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Fetish fans alert, one of the
biggest alternative parties of the
year is coming to London town…
+ t Iggy Azalea
tThe A-Z of Fetish
tHIV & Mental Health Wellbeing
tFrom Newbie Nymphs to
Connoisseurs of Kink…
tTo Russian LGBT With Love
tThe Eagle Day-by-Day
tTopsie Redfern
of Beyond Positive
Anonymous, 24,
Ian Howley, Editor of FS can tell people ‘wear a condom to help stop the Notting Hill
Magazine, the gay men’s spread of HIV’ all we like, but if that person doesn’t
health magazine published value themselves then why would they care about ‘I was diagnosed 3 years ago,
by GMFA, the gay men’s becoming HIV-positive? HIV prevention is more than and my immediate reaction was
health charity just telling gay men to put a rubber on their cock. strangely calm, and philosophical.
Gay men need to look after their mental health and I thought, cool, I can handle this,
‘At FS/GMFA we hear of lots of gay men thinking we as a community need to be doing more to make I’ve got loads of friends who are
that they will be fine with a HIV diagnoses – “It’s just sure those who need support are getting it. HIV+, and they seem fine. But
one pill a day” . We then see lots of gay men who The advancement in medication means that gay the impact was more subtle, and
become depressed and even suicidal because of a men who are HIV-positive tend to lead a normal harder to identify. I didn’t realize
positive diagnoses. They are not ready for what a HIV quality of life to someone who is HIV-negative. I was avoiding getting involved
diagnoses involves. The stigma that still surrounds a Because of these advances, we don’t ‘see HIV’. with people; I was hooking up
HIV diagnoses certainly does not help. There are lots of gay men who generally don’t know for casual sex all the time, but
Gay men who become positive tend to face what HIV is or how it’s transmitted. They don’t didn’t realize this was a response
sexual rejection from potential partners. This can understand HIV and generally when people tend to my issues about being HIV+.
have a serious effect on how HIV-positive gay men not to understand something they tend to become I think there is plenty of help
value themselves and the sexual practices they scared of it. To combat stigma I think we need to there, I just didn’t realise I
get involved with. For instance, HIV-positive men educate younger gay men about what HIV is. HIV- needed it, until it was kind of too
are more likely to abuse alcohol, do drugs and be positive men need to become more visible in the late, when my drug use and sex
involved in chem.-sex parties. This is something that community again. This is a tough thing to ask, but life got out of hand.
we as a community need to tackle head on. it’s what is needed to help combat stigma.’ Sometimes, in bed with a
It goes without saying that looking after your negative guy, I convince myself
mental health helps with all aspects of your life. We www.gmfa.org.uk/fsmagazine that all he’s thinking about is
whether what we’re doing is
safe or not. Like, all he’s thinking
about is disease. Or maybe that’s
Allan Anderson, Chief We need to do a lot more education so people have just me being paranoid. It’s just
Executive of Positively UK a better understanding of HIV and transmission. It unpleasant, and makes me want
sounds strange but a lot of the gay community who to avoid telling people, or just
‘There’s definitely stigma in the are my age still hold the images of HIV from the 80s shag strangers. Which I’ve been
gay community around HIV. Many and those tombstone adverts. Younger guys know doing, and it’s not good for my
people I know wouldn’t tell others about their HIV so little about it that attitudes can be based on mental health.
status for fear of repercussions and that includes misguided fears or lead to them taking unnecessary I’ve been rejected, really
others in the gay community. I’ve spoken to people risks. For instance how many people know that as a ignorantly on hook-up apps
who have used Grindr, been chatting to someone result of medications, most people living with HIV for being positive. Once a guy
about meeting up, and as soon as they reveal their have such low amounts of HIV in their body, that the asked me if I was ‘clean’; I knew
HIV status are blocked. I also remember some time risk of transmitting HIV is also incredibly low. This what he meant, told him I’d just
ago I was at a party at a friend’s house in Essex and is not to say we shouldn’t still take precautions, but had a shower, and added that I
caught the train back to London with a few others. it’s about understanding the reality of HIV today. We was positive. After a long wait,
I didn’t know them that well, and we were chatting need to see HIV more in the mainstream. the response was that he was a
about our respective jobs and my role in an HIV That’s one of the reasons why the voluntary and medical student and didn’t want
charity. Positively UK’s services are peer-led so most community sector have launched an e-petition. The to ruin his career. I mean, ‘what
of our staff and volunteers are also HIV positive. petition calls on government to maintain support the fuck?!’’
The guys on the train asked me wasn’t I afraid of services and tackle HIV related stigma. But it’s not
catching something working in an office full of HIV just about the government; through the petition we
positive people? These were well-educated gay guys, want to start a discussion, raise greater awareness
with successful careers who still had a of HIV and for people to show
lot of misconceptions and prejudices they are committed to tackling To read the full States of
towards HIV. stigma together. Signing and
There’s a lot we can do to tackle The guys on the train sharing the petition is not the Minds report visit:
HIV stigma. We all need to challenge asked me wasn’t I afraid final solution, but it’s a good www.positivelyUK.org/
people when they’re being prejudiced. place to start: http://epetitions. policy/statesofmind
of catching something
I spent much of that train journey direct.gov.uk/petitions/54009’
telling the guys on the train about _WZSQVOQVIVWNÅKMN]TT
HIV and addressing their concerns. WN01>XW[Q\Q^MXMWXTM' www.positivelyuk.com
She left home (and a job as a stripper) at
16 and flew to Miami – now she’s one of
the most recognisable rappers across the
world. Don’t get us wrong, you wouldn’t
catch us walking a mile in Louboutins
– but damn we admire a girl that
does. Anthony Gilét caught up
with Iggy Azalea ahead of her
performance at G-A-Y.
We saw you last night at the iTunes Do you feel you were lucky to find Your body is slammin! How do you stay so
festival – you killed it. that place? well in shape?
Thank you! Erm, no I don’t think it’s luck – I think it’s I perform almost everyday, so I suppose I do a
I was actually gonna wear the same just patience. lot of cardio.
dress, so it’s lucky I didn’t because that So where did the name Iggy Azalea Yeah ‘cause you know that tiny waist with
could have been really embarrassing. come from? the long curvaceous legs – I been tryna
[laughs]. It was my dog’s name. get that body for years girl.
So your new single is called ‘Change Oh really! And why did you decide to [laughs]. Yeah a lot of cardio and spending it up.
Your Life’. How has your life changed take that on? So, let’s talk performing! You’re at G-A-Y
since becoming famous? I just really like my dog. next month, and you’ve been there before
Probably that I have a lot less say in my own Aww. Now, I love the video for for ‘Work’, what’s your favourite thing
life! [laughs] That’s probably the biggest thing. ‘Change Your Life’ – how did you come about performing there?
And you speak a lot about leaving up with the concept for it? I think it’s a great energy, loads of energy. And
home at sixteen – what spurred that It was based on the movie Showgirls, I really it’s one of the only clubs I’ve performed at that
decision for you? love the movie – it’s one of my favourite films. actually has a proper stage.
Just wanting to fit in somewhere in life, and I love Las Vegas and the song had a big show And you’ve just teamed up with T.I. – who
not feeling like I did where I was from. sounding feel, and I wanted to be able to else would you like to work with?
Do you have any advice for other incorporate dancing into a pop music video, I’d love to work with Missy Elliott and I’d love
young people feeling the same? and I thought about Vegas show reviews that to work with Kendrick. I looked up to her a
I wouldn’t tell you to run away from home! incorporate dancing and that’s my favourite of lot and I was a teenager when she was making
[laughs]. I would just say that it always gets all the Las Vegas themed movies. music. And those are two people that are
better, and it does matter whatever it is you So was the choreography for the video fortunately still making music today and I’d
like – how strange – there’s always other inspired by that too? love to work with either of those two people.
people in the world that like things just as Yeah. A track with Missy would be hot.
strange as you. Sometimes it just takes time The outfits are hot too – who’s your Yeah, that would be really good.
to find those people and to find the place style icon? We need to make this happen.
that you fit, but everyone has a place. Erm… I love Anna Karina – she’s my I’ve been trying to make it happen for years.
favourite in the world.
So we’ve got a little [laughs] Well yeah that’s a know the answer to this last meal be? That’s the end of the
quick fire round now! lot of extra calories in that. one, but… handbags or Probably, ribs and macaroni quick fire! I’ll see you
Ok cool… Who’s your celebrity heels? and cheese and baked beans. at Heaven in a couple
What’s your favourite crush? That’s really tough, but And as a model and weeks.
cocktail? My celebrity crush… shoes! singer, would you Ah brilliant, I’m really
I don’t drink. erm… I don’t know! Yeah that’s what I rather judge Australia’s looking forward to it. I’m
Oh you don’t drink?! They’re all so… awful. thought! Next Top Model or X really excited.
Well, that’s how you I’m waiting for some new [laughs]. Factor? And we’ll twerk.
got such a tiny waist celebrities. If you were on death X Factor. I just think it [laughs] Yeah we’ll have a
girl… [laughs] And I think I row, what would your would be more fun! twerk.
Catch Iggy Azalea performing alongside The Saturdays at Iggy’s track ‘Bounce’ also features on CD2 of G-A-Y
G-A-Y Heaven (Under the Arches, Villiers Street, Charing The Album alongside over fifty other amazing pop
Cross, WC2N 6NG) on Saturday October 12th. artists, out in the shops now!
E R E, W
, WH
The Century Club, 61-63 Shaftesbury Avenue, Soho W1D 6LG
Wednesday 16th October, 7pm
Tickets £12/conc.£10
They recently sold out at the Edinburgh Fringe and are now bringing their
huge success back to London. They’re both larger than life and two of
the most entertaining guys we’ve met. Chris’s ‘Jack of All Trades’ and Mzz
Kimberly’s ‘A Tranny is Born’ equal ‘A Tranny of All Trades’ that is set to
have your sides splitting in the aisles.
Every Thursday, 7pm
Ringtone Gym, 141-153 Drummond Street, Euston NW1 2PB
£10 per session
Every Thursday night Ringtone Gym teaches the art of boxing,
exclusively to gays. If you’ve wanted to learn some boxing
techniques, or just get that hot body without the monotony of a
normal gym routine, then this is the perfect way – especially if
you’d previously worried about your sexuality hindering you. It’s
run by two gay-friendly guys who tell us it’s a ‘non-intimidating,
friendly environment with anyone welcome’ – and who knows you
might meet your future husband! Get the gloves out…
Released on Monday 21st October
At QX Towers we love the Irrepressibles. This orchestral ensemble
treat our ears every time they release something. The range of
emotions they can trigger with just one playing of ‘In His Shirt’ only
hints at the true greatness we can expect from their upcoming EP
‘Nude: Landscapes’. The Irrepressibles are led by Jamie McDermott,
who is a fellow gay and has done many interviews advocating gay
rights, telling us of his life growing up bullied and how he has
never hid his sexuality in an industry where stars often come out
after they have had a career. But regardless of how much we love
him for being one of us, this album is just genuinely a good album
and we can’t wait to get our hands on the full version.
The Rose Theatre, 56 Park Street,
Tues - Sat 7.30pm
Tickets £10-12
Next door to The Globe, the Rose
Theatre is running Shakespeare’s ‘As
You Like It’ until the 26th October. The
Elizabethan comedy stars some amazing
actors including Declan Cooke and
Bonny Davis, and is directed by Jessica
Ruano. Remember the Rose is an indoor
archaeological site, so dress up warm
and enjoy the historical aspect of this
fun evening.
He may be inexperienced, but he has desires darker than Lennie
He may not be trolling the fetish clubs in nipple clamps and collars, 1) PLAY SAFE
but he’ll certainly give it a go – especially if they can pass as this year’s Whether rubber
Autumn/Winter trends. He’s had his fair share of filthy sex, but when
you pull out a butt plug the size of the Shard, there’s a chance he’ll be is your forté or
quivering in his boots (and not in the good way). not, playing safe
keeps your fella
The only fetish he’ll ever try is outdoors, and even then he moans healthy for more
when he gets mud down his leg – wait, was that mud? He can’t fathom
why anyone would dress up in leather when they’re not recreating
fun times.
the ‘Oops I Did It Again’ video, and the kinkiest thing you’ll find in his
bedside drawer is a copy of 50 Shades of Grey (I guess that’s a form of 2) HAVE FUN
scat). But I wouldn’t even mention the dog lead you’ve got in your bag –
he’d probably just ask where your puppy was. Indulging in
fetishes is about
He doesn’t leave the house without a travel-size douche and compact
dressing up,
fisting powder (and that’s not even for him). When it comes to sex, getting your rocks
pretty much anything goes – and we mean anything. He’s got more fetish
wear than he does footwear, and if you say “spank me” he says “paddle
off and not taking
or palm?” – through the zip in his gimp mask, of course. it too seriously.
So save the bitchy
This one has slightly more obscure fetishes than the parties being remarks about
held in basements across the valley. He’ll frequently have to trawl the cum-guzzling
through filthy forums to find someone into similar turn-ons. Alas,
finding another hobbit in the valley that enjoys writhing around in
pig for Paris
latex stilettos while wanking onto a bed of banana skins, is not as easy Hilton.
as he’d hoped.
From left to right: The Irrepressibles, Holestar, DJ Rokk, Ursula Martinez and friend
WE SEEMED TO REACH a peak with where they wanted to lay flowers by an website in recent weeks. Aside from the
our furore over the plight of LGBT Russia eternal flame so no one could enter; this offensiveness of the stereotype, why is the
a month or so ago. Two mass protests is the equivalent of closing off Hyde Park. word ‘gay’ censored with an asterix? Do we
outside Downing Street; verbatim plays A cavalcade of angry Russian Orthodox really think exposing children to a word will
rushed together; Stephen Fry blog posts nuns turned up and were throwing eggs at influence their sexualities in later life?
comparing Putin with the gays to Hitler everyone – you see normally they throw Other notable speakers included Wendyl
with the Jews; heavy coverage of the whole eggs at immigrants who, conveniently, they Harris of Outrage!, Peter Tatchell, who
situation in this very magazine. And then could tell apart by the colour of their skin, turned up at the last minute, and Saci Lloyd
it all died down a little. Not that the anti- however gay people they couldn’t easily who expanded upon the subject of children,
propaganda laws targeting the Russian LGBT identify as separate, therefore everyone got that ‘protecting’ some children, as these
community have died down, but because the egging indiscriminately.’ Russian laws claim to do, is to persecute
such is the wont of attention that it ebbs As a ripple of laughter swept the audience gay children at their very most fragile and
and flows in crests and troughs. However, at the story of the crazy egg-throwing nuns, defenceless stages. Dr Jonathan Kemp, DJ
last weekend a series of talks held at The Bullough brought the tone back to why we extraordinaire and acclaimed author of The
Yard theatre in Hackney, organised by the were sitting there, telling his sombre tales of Penetrated Male, delivered a stirring and
Dalston Superstore, TEDxHackney, Culture the violence he had also witnessed. Then he comprehensive examination of the political
Device and The Queer Archive, brought gave his rationale as to why situation. These
the Russian situation bursting back onto the the gay community may have speeches were
topical agenda. become the scapegoats of the “To direct the attention and interspersed with
‘To Russia LGBT With Love’ brought Russian state. When Vladmir notes of support
together some of the most scintillating Putin returned to power disaffection of his people against from figures such
speakers and keynote artists the gay at the last ‘transparently a minority neatly deflects their as Peaches and
community has to offer to voice their fraudulent’ election there feelings of frustration to their Glenda Jackson;
messages of support to our gay peers living were riots in the streets, the state and its leader.” messages read out
under Putin. Hosted by the engaging Daniel Russian people were not just from the LGBT
Vais of TEDxHackney and glued together angry, they were furious. This citizens of Russia;
by Rachael Williams of the Superstore, was very worrying to Putin. and wonderful
proceedings kicked off with an energetic To direct the attention and disaffection of performance and music interludes from
speech courtesy of renowned performance his people against a minority neatly deflects the ever-excellent Ursula Martinez,
artist Jonny Woo. A consummate public their feelings of frustration to their state and Holestar serenading the hipsters, DJ Rokk’s
speaker, he worked the assembled well, its leader. phenomenal collaboration with gay poet
explaining the disparity between what we Choreographer Javier de Frutos gave Dean Atta on ‘Young, Black and Gay’ and
take for granted in London and what is held his own poignant personal feelings about Jamie McDermott managing to channel the
sacred in Moscow, paving the way for the coming to terms to homosexuality even in gorgeously orchestral sound of his band The
more in-depth analysis that would follow. as forward-thinking a place as the West; Irrepressibles with just his lovely cello player
Oreet Ashery, an influential theatre- Dr Christopher Bryant, editor of Polari and a punk violinist.
maker, followed. She made a searing magazine, expanded on some points raised Inbetween songs Jamie told us a story of
point of how vulnerable a state it is to by Bullough of Putin rallying himself and how The Irrepressibles were invited to play
be exposed, whether it be in terms of ‘Russian values; against the perceived at a Russian festival earlier this year, in front
sexuality or physically exposed, and invited degradation of the liberal West, and also of 5,000 people. They decided to show the
two members from the audience to face made the excellent point of how he objects video to their song ‘Arrow’ there, which
one another, undress to the point where to the trend of placing Putin in makeup on features two young, nude men wrestling and
they felt comfortable and then embrace. protestors’ placards. He stated that it is then eventually sharing the most intimate
Journalist Oliver Bullough stepped up to The like saying that putting someone in makeup of kisses. Against the attempted sabotage
Yard’s stage after Ashery, to deliver his own is a bad thing, or that feminisation is a of their Russian tech team they got across a
experiences of living in Russia and attending bad thing. Bryant also illustrated how the message of visibility and solidarity to the gay
the first fledgling gay pride events attempted marginalisation of sexualities can still occur community of Russia, and this very reason
in St Petersburg. in our own UK society, bringing with him was why we were gathered together in the
‘It was chaos,’ he said. ‘An entire ring of as a prop the ‘G*y best friend’ blow-up doll Yard theatre last Sunday. An excellent event,
policemen arm-in-arm surrounded the park that was made available to buy on Tesco’s and an excellent message well said.
For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store
One of the many Hold onto your harness – it’s another
reasons we love Dish night of disco dancing alongside the
is the “Dishes” they leather lovin’ bears. Joe Egg,
serve up month after Mark Ames, Christian
month. And now they’ll M and Alex Logan
looking for their hottest return for yet another
treat yet with their Mr. week of uplifting house.
Dish search, so you know it Rub furry shoulders
Tom Stephan
will be wall-to-wall indulgents. SRXLIHERGI¾SSV
Resident DJs Borja Pena, Franx take up a sofa in
di Crystal, Cathal, Ray Noir, Jacqui Potato and obviously the chill out area
Tom Stephan will be returning to cook up another night of or whip off those
debauchery, where the winner of the competition (announced in crotchless chaps
November) could win £250! Just for being delicious. in the darkroom
(Miss Aguilera style)
East Bloc, 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 10.30pm - 6am. – whether it’s the
Entry: £7 b4 midnight, £10 after. banging tunes, or just a
bang that makes your night
– we’re sure you’ll have fun!
12/10/13: HOTWIRED
Meeting up in an underground car park for kinky fun may seem so 80s, but throw into
production lights and we’re talking a completely different ball game. Hotwired – London’s
biggest leather party returns for another year of boozing and cruising with like-minded
leather enthusiasts. Plus DJs Ian Delano, Hugo'sland & Dick Rock.
Ewer Street Car Park, 29 Great Suffolk Street, SE1 0NS. 10pm - 6am. Tickets: £25 from
Jon Delano
So you’re open 7 nights a week (the meets Stunners. Then our third Saturday WHAT’S ON
bar that is) – why did you decide to do we welcome Tommy and Blanche with Wig
this for October? Out where the party gets super fun with a AT THE EAGLE
Following that hot balmy summer where real up-for-it party crowd with music from
everyone enjoyed our famous beer garden, Sink The Pink and Popstarz Superstars. The THIS WEEKEND
tasty BBQs and friendly staff, we wanted fourth Saturday is our very special CLUBR18
to completely change our venue to better UNRESTRICTED where the venue is
suit our customers’ desires. Vauxhall is now transformed into an adult wonderland that Friday 11th: Tonker’s
changing and evolving to suit its position attracts London’s Sexiest crowd who know BIG Bloke Friday
as London’s Party Destination with all the exactly what they want! welcomes special guest
other clubs that make Vauxhall so special, What is it about the venue that keeps Jo Public (left) joining
but we are the only bar venue open every customers coming back? Tim Jones for this
night which makes us the heart of the area A warm friendly welcome with a no attitude, cruise booze and tunes
and a friendly local. no nonsense approach. We want to make session.
What makes Eagle London different to everyone’s visit to us a special occasion,
other bars/clubs in South London even for a quick drink on the way home or Saturday 12th:
Horse Meat Disco on Sundays which as a clubbing destination. It is the return of
has become a world class name in disco To someone that hasn’t been to Trannyshack Vs
legend; London’s biggest Friday Night Eagle London before – how would you Stunners, London’s
bloke feast, Tonker; the largest T GIRL describe the venue and crowd? biggest T Girl Party
monthly party Trannyshack meets The layout of The Eagle is the perfect shape with a VERY SPECIAL
Stunners and our legendary cruise night if you designed a bar, with the round island TXXX SHOW
CLUBR18. We also offer The Eagle bar serving a great range of super cold and CONFIRMED.
membership card, which offers a load of fast drinks, a dance floor for those disco
benefits including free entry weekdays party nights, then a dark cruisy wonderland Sunday 13th: We are
and reduced entry on selected weekend to explore on our classic Eagle cruise nights, delighted to welcome
events. We also have our Eagle Shop in and the ‘Jewel in our Crown’, Vauxhall’s only Detroit’s Seth Troxler
association with fetish wear specialists beer garden with a bar & BBQ. The crowd is (left) who will be joining
Fetish-Freak, offering a range of exclusive what makes our venue what it is! resident James Hilard
merchandise from those sexy essentials to Who are the brains and brawn behind for an almighty Disco
complete handmade leather gear. the beats and disco? Dance Off.
What can we expect on a night-by- Myself and Ian are supported by a family of Plus look out for a
night basis? dedicated crew: Simon Kilner, our General huge Horse Meat Disco
Monday through to Thursday is our all Manager and ship’s captain is on hand to special on Sunday
new layout Eagle Cruise, where we have make sure Eagle keeps flying high, and October 20th! More
introduced two new areas, including a he’s supported by a team of managers and details in next week’s
cinema and play area. We will have regular crew who work in partnership with our issue of QX.
pool competitions every Monday with promoters to ensure that we have the best
music videos and a super cool soundtrack possible offers and friendliest welcome.
to every weekday evening with surprise DJs I’m sure you know we love a good
and shows for members and their guests. tipple. What are you saying on drink
Then Fridays it’s Tonker, London’s biggest deals?
bear bash with a booze cruise and tunes We have large cans of Red Stripe at only
from Head Honcho Tim Jones and his Guest £3 all night and doubles for singles on
DJs, plus a free giant buffet every week Absolut Blue Premium Vodka, Famous
and various HOT theme events including Grouse Whisky and Vauxhall’s very-own-
Tonker’s famous leather and muscle parties. produced Beefeater Gin till midnight
And Saturdays it’s ever changing? Monday to Thursday and until 11pm from
First Saturday is The Den where blokes meet Friday to Sunday. During October we also The Eagle is at 349 Kennington Lane,
blokes or come with friends and make new offer free entry and concessions when you Vauxhall, SE11 5QY.
friends; second Saturday is London’s biggest sign up for our Eagle Membership, which is Visit www.eaglelondon.com
and most sexy ‘T Girl’ Party, Trannyshack free to join in October! for more information of what’s on
and membership offers.
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Although it may not be the Windsor Castle
where her real majesty lives, this castle
is certainly not short of a queen (or
two), although the floors might be a little
stickier than Lizzie’s and the music might be a bit more
contemporary. This Saturday sees Nicollette Street
take to the stage and then on Sunday it’s Karaoke with
Lee. We at QX are especially excited for their Pink Party
on 1st November which is in aid of Macmillan/Cancer is a Drag and
Breast Cancer Research. It’s going to be hosted by Rose Garden,
CIRCA with appearances
62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN from legends such as Rose Garden
Munroe Bergdorf: she’s Circa’s redsident Son Ofa Tutu and
diva and if she’s not sat at a glass table Miss Jason. Stick it
with a large drink then she’s either on in your diary…
a photoshoot, hosting some glitzy bash
or pumping out some tunes from Circa’s
glittery DJ cave. On Thursday, helped by
Adam Turner, she gets the pre-Room
Service guys dancing at VS and then on COMPTONS TWO
Friday she flies solo and dishes out some 51-53 Old Comptons Street, Soho, W1D 6HN BREWERS
Discipline. The bears of central London aren’t like 114 Clapham High
other bears, they don’t go to woods for a Street, SW4 7UJ
picnic, no, they go to Comptons for a beer. Every Sunday The
Every night sees this grand old pub of Old Power of Three
Compton Street packed to the rafters with shines down on
the hairy, the huge, the burly, the beautiful Clapham, no
and all their admirers. unfortunately that
doesn’t mean that
Piper, Paige and Prue
are coming to save us
from the demons that
eat in the chicken
shop, instead it means
a completely different
witch, Sandra, will
be taking to the stage Sandra
with another two
cabaret legends and
casting a laughing
Munroe Bergdorf spell over the
556 Commercial Road E14 7JD
There’s something on every
night (except Monday) at this HALFWAY TO HEAVEN
old, feathered, cockney bird. 7 Duncannon Street, Charing
Every Wednesday they’ve Cross, WC2N 4JF
got their famous Amateur Every Sunday CK takes
Strip Show, where every over Halfway to Heaven,
contestant gets a tenner and unfortunately that doesn’t
Little Rob the winner gets a ton. So get mean the heavenly scents
down there of Eternity and CKone come
if you’re a bit Crystal D’Canter
Crys and dilute the musk of man,
skint and drop those insectsts glitter and lipstick, neither does
and ants (pants) or if you Kelly Mild it mean the bar boys slip out their
just wanted see some uniforms and serve you in a pair of tight
Hampton Wicks (pricks). briefs. The truth is in fact much better, every
Then on Friday Son Sunday the hilarious jumble of wigs, fake eyelashes,
Ofa Tutu will be doing high heels and comedy that are Crystal d’Canter
a show followed by DJ and Kelly Mild have the patrons of Halfway to
Little Rob on the decks. Heaven in stitches from 4pm. Then later on Mrs
Moore and Asifa Lahore also join the party –
better than a roast any Sunday.
Son Ofa Tutu
we could have quite
easily gone home
and tucked
into bed on
Saturday night
- we’re not
joking - but
why would
we do that
when there’s the
potential of taking a
tasty lad with us? And
when we considered a
tray of shots for less than a
tenner and glancing over an array of attractive boys
like we were picking an outfit (well, we’d hopefully
have one of them wrapped around us), it just seemed
rude to reject the invite anyway. Cut to us skanking
out on the dance floor like Ciara on speed. And when
the DJ dropped Britney’s latest “British accent” mess
of a single we were showing her how to ‘Work Bitch’.
After a night of molesting cute boys (OK, maybe
those shots weren’t so wise after all) and pissing off
ex-lovers we left Ku Klub like Ariel walking on land
for the first time. Fierce. We’re not quite sure what it
is about Ku Bar that always gets us lick up (and we’re
sure it has nothing to do with the bottle of vodka we
accidentally drank while getting ready) but it keeps us
coming back for a good night of commercial tunes and
tipsy twerking. And at least we left in style, strutting
(staggering) off to hail a taxi with clutch
bag (and foot long sub) in tow.
28 B A R N E W S ´
Out of Control
Weekend workshop in Islington: 11th-13th October
Are you feeling Out of Control about sex? Explore ways to
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Free workshops
Info and enquiries: 020 7700 1323
@ 6.30PM
@ 8.30PM
@ 11. 0 0 P M
THERE IS nothing
particularly restful about
Sundays out there in
cabaret-land. It’s the day
when revellers, who are
partial to a sequin or five
hundred, venture out
in their droves to their
favourite afternoon/evening
of kitsch entertainment,
determined to squeeze every
last drop out of the weekend, and
to do it in style. And there’s never been a time (as far
as we can remember - hazy memory though) when
the choice of Sunday soirées in Central London has
been greater. The latest venue to get bitten by the
infectious drag bug is Manbar - the place we usually fall
into at 2am to simultaneously slurp sambuca and flirt
unashamedly with the beefed-up bar boys.
The ambitious itinerary of cabaret kicked off last
Sunday with a new weekly gathering, Sunday School,
hosted by Myra Dubois. Supported by Britain’s
Got Talent trio The DreamBears, who served up
a selection of well choreographed dance routines
in their own fierce, furry and fabulous fashion,
Myra treated her congregation to everything from
Britney Spears - reggae style, through to a maniacal
performance of Fuck the Pain Way, backed by
resident organist Sarah Bodalbhai.
As Louis Walsh would say on the Snore Factor: “You
really make the song your own”. And Myra certainly
does that. You’re through to the judge’s houses in
Bognor, dear. She mixes it all up with humorous
anecdotes and commanding audience control (god
help you if you don’t pay attention). Weaving amongst
her disciples she has a great knack of being able to
talk TO the audience - in an imperious way of course
- having off-the-cuff conversations, rather than talking
AT them. This creates a relaxing atmosphere and feel
- which, let’s face it, is what you want on a Sunday.
A night with Myra is almost like visiting
your eccentric yet glamorous mad aunt
in the nursing home. The one we
mustn’t discuss at family gatherings.
And that mad aunt has been on the
gin, and whiskey, and advocat, and
Night Nurse. And boy does she
have opinions.
Auntie Myra packed them in and
carried off an impressive debut of her
Sunday School. Another soirée to add to
our Sunday cabaret crawl list…
32 C A B A R E T ´
Lovely to see you, looking gorgeous My parents were singers so there was
as always. So almost four months on, always loads of music in the house. I got
how has everything been for you since bitten by the bug early. It’s always felt like
Drag Idol? something I have to do - like an addiction.
Life has been a whirlwind to say the least. List of priorities in life: 1) Singing 2)
I’ve experienced everything from five star Chocolate 3) Finding a husband.
glamour to performing in a gents’ toilet. The You’re always on the look out for a Mr
best thing was meeting some really amazing Redfern in your shows, aren’t you?
and inspiring people along the way. Post Drag Yes, always. And I think I’ve just found a
Idol, I truly feel like I’ve been embraced by possible suitor, here in QX. Ricardo, 11
the gay cabaret scene. And it has enabled me inches. Oh my! He’s even included his
to give up my day job and perform full time, number. Shall we give him a buzz?
so THANK YOU, Drag Idol!
What did you take away from it?
It’s shown me that there are so many
talented drag performers on the scene,
which, in turn, has encouraged me to try
and find my niche and keep working at my What do you like about Manbar?
craft, because the competition is fierce. Oh let me show you what my absolutely
So here we are in the plush favourite thing is about Manbar. Once I get
surroundings of Bar Titania, where up here there’s no getting me off.
you regularly perform...
Yes, I love this venue. The clientele are
so diverse and friendly, and the staff are
lovely. Also, the decor is glamour and
decadence personified.
Topsie Redfern’s show HRH Topsie Redfern Princess Bridezilla runs at Manbar
(79 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0NE) on the 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th October.
She also performs at Bar Titania (75 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 7PY)
on the 20th October.
Hurrah! Alexander
Skarsgard may appear in DVD OF THE WEEK
a loincloth after all, as his
Tarzan movie SHARKNADO (15) From Scotland, the rom-com
is back on, After taking America NOT ANOTHER HAPPY
complete by storm, the ENDING features
with Sharknado hits Britain frazzled Karen
Christoph this week, so run for Gillan and sexy
Waltz as your lives! Starring Frenchman
THE VILLAIN s has-beens Ian Ziering Stanley
And Hugh and Tara Reid, the Weber,
Jackman will story centres on a plus lots of
star in Chappie, freak hurricane that colourful side
the next movie by Neill pounds Los Angeles, characters.
Blomkamp (Elysium), about dropping man-eating sharks into the streets while the characters deal It’s lively and
an intelligent robot voiced by with the corny soap-opera issues. Honestly, it’s so appallingly stupid that silly, but never very
Sharlto Copley. you’ll wet yourself laughing. Unmissable! (StudioCanal) romantic or comedic.
a month filled with Smart whip out some surprises for this monthly.
fun, and we start the Now for something completely different... I’m a
weekend with a fave huge fan of this lady and you will be too… Myra
QBoy who says Put Dubois stars in her own show Auntie Myra’s
It In Your Mouth Happier Hours
on Thursday October on the 18th and
10th at the Dalston
Superstore (117
Kingsland High Street,
19th of this month
at The Hen and
Chickens Theatre,
O Hackney, E8 2PB). It’s his birthday special and (109 St Pauls Road,
ENE being a connoisseur of hip hop, R&B and the like, Highbury, N1 2NA). A
he’s got a heap of treats lined up for the evening hysterical performer,
with DJ Neil Prince ‘til 2.30am. On Saturday and endearing with
12th at Dalston Superstore it’s the return of a never ending
Myra Dubois
Bust Yo Nut, our ball breakers this evening repartee tucked up
So, after being out at the weekend
IGHT with ‘Bang Bang’.
and hearing some kind of jazz It’s from ‘The
inspired saxophone house remix, as Great Gatsby’
we foxtrotted with a muscled hunk in Barcode, Soundtrack
everything has been a bit ‘All That Jazz’ in the and he’s
office. However we’ve not been doing high sampled the
kicks and shimmies with Denise Van Outen or Jazz Ensemble’s
Catherine Zeta Jones (that was last week), ‘Charleston’
we’ve just taken it to 2013 and been and we’ve
sticking some of the recent jazz gotta admit,
releases on the office jukebox. even with Fergie
A firm favourite is John his inflected
Newman’s debut single vocals, we think it’s quite dope.
‘Love Me Again’, which However we much prefer the
fuses house and soul in a way version he did with Leah McFall
that makes us want to shake on ‘The Voice’ – but they don’t have
loose and adopt the flapper the fucker on iTunes.
style movements of the And the best jazz inspired single
dancers in his video. His John Newman we’ve found this week, also from
latest single ‘Cheating’, ‘The Great Gatsby’ is by Will’s fag hag
released this week, is also just Fergie with ‘A Little Party Never Killed
as impressive. Anybody (All We Got)’. This gem has had us
Our favourite solo singer- bouncing around the office and getting in the
through-an-autotune mood for Friday night. The video is ultra glam
from Mars, and she looks absolutely amazing (see what you
Will-I-Am, can achieve if you give up the crystal?). Our only
also offered complaint about this song is that we can’t get
his modern it out our heads, it’s like our new theme tune,
take on this which has made for a concerned glance or two
twenties when our absent-minded jazz hands start up on
Leah McFall
movement the Victoria line, during rush hour!
A Cross Dressing
Whether you’re a T-Gurl about town,
Anal Toys or just like pointing those stilettos to
Back in the 80s, sex toys pretty much heaven, you’ll be very welcomed at Sweet
ranged from dildos to your own digits. But Wednesday @ Underground Club
long gone are the days of vanilla foreplay (Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1 9SD)
– with dilators to make your hole more, and TV/TS Night at Ted’s Place (305
ahem, accommodating to beads, stimulators Boots North End Road, W14 9NS) on Thursday
and some things that just look plain scary. Nobody likes polishing dirty boots, so and Sunday. See our Get Your Rocks Off
But on the plus side, it’s never been easier why not just get a sleazy sub to come section for further listings.
to find that g-spot of yours. Check out round and lick them clean? Cheaper, more
Expectations, Clone Zone, Prowler or interesting and you get to use that butch
RoB of London for a “wide” selection… sergeant persona you’ve been waiting to
unleash. Make the bitch scrub the floor
while he’s down there too. d.vote
Armpits An online store with a real devotion to
Sniffing, licking, kissing, touching – the rubber and latex, you’ll find things that
armpit has a mysterious attraction to a some of us at QX Towers hadn’t even
number of people. The attraction is mostly heard of. Get skimpy in a leather jock, or
directed towards the strong odour of the Clone Zone suffocated in a latex alien egg. Whatever
armpit – the most powerful in the body. From condoms to calendars, and DVDs takes your fancy… or fetish.
Sufficiently powerful to act as a muscular to dildos, Clone Zone has it covered. But www.dvote.com
stimulant even in the absence of any direct if you think it all this sounds a bit too soft
sexual association! You can’t get much core for you, they also have a leather and
manlier than that! bondage section – you won’t be able to Dungeons
restrain yourself! Believe it or not there are apartments
www.clonezonedirect.co.uk converted into sexual dungeons all
Aromas across London. Such as the fully equipped
And we ain’t talking about the latest scent Hoxton Dungeon Suite (www.
from Calvin Klein. For some men sniffing Code Clinic hoxtondungeonsuite.co.uk), Better than
poppers is what really gets them going. We If you’re into the ‘harder’ sex scene, but a Bed in W1 (www.betterthanabed.com)
just used to sniff them in between science have been avoiding full disclosure with or the Blue Door Dungeon in Islington
lessons for a temporary high, who knew your regular GU, it’s time to pull your (www.bluedoordungeon.co.uk). They come
back them we’d be using them to make us finger (or fist) out, and visit Code for with toys, spanking instruments, apparatus
‘relax’ more in the bedroom. a friendly, non-judgemental check up. to strap your sub to and plenty more.
Advice also offered, too.
56 Dean Street Clinic.
Tuesdays 5pm–7pm
The Backstreet Raise those sexpectations with the UK’s
Hosts nights like BUFF from the MA1 CrackStuffers largest fetish store. If you thought your
team! London’s original naked club for buff Doing exactly what is says on the tin, boyfriend was a bitch, why not put a
boys to get buck wild. A large darkroom Crackstuffers is designed by men with collar on him and find out. Think he’s got
and friendly staff ensure a warm welcome greedy holes for men with greedy holes. the balls to handle it? Try one of their ball
– as does the heated terrace. See our Get With a range of sexy looking, blue weights and see!
Your Rocks Off section for further listings. dildos ranging from plugs, truncheons, 75 Great Eastern Street, Shoreditch,
Wentworth Mews, Mile End, E3 4UA. rockets, missiles and good, old-fashioned EC2A 3RY. www.expectations.co.uk
monster cock shapes, your stretched but
accommodating hole will thank you for it.
Welcome to dildo heaven!
QX_970_Fetish A-Z.indd 40 08/10/2013 19:19
QX 970 MASTER 1.indd 41 08/10/2013 12:52
F so no slings or dungeon, however, still very Hotwired
sexual and horny. The sportswear look is still London’s biggest underground leather and
Feet very popular, although perhaps not as much rubber party promises more harnesses
Sometimes after a hard day at work, all you as when they first launched almost seven than My Little Pony’s stable. Only they’ll
want is someone to rub your poor soles. years ago. Resident DJs play sexy groovy be strapped to horny hotties, not horses –
And maybe lick the ankle, before sucking on tech house: PJay, Sven Jon, Eduardo phew! You’re guaranteed a masculine and
a toe or two? If that’s what tickles you (get Herrera, Abstar with Steven sexy crowd that knows how to work a pair
it?) enjoy this and more at monthly night Geller taking over from 3am on the main of chaps.
Feet on Friday @ Underground Club (37 dancefloor for his weekly extended set. Next party: Saturday 12th October 2013.
Wharfdale Road, N1 9SD). Barcode, 69 Albert Embankment, Ewer St Car Park, 29 Great Suffolk St, SE1
Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. Friday: 10pm-8am. £6 0NS. www.hotwiredlondon.com
for members (memberships available on
Fetish Freak the door), £8 others. Sunday: 10pm-2am.
Find the perfect fit with their made-to- £5, FREE for members. HustlaBall
measure fetish wear, choose from four types Proclaimed as “the world’s most hedonistic
of leather, and range of items and a variety of dance party”, the sex-drenched mega-night
colours. Owners Jonathan and Richard have brings together horny clubbers, erotic stage
been in this business for many years and have shows and world class DJs unlike any other.
built up an honest, knowledgeable and trusted Glory Holes www.hustlaball.com
reputation on the fetish scene. Whether Almost legendary in gay folklore, the glory
you’re a stalwart or complete newbie, pop hole can be found in a small number of public
in to say hello for a dedicated and friendly toilets, some have their own private glory
service, tailored to you. holes, open to eager, anonymous cocks.
Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Perfect if you like the thrill of the unknown, Into The Tank
London, SE11 5QY the sense of danger or if you’ve got a pretty Into the Tank, sponsored by ManHunt, is
Open Thursday – Saturday, 9pm-2am dick with a butters face. Some sources say Madrid’s biggest fetish event, taking place
www.fetishfreak.co.uk it can suggest a psychological barrier, which every Saturday (Sala RAMDOM C/ Santa
extends to physical intimacy, we say, you gotta Engracia 26 (Metro Bilbao), Madrid). It’s
stick your cock in something! music, dance and a playroom for kinky men.
Fettered Pleasures Also keep an eye out for their annual visits
“Take the shackles off my feet so I can to London.
dance…” Fettered pleasures wouldn’t Gummi www.intothetank.org
dream of doing such a thing! Doing exactly For men who like to dress up in rubber around
what the name implies, they can provide likeminded guys. Whether you’re a gummi
you with anything from full-on dungeon twink or a gummi bear (see what we did
equipment to diapers. there?) then this night every second Sunday of
www.fetteredpleasures.co.uk the month at Hoist (Arches, 47 Vauxhall Grove Jock Straps
Road, SW8 1RH) is the place for you They originally started as an undergarment
www.gummi.org.uk for supporting sportsmen, but now they’re
Fifty & Dean loved for package exposure and easy back
Upstairs in this cute Soho shop you’ll find gay access.
men’s fashion, while downstairs a softer sex
store with porn, poppers and range of sex
toys awaits. Hard On
50 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4UB A fetish club night where the clientele are
just as dirty as the house beats. Strict dress Kitten Heels
codes mean you’ll have to have your fetish Anybody who is fashion-aware (or has eyes)
Fisting gear on or Miss Krueger will beat you down knows that kitten heels are a major fashion
For those of you that haven’t tried it, it’s a at the door! faux pas. But there is a growing fetish for
bit like stuffing the Christmas Turkey, only Union, 66 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, ‘sisters’ strutting their stuff in one and a half
this one will groan, as well as gobble. Maybe SE11 7TP. Every third Saturday. inch heels. (OK, we made this one up – but
take off the Marc Jacobs watch first. Clubs what’s kinky that begins with ‘k’?)
The Hoist
include monthly First Friday @ The Hoist
(Arches, 47 Vauxhall Grove, SW8 1RH) and the Situated in the heart (and crotch) of Vauxhall,
Jack Hammer Fistco Disco (see www. the venue enforces and strict dress code of
jackhammerclub.co.uk for more information). leather, rubber, uniform, sportswear and Leather
boots and jocks. See our Get Your Rocks Off The love of Leather expresses a heightened
section for further listings. sense of masculinity, even when you’re lying
Fitladz Arches 47, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, in a sling with your army boots around your
Fitladz is the one of London’s busiest weekly SW8 1RH ears! The image of leather-clad, biker gays
cruise clubs in the UK, held every Friday and has been a part of (somewhat stereotypical)
Sunday at Barcode in Vauxhall. Operating homosexual imagery for years. So, while
a more continental style mix of dance floor The Hoist the handlebar moustaches may have largely
sounds with a large, discreet darkroom area disappeared, the longing for some leather-
upstairs – it’s the perfect entry level cruise Basements attired rutting is still very much alive. See
club that pulls in a younger clientele. Ladz who Ever dreamed of owning your own dungeon? our Get Your Rocks Off section for further
happen to bring a girl from work or perhaps a Well, in Berlin’s gay district, you can. listings. Clubs include The Hoist, XXL
lad not into cruising can feel safe leaving them Complete with cells, cages, slings, and Leather, Hard On.
in certain areas of the club as they discover bondage wheel, there’s no restraint (ahem)
other areas for themselves! Deliberately to what you can do.
not as hardcore as other fetish/cruise clubs, www.thehoistbasements.co.uk
may incorporate fantasies about these
activities into their fetish. So whilst you may
not be incorporating clown costumes or lion
tamers into your bedroom activities, who Orgies 9]MMõVÚ
doesn’t love ogling at Olympic swimmers, or Why have one hot man in your bed when For those of you that haven’t heard of
getting pinned to a wrestling mat by a hung you can have six or seven? Sure there have queefin’, we here at QX would be more than
and beefy fella? Check out Heroes @ The been times when there’s so many limbs flying happy to enlighten you. In layman’s terms, a
Backstreet (Wentworth Mews, London E3), about, we felt like we were wrestling with an queef, is a fanny fart. And believe it or not,
every 1st Sunday. octopus – but that’s all part of the fun. Think it is an existing fetish. We’re not sure what
of it as a big, dirty, real-life Facebook. ‘Like’. it’s called when the flatulence is emitted by a
man-fanny (maybe Queerfin’) but we’re sure
Lube there’s someone somewhere into it.
Not exactly a fetish in itself, but it’s certainly Outdoors
require for the ultimate happy ending of most Speeding with the top down feels great having
fetishes – unless of course your fetish is a anal the wind in your hair – well imagine shagging
friction burns or a torn banjo string. in the open air, the wind in your pubes. Well
take a little visit down to Medway Junction and R18 Unrestricted
you’ll find al fresco cruising and guys playing in After the huge success of the launch night in
the great outdoors. They never taught us this January that saw sexy horned-up guys of all
kind of outdoor activity at Scouts. ages getting it up and getting it on, they are
Medical back, bigger and harder. R18 will take place on
It’s time for your annual health check! And the fourth Saturday of every month to take
why do we get the feeling that an injection in residency in one of London’s favourite men-
the rear from a hot doctor will certainly cause only cruise bar Eagle London.The guys will be
your temperatures to rise. And of course, Piercing getting down and dirty with master of sex on
you’ll have to give a sperm sample. Where is Whether you like a man with nipple rings or the decks Jack Chang. Dark spaces, pulsing
this doctor and why aren’t we a patient there? the full-on Prince Albert, body modification beats and visuals by porn studio Colt. Get
is something many people find addictive, and rewarded with FREE entry before 10.30pm
many other people find attractive. So, be just by making an effort on what you wear:
Military careful getting studded, you could end up with dress code “horny and ready for action”.
Maybe it’s the strict commands, maybe it’s a fan club… or looking like a pin-cushion. For Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane,
the sexy camouflage, or maybe it’s the fact skilled piercers, check out Extreme Needle. Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-4am. Members
that the sex-starved lads of the army have Chinatown, Leicester Sq and Covent FREE b4 11pm, others £6 all night.
nowhere else to turn to for sexual relief but Garden. www.extremeneedle.co.uk
each other. Now we totally get why Barbie
cheated on Ken with Action Man. Recon.com +
Recon Events
Forget those sweaty, spotted pink things that
oink, roll in the mud and give us bacon, these If you’re looking for men who are serious
kind of pigs are far dirtier and they offer up about sex, into harder play, uniforms, fetish
Naked much more meat – although many still oink. wear and other types of fun then Recon is
Sometimes there’s nothing sexier than letting Sex pigs just can’t get enough of the dirtiest, the way forward. Recon also hosts major club
it all hang out – especially if it hangs down to filthiest sex the fetish scene has to offer. And events for guys into fetish gear. It now boasts
his knees! For the hottest cruise nights and for some toys to satisfy their greedy snouts over half a million rock hard and ultra kinky
the opportunity to rock out with your cock check out the Twisted Pig online shop. members, ranging from twinks and muscle
out, check out: SBN @ The Hoist (Arches, www.twistedpig.co.uk boys to leather men and bondage freaks. Sign
47 Vauxhall Grove Road, SW8 1RH), Buff @ up to meet thousands of like-minded guys in
The Backstreet (Wentworth Mews, London your local area.
E3), Stripped @ Vault, Butt Naked @ The Porn www.recon.com
Underground Club (37 Wharfdale Road, N1 No matter what your fetish, chances are Date for your diary: Recon presents
9SD). See our Get Your Rocks Off section for there’s a porn channel that will cover it – so London Fetish Week next year July 7th –
further listings. if you’re into something obscure (or just 13th 2014
unattractive) and can’t get it in real life. Log
online, girl. Porn itself can also be considered
Nappies a fetish – and has been known to be addictive. Regulation
Men in diapers is an ever-growing fetish, Both online and in-store you’ll find an
recently the subject of a Channel 4 Prowler extensive range of bondage gear and play
documentary… although we’re pretty sure This well-known store for gay men is still your things. The shop offers spacious fitting rooms
they’ll be wanting to suck on more than just one-stop shop for sexual accoutrements and as well as a made-to-measure service.
a bottle. For a night time crèche go to Adult all those lil’ extras that make play even more 17a St Albans Place, Islington,
Baby Club @ Central Station (37 Wharfdale fun. There’s stimulants to keep you going, a N1 0NX. www.regulation-london.com
Road, N1 9SD), every third Saturday. range of sex toys, lubes, condoms, DVDs and
much more.
5-7 Brewer St, Soho, W1F 0AF.
and diverse fetish, latex, PVC and rubber further listings.
fetishism are all closely related. While PVC
refers to shiny clothes made of synthetic
plastic, rubber tends to be thick, less shiny Sportswear Vault
and more matte. A compelling reason that It could be a rough ‘n’ ready rugger bugger Open for cruising 7 days a week, The Vault
people are turned on by wearing rubber is its or a fit footballer, but we like our men dirty also hosts naked and underwear parties for
transformative abilities. As with any costume, on and off the pitch. If you’re looking to get those of you more daring to bare. And at
a rubberist can imagine themselves having a your kit on (before pulling it off), head down £6/£7 to get in, hopefully the men you find
new identity, especially one that permits a to Shoot! @ Underground Club (Central won’t be as cheap! Minutes from Warren
different code of behavior. There’s a huge and Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1 9SD) (every Streeet tube, it’s perfect for those looking to
fashionable range of garments just waiting first Saturday), Fitladz @ Barcode (69 Goding unload in Central London.
to be slipped on like a sexy second skin. Street, Vauxhall, SE11 5AW), Sweat @ The 139A Whitfield St, Marylebone, W1T
Check out RubberRut and GUMMI @ Hoist (Arches 47 Vauxhall Grove, SW8 1RH). 5EN. www.vault139.com
The Hoist (Arches 47 Vauxhall Grove, SW8 See our Get Your Rocks Off section for
1RH). See our Get Your Rocks Off section further listings.
for further listings.
Suits Watersports
Restraints There’s something sexy about a man in a And no, we’re not talking Jet Ski’s or
Whether you need to keep your sub still for suit, whether it’s what is in his pants or in synchronized swimming. A widely
a whipping or spread for a probing, you’ll his wallet depends on the man. And there’s popular fetish that is probably not one
probably need some restraints to stop him always the mystery of what will happen under for those of you with ‘shy bladder’.
squirming as you get stuck in. Check out the pressure of a deadline… find out at City Try SOP (Underground Club, 37 Wharfdale
MEO for some high quality restraints – and Boys @ Central Station (37 Wharfdale Road, Road, N1 9SD).
it doesn’t stop there if you need a fucking N1 9SD, first Friday of the month.
machine, or maybe a urethral chastity belt,
then they’ve got those too.
www.meo.de Slings and Swing
There’s no better to way to ensure the pink
hoop of pleasure is open and inviting to a
top that to hoist yourself up into a sling of a Bondage bears and cubs in cop wear makes
swing, so he can grab you, ram you and shake it sound like London Zoo on Viagra at XXL
Saunas you until you’re more stirred up than an theme nights that include ‘Leather’, ‘Cop’ and
There are a multitude of benefits to episode of Big Brother. For some well made ‘Lumberjack’ events. The home of London’s
frequenting gay saunas; steaming out slings and swings check out Steelworks burly blokes hosts a different theme each
blemishes, relaxing in the hot tub, and of (www.northbound.com) or UKRed week for you to sink your paws into.
course the euphoria of busting a nut over (www.ukred.com). No 1 Invicta Plaza, South Bank, SE1
some guy’s face. Something for everyone! 9UF. www.xxl-london.com
Skins T
For lads into shaven heads, boots, bleached
jeans, braces and bomber jackets, the skins Ted’s Place
‘look’ is very specific but attracts a huge A great venue to meet other men, or ‘ladies’,
number of horny fellas ready for action. cruising for men and TV/TS on alternate
Check it out for yourselves at Oi M8 @ The nights. Gurls go let yo’ hair down, and guys –
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www.skyhi.me.uk 37 Wharfdale Road, King’s Cross, N1 9SD
in fight to host Gay Games women are typically aged 28.9 years when they tie the knot.
Over the eight-year period between civil partnership
legislation coming into force in December 2005 and the end of
The 2018 Gay Games will be December 2012, 60,454 civil partnerships were formed in the
held in Paris, after London UK, equivalent to 120,908 civil partners. The figure compares
lost out in the final decision with a government estimate in 2004 suggesting a likely take-up
on where to host the games. of between 11,000 and 22,000 people in civil partnerships in
The committee organising Britain by 2010. Dissolutions of civil partnerships have increased
the bid said: “Naturally we 20% to 794 from 663 in 2011.
are disappointed, but it has
been an honour to be part of
this experience and we are
overwhelmed by the support of
Gay Labour MP Stephen
you all!” Also in the running was the Irish city of Limerick. Twigg sacked as Shadow
Paris’ wide range of sports venues, demonstrable political support,
including Minister for Sport Valerie Fourneyron and five-time Olympic
Education Secretary
fencing medallist Laura Flessel, were cited as key reasons by the Gay
Games Federation. The London committee organising the bid said: STEPHEN TWIGG, one of the country’s most senior gay
“Naturally we are disappointed, but it has been an honour to be part politicians, has been sacked in a reshuffle of Labour’s Shadow
of this experience and we are overwhelmed by the support of you all!” Cabinet. The West Derby MP had long been rumoured to be
Mayor Boris Johnson, Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy at odds with the Labour leadership over the party’s policy on
Prime Minister Nick Clegg, had all backed London’s bid. free schools and academies. In a separate development this
summer, Mr Twigg spoke of his shock over revelations that
scores of schools still had Section 28-style language in their
sex education policies.
In response, the Department for Education (DfE) announced
Gay boxer Orlando Cruz: I was an investigation, saying: “What these schools have done by
singling out homosexuality is unacceptable.” Mr Twigg was
scared about coming out, but it’s first elected to Parliament in 1997, famously defeating Michael
Portillo in the north London seat of Enfield-Southgate.
made me happy and free Meanwhile, Spencer Livermore, previously dubbed “The
most powerful gay man in British politics” has been appointed
PUERTO RICAN Labour’s General Election Campaign Director.
Photo © EMC Events
professional boxer Orlando He was Director of Strategy to former Labour Prime Minister
Cruz (pictured) says he was Gordon Brown until 2008 and played a key role in Labour’s
scared about coming out successful general election campaigns of 1997, 2001 and 2005.
as gay because he feared
a negative reaction from
boxing fans. “I was scared,” Singer and HIV campaigner Annie Lennox
said Cruz, reports Yahoo
Sports, the boxer admitted
has opened a new HIV and sexual health
he saw a psychologist in centre in east London.
New York to help him
work through his feelings. THE CLIFDEN CENTRE/Jonathan Mann
“I was worried about other Clinic at Homerton Hospital is the culmination
boxers. I was worried of the “Positive Lives” initiative which, over
about the fans. I would cry a number of years, has raised more than £2
many, many nights thinking million. Lennox, who is an HIV Ambassador for
about it.” the Mayor of London, toured the centre which
But the fears were unfounded and since that announcement, she described as a “beautiful space”, and spent
Cruz has won back-to-back fights in the ring.“He made me feel time talking to staff and patients.
better about it and that is how I made the decision to come out,” “As a passionate activist, and as the Mayor of London’s HIV
Cruz said of his psychologist. “He made me ready. Since I made the Ambassador, I have been touched by the countless stories of
announcement, I have been getting nothing but support. I am happy. I men, women and children who have been affected by HIV,” the
am free. I am comfortable. Eurythmics star said. “For many people, these are no longer
“Everybody gives me support and respect. When I interview with stories of despair, but are stories of hope. Advances in treatment
a newspaper, I would just like to have respect. Now, when I walk mean that HIV is no longer a death sentence.
into the ring, I feel I have the support of a lot of people [in the LGBT “People on effective treatment are living healthy, fulfilling and long
community], and it makes me very happy.” lives. This new clinic at Homerton is a fantastic facility that will help
more people get the world-class treatment that they need.”
THURSDAY 10TH OCTOBER Cross, WC2N 4JF. Long running Queerly Out Classic at Escape Bar, 80s, 90s, 00 & 01, Star Bar is 02 to
popular central London cabaret pub 8-10 Brewer Street, Sohjo, W1F 0SU. present day, videos in the Pop Room.
CLUBS & EVENTS with Kevin Walsh. 9pm-3am. Classic pop gay student Musical theme sing-along in the
G-A-Y Porn Idol at Heaven, Villiers Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High night in the heart of Soho. Departure Lounge.
Street, WC2N 6NG. 11pm-4am. FREE Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 4pm-2am. Cookie’s Karaoke at Windsor Castle, Grizzle at Dalston Superstore, 117
entry flyers from G-A-Y Bar. The FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3ET. Kingsland Road, Dalston, E8 2PB.
return of London’s biggest amateur South London cabaret/club spot. Open till 1am. Join the fabulous 9pm-3am. Free b4 11pm/£3 after.
strip night as contestants of all Flaunt at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Cookie at this exciting gay pub out in Grizzle are back with gorgeous gurls
shapes, sizes and looks take part to Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 10pm-3am. the West. John Sizzle and A Man to Pet on the
win £100. Final winner wins £1,000. New night ‘Flaunt’ is where you get to The Black Cap, 171 Camden High top bar, whilst extra special guests Jos
Think you have what it takes to win? flaunt it with the handsome, rugged Street, NW1 7JY. Open till late. Crazy Gibson and Josh Caffe are down in the
Simply text 07789 553 868 to take men of Soho, with sexy dancers and fun times at Camden’s coolest gay laser basement.
part! DJ Nick Shepherdson on the decks. boozer, with DJ Miles on the tunes Girls at Vogue Fabrics, 66 Stoke
Boy Trouble at East Bloc, 217 Enriched at Rupert Street, 50 Rupert and Lady LaRue having it large. Newington Road, Dalston, N16 7XB.
City Road, Old Street, EC1V 1JN. Street, Soho, W1D 6DR. From 8pm. 10pm-3am. £5, free before midnight. A
10.30pm-4am. FREE. A new Thursday New weekly dance session from night run by men celebrating the music
experience for East London gays as Rich B with Marcella Puppini of the FRIDAY 11TH OCTOBER of women with resident DJs Cozette and
East Bloc opens its doors for an early Puppini Sisters. Felicity Hayward plus special guests.
weekend house explosion of double- Titty Idol – Quarter Finals at Bar CLUBS & EVENTS Speedwagon at RVT, 372
drop pop, Italo house, and anything Titania, 75 Charing Cross Road, Therapy at Shadow Lounge, 5 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11.
else. WC2H 0NE. 6pm-11pm. Up and Brewer Street, Soho, W1F 0RF. 10pm-3am, £5. London’s only gay
Room Service at Miabella, 12-13 coming cabaret stars and wannabe 11.30pm-3am. The ultimate team of rock night returns with rock out
Greek Street, Soho, W1D 4DJ. performers compete from 6.30pm. gay scene DJs rotates every Friday for performance from JonJo, Mary Scary
10pm-3am. Don’t you dare miss this Hosted by David Stinson. your listening and dancing pleasure on the doors, plus DJs HeyBaylen,
fiercely social, sexy club spot, playing Around the Candelabra at with Paul Heron, Miswhite, Adam Lucio and IwuvWoo on the decks.
edgy and upfront house. Expect hot Comptons, 51-53 Old Compton Turner and Douh Silva plus VVIP host Tonker at Eagle London, 349
gogo eye candy and hosted by fab Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. Elektra Paris. Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11.
scene faces. Get snapped by the 12pm-midnight. Lee Reed tinkles Super Electric Party Machine at 9pm-3am. FREE b4 10pm, £6 after.
legendary resident papper! his ivories for a Soho sing-along East Bloc, 217-219 City Road, EC1V Big bear bar boozing, cruise and
G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, (8-10pm) in one of Old Compton 1JN. 10pm-6am. £5. The freshest, tunes has disco, house & soul, then
off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Street’s oldest and classiest venues hottest talent playing the best new sexier vibes to the early hours for
11pm-3am. Hot pop sounds get with complementary bar food. music with DJ Larry Tee and guests hot daddies, bears, cubs and their
played out across the club, drink West 5 at Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, at this hot-ass East London basement admirers.
specials, cute guys and an almost W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. club spot. Spunk - Hombre at Manbar, 79
unrivalled highly electric atmosphere. Ealing’s hugely popular club, bar and Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H
Open 7 days. cabaret spot. TONIGHT: Cabaret from 0NE. 8pm-3.30am. FREE. Manbar
Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street, Mary Mac. DJs play commercial dance for a
Leicester Square, WC2. 10pm-3am. Molly Moggs at 2 Old Compton crowd of upferit blokes and butch
FREE. The legendary Tasty Tim and Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. 8.30pm. boys ‘til late. Resident DJs Little
Hunky Shariff spin the pop sounds FREE. Big laughs and song from Jeff Rob and Amox. Plus, pole dancing
and floor fillers. Kristian. beauties.
Vibe at Barcode, 69 Albert Bette’s Boozy Thursdays at The Wrong! (2.30am Saturday morning)
Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. Admiral Duncan, 54 Old Compton at Union, 66 Albert Embankment,
11pm-4am. £5 with flyer. A new Street, Soho, W1D 4UD. Midday- Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 2.30am-1pm.
weekly night of urban sounds from 11pm. Bette Rinse begins the £7 with flyer or concession
Maximus Crown, Elliot Cocks and weekend early at this legendary Soho guestlist/otherwise £12. No pop, no
Dayne Harper. pub (from 9pm). commercial dance, just cutting-edge
Gigolo at The Shadow Lounge, 5 KUstic at Ku Bar Lisle Street, house music, it’s Vauxhall like it
Brewer Street, W1F 0RF. 10pm-3am. Leicester Square, WC2. 7-10pm. used to be, featuring residents Steven
£5 conc, £8 others. Midweek soiree FREE. Weekly live lounge and Sharp, Jamie de Rooy, Thomas
for sluts with attitude at Soho’s unplugged session featuring new and Larry Tee Wonderland and Xavi Lopez.
famous Shadow Lounge. Hot undiscovered talent, performers and Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street at 30
happenings as porn stars provide the vocalists. Hosted by Brad Frederick. Fitladz at Barcode, 69 Albert Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2.
eye candy. VS at Circa, 62 Frith Street, Soho, Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 10pm-3am. FREE b4 11pm, £5 after.
W1. Munroe Bergdorf and Adam 10pm-8am. £6 members, £8 guests. Pop perfection and hot floor fillers
BARS & CABARET Turner get you warmed up for The club session for horny lads with as Ku’s hot 3 spin the tunes in its
Demon’s Karaoke at BJ’s White Room Service with some unrivalled hot grooves from the DJs and an downstairs basement club spot.
Swan, 556 Commercial Road, E14. Thursday night hotness! extended cruise space.
9pm-3am. FREE. Sing-along to your Ted’s TV/TS Night at Ted’s Place, G-A-Y Camp Attack at Heaven, BARS & CABARET
fave hits. 305a North End Road. 7pm-2am. £5. Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. The Two Brewers at 114 Clapham
Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 The night for fellas in frocks and their 11pm-4am. FREE with wristband from High Street, SW4 7UJ. 5pm-4am.
Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing admirers. G-A-Y Bar. Main Floor plays 70s, £5 after 10pm. London’s legendary
cabaret and club bar. moves from 6.30 to 8pm, followed from G-A-Y Bar. The palace of 5 Brewer Street, Soho, W1F 0RF.
BJ’s White Swan at 556 by fantastic soul singer Chris Royal pop and quite possibly the world’s 10pm-3am. Everything goes on
Commercial Road, Limehouse, E14 from 8pm. most famous gay club packs out Saturday nights when Andrew Elmore
7JD. 9pm-4am. FREE entry before Camp as Hits at The City of Quebec, this cavernous venue. TONIGHT: spins the greatest hits of the week and
10.30pm/£5 after. Popular East 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, Australian Amazonian Princess of the hosts are at their cheekiest. Dancers,
London pub. TONIGHT: Cabaret from W1H 7AF. 10pm-3am. Venerable Rap, Iggy Azalea wows the crowds, shot boys and hot boys all around, a 5
Son of a Tutu. institution of the gay scene rocks out joined by huge UK girl group The hour non-stop party!
Central Station at 37 Wharfdale some pop classics for an evening of Saturdays. Sweatbox Foam Party at 1-2
Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open fun with DJ Almighty. XXL at Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, South Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24
‘til 4am. FREE b4 10.30pm, £5 after. Kazbar at 50 Clapham High Street, Bank, SE1 9UF. 10pm-7am. £8 hours. £16. Unwind and release some
Cabaret and DJs ‘til late. TONIGHT: SW4 7UL. 5pm-1am. Funky Clapham members, £15 guests. 4 huge arenas, tension after a stressy week with the
Cabaret from Lola Lasagne. dance bar with a special guest DJ a mega cruise space and chill space. all the fun of the foam at Sweatbox’s
Comptons of Soho at 51-53 Old tonight! TONIGHT: Pete Bates plays Plus, big tunes from resident DJs original weekly party.
Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. vocal house and dance anthems. Christian M, Alex Logan, Joe Egg and Duckie at RVT, 372 Kennington
12pm-midnight. The grand dame of The Victoria at 186 Hoe Street, Mark Ames. TONIGHT: XXL Leather. Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. 9pm-2am.
Soho. DJ Dave Young from 9pm. Walthamstow, E17. Open ‘til 3am. Trannyshack + Stunners at Eagle £6. Authentic London club/
Silver Service at Halfway 2 Heaven, Lively East End pub features karaoke London, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11 entertainment nighter. Hosted by Amy
7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, every Friday! 5QY. 9pm-4am. £5 until midnight, Lamé, record players Readers Wifes.
WC2N 4JF. 9.15pm-3am. Silver La Mix at Ku Bar Frith Street, 25 Frith £6 after. Two immense tranny parties Beyond (after-hours) at Area, Albert
Summers serves up her unique brand Street, WC1D 5LB. Open ‘til 3am. come together for transsexuals, TVs, Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP.
of cabaret with munchable mash-ups, Ibiza style party with Rodrigo dressing drag queens and all kinds of gender 3am (Sunday morning)–midday.
sizzling show tunes and an eclectic the venue up in suitable Balearic bending, hosted by Dusty O with Mammoth mash-up explodes across
pinch of pop. TONIGHT: ‘Dish of the style. DJs Alvaro and Kerol on the DJs Tasty Tim, Sky, Lady Lloyd and Area with big main floor upfront house
Day’ Miss Jason at 10pm. decks. special guests. and edgier sounds in the Chapel Bar.
Sauna Bar at 29 Endell Street, Dish at East Bloc, 217 City Road, Old Hotwired at Ewer Street Car Park,
DJ Kerol
Covent Garden, WC2H 9BA. Street, EC1V 1JN. 10.30pm-6am. 29 Great Suffolk Street, SE1 0NS.
11.30am-2am. £16. £5 off entry with £7 before midnight, £10 after. Hot 10pm-6am. Tickets £25. Hundreds
QX advert. The only licensed gay East End club night with hot boys of horny guys, strict leather dress
sauna in the West End, open ‘til super launches their hottest treat yet: the code, massive dance floor and sexy
late every weekend. search for Mr Dish. With resident DJs production lights at this huge fetish
The Edge at 11 Soho Square, Soho, Borja Pena, Franx di Crystal, Cathal, party with DJs all night including Jon
W1D 3QE. 8pm-3am. FREE b4 Ray Noir, Jacqui Potato and Tom Delano, Hugo’sland and Dick Rock.
10.30pm. Four floors of fun! Open Stephan.
extra late with top tunes from the DJs Hombre at Manbar, 79 Charing
spinning top 40, pop, funky house Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE.
and more. 8pm-3.30am. FREE. Manbar DJs
Club Delicious at West 5, South play commercial dance for a crowd of
Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. upferit blokes and butch boys ‘til late.
9pm-late. Crazy fun times at West 5 With DJ Little Rob and Rob C plus
with DJs and special acts on stage, pole dancing beauties.
come join in the non-stop party! Dirtbox at Vogue Fabrics, 66 Stoke
TONIGHT: Entertainment from CJ plus Newington Road, Dalston, N16
DJ Fanny Love and Vanity Von Glow 7XB. 10pm-3am. £5. Your favourite
on the piano. den of manfun returns for another
Discipline at Circa, 62 Frith Street, The Black Cap, 171 Camden High sweaty session with Gibson, Princess
Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Street, NW1 7JY. Open till late. Party Michael of Cunt and The Duchess
Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/ rocking gay pub up in the North of of Pork serving you heavy loads of
club spot watches Munroe Bergdorf London, gives you premier cabaret hi-NRG, electro, new beat, house
and friends werq the floor! and entertainment all weekend. and italo. Brent Nicholls
Frankie’s Fun-Filled Friday at The TONIGHT: Cabaret from Mary Mac Bust Yo Nut at Dalston Superstore,
Admiral Duncan, 54 Old Compton and tunes from DJ Chris Reardon. 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. Energy Bears at Barcode Vauxhall,
Street, Soho, W1D 4UD. Midday- Weekend Warm-Up at the Duke of 9pm-3am. Free b4 10pm, £5 after. 69 Albert Embankment, SE11 5AW.
Midnight. The popular Soho bar Wellington, 77 Wardour Street, Soho, Special guest Raf Bundell is back (2 9pm-4am. £6 before midnight, £8
spins out floor fillers from DJ Frankie W1D 6QA. Open till 12am. Free entry. Bears) in the laser basement, with after. Another huge blowout for the
Fantastique. Get ready for another great weekend Fidel joining him and in the top bar growling and grizzly of London with
Rupert Street at 50 Rupert Street, by kicking things off at the venerable resident DJ Mistamaker spins classic DJs Micky Galliano, Robb White, Paul
Soho, W1D 6DR. After a complete Duke, with DJ Gordon John. hip hop alongside R’n’B lovin’ Mark- Coals and Rob C plus sexy XXX hunks
overhaul Soho’s sexy bar is ready to Windsor Castle, 152 Bath Road, Ashley Dupé with a live PA from Adam Dacre and Matteo Valentine.
shine again! Hounslow, TW3 3ET. Open till 2am. £3 Danish pop darling Mercedes.
The Yard at 57 Rupert Street, from 9-11pm, £5 after. Great gay bar G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard,
Soho, W1. 2pm-12am. Soho’s near Heathrow invites you to party and off Charing Cross Road, WC2. BARS & CABARET
largest outdoor space, with balcony drink till the small hours with the hot 11pm-3am. Hot pop sounds, drink The Two Brewers at 114 Clapham
overlooking central courtyard. A boys and DJ Sam. specials, cute guys and a pop perfect High Street, SW4 7UJ. 5pm-4am.
smoker’s paradise! Great house atmosphere. FREE b4 10pm, £6 after. Cabaret and
music. Sister bar to the Edge. Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street at 30 clubbing ‘til late at the famous venue.
Titania’s Sensual Salsa at Bar SATURDAY 12TH OCTOBER Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. TONIGHT: Cabaret from Lizzy Drip.
Titania at 75 Charing Cross Road, 10pm-3am. FREE b4 11pm, £5 after. The Return of Masquerade at
WC2H 0NE. Dancers from 8pm. CLUBS & EVENTS The party continues in Ku’s basement Black Cap, 171 Camden High Street,
Sumptuously decked-out new gay Iggy Azalea & The Saturdays at club with hot pop and floor fillers NW1 7JY. Open till late. Stunning
venue features top DJs and sexy Heaven, Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. from DJs Doug and Thanos. extravaganza of a night at this big,
dancers. TONIGHT: Dance up some 10pm-5am. Discount wristbands Inferno at The Shadow Lounge, bustling gay boozer with Titti la Camp
10pm as they sing all the hits you decks and host Glendora on the floor. the Sunday night weekly session as 75 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0NE.
love. The Quebec, 12 Old Quebec Street, Pagano and co. pack their bags and 6pm-late. Showcase of cabaret and
Saturday Market + Bears Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. Legendary head off to a new home at sexy East fun with cabaret great Mizz Kimberley
Downstairs at Halfway 2 Heaven, 7 gay boozer near Marble Arch, with Bloc basement. Now featuring Punk’d and cabaret crooner Andrea Gorse
Duncannon St, WC2N 4JF. Open ‘til Pick N Mix on the stage at 10pm. in Room 2 and HOT Kitsch POP in from 7pm.
3am. Rose Garden’s Saturday Market Circa at 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D Room 3. The George and Dragon at 2
from 4pm. Bears go down with the 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Soho’s intimate Horse Meat Disco at Eagle London, Blackheath Hill, Greenwich, SE10
gruff guys and Justin Swift from 9pm. but packed-out bar/club spot with the 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, 8DE. 6pm-2am. FREE. Friendly
Puck’s Extravaganza at Bar Titania, most amazing DJ booth in town! SE11 5QY. 8pm-4am. £6. The Greenwiched based boozer with
75 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0NE. The Victoria at 186 Hoe Street, HMD gymkhana continues to shake welcoming atmosphere and top
1pm-12am. Commercial tunes, Walthamstow, E17. Open ‘til 3am. Vauxhall down every week. Residents cabaret at the weekends.
house, pop and even a dash of disco, Free before 9.30pm, £5 after. spin super-disco sounds with weekly StudiO at Circa, 62 Frith Street,
with dancers from 8pm, plus Strictly Lively East End pub that turns guests. Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Dusty
Come Dancing on TV. extra flamboyant on the weekends! Fitladz Sunday at Barcode, 69 Albert O brings you the campest Sunday
Saunabar at 29 Endell Street, Covent TONIGHT: Cabaret from Sandra plus Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. nighter on the block, a little sparkle to
Garden, WC2H 9BA. 11.30am-2am. Frankie Fantastique on the decks. 10pm-6am. £7, £5 members. Horny the heart of Soho!
£16. £5 off entry with QX advert. The Big Saturday Night Out at Duke boys get ready for a sporty Sunday The Edge at 11 Soho Square, Soho,
Unwind after a night of clubbing at of Wellington, 77 Wardour Street, scrum. Uplifting tunes, upferit guys W1D 3QE. 2pm-3am. Soho’s multi-
the only licensed gay sauna in the Soho, W1D 6QA. Open till 12am. and that notorious extended cruise floored gay wonder, which every gay
West End. Free. DJs on rotation each Saturday space. man of London needs to visit at least
The Old Ship at 17 Barnes Street, keep this happening pub fresh and S.L.A.G.S./Chill Out with Charlie once!
Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-midnight. party-central! Hides TV at RVT, 372 Kennington CM Sunday at Halfway 2 Heaven at
Local gay bar in East London’s Windsor Castle, 152 Bath Road, Lane, SE11 5HY. 2pm-midnight. 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross,
Limehouse. Hounslow, TW3 3ET. Open till 2am. £3 £8, £5 after 7.30pm. Long-running WC2N 4JF. Long running popular
Rupert Street at 50 Rupert Street, from 9-11pm, £5 after. Great gay bar and hugely popular afternoon/ central London cabaret pub. Weekly
Soho, W1D 6DR. Kick Saturday night near Heathrow invites you to party and evening clubbing session slot playing CK Sunday fun with Crystal D’Canter
off with sounds from the hottest DJs drink till the small hours with the hot anthemic tunes, big remixes and and Martha D’Arthur (4pm), followed
at this lively Soho bar. TONIGHT: boys. TONIGHT: Don’t miss Nicollette house. Plus, Charlie Hides TV delivers by Mrs Moore and the final week of
Weekly Beyond pre-party. Street and ‘It’s Aaron’s 30th’! a multi-media cabaret collision from Aaron Alexander.
The Yard at 57 Rupert Street, Soho, 5.30pm. The Power of 3 at the Two Brewers,
W1. 2pm-12am. Soho’s largest outdoor Sunday School at Manbar, 79 114 Clapham High Street, Clapham,
space, with balcony overlooking central SUNDAY 13TH OCTOBER Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H SW4 7UJ. 5pm-2am. Show 6.30pm.
courtyard. A smoker’s paradise! Great 0NE. 3pm-11pm. Free. Enjoy an £5 after 8pm, £6 after 9pm. Sunday
house music. Sister bar to the Edge. CLUBS & EVENTS end to your wonderful weekend with fun at this legendary south London
La Mix at Ku Bar Frith Street, 25 Frith Kazbar Sunday Lock-in at Kazbar, sounds spun by DJ Nick Shepherdson cabaret spot with not one, not two, but
Street, WC1D 5LB. Open ‘til 3am. An 50 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UL. and hilarious onstage entertainment three cabaret stars.
Ibiza style party from Ku’s very own 5pm-late. The party continues at from mistress of the acerbic quip, Strictly Sunday at BJ’s White Swan,
Rodrigo dressing the venue up in Clapham’s popular club-style bar spot Miss Myra Dubois! 556 Commercial Road, Limehouse,
suitable Balearic style with DJs Alvaro with a weekly dance session. DJs spin E14. 6.30pm-3am. Retrotastic tea
and Kerol on the decks. classic house and massive dance dance offering everything from
Kazbar at 50 Clapham High Street, anthems with DJ Chris Brogan. ballroom to disco via Latin, Salsa,
SW4 7UL. 4pm-3am. Free entry. Hot 2 Trot at East Bloc, 217-219 Jive... and line dancing. Dance
Funky Clapham bar with stylish swish. City Road, EC1V. 10pm-late. FREE lessons 6.30pm-8pm.
TONIGHT: DJ Paul Morrell on the b4 midnight/£5 after. A new home for Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street,
30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square,
WC2H 7BA. 10pm-11am. FREE.
Lady Lloyd’s hit factory hits Ku Bar
Lisle Street, with hot boys on the
dancefloor, hot tunes in your ears and
hot boys behind the bar!
Rupert Street at 50 Rupert Street,
Soho, W1D 6DR. La Voix hands out
her vol au vents at this chic, newly
refurbished Soho bar.
Molly Moggs at 2 Old Compton
Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. From 2pm.
Myra Dubois FREE. Dame Julie Paid entertains the
guests at this intimate Soho boozer.
BARS & CABARET Baga’s Holiday Camp at
The Old Ship at 17 Barnes Street, The Admiral Duncan, 54 Old
Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-midnight. Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4UD.
Free entry. Local gay bar in East 5pm-10.30pm. Baga Chipz takes over
London’s Limehouse. TONIGHT: the Old Compton Street spot for a
Cabaret from Drag With No Name. salacious Sunday sesh (5-10.30pm).
The Quebec at 12 Old Quebec Street, West 5 at Pope’s Lane, South Ealing,
Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. Legendary W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE.
gay boozer near Marble Arch features Disco with Aaron from 10.30pm.
weekly cabaret. TONIGHT: Cabaret Happy hour all night. TONIGHT:
from Jacquii Cann. Cookie’s Karaoke!
Birdcage at Titty’s at Bar Titania, 80s Music Night at Duke of
Wellington, 77 Wardour Street, Soho, in East London’s Limehouse. Tiffaney Wells Double Bill Record Box at Manbar, 79 Charing
W1D 6QA. Open till 11.30pm. Free. Karaoke at City of Quebec, 12 Old at The Quebec, 12 Old Quebec Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE.
Retro fun to round off the weekend Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. The 10pm-3am. A night of indie, northern
with all your best-loved 80s classics. 7AF. From 9pm. FREE. Grab the mic legendary gay pub in the heart of soul, rock ‘n’ roll, disco, new wave
Baga’s Bit on the Side at Black Cap, and show the boys what ya can do London. Tiffaney Wells presents two and more classics from DJ HiFi
171 Camden High Street, NW1 7JY. with your gob! Hosted by Stevie Tee. shows at 9pm and 10pm. Sean’s extensive music collection at
Open till late. Baga Chipz, star of the Comptons of Soho at 51-53 Old In Bed with Bette at Halfway 2 this blokey off-Soho bar.
cabaret scene, treats the crowds of Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing MisFits at The Shadow Lounge,
Camden to some funny antics and big 12pm-11.30pm. The real queen of Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 8.45pm. 5 Brewer Street, Soho, W1F 0RF.
voiced belters. Soho. Bar £2.50 on popular drinks Join famous cabaret scene queen 10pm-3am. Mark-Ashley Dupé
Windsor Castle, 152 Bath Road, from 5pm. TONIGHT: DJs on rotation. Bette Rinse for cabaret and fun at this delivers a taste the best fresh ‘n’
Hounslow, TW3 3ET. Open till 2am. Rupert Street at 50 Rupert Street, landmark gay venue. creative music and fashion to Shadow
Great gay bar near Heathrow invites Soho, W1D 6DR. The trendy Soho Titania’s Faerie Chorus at Bar for a new weekly night of booty
you to party and drink till the small drinking spot celebrates Monday with Titania, 75 Charing Cross Road, shakin’ R’n’B.
hours with the hot boys. TONIGHT: Bar £2.50! WC2H 0NE. 7-9pm. Join the fun,
Karaoke with Lee. Star For A Night Karaoke at The open to all. Plus, get in early as they BARS & CABARET
Admiral Duncan, 54 Old Compton rehearse Christmas songs for a winter Comptons of Soho at 51-53 Old
Street, Soho, W1D 4UD. FREE. Queer showcase. Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN.
MONDAY 14TH OCTOBER karaoke with Tanya Hyde (8-11pm). Spotlight at Manbar, 79 Charing 12pm-11.30pm. Super social pub
Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. downstairs, more chilled club lounge
CLUBS & EVENTS Heaven, 7 Duncannon St. WC2. 4pm-2am. Duncan Day hosts this upstairs with guest pianist tinkling
Hard-Up Mondays at Sweatbox, 7.30pm. Kevin Walsh gets the pub weekly talent search, from singers to the ivories.
1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. going with this karaoke weekly. burlesque artists, comedians to fire That’s Entertainment at Halfway II
24 hours. Under 25s FREE all day, Give It Some Welly at Duke of eaters (from 10pm). Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing
£16 others. Finding Mondays hard to Wellington, 77 Wardour Street, Soho, Karaoke at Two Brewers, 114 Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 8pm. Drop in
handle? Relieve the pressure with this W1D 6QA. Open till 12am. Free. Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. for a pint as Myra Dubois delivers the
specially discounted day for under Drinks deals extravaganzas at the 5pm-2am. £3 b4 10pm, £4 after. laughs at this popular Central London
25s (ID required) at Soho’s only gay Duke with £2 selected drinks all day Sing-along the mid-week blues with cabaret spot from 8pm.
sauna. and DJ Hothouse Club. Kevin Walsh. Two Brewers at 114 Clapham High
Gay Vinyl With No Bra at Vogue Windsor Castle, 152 Bath Road, Tuneful Tartan Tuesdays at The Street, SW4 7UJ. FREE b4 10pm, £3
Fabrics, 66 Stoke Newington Road, Hounslow, TW3 3ET. Open till 2am. Admiral Duncan, 54 Old Compton after. South London’s famous bar/
Dalston, N16 7XB. 8pm-late. £5. The Great gay bar near Heathrow invites Street, Soho, W1D 4UD. Mary Mac’s club.
legendary Gay Vinyl night from New you to party and drink till the small tarty Tartan weekly at the always fun The Admiral Duncan at 54 Old
York comes to London for a one-off hours with the hot boys. TONIGHT: The and friendly boozer in the middle of Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4UD.
event, with guest DJ Matthew Stone ‘Castle’s weekly quiz! Old Compton Street. Midday-11pm. Weekly cabaret at this
and live shows by Winnie the Poof and Man Meets Men at BJ’s White legendary Soho pub.
No Bra. Swan, 556 Commercial Road, Wednesday Naughties at Central
Popcorn at Heaven, Villiers Street, TUESDAY 15TH OCTOBER Limehouse, E14. 8pm-1am. FREE. Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings
WC2N 6NG. 11pm-5.30am. £4 b4 Cruisy chill out night for East London Cross N1 9SD. 10pm. FREE. Sandra’s
1am, £5 after, £8 after 2am. FREE CLUBS & EVENTS lads. back! With her new weekly residency
with wristbands from G-A-Y Bar b4 OMFG at Shadow Lounge, 5-7 Brewer Cookie Monstar at Molly Moggs, 2 of sauce, filth and excellent cabaret
1am, NUS/service industry staff Street, Soho, W1F 0RF. 10pm-3am. Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. this will fire up your Wednesday
FREE with ID. Massive mixed mash- £5, free for members. After a two year 8.30pm. FREE. Song and sinful fun evenings.
up with four rooms of top sounds, hiatus Munroe Bergdorf returns to from Cookie. The Old Ship at 17 Barnes Street,
from upfront, progressive house to the Shadow Lounge for the relaunch Retro Tuesday at Duke of Limehouse, E14 7NW. Quiz from
chart hits, via R&B tuneage. Perfect of her signature night, with a posse Wellington, 77 Wardour Street, 9.30pm. Local gay bar in East
polysexual party to start the week of London’s hottest guys and sexiest Soho, W1D 6QA. Open till 12am. London’s Limehouse.
as you mean to go on. TONIGHT: T-girls. Free. Nineties music plus old school Detained at Circa, 62 Frith Street,
Popcorn ‘Plasteq’ with DJs Adam Queerly Pop at Escape Bar, 8-10 games will rev up your Tuesday night. Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Circa
Turner, Neroli, Alan K, Zach Burns, Brewer Street, Soho, W1F 0SU. goes all-out with the dance, pop and
DMS, T-Rex and David H. 9pm-3am. Free entry until 10.30pm, R’n’B remixes every Wednesday.
Bear Trap at Manbar, 79 Charing then £3 members/£4 with flyers/£5 WEDNESDAY 16TH OCTOBER DJs Attack Attack Attack, Kingsley,
Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. others. Hosted by KLUBKIDS star Munroe Bergdorf and Kris Di Angelis
8pm-2am. FREE. Weekly beary Jason Prince and DJ Matt Unique, CLUBS & EVENTS on rotation.
Monday. Great drink specials with QueerlyPOP presents London’s best Foam Party at Sweatbox, 1-2 Winsome Wednesday at Bar Titania,
top tunes from Eduardo Herrera and pop music and Karaoke entertainment. Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 75 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0NE.
hosted by Nandi Ohh. Great value drinks available all night. 24 hours. £16. If you can’t make the 6pm-11pm. Vocalist Chris Royal
Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street, 30 Candy Boys at Candy Bar, 4 Carlisle weekend wet fun, why not head down entertains at the bar from 8pm.
Lisle Street, WC2. 10pm-3am. FREE. Street, Soho, W1D 3BJ. 8pm-3am. tonight? Relieve the midweek stress! Bingo with Mary Mac at West 5,
DJs Alvaro and Kerol K play the FREE. Back by popular demand, The foam flies at 7, 8 and 9pm. Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB.
weekend out on a wave of hot pop. Candy Boys returns as Candy Bar gets Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street, Open from 8pm. FREE. Join in some
G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, penetrated by the Ku Bar boys every 30 Lisle Street, WC2. 10pm-3am. fabulous bingo fun with Mary Mac at
of Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tuesday. FREE. Sexy and glamorous as Vicki Ealing’s biggest gar bar. Happy hour
11pm-3am. Late night dancing spot G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, Vivacious spins the records. all night long.
for pure-pop enthusiasts doing the off Charing Cross Road, WC2. XXL at Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, South Amateur Strip at White Swan, 556
funky chickens. 11pm-3am. The weekend begins early Bank, SE1 9UF. 9pm-3am. Members Commercial Road, E14. 9pm-3am.
or finishes late to a melodious mix of free, others £3. Midweek, dance, FREE. This infamous night sees
BARS & CABARET classic chart pop and current hits. booze and cruise at the world famous spunky East End totty get totally naked
The Old Ship at 17 Barnes Street, club for hunks, chunks, bears and to win big dollar. Hosted by Saucy
Limehouse, E14 7NW. Local gay bar BARS & CABARET admirers. Sophie.
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Dear Dr Alex
Waking up and logging on to Grindr the Sunday morning
after a night out, I get more messages than during the
whole week, coming from guys high on G (amongst
others), inviting me to ‘chill-outs’ all over the capital.
The guys messaging me are incredibly fit, their bodies are
perfect, their skin seems flawless – everything you’d never
expect from somebody who’s using drugs every weekend,
not eating or sleeping for three days.
I am doing my best in the gym, my nutrition is
incredibly healthy, and although I am generally quite
happy with my body, I feel like I will never look like
‘them’. Following a little research on the web, I
discovered that GHB, besides making you high and horny
for the whole weekend, promotes growth hormone
production, and therefore aids muscle growth and even
skin or hair growth, and generally sounds “cleaner” than
other drugs, with no side effects in the right dosage.
My brain tells me to step back from the party drugs, but
my body feels like it’s missing out on the big fun. What is
your view?
Martin, 28, East London
HI Martin
You are definitely mistaken if you think that by starting to take
PRESS RELEASES INTERNET DESIGN GHB and party all weekend you’re going to develop a more
editorial@qxmagazine.com If6was9design.com muscular body and achieve flawless skin! Yes GHB was initially
EDITOR PHOTOGRAPHER formulated back in the 1960s as a sleep aid and was thought to
CLIFF JOANNOU CHRIS JEPSON promote growth hormone release. So for a time body builders
020 7379 7887 ext 3
cliff@qxmagazine.com CLASSIFIEDS did use it. But now it is used as a recreational drug. A few of the
020 7379 8040 big-muscled guys you are dancing with in Vauxhall may very well be
ASSISTANT EDITOR classifieds@qxmagazine.com
PATRICK CASH genetically blessed with naturally built bodies. But you’re probably
020 7379 7887 ext 9 ESCORTS PLEASE CALL: not so naive to realise that the majority are using anabolic steroids,
patrick@qxmagazine.com 020 7379 8040
and who knows what else, to get their built physique. And steroid
SALES AND MARKETING DISTRIBUTION use and flawless skin do not go together. Quite the opposite! I’m
sure you also realise that the guys messaging you on a Sunday
020 7379 8600 PRINTERS morning are not sending you pictures of themselves at that time,
chris@qxmagazine.com ACORN but their best pictures taken when they haven’t been up all night
SALES EXECUTIVE PUBLISHED BY partying and taking drugs (and probably from a few years ago too!).
JAMES EGAN FIRSTSTAR LTD. GHB has the capacity to be one of the most dangerous drugs
020 7379 7887 ext 2 2nd FLOOR,
james@qxmagazine.com 23 DENMARK ST around. Yes it does have disinhibiting effects and makes many men
LONDON WC2H 8NH who take it feel sociable and horny. And for that reasons it’s
JANNE ÖIJER COVER widely used in chill outs and sex parties. But along with
SUREN GUNPATH WWW.JONDELANO.CO.UK the disinhibition comes the possibility of poor judgement.
Unsafe and often more aggressive sex with multiple partners
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS and the resulting continued rise in HIV is proven to
DARREN PALFREY ‘QX Magazine’ @QXMagazine be linked with recreational drug use. GHB is
also potentially lethal. Minute differences in the
www.qxmagazine.com amount or frequency you take it can mean the
difference between the euphoric state it can induce
and collapsing, vomiting, coma or death. I am sure you
TO SUBSCRIBE TO QX CALL have seen and read about how often this happens.
020 7379 8040 The gay scene is well known for making guys feel they
have to look and behave a certain way to fit it. But
£39 FOR 6 MONTHS // £69 FOR 12 MONTHS
WITHIN UK ONLY you sound that you have made up your own mind on
how you want to behave and are also quite rightly
© Copyright in the UK and worldwide, of the publishers Firststar Limited, Qx (ISSN 1356-6903). comfortable with your body. So my advice would be
QX is published every Wednesday. Deadline for editorial and display advertisement inclusion
is Thursday, six days before the relevant issue cover date. carry on being your own person.
Sorry, but we cannot be held responsible for any unsolicited manuscripts, illustrations or photographs.