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Fiber To Fabric

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Delhi Public School, Hyderabad

Lesson Plan

Subject: General Science

Class: VI

Month of June

Topic: Fiber to Fabric

Instructional Objectives:

 Children recall the brief history of clothing.

 Understand the difference between fiber and fabric.
 Understand the process of converting yarn to fabric.
 Study the different types of fibers, their sources, properties and their uses.

Testing Previous Knowledge:

 Where do we get clothes from?

 What are the different types of fibers?
 What is the importance of clothes?


 Why do we need different clothes for different seasons?

 How do clothes protect us?
 What are natural fibers?

Teaching Methods:

Discussion cum Demonstration Method.

Teaching Aid:

 Blackboard
 Different types of fabric.
 Audio Visual aids

Transaction of Lesson:

Teaching Teacher’s Student’s Teaching aid Blackboard work Evaluation items

points activity activity
Need for Why do we To protect us Blackboard Clothes protect our bodies Why are uniforms
clothes need clothes? from heat, from heat, cold, dust and preferred in some
cold, rain etc. insects. The clothes we wear professions?
depend upon the season.
History of How did man Early man Video on Early man wore animal skin
clothing. learn to make used animal history of and big leaves to cover
clothes? skins, big cloth making. themselves. Slowly they
leaves and learnt the art of weaving and
barks of trees started making clothes.
to their
Fiber How are Clothes are Video on Fabric is made from fibers by
clothes made made from cloth making. spinning and weaving.
from fabric? different Spinning is a process in
fibers. which fibers are twisted to
produce threads.
Weaving is the process in
which two sets of yarn are
interlaced at right angles to
form a fabric or cloth.
Types of What are Natural and Black board Why are some fabric
fibers. different synthetic. called blended?
types of

Types of How many Cotton, jute Black board What are the
natural fibers. types of etc. advantages of cotton
natural fibers fabric?
are there?

Cotton balls How is cotton The seed Smart class Why is cotton not
into cotton fiber made? bearing pods grown in winter
fiber. ripen to form season?
cotton bolls.
seeds are
into bales.
Then the
cotton is
spread into
machines for
Jute and jute How is jute The stems Video on jute Which is fiber is
products. made from are cut off making. known as golden
jute stem? close to the fiber?
ground and
soaked in
water for
twenty days.
The jute
fibers are
then pulled,
washed and
dried. These
jute fibers are
then spun
into yarns in
the mills.
Coir and other What is coir Coir is a fiber Black board. Coir is a coarse and strong What is linen?
plant fibers. and how is it obtained fibrous material found
obtained? from coconut between the hard shell and
plants. It is a the outer skin of coconuts.
between the
hard shell
and the outer
skin of
Animal fibers. What are the Wool and Smart class. Why are woolen
two animal silk. clothes bad
fibers and conductors of heat?
how are they
Synthetic What are Nylon and Black board. The fibers obtained What are the
fibers. synthetic rayon. artificially by chemical disadvantages of
fibers? processes sre called synthetic synthetic clothes?
fibers. Eg :- nylon, rayon.


This is done by questioning method.


 Why is silk an expensive fiber?

 Why are synthetic clothes not suitable for a hot and humid weather?
 What are the uses of silk cotton?


 Wash care symbols chart to be pasted in the notebook.

 Group activity: - to learn basic weaving using colorful craft papers.
 Science kit to show weaving.

Subject Teacher

Head of the department Head Mistress Principal

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