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FS3 Ep 5

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FS 3

Technology Integration
Learning In the Classroom
Episode 5

My Learning Episode Overview

Episode 5 provides an opportunity for me to observe how a teacher utilizes technology

for instruction

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to:

Describe ways in which technology is integrated in the classroom.

Analyze the level of technology integration used by the teacher.

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along the following:

Quality of my observations and document,

Completeness and depth of analysis,
Depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
Time of submission of portfolio.

My Learning Essentials

The Technology Integration Matrix provides a comprehensive framework fro you to define
and evaluate technology integration. It will provide your direction and guide you on the process
of achieving effective teaching with technology. The teacher’s integration of technology in
instruction can be described as progressing in 5 levels: entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion and
finally transformation.

The teacher also works at creating a learning environment that encourages and enables quality
technology integration. The interdependent characteristics of the learning environment are being
active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-directed.

The Technology Integration Matrix connects the Levels of Technology Integration and the
Characteristics of the Learning Environment. Examine the Matrix below. To make you
understand how integration is done in each of the levels and environment, explore the TIM
website and learn from the many interesting videos showing technology integration. Go to

You will use this matrix to analyze and reflect in this episode.

Reproduced with permission of the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education University of
South Florida, fcit.usf.edu
My Map

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps.

Step 1. Observe a class for three metings. Vidoe-tape, if allowed.

Step 2. Describe how technology was integrated in the lessons and how the students were

Step 3. Use the Technology Integration Matrix to analyze the technology integration
done by the teacher.

Step 4. Reflect on what you learned.

My Tools

As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to document your observation.

Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about?

2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/ uses the learning resources.
4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning resources. Listen to
their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses show
attentiveness, eagerness and understanding?
5. Focus in their non-verbal responses. Are they learning forward showing their interest in
the lesson and in the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the teacher and
the materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness and understanding?

Observation Report
Date of Observation: October 15, 2019

School: Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria

Subject: English Topic: Types of Japanese Drama

Grade/Year Level: Grade 8

This morning at 8:30 AM, Oct 25, 2019 we have observed the Grade 8- Guadalupe class of Ms.
Kyra Tubog. Her lesson talks about the different types of Japanese Drama. In her discussion she
uses different learning materials like strips, video clip and audio material (speaker). As she uses
the different learning materials, it very transparent that the class were able to have a full
understanding of the lesson most especially when she cited an examples of the different type of
Japanese Drama through a video clip. The students were very focus the videoclip shown by Ms.
Kyra in which only proves that there is eagerness, attentiveness and understanding of what the
lesson is all about. As I take a look closely on the students, they were staring the video clip
shown by Ms. Tubog.
My Analysis

Grade or Year Level of Class Observed: Grade 8

Date of Observation: October 15, 2019

Subject Matter: Types of Japanese Drama

Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher: The teacher used the students-
centered approach in which the students are actively participates their class discussion.
There is an interaction between the teacher and the students effectively.

Teaching Aids used Strengths Weaknesses Appropriate of the

(Enumerate in bullet Teaching Aids used
Laptop The Laptop allows In terms of The resource
the resource weakness of the teacher’s decision
teacher to make a laptop, there is a to use alaptop in
good presentation possibility that presenting her topic
of her topic in a during the for that day is an
form of video clip discussion or the advantage for her to
that was save to the presentation of the present her lesson
hardware. It powerpoint, clearand more
provides the technical failure attracting for the
resource teacher might occur if the students and by the
with a less expense teacher is not so fact that her
means of making a skilled in handling students belong to
visual aid and at the computers. Just as the millennial that
same time, it’s what what happened are fond of using
a trend to the when I observed, technology, making
millennial learners the powerpoint them be engaged
is. presentation did not more in the
work properly, discussion.
butsince the
resource teacher is
computer literate,
she manages to
solve that small
misbehaving of the

Projector Since the screen of Possibly, the only The use of projector
Laptop is too small weakness of the in the resource
to be visible up to projector used by teacher’s chosen
the students on the the teacher during approach is
last row, by using her class discussion appropriate since
this projector, it is that the projector she tends to ask the
made possible for she used takes a student opinions
the students to read long time before it and insights about
the power point starts up. Thus, it their topic, the use
presentation almost consumes of projector is very
projected on the 10 minutes to install useful and ideal for
board. Without this the projector making the students on the
projector, it will be the time allotted for last row tend to
hard for the discussion, activity, participate in the
students at the back and evaluation to be class discussion for
to participate in the lesser the idea told by the
discussion and also teacher is being
to pay attention to projected on the
what the resource board through
teacher is projector. Through
discussing. Thus, this, the
the main forte of this participation that the
projector is making teachers want to get
the powerpoint from the students
presentation of the was achieved.
resource teacher be
visible in every
corner of the room.

My Analysis
Used the Technology Integration Matrix to analyze the class you observed. In what level of
technology integration do you think teacher operated? Why?

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix provided by the book, the resource teacher attained
the following levels: entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation. For the resource
teacher used the technology, which are the laptop and projector from the very beginning of her
class starting from prayer and presentation of objectives, afterwards, she let the students to
manipulate and operate the technology alone to explain some part of the lesson and instead of
just merely receiving information from the technology, the resource teacher let the students to
discuss the topic by themselves and to raise questions to their classmates which eventually, when
the classmate asked didn’t answer the question correctly, she manage to answer it. After that, the
resource teacher let the students to use the technology, which is alaptop, to make their own
“Academic Format Letter” in Microsoft Office Word” to be passed on their next meeting.

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what are the characteristics of the learning
environment in the class that you observed? Point your observations that justify your

The following are the characteristics of thelearning environment in the class that I had
 Active: Ms. Kyra Tubog in the class that I had observed let her students to operate and
set-up the projector and the laptop before they start and during her discussion of the
 Collaborative: Ms. Kyra Tubog of the class that I had observed grouped her students into
three-member group and each to present specific types of Japanese Drama using the
technology she prepared, the laptop and projector.
 Constructive: The technology; laptop, projector and paper strips containing the definition
of the Types of Japanese Drama served as the main teaching aids of the resource teacher
that I had observed, therefore it serves as the source of information in which the students
construct their understanding.
 Authentic: Ms. Kyra Tubog that I had observed asked the students to perform their on
Noh, Jururi and Kwakii Drama.
 Goal Directed: Ms. Kyra Tubog asked her students to asked the if it is important for the
Japanese people to perform the different types of Japanes Drama.

Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your

Overall, I must say that the Ms. Kyra Tubog executes the learning resources well and
effectively for the students tend to collaborate and cooperate in her discussion and they
tend to focus their attention on the projected video clip presentation projected on the
My Reflections/Insights
1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would
you do differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of students?

If I will be put in the place of the resource teacher and will teach the same topic tothe
same group of students I will still be using the same technology she used, which are
laptop and projector, for the students seems to focus more on what I am going to say if
there is a projected presentation of the topic that I will discuss. Maybe the only different
thing that I will do compared to the resource teacher is that I will use “Problem-Soling
Method” for I want my students to discover for themselves how to do or writean
academic format letter, and also, I will use “Differentiated Instruction Method” for the
students’ to focus on one part of the letter format then the group leader will explain their
part in front of the class. And for the evaluation, I will ask my students to write an
academic format letter to the principal of our school on their propose program/projects
for the improvement of our own alma matter
Integrating Theory and Practice
Directions: read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. A Science teacher uses a PowerPoint presentation to show the classification in

Kingdom Animalia. The teacher then teaches them how to use software in
making graphic organizers. Students then use this to create their own graphic
organizers to classify animals. This shows technology integration which

A. Entry-constructive
B. Adoption-constructive
C. Infusion-constructive
D. Transformation-constructive

2. Teacher A demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in
adding mixed fractions. The students then work independently with the app to
provide them sufficient practice in adding mixed fraction. This shows technology
integration which is_____________.

A. Entry-constructive
B. Adoption-constructive
C. Infusion-constructive
D. Transformation-constructive

3. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will
work together with other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas
and Mindanao. They will create posters and a video clip to communicate a
message about peace. They will use social media to spread their peace campaign.
This project involves technology integration which is ________________.

A. Entry-constructive
B. Adoption-constructive
C. Infusion-constructive
D. Transformation-constructive
My Learning Portfolio

Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher. Put your
comments/annotations about what you observed.
Field Study 3, Episode4– Technology Integration in the Classroom

Focused on:

Describing ways in which technology is integrated in the classroom

Name of FS Student: Angie C. Amorado Date Submitted: February 6, 2018

Year& Section: 1st year Course: BSED

Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1

All tasks were done All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of
Learning Activities with outstanding were done with high were done with tasks were done; or
quality; work quality. acceptable most objectives were
exceeds quality. met but need
expectations improvement
4 3 2 1

Analysis of the Learning All questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions Analysis questions
Episode answered answered completely. were not were not answered.
completely; in depth Clear connection with answered Grammar and spelling
answers; thoroughly theories. completely. unsatisfactory.
grounded on Grammar and spelling Vaguely related to
theories. are superior. the theories.
Exemplary grammar Grammar and
and spelling 3 spelling
4 acceptable 1

Reflections/ insights Reflection Reflection statements Reflection Ref lection statements

statements are clear, are clear, but not statements are are unclear and
but not clearly; clearly supported by shallow; supported shallow and are not
supported by experiences from the by experiences supported by
experiences from the learning episodes from the learning experiences from the
learning episodes episodes learning episodes
4 2 1

Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Analysis questions

clear, well-organized clear, well-organized; incomplete; were not answered
and all supporting; most supporting supporting
documentations are documentations are documentations Grammar and spelling
Learning Portfolio located in sections available and logical are organized but unsatisfactory
clearly designated and clearly marked are lacking
4 2 1

Submission of Learning Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days or
Episodes the deadline deadline after the deadline more after the
4 3 2 deadline
Over-all Score (Based


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

________________________________ ___________________________

Signature of FS Teacher Date

Above Printed Name

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