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Episode 4

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FS 2



My Learning Task Overview

This Episode dwells on Bloom’s levels of cognitive processing and on the new taxonomy of
processing knowledge introduced by Kendall and Marzano.

My Intended Learning Outcome

In this Episode, I must be able to identify teaching practice/s in the different levels of
processing knowledge based on Bloom’s revised cognitive taxonomy and Kendall’s and Marzano’s
new taxonomy.

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:
a) quality of my observation and documentation,
b) completeness and depth of my analysis,
c) depth and clarity of my classroom observation-based reflections,
d) completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and time of submission of my

My Learning Essentials
1. The revised Bloom’s taxonomy identified 3 domains of learning – cognitive, psychomotor
and affective.

Cognitive- Psychomotor
Facts, Affective –
Concepts, Values and
Principles, etc. Attitudes

Domains of
2. Kendall and Marzano likewise identified 3 domains of knowledge taught and learned,
namely: 1) information (declarative knowledge) 2) mental procedures (procedural
knowledge) and 3) psychomotor/motor procedures.

Mental Procedures
(Procedural Knowledge)

Information Psychomotor
(Declarative Procedures (Motor
Knowledge) Skills)

Kendall’s and
Domains of

3. These domains of learning and domains of knowledge are processed in different levels. For
revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, cognitive learning is processed in six (6) different levels of processes
from remembering to creating, psychomotor learning in six (6) levels and affective in five (5) levels.
Refer to the Table below.

Bloom identified ‘domain’ of educational activities with categories of educational activities within
those domains:

Domains Categories of Activities/Levels of Processing

Cognitive 1. Remembering 2. Understanding 3. Applying

4. Analyzing 5. Evaluating 6. Creating

Affective 1. Receiving 2. Responding 3. Valuing

4. Organization 5. Internalization

1. Reflex Movements 2. Basic Fundamental

Psychomotor 3.Perceptual 4. Physical Activities
5. Skilled Movements 6. Non-Discursive






4. For Kendal and Marzano, the three domains – information, mental procedures and
psychomotor procedures – are processed in six different levels. See figure below.

Information •Self Systems

•Metacognitive System

Mental •Knowledge Utilisation (Cognitive)

Procedures •Analysis (Cognitive)

Psychomotor •Comprehension

Procedure • Retrieval (Cognitive)

Kendall’s and Mazrano’s different levels of processing information, mental and

psychomotor procedures.
Each level of processing can operate within each of the three domains – information, mental
procedures, and psychomotor procedures.
These first four levels of processing are cognitive, beginning with “Retrieval” the least
complex, then moving upward with increasing complexity through “comprehension” “Analysis”
and “Knowledge Utilization”
The fifth level of processing, the Metacognitive System, involves the Learner’s specification
of Learning Goals, monitoring of the learner’s own process, clarity and accuracy of learning.
Simply put involves the learner’s organization of his/her own learning.
The sixth level of processing, the Self System, involves the learner’s examination of the
importance of the learning task and his/her self-efficacy. It also involves the learners emotional
response to the learning task and his/her motivation regarding it. New Taxonomy
Bloom Kendall and Marzano

Domains of Revised Bloom’s New Taxonomy Domain of

Learning Taxonomy,cognitive Kendall and Knowledge
Activities Domain Marzano

Cognitive 6 - Creating 6 – Self System Psychomotor

5 - Evaluating 5 – Metacognitive
Psychomotor 4 - Analyzing 4 – Knowledge
utilization Information
Cognitive System
3 – Applying 3 – Analysis -
Affective 2 – Understanding 2–
1 – Remebering 1 – Retrieval

My Map
I will observe four (4) different classes.

I will reflect on the guide questions given below.

To hit my target, I will follow these steps:

Step 1 • Read the learning Essentials given above.

• Observe at least four (4) class with a learning partner.

I will choose one class from each of the 3 groups.
Step 2 Group 1 - Language/Araling Panlipunan/Science/Math
Group 2 - P.E, ICT, TLE
Group 3 - Edukasyon sa pagpapakatao/Literature
My Learning Activities
I will observe 4 Resource Teachers with the use of Observation Sheets, analyze then reflect on
my observations.


Resource Teacher: Ms. Tita Visorro_ Teacher Signature: __________________

School: COSCA Gr. Level/Section: Grade 10- Our Lady of Medjugorje
Subject Area: Science Date and Time: July 30, 2019 8:30-10:00 AM

Bloom’s Level of Processing Cognitive Activities What learning activities in the classroom did I
observe in each level?

1. Remembering Ms. Tita Visorro made a recall on their past lesson.

Ms.Visorro asked the students if they can still
remember what Investigatory Project is. She also
asked the students what the scientific methods are.

2. Comprehending To test the comprehension of the students, she then

let the students observe the two plants. Through
observation, she asked if what the differences
between the two plants are. Upon identifying the
differences, they were asked if what the possible
problem is or cause why they have this differences.

3. Applying Ms. Tita Visorro provided an activity to the students

“The Discovery of Antibiotic by Dr. Gener”. They
are provided with statement of scientific discovery
and they have to identify what are the scientific
methods with the given statement.

4. Analyzing After identifying the steps of scientific method, they

were asked to analyze through identifying the
synchronization of the steps of scientific. They have
to make corrections if it incorrect.

5. Evaluating They were then evaluated their answer in the

activity. The activity was posted on the board and
together they identify, analyze and synchronize the
steps in scientific method. (Observation, Identify the
Problem, Formulate the Hypothesis, Gathering
Information by Conducting Experiment, Analysis
and Interpretation and Conclusion). They were also
asked how important Science Investigatory Project

6. Creating MS. TitaVisorro provided another set of activity

“Madre de Cacao can be an effective larvicide” in
which they were able to apply and create their own
statement based following the steps in scientific
Resource Teacher: Ms. Janice Grafe_ Teacher Signature: __________________
School: COSCA Gr. Level/Section: Grade 8- Our Lady of Manaoag
Subject Area: Science Date and Time: Aug 2, 2019 1:00-2:00 PM

Levels of Processing Write down instances where teacher made

learners to do any of these.

Information – Students give information to asked.

-Ms. Janice Grafe had a review on their past lesson. She asked
the students to define what work is.

Mental Procedures – Students determined if information is

accurate or inaccurate.
- Ms. Janice demonstrates an example of situation by putting
the water bottle on the table and asked if there does work
1. Retrieval

Psychomotor Procedure / Motor Physical Skills-Students

executed/performed procedures
- Ms. Janice Graphe asked a student to demonstrate how work
exists. A student did the demonstration on the class by lifting
the water bottle from the table and transferring it to other
location. She also asked the students to define Power.

Students constructed symbolic presentation

e.g. Draw a symbol that represents abuse Mother

-The teacher provided an activity called “Balloonenergy”. The

balloon represents a force that students need to transfer to the
2. Comprehension
Students integrated information, paraphrased information.

-Ms. Janice Graphe asked the students how they felt after the
activity they have done. The balloon they have to transfer
which represents the force that they have to carry with the
used of their energy. As per student, after they have done the
activity they felt energized and active.

Level of Processing Write down instances where Teacher made learner to do any
of these.

Students specified logical consequences of information.

-Students explain the relation of force and work provided the

formula in finding the Work.

-They also explain the difference of two types of energy which

are Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy by providing
definition of the two.

-They were also able to explain the relation of Acceleration

due to Gravity in finding Potential Energy and Kinetic
-The students were also to define Speed and Velocity.

Students stated generalizations.

- Students were able to do the computation in showing the
relation of Mass, Acceleration due to Gravity, and Height.

Students identified factual/logical errors.

- Ms. Graphe let the students compute the problem in finding
the Gravitational Potential Energy by following the steps in
solving a problem; Given, Formula, Substitution and Solution.

Students did classifying.

- Students were able to classify the Potential Energy from
Kinetic Energy

Students matched, identified similarities and

-Students were able to differentiate the Potential Energy from
Kinetic Energy through demonstrating with the use of the
water bottle.

Students tested hypotheses

- Students try to answer were the elements belong if it is on

metal, non-metal
and metalloids.

4. Knowledge Students experimented

Utilization - Students didn’t do any experimentation.

Students solved problems given by teacher.

- Students were able to solve a problem given by Ms. Janice
Graphe. They were able to fine the GPE of the sample
problem provided by Ms. Graphe.

Students made a decision.

- Ms. Graphe let the students do the problem solving.

Students specified their learning goals.

- Ms. Janice Graphe help the student comprehend the lesson
5. Meta-cognitive
the students instead of specifying it to them. Like in answering
the problem, she provided step by step process for them to
come up with correct answer in achieving the learning goals.
Students monitored their own learning.
- Ms. Janice Graphe monitoring the students learning by
asking series of question and employing oral recitations in
regards to the subject matter to supervise if there was learning
on the end of the students.

Students monitored clarity and accuracy of their own learning

- Students observed and listen accurately on the discussion.
They were also able to answer the questions raised by Ms.
Graphe and able to solve the problem provided the solution.

Levels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher made learners to do any

6. Self-system Students believed in the importance of what they learn.

- Ms. Janice Graphe give emphasis of following the steps in
solving the problem (Given, Formula, Substitution, Solution)
to come up with a correct answer.

Students were convinced in their ability to learn.

-Ms. Janice Graphe encourages students to answer to evaluate
if they were able to understand and learning about the

Students were motivated to learn and felt good about learning

- Students are eager to learned and be a part of the learning
process. It is visible in their way of participating on the entire
My Analysis

1. Were all Bloom’s levels of processing information demonstrated by the learner’s in class?

Yes it is all demonstrated by the learners in the class because I observed that the teacher
applied it as her medim in teaching to make her students learn.

2. Which levels of processing cognitive information in Bloom’s taxonomy was most displayed?
Least demonstrated? Give proofs.

The most displayed level of processing information was comprehension. Almost all the class
that I observed emphasized on the understanding of the lesson, providing meaning,
translation, and interpretation. Like in Ms. Visorro class, she let the students differentiate
the two plants for them to have a comprehension of what the lesson is all about. Same goes
with Ms. Janice Graphe, she asked the students difine Work and Power, for them to have
an overview of the lesson which is about Energy. On the other hand, the least demonstrated
is creating. Creating involves the building of structure or pattern from diverse elements, put
parts together to form a new structure.

3. Were all Kendall’s and Marzano’s levels of processing of information, mental and physical
procedures demonstrated by the learners in class? Why or why not?

Not all, especially the metacognition and the self-system level of processing information.
They were not observed well. Although there was a part of the teacher in which they were
monitoring the class and helping them comprehend the lesson we cannot guarantee that the
learning is instilled on the students unless there is an assessment to decide to continue the
behavior or engage on new activity.

4. Which levels of Kendall’s and Marzano’s processing information was not demonstrated?
Least demonstrated? Give proof.

Retrieval was the most demonstrate process because all of the classes I’ve observed did
recalling of the lesson. It’s always on the start of the class that the teacher will asked about
their part discussion. The least demonstrated was metacognitive and self-system which is
out of focus in classes.

Are Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy of learning activities (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) very
different from the new taxonomy of Kendall and Marzano (informative, metacognitive procedures
and psychomotor)? Explain your answer.

No. Bloom’s and Marzano’s are very similar. Their wording is almost exactly the same. Bloom’s
uses nouns while Marzano’s uses forms of verbs to show levels of learning. Marzano’s categories do
not build upon one another. When Bloom;s was created, it was a framework for teachers to use to
focus on higher order thinking. Marzano’s provides a more research based theory to help teachers
improve their learner’s thinking. Group Reflection
My Reflections

Analyzing the levels of processing that were demonstrated by students in the classes that
you observed, what conclusion can you draw regarding the level of processing of
information that takes place in schools? (Are all the higher levels of processing information
done in classrooms? Or are classrooms limited mostly to the lower levels of information
processing such as remembering or retrieval?)

- Bloom’s level of processing was mostly presented in the class. I can see that the
teacher is doing things according to the level of processing. She also had the ability
to make the learners’ motivated and attentive to the class. I can also see that she is
really doing her best to keep the class entertaining and enjoyable. I learned that,
based on what I have observed I can conclude that mostly teacher on classes are
focused only on the lower levels of information processing such as level of
information such as remembering and comprehension. There are few who really
exerted effort in order to imposed learning on the students but no to exert that could
allow students to perform all the given task. All I want to say is the reason why
students go to school because they wanted to learn and how could that be possible if
the teacher doesn’t have the passion. system. This is so important in analyzing
students learning and understanding of the lesson. A student that learned on the
lesson create his/her own understanding and self-knowledge or learning.

Write your reflections on the level of information processing among students in

class. Does teacher contribute to the level of processing that students do in school? If
students are engaged only in low level information processing, can teacher be blamed for

Yes, teacher are to blame since they are the prime movers inside the class and level of
processing information must start within then for they are primary source of knowledge
inside the class. The teacher encourage the class to remember the activities each learners’
are doing in their own houses and classifying them if it’s a good deed or a bad deed. She
presented lots of scenarios that are very common to each learners and according to their
level of thinking. The level of processing cognitive information that is least used is the
creating. She is more in the remembering. As for the Kendall’s and Marzano’s level of
processing information, I think most of it are presented and used in the class. The teacher
is guiding the class in making decisions, she also presented scenarios that is very common
in each learners’ everyday life. Kids learn so much more when they are interested in what
they doing and they have some input into what they are studying. So by using these various
strategies teachers allow students to have some control over their education and have high
level of processing information. No child likes to be told everything that they have to do;
they like to be able to make some choices for themselves.
Integrating Theory and Practice
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Teacher Ruben wanted his student to rate their own work using the scoring rubric which he
explained to the class before the students began with their task. Based on revised Bloom’s
Taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are the students?

a. Evaluating c. Applying
b. Synthesizing d. Analyzing

You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, the teaching
profession. Based on revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are you?

a. Analyzing c. Applying
b. Creating d. Evaluating

Teacher Danny require his class to conduct research, write a research report and defend the same
before a panel of experts. In which levels of processing will the students be engaged?

I. Retrieval
II. Comprehension
III. Analysis
IV. Knowledge Utilization

a. I,II, III and IV c. II, III and IV

b. III and IV d. I, III and IV

Teacher Bing encourages her students to make the intended learning outcome their own and
explained that she expected them to monitor now and then their own progress toward the intended
learning outcome and act accordingly. In which level of processing will Teacher Bing’s student act?

a. cognitive c. Meta-cognitive system

b. Self-system d. Between cognitive and meta-cognitive system

Teacher Ann sees to it that her class sees the importance of the grammar lessons in English and so
gets intrinsically motivated to learn. In which level of processing is the class expected to act?

a. Cognitive c. Meta-cognitive system

b. Self-system d. Between cognitive and meta-cognitive system
My Learning Portfolio

Based on the K-12 Curriculum Guide, (for BEED students, subject of your choice;
BSED, your specialization), write competencies that are fit for each of the following:

A. Bloom’s levels of processing a learning activity: (Just in case you can’t find one, make
one). Give the other levels of information processing not given.

1. Remembering

The teacher asked the students on what is the previous lesson they had discussed.

2. Comprehending

The teacher asked the students of what are function of an adjectives and how they will use

3. Applying

The teacher presented couple of describing words and ask to students to use it in
constructing a sentence.

4. Analyzing

The teacher gives the task to students to determine what type of an adjectives they used
and explain it in the front of the class.

5. Evaluating

The students had answered guided questions in regards to the subject matter.

6. Creating

The students were asked about what other function of an adjectives and how they will used
in a daily life conversation which they going to use in their real life situations.

B. Kendall’s and Marzano’s Levels of Processing Information: (Just in case you can’t find
one, make one).

1. Retrieval

a) Information – The students were asked on how they will add the colors and daily
conversation meaningful with other people.

b) Mental Procedures – Students were asked the definition of an adjectives.

c) Psychomotor – Students were demonstrate on how to construct sentences which

going to use in daily conversation meaningful with the use of an adjectives.

2. Comprehension

Students were asked of what are the functions of an adjectives and how they going to use it.

3. Analysis

Students were asked of what are the advantages and disadvantages of using an adjectives in
a sentence.
4. Knowledge Utilization

The teacher present some situations or scenarios via audiovisual on how an adjectives will
use to make daily conversation more meaningful at the time they going to use it in their
real life situations.

Teacher made them to demonstrate via performance on how they will used an adjectives
using a dialogue.

5. Metacognitive system

The teacher always monitors and checks their comprehension regarding the subject matter
through oral recitations.

6. Self-system

The teacher gives some point of view of what are the importance of an adjectives in a
My Learning Rubric

Focused on:
o Identifying classroom practices that apply or violate each of the principles of learning

Name of FS Student: Racquel T. Alcroriza Date Submitted: August 6, 2019

Year& Section: III Course:BSED
Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1
All tasks were done with All or nearly all tasks were Nearly all tasks were done Fewer than half of tasks
outstanding quality; work done with high quality. with acceptable quality. were done; or most
Learning Activities exceeds expectations objectives were met but
need improvement.

All questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions were
answered completely; in answered completely. not answered completely. not answered.
Analysis of the depth answers; thoroughly
Learning Episode grounded on theories. Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and spelling
theories. theories. unsatisfactory.
Exemplary grammar and
spelling Grammar and spelling are Grammar and spelling
superior. acceptable

Reflections/ insights Reflection statements are Reflection statements are Reflection statements are Ref lection statements are
clear, but not clearly; clear, but not clearly shallow; supported by unclear and shallow and
supported by experiences supported by experiences experiences from the are not supported by
from the learning episodes from the learning episodes learning episodes experiences from the
learning episodes

Portfolio is complete, clear, Portfolio is complete, clear, Portfolio is incomplete; Analysis questions were
well-organized and all well-organized; most supporting documentations not answered
Learning Portfolio supporting; supporting documentations are organized but are
documentations are located are available and logical and lacking Grammar and spelling
in sections clearly clearly marked locations unsatisfactory

Submission of Submitted before the Submitted on the deadline Submitted a day after the Submitted two days or
Learning Episodes deadline deadline more after the deadline

Over-all Score
(Based on
20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

______________________________ __________________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date

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