Sequence of Service: Standard Operational Procedure of Restaurant
Sequence of Service: Standard Operational Procedure of Restaurant
Sequence of Service: Standard Operational Procedure of Restaurant
Greeting to the guest based on time. Offer help. Example: ”Good Morning
sir/madam. May I assist you?”
Greeter / Waiter have to ask about the reservation & pax. Example: “Do you
have reservation before”
If yes, ask for the guest’s name and guide the guest to the reserved table.
If no, offer choice of seating.
Greeter / Waiter is escorting the guest to the table. Example: “You are on
table 22. This way sir/madam.”
Greeter / Waiter invite the guest to take a sit. Example: “Take a sit,
Table setting are adjusted to the number of guest.
Waiter is offering aperitif drink. Example: “May I get you some drinks to
start off?”
Restaurant must have non-alcoholic option.
8. Presenting Menu
9. Taking Order
Waiter is adjusting the cover equipment based on total pax and guest order.
Waiter is serving Bread & Butter to the guest from left side.
16. Clearing Up
Wait to clear glasses and plates until more than one guest at a table is
finished, so guests who are still eating or drinking do not feel rushed
After all guests have finished their main course, all plates, cutlery and side
dishes related to the dish must be removed.
If the item is served from the right, it must be removed the right. Of course,
if the guest is not easily reachable from that side, one shall collect the
items from the other side.
After the last course, but before the dessert, all plates, cutlery,
condiments. Bread & butter are cleaned from the table and any crumbs are
The waiter approaches the guest from the left hand side.
The waiter should be holding the crumber on top of a small silver platter in
his left hand.
It is important that during this action you do not disturb the guest on the
The crumbing down of the table must be done within no longer than five
minutes of after the clearing of the mains.
Waiter is adjusting the cover equipment dessert based on total pax and
guest order.
Wait to clear glasses and plates until more than one guest at a table is
finished, so guests who are still eating or drinking do not feel rushed.
After all guests have finished their dessert, all plates, cutlery and side
dishes related to the dish must be removed.
If the item is served from the right, it must be removed the right. Of course,
if the guest is not easily reachable from that side, one shall collect the
items from the other side.
After the dessert, all plates, cutlery, condiments are cleaned from the
table and any crumbs are removed.
21. Billing
Ensure the bill is accurate, always double check the bill before presenting it
to the guest.
Always count guest’s money infront of guest.
Thank the guest and process quickly.
Thank the guest by name and bid farewell to all members of the party.
Help customers leave their table.
When assisting the guest, ensure ladies first.
Always says: “Hope to see you again.” or “Please come again soon.”
Table should be reset immediately.
1. Order taking
2. Setting up tray / trolley
3. Delivering the order in the room
4. Prepare the tray / trolley for delivery
5. Tea / coffee service
6. Clearing tray
7. Presenting the bill
8. CIP / VIP Amenity Service
9. Morning shift / night shift check list
10. Take away (Parcel) order
11. Suggestive selling & up selling
Pick up the appropriate order following the standard tray set – up.
Once order is ready to leave the room service area inform the order taker on the room
number being serviced.
Upon reaching the room, ring the bell and announce in a loud and clear voice “ Room
Service “.
When the guest opens the room, wish him according to the time of the day, using his /
her name “Good morning Ms. Brown, My name is Tono from Room Service.”
Announce the order by saying “Your coffee/ tea / drinks, Mr. Brown.”
If it’s in the morning, take the paper from the door and place it in the rack or in the
writing table neatly.
While walking into the room, enquire with the guest on where to place the tray and
place it accordingly.
After laying the tray in an appropriate area offer to mix the coffee/ tea / drink for the
Wish the guest enjoyable coffee / drink and retreat to the door and exit gracefully
while closing the door softly behind you.
The time of clearance is known by asking the guest during service or from the order
taker if the guest call back Room Service for his clearance.
Upon reaching the rooms follow the same procedure as in SOP for opening the door.
After the guest opens the door, announce intention of clearing the tray / trolley.
Arrange all the clearance on the tray and get guest feedback.
Arrange the guest room as appropriately.
Find out if the guest would like anything else “ Is there anything else that I could
assist you, Mr. Brown?”
If nothing, exit from the room gracefully while wishing the guest a wonderful day.
Carry the tray back from the room to room service pick up any other tray that you
may find in the corridor / pantry.
Be careful not to drop anything on the way.
Inform the order taker about the clearance.
File the occupancy and the sales report in the appropriate file.
Follow up on the breakfast door knob menu request if any.
Return all the liquor which was not sold the previous night to the dispense bar.
Take the proper count and take over of all the beverages.
Check the flowers and receive from housekeeping for the tray.
Adequate new linens to be collected from housekeeping for the smooth operations
throughout the day.
All bills to be handed over to front office at 10hrs, 15hrs, 12 midnight ( before the
night audit )
Ensure that adequate amount of crockery and cutlery is there for the smooth
operations with adequate set tray for rapid service.
Not available items to be checked with the chef and updated in the board.
Errand cards have to be handed over to the supervisor and any clearance not done to
be handed over to the next shift steward.
Take away the order one day advance by phone and mail.
If its bill to company guest has to send the BTC mail to the hotel or fax request.
If the guest wants to settle by online credit card they have to send the authorization
mail and in one day before, then we only forward to accounts to take the charge slip.
Transportations for the parcel order around the city to be checked with the supervisor
or manager and to intimate to the guest.
Parcel order has to be placed the order ticket to the kitchen two hours earlier to the
pick up and place the order overnight not more than one day before.
Suggestive selling means encouraging guest to buy additional food and beverages.
Suggestive selling requires tact and good judgment.
The key to effective suggestive selling is a good knowledge of the menu.
Here are some tips for more effective suggestive selling :
Be enthusiastic. It’s easier to sell something you’re excited about.
Make food sound appetizing. Use words like “fresh”, “popular”, and “generous”
when describing menu items.
Ask questions. Find out if guest is really hungry or just want something light, whether
they like chicken or beef, if they feel like having something hot or cold.
Suggest specific menu items. Don’t simply ask: “ Would you like soup with your
meal ?” Instead, point out: “A cold bowl of borscht would go well with your salad on
a hot day like this.”
Suggest your favorites. Try as many of the menu items as you can and tell guest
you’ve tried them: “You’ll like the chicken kiev. It’s one of my favorite here.” But
be honest – don’t say that something is your favorite when it isn’t.
Offer a choice: “Would you like a slice of our famous cheesecake or our homemade
pecan pie for dessert?”
Suggest the unusual. People dine out to get away from the routine fare they have at
Suggest food and beverage that naturally go together soups and sandwiches, coffee,
dessert, steak, and baked potatoes, and eggs.
Banquet adalah bagian dari hotel yang melayani pelaksanaan function ( jamuan atau
pertemuan ) tertentu di hotel tersebut, yang dipersiapkan atas dasar kesepakatan dengan
pelanggan. Pelayanan di mulai sejak pelanggan memesan tempat hingga akhir acara.
Kesepakatan itu meliputi :
1. Tujuan penyelenggaraan,
a. Standing Party, dalam ruangan yang digunakan dalam acara ini tidak disediakan meja
makan dan kursi , makan dan minum dinikmati sambil berdiri. Contoh : Cocktai Party,
Standing Buffet.
b. Sitting Party, dalam acara ini semua tamu menikmati makanan dan minuman dengan duduk
sebagaimana layaknya dan dilayani oleh pramusaji. Contoh : Set Menu Dinner, Sitting
a. Theater style
b. Class style
c. Restaurant style.
Berdasarkan jenis-jenis penggunaan ruang untuk function atau banquet antara lain :
1. Cocktai Party, jamuan dimana tamu berdiri sambil menikmati minuman dan makanan
ringan. Set up : Buffet atau dilayani oleh waiter, bar, meja kecil dan asbak, dekorasi, musik.
2. Sit down party, dapat berupa jamuan makan pagi, siang atau malam. Set up : makanan
disajikan oleh waiter atau di buffet, set up cover disesuaikan dengan makanan, dekorasi, bar
dan musik (jika diminta).
3. Buffet, makanan ada di meja prasmanan dan tamu mengambil sendiri makanannya. Set up :
meja buffet, side stand, dekorasi, bar ( jika diminta).
4. Lain-lain :
a. Coffee break, biasa waktunya brunch, happy hour, setelah break dari seminar, konfrensi,
meeting. Makanan ringan disertakan dan tamu menikamati sambil berdiri. Set up : Buffet
untuk minuman panas (coffee and tea ), Makanan ringan bias diletakan dimeja buffet atau
dihidangkan oleh waiter menggunakan tray.
b. Conference atau seminar, diskusi pemecahan masalah tentang topik menarik, membutuhkan
tempat yang nyaman dan tenang. Set up : Theater style atau Class style, pitcher, glasses dan
astray, board, writing pad, audio visual.
c. Exhibition, acara dapat dilaksanakan di dalam ruang atau di luar ruang. Pameran tidak
banyak membutuhkan tenaga dari kita, mereka lebih suka menata sendiri barang yang mereka
pamerkan. Set up :Sound system dan lighting, hal lain disusuaikan oleh kebutuhan pameran.
Jenis-jenis Buffet :
1. A continual basis, tidak ada pilihan selain buffet
2. A Special Occasion basis, buffet diadakan pada acara tertentu saja. Contohnya lunch
buffet, dinner buffet.
3. A combination of table service and buffet style, tidak semua makanan tersedia di meja
buffet. Contoh Appetizer di meja buffet sedangkan main course dilayani pramusasji.
Bentuk-bentuk buffet :
1. Straight line shape, yaitu satu meja buffet memanjang dengan hidangan lengkap mulai
dari appetizer sampai dengan dessert.
2. Scramble system, yaitu lebih dari satu meja buffet disediakan dan letaknya terpisah,
tiap buffet diisi dengan satu jenis hidangan saja.
Dalam penyelenggaraan suatu function, dapat digunakan table service dan self
service. Self service yang digunakan adalah buffet sevice yaitu jenis pelayanan dimana tamu
melayani dirinya sendiri dengan mengambil hidangan dari meja buffet / prasmanan yang
telah disediakan.
1. Bentuk dan pengaturan meja buffet sesuai dengan ruang dan jenis acara.
2. Dekorasi ruang baik dan menarik disesuaikan dengan jenis acara.
3. Skirting harus menutup kaki meja.
4. Letak china wares harus dekat dengan makanan.
5. Service spoon dan fork harus cukup untuk setiap oval plate ( platter ).
6. Alur makanan sesuai dengan urutan makanan dari makanan pembuka sampai
makanan penutup.
7. Selalu menjaga makanan yang harus dimakan panas dan makanan dingin tetap
8. Batas minimum jarak antara 2 meja adalah 2 meter.
9. Jarak kursi setelah diduduki antara punggung kursi 46 cm.
10. Jarak dinding runag dengan kursi 1 meter.