992; Armbruster and Page 2006
Brachyplatystoma spp.
(B. filamentosum excepted)
Callophysus macropterus X X
Cheirocerus spp.* X Stewart and Pavlik 1985
Pimelodina flavipinnis X X Stewart 1986
Platynematichthys notatus X X X
Lundberg and Parisi 2002; Parisi et al.
Propimelodus spp. X X
2006; Rocha et al. 2007
Taxon OL WA ES TL PP NC Source
NOTE : OL, Orinoco lowlands; WA, Western Amazon; ES, Essequibo; TL, Tocantins lowlands; PP, Paraná/Paraguay lowlands; NC, Northern coastal plains.
wedging. Lithospheric flexure under static loads generates basins. These processes were the result of the migration of the
down-bending flexure proximal to the orogen, which migrates tectonic deformations eastward and other mechanisms such
as the load advances (Uba et al. 2006). Foreland basins are thus as megafans dynamics (Horton and DeCelles 2001; Wilkin-
elongated, tectonically imposed lowlands, located between son et al. 2006). Foreland basins can be described as sets of
upland areas of the Andean chain in the west and the Brazil- “expanding lowlands” into which adjacent uplands become
ian Shield in the east. This system of interconnected lowland incorporated as the tectonic load advances eastward. An
areas suffered constant drainage rearrangements, translated by example of such dynamics is exemplified by the origin of the
ephemeral contact and isolation among neighboring drainage Pantanal Wetland, a tectonic depression developed thanks to
tectonic reactivations of Precambrian faults along the Trans- mation. Marine incursions during the Miocene also are known
brasiliano lineament approximately 2.5 MY (Soares at al. 1998; from several intracontinental basins in South America. In the
Assine 2004). This system of interconnected foreland basins, Amazon Basin, several short marine incursions appeared in
the Chaco and Pantanal, formed during the late Cenozoic in the Miocene Solimões and Pebas formations in Brazil, Peru,
response to Nazca–South American plate convergence and its Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. South of the Chaco fore-
related eastward interaction with the Brazilian shield (Uba land basin, the Miocene Paranense Sea covered a wide area in
et al. 2006). According to Assine (2004), during the Cretaceous northern Argentina and Uruguay (Hulka et al. 2006).
and afterward the western border of the upland upper Paraná Despite uncertainty concerning the extension of seaways
Basin extended westward to the present-day Pantanal Wetland. in South America, it is reasonable to consider that the latest
The area represented the natural extension of the present-day events represent a starting point for biogeographic analysis of
Brazilian crystalline shield to the west-southwest, acting as strictly freshwater fishes inhabiting lowland foreland drainage
divide between drainages of the upper Paraná and Chaco basins. Lundberg and colleague (1998, 38, fig. 18) illustrate the
basins. During the last compressive event along the Andean most recent major marine seaway dating from the Late Ter-
belt (~2.5 MY) flexural subsidence associated with fault reac- tiary (c. 11.8–10 MY), named as the Paranan Sea in the south
tivation on its borders originated the Pantanal Wetland (Ass- and the Pebasian Sea in the north. According to V. Ramos and
ine 2004) and configured the present-day divide between the Aleman (2000), maximum flexural subsidence resulted from
western margins of the upper Paraná and upper Paraguay. The rapid tectonic loading of the Andes between 15 and 13 MY
set of foreland basins present along the Andean slope are thus was responsible for the marine transgression of the Paranense
dynamic landscapes capturing drainages from adjacent upland Sea that invaded most of the Andean foothills between 40º S
shield rivers and promoting hydrological connections to and the Maracaibo area. According to the same authors, this
each other. marine transgression of the Paranense Sea could be correlated
South American foreland basins are also areas of constant and connected with Amazonian transgressions of the middle
marine incursions (Lovejoy et al. 2006). Subsidence of fore- Miocene (12 MY) (Figure 9.4).
land basins combined with eustatic sea-level rises promotes Along the core area of the Brazilian shield there are also
marine incursions along several lowland areas of foreland enclaves of tectonically developed lowland areas or depres-
basins adjacent to the Andean chain (Lundberg et al. 1998). sions that are not directly related to the evolution of fore-
Between the Oligocene and Late Miocene, shallow restricted land basins but to the constant tectonic reactivation events
marine incursions transgressed into southeastern Bolivia and undergone by the complex system of Precambrian faults
are represented there by the Middle-Late Miocene Yecua For- of the crystalline basement. Examples of such areas are the
154 C O N T I N E N TA L A N A LYS I S
Amazon Amazon arm
Brazilian shield
s eS
0 1000 km
F I G U R E 9.4 Possible extension of the Miocene (12 MY) transgression of the Paranense Sea (modified from V. Ramos and Aleman 2000).
Araguaia and Tocantins depression (Saadi 1993; Saadi et al. control of drainage patterns along the Takutu rift in the cen-
2005). According to Saadi and colleagues (2005), there is a tral portion of the Guiana Shield is also mentioned by Costa
close relationship between the Araguaia-Tocantins depres- and colleagues (1996). In the central portion of the Brazilian
sion and the Pantanal basin, in terms of their structural shield, neotectonic activity controlling drainage patterns is
control by the Transbrasiliano lineament. The same authors mentioned by Innocencio (1989).
mentioned that in the east of the Araguaia-Tocantins depres-
sion the topography becomes increasingly higher eastward RUNNING WATER DYNAMICS:
as a result of a recent Cenozoic uplift. In this region, sev- UPLANDS VERSUS LOWLANDS
eral hydrological anomalies associated with recent tectonic
adjustments exist, such as unresolved drainages termed There are significant differences between the river dynam-
águas emendadas (coalescence of headwaters of distinct river ics of upland shield areas and lowland foreland basins that
systems). directly affect fish faunal distribution patterns. The first and
According to Riccomini and Assumpção (1999), there is more prominently observed difference between uplands and
evidence of Quaternary, and particularly Holocene, faulting lowlands refers to river gradient. Upland rivers draining the
in almost all geological provinces of Brazil and a close rela- ancient crystalline basement of the Brazilian Shield typi-
tionship of geoid anomalies with uplifted areas of neotec- cally possess stepped gradients, and often are intercalated by
tonic and seismic activity. This vision contradicts previous sequences of rapids and/or waterfalls (Innocencio 1989).
ideas of tectonic stability. Drainage patterns are strongly con- Such rivers are typically ancient, superposed streams (i.e., the
trolled by neotectonic activity, and evidence of this control stream establishes its course without regard to the underly-
has been extensively described in the geological literature. In ing structures) (Tarbuck and Lutgens 2002) or streams with
the Amazon Basin, tectonic control of the drainage pattern courses structurally oriented by the rock basement features,
excluding the obvious and direct effect of the Andean orogeny such as fault lines (L. Soares 1977). Upland rivers are typically
is mentioned by Soares (1977), Costa and colleagues (1996), well fitted into their valleys of exposed crystalline rock and
and Costa and colleagues (2001). According to Costa and col- do not present lateral movements. They lack alluvial plains,
leagues (2001), paleogeographic configurations of the Ama- or else have poorly developed ones. A typical example is
zon River, as well the present observed pattern, are controlled the rio Juruena at the upper rio Tapajós basin, a clear-water
by Meso-Cenozoic tectonics. In the Guiana Shield, tectonic river lacking floodplains and presenting a dendritic drainage
156 C O N T I N E N TA L A N A LYS I S
Ferreira, 1999; Jégu and Keith, 1999; Jégu and Santos, 2002). pattern of the Amazon River was quite distinct from the pres-
The piedmont area of the headwaters of the Amazon and Ori- ent-day configuration. Potter (1997, 338, fig. 5) pointed out
noco basins draining the Andean slope (i.e., above 200 meters that the pre-Miocene Amazon watershed possessed headwaters
asl) also possesses a distinctive fish assemblage, as previously much further eastward than the present day. In this ancient
noticed by Ibarra and Stewart (1989) and Galacatos and col- Amazon River drainage, both the Guiana Shield, in the north,
legues (1996) in the upper Río Napo in Ecuador and Taphorn and the Brazilian Shield, in the south, represent headwaters
(1992, 490, 505) in the Rio Meta system in Venezuela. of the same interconnected drainage basin. Also, according to
Several taxa presenting foreland distribution patterns J. Costa and colleagues (2001), the Purus Arch worked as an
appear to be restricted to the westernmost, higher portions uplifted area between the Amazonas and Solimões basins with
of the Amazon and Orinoco basins because of their ecologi- the axial paleodrainage diverging from it from the Late Paleo-
cal requirements. Examples are some cichlids in the Peruvian zoic until the Early Tertiary. From the Early to mid-Tertiary,
Amazon (Kullander 1986, 29); the genus Attonitus (Vari and due to the uplift of the Andes, the paleodrainage of the west
Ortega 2000, fig. 3); and Brycon hilarii, B. whitei, and the Sal- side of the Purus Arch was reversed and formed the Amazon
minus species inhabiting the Orinoco and western Amazon River flowing eastward. From that time to the present, the
systems (Taphorn 1992, 490; F. Lima, unpublished data). Also drainage system was reorganized and gave rise to the formation
noteworthy as an indication of preference for swift-flowing of the modern landscape patterns, which was driven mostly
waters are the distribution of the genus Creagrutus (Vari and by neotectonic processes, not necessarily associated with the
Harold 2001, 44, fig. 18) and of the characiform family Par- Andean tectonics (J. Costa et al. 2001). Some of the examples
odontidae as a whole, both well represented on the western of disjunct distribution patterns presented by us (e.g., Figure
portion of the Amazon and Orinoco basins and across the river 9.6) fit perfectly to the limits of the Pre-Miocene Amazon Basin
systems draining the shields but lacking in the lowlands. From as discussed by Potter (1997) and reiterated by J. Costa and
the examples given in Table 9.2, however, it becomes plain colleagues (2001). Distributional disjunctions are probably
that most lineages with rheophilic representatives typical of the result of the ecological limits imposed by the present-day
shield areas are lacking in the much more geologically recent Amazon River, which acts as a barrier for reophilic, clear- and/
and unstable Andean piedmont. or black-water dwelling fishes, which probably were once dis-
For practical reasons we group fish faunal distribution pat- tributed throughout the whole pre-Miocene Amazon Basin.
terns in two main sets: fish fauna from shields—groups of These faunal components are today limited to the upper por-
fishes that appear to be restricted to upland shield areas by tions of this ancient basin, being thus relictual to the Guiana
both historical and ecological constraints—and a fish fauna and Brazilian shield tributaries.
associated with foreland basins—groups that clearly under-
went distribution range expansions associated with foreland CENTRAL BRAZILIAN SHIELD
basin evolution.
Several fish species distributed throughout the shields do not
have their distribution ranges delimited by basins divides.
Rather, these species occur in more than one river basin.
We interpret the present-day disjunction of the Brazilian and Jupiaba acanthogaster, for example, is widespread across riv-
Guiana shield areas based on a major historical event associ- ers draining the Brazilian Shield from the rio Tocantins basin
ated with the tectonic evolution of the Amazon Basin. The westward to the upper rio Madeira and the upper rio Paraguay
Amazon River is installed within a megashear system, dated basins (Figure 9.7). This pattern contradicts the idea that river
from the late Jurassic, the Amazon graben, which separated basins correspond to major areas of endemism. It provides evi-
the Guyanese and Brazilian cratons (Grabert 1983; Caputo dence of constant faunal exchanges by neighboring drainage
1991). As discussed by Potter (1997), the pre-Miocene drainage basins thanks to continuous headwater captures associated
158 C O N T I N E N TA L A N A LYS I S
F I G U R E 9.6 Distribution of Anostomus ternetzi, Leporinus brunneus (Anostomidae), and Roeboexodon guyanensis (Characidae).
Tocantisia piresi
Jupiaba achantogaster
Hyphessobrycon moniliger
Moenkhausia phaeonota
Thayeria boehlkei
Political boundary
Distribution of Tocantisia piresi (Auchenipteridae), Jupiaba achantogaster, Hyphessobrycon moniliger, Moenkhausia phaeonota, and
F I G U R E 9.7
Thayeria boehlkei (Characidae).
with neotectonic activity as previously proposed by A. Ribeiro activity is probably the main cause of the evolution of huge
(2006) and demonstrated by A. Ribeiro and collegues (2006). tectonically developed depressions, such as the Pantanal
In the case of the central Brazilian shield, as illustrated by the and Araguaia-Tocantins depressions. Reactivations along the
distribution pattern presented by Jupiaba acanthogaster, Transbrasiliano Lineament have surely provided opportunities
the major tectonic feature responsible for the accelerated for constant faunal mixing among neighboring upland
fluvial dynamism of constant headwater captures is the drainages river systems. In addition to the several fish taxa
Transbrasiliano Lineament. As previously mentioned, this listed in Table 9.2, the ichthyofaunistic interchange between
megashear zone is tectonically active, and its neotectonic the upper rio Paraguay and the upper rio Tapajós system,
F I G U R E 9.8 Distribution of Curimatella meyeri (Curimatidae), Rhytiodus spp. (Anostomidae), and Parecbasis cyclolepis (Characidae).
discussed by F. Lima and collegues (2007), is another example by the Amazonian floodplain várzea forests (Wittman et al.
of the faunal mixing that has occurred along this lineament. 2006). That distribution pattern is the one described for
In some cases, upland shield groups clearly represent ancient several Serrasalminae taxa (the so-called várzea guild) by Jégu
distributions, since lowland foreland basin systems are new top- and Keith (1999, fig. 3). Except for some taxa also found in
ographic landscapes relative to shield areas, but, presumably, in the rio Tocantins basin, which are discussed later, fish taxa
other cases, initial diversification might have occurred on low- presenting that distribution pattern generally only occur in
lands, with such groups secondarily occurring in upland areas. the clear-water rivers in their lower section, below the first
However, determination of such a sequence of events cannot be rapids that mark the beginning of the shield-draining portion
described without phylogenetic hypotheses. Recently, Menezes of the river.
and colleagues (2008) demonstrated how the tectonic evolution The lower and middle portions of the rio Negro basin, down-
of the Rio Paraná basin throughout tectonic reactivations along stream from the São Gabriel waterfalls, drain the lowlands,
the borders of the basin configured the present-day distribution and several taxa typically displaying western-central Amazon
patterns of the Glandulocaudinae, in which basal groups are distribution patterns also occur in that area—for example,
restricted to upland rivers draining the Brazilian Shield and Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (Osteoglossidae), Arapaima gigas
more derived groups underwent diversification along lowland (Arapaimatidae), all the Amazonian Pristigasteridae, Hydrolycus
areas of the Paraná-Paraguay and coastal rivers of southern scomberoides (Cynodontidae), Cetopsis coecutiens (Cetopsidae),
to northeastern Brazil. A. Ribeiro and colleagues (2005) also Pseudorinelepis genibarbis (Loricariidae), Cichla monoculus (Cich-
discussed the distribution patterns presented by the characid lidae), and Plagioscion montei (Sciaenidae). However, in spite of
genera Creagrutus and Piabina, concluding that upland shield the lack of physical barriers such as rapids and waterfalls in
areas of Central Brazil are the locale of initial diversification of that river stretch, several other fish taxa displaying western-
the group, and subsequently phylogenetic radiation occurred central Amazon Basin distribution patterns are absent from the
in adjacent areas, including trans-/cis-Andean basins. At the middle and lower rio Negro basin. As first noticed by Goulding
moment, we are unable to provide examples of groups that ini- and colleagues (1988, 98–101), the scarcity or absence of sev-
tially diversified in the lowland areas but secondarily invaded eral common white-water species that also occur in the lower
the shield areas. We suggest that groups that are well diversified courses of clear-water rivers in the rio Negro basin can only be
in the lowlands but with some typical shield representatives, ascribed to their inability to cope with the highly acidic black
such as Anostomidae, Cichlidae, and the order Gymnotiformes, waters or else with the low biological productivity of that sys-
are the ones where those examples will be found. tem. Examples given by Goulding and colleagues (1988) were
Rhytiodus spp., Schizodon fasciatus (Anostomidae), Mylossoma
spp. (Characidae), Psectrogaster spp. (Curimatidae), Thoracho-
charax stellatus (Gasteropelecidae), Cichlasoma spp. (Cichlidae;
What is here considered as a western-central Amazon pat- see also Kullander 1983, 286), Pseudotylosurus microps (Beloni-
tern of distribution includes fishes that are widespread across dae), and Colomesus asellus (Tetraodontidae). Other examples
the lowlands of the Amazon Basin—that is, across the white- of common white-water fish species that are notoriously
water tributaries and along the main channel of the Amazon absent from black waters are Potamorhina altamazonica (Vari
river (Figure 9.8)—and that coincide with the area covered 1984), Prochilodus nigricans (Castro and Vari 2004), Pygocentrus
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populations in the rio Tocantins system. Several explanations a matter still to be determined. Examples of fishes possess-
may be advanced, such as the distinct type of water of the rio ing shield distribution patterns that only occur within this
Tocantins system, the absence of a typical várzea forest in that river system in the shield, clear-water tributaries, as the rio
river system, or else the presence of several rapids along the Machado and rio Aripuanã, are Leporinus brunneus (Figure
lower courses of the rio Tocantins and rio Araguaia that might 9.6) and Jupiaba acanthogaster (Figure 9.7). In contrast, several
have acted as a barrier to the dispersal of several lowland taxa. fishes possessing western-central Amazon distribution patterns
Of course, there is no way to choose among those alternative occur in the rio Madeira system only in its lowland, white-
hypotheses, and it is possible that actually all of them have water tributaries, such as Parecbasis cyclolepis and Rhytiodus
played a role in determining which lowland taxa would be spp. (Figure 9.8).
able to occupy the relatively recent floodplains of the rio
Tocantins system. We suggest that the rio Tocantins system is UNDER THE ANDEAN SHADOW: THE DYNAMISM
an example of “biotic merging,” mentioned by Lundberg and OF FORELAND BASINS
colleagues (1998, 44) as a possible biogeographical outcome of
geomorphological events. Historical relationships among foreland basins are corrobo-
Other river systems possessing a composite nature in north- rated both by the fact that distribution ranges of several
ern cis-Andean South America are the Essequibo River in Guy- species (e.g., Abramites hypselonotus; Figure 9.9, and the numer-
ana and the rio Madeira system. The upper portions of the rio ous examples in Table 9.2) transpose basin divides, but also
Branco and the Essequibo River drain the Takutu graben (e.g., by phylogenies of several taxa of different taxonomic levels.
Milani and Thomaz Filho 2000; Leite et al. 2007, fig. 2), which The evidence suggests that hydrological changes acting along
established a continuous lowland area between both river sys- the slope of the Andean chain throughout the evolution of
tems. The upper Ireng River, a tributary of the upper rio Branco foreland basins are a constant and ancient process, promot-
system, and the Rupununi River, a tributary of the Essequibo ing both expansions of distribution ranges and cladogenesis
River, are considered to be in contact during wet years through through time. Examples of several levels of faunal relation-
the flooded plains of Lake Amuku (Lowe-McConnell 1964). In ships among foreland basins based on phylogenetic patterns
fact, some fishes presenting western-central Amazon distribu- were provided by several authors. Vari (1984) demonstrates
tion patterns extend their distribution into the rio Branco and that Potamorhina laticeps from the Lake Maracaibo drain-
Essequibo River, such as Arapaima gigas, Osteoglossum bicirrho- age is the sister group of a more inclusive clade representing
sum, Pygocentrus nattereri, and Colomesus asellus. These species a sequence of sister groups including P. pristigaster (Amazon
are not known elsewhere from Guyanese river systems, except Basin), P. squamoralevis (Paraná-Paraguay drainage), P. altama-
from their presence in the coastal lowlands of the Amapá state, zonica (Amazon and Orinoco), and P. latior (Amazon Basin).
Brazil, Brycon amazonicus and Colomesus asellus excepted (Jégu Weitzman and Fink (1985) provide evidence that the genus
and Keith 1999). The rio Madeira system has its western head- Argopleura (from the Magdalena) is the sister group of a more
waters either in the Andes or in the lowlands, and its eastern inclusive clade including the genus Iotabrycon (from Guayas
headwaters at the Brazilian shield (Goulding et al. 2003). area of the western Andean slope) plus the genera Xenurobry-
As a consequence, those distinct areas harbor very distinct con (with three species, X. macropus from the Paraguay basin
fish assemblages, although the extent of that distinctness is and X. pteropus and X. heterodon from the western Amazon
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