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Juan Ojeda and Nelson Hern Andez

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Observaciones acerca de la definición de

coordenadas en un espacio vectorial y el teorema

de Löwig sobre la equicardinalidad de bases de
Hamel infinitas
Observations about of the definition of
coordinates in a vector space and the theorem of
Löwig on invariance of dimensionality
Juan Ojeda∗ and Nelson Hernández†
University of Carabobo
Faculty of Sciences and Technology
Department of Mathematics
Valencia- Carabobo- Venezuela

13th February 2015

Un hecho bien conocido percibido en la definición de bases ordenadas
y coordenadas hecho en textos clásicos de Álgebra Lineal es que hay cierta
ambigüedad o imprecisión en la formalización de estos conceptos, ası́ co-
mo la omisión de estas definiciones para espacios vectoriales de dimensión
infinita. En este artı́culo reformulamos la definición de bases ordenadas y
coordenadas de espacios vectoriales, de tal manera que esta definición se
ajusta perfectamente a los espacios vectoriales de dimensión finita, ası́ co-
mo para los espacios vectoriales de dimensión infinita. Además, se presenta
una revisión precisa del teorema de L.owig acerca de la invariancia de la
Palabras claves: Espacios vectoriales de dimensin infinita, bases or- de-
nadas infinitas, coordenadas, teorema de Lwig, invariancia de la dimen-

∗ email: jnojeda@uc.edu.ve
† email: nchernand@uc.edu.ve

A well known fact perceived in the definition of ordered bases and co-
ordinates made in classic texts of Linear Algebra is that there is certain
ambiguity or imprecision in the formalization of such concepts, as well as
the omission of these definitions for infinite dimensional vector spaces. In
this article we reformulate the definition of ordered bases and coordinates
for vector spaces, in such a way that this definition adjusts perfectly for
finite dimensional vector spaces, as well as for infinite dimensional vector
spaces. In addition, a precise revision of the theorem of Lowig on the
invariance of dimensionality is presented.

Keywords: Infinite dimensional vector spaces, infinite ordered bases,

coordinates, theorem of Lowig, invariance of dimensionality.

1 Introduction
We will suppose familiarity with the basic concepts of Linear Algebra, as
well as some notion of the set theory, especially the Arithmetic of ordinal
and cardinal, these concepts can be consulted in [1] and [3]. Then we will
follow the standard notation in texts related to these topics; so we will
have that:
ω: it will denote the first infinite ordinal.
(V, F, +, ·): it will denote a vector space over the field F , with + for the
sum of elements of V and · product of a scalar by a vector.
L(W ): it will denote the set of all linear combinations of a set W .
The ordinals are expressed with the first letters of Greek alphabet and
cardinal numbers with the last letters the same alphabet. We end this
introduction highlighting the main purpose of this article is twofold, first
to present an updated and more comprehensive version of the theorem
Lwig and secondly, to reformulate the concept of ordered based on a vector
space; so to make such formally manageable concept for vector spaces of
arbitrary dimension.

2 Preliminary concepts
This section we will remember some fundamental concepts for the devel-
opment of the present work.
We remember that in some classic texts of Linear Algebra the defini-
tion ordered bases is presented (in the finite case) of the following way:
Definition 2.1. Let (V, F, +, ·) a finite dimensional vector space, a ordered
basis of V is a sequence finite of linearly independent vectors that span
In a certain sense, it is not perfectly clear how to formalize this defini-
tion, because if B = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } is a base of the space, any set whose
elements are v1 , v2 , . . . , vn will be equal to B (by the axiom of extension-
alidad of Zermelo-Fraenkel). On the other hand, if the vector space is of
infinite dimension not specify the generalization of the concept of ordered
bases and coordinates of natural way.
The following definition is related to the generation of subspaces

Definition 2.2. Let (V, F, +, ·) a vector space and W ⊆ V .
1. It is said that v ∈ V is a linear combination of elements of W if
exists S ⊆ W , such that S is finite and v is a linear combination of
elements of S.
2. We say that V is finitely generated W , if W is a finite set and
L(W ) = V .
3. We say that V is infinitely generated W , if W is an infinite set
and L(W ) = V .
4. It is said that V is strictly infinitely generated by W , if V is
infinitely generated by some W contained in V , and does not exist
S finite content in V it generates.
5. W is linearly independent if all finite subset of W is linearly in-
Definition 2.3. Let (V, F, +, ·) a vector space and B ⊆ V , then we say
that B is an infinite Hamel basis of V if it holds that:
1. |B| ≥ ω.
2. B is linearly independent.
3. V is strictly infinitely generated by B.
In this case we will say that (V, F, +, ·) is an infinite dimensional vector
If the space V is finitely generated, a Hamel base for V is any subset
W of V linearly independent, such that L(W ) = V .
A definition that we will be very useful in the next section is the
Definition 2.4. Let A is an infinite set and κ a cardinal number, such
that κ ≤ |A|, then define us and denote us the set of all subsets of A
of cardinality κ as

[A]κ = {X ⊆ A : |X| = κ}

and also the set of all subsets of A of cardinality less than κ as

[A]<κ = {X ⊆ A : |X| < κ}

3 Theorem of Löwig on invariance of di-

It can be proved using Zorn-Kuratowski lemma that all strictly infinitely
generated vector space has least one infinite Hamel basis. The demonstra-
tion of that two infinite Hamel bases any have the same cardinalidad is
not an obvious generalization of the finite case. The following demonstra-
tion follows the scheme proposed by Heinrich Löwig, to see [2], detailing
and explaining some points which we believe is required.

Theorem 3.1 (Löwig). Let (V, F, +, ·) a infinite dimensional vector
space and B, B′ infinite Hamel basis of V . Suppose us B = {vα :
α < κ} and B′ = {wα : α < λ} (where κ, λ are infinite cardinal),
then κ = λ.
Define us the following relation R in B: vα Rvβ (with α, β < κ) if
and only if exists I ⊂ λ (in where I is a finite set) and a family of nonzero
scalars {ci : i ∈ I}, {bi : i ∈ I}, such that
vα = ci wi ∧ vβ = bi wi
i∈I i∈I

Clearly R is an equivalence relation on B. Let

B/R = {[vα ] : α < κ}

the set of equivalence classes. Note us that

|B/R| ≤ κ

We define the function F : B/R −→ [λ]<ω , of the following way:

F ([vα ]) = {λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λs }

if and only if exist nonzero scalars (in F ) c1 , c2 , . . . , cs , such that

vα = ci wλi

Obviously F is well defined, because it does not depend on the repre-

sentative of the equivalence class selected. In addition each α < λ is in
some B ∈ Rgo(F ), but it did not exist B ∈ Rgo(F ) such that µ ∈ B we
would have that as B is a infinite Hamel basis, exists I ⊂ κ (I finite) and
nonzero scalars in F {ci : i ∈ I}, in where
wµ = ci vi .

Simultaneously each vi is expresable in terms of a finite subset of w′ s

(which does not appear wµ ); this contradicts the linear independence of
{wα : α < λ}.
Suppose us
|Rgo(F )| = µ < λ

λ = |{wα : α < λ}| = {B : B ∈ Rgo(F )} ≤ ω · µ = max{ω, µ} = µ

since ω ≤ µ, a contradiction, since µ < λ.

So |Rgo(F )| = λ and

λ = |B/R| ≤ |B| = κ

Changing roles and defining the equivalence relation of analogous way
in B′ , we obtain that κ ≤ λ. So applying to the theorem of Cantor-
Schröder-Bernstein,, we obtain that κ = λ, that is to say, two infinite
Hamel bases of a vectorial space are equipotent.

In the light of the previous theorem we can define:
Definition 3.2. Let (V, F, +, ·) a vector space. We will say that V is
of Hamel dimension κ if there is an infinite Hamel basis B, such that
|B| = κ, with κ infinite.
This definition also applies to the case where the dimension of the
vector space is finite (changing infinite by finite) .

4 Reformulation of the definition of or-

dered bases and coordinates
In section 1 was realized a brief explanation of the reason for which the
definition of ordered bases and coordinates required a revision. We intro-
duce next a reformulation of the definition of these concepts so important
in linear algebra:
Definition 4.1. Let (V, F, +, ·) a vector space of dimension κ (being κ
finite or infinite) one ordered basis consists of a Hamel base B of V ,
together with a bijective function f : κ −→ B. The ordered pair B e =

(B, f ) is called ordered basis V .

Considering the fact that each element of a vectorial space can be
expressed of form unique as linear combination (finite) of the elements
of the base ordinate B,e then already we are in property to present of
e which we will
coordinates of v ∈ V with respect to the base ordinate B,
do of the following form:
Definition 4.2. Let (V, F, +, ·) a vector space and B e = (B, f ) one or-

dered base of V . Suppose us f (α) = vα (α < κ, vα ∈ B). Then if v ∈ V ,

there is {α1 , α2 , . . . , αn } ⊂ κ and {c1 , c2 , . . . , cn } ⊆ F (ci nonzero), such
v= ci vαi

e is defined
Then the coordinates v with respect to the ordered basis B
as the function [v]B
e : κ −→ F , given by;

ci if f (α) = vαi ; (f or some i such that 1 ≤ i ≤ n)
e (α) =
0 in other case.

5 Conclusion
This article tries, along with other intentions, to stimulate the study of
Linear Algebra in a unified way; introducing the concept of dimension,

ordered basis and coordinates of an infinite dimensional vector space; em-
phasizing the common aspects with the case of a finite dimensional vector
space and detailing the differences. Our vision is that such an approach
could be useful for the better understanding of the nature of a great va-
riety of vectorial spaces that appear daily in mathematical tasks. It is
important to note that the study of infinite dimensional vector spaces is
of great relevance in large branches of applied mathematics. To cite just
two fundamental examples: Hilbert spaces and Fourier series (which are
widely used in physics). So the study of these topics is not exclusively
subordinate to pure mathematics.

[1] Kenneth Hoffman, Ray Kunze, Linear Algebra, Second Edition, Pren-
tice Hall, New Jersey, 1971.
[2] Nathan Jacobson, Lectures in abstract algebra (Vol. I, II, III),
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1910.
[3] Thomas J. Jech, Set Theory, Academic Press, New York, 1978.
[4] Steven Roman, Advanced Linear Algebra, Springer Science+Business
Media, New York, theird edition 2008.

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