Fundamentals of Information Management and Database Systems Syllabus
Fundamentals of Information Management and Database Systems Syllabus
Fundamentals of Information Management and Database Systems Syllabus
Course Description:
The course is a hands-on introduction to information management in general and relational database
management in particular, covering the following topics: the role and function of database
management systems; the relational database model, including relational concepts and relational
query languages; data modeling using the ER model and its conversion into a relational database
schema; and most aspects of the SQL language, including DDL, DML, basic queries, and views.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, learners should be able to:
LO1: Justify the advantages of a database approach compared to traditional file processing.
LO2: Perform tasks commonly performed by database administrators.
LO3: Design a database based on user requirements using a widely used modeling notation.
LO4: Use Structured Query Language to elicit information.
LO5: Analyze an existing database system with respect to quality issues, reliability, scalability,
efficiency, effectiveness and security.
LO6: Design and implement a small database application.
Course Objectives
Quizzes = 40%
Written Exam = 60%
Hands-on Exam = 40%
Project = 60%
There is only one (1) Written Examination for this course given during the Final quarter, while a
Hands-on/Practical Examination will be given during Midterm and Final.
Topics/Course Contents
Lecture Laboratory
Prelim Prelim
1. Basic Concepts and Definitions 1. Installing and Using MySQL and MySQL
2. File-Based Systems vs The Database Workbench
Approach 2. Database Management
3. Components of the Database
4. The Relational Database
5. Database Development Process
Pre-Final Pre-Final
1. Physical Database Design 1. MySQL Views
2. Data and Database Administration 2. Creating Users and Granting Privileges
3. Creating Physical Data Model
4. Converting Data Model to Actual
Database Using MySQL Workbench
Required Project: Analysis of Business
Case and Design of a Small Database
Final Final
1. Introduction to Database Application Required Project: Construction of
Development Database and a Small Database
1. Khan, R. (2016). The Dummies Guide to Database Systems: An Assembly of Information.
2. Boronczyk, T. (2015). Jump Start MySQL. USA: SitePoint.
3. Hoffer, J., Ramesh, V., Topi, H. (2013). Modern Database Management (11th Edition). USA:
4. – Official MySQL Documentation
If a student cannot attend a class meeting, he or she must show courtesy by informing the instructor in
advance if possible. If this is not possible, the student must inform the instructor immediately upon
return to class. An absence is excused if:
• Student is required to participate in official COMTEQ College activity (department head or
dean's letter with signature is required).
• Student is under a doctor's care (medical certificate required).
• Student has been granted a leave of absence from COMTEQ College for reasonable cause by
any department head or dean (letter required).
• Student has lost a family member.
It is also the student's responsibility to contact the instructor or other students to find out what they
missed and complete it by the due date.
Students are encouraged but NOT required to bring their own laptops and/or tablets to class during
regular lectures and laboratory sessions. However, these should only be used for class exercises or
projects. The use of any computer for gaming, social networking, or any activity that is not part of the
class is strictly prohibited during class. Likewise, use of other electronic gadgets such as mobile
phones and gaming consoles during class is not allowed. Mobile phones should be turned off or at
least put into silent mode to prevent disruption of class. Violation of this policy will result in
confiscation of the device involved. Confiscated devices will be surrendered at the Admin / Dean's
Laboratory Exercises
Regular laboratory exercises will be assigned to and should be completed by students during the
laboratory part of the class. No late submissions will be accepted unless a student has been excused
from class prior to the student's absence, in which case the student should approach the Instructor to
discuss how to make up for missed exercises.
Students are expected to create their own work and should not copy or use other people's work and
claim it as their own. Likewise, students should not allow their classmates to copy from them.
Students who violate this policy will receive a failing grade in the activity where they cheated.
Repeated violations of this policy may result from failure for this class.