Episode 1
Episode 1
Episode 1
Learning Episode
“You are born a teacher” someday would tell you. Is this TRUE? What
attributes or qualities should you have that would tell that you would be a
good teacher on the future. Nature means your inborn qualities, your natural
tendencies. Nurture means, how you were trained or thought to become a
teacher. Let us find out in the episode.
Describe own personal qualities that will make one a good teacher
Identify the personal qualities of an experienced teacher that you have
interviewed and observed
Compare own personal qualities with those of the observed teacher
My Learning Essential
2. Compassion
natural quality to empathize, to feel what others feel, to be tolerant of
others. The teacher is compassionate.
3. Emotional Stability
ability to calm under pressure, cheerful and optimistic, level headed.
The teacher is emotional stable.
4. Innovativeness
natural tendency to create new things, modify existing ones,
imaginative, finds solutions to problems quickly, makes use of
available materials.
The teacher is Innovative.
5. Fairness
natural attribute to look at both sides of the issue before making
judgment, gives equal chances for both sides to be heard, removes
personal biases. The teacher is fair.
6. Self-Confidence
natural tendency to feel “I can do it”, works alone, determined to
succeed. The teacher is self-confident.
7. Cooperativeness
natural action to work together with others, willing to share. The
teacher is cooperative.
8. Buoyancy
ability to survive in difficult situation, balances life, optimistic and
cheerful. The teacher is buoyant.
9. Reliability
attribute demonstrated by dependability, sincerity, and honesty. The
teacher is reliable.
My Learning Map
Step 1: Stop for a while and reflect. Ask myself: what are my qualities
that will make me a good teacher?
My Learning Activities
Activity 01
Am I This Person?
Who am I as a person? Do I Have personal qualities that will make me
a better teacher someday? The qualities listed are some of the many
attributes but you will add to this later.
Look into yourself very will and answer each item very honestly. All
your answers are correct. So you don’t need to worry.
Activity 02
With the use of the interview checklist attached, get the information
about the teacher. Ask permission to observe the teacher in his/ her
classroom and add other personal qualities that you have observed which
are not included in the checklist.
Request for a picture of the teacher as part of your portfolio entry. Use
the picture as part of your Photo Essay.
Personal Qualities of an
Experienced Teacher Checklist
Mrs. Borromeo is a teacher that has a very good personality. She always
encourages students to do better; to give their best and do beyond what is
expected from them. She is very patient and understandable. She is also a
considerate person. She maybe strict specifically in class but when you need
help, you can always approach her.
All teachers I may say are good and have their own way of showing it but
Mrs. Borromeo is just simple admirable for being compassionate and remains
optimistic in every given situation even in her longest years of service and
passion to teaching.
My Reflection/ Insights
I am using my personal qualities to become a responsible teacher soon
in order for me to do so, things for better future, and being a good
example and role model in the society.
Direction: Label the personal qualities that are described in the box.
1. Are you a person, someone can lean on? Are you honest and sincere in
words and action? Are you consistent in your action and responses to different
a. Innovativeness c. Buoyancy
b. Intelligence d. Reliability
2. Do you easily give up? Are you moody, a loner? Does pressure in work make
you surrender? Is it difficult for you to succeed after you fail? Do you have poor
intrapersonal relationship?
a. Buoyancy c. Reliability
b. Cooperativeness d. Fairness
3. Do you believe in yourself and in what you can do? Can you work alone
without asking help from others? Do you believe in the saying: “No guts, no
a. Self-confidence c. Compassionate
b. Innovativeness d. Emotional Stability
4. Are you easily upset by petty things? Do you worry lot? Do you panic when
pressured? Do you often feel that you are to be blamed?
a. Innovativeness c. Cooperativeness
b. Emotional Stability d. Reliability
5. Do you have higher order thinking ability? Do you excel in your abilities in
any of Howard Garners Multiple intelligence? Do you act quickly on problems
of immediate concern?
a. Innovativeness c. Self-confidence
b. Compassion d. Intelligence
Read carefully, and answer yes if you can do it or No if you cannot do it. Identify the
personal quality being described. Write on the blank provided.
1. Will you use your intelligence to plan and implement appropriate lesson for your learners?
Yes__/__ No_____
2. Will you adjust to whatever situation you will be assigned as a teacher in the future?
YES __/__No____
3. Will you be capable of doing your job as a teacher alone with less assistance from your peers
and superiors for? Yes__/__ No____
4. Will you share your skills and talents to help others so that the result will add to learning
Yes__/__ No ____
In today's constantly changing world, our
5.children and
Will you be ableyouth need
to confront to learn
difficult inquiry-
problems as a teacher by using your capacity to sink and
My Learning
based, problem Portfolio
solving skills to that they
swim under difficult times? Yes__/__ No___
may become
Pieces successful members of society
of Evidence:
and live productive lives. I think all students
1. Picture
yearn of self We
to learn. and as
description of personal
future teachers needin a photo-essay and reflections
to motivate students with learning,
exploring, investigating, discovering and
inquiring. Together you will be learning and
teaching. As teachers, you need to be very
organized and creative.
2. Photo Essay of the Experience Teacher Attributes or characteristics and
Focused on:
o Describing own personal qualities that will make one a good teacher
o Identifying the personal qualities of an experienced teacher that you have
interviewed and observed
o Comparing own personal qualities with those of the observe teacher
All tasks were done with All or nearly all tasks were Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of tasks
Learning Activities outstanding quality; work done with high quality. done with acceptable were done; or most
exceeds expectations quality. objectives were met but
need improvement.
All questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions were
Analysis of the answered completely; in answered completely. not answered completely. not answered.
Learning Episode depth answers; Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and spelling
thoroughly grounded on theories. theories. unsatisfactory.
theories. Grammar and spelling are Grammar and spelling
Exemplary grammar and superior. acceptable
Reflections/ Reflection statements are Reflection statements are Reflection statements are Ref lection statements are
insights clear, but not clearly; clear, but not clearly shallow; supported by unclear and shallow and
supported by experiences supported by experiences experiences from the are not supported by
from the learning from the learning episodes learning episodes experiences from the
episodes learning episodes
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, clear, Portfolio is incomplete; Analysis questions were
Learning Portfolio clear, well-organized and well-organized; most supporting not answered
all supporting; supporting documentations documentations are Grammar and spelling
documentations are are available and logical organized but are lacking unsatisfactory
located in sections clearly and clearly marked
designated locations
Submission of Submitted before the Submitted on the deadline Submitted a day after the Submitted two days or
Learning Episodes deadline deadline more after the deadline
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below
______________________________ __________________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date