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Session 1 ACTIVITY 1: Becoming A Better Me

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ACTIVITY 1: Becoming a Better Me

A. This is Me (Self-Reflection)

1. What qualities (positive) best describe you as a person?

a. Kind
b. Honest
c. Faithful
d. Loyal
e. E. Hardworking

2. What qualities (negative) best describe you as a person?

a. easily irritated
b. easily get tired when too much of work
c. always forgetting
d. sometimes lonely
e. Do not know to budget time

3. What qualities best describe you as a teacher

a. understanding
b. caring
c. responsible
d. humble
e. Respectful

4. From the above, which qualities form part of your strengths? Weaknesses

Strength Weaknesses
a. Understanding .1. Time Management
b. Responsible 2. Easily irritated
c. Honest 3. Paper Works
d. Humble
e. Hardworking

*Your qualities underlie the values that you hold dear.

1. What do these values mean to you and your day to day life
These values serve to me as my daily bread to my human being and most especially to
serve well my learners.
2. How do you demonstrate these values with your actions? In other words, are they consistent or
inconsistent with your actions? Cite a situation
By applying these values as my personal attitudes in my daily life as a teacher. Ex. By
attaining theses values we can easily control our temper during the time if some of our
learner facing misunderstanding.
3. How do you integrate these values in your teaching?
Very simple show these values to the learner and let them appreciate those values

B. My Emotional Maturity

1. Encircle at least 10 feeling from the inventory below that you experience most of the time
while in school
1. Happy
2. Blessed
3. Inspired
4. Energized
5. accomplished
6. refreshed
7. confident
8. tired
9. stressed
10. lazy
2. What situations usually trigger negative or uncomfortable emotions in you.
During the time I remember my mother
3. If a student anonymously posted on facebook something derogatory about .you.. How
would react or what would you do?
Confront the student and talk to her why did she/he do that.
4. How do you feel if a student does not meet ta deadline.
a. Disappointed- give him/her another chance
5. What do you do when others stress you?

C. Building Self Awareness

1. Put the time in – Focus and self-confident
2. Predict how you feel and respond – show always a proof.
3. Focus on your choices – plan first before you decide
4. Ask Feedback – Seeking always assistance
5. Record – Always list down your weaknesses
6. Label your emotions – Release your emotions
7. Talk with a success coach – To be inspired

D. sMe and Others

1. What group of people do you like to hang out with?

My friends
2. Who are your role model? Give at least 3. What make you look up to and admire these people?
1. Sir Bobby - very strong and very down to earth
2. Mam Jurline - fighter and humble
3. Mam Naty - optimistic and blessed
3. . How does your personality change as you associate with different groups of people? Why do
you think it changes?
I was inspired with them because of their story of their life. Their perseverance to make
their life become a successful one.

4. What kind of school head brings out the best in you? Well Manageable
5. How do you involve parents in the learning process?
Let them aware with their learners for them to monitor also the output of the learner.
6. What kind of people do you find it difficult to work with? Cite your reason
Not approachable. You want to talk with but you see him always his/her face out of the
7. What do I value most in a pupil/student? Their output as a learner.
8. As a teacher, in what area/s do I feel need improvement? Math.

E. The Leader In Me

1. I make others feel good to be me. 4

2. I express with a few simple words what we could and should do. 3
3. I enable others to think about old problems in new ways. 3
4. I help others develop themselves. 4
5. I tell others what to do if they want to be rewarded for their work. 3
6. I am satisfied when others meet agreed – upon standards. 3
7. I am content to let others continue working in the same ways always. 3
8. Others have complete faith in me. 2
9. I provide appealing images about what we can do. 2
10. I provide others with new ways of looking at puzzling things 2.
11. I let others know how I think they are doing. 3
12. I provide recognition/rewards when others reach their goals. 3
13. As long as things are working, I do not try to change anything
14. Whatever others want to do is OK with me. 2
15. Others are proud to be associated with me. 2
16. I help others find meaning in their work. 3
17. I get others to rethink ideas that they had never questioned before. 3
18. I give personal attention to others who seem rejected. 4
19. I call attention to what others can get for what they accomplish. 3
20. I tell others the standards they have to know to carry out their work. 3
21. I ask no more of others what is absolutely essential. 2

Score Interpretation
Factor 1 – Idealized influence – 12
Factor 2 – Inspirational motivation – 10
Factor 3 – Intellectual stimulation – 11
Factor 4 – Individualized consideration – 12
Factor 5 – Contingent reward – 9
Factor 6 – Management –by-exception – 9
Factor 7 – Laissez-faire – 9

E. Reflection

I give my students homework but some of them do not prepare their assignments. What I do is,
if three consecutive no assignment I will call the attention of their parents. And so far this actions give
my students better output when it comes to assignment.


1. Self – Management
Self-Rating 1
2. Results Focus
Self-Rating 3
3. Innovation
Self-Rating 4
4. Professionalism and Ethics
Self-Rating 4
5. Teamwork
Self-Rating 2
6. Service Orientation
Self-Rating 1


1. How do you feel about your self-rating?

I feel refresh.
2. Could you improve/sustain yourself on these?
3. How do you plan to realize this?
I based on my previous behavior.

F. Activities and Assessment

Direction: Check the box which answers the questions.
Domain Questions Yes No
1. Social Regards for Do you demonstrate value for learning?
Learning Do you demonstrate that learning is of different kinds and
from different sources
2. Learning Do you create an environment that promotes fairness?
Environments Do you make the classroom environment safe and conducive
to learning?
Do you communicate higher learning expectations to each
Do you established and maintain consistent standards of
learners behavior
Do you create a healthy psychological climate for learning
3. Diversity of Learners Do you determine, understand and accept the learners diverse
background knowledge and experience
4. Curriculum Do you demonstrate mastery of the subject?
Do you communicate clear learning goals for the lessons that
are appropriate for learners?
Do you make good use of allotted instructional time?
Do you select teaching methods, learning activities and
instructional materials or resources appropriate to the learners
and aligned to objectives of the lesson?
Do you recognize general learning processes as well as unique
processes of individual learners?
Do you promotes purposive study?
Do you demonstrate skills in the use of ICT in teaching and
5. Planning, Assessing Do you develop and utilize creative and appropriate
and Reporting instructional plan?
Do you develop and use a variety of appropriate assessment
strategies to monitor and evaluate learning?
Do you monitor regularly and provide feedback on learners
understanding of content

Do you communicate promptly and clearly to the learners,

parents and superiors about the progress of learner?
6. Community Linkages Do you established learning environment that respond to the
aspiration of the community.
7. Personal Growth and Do you build professional links with colleagues to enrich
Professional teaching practice?

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