Primary Frequency Control Using Motor Drives For Short Term Grid Disturbances
Primary Frequency Control Using Motor Drives For Short Term Grid Disturbances
Primary Frequency Control Using Motor Drives For Short Term Grid Disturbances
ABSTRACT Industrial motor systems make up a quarter of all electric sales in the United States. Variable
speed drives (VSDs) can provide energy efficiency savings to the customer by regulating motor speed based
on specific and varying needs. In addition to the benefits provided to the customer, VSDs can provide
support to the grid through ancillary services. The Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy
Transmission Networks (CURENT) developed a power electronics converter-based grid emulator to allow
testing of various power system architectures and demonstration of key technologies in monitoring, control,
actuation, and visualization. This paper proposes using an active front-end VSD’s connected motor load to
provide frequency regulation to a large scale power grid. Each part of the emulator is described including
motor and power electronics model and control. The proposed frequency regulation is implemented in VSDs
and modeled in both a transmission system in EMTDC/PSCAD and verified on CURENT’s hardware testbed.
INDEX TERMS Converters, motor drives, power grids, power system dynamics, variable speed drives.
Industrial induction motors are considered the workhorse for
industry because of their low cost and robust construction.
Induction motors are used in a wide range of industries,
such as oil, mining, power, marine, paper, and wastewater.
Applications include fans, pumps, compressors, grinding
mills, metal rolling, mine hoists, refiners, and propulsion. An
induction motor can be connected directly to the 60 Hz power FIGURE 1. Motor drive basic schematic.
power make up about 23% of all motor power consump- B. ANCILLARY SERVICES
tion [1]. According to an assessment done by DOE in 2002, Ancillary services can support basic grid functions such as
only 8% of all industrial motor systems have variable speed generating capacity, energy supply, and power delivery. This
drives (VSDs). However, in this same study, it was determined support is often provided by distributed energy resources
that nearly two-thirds of all potential energy efficiency savings (DER) or distributed generation (DG). However, with the in-
set forth by the Consortium for Energy Efficiency are accom- tegration of power electronic interfaced loads, many of the
plished by system improvements, such as VSDs or bypass support functions provided by DG ancillary services can also
loops in pumping systems [2]. Pumps, fans, and compressors be provided by flexible loads. Currently, independent system
show considerable efficiency improvements when VSDs are operators’ requirements do not allow much room for loads
implemented. A VSD can regulate the flow of water or gas to operate in the regulatory market. For example, Califor-
without the use of traditional mechanical equipment, which nia Independent System Operators (CAISO) requires at least
introduce significant loss into the system [3]. 0.5 MW power capacity to be able to participate in the fre-
The survey suggests that a conservative estimate for energy quency regulation market [9]. The focus of most interest in
savings from a VSD is 787 GWh/year for fan systems, 1366 flexible loads is centered around air conditioning units and
GWh/year for air systems, and 6421 GWh/year for pump other residential loads. However, a medium voltage motor can
systems. The mid-range estimates for these savings are nearly have an operating capacity of near 5 MW, allowing a larger
twice that of the conservative estimates [2]. controllable capacity.
As of 2002, while 8% of industrial motor systems were By 2009, both New York Independent System Operator
equipped with a VSD, 90% of those were 20 hp or less. (NYISO) and PJM Interconnect LLC (PJM) had a demand
However, DOE estimated that 18-25% of total manufacturing side ancillary service program [10]. For NYISO, demand side
motor system energy could add VSDs cost effectively [2]. The resources could participate in regulation and synchronous and
average payback time-frame on the investment of VSDs is non-synchronous reserve. PJM allows participation in reg-
only a year and a half. In addition to an increase in energy ulation, synchronous reserve, and day ahead scheduling re-
efficiency, VSDs lower starting currents and can effectively serves [10].
regulate the speed and power at or below nominal ratings [4], The use of loads to regulate the grid is referred to as demand
[5]. Inherent drawbacks of VSDs are the PWM voltage change response. Most demand response programs adjust the load by
(switching action) effect on motors because the multiple, rapid an ON or OFF option. This happens one of two ways: (1) the
dV/dt produced by inverters can result in causing bearing customer gives the utility permission to interrupt their load
currents or lead to motor winding insulation breakdown; how- during a designated time or (2) the customer is incentivised
ever, motor manufacturers have modified motor designs such to reduce load during a time period. However, with the intro-
that they can reliably run with front-end VSDs. duction of VSDs, loads’ speed’- and therefore load- can be
In addition to energy efficiency savings, a VSD-connected varied over time. Large industrial fans and pumps are espe-
motor can provide potential benefits to the grid. The same cially advantageous for this application because these loads
reduction of the inrush current also improves stability of can often be reduced for a short time and will not interrupt
the power grid during motor startup [4]. Additionally, loads any production processes.
such as fans, air compressors, and pumps can be controlled There are two major regulatory services that can be pro-
to provide support to the power grid, which are the same vided by industrial VSDs: frequency regulation and voltage
systems that find the majority of energy efficiency benefits regulation. This paper focuses on frequency regulation. Fre-
from VSDs. The speed of (and power drawn from the utility) quency regulation provides active power or absorbs active
fans, air compressors and pumps can often be reduced without power depending on the grid frequency. If the frequency is
affecting the primary production process. These loads make above the reference value, active power from the load is
up roughly 11% of all industrial motor loads [2]. This is a huge increased. If frequency is below the reference value, active
untapped resource for utilities. These loads could respond to power from the load is reduced. Primary frequency regulation
grid fluctuations and assist in making the grid more reliable. happens within 30 seconds of the initial frequency fluctuation.
Load-side participation in frequency regulation provides After 30 seconds, generation secondary control takes over
possible advantages in faster response, lower fuel consump- regulation. Fig. 2 shows the typical response for frequency
tion and emission, and better localization of disturbances [6]. regulation.
VSDs are particularly equipped to implement frequency regu-
lation, because load can be changed by changing motor speed.
This is unique; most loads are controlled to be either on or C. GRID FREQUENCY SUPPORT USING VARIABLE
off [7]. Whereas the availability of ancillary services is more MOTOR SPEED
unpredictable from loads than from traditional ancillary ser- Adjustable speed drives are generally controlled using con-
vice sources such as those provided by distributed generation, stant V/ f control [12]. Using this method of control, the
the development of VSDs and the increase in energy prices power from the motor can be reduced by reducing the mo-
may provide an opening for load side participation into the tor speed. The inertia response of a line connected motor is
regulation market [8]. emulated using the frequency response control. However, this
2 VOLUME 2, 2021
FIGURE 2. A sudden drop in system frequency triggers automated
response to correct the frequency, followed by manual interventions from FIGURE 4. VSC inertia emulation control [14].
power system operators. Ancillary services provide these responses [11].
The Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy
Transmission Networks (CURENT) developed a power elec-
control adds the primary frequency control. The frequency tronics converter-based grid emulator, known as the Hard-
control reference in [12] uses a phase-lock loop (PLL) to ware Testbed (HTB), to allow testing of various power sys-
measure the grid frequency. The grid frequency and the initial tem architectures and demonstration of key technologies in
motor speed are the inputs for the system. The control scheme monitoring, control, actuation, and visualization [15]. Using
is shown in Fig. 3. The control includes primary frequency reconfigurable voltage source inverters, the HTB emulates
control (Fig. 3(a)), inertia emulator (Fig. 3(b)), and the speed interconnected generation and loads. The HTB is designed
controller (Fig. 3(c)). fgrid is the PLL measured value for the with the converters connected to a DC bus on one side and the
grid frequency, Rl refers to the droop gain, ωr,re f is the pre- AC grid emulation on the other, as shown in Fig. 5. The DC
event motor reference speed, and C1 and C2 are coefficients link is supplied by the real power grid through a transformer
based on induction motor parameters [13]. Some common and an active rectifier. The power flows from the DC link to
values for C1 and C2 are shown in Table 1. The time constants the AC grid emulation for the generator emulators and from
for the primary frequency control LPF and the inertia emulator the AC grid emulation to the DC link for the load emulators.
LPF are set to 1 s and 0.1 s, respectively. Converter based emulators can be designed to have a
Another method for grid frequency support is inertia emu- bandwidth of several kHz, which allows the converters
lation using the DC voltage link in the VSD. This is a method to accurately emulate voltage and current dynamics of
commonly used for wind turbines or multi-terminal HVDC the actual power system components. The HTB emulates
(MTDC) systems [14]. In this method when used for MTDC, the resiliency of the system by incorporating real time
both the electric energy stored in the DC link capacitors and communication, protection, control, and cybersecurity; and it
the energy transferred from the remote grid side to the main has the capability to examine many scenarios including line
VOLUME 2, 2021 3
bulky and expensive LCL filter [23]. However, given the con-
trol flexibility and reduction of line harmonics, an AFE-VSD
topology is the focus of this study.
Each emulator on the HTB has the same inner current loop
for the VSI, using a basic PI current control. In this case,
id,re f and iq,re f are the calculated reference values from the
active front-end VSD. The final output of the emulator is the
duty cycle reference for the HTB VSI. DC voltage control
is implemented in the rectifier, and grid frequency control is
FIGURE 6. Active front end motor drive topology for emulation. implemented in the inverter of the VSD.
A three-phase induction motor is the dominant power sys-
tem load, particularly for industrial systems. An accurate em-
and bus faults [16]–[19]. The HTB and PSCAD are used to
ulator should include dynamic behaviors in order to emulate
evaluate the model and grid system response.
overall power system behaviors. References [20] and [24]
The structure of the paper is organized as follows:
outline the model used for the HTB emulation. The values
Section II introduces the topology, modeling for VSD, and
for the induction motor used in this emulation are shown in
the grid frequency regulation control. Section III-A provides
Table 2.
the experimental results on the HTB platform that verify the
The VSD design uses an active front-end VSD topology,
VSD model. Section III-B presents multiple scenarios tested
shown in Fig. 6. Table 2 shows the base values for the VSD
in EMTDC/PSCAD using the frequency support provided by
emulator. These values were based on a commercial medium
the VSD model.
voltage motor and the corresponding values for a VSD rated
for a motor of that size. The back end of a VSD is connected
II. LOAD MODELING FOR THE POWER EMULATOR ON to the induction motor load and can be modeled by a voltage
THE HTB source inverter (VSI). The average model for VSD including
The electrical topology shown in Fig. 6 was chosen for the the rectifier and VSI is shown in Fig. 7 [25].
VSD and induction motor emulator. The implementation of For an active front end VSD, the DC voltage control is done
active front-end (AFE) has become increasingly popular be- in the rectifier. The DC link voltage control isolates the grid
cause of the decreasing cost of power switches [21]. AFE- voltage from the motor output voltage. This emulator uses
VSDs draw near sinusoidal line current with less harmonic a basic PI control, shown in Fig. 8 [26]. Using the average
distortion compared with that of the diode front-end (DFE) model, shown in Fig. 7, the PI parameters were designed using
VSDs. In addition to reducing the harmonic distortion, AFE- Matlab/Simulink.
VSDs allow for more control and for grid regulation. The
inverter can control the motor, and rectifier controls provide A. MOTOR CONSTANT V/F CONTROL
grid support. AFE-VSDs are becoming the standard solution Constant V/ f control is an open loop control scheme, widely
for large-power medium-voltage VSDs [22]. While AFE has used because of its cost-effectiveness. It is a cost effective
some benefits compared to DFE, there are some disadvan- technique because: (1) an advanced microprocessor is not
tages, including complicated control, potential resonance, and needed, and (2) there are less electrical sensors needed to
4 VOLUME 2, 2021
FIGURE 8. DC link voltage control [26].
VOLUME 2, 2021 5
The active front end VSD and grid frequency regulation
was applied to an aggregate model of the WECC area
system, shown in Fig. 12. The system was simulated in
EMTDC/PSCAD. All the generators are represented by syn-
chronous generators, and there is a VSD at Bus 10 and Bus
11. The remaining loads are represented as ZIP loads.
FIGURE 11. Grid frequency during real power ZIP load increase on HTB
platform with frequency regulation (compensated) and without frequency
High power motors generally have high inertia, which
regulation (uncompensated). changes the dynamic response of the VSD power. For this
case, the inertia constant of the motor is set to H = 1 s.
Fig. 13 shows the motor and VSD characteristics when the
A. VSD MODEL VERIFICATION IN HTB VSD is providing frequency regulation. Each of the graphs
The VSD model was verified by comparing the results on are expressed in the per unit value with regard to the WECC
the HTB platform and a benchmark simulation for a two bus system base values, shown in Table 3. Once the grid frequency
system. To verify the behavior of the VSD and the frequency goes outside the specified deadband, the control begins to
regulation on the HTB, it was tested in a single area cabinet. ramp the inverter voltage. Due to the V/ f control method, this
The results show the response of the VSD during frequency results in the motor speed ramping down at the same rate. Due
regulation on both the HTB platform and the simulation en- to the torque speed characteristics of an induction motor, when
vironment. The grid frequency on the HTB platform is shown the motor speed begins to ramp, the motor electrical torque
in the two cases of compensated and uncompensated. In the will decrease, which can be seen at 15 s in Fig. 13. Once
compensated response, frequency regulation is active in the the motor speed stops ramping at 50% of its nominal speed,
VSD and responds to the control described in Section II-B. the torque increases, which is shown at 25 s. The behavior
The rate of change for the VSD rotational motor speed is happens in reverse once the motor speed begins to ramp to its
6 Hz/s. For the uncompensated case, the VSD responds as it nominal value, shown at 35 s – the torque initially increases
would if there was no frequency regulation active. and then decreases once the motor speed ramping has stopped.
A constant-impedance, constant-current, and constant- The torque behavior is then reflected in the DC link current
power (ZIP) model is used to represent static load type com- and VSD active power.
pared with the performance of the dynamic VSD load. For In this case, high power motor systems represent roughly
these examples, the inertia constant, H, for the induction mo- 10% of the total load. According to the United States In-
tor is 1 s, which represents a large industrial motor. Fig. 10 dustrial Electric Motor Systems Market Opportunities As-
shows the simulated and emulated values for the VSD during sessment performed in 2002, industrial motor systems above
frequency regulation. This shows that the model on HTB 200 hp make up 44.6% of the total industrial motor energy
platform is consistent with the benchmark model. Fig. 11 consumption. According to this same report, industrial motor
shows the results from the HTB for a ZIP load increase from systems make up 25% of the total energy consumption in the
0.095 p.u. to 0.3 p.u. with and without frequency regulation United States [2]. Therefore, it can be estimated that industrial
compensation. The ZIP load change is significantly larger than motors above 200 hp make up roughly 11% of the total load on
6 VOLUME 2, 2021
FIGURE 14. Frequency of generators 4 and 7 during 530 MW ZIP load
increase at Bus 7 comparing with frequency regulation (compensated) and
without frequency regulation (uncompensated).
FIGURE 13. VSD power and induction motor stator voltage and current for
grid frequency regulation on the WECC system.
VOLUME 2, 2021 7
FIGURE 16. Frequency of generators 6 and 7 during 360 MW ZIP load loss
at Bus 4 comparing with frequency regulation (compensated) and without
frequency regulation (uncompensated).
8 VOLUME 2, 2021
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