School of Chemical Engineering Ekc 377 - Renewable and Alternative Energies SEM II - 2015/2016 Renewable Energy Project
School of Chemical Engineering Ekc 377 - Renewable and Alternative Energies SEM II - 2015/2016 Renewable Energy Project
School of Chemical Engineering Ekc 377 - Renewable and Alternative Energies SEM II - 2015/2016 Renewable Energy Project
CD diameter of 120 mm & 700 MiB of data
LED 1 mm2
Copper wires Single copper core
Solar panel Rectangular (120mm x 74mm) , 1W 12V
Powerbank 3.7V , 10000mAh , 37Wh
IN(5V,2A) , OUT (5V,1A)(5V,2.1A)
Wires Single core , half-cut USB wire
Picture 2 : Back view of solar panel Picture 3 : Front view of solar panel Picture 4 : The small
The above figure shows our initial design, which is CD Solar Panel. For that design, we
needed flat CD, copper wire, zener diodes, connecting wires, solder, hot glue gun and multimeter.
First we stick the copper wire in the shiny surface of the CD with hot glue gun. Then we soldered the
copper wires with zener diodes in series using solder to allow the current to flow. We then connected
the circuit with multimeter to take voltage reading. After that, we let the setup under the hot sun for
about 10 minutes. Based on the figure, we obtained 173.9 mV. The voltage shown in multimeter is
relatively low compared to the daily usage of appliances that need at least 10V. Diodes here are used
in circuits that convert AC voltages to DC voltages, and also as voltage regulators, clamps, and
multipliers. So basically, we generated voltage from diodes and sunlight. We replaced the CD with
solar panel due to some reasons. First, the voltage output to the multimeter is very low and not
practical to everyday use. Besides that, the capacity of the zener diodes to absorb very minimal light
energy also the drawbacks of the CD Solar Panel. Thus, we replaced the CD with solar panel. This
proved to be the gamechanger as the solar panel outputs larger voltage due to the presence of
photovoltaic cell in solar panel.
Initially, we did an experiment that involved CD and zener diodes which was unsuccessful as it
produced decent amount of voltage at around 174mV average but the current produced is so small that
this set up is unusable in real life. So due to the negligible power output we decided to shift towards a
more conventional Solar Panel setup with a standard 12 volts and 1-watt solar panel.
Table 1
The total cost of the Solar panel set up shown below:
Table 2
Total cost of the Solar panel if everything to be bought separately shown below:
In this experiment, we initially test out the solar panel by connecting it to a 5V voltage regulator
(to limit the voltage output in order to prevent too much voltage) and connect it to 4 small 1.85 volts
LEDs and successfully powered all of them with full intensity. Initially, we connected it to a Multi-
meter to measure the voltage output without any shading and then proceed with ¼ shading, ½
shading, ¾ shading and full shading respectively. We also did a direct connection to the the USB
power bank through the multi-meter to measure the current flow with the same ¼ shading, ½ shading,
¾ shading and full shading respectively.
We angled the solar panel in such away that it received maximum intensity of sunlight (it was
approximately at 30-degree angle). We also place the solar panel during full daylight condition to
make sure we received maximum sunlight during the day. And the way we applied the shading to the
solar panel was by using completely dark tape and tape it on the solar panel with accurate
On the final setup, we connect the solar panel setup with 10,000 mAh battery power bank and
leave it to charge for 12 hours (from 6 am to 6 pm). Sunlight varies throughout the day, so we have to
take this into account during the discussions later.
Not covered 1/4 covered 1/2 covered 3/4 covered fully covered
Shading Condition
From Fig 1, we could see that as the area of coverage of the solar panel surface increases the
power output decreases respectively. As the ¼ of the solar panel being covered we could observe that
there is a 22% reduction in the power out compared to the uncovered solar panel, 46.4% as ½ of the
solar panel is covered, 73.1 % reduction in power as ¾ of the solar panel is covered, and full 100%
reduction as the Solar panel is completely covered. What we could also observed from this
experiment is that current reduces more significantly compared to voltage (for example at ¾ coverage
current had reduced to approximately 38% of it’s original magnitude whereas voltage had reduced to
just approximately 70% of it’s original magnitude). This shows that voltage is less affected to the
change in sunlight intensity compared to current. We also observed that when the solar panel is fully
covered there is no current flow at all, thus no power is being generated.
Graph of Efficiency vs Shading Condition
Efficiency (%)
Not covered 1/4 covered 1/2 covered 3/4 covered fully covered
Shading Condition
From Fig 2, first we observed that as the coverage are of the solar panel surface increases the
efficiency of the solar panel decreases respectively. For the uncovered solar panel it has an efficiency
of 25% compared to the power input from the sunlight (Calculated sunlight power input = 1.332 watt)
this is relatively normal for conventional solar panel (For a more sophisticated solar panel like the one
used in satellites the efficiencies could be as high as 50%), as ¼ of the solar panel is covered the
efficiencies reduced to about 19.5%, 13.4% as ½ of the solar panel covered, 6.4% as ¾ of the solar
panel is covered and 0% as it is fully covered.
Battery Capacity (mAh)
Not covered 1/4 covered Shading Condition 3/4 covered
1/2 covered fully covered
Fig 3: Battery Capacity with different shading condition (12 hours).
First of all, before we discuss the fig 3, let us understand how battery capacity worn out overtime.
We used a 3 years old Power Bank for our experiment with a rated capacity of 10,000 mAh with and
actual usable capacity of 7,000 mAh, considering usage of 1,000 cycles every year thus total of
approximately 3,000 cycles after 3 years translates to 30% reduction in the battery capacity to about
5,000 mAh.
In fig 3, we could see that as the area of shading on the solar panel increases, the increase in battery
capacity reduces. for uncovered solar panel the battery capacity increased by 250 mAh, 200 mAh
increase for ¼ covered solar panel, 150 mAh increase for ½ covered solar panel, 100 mAh increase
for ¾ covered solar panel and 0 mAh for fully covered solar panel. If we convert that to battery
percentage it’s 5%, 4%, 3%, 2% and 0% respectively, all this value is about 1% (50 mAh) lower than
the theoretical values calculated, this could be caused by the varying sunlight throughout the day.
Based on the experiment that we did, we could see that shading on solar panel surface does hamper
its performance significantly. So in future application of solar panel, let it be small or large scale
taking into account the position and angle of the solar panel is extremely important. We could also
avoid shading by implementing tracking array and tracking sensor, they are able to detect sunlight and
the motor will adjust the array so that the solar panel is angled in such a way that it received
maximum sunlight with small to zero shading.
We would like to express our greatest appreciation to those who has helped us to
complete this report. And we are grateful and thankful to Prof. Madya Tye Ching Thian for her
guidance and tips on the theoretical and practical knowledge for this experiment.
Table A.1
Data collected and calculated for power output and efficiency
Condition Average Voltage Average Current Power (Watt) % Efficiency
(V) (A)
Not Covered 13.62 0.0244 0.332 25
¼ Covered 13.13 0.0197 0.259 19.5
½ Covered 10.23 0.0174 0.178 13.4
¾ Covered 9.54 0.0094 0.089 6.7
Fully Covered 5.80 0.0000 0 0
Table A.2
Data collected and calculated for Increase in battery capacity.
Condition Battery capacity increase after Battery capacity increase after
12 hours (%) 12 hours (mAh)
Not Covered 5 250
¼ Covered 4 200
½ Covered 3 150
¾ Covered 2 100
Fully Covered 0 0
Sample calculation of one of the data shown below:
Where 110 (lm/W) is the average luminous efficacy of overcast daylight in Malaysia.
Power output from solar panel:
𝑷 (𝑾) = 𝟏𝟑. 𝟔𝟐 × 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟒𝟒 = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟑𝟐 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒕
Efficiency calculated by:
𝟎. 𝟑𝟑𝟐
𝜼= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎% = 𝟐𝟓%
𝟏. 𝟑𝟑𝟐
Battery Capacity in mAh calculated by:
𝒎𝑨𝒉 = × 𝟓𝟎𝟎𝟎 = 𝟐𝟓𝟎 𝒎𝑨𝒉
Minute Meetings
Minutes of Meeting 1
Minutes of Meeting 2
Minutes of Meeting 3
Minutes of Meeting 5
Minutes of Meeting 6
1. Aslila Abd Kadir, Lokman Hakim Ismail, Narimah Kasim. Optimizing of Daylighting System By
Using Light Pipe System in a Building. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
2. Building Sector Energy Efficiency Project (BSEEP) Malaysia. 2013. Building Energy Efficiency
Technical Guideline for: Passive Design. Printmore Sdn. Bhd.