Denso 2007 CSR Report
Denso 2007 CSR Report
Denso 2007 CSR Report
2 0 07
Beginning with our 1999 “Environmental Report,” DENSO has published yearly report in Japanese and
English, to further the interactive communication with the maximum number of its stakeholders, for the
purpose of building a sustainable society.
This 2007 report is the second edition of what is now entitled the “CSR Report.” In this report, the idea of
corporate social responsibility (CSR) is positioned at the core of its management and the results of global
group efforts are introduced.
Environment, one of the three DENSO-unique priority areas, is highlighted here in the feature part titled
“DENSO CSR Challenge.”
In order to reduce the number of pages of the report, DENSO has placed a portion of detailed data on its
website. Please access the website to view them, as well as other related information.
President’s Message 03
Corporate Governance and Compliance 19
Environmental Report 43
A Third-party Comment 68
Contributing to an
“advanced automotive society” as
a “truly global corporation”
trusted and supported by society
Main Products * The Electronic VCT Business including small motors was merged into the Electric Systems
Automotive Parts Business Group in January 2007, following the revision of the Business Groups system.
Air conditioning systems Radiators Monolithic substrate Spark plugs EGR valves Common rail systems
Instrument clusters Car navigation systems ETC on-board equipment Millimeter-wave radars DC-DC converters Windshield wiper systems
Non-Automotive Products
Industrial Systems Consumer-Products
[Automatic ID data capture devices] [Factory automation products] [Cooling and air conditioning systems] (Thermal Systems)
Barcode handy scanners Industrial robots heat pumps CO2 heat pump hot water supply system
40,000 4,000 10
36,097 3,125 8.4 8.5
3,000 2,887 8.1 8.0 7.8
31,883 8
27,999 2,353 3,000
25,624 2,199 2,382 2,563 2,799
23,328 1,965 1,851 2,149 6
2,000 1,711 1,885
20,000 1,467 1,512 1,610 2,000
1,000 1,000 2
1,599 1,887 2,139 2,666 3,031
0 0 0 0
'02 '03 '04 '05 '06 (FY) '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 (FY) '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 (FY)
Sales Operating income Capital expenditures Depreciation Research and development Percentage on
expenditures net sales
The Americas
Number of companies: 44
Europe Employees: 17,058
Number of companies: 35 Sales: 768.5billion yen
Employees: 14,687 Percentage of sales: 21.3%
Sales: 507.5 billion yen
Percentage of sales: 14.1%
Number of companies: 82
Employees: 56,589
Sales: 1,859.0 billion yen
Percentage of sales: 51.5%
Social Responsibility
In order to grow continuously while achieving our mission, the “corporate behavior that earns
the trust and support of society” is indispensable.
As such, DENSO aims the management for CSR that emphasizes the relationships with our stakeholders.
The Company will contribute to a sustainable society, as every associate exercises the DENSO Spirit.
•CSR framework
Contents of
Key areas to emphasize as priority
•Environmental conservation •Corporate citizenship •Respecting associates*
Areas to promote as basis
Economic aspects Environmental and •Compliance •Customer relations •Free, fair and transparent transactions
(business results) social aspects •Information disclosure, IR •Occupational safety •Mental health
Promotion structure CSR Promotion Committee, CSR Promotion Center, Installed CSR Leaders
*Including respect for human rights
•We will comply with the law and promote ethical behavior.
•We will honor the culture and history of each country DENSO has around 69,000 shareholders (as of the
and strive to operate with respect for people. end of March 2007). While aiming to increase our
Major activities for fiscal 2006 understand the idea of CSR and its contents of activities
DENSO has established the “CSR Promotion for CSR at DENSO. There is a series of substantial
Committee,” chaired by the President and CEO, as the CSR-related themes. In the forums, associates are
highest decision-making authority with regard to the lectured by experts and by those who at the companies
activities of CSR. Attended by DENSO’s entire board which precede DENSO in CSR. Associates also discuss
of directors, the committee is in charge of orienting the subsequently. The aim is that associates will reflect their
whole group, overseeing the state of progress, and raised awareness of problems and their proposals to
spreading out CSR. In fiscal 2006, the committee specific measures. A total of five CSR Forums were held
implemented the following measures, focusing on the in fiscal 2006, attended by roughly 1,800 DENSO group
issues on the understanding and embedment of the associates. (see p. 42)
idea of CSR in every associate.
(4) Publishing CSR report for associates
(1) Distributing “Code of Conduct for DENSO Group In March 2007, DENSO published a report entitled “Our
Associates” Activities of CSR” to introduce specific activities of
What is emphasized to spread out the activities of CSR CSR which are undertaken by associates themselves or
is a proactive manner for aiming a corporation at their workplaces. This report gives associates the
operating in trust and in harmony with society. It must thought of CSR and the means of specific behavior. In
not be considered a reactive duty. Also, DENSO the future, the Company plans to use this report at
emphatically builds a climate in which all associates internal seminars or external meetings, to further the
fully understand the significance of CSR and practice it understanding on the activities of CSR at DENSO.
as a matter of course in their daily activities.
In order to achieve this goal, the Company has
formulated the “Code of Conduct for DENSO Group
Associates” and from April 2006 the Company has
started distributing it to all associates in the group. It
clarifies the fundamental idea and ethical behavior for
the each of its stakeholders, in keeping with the ideals
of the “Declaration of Corporate Behavior.”
In order for diverse [DENSO Japan] •Introduced a system for Promote edifying activities
human resources to •Expansion of system to widen the maternity leave and shorter to promote diversity
work vigorously, occasions for the success of working hour; start
promote respective women in the workplace preparing the establishment 28
activities •Introduction of measures to of infant daycare centers
associates support senior associates •Enhanced a system for
rehiring seniors 32
•Promotion of employment for
the physically challenged •Installed at group company
in Japan the person
responsible for hiring the
physically challenged
Comply with legislation, Embedment of a climate of •Spread out “Code of 19 Penetrate more
as well as its ideal, and compliance Conduct for DENSO Group compliance and eradicate
Compliance practice ethical behavior Associates” wrongdoing
•Installed compliance leaders 20
Expand the function of Establishment of a customer Established customer 25 Strengthen the function of
Customer the customer service service desk for prompt response service desk in the General the customer service desk
relations desk to be trusted and to inquiries Administration Dept. (May (increase the response
satisfied by customers 2007) 26 level of receptionists )
•Practice free, fair, and •Introduction of an evaluation •Introduced a supplier •Enhance the introduction
transparent business system for suppliers at group evaluation system to group of the supplier evaluation
Free, fair, transactions manufacturing companies in manufacturing companies system
and •Practice “CSR Japan in Japan 35 •Revise basic business
transparent Procurement,” •Recommendation on the •Distributed “DENSO Group contracts with first-tier
transactions encompassing supply promotion of the activities of Declaration of Corporate suppliers
chain CSR for suppliers Behavior” to 1,400 first-tier 36 •Implement a self
suppliers and shared diagnosis at suppliers
respective efforts with them
Practice transparent as •Building of a procedure for •Published a CSR report 41 •Enhance the contents of
Information well as honest information disclosure •Held the Stakeholder Dialog CSR report and website
disclosure information disclosure •Enhancement of the opportuni- in Japan and in Thailand 42 •Enhance the opportunity of
and dialog ties of dialog with stakeholders dialog with stakeholders
Maintain and enhance a Zero serious accidents within the Zero serious accidents Promote continuous
Occupa- safe and comfortable whole group companies 32 activities to penetrate the
tional safety work environment awareness of safety
Build procedure for Building of foundation for every Enhanced procedures such Promote the activities to
Mental associates to work associate to work healthily in as resumption support raise the awareness of
healthily in mind and mind and body system, hot line for 33 every associate about
body counseling health
Contributing to a better world
by creating value
together with a vision for the future
DENSO Spirit
car navigation systems
Foreseeing the near future, DENSO challenges CO2 emission by means
of “monozukuri” (manufacturing) with forefront technologies.
Popularizing and permeating PRONAVI is another example of the
surprising and impressive development for which DENSO is known.
CSR Challenge
Credibility ECO FACTORY
Reduce energy loss with the efforts of all associates in
CSR Challenge
Collaboration ECO FRIENDLY
Every associate willingly does environmental activities
The DENSO Eco-Point System: DECOPON
DENSO challenges CO2 emission to reduce it by what it can do on its
job or in daily life of its associates. DENSO aims to diffuse what it does
into all of its regional communities.
Inform of routes with the least environmental impact using car navigation systems
DENSO aims to challenge CO2 emission to reduce it by monozukuri deploying DENSO’s unique technologies. In this
thought, the Company created the navigation system of next-generation, “PRONAVI.” It accurately forecasts congestion
and the accompanying CO2 emissions to ease the burden on the environment and thus build a safe and comfortable
automotive society. DENSO has a specific proposal for the vision to draw: “a society where automobiles are loved.”
The “Internet ITS,” a model of automotive society for the The advantage of probe information is that it allows
future, is a system for inter-connecting automobiles on obtaining plentiful information from congested
the Internet to provide traffic information, pay tolls, and roadways. Since 2001, an experiment involving 1,570
more. Without solving the social issue of congestion, taxicabs equipped with probe information transmitters
which is directly caused by automobiles, the automotive (“Probe Taxis”) has been conducted in Nagoya City,
society would not have the future. The research and Aichi Prefecture, Japan. This experiment demonstrated
development for the navigation system of the validity of probe information. The information
next-generation “PRONAVI” sprang from the thought gathered in this experiment is still being deployed today.
that the progress in navigation systems could help In 2003, the“P-DRGS Consortium,” a cooperative
resolve the problem. project involving industry, academia, and the Japanese
Even if such information as traffic jams is going to be government, officially began with the aim of popularizing
obtained from sensors in roadways, it is impossible to the navigation system “PRONAVI,” which deploys the
obtain the information about every roadway, due to the probe information. It is a five-year project under the
limits on furnishing its infrastructure. Hence, there must support of Strategic Information and Communications
be the automobiles equipped with sensors that R&D Promotion Program by Japanese Ministry of
reciprocally transmit such data as speed and position Internal Affairs and Communications. DENSO is playing
based on their positions. In this way, the real time a major role in developing the PRONAVI technology.
information can be obtained from automobiles on
roadways. This information is called “probe information,”
because it probes the traffic in a society on the level of Faster, more comfortable, and more
individual automobile. environmentally-friendly: realizing an automobile
society that “considers” people and the Earth
From a voluntary plan to ECO VISION scored; and finally, the score is used to raise awareness
2005: doing everything possible to of energy saving among associates. Specific items are of
save energy at factories in Japan course revised every year to improve evaluation criteria
and thus to continue the upward spiral of progress.
DENSO has worked on energy saving (reducing CO2 Additionally, to diffuse the awareness of full participation
emissions) at manufacturing sites. In 1993, DENSO set a among associates, the accomplishment of PEF was
voluntary target for the reduction of CO2 emissions basic added to the requirements for the in-house award of
unit and then the company started spreading out its “Energy Saving Excellence” for manufacturing sites. This
energy saving activities. In the “ECOVISION 2005,” has borne a good sense of competition among
formulated in 2000, the amount of CO2 to be reduced was associates, thereby leading them to actively think “how
incorporated into the corporate management indices. to improve my own site.” Also, among the factories,
The index presented a clear target of “reducing CO2 reciprocal communications and exchanges of opinion
emissions by 10% compared with that of 1990 by 2010,” have frequently been conducted to understand specific
whereby it has constituted main pillar of environmental improvements made at other sites.
management plan. This target cannot be achieved only
by the efforts of a specific department but by those of
entire associates who are literally in monozukuri and Beyond the frame of a corporation:
required to “work hard and save energy wherever possible.” unveiling energy saving technologies
society-wide, and worldwide
Making energy loss and results of In the PEF activities, the technology of “blower utilization,
improvements “visible” and instead of an air compressor” was developed by the Air
continuously spiraling upward Conditioning Manufacturing Department 3 in Toyohashi
Plant, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. In fiscal 2004, this was
“What everything possible is needed to do?” “How do honored with the “Excellent Energy Conservation,” a
we realize a total associate participation?” After much prize of the minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry in
trial and error, DENSO has reached to the method of Japan. This is a revolutionary technology to achieve
making energy saving activities “visible” by scoring. First, massive savings in energy consumption, in which a large
in this method, energy consumption at each site is compressor required to make compressed air is replaced
disclosed within the company; next, a theme for with a blower (low-pressure fan) and the piping is
improving energy saving is set company-wide; then, the modified. DENSO unveiled this technology at the Energy
progress of improvement by production process is Conservation Center and, thereafter, the Company has
accepted dozens of lectures and visits regarding this
technology. Furthermore, in 2005, this technology was
cited as an industrial standard in the amended Act
The voice of person in charge Concerning the Rational Use of Energy in Japan. Thus,
Manufacturing sites anywhere in Asia this technology makes remarkable contribution for
aspire the incorporation of advanced permeating energy saving into the whole industry.
environmental technologies. Here in
Malaysia, we are making efforts to
effectively reduce energy consumption
by proactively introducing, as well as Spreading out PEF activities to factories
practically tailoring, the energy saving worldwide: turning energy-saving technologies
technologies which have proved into Clean Development Mechanism
effective at the mother factory in Japan.
DNMY (Malaysia) Facilities Group In “ECOVISION 2015,” newly formulated in 2005, DENSO
Che Jamri hammered out a global policy for speeding the reduction
of CO2 emissions by spreading out the PEF activities
Wonderful example of EXPO Eco-Money: business activities in harmony with the environment.
“Can we do the same system However, no matter how many technologies and
within DENSO, too?” products the Company creates with environmental
considerations, these efforts are not enough to solve the
The model for the DECOPON system was EXPO environmental problems. DENSO has more than
Eco-Money first introduced at EXPO 2005 AICHI JAPAN. 110,000 associates, and the total of their family
The merit of this system is its simplicity. It fulfills users members amounts to several folds of the number. Not
with “saving and using points,” thereby allowing only as the Company, but also as an individual part of
everyone to participate in voluntary eco-friendly action the Company, there are “something” to do in daily lives,
without strain. In the long run, although the power of one and at last the accumulated effect of these small things
individual activity is small, its accumulated effect will will be large enough.
make a definite contribution to the global environment. However, simply focusing on self-sacrifice and duty is
“Can we do the same system within DENSO, too?” “This not enough to expand eco-friendly activities. Some of
is the best way to expand environmental action among the strongest motives for people are “fulfillment” and
associaties.” These strong beliefs bore the DECOPON “delight.” Also, to do “a little at a time, without strain”
concept. Many “activists” in other industries, NPOs, and will continue for a long time. As an environmentally
the government raised their voices of cooperation to advanced corporation, DENSO will take over the
support this concept. DENSO associates who philosophy of the EXPO Eco-Money and the Company
volunteered at EXPO 2005 AICHI backed the creation of will back the “voluntary action” among its associates.
DECOPON as well. “I enjoyed the exchange with visitors.” For these sakes, DENSO began to challenge the
“I could let children happy.” Such voices of the operation of the DECOPON system.
volunteers upheld the DECOPON concept.
In North America, DENSO has established in 1999 the Business Ethics” has been implemented with the aim of
“North American Compliance Committee” and then the comprehending the diffusional degree of respective
Compliance Officer has been responsible for penetrating measures and the potential risks. The results have been
the respective guides and operating a local hotline. reported to the Business Ethics and Compliance
Besides, in fiscal 2006, the Company started anew the Committee. In fiscal 2006, the scope of the survey was
Compliance Audit. expanded to include temporary associates. The results
system. (about 40,000 associates have participated every time) As such, the Company has held seminars by
organizational class or those for new associates. In fiscal
2006, the Company also did the seminars for security
Information security control promoters at each department (139 in total) and
(1) Basic idea the section meetings for associates responsible for the
DENSO recognizes that technology, information, and management of personal computers. All these sought to
personal data of customers and associates are valuable penetrate the awareness of security control. Furthermore,
DENSO is striving to create a new value based on its < Full operation of Reliability Center >
“customer first” policy and the four pillars of “quality, The “Reliability Center,” which gathers all of reliability
technology, service, and customer support.” facilities at headquarters, has begun its full operation as
of April 2006. At the Center, the reliability assessments of
The fundamental principle of quality-first various DENSO products on the environmental and
The safety of customers is entrusted to the quality of operational endurance are conducted with more than
automotive components. That is why ever since its 1,000 testing machines. Also, in order to assess each
foundation the Company has been working on the product in a vehicle system, as well as in stand-alone,
“quality in creation” in all stages of designing, the Company uses the vehicle testing facilities which are
manufacturing, and after-service. This effort is based on capable of in-room tests, simulating high speed or rough
the policy of “quality management in all stages of the road and conditioning such environment as temperature
manufacturing process.” and humidity. As such, DENSO pursuits the increase in
Specifically, the “CS (Customer Satisfaction) reliability. In addition, the Center’s “Museum of Past
Improvement Committee” (Chairperson: President Troubles” permanently exhibits products and documents
Fukaya) selects quality-related issues by examining the related to the serious quality troubles in the past. In fiscal
activities related to quality, thereby conducting quality 2006, the Museum had more than 20,000 visitors in total.
improvement. In addition, following the history of Now the Museum has become a precious occasion to
recognition with the Deming Prize*2 (1961), the Company raise awareness of product quality.
promotes TQM*3 activities to spread out group-wide
activities of quality improvement.
*1 A prize unique in Japan, which is awarded to individuals or corporations recognizing
the contribution to quality management.
*2 Total Quality Management, an activity of quality improvement, evolved from QC
(Quality Control) activities
Quality category:
Strengthening customer service desk
DNBA (Spain) Recognition of quality
Bronze Toyota Motor Under a strict information security, the comments and
Europe suggestions of customers are informed to the concerning
Cost Improvement DNEU (Regional Performance on cost
Category: Gold headquarters in Europe) improvement
departments, thereby seeking to respond to them with
Excellent Supplier Toyota Motor DIAU, AAA Overall recognition of quality,
Award Corporation Australia (Australia) cost, and delivery necessary improvements. In May 2007, DENSO
Overall recognition of quality, service, established a new “Customer Service Center” to respond
Supplier of the Year General Motors DENSO technology, and cost of four products
to its customers more promptly and properly.
VA/VE Proposal Award Suzuki Motor Performance on VA/VE
Corporation (Japan) DENSO improvement
Communication devices 2%
When all associates work to their full potential and Employment policy and associate relations
Total associates
112,262 associates (consolidated)
Male Female
Number of associates 35,516 3,775
Japan Average age 41.4 years old 32.8 years old
Average service years 21.0 years 12,6 years
Turnover rate 0.3% 3.1%
DENSO Spirit
Human resources development and to Top Management positions and have implemented a
Career Support performance management system following a globally
Each of our associates has his or her own set of values. common procedure.
Thus, in DENSO Japan, in order that individual
associates expand their potential feeling growth and <Education on DENSO-way Monozukuri >
achievement, we base our policy of “respect for In 2005, with the aim of developing local managers and
independence balanced with collaboration and supervisors, we established the “Monozukuri DNA
maximum utilization of human resources” to pour our Promotion Center” in DENSO Japan. In fiscal year 2006,
efforts in developing the ability of associates and in we began the “Education on DENSO-way Monozukuri.”
building a fair and impartial system. It aims to hand down the essence of our quality-first
policy through acquiring the following: the importance
(1) Building an environment of challenge of a management approach based on “on-site
(DENSO Japan) verification,” which seeks to solve issues in locale rather
In order to foster an awareness of independence than behind a desk; and the job procedures which
balanced with collaboration among our associates, we draws the potential of associates.
have furnished the following: the education by
organizational level with a variety of selective courses;
an enrollment scheme at graduate schools to heighten
professionalism; a supportive system to acquire a
degree such as a MBA (Master of Business
Administration); and a sophisticated program of
professional education for the associates of engineering
and skilled at “DENSO Engineering and Technical Skills
Education on DENSO Monozukuri
Training Center.” As to the upward career move,
associates are challenging their job or ability based on
their own vision of “what I want to be in the future.” At <Education on Cross-Cultural Understanding>
the same time, through systems such as the (DENSO Japan)
“Developmental Rotation System,” associates are The associates in overseas group companies are
confirming the performance and assignment through a increasing. As a result, there are more opportunities for
regular interview with their superiors. In addition, we Japanese associates to travel abroad on business.
have established such internal systems as job posting As such, in order to further strengthen the global
and free agency to support their motives to venture into responsiveness of DENSO headquarters, in fiscal 2006
their new possibilities. we began the class by organizational level on
“Education on Cross-Cultural Understanding.” It aims
•Number of applicants for major systems (DENSO Japan) an upgrade communication ability through learning in
Developmental Rotation System An annual average of 1,200 associates depth foreign culture, as well as foreign language .
(from fiscal 1998 to 2006)
Internal job posting system 15 associates per year
(from fiscal 1998 to 2006) (3) Handing down our technical skills as a development
Internal free agency system An annual average of 10 associates strategy
(from fiscal 1998 to 2006)
The lifeblood of DENSO comprises the technologies
and technical skills, which develop and produce the
(2) Global human resources development products that are too high in precision and quality for
In order to reach our ultimate goal of globalization, we other companies to imitate. Therefore, we particularly
promote the localization of management throughout the pour our efforts to hand the technologies and technical
world by actively developing associates. skills down, and on. To do so, at the DENSO
Engineering and Technical Skills Training Center, a
<The Global Leadership Program> systematic education on technologies and skills are
We are expanding a program oriented to develop local implemented. Meanwhile, training facilities have been
managers who understand the DENSO-way and established in our factories around the world, at which
possess high management ability. Specifically, we are the masterful associates of facility maintenance or
conducting intensive seminars for successor candidates production engineering are handing their skills down to
(4) Furtherance of employing the disabled respective global measures. In addition, the persons
(DENSO Japan) who are responsible for human resources of their global
For the employment of the disabled, ever since 1978 region come together and hold the “Global Human
when DENSO Japan began the regular employment of Resources Forum,” in which they share the measures
the hearing impaired, we have proactively worked on and discuss human resources issues. In this way, we are
expanding employment and occupational range, working on building a workplace in which associates can
increasing education and seminars, and furnishing actively succeed.
facilities. As of fiscal year 2006, we have 417 disabled
associates (356 in manufacturing, 61 in administration),
who comprise 1.94% of our total workforce, exceeding
the statutory employment rate. In addition, our special
subsidiary of DENSO Taiyo Co., Ltd. currently employs
60 disabled associates in its business of manufacturing
instrument clusters for mini vehicles. In the future,
DENSO Japan will work to expand the scope of
qualification for the disabled. At Japanese group
Global Human Resources Forum
companies the Company will work on furthering the
employment of the disabled.
(3) Enhancing associate support for childcare and
Building a comfortable workplace nursing care (DENSO Japan)
Among others in Japan, we have been enriching the As part of building an environment in which our associates
systems from the viewpoint of “work-life balance,” aiming who are balancing work and childcare can work
for a compatible life of work and home. Abroad, we have comfortably, in November 2006 we started a new system
been operating related systems respecting the culture combining maternity leave and shorter working hours.
and custom of local communities. We all with the will to Furthermore, we have set up the “Half-Day Paid Leave
work have been making efforts to build a comfortable System” and “Yasuragi Leave,” the latter allows associates
workplace environment. to accumulate their unused yearly paid leave to use in
cases of accidents or illnesses involving themselves,
(1) Responding to HR Issues at sites abroad spouse, children, or parents.
The Associate Relations Review (ARR) has periodically
been implemented to review the human resources and
labor measures at sites abroad. Following this Review,
representatives of human resources departments at
DENSO headquarters and regional headquarters visit
local sites. Then they review the operational status of the
environment, safety, hygiene, compliance with labor
regulations, treatment, and benefits. Furthermore, in V O I C E
fiscal year 2006, we began using the “HR Indicator”
Childcare Leave gifted me with precious joy
index, which analyzes changes in associate working
(DENSO Japan)
status on a monthly basis, in order to better respond to
issues at an early stage. This is an account from one of our
associates. “The birth of our first child
posed my wife more strain than imagined.
(2) Global collaboration of human resources function So when our second son was born I took
After collecting ideas from people across the world, in the Childcare Leave for two months. The
fiscal year 2006 we introduced a new procedure to plan Leave was a precious experience, as my
son grew before my eyes and as the
and promote human resources measures worldwide. housekeeping, as well as childcare,
Following this procedure, the team comprised of literally weighed. This experience has
members from DENSO Japan and other places in the changed my idea of work and home.
I am very grateful to my workplace for its IIC Engineering Dept. 2
world review specific issues. Also, the representatives in
charge of human resources from headquarters and
understanding and follow-through.” Takanori Makino
regional headquarters cooperatively set the direction of
•The Effect of activity for improving the issue of obesity and fitness
(1) Mental Health
Lack of fitness Good17%
An open workplace is primarily important to increase the Lack of fitness 26% Lack of fitness
+ Obesity + Obesity
mental health. For this purpose, DENSO is striving to 30% 30%
promote a variety of consultative services and activities
for vitalizing its workplaces. At the same time, the Fiscal 2004 Fiscal 2006
Company is emphasizing the curb on long working hours
and the seminars by organizational class for the sake of Lack of
“illness prevention and awareness-raising.” Besides, 16%
specialized medical staffs are on hand at all times in the Obesity44% Obesity37%
“Counseling Room” established in all of its plants in Japan.
In fiscal 2006, in Japan, DENSO established a new •Building fitness of associates (DENSO Japan)
exclusive hotline for counseling. Also, with the aim of Medical check-up coverage 100%
finely personalized consultations, the Company sought Participants of mental health seminars
to increase the number of psychiatrist, clinical Managers around 960 (21 seminars)
Non-managerial associates around 1,900 (65 seminars)
psychotherapist, and specialized nurse. Besides, in
Participants of preventive education on life-style related diseases 990
order to smoothly rehabilitate the absent associates, the
Participants of the “Health Promotion Activity” 6,040
Company introduced the new “Rehabilitation Support
Program.” This program is to support rehabilitating
associates with attendance simulation, shorter working
hour, and the plan for phasing in to the job. Additionally, C O L UMN
in order to comprehend the level of mental fatigue Do it! The Promotion Committee of Healthful Life
among its associates, DENSO newly set respective
items in the internal questionnaire called the “CSR In April 2007, to enhance the supportive
Survey.” The Company will watch the development of activities of health building for associates
and their families, the “Promotion
the survey, comparing with the outcomes of the national
Committee of Healthful life” was jointly
survey published by the Japanese Ministry of Health, launched by the Healthcare Administration
Labor, and Welfare. Dept., the DENSO Health Insurance Union,
and the DENSO Well Corporation.
The committee is based on the idea that
the efforts of associates together with the
understanding and cooperation of their
family are indispensable to prevent and A yoga class
ameliorate illness. As such, the
committee is going to plan and offer a
variety of programs for preventing obesity
or illness and for building exercise habits,
in which associates can participate
together with their family.
Visiting lecture on mental health at a workplace
General Meeting of Shareholders in fiscal 2006 *1 DJSI: Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, an index selected by Dow Jones &
Company, Inc. and SAM group, a Swiss research company. Of approximately 2,500
major companies in 34 countries, the top 300 companies are selected.
Information disclosure and investor *2 ESI: Ethibel Sustainability Indexes, a Belgian non-profit organization Ethibel
evaluates the efforts regarding social responsibility at about 1,500 major companies
relations in the world, and selects about 200 companies.
To enhance the opportunities of investment as an open
corporation, DENSO complies with statutory disclose
standards, as matter of course. Also, the Company
releases information promptly, as well as fairly, deploying
a variety of media. Specifically, for institutional investors, •DENSO’s bond rating
individual investors, and financial analysts, the Company Rating companies Long-term rating Short-term rating
proactively holds a variety of explanatory meetings and Moody’s Japan Aa1 P-1
appears in IR fairs. In fiscal 2006, DENSO implemented Standard & Poor’s AA+ A-1+
the activities shown in the following table. Among others, Rating and Investment Information Center AAA a-1+
DENSO opens its doors in and out of Japan, and the sought to diffuse and penetrate it, considering both
Company penetrates fairness in all of its transaction national and local characteristics.
processes. DENSO respects its suppliers as equal Also, in order to promote respective measures, the
partners and builds a trustworthy relation. Thus, the “DENSO Group Global Procurement Conference” was
Company aims at mutual evolvement and growth. held for the persons who are responsible for
procurement at overseas group companies. At the
Basic procurement policy Conference, relevant information was shared and the
The “Open-Door Policy” is a corporate basic policy to issues common to every region were discussed. In
practice free, fair, and transparent transactions. This fiscal 2006, roughly 70 persons (including those at
policy is to offer equal opportunities to all suppliers headquarters) from 24 foreign sites participated in the
regardless of nationality, company size, or previous conference.
transaction records. The steps to start a transaction *CAPS: Constitution Assessment Program for Suppliers
and the inquiries to procurement part are disclosed on
the website.
4 Promotion of local procurement aiming for a “good corporate citizen” DENSO Group Global Procurement Conference
improvement CAPS Assessment
( Quality assurance
CAPS ) Suppliers
Local entities
of supplier ( Quality assurance
•Transfer technological know-how
•Develop and install local human resources Send supportive team
(2) Supporting community welfare facilities and Harmony with the environment
into Action,” associates conduct a wide variety of associates conducted community service activities in such
Free wheelchair repair service (DENSO Clean-up of road (DNTW: Taiwan) Japanese culture demonstration at an
group companies in Thailand) DENSO Taiwan conducted a clean-up activity on eldery home (DNEU: The Netherlands)
48 associates from 5 group companies in Thailand the road around its plant with a length of 2.5 Japanese food, tea, calligraphy, and music were
checked and repaired some 70 wheelchairs kilometers. Local residents pleased, saying, “It introduced to the residents of an elderly home
donated by WAFCA to support people of looks pretty and is very comfortable now.” facility in Weesp. 10 associates at DNEU
economically disadvantaged and of physically (October 2006) volunteered to participate in this event. (October
challenged, who live in Chaiyaphum Province, 2006)
Thailand. (December 2006)
No Garbage Activity (Anden Co., Mochi (rice cake) pounding party (DENSO Water source forest preservation activity in
Ltd.: Aichi Pref., Japan) Airs Corporation: Aichi Pref., Japan) Asuke, Japan (DENSO Unity Service
305 associates participated in the activity of picking The history of exchange between DENSO Airs Corporation: Aichi Pref., Japan)
up garbage around the plant in Anjo City and Corporation and the Toyokawa Mentally It was the third year of showing the thanks to
Okazaki City. The participants collected and sorted Challenged People Nurturing Association has been waters and the gratitude to the forest in the area.
the the garbage such as cans, bottles, and lasting for10 years. The pounded mochi was The activities included tree-thinning, bridge-building,
cigarette butts, scattered over sidewalk, shrubbery, delivered to a child welfare facility “Kokiryo.” and step-building on a steep slope. Also, for the
or gutter. (December 2006) families, the bench-building and mushrooming
were conducted. (October, 2006)
Customers and Investors
Global and
Suppliers local communities
Based on our “Open-Door Policy,” DENSO [Global and local communities]
broadly discloses its procurement policy. As a member of local communities, DENSO
Also, the Company is promoting fair continues making efforts to solve social
transactions, while mutually deepening issues through the activities of
communications through the DENSO environmental conservation and corporate
Suppliers Convention, technology citizenship.
exhibitions, and supportive activities.
[Opportunities and means of dialog]
[Opportunities and means of dialog] •Service desk at plants
•DENSO Suppliers Convention, DENSO HISHO-KAI, •Regional meetings, factory tours
technology exhibitions •Corporate citizenship activities, volunteer activities,
•Website local exchange events
•Supportive activities, surveys, Business Ethics •Corporate citizenship reports, website (CSR)
Environmental Report
group companies of DENSO have formulated a Performance Track Award for its exceptional to strengthen the coordination with business
five-year environmental action plan until 2010. environmental improvements. partners.
f gl o b a l w
i on o ar m
en t
ev i ng
Eco Eco
management products
ronmentally hazard
Eco Eco
s re
friendly factory
Re nc
Formulation and introduction of Development of world’s first “Electric VCT” Improvement in performance of
Environmental Factors for Products The electric VCT electrically controls VCT components for new hybrid vehicles
In partnership with the Japan Auto Parts Industries (Variable Cam Timing) which optimizes the Due to the world’s first original cooling
Association, DENSO has developed the intake/exhaust valves of an engine. The electric technologies, the PCU (Power Control Unit),
“Environmental Factors for Products.” With the VCT has improved power, fuel efficiency, and which is indispensable to increase the output,
factors, the environmental performance of performance on purifying exhaust gases. added its performance, while cutting its size
products is quantitatively assessed. The factors Intake Camshaft
and weight.
Power device
have been VCT in between
introduced Motor
Roller cooling tubes
within the EDU
Plate Spiral cooling tube in
layer structure
P54 P55 P55
Seminar on the Environmental Factors for Products Electric VCT PCU for hybrid vehicles
Promotion of building Perfect Energy Factory The first accomplishment of zero emission among Extensive spread-out of modal shift by rail transport
Aiming at the prevention of the global warming, group companies in North America by DNMX (Mexico) Aiming at reducing CO2 emissions from
DENSO sought to spread out energy-saving Due to a coordinated promotion of recycling with logistics, DENSO has increased the number of
technologies and to promote the introduction the government and the introduction of food railway delivery between the sites in Aichi
of co-generation facilities. scrap composting brought in from DENSO India, Prefecture and Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka
DNMX has accomplished zero landfill. Prefecture, both in Japan.
Promotion of the “DENSO Green Project” in DMHU (Hungary) honored with Overseas group companies published their
harmony with communities environmental prize for the second time first environmental reports
DENSO has afforested the periphery of the In recognition of contribution in environmental Following the group companies in Hungary and
Nukata Proving Ground as the “DENSO Forest.” conservation through school education Spain, a group company in the U.K. published
Also, the Company has promoted the greening programs and clean-up activities, DMHU was its environmental report whereby DENSO
around its plants, as well as alongside motorways. awarded afresh from the state. sought to enhance the information disclosure.
Environmental Management
Eco Management
DENSO is oriented to create an advanced automotive five-year action plan named “2010 Environmental Action
society and to contribute in building a sustainable Plan (the 4th)” with specific goals. The efforts for the plan
society. For these sakes, the Company reduces the at all group companies have been accelerated.
environmental impact of its all business activities.
DENSO aims to be a corporate group which (2) Spreading out consolidated environmental
possesses the environmental efficiency and the management globally
resource productivity of the world’s top tier. In order to promote the efforts of DENSO group as a
whole, the Company shares environmental policies and
Major results for fiscal 2006 (DENSO ECOVISION) guidelines with companies in consolidation*, sets
•Formulated a five-year environmental action plan at 170 group common issues, and spreads out a consolidated
companies consolidated for environmental management environmental management. In fiscal 2006, all 170
•Strengthened promotion structure overseas by establishing anew the companies listed in the annual plan of Company have
China Environment Committee formulated a five-year plan for environmental action to
•Revised the Green Procurement Guidelines and strengthened the spread out the“DENSO ECOVISION 2015” on a global
coordination with business partners
•Promoted the development of environmentally-conscious products
* The companies in consolidation for the environmental management at DENSO exclude
that contribute to environmental improvement the companies that were newly established in cument year or that have not passed
•Formulated a medium and long-term scenario to reduce greenhouse certain period of time after the managerial involvement of DENSO. Therefore, the number
gases from all of its business segments of companies consolidated for environmental management differs from that for the
purpose of financial reporting.
program,” which EPA has
Enhance external coordination way, DENSO released promoted since 2000,
and exchange, together Reduce environmental
s re
with information disclosure impact of production globally the “DENSO those attained substantial
Environmental Report
DENSO has strived to proactively acquire and renew ISO Subcommittee.” By this means, DENSO will promote the
14001 certification on a global scale, encompassing its coordination with society, that is, an eco-friendly activity,
manufacturing companies, as well as non-manufacturing more effectively and intensively.
companies (such as regional headquarters, sales
companies, service companies), comprehensively. This (2) Strengthening efforts in region centering China
is because that ISO 14001 is an effective tool for the The “China Environment Committee” was established in
Product Recycling Division Energy Division Promote in coordination with related committees
(Development Planning Council)
Plant Environment Division
Environment Project for environmentally Logistics Division Powertrain Control Systems Business Group
hazardous substances
Committee Meeting of environmental Electric Systems Business Group
planning officers at business groups Environment
Chairperson: Business Group Environment Committee Electronic Systems Business Group Committee of
Shinro Iwatsuki, Exchange group for the reduction each group
Executive Vice Summarize and promote environmental conservation activities within each business group Thermal Systems Business Group
of resource losses
President Information & Safety Systems Business Group
Exchange group for energy saving
DENSO Group Environment and Safety Committee in Japan Environment committee of each section
Notify group companies in Japan of policies and promote common assignments
Meeting of environment and safety officers
Meeting of officers for Regional Environment Committee
DENSO Group Overseas Regional Environment Committees North America Environment Committee
Promote regional activities corresponded to the characteristics of Europe Environment Committee Three divisions
such regions as North America and Europe
Asia Environment Committee
China Environment Committee
drawing on a Eco-Point system. Also, substantial Control and reduction of (19) Reduce discharge amount of object substances for VOC and PRTR
progress was seen in the activities of afforestation in environmentally *PRTR: Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
hazardous substances *VOC: volatile organic compounds
local communities. (20) Encourage environmentally-friendly life (eco-life) for
As a result, 42 out of 44 items have accomplished the Prevention of
target. The details of efforts for the target which were global warming
Environmental Report
(1) Development and deployment of the "DENSO Group Procurement (1) Formulated new Green Procurement Guidelines 36,46 (1) Spread out new Green Procurement Guidelines,
Guideline" corresponded to DENSO ECOVISION 2015 Held the DENSO Suppliers Convention extensively support suppliers of equipment and
(2) A survey on the substances of the parts or materials supplied from 1st-tier (2) At an explanatory meeting regarding 58,59 facility, spread out the guidelines to group
suppliers and a management by registering internal system (Product MDS) environmentally hazardous substances for companies overseas as well
Confirmation on continued building of environmental management system suppliers, standardized the uniform JAMA/JAPIA (2) Expand the purchasing scope of
(3) Expansion of purchasing of environmental products Sheet for investigating environmentally hazardous environmentally-conscious products to include
(4) Requirement for certification and renewal of “Denso Eco-service substances environmentally-friendly factory supplies
Station” in the establishment and assessment of service stations (3) Established a recycling system for toners --- (3) Spread out environmental betterment campaign for
Promotion of a certification rate of 100% to service stations (4) Certification rate: 97% 58 fiscal 2007
(1) Industry-wide standardization of Environmental Factors for Products (1) Made standard of method for calculating Factors, and 54 (1) Attempt factors within companies
Conception of assessment procedure that draws on the factors incorporated operative method of factors into product EMS
(1) CO2 control target (1) Reduction in CO2 emissions: 96,000t-CO2 (1) CO2 Reduction: 96,000t-CO2
•DENSO Japan: Emissions, 117% or less, compared with year 1990 •DENSO Japan: CO2 emissions: 120% DENSO Japan: Emissions: 124% or less, compared with year 1990
Basic unit, 56% or less, compared with year 1990 CO2 basic unit: 54%, compared with year 1990 59 Basic unit: 51% or less, compared with year 1990
•Consolidated: Basic unit, 80% or less, compared with year 1990 Consolidated: basic unit: 71% or less, compared with year 2000
•Consolidated: CO2 basic unit: 73%, compared with year 1990
(2) Global management of CO2 (2) Decide on the positioning of targets and the
(2) Formulated a global standard for energy saving 60
•Global Eco factory, Group operation of CO2 fund supportive methods
Spread out global PEF activities
(3) CO2 emissions in logistics: 41,300t or less of CO2 equivalent (3) Expand transport by Japan Railway service (for
(3) CO2 Emissions: 45,600t-CO2 64 Kitakyushu and Hiroshima in Japan)
•Modal shift in services to distant factories Deployed Japanese Railway service in transport
•Trial and assessment of measures for eco- driving (4) Raise load efficiency
for Kitakyushu
(5) Establish a structure to comprehend actual results at sites overseas
(1) Setting of removal equipment in semiconductor manufacturing (1) Placed 11 of gas removal equipment 61 (1) Place 18 of removal equipment
process CO2 Emissions: 61,000t-CO2 Emissions: 60,000t-CO2 or less
(1) Reduction of disposal from the manufacturing of current products and (1) Reduction in emissions: 2,900t (DENSO Japan); 62 (1) Continue reduction activities and management of results and trends
application of resource-saving processing technologies for next 4,300t (Consolidated) (2) Target the reduction of 1,200t or more (DENSO Japan)
products (2) Internationally circulated containers, improved 64 (3) Expand container circulation by placing standard
Reduction: 1,300t or more (DENSO Japan); 2,600t or more (consolidated) packing container
(2) Reduction of the usage of packing materials: 21,500t or less (4) Establish a structure to comprehend actual results at sites overseas
(1) Formulation and spread-out of a measure based on 5-year activity plan (1) Formulated five-year plan at all sites, 62 (1) Steadily promote reduction countermeasures
Setting of targets by region under the “guidelines by region” Began countermeasures at all sites (2) Spread out examples of reduction over the group
(1) Measures for discharge control at existent facilities (1) VOC discharge: 820t (DENSO Japan) 63 (1) Emissions of 804t or less
Incorporation of reduction technologies to new facilities and new Conducted basic assessment of alternative (2) Decide the introduction of after-treatment equipment
products materials
(1) Implementation and spread-out of the plans for equipping corporate cars (1) Rate of low-pollution vehicles: target: 80%, result: 88% --- (1) Accomplish 90% in the ratio of low-pollution
(2) Planning and proposition of measures on a short, medium, and long (2) Launched a Eco-Point system 17-18 vehicles
term bases to improve the convenience of commuting (3) Conceptualized a whole picture of “DENSO Green 65 (2) Diffuse the system within DENSO Japan and
(3) Planning and proposition of “DENSO Green Project” Project,” began afforestation at Nukata site, and further membership
proposed plans for motorway periphery (3) Promote the DENSO Green Project
(1) Enhancement of global information release deploying the website (1) Added contents to global website --- (1) Enhance global information deploying website
(2) Enhancement of reporting e.g., sustainability report (2) Published CSR Report and its digest version 66 (2) Enhance CSR Report
(3) More enhancement of the Stakeholders Dialog (3) Held the Stakeholders Dialog 42 (3) Enhance opportunities for dialog
(1) Spread-out of environmental education by organizational class (1) Held seminars by organizational class to increase skills 51 (1) Spread out environmental education by organizational class
(2) Holding of seminars for environmental staff overseas (2) Held staff seminars by region (China, Asia, North America) 52 (2) Hold the Global Environment Conference
(1) Support for spreading out activities of WAFCA in China and India (1) Supported WAFCA in launching a production 37 (1) Support the start-up of WAFCA production factory
Spread-out of a new program for youth education and afforestation factory in China. and youth education program
*WAFCA: (Wheelchairs and Friendship Centers of Asia) A NPO established byProposed youth education program
DENSO to support the physically challenged (2) Implemented DENSO ‘Heartful’ day in Japan 40 (2) Extensively embed the DENSO ‘Heartful’ Day in Japan
(2) Diffusion and embedment of DENSO ‘Heartful’ day in Japan (otherwise (otherwise the Community Service Day abroad) (otherwise the Community Service Day abroad)
the Community Service Day abroad) (3) Hosted the Eco-Ranger 21 38 (3) Continue and embed activities
(3) Continuation and expansion of the activities of ECO Ranger 21
(1) Promotion of activities of subcommittees at EPOC* for the prevention (1) Held subcommittee activities --- (1) Promote activities of subcommittees for global
of global warming and the energy saving warming and energy saving
*EPOC (The Environmental Partnership Organizing Club): A voluntary organization for (2) Opened the Eco-Park at Daian Plant 66 (2) Promote the DENSO Green Project
environmental activities of industry in the Chubu region, Japan
(2) Expansion of biotopes in factory premises
Material input and environmental impact Company increased the production efficiency and the
of output in business activities resource recycling. However, the input of material and
DENSO quantitatively collects the amount of input and energy rose. As to the output of environmentally
output of materials and energy, thereby drawing them hazardous substances, some of them increased
on to comprehensive and effective activities for following the rise in production, though, the Company
reducing environmental impact. In fiscal 2006, due to systematically promoted the reduction of environmental
a business expansion, production increased by 12% impact by each substance.
compared with the previous year. In response, the
Resource and energy input Output of substances with environmental impact
Release to water systems
Raw materials 629,000t ( +7%)
Waste water 13,020,000t ( +21%)
Metals 596,000t ( +12%) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 96t ( 33%)
Non-metallic materials 76,000t ( +35%) Reused materials Nitrogen 77t ( +11%)
240,000t (+18%) Phosphorus 3t ( 57%)
Office supplies (Copier paper) 953t ( +7%) Waste material 11,000t ( +48%)
Legend DENSO Japan and group companies in Japan DENSO Japan and group companies in Japan and overseas year-on-year change shown in parentheses
Environmental Report
DENSO regularly conducts internal audits and external have been completed for all the cases. The Company
audits. The purposes of the audits are: continuous was not subjected to any fines or penalties inside and
improvement of environmental management system; outside Japan. Also, the Company faced no
prevention of environmental accidents or disaster at environmental lawsuits.
plants; and increase in the credibility of environmental •Environmental incidents and complaints
data to disclose. Concerns Group companies Group companies
issues and extensively spread out the examples of •Environmental risk management system
excellence. Some examples found in the diagnosis are Daily check, Monitoring according to
Maintenance・Management voluntary criteria, Maintenance,
disclosed on the intranet. Besides, the Company is Drill of emergency response
pouring its efforts to nurture environmental auditors as a Check and inspection Sampling and assessment of facilities and
on environment operations in risk
part of its specialized education on the environment. As Precautionary measurements Investigation and check of risk handling
of March 2007, 396 auditors have been registered. measures
Daily check, Monitoring according to
In the external environmental audit in fiscal 2006, there Risk analysis voluntary criteria, Maintenance,
Drill of emergency response
were five of minor nonconformity and the Company took Countermeasures on hardware: Introduce equipment or facilities
Risk handling
corrective action immediately. Countermeasures on process: Penetrate work procedures
Minimization Emergency response, Collect and report information
•Environmental audit results (DENSO Japan) of crisis Occurrence of incidents
Disclose and file information, Preventive measure for recurrence
Target department/13 Number
Nonconformity (minor) 5
External audits
Observation 32 Report on purifying soil and groundwater
Improvement directives issued 41 DENSO has emphasized environmental conservation of
Internal audits
Points noted for improvement 114 soil and groundwater, and, since the 1980s, the Company
Internal auditors (in total) 160 has conducted voluntary investigation according to the
usage record of environmentally hazardous substances.
Environmental risk management This investigation has encompassed all of its factories and
DENSO has specified risks (such as environmental plants. In the event that a pollutant is detected exceeding
accidents, pollution, and violations of laws) subject to the the regulation value, the Company immediately files a
location and the business profile of each plant. As such, report with the government, while clarifying causes,
the Company makes efforts to prevent and minimize assessing environmental impact, and conducting
risks. In particular, DENSO emphasizes such risks as: purification.
“waste water and gas emissions that exceed voluntary In 1998, organic chlorine substance was detected at four
criteria”; “leaks of oils or chemical substances”; sites of DENSO. Their amount exceeded environmental
“pollution of soil or ground water;” and “complaints from standard level and thus purification measures were taken.
neighborhoods on such as noise.” In response to these The purification of soil was completed in fiscal 2001, while
risks, the Company conducts daily check, monitoring, that of groundwater is continued. The values measured
measurement, and yearly drill of emergency response. and the progress of purification countermeasure are
These activities are pursuant to the policies of (1) do not explained and reported to the government. The same
cause any anomaly and (2) minimize damage and information is reported and explained at community
correctly disclose information in the event. exchanges.
To promote risk management, DENSO has set its own criteria •Measured value of trichloroethylene Environmental standard level:
0.03 mg/l or less
that are stricter than environmental legislative regulations,
Location Groundwater concentration at site (mg/l) Current status
and has applied them inside and outside Japan.
Headquarters Less than 0.002 up to 1.334 Under purification
In fiscal 2006, to minimize risk at the sites overseas, the Ikeda Plant Less than 0.002 up to 1.119 Under purification
Company poured its efforts to uncover risks and issues Anjyo Plant Less than 0.002 up to 1.548 Under purification
by a compliance audit. The deviation from legislative Nishio Plant Less than 0.002 up to 0.514 Under purification
regulation level, complaints, and accidents found in the The substances were detected only at the locations listed above.
Total seminar hours : 5,581 Total participants : 3,043 (100 million yen)
700 664
T OP I C S 600
Held “Eco-Seminars” and “Eco-Tours” in the (519) (506) Costs
education for environmental engineers 400 (463)
In June 2006, as a part of events during the Month of the 300 280 Consolidated, inside
247 and outside Japan
Environment at DENSO Japan, the Company held the “Eco-Seminar”
for the selected 34 associates in product development and the 200 Cost of
(218) DENSO Japan
(200) 119
“Eco-Tour” for the selected 142 associates in manufacturing. The 100 81
47 60 70
Eco-Seminar included the lecture on the “Environmental Factors for
Products” introduced at DENSO Japan and the visit to a vehicle 0
‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 (Fiscal year)
recycling factory at the ARBIZ Co., Ltd., Japan. In the seminar, the
associates learned about the development of environmentally- The increase of costs after 2004 is due to a revision in calculation criteria for research
conscious products and the methods of recycling. In the Eco-Tour, and development cost (a change in its range to include the costs of preliminary research,
the associates observed the examples of process improvement, pilot product development, and designing and development for mass-production )
which lead to energy saving, at the production lines of other
The participants
referred to the
examples for the
improvement in
their departments.
Eco-Seminar Eco-Tour
Environmental Report
Activities of China Environment •Situation of business spread in China
Committee TDS
Aiming to lead the harmony of economic growth and TDE
the environment TDA
In 1994, DENSO started manufacturing car air TTB
conditioning systems and compressors in Shandong.
DENSO finds an environmental aspect of advanced Also, as a leading member of the Japan Auto Parts
automotive society in the product manufacturing which Industries Association, DENSO collaborates on the
balances the “consideration of the environment” and investigation and the data provision for the standardization
the “enjoyment fulfilled with vehicle potential.” To of LCA by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and
realize such manufacturing, with the advantage of Industry. Also, the Company collaborates on the data
prominent technological prowess, DENSO is striving to compilation for another LCA worked on by automakers.
reduce any environmental impact during the entire
lifetime of a vehicle. Meanwhile, the Company is Effectively reducing environmental
pursuing the product development to increase the impact from very beginning
functionality of vehicles as high as possible. In order to effectively reduce environmental impact during
a product life-cycle, it is important to reflect
Working on product life-cycle environmentally-conscious technologies at the very
In product manufacturing, DENSO conducts the beginning of product lifetime stage, that is, the
assessment on environmental impact encompassing the development and planning stage, by conducting
entire lifetime (life-cycle) of a vehicle, that is, from extraction preliminarily assessment of environmental impact in
of raw materials to development, production, delivery, and, successive lifetime stages.
through customer use, to recycling or disposal. Then, the Basing its environment management system for products,
Company specifies the life stages with large environmental DENSO sets developmental targets to increase fuel
impact, together with key issues. All of these findings are efficiency, raise recycling rate, and reduce the content of
drawn on to reduce the environmental impact. The “Life environmentally hazardous substances. These targets are
Cycle Assessment (LCA)” is an important tool to assess set to solve the issues of “global warming prevention,”
environmental impact. As shown in the flowchart below, “resources recycling,” and “reduction of environmentally
DENSO clearly positions the relationships of environmental hazardous substances.” The results of the efforts are
issues and a vehicle or its components, thereby spread out to the development of new products that
conducting development and designing. balance performance and environmental consideration.
Ozone Decrease of specified CFCs Natural refrigerant (CO2) heat-pump water heater Variable valve- Variable valve timing
Development of air conditioning
depletion and CFC substitutes system using natural refrigerant timing mechanism (VCT)
CFC-free car air conditioning systems
Efforts to decrease Decrease of Decrease of refrigerant filling Diesel engines Common rail system
the global warming impact greenhouse gas usage
Stage of air conditioning systems Decrease of refrigerant leak Reduction of frictional
of use resistance in each
engine part
Efforts to purify exhaust gases of vehicle Hot-gas heating systems
Air Purification of Exhaust from Improvement of Highly efficient car
fuel-injection systems Common rail system for diesel engines Decrease of engine
pollution exhaust gases tailpipes air conditioning systems,
load by power-saving parts
DPF, monolithic substrate electric power steering
motors, and others.
Decrease of engine Emission from Purification by Catalyst, A/F sensor
Noise noise; improvement fuel systems chemical reactions
of mufflers and tires Emission during Reduction of running Decrease of air resistance
refueling Prevention of gasoline resistance and rolling resistance
emission into the atmosphere
Efforts to develop clean-energy vehicles Improvement of power Automatic transmission
transmission efficiency systems
Resource Development of Natural gas vehicles, hybrid vehicles, Battery ECUs, DC-DC converters,
depletion new power sources fuel cell vehicles electric compressors Reduction of body weight Lightweight parts
Environmental Report
Products variables for the calculation, the global warming potential
and the impact of environmentally hazardous substances
Major results for fiscal 2006 (DENSO ECOVISION)
are based on the values which are widely used as
•Established the procedure for the “Environmental Factors for standard. Also, striving for securing transparency,
Products” to increase product performance and decrease impartiality, and credibility, the entire life-cycle of a product
environmental impact throughout the product lifetime
is included in the scope of assessment.
•Function and structure of the VCT •Structure of cooling system for hybrid vehicles
Camshaft Intake valve Transaxle
VCT (such as motor)
Exhaust valve Airflow
Radiate Special radiator Water Supply
heat for hybrid water
Intake pump
cooling tube in
layer structure
Dissipate heat from both sides
•Mechanism of double-sided cooling
Power device in Double-sided cooling
Power device between cooling tubes tube in layer structure
Electric VCT [Conventional] Cool device from one side [New] Elements cool from both sides
Heat resistance: 0.5°C/W Heat resistance: 0.2°C/W
Environmental Report
product volume can be reduced by 30%, as well as the In January 2006, a new air conditioning system featuring
weight by 20%, compared with the conventional models this heat exchanger was installed in the Toyota
of the Company. “Landcruiser” (for sale in the Middle East and North
At the same time, the Company sought to improve the America).
radiator (heat exchanger), which radiates the heat of
water warmed by PCU, and the condenser in air (4) Improving traffic flow using ITS technology
Water pump
Improving recyclability
Both a long-time usage of components by the re-using
and an increase in recyclability of disposed vehicles are
important to effectively use raw materials. As such, for
the stage of product development and designing, DENSO
has set the target to apply the product structure easy to Before reconditioning After reconditioning
dismantle and the materials easy to recycle . In the URL DENSO REMANI Corporation
meantime, the Company has been proactively working on
Controlled and reduced environmentally
the development of technology to retrieve materials from
hazardous substances
used products. Besides, the Company has been making
active efforts to develop materials that do not increase
CO2 in the atmosphere through the incineration process Major results for fiscal 2006 (DENSO ECOVISION)
of thermal recycling. •Established a structure at group companies inside and outside Japan
to assure the non-content of environmentally hazardous substances
Researching plant-based plastics •Substituted hexavalent chromium contained in products
•Promoted the use of lead-free solder
The thermal recycling, in which heat energy is reclaimed by
incineration, is considered to be a mainstream of recycling Control and reduce environmentally
for plastic components. However, there is a concern, in hazardous substances
that thermal recycling would increase CO2 in the To increase the performance and maintain the quality, the
atmosphere. But, if a plant-based plastic were burnt, it environmentally hazardous substances, such as lead,
would not increase the total amount of CO2 in the cadmium, mercury, and hexavalent chromium, have been
atmosphere, unlike fossil fuel-based plastics. Also, the used in automotive components. However, once the
use of plant-based plastics would reduce the consumption components have been disposed at the end of their
of fossil fuel, which is concerned to be depleted. lifetime, such substances would harm human body, as
DENSO is currently making efforts to switch the main well as ecology. As such, since 2000, statutory
resins, such as polypropylene (PP), polyamide (PA) 66, and environmental regulations addressing the product disposal
polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), to plant-based plastics. stage have been set and strengthened. DENSO considers
Also, the Company is researching the mass production of the reduction and the elimination of these substances as an
the new plastics. urgent task. Thus, by means of substitution, the Company
In fiscal 2006, DENSO assessed and selected the possible is making efforts to reduce and eliminate not only the
alternative plant-based plastics. Also, the endurance regulated substances but also those of non-regulated.
assessment was conducted on some products with these
•DENSO’s response to laws and regulations
Year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Extending lifetime of products by rebuilding EU-ELV Review Prohibited in principle the use of hexavalent chromium,
Efforts at DENSO REMANI Corporation Europe
Directive exemption lead, cadmium, and mercury (with some exemptions)
Many of alternators (electric generator) and starters Enacted in Enforced in July
each country
removed from used automobiles can be sufficiently
Instead of legislation, set up End-of-Life Vehicle
functioned if their abraded components, such as brushes voluntary target of industry Recycling Law
and bearings, are replaced and refined. DENSO REMANI Japan Automobile
Manufacturers Association Enacted in July Enforced in January
Corporation (Anjo City, Aichi, Japan) reconditions such
Set up voluntary targets Reviewed voluntary targets
products. The quality of the reconditioned products is
Environmental Report
substances DENSO continuously makes efforts to substitute solder
To control and reduce environmentally hazardous and phase the solder substitutes in to newly-designed
substances, a firm promotinal structure in coordination mass products.
with supply chain is indispensable. DENSO has set the
“Restrictions on the use of environmentally hazardous
substances to materials or products (DDS2004).” At the
Before switch After switch Work at a service station Eco-service Station certification
Environmental Report
for air guns, were spread out Company-wide. Also, the effect and spread out the 4,000 units of energy-saving air
Company miniaturized and rationalized processing gun at once. These facility and tool address the reduction
equipment with newly developed technologies. Moreover, in the usage of compressed air which has been commonly
the Company poured its efforts to operate co-generation used to dehydration or blowing. In addition, in the activity
facilities efficiently. of full-check at all production lines, the Company scored
In the group companies inside and outside Japan, DENSO the degree of progress in countermeasures. The total
68 percent of its energy usage. The bases of these efforts Conversion factors for CO2 used in the calculation of CO2 emissions
are: to make energy consumption “visible” in the Electricity 0.3817kg-CO2/kWh Propane 3.0094kg-CO2/kg
manufacturing process; to make explicit the issues by Heavy fuel oil (A) 2.7000kg-CO2/L City gas 2.2559kg-CO2/m3
scoring the progress of activities; and thus to do every Kerosene 2.5308kg-CO2/L
possible improvement measures. In fiscal 2006, DENSO *Reference of conversion factor for CO2: A publication of Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association
(3) Study group for energy-saving processing Reducing non-CO2 greenhouse gases
Since 1990, DENSO has organized a specialized team Aside from CO2, five types of gases* are specified as
named “the study group for energy-saving processing” greenhouse gases, and, from fiscal 2007, pursuant to the
which has been developing and manufacturing the “Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to
production equipment that contributes to energy saving. Cope with Global Warming,” enacted and enforced in
The team has been developing new technologies for 15 Japan, a reporting on the five gases to the government is
categories, including machining, plastic molding, heat obligated. DENSO has set the target of “reducing
treatments, die-casting, and cleaning. Such technologies emissions of the five gases to 70% or less, compared
have been phased in to each factory. The main themes of with that of 2003 by 2010.” As such, the Company has
the development have been “downsizing,” “simplifying,” formulated a five-year reduction plan. In fiscal 2006, 11
and “slimming.” So far, the team has developed a units of equipment were set to remove the CFC
compact melting furnace and a molding machine, both substitute (perfluorocarbon (PFC)) used in semiconductor
for die-casting, a waste-heat recovery system, a compact manufacturing process. As a result, 1,200 tons of CO2
machining machine, and the insulation materials with shorter equivalent were reduced. Also, the Company plans to
hardening time. In fiscal 2006, eight themes in technological precede the reduction of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC).
developments were newly brought into practical use, * Perfluorocarbon (PFC) and hydroflurocarbon (HFC), collectively CFC substitutes, sulfur
thereby reducing 3,800 tons of CO2 equivalent. hexafluoride (SF6), dinitrogen monoxide (N2O), methane (CH4)
Development of a energy-saving brazing furnace for Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry
aluminum awarded a group company, recognizing the saving
A substantial theme for reducing CO2 at DENSO is to spread out the in energy and water source
energy saving with new equipment. Since fiscal 2001, the Cooling DMAT, a DENSO group company in the U.S.A., has reviewed the
Systems and Components Manufacturing Department has been operational state of seven cooling units for air conditioning and
developing an energy-saving brazing furnace for aluminum. The temperature control. Following the review, DMAT turned off some units
furnace is a type of hybrid heating sourced by an effective combination and limited the operation rate during winter. As a result, 729m3 of water
of city gas and electricity. The Department has spread out the furnace and about 1.6 million kW of electricity were saved. This reduction is
to the sites inside and outside Japan. equivalent to the annual 300 tons of CO2 emissions. In recognition of
In fiscal 2006, when another production line for round-type aluminum these results, the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce awarded DMAT
coolers (ATF warmer) was established, DENSO developed a new with two prizes with reference to water resource and emission
furnace called “compact, full-electric type,” in which efficient thermal containment.
conduction and radiant heating were used. This furnace reduced CO2
emissions by 26%. This effort was awarded with the “Prize of the Chief,
Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry,” in recognition of an
excellent example of improving energy saving.
Environmental Report
Resource recycling 2015. In this way, the Company has been working on the
efficient water usage. For instance, the Company has
Major results for fiscal 2006 (DENSO ECOVISION) been making efforts to use water efficiently and reduce
•Reduced 2,900 tons of waste at DENSO Japan (Target: 1,300t or more) wastewater by setting respective guidelines by region.
•Reduced 4,300 tons of waste at environmentally consolidated group At the manufacturing sites in Japan, DENSO deploys a
companies (Target: 2,600t or more) multi-stage circulation in the cleaning process of plating and
Realize a production line Develop processing methods Design products with less
with less defects and waste considering resource saving waste generation
•Shift in the amount of recycling and waste processing •Shift in recycling rates
(1,000 t) (%)
252 99 99 99 99
250 220 100 DNMX honored with the Prize of DMUK recognized as a finalist for the “National
194 99 99 99 99 Excellence in Environmental Activity Recycling Award (industry category)
85 84
150 184.5 210 203 242 81
80 Reducing scrap by the review on application
method for adhesives
5 9.5 10.4 10.7
In the process of adhesive (silicone rubber) application to the “inertia sensor,” a
’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 (Fiscal year) ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 (Fiscal year) component related to a vehicle braking system, the air had been contaminated
Amount of Amount of recycling DENSO Japan Group companies in Japan into the adhesive at the change of adhesive cartridge. To purge the
generated Amount of waste disposed Group companies overseas contaminated air, a portion of the adhesive had to be disposed (a wasting
(sum of incineration and direct landfill)
shot). Electronics Device Manufacturing Department 1 worked out an air
purging method which drew on the characteristics of the adhesive and the
Reducing water usage lightness of air. In this method, the air is purged by leaving an adhesive
Amid a concern over the water supply with the cartridge for 20 minutes without pressure. Thus, the annual amount of waste
adhesive generated from the wasting shots was reduced by 1.2 tons. This
backgrounds of economic development and rapid
method was presented at the “2006 National QC Competition” held in Japan.
increase in the world population, DENSO has set the
Environmental Report
Environmental considerations in distribution * Switching transportation means to those with less environmental impact such as mass
transportation with railways or vessels.
In order to build a sustainable society, both the The 2) above is the first pilot effort in Japan. In this
coordination with a wider variety of stakeholders and the coordinated effort with the Central Nippon Expressway
promotion of activities for environmental conservation Company Limited, the periphery of motorways near
are indispensable. DENSO proactively works on the DENSO facilities in Aichi and Mie Prefectures, Japan are
external coordination beyond its business domain such greened so that CO2 is absorbed and thus the Company
as industrial sector. Also, the Company makes active makes a contribution to the prevention of global warming.
efforts to release the information. In the meantime, the In May 2007, the Company held the first greening activity
company pours its efforts on the enhancement of of “DENSO Green Highways.” In this activity, 40 civil
environmental communications with all stakeholders. volunteers, mainly consisted of associates and their
families of DENSO, planted 465 seedlings of broad-leaf
Major results for fiscal 2006 (DENSO ECOVISION) trees in 13 kinds, such as cherry and maple, on the
•Promoted the “DENSO Green Project” such as the “DENSO Forest” slopes alongside the Tomei Expressway (in Okazaki City,
to be in harmony with communities Aichi, Japan). The associates who participated in this
•Implemented measures to increase commuting convenience by activity earned the points for the DENSO Eco-Point
commuter shuttle buses system, DECOPON (see p. 17-18).
•Promoted the publication of sustainability report by business
entities of DENSO group abroad
(2) Activities for global-warming prevention during the
Month of Environment
Encouraging the “Eco-life” of associates Historically, every June has been the Month of
(1) The DENSO Green Project Environment at DENSO Japan. In the month, the
Together with the people of local communities, DENSO facilities in plants or factories have been self-checked to
promotes the greening, which will bring a community conserve the environment. Also, their respective
asset in the future, whereby the Company will be in localities have been cleaned up. From fiscal 2007, the
harmony with local communities. The greening activity Month of Environment is positioned as the period to
consists of two pillars of 1) “the DENSO Forest,” a diffuse the ECOVISION and enhance environmental
greening of worksite surrounds, in that DENSO produces action of associates. During the month, all associates
products there, and 2) “DENSO Green Highways,” a are called for their environmental action. During June
greening of motorway periphery, in that vehicles are used 2007, under the theme of “global warming prevention,”
there. the managers at DENSO Japan and its group companies
With regard to 1) above, since December 2006 DENSO in Japan were gathered to the lectures on the
has been conducting an activity to finely afforest the 600 environment. Also, the responsible persons and
thousand m2 of corporate woodland around the Nukata engineers for environmental affairs were listed to
Proving Ground (Okazaki City, Aichi, Japan). The participate in the Eco-tours and the Eco-seminars. In
Company will grow the woodland to be the place in the meantime, the clean-up activity for the neighboring
which diverse flora and fauna live. Also, twice a year, localities was spread out. As such, the associates of the
with 100 or more participants every time, the Company Company raised and mutually brushed up their
has been holding the events such as woodworking and environmental awareness.
voluntary afforesting, pruning, or thinning. In March 2007,
•Educational event in the Month of Environmental (June, 2007)
about 140 associates and their families and 30 members
Educational events Listed associates
of local NPOs or forestry cooperatives participated in the Lecture: “Mobility business to create a Managers at DENSO Japan and its
event. In June 2007, around 700 seedlings of broad-leaf sustainable society” group companies in Japan
Special environmental education Persons responsible for the environment at factories
trees in 24 kinds, such as cherry and maple, were •Eco-tours (Visit to factories of other divisions) Mid-Career engineers responsible for product
•Eco-seminars (Visits to sites of product recycling) designing
planted by 160 associates on the premise of the Zenmyo
Education on the environment in general
Plant (Nishio City, Aichi, Japan). •Showing of the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” General associates
•Quizzes on the environment
Environmental Report
attempt to encourage such car commuters to switch to Raising environmental awareness at the DENSO Eco-Park
bus commuting. This attempt addresses the promotion On the Earth, a wide variety of flora and fauna live in a
of energy saving, as well as the ease of traffic jams. The complex balance of ecosystem. However, it is said that,
attempt has been designated a model project of the over the last 100 years, human activity has resulted in
“Mobility Management”* advocated by the Japanese the distinction of species at a rate of 1,000 times higher
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, et al. than that of in nature. Hence, the conservation of
A variety of opinions and proposals on the activities of CSR at DENSO have been presented through the comments of third
party, the Stakeholder Dialog, the reporting on CSR, and the websites of the Company. Accordingly, the Company has
strived to improve its activities of CSR and respond to the opinions or proposals. The major items are reported as follows.
Please notice that the opinions and proposals presented at the Stakeholder Dialog are shown in detail on the website.
Area Opinions and proposals Responses and regards of DENSO pages
[Comment of a third party] In fiscal 2006, DENSO spread out the “DENSO Declaration of Group
The occupational safety throughout the supply chain Corporate Behavior” to 1,400 of its suppliers. In this way, the Company
ought to be improved, considering human rights. Also, penetrated the understanding of human rights, labor, and safety. In fiscal
Structure the state of the workers on temporary or contract basis, 2007, DENSO will incorporate the engagement in CSR into basic
and the situation of developing countries ought to be business contracts with its business partners. Also, the Company has 35
investigated, while strengthening related supportive been conducting periodically the Global Associate Relations Reviews in
activities. developing countries. Moreover, the Company continues strengthening
the support for temporary and contract workers.
More voices of stakeholders ought to be carried in CSR DENSO will strive to enhance the contents by expanding the coverage in —
CSR in Report. CSR Report or on its website.
Opportunities for the dialog with citizen ought to be In fiscal 2006, DENSO deepened the dialog anew at the “CSR Forums,”
expanded. regional meetings, exhibitions, the Stakeholders Dialog, and the Family 42
Communication Open House.
Lecture about CSR could be offered to every associate. DENSO is holding lectures and opinion exchanges at CSR Forums.
However, there is a capacity limit on the number of participants. 42
Therefore, the Company is striving to diffuse its CSR by video materials
and in-house magazines.
Assessment on The activities of CSR could be incorporated into the Associates set activities of CSR as a job assignment whereby performance
activities of CSR evaluation (target management) of associates. evaluation is connected to CSR, following the degree of accomplishment. —
[Comment of a third party] In fiscal 2006, DENSO started to spread out the “DENSO Energy Saving
In order to continuingly realize CO2 reduction embracing Standards” and the activity of “Perfect Energy Factories” globally. The
the expanding production, the process to accomplish Company has also set specific factors to reduce CO2. Meanwhile, the 15 16
targets ought to be clarified. Company is spreading out energy saving technologies to the group
companies overseas. On top of that, DENSO is applying to the United 59 61
Nation for the “Clean Development Mechanism” to Malaysia, with the
provision of an energy saving technology using compressed air.
CO2 reduction The products that allow users to feel in real the decrease DENSO develops and manufactures the instrument clusters for hybrid
of environmental impact ought to be produced (e.g., vehicles and the car navigation systems which allow users to feel the
Environment making CO2 emissions “visible”) energy saving for real. Additionally, in fiscal 2006 the Company 54 56
introduced a quantitative “Environmental Factors for Products.”
[Comment of a third party] The overseas allied service stations of DENSO continue settling the
As an international cooperation, recovery and disposal of equipment for recovering and reusing refrigerant so as to prevent
substances with a high global warming potential ought to chlorofluorocarbon chemicals from releasing. This is the same at the 58
be supported proactively. allied service stations in Japan.
A coordinated recycling method with the companies in Historically, there has been the coordination between DENSO and
Recycling dismantling business could be discussed. dismantling businesses in the recovery of chlorofluorocarbon chemicals
and the dismantlement of airbags. Also, the Company is promoting the
use of materials which are easy to recycle to its products.
The labor issues regarding such as contract foreign DENSO will discuss on what responses are necessary and whether the
workers ought to be addressed. Company is capable of such responses. In the meantime, the Company —
will talk the issue over in coordination with the government or economic
Issues on organizations.
Corporate foreigners and Seminar programs and corporate facilities ought to be As a part of the activities of corporate citizenship, DENSO will discuss on
citizenship youth opened to support the self-reliance of the “NEET” (“Not in what responses are necessary and whether DENSO is capable of such
education, employment, or training”) people, shutting-in responses.
people, foreign people, and the youth.
Collaboration Meetings with the organizations capable of making DENSO is now conducting collaborative projects for the activities of
with NPOs professional remarks or suggestions could be held. corporate citizenship with different external organizations. The Company 37 40
will continue such projects.
The support for those who have resigned after the childbirth In fiscal 2006, DENSO enhanced its supportive system by extending
leave or the childcare leave ought to be enhanced. the term of childcare leave.
30 32
Respecting Balance in Addressing the success of female associates, a “mentor” DENSO will take this as a future issue to discuss, as investigating the
associates work and life system could be introduced. needs of female associates. 30
The use of childcare leave and shorter working hour by DENSO is releasing various kinds of information whereby the Company
male associates ought to be increased. is promoting a climate building to facilitate male associates to use such 31 32
In consideration of the environment, procurement DENSO will implement environmentally-friendly logistics with its suppliers
logistics (such as the just-in-time) ought to be reviewed. by enhancing highly-efficient means such as cooperative transportation.
Procurement A proposal procedure from suppliers to DENSO on DENSO has already set a system in which suppliers can make proposals
environmental improvement ought to be set. to the Company not just on environmental aspect but also on other
aspects. The proposals are discussed and fed back within the
35 36
Traffic safety during the product transport ought to be DENSO continues instructing transport companies to penetrate an
penetrated. eco-friendly and safe driving.
Risk Disaster drill ought to be cooperated with communities, In the event of an earthquake or flood, DENSO will offer certain athletic
and evacuation spaces ought to be offered. grounds for evacuation spaces in response to the needs of the —
government and local communities.
A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) assuming the Tokai Every year DENSO implements a drill assuming a big earthquake. As to
and Tonankai Earthquake could be necessary. BCP, the Company will complete formulating it in fiscal 2007.
This comment was written with reference to the contents of this report and the hearings with
the DENSO associates responsible for the environment and procurement.
70 percent of the wood pulp used for the paper of this report is made from Japanese wood, of
which 10 percent is the thinned wood that causes less increase of CO2 emissions in Japan.
Neither surface coating nor special coating was done on the paper for this report.
This report was printed with 100 percent vegetable ink which does not require petroleum solvent,
does not cause volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and does not contain heavy metals such as
lead, mercury, and cadmium.
Printing method for this report is the waterless printing in which ink is transferred without the
dampening water containing isopropyl alcohol.
To save resources and energy, the plate of this report is made using the computer-to-plate (CTP)
method which does not use polyester film or acetate film and does not require alkaline developer.
This report was printed at the factory with ISO 9001 certification.
3 07Z-25B
DENSO CSR Report 2007 DATA>GRI Index 1
Organizational Profile
2.1 Name of reporting organization/ p5
2.2 Major products and/or services, including brands if appropriate. p5
2.3 Operational structure of the organization. p5
2.4 Description of major divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries and joint ventures. p5
2.5 Countries in which the organization’s operations are located. p6
2.6 Nature of ownership; legal form. p5
2.7 Nature of markets served. p5
2.8 Scale of the reporting organization. p5
2.9 List of stakeholders, key attributes of each and relationship to the reporting organization. p8
Report Scope
2.10 Contact person(s) for the report, including e-mail and web addresses. Back cover
2.11 Reporting period (e.g., fiscal/calendar year) for information provided. p1
2.12 Date of most recent previous report (if any). p1
2.13 Boundaries of report and any specific limitations in its scope. p1
2.14 Significant changes that have occurred since the previous report. N.A.
2.15 Basis for reporting that can significantly affect comparability from period to period and/or between reporting organizations. p1・5-6
2.16 Explanation of the nature and effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement. N.A.
Report Profile
2.17 Decisions not to apply GRI principles or protocols in the preparation of the report. p1
2.18 Criteria/definitions used in any accounting for economic, environmental and social costs and benefits. p51
2.19 Significant changes from previous years in the measurement methods applied to key economic, environmental and social information. p54
2.20 Policies and internal practices to enhance and provide assurance about the accuracy, completeness and reliability that can be placed on the sustainability report. p10
2.21 Policy and current practice with regard to providing independent assurance for the full report. p68
2.22 Means by which report users can obtain additional information and reports about economic, environmental and social aspects of the organization’s activities. p1
N.A.: Not Applicable
H P: Posted on the website
DENSO CSR Report 2007 DATA>GRI Index 2
Human Rights
Strategy and Management
HR1. Description of policies, guidelines, corporate structure and procedures to deal with all aspects of human rights relevant to operations, including monitoring mechanisms and results. p8・28
HR2. Evidence of consideration of human rights impacts as part of investment and procurement decisions, including selection of suppliers/contractors. p35
HR3. Description of policies and procedures to evaluate and address human rights performance within the supply chain and contractors, including monitoring systems and results of monitoring. p35
HR4. Description of global policy and procedures/programs preventing all forms of discrimination in operations, including monitoring systems and results of monitoring. p28-32
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
HR5. Description of freedom of association policy and extent to which this policy is universally applied independent of local laws, as well as description of procedures/programs to address this issue. p28
Child Labour
HR6. Description of policy excluding child labor as defined by the ILO Convention 138 and extent to which this policy is visibly stated and applied. HP
Forced and Compulsory Labour
HR7. Description of policy to prevent forced and compulsory labor and extent to which this policy is visibly stated and applied. HP
SO1. Description of policies to manage impacts on communities in areas affected by activities, as well as description of procedures/programs to address this issue. p37
Bribery and Corruption
SO2. Description of the policy, procedures/management systems and compliance mechanisms for organizations and employees addressing bribery and corruption. p19-20・HP
Political Contributions
SO3. Description of policy, procedures/management systems and compliance mechanisms for managing political lobbying and contributions. HP
Product Responsibility
Customer Health and Safety
PR1. Description of policy for preserving customer health and safety during use of products and services, and extent to which this policy is visibly stated and applied. p25
Products and Services
PR2. Description of policy, procedures/management systems and compliance mechanisms related to product information and labeling. p26
Respect for Privacy
PR3. Description of policy, procedures/management systems and compliance mechanisms for consumer privacy. p22
PR11. Number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of consumer privacy. N.A.
N.A.: Not Applicable
H P: Posted on the website 24/01/2008