OJC Vol34 No2 P 750-756 PDF
OJC Vol34 No2 P 750-756 PDF
OJC Vol34 No2 P 750-756 PDF
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University,
Sekip Utara BLS 21, Bulaksumur, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University,
Jl. Ir. A. Sutami 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University,
Jl. Grafika No. 2 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, UPM Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Catalysis Science and Technology Research Centre (PutraCAT), Faculty of Science,
University Putra Malaysia, 43400, UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
*Corresponding author E-mail: ifnurcahyo@staff.uns.ac.id
The natural Ca(OH)2/KF superbase catalyst was synthesized by grinding and calcinations
with a rapid thermal annealing method. It was applied to transesterification of palm oil into biodiesel.
The effect of molar ratio Ca(OH)2 to KF and calcinations temperature on the catalyst character
and the catalytic activity was investigated. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, FTIR,
CO2-TPD, surface area, and TGA. The results indicated that natural Ca(OH)2 reacted to KF in
forming monoclinic and orthorhombic KCAF3. The monoclinic KCF3 was produced by reaction
between Ca(OH)2 and KF, whereas the orthorhombic KCaF3 was produced by reaction between
CaCO3 impurities and KF. The best catalyst was natural Ca(OH)2/KF with molar ratio of Ca(OH)2
to KF 0.8:1 and calcinations at 500 oC. The catalyst was able to convert 97.6 % oil into biodiesel
within 1 min. at 5 % catalyst, molar ratio oil/methanol of 1/12, reaction temperature of 65 oC.
to toxicity concerning with BaO4. Calcium-based enhanced by loading potassium fluoride. The
heterogeneous catalysts were very intriguing to loading will produce superbase catalyst KCaF35-11.
develop. It is due to natural calcium abounds in the Some data concerning a state of transesterification
CaCO3 phase. The CaCO3 can be converted to CaO and catalyst preparation for various catalysts of CaO
and Ca(OH) 2 . Their catalyst activity can be and Ca(OH)2 loaded KF are shown on Table 1.
The data in Table 1 indicate that the CaO/ possibility of using Ca(OH)2 was more effective than
KF is a good catalyst for transesterification. Both CaO in formation of KCaF3. The Ca(OH)2/KF catalyst
molar ratio of CaO/KF and calcinations temperature was prepared by simple grinding, thus it was
have an effect on this catalyst activity. The best of calcined with rapid thermal annealing method. The
the molar ratio of CaO/KF is around 1-1.5. On the
catalyst was characterized by X–ray diffraction
best molar ratio, transesterification of triglyceride
(XRD), FTIR, CO2-TPD, TGA, and Surface Area
was almost complete. The good calcinations
Analyzer. It is applied to transesterification of palm
temperature in order to prepare this catalyst is about
400-500 oC. Catalyst of CaO/KF without other oxides oil and the resulting biodiesel was detected by
has higher activity than the catalyst plus other oxides. H-NMR.
The catalysts were calcined using normal heating
about 400-600 oC for 4-6 hours. The calcination MATERIALS AND METHODS
was just wasteful of energy. In order to save energy,
Natural Ca(OH)2 was obtained from home
calcination with other methods shall be attempted.
One such method is rapid thermal annealing (RTA). industry in Klaten, Indonesia. Reagent grade
This method allows calcination process performed potassium flouride and methanol were purchased
in a short time and rapid heating rate. The RTA from Merck & Co. Chemical. Sample of palm oil
method for calcination is superior to the CFA was purchased from local store on Indonesia.
(conventional furnace annealing) method for
reducing calcination timing budget and yielding Preparation and characterization of Ca(OH)2/KF
relatively high specific surface areas of tin oxide Amount of natural Ca(OH)2 mixed KF with
powders 12. Calcination using the RTA method molar ratio of Ca(OH)2 to KF was 0.8:1. The mixture
produced a smaller crystalline size of the oxide than
was ground by mortar until evenly for 15 minutes.
those produced using the CFA method at the same
The homogenous mixture was added by 3 mL of
distilled water then it was pulverized by mortar for
In this study, Ca(OH)2 was obtained from 15 minutes. The resulted sludge was dried up at
natural CaCO3 in Indonesia. The authors chose 120 oC for 6 hours. The dried sludge were crushed
Ca(OH)2 and did not opt for CaO as its precursor. and filtered with 100-mesh sieve. The amount of
This selection is based on consideration that 7 g powder was calcined at 400, 500, and 600 oC
CaO/KF is prepared by adding water. If CaO was for 10 min. by heating rate of 200 oC/min. on rapid
added by water, it will produce Ca(OH) 2. The thermal annealing (RTA) furnace (Figure 1).
752 NURCAHYO et al., Orient. J. Chem., Vol. 34(2), 750-756 (2018)
Surface area and CO2- TPD, Based on the strength. It has two CO2-TPD peaks on 900 and
data from nitrogen adsorption isotherms (Table 3), 950 o C. Having compared with KF/CaO that
the catalysts were micro-porous material. The best synthesized by Lin20, the CaK-B-500 seems more
of surface area catalyst was CaK-B-500 with surface superior. Basic strength of KF/CaO that synthesized
area of 21.81 m2/g and pore diameter 1.18 nm. by Lin was 600-700 oC. The high of the catalyst
basic strength is derived from KCaF35 and K2O21
Character of CO2 desorption for all synthesized
compounds. At Table 3, the catalyst has almost the
catalyst have superbase sites. On the data
same base.Therefore, the basic strength is very influential
CO 2-TPD (Fig. 7), CO 2 desorption was occurred
on catalytic ability. In this case, the CO2 detected by the
on 550 – 950oC. The order of basic strength is TPD instrument comes from the base sites and
CaK-B-500 > CaK-B-600 = CaK-B-400 > CaK-C- decomposition of CaCO3, but desorption of CO2 from
500 > CaK-A-500. The CaK-B-500 is the best basic the decomposition was very small.
Table 3: Absorption isotherm and basicity of the catalyst
Catalyst Surface area Pore diameter CO2 from decomposition Basic strength
(m2/g) (nm) CaCO3 (mmol /g)a (mmol/g)b
Data from TGA
Data from CO2-TPD
Thermogravimetry analysis. Based on
XRD data, the natural Ca(OH)2 contains Ca(OH)2
and CaCO3. Based on XRD data, natural Ca(OH)2
contains Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3. The Ca(OH)2 and
CaCO3 concentrations can be measured based on
TGA data. Fig 8, weight loss at temperature of 380-
500 oC indicates decomposition of Ca(OH)2 to CaO
and H2O. The weight loss at 590-750 oC represents
decomposition of CaCO3 to CaO and CO 2. The
decomposition of Ca(OH) 2 and CaCO 3 at this
approaching temperature were also reported in
other paper22-26. Concentration of Ca(OH)2 and
Fig. 7. Desorption of CO2 from the catalyst CaCO3 were represented on Fig. 9 and Fig.10. In
Fig. 9, the higher the calcination temperature, the
concentration of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 dropped off.
This fact indicates that the higher temperature leads
to an increase in reaction rate. The decrease of
Ca(OH) 2 and CaCO 3 proves that both can be
reactive to KF. In Fig. 10, an increase in KF
concentration results in a decrease in Ca(OH)2 and
CaCO3 concentrations. It means that an increase
in concentration of the reactants will speed up the
reaction rate. This phenomenon fits the law of the
reaction rate. These data fit with XRD and FTIR
Fig. 8. Thermogravimetry analysis of the catalyst data.
NURCAHYO et al., Orient. J. Chem., Vol. 34(2), 750-756 (2018) 755
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