Technical Specifications For 0.2S Accuracy Class Ac Static Trivector Energy Meters, Suitable For Availability Based Tariff (Abt) Metring
Technical Specifications For 0.2S Accuracy Class Ac Static Trivector Energy Meters, Suitable For Availability Based Tariff (Abt) Metring
Technical Specifications For 0.2S Accuracy Class Ac Static Trivector Energy Meters, Suitable For Availability Based Tariff (Abt) Metring
1.6 It is not the intent to specify completely herein all the details of the design and construction of
material. The material shall, however, conform in all respects to the best industry standards of
engineering, design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing for continuous
commercial operation in a manner acceptable to the purchaser The offered equipment shall be
complete in all respects including all components/ accessories for effective and trouble free
operation according to the specifications. Such components shall be deemed to be within the
scope of this specification irrespective of whether those are specifically brought out or not.
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
2.3 Equipments matching with requirements of other national or international standard which
ensure equal or better performance than the standards mentioned above shall also be
considered. When the equipment offered by the bidder conforms to standards other than those
specified above, salient points of difference between standards adopted and standards
specified in this specification shall be clearly brought out in the relevant schedule and copy of
such standards along with their English translation shall invariably be furnished along with the
The meters to be supplied against this specification shall be required to operate satisfactorily
and continuously under the following tropical conditions of hot, humid, dusty, rust and fungus
prone environment.
i) Max. ambient air temperature (°C) : 55
ii) Min. ambient air temperature (°C) : (-) 10
iii) Average daily ambient air temp. (°C ) : 32
iv) Max. Relative Humidity (% ) : 95
v) Min. Relative Humidity (% ) : 10
vi) Max. Altitude above mean sea level (m) : 1000
vii) Average Annual Rainfall (cm) : 100
viii) Max. wind pressure (Kg/Sq.m) : 150
ix) Isoceraunic level (days per year) : 40
x) Seismic level (Horizontal Accn. in g) : 0.3
4. Dual Auxiliary AC/ DC Supply 110/ 220V (Variation as per the relevant IS)
5. System frequency 50HZ +/- 5%
6. Earthing System Solidly Grounded
The meter should be suitable for working with above supply variations without damage and
without degradation of its metrological characteristics.
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
The meter shall have Graphical LCD with backlight for proper depicting of values in user
friendly manner like values with unit, OBIS codes, favourite page etc.
The metering system shall be suitable for full power factor range from zero (lagging) through
unity to zero (leading). The metering module shall work as an active energy import and export
meter along with reactive (lag and lead) meter. The energy measurement should be true four
quadrant type.
Class of accuracy of the metering system shall be 0.2s for energy measurement. The accuracy
should not drift with time.
i) The meter must be capable to operate with the power drawn from the Auxiliary Power
supply (AC/DC) instead of Station PT power supply.
ii) Voltage Circuit: The active and apparent power consumption in each voltage circuit
including the power supply of metering module at reference voltage, reference
temperature and reference frequency shall not exceed 1.5 Watt per phase and 10 VA per
phase respectively.
iii) Current Circuit: The apparent power taken by each current circuit at basic current,
reference frequency and reference temperature shall not exceed 1 VA per phase.
The metering module should start registering the energy at 0.1% Ib and unity power factor.
The rated maximum current of the metering module shall be 120% of basic current (Ib).
5.7 The meter shall work accurately irrespective of phase sequence of the mains supply.
Meters shall be designed and constructed in such a way so as to avoid causing any danger
during use and under normal conditions. However the following should be ensured:
i) Personnel safety against electric shock
ii) Personnel safety against effects of excessive temperature
iii) Protection against spread of fire
iv) Protection against penetration of solid objects, dust and water in normal working
All the materials and electronic power components used in the manufacture of the meters shall
be of highest quality and reputed make to ensure higher reliability, longer life and sustained
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
The meters shall be designed with application specific integrated circuits. The electronic
components shall be mounted on the printed circuit board using latest Surface Mount
Technology (SMT).
All insulating materials used in the construction of meters shall be non-hygroscopic, non-aging
and of tested quality. All parts that are likely to develop corrosion shall be effectively protected
against corrosion by providing suitable protective coating.
The metering system when mounted in panel shall conform to the degree of protection IP53 in
the normal working condition of IS 12063/ IEC 529 for protection against ingress of dust and
Meter should be manufactured using SMT (Surface Mount Technology) components and by
deploying automatic SMT pick and place machine and reflow solder process; the Bidder should
own such facilities.
Quality should be ensured at the following stages:
i) At PCB manufacturing stage, each board shall be subjected to computerized bare board
ii) At insertion stage all components should under go computerized testing for conforming
to design parameters and orientation.
iii) Complete assembled and soldered PCB should under go functional testing using
Automatic Test Equipment.
iv) Prior to final testing and calibration, all meters shall be subjected to accelerated ageing
test to eliminate infant morality.
v) The calibration of meters shall be done in-house.
Proper sealing arrangement shall be provided in metering system as follows:
i) Two numbers sealing screws shall be provided on the front cover of metering module.
ii) Provision shall be available to seal the back connections on the metering rack using the
back plate.
iii) Provision shall be available to seal optical port.
iv) Meter must be ultrasonically sealed between base and cover of the meter.
The sealing arrangement should be suitable for application of Polycarbonate seals.
The marking on every meter shall be in accordance with IS 14697. The basic marking on the
metering module name plate shall be as follows:
i) Manufacturer’s name and trade mark
ii) Serial Number
iii) Year of manufacture
iv) Type Designation
v) Number of phases and wires
vi) PT commissioning information
vii) CT commissioning information
viii) Reference frequency
ix) Accuracy Class
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
5.22 Each meter shall have a calibration LED (visual) for checking the accuracy of active energy
measurement. Further, it shall be possible to switch over the same test output device to
reactive energy via suitable means provided on the metering system. This LED shall be visible
from the front side.
5.23 The metering system shall normally operate with the power drawn through the auxiliary AC
or DC supply. The metering system design should enable the auxiliary supply to be switched
automatically between the AC and DC voltage, depending upon their availability. Typical
auxiliary voltages available are 110V AC and 110/ 220V DC. The system shall continue to work
even if any one of the above auxiliary supply (AC/ DC) is present.
5.24 Each metering module shall have a built-in calendar and clock, having an accuracy of + 3
(three) minute per year or better. The calendar and clock shall be correctly set at the
manufacturer’s works. The uncertainty of setting initial time shall not be more than + 30
seconds from Indian Standard Time as maintained by NPL New Delhi.
An automatic backup for continued operation of the meter’s calendar-clock shall be provided
through a long life battery, which shall be capable of supplying the required power for at least
two years under meter un-powered conditions. The meters shall be supplied duly fitted with the
batteries, which shall not require to be changed for at least ten years, as long as total supply
interruption does not exceed two years.
5.25 TOD (Time of day registers): The meter shall have TOD registers for active energy import
and export, apparent energy import and export and apparent MD import and export. Maximum
eight time of day registers including universal (0-24 hrs) register can be defined. It shall be
possible to program number of TOD registers and TOD timings through suitable high level
software/ MRI as an authenticated transaction.
5.26 Maximum Demand (MD) Registration: The meter shall continuously monitor and calculate
the average demand of configured parameter during the integration period set and the
maximum, out of these shall be stored along with date and time when it occurred in the meter
memory. The maximum demand shall be computed on fixed block principle. The maximum
registered value shall be made available in meter readings. The integration period shall be set
as 15 minutes that shall be capable to change to other integration period (30/ 60 minutes), if
required, through suitable high level software/ MRI as an authenticated transaction.
5.27 Maximum Demand Reset: Following provisions shall be available for MD reset in meter –
i) Auto billing at predefined date and time
ii) Manual via common MD reset button (optional)
iii) Authenticated transaction through suitable high level software/ MRI (optional)
5.28 The display shall be of Graphical LCD type with colored back-lit and soft push button.
Individual display shall be provided for all the meters housed in a metering rack.
The display shall indicate direct values (i.e. without having to apply any multiplying factor) of
measured/ computed parameters as per the meter commissioning. It should be possible to
easily identify the single or multiple displayed parameters through legends on the metering
system display like OBIS codes etc.
The register shall be able to record and display starting from zero, for a minimum of 1500
hours, the energy corresponding to rated maximum current at reference voltage and unity
power factor. The register shall not roll over in between this duration.
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
5.29 Each of the metering module shall display on demand & in Auto scroll mode the following
quantities/ parameters:
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
5.30 Load Survey: Each metering module shall have a non-volatile memory in which the
following shall be automatically stored for each successive fifteen (15) minute block:
i) Active import
ii) Active export
iii) Average frequency
iv) Apparent while active import
v) Apparent while active export
vi) Reactive High energy (V>103%)
vii) Reactive Low energy (V<97%)
15-minute average of the above parameters shall be available for minimum last thirty five (35)
days. Meter memory is required for 35days minimum so that data for one calendar month can
be downloaded at a time. It shall be possible to select either energy or demand view at Base
Computer Software (BCS) end. The load survey data should be available in the form of bar
charts as well as in spreadsheets. The BCS shall have the facility to give complete time
synchronized load survey data both in numeric and graphic form.
5.31 Billing parameters: The predefined date and time for registering the billing parameters of
shall be 00.00 hours of the first day of each calendar (billing) month. Each meter shall store the
following parameters corresponding to defined bill dates for up to last six (6) months:
i) Active energy import
ii) Active energy export
iii) Apparent energy (while active import)
iv) Apparent energy (while active export)
v) Maximum demand Apparent (while active import)
vi) Maximum demand Apparent (while active export)
5.32 Daily midnight parameters: The metering modules shall store following end day parameters
for last thirty five (35) days:
i) Active energy import
ii) Active energy export
iii) Reactive high energy
iv) Reactive low energy
5.33 Data Communication Capability:
The metering system should have a suitable communication ports for local reading, remote and
on-line communication facilities.
Each metering module shall have an optical galvanically isolated serial communication (in the
form of 1107 port) & USB port on its front for tapping all the data stored in its memory. Meter
reading instrument (MRI) shall be used for the purpose of local meter reading via this optical
communication port and Pen drive for USB port. MRI shall serve as the interface between
meters and PC loaded with Base Computer Software. It shall also be possible to download meter
data via this port by connecting laptop computer directly. The overall intention is to have the
local ports is to tap the data stored in meter once in a week/month and transmit the same to PC
with BCS for view.
The metering system shall further provide a serial RS232, RS485 and Ethernet communication
port for remote data transfer to a central location. This port shall be capable of data transfer to a
remote computer over suitable communication media (GPRS/VSAT/ Leased line/ OFC) using
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
i) Phase wise Missing Potential – The meter shall detect missing potential (1 or 2 phases)
provided the line current is above a specified threshold. The voltage at that stage would
be below a specified threshold.
ii) Phase wise Current Circuit Reversal – The meter shall detect reversal of polarity
provided the current terminals are reversed. This shall be recorded for 1 or 2 phase CT
iii) Voltage Unbalance – The meter shall detect voltage unbalance if there is unbalance in
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
iv) Current Unbalance – The meter shall detect current unbalance if there is unbalance in
load conditions. Meter should ensure true system conditions before going for current
unbalance checks.
v) CT Miss – The meter shall detect current miss if the current is below a defined threshold,
provided the phase voltage is above a specified threshold.
vi) Non rollover events like the “Meter Cover Open” tamper.
vii) Influence of permanent magnet or ac/dc electromagnet.
viii) Neutral disturbance
Snapshots of phase wise voltage, phase wise active current and phase wise power factor
shall be provided with above specified tamper events.
Further, each meter module shall record the following events along with total duration:
i) Power On/Off – The meter shall detect power off if both the auxiliary supplies fail. The
event shall be recorded on the next power up. At the same time power on event shall be
recorded. No snapshot shall be logged with this event.
ii) Feeder Supply Fail -This event shall be logged when feeder supply, i.e. all the voltages
goes below certain threshold. No snapshot shall be logged with this event.
6.2 Last two hundred (200) events (occurrence + restoration), in total, shall be stored in the meter
memory on first in first out basis.
6.3 There shall be five separate compartments for logging of different type of tampers:
Compartment No.1 50 events of Missing Potential
Compartment No.2 50 events of CT Reversal
Compartment No.3 25 events for Power Failure / Power On-Off
Compartment No.4 75 events of Transaction related and other tampers as per IS:15959
Category B
Once one or more compartments have become full, the last tamper event pertaining to the same
compartment shall be entered and the earliest (first one) tamper event should disappear. Thus,
in this manner each succeeding tamper event shall replace the earliest recorded event,
compartment wise. Events of one compartment/ category should overwrite the events of their
own compartment/ category only. In general persistence time of 5 min. for occurrence and
restoration respectively need to be supported in meter.
6.4 Tamper count should increase as per occurrence (not restoration) of tamper events. Total no.
of counts shall be provided on BCS.
The meter shall record critical events (as performed in authenticated manner) of Time set, MD
reset operation and tariff change. These events shall be logged in roll over mode for up to
twenty numbers.
The meter shall be capable of performing complete self diagnostic check to monitor the circuits
for any malfunctioning to ensure integrity of data in memory location all the time. The meter
shall have indications for unsatisfactory/ nonfunctioning/ malfunctioning of the following:
i) Non volatile memory
ii) RTC battery
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
The above malfunctioning should be flagged in the meter memory and should be made available
in meter reading data.
The meters shall be fully type tested as per relevant standards IS 14697. The type test report of
the meters shall be submitted by bidder along with the offer. Type test reports shall not be more
than 2 years old.
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Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, 6th Floor, Paltanbazar, Guwahati-1
Technical Specification Document June’2015
(Prepared by T&C Division, Guwahati and Checked by Technical Committee of Metering System APDCL)
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