Implementation of A High-Efficiency, High-Lifetime, and Low-Cost Converter For An Autonomous Photovoltaic Water Pumping System
Implementation of A High-Efficiency, High-Lifetime, and Low-Cost Converter For An Autonomous Photovoltaic Water Pumping System
Implementation of A High-Efficiency, High-Lifetime, and Low-Cost Converter For An Autonomous Photovoltaic Water Pumping System
Abstract—This paper proposes a new converter for photovoltaic the unavailability of electric power rules out the pumping and
(PV) water pumping or treatment systems without the use of water treatment through conventional systems. One of the most
chemical storage elements, such as batteries. The converter is efficient and promising way to solve this problem is the use of
designed to drive a three-phase induction motor directly from
PV energy. The use of a three-phase induction motor presents a systems supplied by photovoltaic (PV) solar energy. This kind
better solution to the commercial dc motor water pumping system. of energy source is becoming cheaper and has already been
The development is oriented to achieve a more efficient, reliable, put to work for several years without the need of maintenance.
maintenance-free, and cheaper solution than the standard ones Such systems are not new and are already used for more than
that use dc motors or low-voltage synchronous motors. The de- three decades [1]. Nevertheless, until recently, the majority of
veloped system is based on a current-fed multiresonant converter
also known as resonant two-inductor boost converter (TIBC) and the available commercial converters in Brazil are based on
a full-bridge three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI). The classic an intermediate storage system, performed with the use of
topology of the TIBC has features like high voltage gain and low lead–acid batteries, and dc motors to drive the water pump
input current ripple. In this paper, it is further improved with [3]. More sophisticated systems have already been developed
the use of a nonisolated recovery snubber along with a hysteresis with the use of a low-voltage synchronous motor [4], but these,
controller and the use of a constant duty cycle control to improve
its efficiency. Experimental results show a peak efficiency of 91% although presenting higher efficiency, are too expensive to be
at a rated power of 210 W for the dc/dc converter plus the used in poor communities that need these systems.
three-phase VSI and a peak efficiency of 93.64% just for the The batteries allow the motor and pump system to always
dc/dc converter. The system is expected to have a high lifetime due operate at its rated power even in temporary conditions of
to the inexistence of electrolytic capacitors, and the total cost of low solar radiation. This facilitates the coupling of the electric
the converter is below 0.43 U$/Wp. As a result, the system is a
promising solution to be used in isolated locations and to deliver dynamics of the solar panel and the motor used for pumping [5].
water to poor communities. Generally, the batteries used in this type of system have a low
life span, only two years on average [5], which is extremely
Index Terms—AC motor drives, dc–ac power conversion, dc–dc
power conversion, photovoltaic (PV) power systems, solar power low compared to the useful life of 20 years of a PV module.
generation. Also, they make the cost of installation and maintenance of such
systems substantially high. Furthermore, the lack of battery
I. I NTRODUCTION replacement is responsible for the failure of such systems in
isolated areas.
C URRENTLY, over 900 million people in various countries
do not have drinkable water available for consumption.
Of this total, a large amount is isolated, located on rural areas
The majority of commercial systems use low-voltage dc
motors, thus avoiding a boost stage between the PV module and
where the only water supply comes from the rain or distant the motor [7]. Unfortunately, dc motors have lower efficiency
rivers [1]. This is also a very common situation in the north and higher maintenance cost compared to induction motors
part of Brazil, where this work was developed. In such places, and are not suitable for applications in isolated areas, where
there is no specialized personnel for operating and maintaining
these motors. Another problem is that low-voltage dc motors
Manuscript received August 31, 2012; revised February 1, 2013; accepted
April 6, 2013. Date of publication June 26, 2013; date of current version are not ordinary items in the local markets. Because of the
January 16, 2014. Paper 2012-SECSC-448.R1, presented at the 2012 IEEE aforementioned problems, this work adopted the use of a three-
Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Orlando, FL, USA, phase induction motor, due to its greater robustness, lower
February 5–9, and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems cost, higher efficiency, availability in local markets, and lower
Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. This work was sup- maintenance cost compared to other types of motors.
ported in part by the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), in part by The design of a motor drive system powered directly from a
Eletrobrás, in part by CP Eletrônica, in part by Elétrica Visão, in part by Texas
Instruments, and in part by IEEE PELS. PV source demands creative solutions to face the challenge of
The authors are with the Departamento de Engenharia de Eletricidade, operating under variable power restrictions and still maximize
Universidade Federal do Maranhão, São Luís 65080-805, Brazil. the energy produced by the module and the amount of water
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at pumped [8]. These requirements demand the use of a converter
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2013.2271214 with the following features: high efficiency—due to the low
0093-9994 © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Fig. 5. DC bus value and minimum voltage needed for pump operation in
constant volt/hertz.
was calculated by considering that the inverter is operating at C ONVERTER D ESIGN S PECIFICATIONS
the maximum voltage with a modulation index of 1 (no over-
modulation is allowed). The correct design of Kv guarantees
that the output voltage of the first stage will always be greater
than the minimum voltage necessary to drive the motor.
Using the SPWM strategy with third harmonic voltage in-
jection allows the inverter to generate a maximum line voltage
equal to the bus voltage. For a three-phase pump with Vrms as
nominal line voltage, the gain Kv can be calculated by
Vrms × 2
Kv > . (13)
mode of operation begins. In this case, the switches are turned
off until the dc bus voltage returns to a normal predefined level.
B. MPPT Control
As a result, the switching losses are reduced during this period
The MPPT is a strategy used to ensure that the operating of time.
point of the system is kept at the MPP of the PV panel [27].
The widely used hill-climbing algorithm was applied due to its V. S YSTEM D ESIGN
simple implementation and fast dynamic response.
This MPPT technique is based on the shape of the power The hardware was designed to achieve a final system with
curve of the PV panel. This curve can be divided into two low cost, thus an accessible and market-friendly product. The
sides, to the left and to the right of the MPP. By analyzing the motor used in the centrifugal pump is a 0.2-hp (mechanical
power and voltage variation, one can deduce in which side of power) three-phase induction motor. Considering the nominal
the curve the PV panel is currently operating and adjust the power and efficiency of the motor, a 210-W PV panel was
voltage reference to get closer to the desired point. The voltage chosen [28]. The main characteristics of the used panel and
reference is used on a PI controller to increase or reduce the motor are shown in Table I.
motor speed and consequently adjust the bus and panel voltage The main parameters for the converter are summarized in
by changing its operating point. Table II. The maximum allowed input current ripple was de-
fined to guarantee a small oscillation around the MPP. The bus
voltage was defined using the minimum necessary voltage for
C. Hysteresis Control the chosen inverter topology and PWM strategy, as shown in
The main drawback of the classical TIBC is its inability to √
operate with no load or even in low-load conditions. The TIBC Vbus > Vrms × 2 = 350 V. (14)
input inductors are charged even if there is no output current, The TIBC switching frequency must be a tradeoff between
and the energy of the inductor is lately transferred to the output switching losses and the size of the transformer and inductors.
capacitor raising its voltage indefinitely until its breakdown. A frequency of 100 kHz was used based on simulation and
Classically, the input MOSFET cannot be turned off because previous experimental knowledge.
there is no alternative path for the inductor current. However, The Kv gain necessary for the converter can be calculated
with the addition of the proposed snubber, the TIBC switches using (13)
can be turned off. Thus, a hysteresis controller can be set up √
based on the dc bus voltage level. Every time a maximum Vrms × 2
Kv > = 11.69. (15)
voltage limit is reached, indicating a low-load condition, this VMPP,max
To guarantee the overlapping conduction of the MOSFETs VI. S IMULATION AND E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
while still maintaining the largest possible duty cycle for the The proposed converter was simulated on Pspice Orcad
constant duty cycle operating control, D was chosen to be 53% v16.5. Fig. 7 shows the schematics used for the first-stage
based on the minimum required overlapping and commutation TIBC. All parasitic series resistances were included in the trans-
times of the chosen drivers and MOSFETs. Using (1), the former and capacitors. The control of the primary MOSFETs
minimum ratio Ns /Np can be determined by was simulated using a fixed pulse modulation and a voltage-
Ns K × (1 − D) − 1 controlled source to implement the hysteresis control within the
> = 2.25. (16) limits of 380 V ± 10 V.
Np 2
Fig. 8 shows the overlapped pulses used to control Q1 and
The high efficiency, low cost, and robustness of the system Q2 , the current in both input inductors, and the current in the
depend directly on the choice of components. To obtain the PV module. It is observed that each one of the inductors has a
expected level of efficiency, each component was carefully current ripple at the converter switching frequency and out of
selected. The TIBC and inverter’s MOSFETs were chosen to phase with each other; however, both currents are supplied by
minimize the conduction losses. Extra low equivalent series the PV module, and when they are analyzed together (IPV ), a
resistance (ESR) MOSFETs were used. Normally, the ESR is reduction in the ripple amplitude to half of the original ones
inversely proportional to the gate charge and output capacitance is seen.
of the MOSFET. These features have large impacts on the Fig. 9 shows the gate-to-source voltage, the drain-to-source
switching losses, but this effect is reduced by the fact that the voltage, and current for one of the primary MOSFETs. It is
dc/dc converter is resonant and has reduced switching losses. observed that there are no voltage spikes or increased voltage
All the diodes used in the voltage doubler rectifier and in stress over the switches. In addition, the figure shows that both
the snubber of the TIBC were chosen as superfast diodes. turn-on and turnoff occurs at almost ZCS.
Therefore, not only the conduction losses but also the ringing Fig. 10 shows voltage and current on the output rectifying
caused by the diode reverse recovery time is reduced. Table III diode Do1 . It is shown that not only the primary MOSFETs are
shows the main components used in the design. operated under ZCS condition but also the rectifying diodes.
Considering the fact that the system is isolated and only The operation under ZCS condition allows the use of fast
fed by a single PV module, the energy used by the control recovery diodes instead of the expensive silicon carbide ones,
components must be derived from the module’s power. A high thus reducing the total cost of the system.
efficiency integrated switching power supply is used to perform Fig. 11 shows a picture of the developed prototype. It was
this task. It was observed that a gain of 1% in the system tested using real water pumping system and a PV module. A
efficiency is obtained using this as opposed to a linear regulator. complete autonomous operation was obtained. This includes
To reduce power consumption and cost, the whole control the system automatic start-up and shutdown according to the
system was implemented on a single low-power digital signal radiation level.
controller, the DSPIC30F3010. Fig. 6 presents an overview of A programmable source was used to emulate the solar radia-
the control system. Based on the measured PV panel voltage tion during the period of a day. The converter was connected to
(VPV ) and current (IPV ), the MPPT estimates a frequency this source to evaluate its overall performance. Fig. 12 presents
reference (fOP ) to drive the motor, which indirectly serves to the obtained curves. The system is supposed to operate on
regulate the PV voltage by modifying the amount of power the MPP curves at all times, meaning that it needs to stay
transferred to the motor. A volt–hertz controller calculates the as close as possible to the green curves. These green curves
Fig. 8. Simulation results of the input of the dc/dc converter. (a) Input Fig. 9. Verification of the ZCS condition on the input switch Q2 . (a) VgQ2
switches’ driving signals, (b) inductors’ input currents ILi1 and ILi2 , and total driving signal and IQ2 current. (b) VdsQ2 drain–source voltage.
input current (IPV ).
are the MPPT voltage, current, and power levels produced stably track these points. The black dashed line shows all the
by the programmable source. The system was able to operate points during a day.
near the ideal voltage (VMPP ) and current (IMPP ) during the Fig. 14(a) shows the current and voltage waveforms in one of
programmed time, thus achieving operation close to the MPP. the MOSFETs during a switching interval, with the converter
The generated power of the programmable source and the corre- operating at full load. It is observed that ZVS is achieved for
sponding water flow for the same period of time are also shown. both turn-on and turnoff events. Fig. 14(b) shows the TIBC
The MPPT routine analysis was also performed using a real output voltage (green line), the MOSFET Q1 drain-to-source
PV module. A real time analysis of the operation point was voltage (pink line), and the MOSFET Q1 current (orange line)
done, i.e., the capability of keeping a steady position on the for operation with no output load (the ac motor was removed).
MPP of the PV panel. Fig. 13 demonstrates a real time I–V The stable operation of the hysteresis controller for the dc
curve, and the operating point of the system is emphasized by output voltage is noted. In this test, the hysteresis voltage
the darker spot. The system starts its operation at the open band was set to 380 V ± 7.5 V. A small part of the figure
circuit voltage (VOC ) and then stabilizes on the MPP. As the was amplified (zoom picture) to analyze the output voltage
solar radiation varies, the MPPs move. The system was able to variation. It is observed that, when the system reaches 372.5 V, at
Fig. 10. Verification of the ZCS condition on the rectifying diode Do1 .
(a) Diode Do1 current and forward voltage. (b) Diode Do1 reverse voltage.
Fig. 12. Voltage and current curves during PV emulation test. Red curves
show open circuit voltage and short circuit current. Green curves show ideal
voltage and current at the MPP. Blue curves show the system voltage and
current during the test.
Fig. 11. (a) Developed prototype and (b) test bench composed of PV panel,
water pump, electronic converter, water tank, PV voltage, PV current, and water
flow sensors.
time Th1 , the converter starts to operate, and the output voltage
increases at a constant slope. Once it reaches 387.5, at time Th2 ,
the PWM signals are turned off. However, the output voltage
still increases with a different slope between times Th2 and Fig. 13. Real-time MPP operation at a real PV module.
Th3 . This is caused by the energy transferred from the input
inductors L1 and L2 through the snubber to the capacitor Cs . Because of the high-frequency nature of the output voltage
Once all the energy is transferred, the PWM signals stay OFF supplied to the motor by this converter, it is not trivial to mea-
until the output voltage decreases reaching again 372.5 V. At sure its efficiency, at least without very expensive equipment.
this voltage level, the system is restarted. Considering that, in an induction motor, only the fundamental
Fig. 14. Voltage and current curves in the MOSFET for two different opera-
tion conditions. (a) Drain-to-source voltage and current showing ZCS condition Fig. 16. Price distribution of the (a) system and (b) converter.
for a MOSFET. (b) Hysteresis control of the output voltage.
The semiconductor components were preferably cheaper than
efficient since they are the most expensive components of the
converter. Also, the magnetic components were handmade,
although in the cost calculation, commercial prices were used.
Fig. 16 presents the distribution of costs of the entire system
and of the prototype. From Fig. 16(a), it can be seen that the
converter takes only a small share (approximately 10%) of the
overall system cost. Fig. 16(b) shows the price distribution of
the converter itself. The overall price of the prototype consider-
ing large scale production was U$90.90. This cost can be further
divided into U$52.28 for the VSI and U$38.62 for the TIBC.
The control system and housing were divided equally between
Fig. 15. TIBC and VSI measured efficiency considering only fundamental
output power.
voltage and current components are converted into mechanical In this paper, a converter for PV water pumping and treat-
power, we based our measurements only in the fundamental ment systems without the use of storage elements was pre-
output power. A first-order filter was used to obtain the fun- sented. The converter was designed to drive a three-phase
damental component of the voltage, and a digital oscilloscope induction motor directly from PV solar energy and was con-
was used to obtain the output power of the converter. Fig. 15 ceived to be a commercially viable solution having low cost,
presents the measured efficiency considering the input power high efficiency, and robustness. This paper presented the system
versus the fundamental power supplied to the motor. A max- block diagram, control algorithm, and design. The experimental
imum efficiency of 93.64% was obtained for the TIBC first- results suggest that the proposed solution could be a viable
stage dc/dc converter, and that of 91% was obtained for the option after more reliability tests are performed to guarantee
complete system. These curves were obtained during a real its robustness.
operation with a PV panel, driving the water pump with varying
solar radiation. The efficiencies take into account all the energy R EFERENCES
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