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Applied Force
Force due to the action of muscles is called
applied force.It is also called muscular force.
Normal Force
It is a contact interaction force between surfaces.It
always acts perpendicular to the surfaces and out
of the surface.It comes from the microscopic
deformation of molecules modeling a system of
Frictional force comes from
interactions with a surface as an
object moves or tries to move
relative to the surface.
Tension Force
An applied force where the force is applied through a string,cable,rope etc..

Note that a tension force can only pull,it cannot push.We usually assume the
tension in a cable is the same everywhere in the cable.
Air Resistance Force
Force that acts in a direction opposite motion through a gas
is called air resistance force.It comes from cumulative
interaction with air molecules.It increases as the velocity
through the gas increases.It also increases as the area
normal to the direction of motion increases.
Spring force:
Spring force comes from displacement of
molecules.It is always opposite the
displacement of spring.
1. Contact forces
2. Non contact forces or At a distance forces
• Contact forces

Those forces which represent the result of

physical contact between two objects,where
one of the object exerts force on the other.
5 examples of contact forces
• Stretching of the spring of a balance
• pushing of a pram
• kicking of a football
• Pushing the door
• Hitting the ball etc are some examples of
contact forces.
some types of contact
forces are given in the list

• Applied force
• Normal force
• Frictional force
• Tension force
• Air resistance force
• Spring force
Normal Force –

Force is a vector quantity, which

means its magnitude depends on
direction. In any interaction
between two objects, the normal
force is the force perpendicular to
the interface between the
interacting objects. Normal force
doesn't always produce movement.
For example, a table exerts a normal
force on a book to overcome the
force of gravity and keep the book
from falling.
Frictional Force –

Frictional force usually resists

movement. It's a result of the fact
that surfaces in the real world aren't
perfectly smooth. The magnitude of
the frictional force exerted by a
surface depends on the coefficient
of friction of the material from
which the surface is made as well as
that of the object moving along it.
The force of friction on a resting
object, called static friction, is
different from that on a moving
object, called sliding friction.
Air Resistance –

Objects moving through Earth's

atmosphere encounter a resistive
force created by the friction
generated by air molecules. This
force becomes stronger with
increasing speed and increasing
surface area perpendicular to the
direction of motion. It's an
important quantity in the aviation
and aerospace industries.
Tension Force –

Tie a string to a fixed

object, pull on the other
end, and the string pulls
back until it breaks. The
force the string exerts is
the tension force, which is
applied along its length. It's
a property of the material
from which the string is
made as well as the
Spring Force –

The amount of force necessary to

compress a spring depends on the
material from which the spring is
made, the diameter of the wire that
forms the coils, and the number of
coils. These properties are
quantified in a number
characteristic of the spring called
the spring constant "k." The force
needed to compress the spring a
distance "x" is given by Hooke's Law:
F = kx.
Action at a Distance Forces
The fundamental forces of
nature that keep the
planets spinning and the
sun and stars burning all
act at a distance. Without
them, the universe we
know probably would not
exist or, if it did, it would
be a very different place.
Gravitational Force –

The reason for the existence of this

force is something of a mystery, but
if it didn't exist, planets and stars
wouldn't be able to form. The
magnitude of the gravitational force
objects exert on each other depends
on the masses of the objects and the
inverse of the square of the distance
between them. The more massive
the objects and/or the shorter the
distance between them, the
stronger the force.
Electromagnetic Force –

Although they don't seem to be the

same, electricity and magnetism are
related. Flowing electrons produce
magnetism, and a moving magnet
produces electricity. The
relationship between these
phenomena was explained by
Scottish physicist James Clerk
Maxwell in the 19th century and is
quantified in his equations.
Electricity exerts a force via the
attraction or repulsion of charged
particles, whereas the magnetic
force is due to the attraction or
repulsion caused by magnetic poles.
The Strong Force –
Because all protons are
positively charged, they
repel one another, and
they wouldn't be able to
form an atomic nucleus if
the strong force didn't exist
to hold them together. The
strong force is the most
powerful force in nature.
It's also the one that binds
quarks together to form
protons and neutrons.
The Weak Force –

The weak force is another

fundamental nuclear force. It's
stronger than gravity, but it only
works at infinitesimally short
distances. Carried by subatomic
bundles of energy called bosons, the
weak force causes protons to
change into neutrons and vice versa
during nuclear decay. Without this
force, nuclear fusion would be
impossible, and stars, such as the
sun, wouldn't exist.

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