RIDOT - LRFR - Guidelines (Bridge Load Rating) PDF
RIDOT - LRFR - Guidelines (Bridge Load Rating) PDF
RIDOT - LRFR - Guidelines (Bridge Load Rating) PDF
Table 1-Surface Roughness Rating ............................................................................................................. 11
Table 2-Dynamic Load Allowance for Rating ............................................................................................ 15
Table 3-Condition Factors .......................................................................................................................... 18
Table 4-Limit States for Load Ratings ........................................................................................................ 20
Condition Rating: The numerical assessment of the physical condition of the bridge components.
Fatigue Serviceability Index: Dimensionless relative measure of the performance of a structural detail, at
a particular location in the structure, with respect to the overall resistance of the member. The values vary
between 1.0 and 0.
Force Effect: The response (axial force, shear force, bending moment) in a member or element due to the
Legal Loads: Rating vehicles considered Federal and State maximum vehicular loads that do not require
an oversize permit due to load effects. These vehicles are included in the load rating analysis and are used
to establish a bridge posting if required.
Limit State: A condition for which the bridge component ceases to satisfy the criteria for which it was
National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS): Federal regulations establishing requirements for
inspection procedures, frequency of inspections, qualifications of personnel, inspection reports, and
preparation and maintenance of bridge inventory records.
Non-NBI: Bridge not subject to the NBIS. This includes bridges with less than 20’ clear span
NBI: Bridge subject to the NBIS. These bridges carry vehicular traffic and have clear spans equal to or
greater than 20’.
Posting: Signing a bridge for load (weight) restriction for the AASHTO legal loads.
Rating Factor: The ratio of the available capacity to the load produced by the particular live load vehicle
under consideration.
Reliability Index: A computed quantity defining the relative safety of a structural element or structure
expressed as the number of standard deviations that the mean of the margin of safety falls on the safe side.
Service Limit State: Limit state for stress, deformations, and cracking.
Strength Limit State: Safety limit state for strength and stability.
Specialized Hauling Vehicles: Short but heavy vehicles that may or may not meet the provisions of Federal
Bridge Formula B but induce load effects greater than Routine Commercial Vehicles, especially on short
AASHTO: American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
ADTT: Average Daily Truck Traffic
ASR: Allowable Stress Rating
CR: Force effects due to creep
DW: Dead load of wearing surface and utilities
FEA: Finite Element Analysis
FEM: Finite Element Model
FHWA: Federal Highway Administration
LFR: Load Factor Rating
LL: Live Load
LRFD: Load and Resistance Factor Design
LRFR: Load and Resistance Factor Rating
MBE: AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation
NBI: National Bridge Inventory
NBIS: National Bridge Inspection Standards
RF: Rating Factor
RIBIM: Rhode Island Bridge Inspection Manual
RIDOT: Rhode Island Department of Transportation
SH: Force effects due to shrinkage
TG: Force effect due to temperature gradient
TU: Force effect due to uniform temperature
WL: Wind on live load
WS: Wind load on structure
The following is a brief summary of revisions from the “Draft” Bridge Load Rating Guidelines dated March
2017. These guidelines have been renamed Bridge Load Rating Guidelines, August 2017.
• Revised and reorganized all previous sections in their entirety and reorganized the format. Content
from the previous version is generally the same however more information has been added to
supplement the previous version:
• The major changes are as follows:
o Removed all references to BRASS and replaced/added new sections for AASHTOWare BrR.
o Updated names to the RIDOT Standard vehicle live loads.
o Added section for approved software (Section 1.8)
o Clarified load rater qualifications and responsibilities (Section 1.9)
o Clarified information pertaining to dead loads and distribution (Section 2.1)
o Added new section for bridges with low rating factors (Section 4.5)
o Added new sections pertaining to concrete, steel, timber, pre-engineered arches or frames,
masonry arches, and buried structures (Sections 5,6,7,8,9,10)
o Complete update to load rating report deliverables (Section 13)
o Added new section pertaining to AASHTOWare BrR (Section 14)
o Updating of report templates (Section 15)
1.1 Introduction
A bridge load rating is the determination of the safe live load carrying capacity of a newly designed or
existing bridge structure. Load ratings are typically determined by analytical methods based on information
obtained from bridge plans and supplemented by information gathered from field inspections or field
testing. Knowledge of the capacity of each bridge to carry loads is critical for several reasons, including,
but not limited to, the following:
To determine which structures have substandard load capacities that may require posting or other
remedial action.
To assist in the most effective use of available resources for rehabilitation or replacement.
To assist in the overload permit review process.
FHWA requires bridge load ratings be submitted to them annually. The NBIS (Title 23, Code of
Federal Regulations, Section 650.313 (c)), requires that load ratings be in accordance with the latest
AASHTO Manual.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to load rating engineers for performing and submitting
load rating reports to RIDOT. This document was developed using the American Association of State
Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd Edition, 2011 with the
latest interims, hereinafter referred to as the MBE. The procedures in this document are to provide
guidelines that will result in consistent and reproducible load rating inputs and deliverables. Please note
that this document serves as a supplement to the MBE and deals primarily with RIDOT specific load rating
requirements, interpretations, and policy decisions. The requirements set forth in these guidelines apply to
all RIDOT personnel as well as consultants performing load ratings for RIDOT. While these guidelines
are intended to provide bridge load rating policy, it does not preclude reasonable and practical
exemptions subject to the approval of RIDOT.
These guidelines are intended to be a living document such that changes will be issued as required due to
changes in policy, loadings, code changes, etc.
It is noted this document was developed for bridges classified as NBI bridges (structure length equal to or
greater than 20’). However, the relevant provisions of these guidelines will apply for Non-NBI structures
as well (structure length less than 20’).
For non-NBI culverts load ratings are not typically required unless specifically requested by RIDOT.
Culverts consist of single cell box culverts, multiple cell box culverts, and three-sided culverts. Other Non-
NBI structures will only be load rated on a case by case basis.
The English System of Units is the default system of units for all RIDOT load ratings.
1.5 Load Rating Methodology
All bridges designed by Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) after October 1, 2010 shall be load
rated using Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR). Bridges designed by LRFD prior to October 1,
2010 may be load rated using LRFR or LFR/ASR and reported to the NBI. It is noted that LRFR is the
primary method for the load rating of bridges in Rhode Island. However, in some cases, an alternative
method such as ASR or LFR is permissible subject to the approval of RIDOT.
Any new, rehabilitated, or repaired bridge shall have a new or updated load rating. The new or updated
load rating calculations shall reflect the bridge as-built/as-rehabilitated condition. When load ratings are
performed in conjunction with bridge construction, the load rating results shall be submitted at the
substantial completion of construction unless otherwise approved by RIDOT.
The bridge inspection team in conjunction with a load rater shall review the bridge file after each inspection
to see if a re-analysis is required. If so, the applicable documentation shall be submitted to the RIDOT
Bridge Rating Section. In general, a revised load rating may be necessary if any of the following conditions
have occurred since the previous inspection or load rating:
• The primary member condition at critical locations has changed such that re-analysis is warranted (i.e.
section properties at critical locations have changed due to increased deterioration that may affect the
overall capacity of the structure). Before sending the appropriate documentation to RIDOT, the
inspection team shall have reviewed the load rating on file and made a determination that a re-rating is
required based on preliminary calculations.
• Dead loads have changed due to resurfacing or other non-structural alterations (i.e. utilities, barrier
placement, protective fencing, etc.)
• Section properties have changed due to rehabilitation, re-decking or other alterations.
• Damage due to vehicular or vessel hits.
• Increased cracking in primary members.
• Increased section losses at critical connections.
• Significant changes in traffic loadings or traffic volumes that could change the load factor(s) used in
the previous load rating.
Load ratings for existing bridges should be calculated using both the as-built and as-inspected member
properties to serve as a baseline for comparison when feasible. Any questions on this shall be directed to
the RIDOT Bridge Rating Section. The as-built capacities shall be summarized in a similar format for as-
inspected conditions when reported in the load rating report.
1.6.3 Other
Other factors that could trigger a new load rating are as follows:
• Permit analysis
• No previous load rating on file (i.e. newly discovered bridge or culvert).
1.7 Elements to be Load Rated
1.7.1 Decks
Reinforced concrete bridge decks are not typically evaluated as part of the load rating unless significant
deterioration warrants at RIDOT’s discretion. It is noted that reinforced concrete bridge decks may be
susceptible to punching shear failure, especially where heavy permit trucks are known to cross the bridge.
1.7.2 Superstructure
Both the interior and exterior girders shall be checked to establish which governs the load rating.
FHWA Technical Advisory T5140.29, dated January 15, 2008, recommends that during future re-
calculations of load capacity on existing non-load path redundant steel bridges, the capacity of gusset plates
be checked to reflect changes in condition of dead load, to make permit or posting decisions, or to account
for structural modifications or other alterations that result in significant changes in stress levels. Previous
load ratings should be reviewed for bridges which have been subjected to significant changes in stress
levels, either temporary or permanent, to ensure that the capacities of gusset plates were adequately
considered. It is noted the most current procedure to evaluate gusset plate ratings from FHWA shall be
used. The latest technical guidance can be obtained from FHWA’s website.
1.7.3 Substructure
1.8 Software
Standard analysis tools can maximize efficiency, provide consistency, and also facilitate future revisions of
load ratings. It is important with any software program that the load rater setup and enter data in such a way
that will be easily understood and editable in the future by another person. This requires the use of notes
or other documentation to reference and explain the backup for any information entered in the program so
that all assumptions and inputs are unambiguous. Furthermore, all raw data files used to perform the
load rating are required to be submitted to enable future revisions.
AASHTOWare BrR is the primary software application for RIDOT load ratings. The latest AASHTOWare
BrR shall be used for the following bridge types:
For cases where AASHTOWare BrR is not applicable, please refer to Section 1.8.2.
To obtain a discounted license to perform load ratings for the Department, the consultant shall contact
RIDOT prior to purchasing the program from AASHTO.
For specific RIDOT requirements with AASHTOWare BrR, refer to Section 14.
The use of load rating software from independent software vendors is subject to the approval of RIDOT.
The following software programs are generally considered acceptable to RIDOT only when AASHTOWare
BrR is not applicable or needs to be supplemented. Please note this list is subject to change:
• CSI Bridge
• Descus
• Mathcad
• SlabRate
It shall be noted that use of MIDAS is preferred considering the Department has a license for this software.
1.9.1 Qualifications
The load rater is the individual who determines the live-load-carrying capacity of an existing bridge using
information contained in the existing bridge plans supplemented by information gathered from the most
recent bridge inspection. The load rater is sometimes referred to as a load rating engineer. Consultants and
RIDOT are both required to have a load rater meeting the minimum qualifications established in the Code
of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Part 650, Subpart C, Section 650.309 (23 CFR 650.309) and are listed
(c) The individual charged with the overall responsibility for load rating bridges must be a
registered Professional Engineer.
Alternatively, the load rating may be performed by an unlicensed engineer and then checked by a registered
Professional Engineer meeting the qualifications of the load rater. The qualifications for an unlicensed
engineer include a degree in civil or structural engineering and to perform the load rating under the
supervision of a registered Professional Engineer. In these cases, the load rater shall sign the Agreement
of the Independent Review in the load rating report (refer to Section 13.1.12).
1.9.2 Responsibilities
The load rater is responsible for determining the load-carrying capacity of the bridge in its current condition
according to various live loads (design, legal, and permit trucks). The following procedures have been
established within the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Part 650, Subpart C, Section 650.313 (23
CFR 650.313) regarding load rating and are listed below:
(c) Rate each bridge as to its safe load-carrying capacity in accordance with the AASHTO Manual
for Bridge Evaluation (incorporated by reference, see §650.317). Post or restrict the bridge in
accordance with the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation or in accordance with State law,
when the maximum unrestricted legal loads or State routine permit loads exceed that allowed under
the operating rating or equivalent rating factor.
The consultant load rater is responsible to rate each bridge as to its safe load-capacity in accordance with
the MBE. RIDOT is the responsible authority for appropriate load posting or restriction of a bridge (refer
to Section 11).
The load rating engineer is responsible to provide quality control of all load ratings by having the load
rating independently reviewed prior to submittal to the Department (refer to Section 12).
The load rater is responsible to review all available plans and documents for the bridge including the
previous load rating report. In general, bid plans are available for most bridges. As-built drawings are not
typically available for bridges constructed in the past. Shop drawings are also useful sources of information
about the bridge, if available. In the cases where as-built or bid plans may not exist, complete field
measurements of the structure will be required to perform the load rating. Any plan information, if
available, can be obtained from the RIDOT Plan Room or the RIDOT Bridge Inspection Unit. Previous
load rating reports can be obtained from the RIDOT Bridge Rating Section. Other appropriate bridge
records, testing reports, repair or rehabilitation plans should be reviewed to determine their impact on the
load carrying capacity of the structure if they are available. The load rater shall review any existing plans
as the first source of information for material strengths and stresses. If the material strengths are not
explicitly stated on the plans, RIDOT construction and material specifications applicable at the time of the
bridge construction shall be reviewed. Old construction and material specifications are available for review
at RIDOT upon request. This may require investigations into old ASTM, AASHTO Material
Specifications, or RIDOT Standards at the time of construction. Hard copies of old RI Standard
Specifications are available for review at RIDOT. In the absence of any information and as a last resort,
the MBE provides guidance and data on older bridge types and materials that allows the evaluation of
existing bridges. Refer to Section 1.10.6 for further information pertaining to materials.
The layout and labeling of the beams, piers, and spans shall follow the labeling system of the latest bridge
inspection report. This allows for consistency when comparing the current load rating report to the latest
inspection report. Whenever there is a conflict between the previous load rating and the latest inspection
report, we recommend following the beam and span labeling of the latest inspection report.
Bridges being investigated for load capacity must be inspected for condition as per the latest edition of the
MBE and the FHWA Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual. Bridge inspections are conducted to determine
the physical and functional condition of the bridge; to form the basis for the evaluation and load rating of
the bridge, as well as analysis of overload permit applications. The inspector must verify the accuracy of
existing plans or sketches with field measurements. It is especially important to measure and document
items that may affect the load capacity, such as dead loads, section deterioration, and damage. Only sound
material should be considered in determining the nominal resistance of the deteriorated section. Where
present, utilities, attachments, depth of fill, and thickness of wearing surface should be field verified at the
time of inspection. Wearing surface thicknesses are also highly variable. Multiple measurements at curbs
and roadway centerline should be used to determine an average wearing surface thickness. It shall be noted
that bridge inspections performed as part of the NBIS satisfy this requirement. However, it is expected that
a field visit be performed when necessary to verify the condition of the structure and/or section losses.
In general, ADTT can be estimated from Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data for the site. It is reasonable to
assume 10% truck traffic in the absence of any information. If current traffic volumes are unavailable from
the bridge file, the RIDOT Traffic Research Section may be contacted for the most current ADTT
information for the route carried by the bridge or routes with a similar functional classification.
If fatigue is a concern in the load rating evaluation then site specific ADTT counts may be considered upon
approval of the Department.
Live load factors prescribed in the MBE shall be used and need not be modified.
1.10.5 Selection of Surface Roughness Rating
LRFD dynamic load allowance of 33% reflects conservative conditions that may prevail under certain
distressed approach and bridge deck conditions. For the load rating of legal and permit vehicles for bridges
with less severe approach and deck surface conditions, the dynamic load allowance (IM) may be decreased
based on field observations in accordance with MBE Table C6A.4.4.3-1 (See LRFD Article 3.6.2). The
inspector and/or load rater shall carefully note these and other surface discontinuities in order to benefit
from a reduced dynamic load allowance. Dynamic load allowance need not be applied to timber bridge
To ensure proper and consistent selection of dynamic load allowance values in all load ratings, the load
rater shall assign a rating for the surface roughness of the bridge riding surface based on his field review
and notes. This rating value shall be documented in the load rating report. Surface Roughness is defined
as follows:
Figure 2-Average Surface Roughness (Rating=2; IM=20%)
1.10.6 Materials
In the absence of any material data or when any AASHTO legal load rating factor for a particular bridge is
below 1.0, consideration shall be given to performing steel and/or concrete material sampling and testing
to obtain a more realistic evaluation of the bridge. Please note that no material sampling and testing shall
be performed unless approved by the Department.
The engineer shall use sound judgement based on past experience with similar types of bridges to determine
if material testing would be beneficial to the overall rating of the bridge. The engineer shall perform a trial
test to see if material testing is practical and cost effective by changing the material properties used in the
analysis to see what the reasonable impacts could be if material testing was performed. The results will be
helpful to determine if material testing is feasible.
Material testing shall be in accordance with MBE 6A.5.2.1 unless otherwise approved. Refer to MBE
Section 5.3 for detailed information pertaining to material sampling and testing.
There are bridges where common analytical methods are not adequate to determine the load rating. For
bridges where details such as reinforcing in a concrete bridge are not available from existing plans or field
evaluation, knowledge of the live load used in the original design, the current condition of the structure,
and live load history may be used to provide a basis for determining a safe load capacity.
Consideration may be given to non-destructive testing (NDT) and material testing to help determine the
characteristics of the bridge. Such testing will sometimes provide enough information to produce a reliable
load rating for the bridge. This shall only be done with approval from the Department.
Per the MBE Section 6.1.4, a concrete bridge with unknown details need not be posted for restricted loading
if it has been carrying normal traffic and shows no visible distress. Nondestructive load tests can also be
helpful in establishing the safe load capacity for such structures if desired. Section 8 of the MBE provides
guidance on the use of load tests, the interpretation of load test results, and the types of bridges that are
suitable candidates for load tests. Proposed load tests, if required, shall be reviewed and approved by
2.1.1 General
Dead loads shall be calculated based on plan dimensions unless otherwise measured. The dead load of any
structural plates (i.e. stiffeners, connection, etc.) shall be computed and not assumed as a “miscellaneous”
connections percentage.
The minimum unit weights of materials used in computing dead loads shall be in accordance with LRFD
Table 3.5.1-1 in the absence of more precise information.
2.1.2 Distribution
For bridges designed by LRFD, the sidewalk, safety walk, barrier/railing superimposed dead load shall be
distributed 60 percent to the fascia beams and 40 percent evenly to all interior beams (60/40). If the
sidewalk spans over more than one beam, then 60 percent of the above superimposed dead loads shall be
distributed evenly among the beams carrying the sidewalk and 40 percent among the remaining interior
beams. This criteria is based on the RI LRFD Bridge Design Manual (2007) and is considered appropriate
for the rating of bridges constructed after 2007.
For bridges not designed by LRFD, the distribution of the superimposed dead loads shall be investigated
using equal distribution, 50/50, or 60/40. In general, the distribution method which provides the higher
overall rating factors for the bridge shall govern. However, this is subject to the discretion of the engineer
based on the bridge condition and performance.
For adjacent precast deck and box beam sections without a composite concrete slab and failed shear keys
as evidenced by visual inspection, the dead loads shall be distributed consistent with the way the bridge is
performing, assuming no transfer of load across the failed keys. However, this assumption shall be
discussed with RIDOT prior to finalizing the load rating.
For utility loads, distribution shall be in a manner that best represents the force effects on individual
members as determined by the load rater.
The load factor for DW at the strength limit state may be taken as 1.25 where the thickness has been field
measured from either a bridge inspection or site visit. It is important to note that all average curb reveals
documented within AASHTOWare BrM are based on field measurements; in such cases, the reduced DW
value may be utilized. In the absence of plans to confirm the original curb reveal, pavement cores can be
considered if this load is expected to produce low rating factors. Otherwise, the load rater will have to use
judgement based on the age of the bridge, surrounding bridges curb reveals, etc. to determine a reasonable
The weight of a future wearing surface should not be included as a dead load because it is not part of the
existing or as-built condition.
For exposed concrete bridge decks, the effective depth of the deck slab shall be 7 ½” and any thickness
above this amount shall be considered a sacrificial wearing surface unless indicated otherwise on the design
The wearing surface shall be distributed equally to all beams regardless of the dead load distribution method
utilized in Section 2.1.2.
2.1.4 Utilities
Every effort shall be made to compute the dead weight of utilities based on existing plans, shop drawings,
photographs, etc. Where no information is available and every effort has been made to determine the utility
weight we suggest using a load of 250 pounds per foot for a pipe size greater than or equal to a 6-in diameter
and 125 pounds per foot for a pipe size less than a 6-in. diameter. These values are only to be used in the
absence of any information as a last resort.
The weight of utility pipes and utility supports shall be included under the DW load case. A separate DW
load case specifically for these utilities is acceptable when the load factor is different from the wearing
2.2 Transient Loads
The effects of longitudinal braking forces shall not be considered except for load rating of substructure or
requested by the Department.
Average bridge curb reveal less than 6” is considered mountable and live load shall be considered on the
sidewalk without restriction from the curb. For any average curb reveal greater than or equal to 6”, live
load shall not be considered on the sidewalk.
Creep and shrinkage shall not be considered for typical bridges. For any complex structure, creep and
shrinkage effects will be at the discretion of RIDOT.
For legal and permit vehicle ratings of longitudinal members, having spans greater than 40 ft. with less
severe approach and deck surface conditions, the Dynamic Load Allowance (IM) may be decreased from
the LRFD design value of 33%, as given below in Table 2-Dynamic Load Allowance for Rating for the
Strength and Service limit states. Dynamic load allowance shall be applied to the load rating vehicle models
and not to the lane loads. Regardless of riding surface condition, always use 33% for spans 40 ft. or less
and for transverse members. Selection of IM shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 1.10.5.
The dynamic load allowance shall not exceed 20% for permit loads above 150,000 lbs., and eliminated
entirely for slow moving permit loads (< 5 mph).
For concrete arches, rigid frames or slabs that have cover greater than 12 inches, the dynamic load
allowance shall be calculated in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Article
The default method of analysis for any load rating shall be the single line girder or line girder system
analysis consistent with AASHTOWare BrR.
Bridges subject to low ratings or complex structures may require the use of refined methods of analysis
such as 3-D finite element model. Typically, 3-D finite element models will more accurately distribute
loads and possibly improve the overall rating factor for a particular bridge. Refined methods of analysis
are justified to avoid posting of a bridge subject to the approval of the Department. The following are cases
where a refined method of analysis is considered appropriate:
• Bridges analyzed using approximate methods with rating factors for any legal load less than 1.0
• Concrete slab bridges not designed by LRFD methods and the previous rating factors are low
• Varying skews at supports
• Curved bridges
• Girder spacing and span lengths outside the range of LRFD distribution formulas
• Bridges previously analyzed using a refined method of analysis
It is noted that no load rating report using an approximate method of analysis which satisfies the above
criteria shall be submitted to the Department unless a refined method of analysis has been considered.
Please note the use of refined methods is subject to the approval of the Department.
If by engineering judgement a refined method of analysis appears beneficial to the overall rating based on
past experience or the previous load rating for the bridge, the load rater shall then perform the refined
method of analysis upon approval from the Department. Also, material testing and non-destructive testing
(NDT) may be considered in conjunction with the refined analysis to determine any rebar information or
concrete strengths for more accurate results. This shall be considered on a case by case basis with the
Department considering access requirements, traffic, costs, etc.
Some of the newer more complex structures such as segmental bridges, curved-girders, integral bridges,
cable-stayed, etc. were designed using sophisticated analysis methods. Therefore a sophisticated level of
analysis will be required to rate these structures.
For any refined analysis, a table of distribution factors shall be provided in the load rating report. Refer to
MBE C6A.3.3.
The actual performance of most bridges is more favorable than conventional theory dictates. If directed by
RIDOT, the safe load capacity for a structure can be determined from full scale non-destructive field load
tests, which may be desirable to establish a higher safe load carrying capacity than calculated by analysis.
Refer to the MBE Section 8 for information on the types of load tests, conducting field load tests, and using
the results to establish a new or updated load rating. Some of the benefits of a load test are as follows:
• Evaluate performance of unknown structural or low rated bridge components
• Confirm load distribution
• Behavior of deteriorated or damaged members
• Measure stresses for fatigue evaluation
• Measure dynamic load allowance
The following conditions are situations where a load test would not be considered practical:
The general rating equation in LRFR (MBE Eq. 6A.4.2.1-1) is given as:
RF = Rating Factor
Rn = Nominal member resistance (as inspected)
φc = Condition Factor (refer to Section 4.2.2)
φs = System Factor (refer to Section 4.2.3)
φ = LRFD Resistance Factor
DC = Dead load effect due to structural components and attachments
DW = Dead load effect due to wearing surface and utilities
P = Permanent loads other than dead loads (secondary prestressing effects, etc.)
LL = Live load effect of the rating vehicle
IM = Dynamic load allowance (refer to Section 2.2.7)
γDC = LRFD load factor for structural components and attachments
γDW = LRFD load factor for wearing surfaces and utilities
γp = LRFD load factor for permanent loads other than dead loads
γL = Evaluation live load factor for the rating vehicle (refer to Section 4.4)
The load and resistance factors for evaluation are as provided in MBE Section 6 and Section 4.2 of this
4.2 Resistance Factors and Resistance Modifiers for the Strength Limit States
Strength is the primary limit state for load ratings; service and fatigue are selectively applied in accordance
with these guidelines and the MBE.
For the Strength Limit States, the member capacity is given as:
C = φc φs φ Rn
φc = Condition Factor (MBE Table 6A.4.2.3-1)
φs = System Factor (MBE Table 6A.4.2.4-1)
φ = LRFD Resistance Factor
φc φs ≥ 0.85
Resistance factor φ has the same value for new design and for load rating. Resistance factors, φ, shall be
taken as specified in the LRFD Specifications for new construction. A reduction factor based on member
condition, Condition Factor φc, is applied to the resistance of degraded members. An increased reliability
index is maintained for deteriorated and non-redundant bridges by using condition and system factors in
the load rating equation.
The condition factor provides a reduction to account for the increased uncertainty in the resistance of
deteriorated members and the likely increased future deterioration of these members during the period
between inspection cycles. Per the MBE 6A.4.2.3, the condition factor may be considered optional based
on an agency’s load rating practice. However, RIDOT requires application of the condition factor as
Element Condition
State of Member
under Consideration φc (Estimated Loss) φc (Field Measured)
CS 1 or 2 1.00 1.00
CS 3 0.95 1.00
CS 4 0.85 0.90
The Condition Factor φc does not account for section loss, but is used in addition to section loss. If section
properties are obtained accurately, by actual field measurement of losses using a D-meter or calipers rather
than by an estimated percentage of losses, the values specified for φc in MBE Table 6A.4.2.3-1 shall be
increased by 0.05 (φc ≤ 1.0). For instance, a concrete member may receive a low condition rating due to
heavy cracking and spalling or due to the deterioration of the concrete matrix. Such deterioration of concrete
components may not necessarily reduce their calculated flexural resistance. But it is appropriate to apply
the reduced condition factor in the LRFR load rating analysis. If there are also losses in the reinforcing steel
of this member, they should be measured and accounted for in the load rating. It is appropriate to also apply
the reduced condition factor in the LRFR load rating analysis even when the as-inspected section properties
are used in the load rating as this reduction by itself does not fully account for the impaired resistance of
the concrete component.
RIDOT requires inspection teams to measure and document section losses for critical areas. Therefore, in
most cases it is appropriate to use the value in the φc (Field Measured) column of the above table. Also, the
condition factors above are based on the element level Condition Rating of the member under consideration
rather than the overall bridge NBI Condition Rating. This provision means the poor condition of one
member will not reduce the capacity of a similar member that may be in better condition. The load rater is
responsible to determine the appropriate condition factor based on the deterioration for each member. The
overall controlling condition factor shall be reported on the Summary Sheet in the Load Rating Report.
System factors in MBE Section 6A.4.2.4 and MBE Table 6A.4.2.4-1 shall apply for all RIDOT load ratings.
4.3 Resistance Factors and Resistance Modifiers for the Service Limit States
Live load models outlined below shall be evaluated for the Strength, Service and Fatigue limit states in
accordance with Table 4-Limit States for Load Ratings. Refer to the subsequent sections for further detailed
information of each step below. Below is the general live load rating process:
1. Rate the design load using the HL-93 loading at the Inventory (Design) and Operating levels.
2. Rate the AASHTO Legal trucks (Type 3, Type 3S2, Type 3-3, H20, SU4, SU5, SU6, SU7, EV2
and EV3) and the RIPTA Bus. The RIPTA Bus shall be considered an AASHTO Legal Load for
the purposes of the load rating. However, it is noted the RIPTA Bus is not considered an actual
legal load nor shall govern a bridge posting but rather will be restricted from crossing the bridge if
inadequate to support the bus. Legal lane loads are to be used for spans greater than 200 feet and
for negative moment areas as given in MBE Figures D6A-4 and D6A-5 respectively.
3. Rate for the permit vehicles as given in Section 4.4 of this document. Other overweight permit
vehicles that deviate significantly from the standard permit vehicles are to be evaluated on a case
by case basis per direction of RIDOT. These standard permit vehicles assist RIDOT in the review
of overweight permits and additional vehicles may be added in the future.
Table 4-Limit States for Load Ratings
The design-load rating (or HL-93 rating) assesses the performance of existing bridges utilizing the LRFD
HL-93 design loading and design standards with dimensions and properties for the bridge in its present as-
inspected condition. It is a measure of the performance of existing bridges to new bridge design standards
contained in the LRFD Specifications. The design-load rating produces Inventory and Operating level
rating factors for the HL-93 loading. The design load live-load factors for the Strength I limit state shall be
taken as given in MBE Table 6A.
The dynamic load allowance specified in the LRFD Specifications for new bridge design (LRFD Article
3.6.2) shall apply. For the design load rating, regardless of the riding surface condition or the span length,
always use 33% for the dynamic load allowance (IM).
Per the MBE, the following legal loads shall apply for all span lengths and load effects:
Unit Weight = 40 kips (20 tons).
Type 3 (MBE Figure D6A-1)
Unit Weight = 50 kips (25 tons).
For the following lane-type legal load model, apply for all span lengths greater than 200 feet and all load
Lane-Type Loading for Spans Greater than 200 feet (MBE Figure D6A-4)
For the following lane-type legal load model, apply for negative moment and interior reaction for all span
Lane-Type Loading for Negative Moment and Interior Reaction (MBE Figure D6A-5)
Single-Unit SHV’s that Meet Federal Bridge Formula B (MBE Figure D6A-7)
The Fast Act Emergency Vehicles below shall be included in the load rating for all Interstate bridges as
well as on/off ramp bridges to/from these highways within reasonable access to the Interstate
(approximately one road mile). Interstate bridges within RI include all bridges carrying I-95, I-295, and I-
195. For guidance on how to apply these loads please refer to the Questions and Answers-Load Rating for
the FAST Act’s Emergency Vehicles, March 2017 which can be obtained from FHWA at
FAST Act Emergency Vehicles
The following load shall be analyzed as an AASHTO Legal Load for the purposes of the load rating:
For the RIPTA Bus analysis, should the rating factor be less than 1.0, RIDOT requires the load rater to
investigate options (i.e. other travel lanes or areas of the bridge) to determine where, if possible, the bus
may drive within the travel way without restriction. Options should be considered and discussed within the
“Evaluation & Recommendations” section of the load rating report. The intent of this investigation is to
look further into the analysis to find alternate paths, if possible, to allow the RIPTA bus over the bridge.
Routine permits are issued by the Rhode Island Department of Motor Vehicles for the movement of specific
vehicles per the RI General Laws. Routine permits are usually valid for unlimited trips over a period not
to exceed one year. The permit vehicle may mix in the traffic stream and move at normal speeds without
any restrictions.
The permit load factors shall be in accordance with MBE Table 6A-
The following routine permit loads shall be analyzed for each bridge:
Special or Limited Crossing Permits
Permits for special or limited crossings are for one-way or round-trip movement of overweight vehicles.
These permits are valid only for the specific date, time, vehicle, and route designated in the permit.
Special or limited crossing permit analysis shall be performed for a single lane loading. This is used because
these permit loads are infrequent and are likely the only heavy loads on the structure during the crossing.
When one-lane LRFD distribution factor is used, the built-in 1.2 multiple-presence factor should be divided
out (That is, divide the computed one-lane distribution factor by 1.2 before using in the permit load rating).
The permit vehicle shall be placed laterally on the bridge, within the striped lanes, to produce maximum
stresses in the critical member under consideration. In special cases the dynamic load allowance may be
neglected provided that the maximum vehicle speed can be reduced to 5 MPH prior to crossing the bridge.
The permit load factors shall be in accordance with MBE Table 6A- It is noted that unless
otherwise requested or justified, the special or limited crossing factors to be used are for the single trip,
mixed with traffic.
The standard special or limited crossing permit vehicles shown below represent the classes of overweight
trucks most frequently used to carry loads requiring a single trip permit. These configurations were chosen
by reviewing past overweight permit applications received by RIDOT and by comparing the load effects
induced by the various truck configurations in each permit class to extract a small number of representative
vehicles as standard permits.
For most future permit load investigations, the results of the standard special or limited crossing permit
vehicles will provide a sound basis for screening the load for bridge safety without the need for a re-analysis.
For specific single trip permit applications where the truck may not fit the standard permit configurations,
the actual truck configuration described in the permit shall be the live load used to analyze all pertinent
structures and may be requested by RIDOT. In the future, RIDOT may define additional standard special
or limited crossing permit vehicles based upon the frequency of such permits and their potential to induce
load effects outside the envelope of the other standard permit vehicles.
Single trip permit load analysis assumes only one permit load on the bridge, which allows the use of the
single-lane distribution. For single trip permit vehicles, it is important to note that the vehicle could traverse
the bridge in any lane, making it necessary to investigate whether the exterior or interior girder controls the
load rating.
The following standard special or limited crossing permit vehicles shall be analyzed for each bridge:
Strength is the primary basis for evaluation. The focus of serviceability checks is to identify and control
live load effects that could potentially damage the bridge structure, and impair its serviceability and service
life. Evaluation of service and fatigue limit states shall be included per the guidelines herein.
The service and fatigue limit states and load factors shall be in accordance with MBE Table 6A.4.2.2-1 and
the following:
Steel Bridges
In situations where fatigue-prone details are present (category C or lower) then fatigue shall be computed.
Fatigue is not required for shear connectors. The fatigue serviceability index or infinite life shall be
documented on the Summary of Bridge Rating Sheet in the Load Rating Report.
As previously stated, load ratings are performed to ensure bridge safety, to comply with federal regulations,
to assist with determining needs for bridge replacement or rehabilitation, to determine needs for posting,
and to assist with the processing of overload permits. For these reasons, it is very important that accurate
load rating results are reported. The safety of the public is of paramount importance, but overly
conservative assumptions and methods can also adversely impact the general public, emergency vehicles,
businesses, etc. The intent of this provision is to make sure we have the most accurate load rating possible
for a particular bridge.
In cases where any rating factor for the AASHTO legal loads is below 1.0 the load rater shall thoroughly
review the assumptions used in the rating to ensure that assumptions have not led to overly conservative
ratings. Bridges with low rating factors will always require further review and possible refinements to
arrive at the most accurate rating factors for a particular bridge. Bridges that exhibit insufficient capacity
when analyzed by approximate methods may be analyzed by refined methods of analysis as described in
LRFD Article 4.6.3. Furthermore, bridges may be evaluated for load testing if the evaluator believes that
analytical procedures do not accurately represent the true behavior and load distribution of the structure.
Please note that no refined analysis or load test shall be performed without prior approval from the
No final load rating report shall be submitted to the Department until all assumptions and analysis methods
have been thoroughly evaluated and reviewed with RIDOT. Therefore, before submitting a load rating
report with low rating factors, the load rater shall contact the RIDOT Bridge Rating Section to discuss all
assumptions and methods prior to submitting the official report.
5.1 Materials
• MBE Table 6A.5.2.2-1, Yield Strength of Reinforcing Steel, shall only be used when the yield strength
is not available from bridge construction or design records. Every effort shall be made to obtain the
bridge records and design information first before using the MBE Table.
• For any concrete slab or T-Beam superstructure not designed by LRFD, the rating method shall be a 3-
D Finite Element Analysis. However, if the existing load rating report on file has been completed using
traditional methods and contains satisfactory rating factors, it is permissible to use the traditional
method of analysis.
5.3 Shear
• Per the MBE 6A.5.8, “In-service concrete bridges that show no visible signs of shear distress need not
be checked for shear when rating for the design or legal loads.” However, any visible signs of shear
distress require shear analysis per the MBE.
• For non-prestressed members, the Simplified Procedure as described in LRFD Article may be
used. However, if the rating factors are low then the General Procedure in LRFD Article shall
be evaluated.
“For bridges where necessary details, such as reinforcement in a concrete bridge, are not available from
plans and field measurements, a physical inspection of the bridge by a qualified engineer may be sufficient
to establish an approximate load rating based on rational criteria. Load tests may be helpful in establishing
the safe load capacity for such structures.”
“A concrete bridge with unknown details need not be posted for restricted loading if it has been carrying
normal traffic for an appreciable period and shows no distress.” These bridges must be inspected in
accordance with NBIS and the RIBIM.
The design year, bridge condition, and knowledge of the live load can be useful to provide a basis for
assigning a safe load capacity. In some cases, RIDOT will request material sampling and testing and/or
load test for such structures.
• Prestress losses shall be computed using the AASHTO Approximate method for composite structures.
If any rating factor for the AASHTO Legal Loads is below 1.0 using this method, then the AASHTO
Refined Method shall be used as applicable. Assume the following values if actual values cannot be
o Service life: 75 years
o Transfer time: 24 hours
o Age at time of deck placement: 28 days
o Humidity: 80%
• Any exposed prestressing strands shall be considered effective if only minor surface rust is present.
• Any exposed prestressing strand with deterioration and section loss, separation, or fracture shall be
discounted from the analysis. It is noted there are several typical methods for determining strand loss
due to deterioration and the load rater shall fully document the methodology used in the analysis.
• Any concrete structure which meets the requirements of LRFD Article to make simple span
precast members act as continuous can be analyzed as such. If the age of the girder when continuity
was established is not clearly specified but the structure was clearly designed to be made continuous,
that girder shall still be analyzed as continuous for live load.
• Distribution factors for NEXT beams should follow the guidance provided on PCI Northeast website.
6.1 Analysis
• Plastic analysis for bridges not designed by LRFD is permitted based on the judgement of the load rater.
This option can be toggled within the control options of BrR.
6.2 Materials
• MBE Table 6A.6.2.1-1, “The Minimum Mechanical Properties of Structural Steel by Year”, shall only
be used when the minimum yield and tensile strength is not available from bridge construction or design
records. Every effort shall be made to obtain the bridge records and design information first before
using the MBE Table. In some cases, with approval from the Department, material sampling (coupon
tests) may be required.
• The guidelines in MBE Section C6A.6.5 shall be followed when evaluating deteriorated members. It
is important to note that sound engineering judgement shall be used when evaluating such members in
addition to the MBE guidelines. The method of analysis for the reduced section and the amount of
deterioration shall be clearly documented. The deterioration shall be based on actual field
measurements from either the latest inspection report or site visit. Consult with RIDOT for further
clarification if needed.
The following procedures shall be followed when analyzing localized beam end deterioration. The beam
end shall be considered the end panel of the web above the bearing. Please note the shear capacity of the
web in the beam end shall always be rated.
Definition of section losses below are included in the RIBIM Section 6.4.
o The web thickness shall be the average web thickness over the height of the web.
Documentation of the average web thickness for web crippling calculations shall be provided.
• For axial resistance of bearing stiffeners, the resistance of the column section shall be based on the
effective section per LRFD
• Bearing, web crippling, and web yielding shall be evaluated for the design, AASHTO, and permit
vehicles. To save analysis time, if the HL-93 rating factor is above 1.0 then no rating factors are
required to be calculated for the AASHTO vehicles.
• The results of the bearing, web crippling, and web yielding analysis shall be tabularized and included
within the Breakdown of Bridge Rating of the report. However, only the results of the permit vehicles
shall be reported as the governing rating factor in the Summary Sheet. This will restrict the permit
vehicles from crossing the bridge.
• The flag for bearing, web crippling, and web yielding shall be checked if any AASHTO vehicle rating
factor is <1.0. However, this shall not be reported as the governing rating factor on the Summary Sheet.
Any flagged bridge will be monitored at a reduced inspection frequency and/or repaired, but will only
be posted at the discretion of the Department on a case by case basis.
6.5 I-Sections
6.5.1 General
• The provisions of LRFD Appendix A6 shall apply for flexural resistance of straight composite I-
sections in negative flexure and straight non-composite I-sections with compact or non-compact webs
so long as the requirements set forth in LRFD Article A6.1 are satisfied. This option can be toggled
within BrR.
• The provisions of LRFD Appendix B6 shall apply for moment redistribution from interior-pier I
sections in straight continuous span bridges so long as the requirements of LRFD Article B6.2 are
satisfied. This option can be toggled within BrR.
• The compression flange shall be considered braced by the concrete deck in positive flexure where the
girder is in full contact with the deck and there are no signs of cracking or heavy rust separation along
the top flange/concrete deck interface.
• Determine if composite action exists based on the guidelines from NCHRP Research Results Digest,
November 1998-Number 234, Manual for Bridge Rating Though Load Testing.
o For steel I-sections in flexure with concrete decks and unknown composite action, the I-section
shall initially be assumed to be non-composite. If any rating factor for the AASHTO Legal
Loads is below 1.0, then the section shall be evaluated as a composite section without shear
connectors if there are no signs of distress along the top flange/concrete deck slab interface that
would indicate a lack of composite action. If the top flange is not partially or fully encased,
use a maximum interface shear stress across the top steel flange of 70psi. If the top flange is
at least partially embedded in concrete use 100psi.
o For girders where there is an observed break in the bond between the top flange and the concrete
deck, the capacity shall be determined as though it is partially braced non-composite.
• Longitudinal reinforcement in the deck slab shall be included in the negative moment capacity analysis
over the pier.
6.5.4 Connections
• Field splices shall be rated if the splice is part of a fracture critical member, or if section loss is present,
or if any slip is observed in the connection.
• Connection plates of any floor system superstructure primary members shall only be load rated if
section loss is present.
• Gusset plates shall be analyzed in accordance with MBE Article 6A.6.12.6.
7.1 Materials
• If the species and/or grade of lumber cannot be determined from the existing plans or field assessment,
assume Southern Pine No. 1.
The load rater shall consider the design load of the system when performing an evaluation. If the rating
factors appear low based on the design load further investigation and validation of assumptions shall be
carefully examined prior to submitting a report to RIDOT.
Masonry arches shall be load rated in ASR, in accordance with MBE Article 6A.9.1 unless dictated
otherwise by RIDOT.
In accordance with MBE 6A., for single span culverts, the effects of live load may be neglected
where the depth of fill is more than 8 feet and exceeds the span length; for multiple span culverts, the effects
may be neglected where the depth of fill exceeds the distance between the inside faces of end walls.
However, culverts with deep fills shall be evaluated for the effects of permanent loads only.
accordance with the MBE or in accordance with State law, when the maximum unrestricted legal loads or
State routine permit loads exceed that allowed under the operating rating or equivalent rating factor. Load
Raters/Load Rating Engineers will make load posting recommendations to RIDOT based on the load rating
analysis. RIDOT is the responsible authority to make the posting decision and holds the responsibility for
implementing the load posting decision in accordance with State law and the NBIS. The FHWA Division
Office will be consulted if required in this decision making process. Bridges with an initial load rating
report recommending posting that are based on traditional methods but are recommended for a refined
analysis will be coordinated with FHWA. Bridge postings are tracked within the Department load rating
tracking database and FHWA will be informed of bridge postings as required. The load rating tracking
database is the primary Department tool to track the current status and dates of all load rating reports,
pending posting sign actions, and posting sign field installations. Posting sign actions are reviewed and
follow-up weekly. The timeline for completed posting sign actions will be in accordance with FHWA
All posting decisions must be based on the results of a current field inspection and load rating. Authority
to post or close a bridge is maintained by the bridge owner, conforming to local regulations or policy, within
the limits established by the MBE.
The strength limit state is used for checking the ultimate capacity of structural members and is the primary
limit state utilized by RIDOT for determining posting needs. The fatigue limit state will not dictate a bridge
For any bridge with a legal load rating factor less than 1.0, the following shall be investigated prior to
posting a bridge in Section 11.2:
• The load rater shall explore all assumptions used in the analysis and analysis methods in accordance
with Section 4.5 of these guidelines. No final load rating report shall be submitted until this is
• The load rater shall evaluate the bridge to see if a traffic restriction (i.e. barrier) can be reasonably
implemented to restrict traffic and eliminate the need for a bridge posting. If it is not feasible, the
bridge will have to be posted in accordance with Section 11.2. For bridges with a traffic restriction, the
rating factors in the “Summary of Bridge Rating” of the report shall be based on the portion of the
bridge that is open to traffic.
• A concrete bridge with unknown details need not be posted for restricted loading if it has been carrying
normal traffic and shows no distress. Refer to Section 1.11.
For any bridge not satisfying the criteria in Section 11.1, the following shall apply:
• Any strength or applicable service limit legal load rating factors below statutory will require a bridge
posting for the appropriate values. The appropriate values will be determined by the owner in
consideration of the load rating, bridge condition, etc. While the safe posting load formula in MBE
Section 6A.8.3 can be a useful tool to aid the bridge owner, this formula will not be used to compute
the bridge posting values in RI.
• Bridges not capable of carrying 3 tons for any AASHTO Legal Load will be closed.
The load rater shall refer to MBE Section 1.4, the applicable portions of RI Bridge Inspection Manual
Chapter 5, and the guidelines below:
Quality control procedures are intended to maintain the quality of the bridge load ratings and are usually
performed continuously within organizations. The consultant shall have quality control procedures in place
to assure the accuracy and completeness of all load ratings in addition to these guidelines. As part of the
quality control process, all load rating calculations shall be checked by an independent engineer other than
the load rating engineer as detailed in Section 1.9.
When software programs are used, the load rater shall perform independent spot checks to validate the
accuracy of the load rating results generated by the software. The reviewer shall verify all input data, verify
that the summary of load capacity information accurately reflects the analysis, and be satisfied with the
accuracy and suitability of the software.
Quality assurance procedures are used to verify the adequacy of the quality control procedures to meet or
exceed the standards established by the agency or the consultant performing the load ratings. Quality
assurance procedures are usually performed independent of the load rating teams on a sample of their work.
Guidance on quality measures for load rating may be found in MBE Section 1.4.
Verification of the posting (or non-posting) shall be confirmed during bridge inspections. Bridge inspection
teams shall verify the load posting signs during any routine, special, or fracture critical inspection.
The load rating report shall be a comprehensive report that facilitates the review and updating of the
information in the future. The load rating report deliverables shall consist of a hard copy, Adobe PDF
Version (PDF), and CD as detailed in the subsequent sections.
The hard copy of the rating report shall be printed on 8½”x11” sheets and be GBC bound with clear front
and back covers. Fold-out pages shall not be included. The CD shall be attached to the inside of the back
The load rating report shall be composed of the following sections and ordered as outlined below. Please
note the information detailed below is required for both the hard copy and PDF version of the report unless
indicated otherwise.
13.1.1 Report Cover
The report cover contains all pertinent bridge information and shall be stamped by a Registered Professional
Engineer in the State of RI.
Red Cover: Any AASHTO legal load rating (H-20, Type 3, Type 3S2, Type 3-3, SU4, SU5, SU6, SU7,
EV2, and EV3) is 10 tons or less. Please note the RIPTA bus shall not affect the color of the cover.
Yellow Cover: All AASHTO legal load ratings more than 10 tons but less than statutory
Green Cover: All AASHTO legal load ratings are above statutory.
13.1.3 Index
Index of all major sections within the report with page numbers. Description of what documents are
included within each section should be provided.
Tabular listing of all controlling load rating values, condition factor, system factor, surface roughness,
ADTT, QA/QC, and other specific criteria. The template for this sheet is available from RIDOT in
Microsoft Excel.
For the QA/QC box on this sheet, please note the following:
• The “Load Rating Engineer” shall be the load rater as defined in Section 1.9.1.
• The “Load Rating Done/Checked By” shall be a separate individual and the person signing the
“Agreement of Independent Reviewer” (Section 13.1.12).
• The “Quality Assurance By” is the person responsible for quality assurance within the organization. It
is preferred that this individual be a separate individual.
Tabular listings of ratings of applicable bridge elements at all critical locations. Separate sheets are required
for the Legal and Permit loads. At a minimum, if all legal load rating factors are above 1.0 then the typical
controlling interior and exterior beam for moment and shear for all limit states shall be included within the
breakdown. Should any legal load rating factor be less than 1.0, in addition to the above, all locations
regardless of the limit state with a rating factor below 1.0 shall be reported in this breakdown. This is
important as exact locations with rating factors below 1.0 are needed to program future repairs or
rehabilitation. In addition to the rating factors, the tonnage values shall be included within this table.
Any questions regarding the above shall be directed to the RIDOT Bridge Rating Section.
13.1.6 Location Map
Color location map showing sufficient landmarks and roadway information to allow user to easily locate
and identify the structure. A callout with the bridge number, route carried, crossing, and municipality shall
be provided on this map.
Narrative description of the methods, assumptions, material properties, and standards used in the analysis.
The following elements shall be included within this section:
Summary of the controlling elements of the structure and recommendations to either improve or maintain
the condition of the structure. Include discussion of fatigue life for steel structures.
List of all references used for the load rating of the structure such as plans, shop drawings, design
calculations, specifications, manuals, previous load rating, computer software/version, etc. In addition, the
following shall be included:
34 Orientation Plan / Orientation Section View
The bridge orientation plan and view showing appropriate beam labels/orientation shall be included. The
orientation shall match the orientation in the inspection report rather than the design plans. For bridges
where there is inconsistent orientation between previous inspection and/or load rating reports, use the
orientation in the current inspection report but provide cross reference to the other labeling system for ease
or review and comparison.
Provide only the cover sheet and relevant plan sheets used for the analysis within this section as reference.
A complete set of plans does not need to be included within the body of the report. The intent of this
provision is to have the relevant sheets used in the analysis on-hand for review/future revisions. Sheets
such as the general plan, framing plan, cross section, beam details, connection details, etc. are considered
the relevant sheets. It is not necessary to include the complete plan set within the load rating report. Only
include the complete set of plans as a backup file on the CD submitted with the report.
An independent review is required for all RIDOT load ratings as part of the QA/QC process. Provide a
signed/dated statement such as “I hereby state that all assumptions, hand calculations, and software inputs
have been verified for accuracy for the load rating of Bridge No. XXX”.
Include the narrative bridge inspection report which the load rating is based upon.
Include the appropriate number of color photographs of the bridge, two photos per sheet, including at a
minimum the elevation and approach views, framing views (if it varies, one of each type) and sufficient
photos to document the condition of the critical members that govern the load rating to substantiate the
assumptions in the calculations. The complete set of photos does not need to be included within this section.
It is acceptable to provide a statement that “Only applicable inspection photos relevant to this load rating
are included within this report. A complete set of photos are included with the bridge inspection report
which is separate from this report.”
Provide all backup hand computations, spreadsheets, section loss sheets, sketches, etc. that support the
assumptions and inputs used in the analysis. It is noted all raw electronic files used for the analysis shall
be submitted on the CD that accompanies the load rating report. These files are needed to edit/update future
load ratings.
For the hard copy of the report (not PDF version), the following shall be provided:
• Screenshot of the framing plan.
• Screenshot of the typical section.
• Screenshot of beam(s) configuration.
• Screenshot of analysis results for controlling members.
• Screenshot of dead load moment and shear summary for each controlling member.
• Screenshot of any important parameters used in the analysis (i.e. stress limits of concrete, etc.).
• Last page of this section to have statement indicating that input and output files are provided in the PDF
version of the report.
For the PDF version of the report, the following shall be provided:
• All of the above criteria for the hard copy.
• BWS Report for controlling members. At a minimum, the typical interior and exterior member shall
be included.
• LRFR Output for controlling members. At a minimum, the typical interior and exterior member shall
be included.
For the PDF version of the report, all detailed and comprehensive input and output files shall be provided.
However, these documents do not need not be included within the hard copy that is submitted to the
13.1.17 Report CD
The inside back cover of the hard copy of the report shall contain a CD containing the following. Refer to
Section 13.2 for the file organization and naming structure of the electronic files to be included on the CD:
• PDF version of the load rating report. See requirements in Section 13.1
• BrR/Software input files
• Raw (original) electronic data files for all supplemental calculations (i.e. dead loads, distribution
factors, section loss, section properties, etc.)
• Existing plans
• Shop drawings
• Design calculations
• Other support information (i.e. material test data, etc.)
The information below provides the content, layout, and file naming definitions of the electronic bridge
load rating deliverable.
13.2.1 Bridge Folder
The parent folder on the CD shall be labeled with the 6-digit bridge number.
The rating folder shall be the subfolder to the Bridge Folder and be labelled as the MM.DD.YYYY of the
PDF version of the inspection report used in the analysis. Photos shall be included within this file.
PDF version of the existing plans. If file is large just include the relevant sheets. If the existing plans are
on file for a previous rating, please omit from this submittal but provide a document within this folder
referencing the load rating report which contains the existing plans. Calculations
Folder shall consist of the following subfolders and contain all raw (original) data files for future editing:
37 Sketches
Include all raw (original) data files for sketches as well as PDF. Output
Folder shall consist of the following subfolders and contain the applicable output files. If using other
software programs it is acceptable to modify the contents and names of the folders below. The
AASHTOWare BrR output file can be placed in this directory. Report
PDF version of the report. The report file shall be named with the six-digit bridge number.
Include any other supporting documents not included elsewhere in this folder.
At least one person from each consultant firm performing load ratings shall subscribe to the AASHTOWare
BrDR mailing list. This insures that proper notifications will be received when program updates are
available, critical errors have been uncovered or corrected, or general BrR information must be distributed.
The website is as follows:
All BrR files require two unique identifiers, a Bridge ID and a NBI Structure ID. The Bridge ID shall be
the six-digit bridge number and the NBI Structure ID shall be the six-digit bridge number with nine (9)
zeros placed in front as follows:
• NBI Structure ID: 000000000030701
The BrR .xml file name shall be the six-digit bridge number.
• In general, GIRDER SYSTEM is preferred. For large bridges or bridge with complicated framing, it
is acceptable to use GIRDER LINE for the appropriate girders. Regardless, all detailed backup dead
load calculations used in the model load shall be provided in their original format.
• It is preferred to use separate superstructure definitions for the as-built and as-inspected conditions.
This allows the user to perform an analysis from the explorer.
There are two options to apply superimposed dead load to the structure. Either method is acceptable but for
consistency with load ratings please follow the methods below:
14.4.1 Option 1
14.4.2 Option 2
• All tabs shall be completed based on the information from the latest inspection report. RIDOT does
not use the Custom Agency Fields at this time.
• The Global Reference Point shall be 0.00 for the X and Y coordinates.
• The ADT information shall be from the latest inspection report and the load rater shall assume a 50%
directional PCT unless more precise traffic information is available. In cases where fatigue in steel
bridges may be a concern more accurate traffic data may be available from RIDOT.
• For fatigue calculations to perform properly, the estimated annual traffic growth rate must be entered.
By default, this value shall be 1.00% in the absence of more precise information.
14.6 Materials
• The materials shall match the design data. If material properties are not available in the standard library,
the load rater shall enter the appropriate information for each material based on the nomenclature and
properties obtained from the design plans or other design information for the bridge.
• Member shapes can often be selected from the BrR library of shapes, however, the load rater should
review the member dimensions and properties to ensure they match the bridge plans or previous rating
calculations. Older shapes may require manual input and member properties. Should that be the case,
the appropriate backup calculations and raw electronic file (if applicable) shall be provided as part of
the load rating deliverables.
14.8 Appurtenances
• The use of appurtenances is permitted as it allows the correct display in the schematic window to help
visually confirm the cross section. It is noted that appurtenances will not always be appropriate for all
bridges but its use can be helpful when applicable.
• The superstructure definition name at a minimum shall contain the bridge number and span number.
• Spans shall be labeled in accordance with the bridge inspection report, not the design plans. Cross
referencing using parenthesis after the member name is useful for referencing purposes.
• The description shall contain any useful notes helpful to future load raters.
The default load cases of DC1, DC2, and DW shall be used to describe the dead loads. Please note the
backup calculations for these loads shall be provided a part of the load rating deliverables.
• Diaphragm dead load shall be computed by the load rater and entered within the FRAMING PLAN
• The wearing surface thickness field measured box shall be checked when the curb reveal is measured
and the original curb reveal is known from the existing plans. Also, the load case shall be DW.
14.9.4 Shear Connector Definitions
• It is not necessary to enter the shear connectors into BrR for the purposes of a load rating. However,
the presence of shear connectors must be acknowledged (under MEMBER ALTERNATIVE /DECK
PROFILE / SHEAR CONNECTORS) in order for composite action to be considered by BrR.
• Additional dead loads (transverse stiffeners, longitudinal stiffeners, utilities, etc.) shall be input as a
MEMBER LOAD for a uniform load. BrR does not compute the dead load of transverse or longitudinal
14.11.1 General
• Do not link member alternatives within BrR. Reasons for this pertain to the ability to apply future
section losses to specific members.
• Members shall be labeled in accordance with the bridge inspection report, not the design plans. Cross
referencing using parenthesis after the member name is useful for referencing purposes. Also note as-
built or as-inspected in the name.
• For all LRFR load ratings, the load rater shall select the most current “Spec Version” unless otherwise
directed by RIDOT.
• When incorporating section losses into the BrR model, a separate MEMBER ALTERNATIVE for the
member that exhibits section loss shall be created. The as-built model shall be maintained in the model.
The as-inspected MEMBER ALTERNATIVE shall be set to EXISTING / CURRENT (E) (C) to ensure
that any analysis runs from the BRIDGE WORKSPACE or BRIDGE EXPLORER utilize the as-
• If there are no section losses and the as-built is the same as the as-inspected then only one MEMBER
ALTERNATIVE shall be created under the as-built name. This will help reduce file size for large
• In CONTROL OPTIONS, select “Allow Plastic Analysis” for all steel bridges with the exception of
built-up steel members.
• In CONTROL OPTIONS, it is recommend for continuous steel structures exhibiting low rating factors
to enable “Use Appendix A6 for Flexural Resistance”. BrR will automatically check several criteria
prior to use based on checking this box.
• Live load distribution factors shall be computed using the “Compute from Typical Section” feature
within BrR. If the load rater must manually compute distribution factors, then caution shall be exercised
as if there are any changes to member spacing, beam shape, specifications, or other parameters to
compute the live load distribution factors then the program will not compute the new live load
distribution factors automatically during an analysis event. If the live load distribution factors are
manually computed, the load rater must verify the values inputted in BrR prior to running the final
14.12 BrR Tolerance Settings
• Tolerance settings can be viewed by clicking on the CONFIGURATION BROWSER icon / SYSTEM
DEFAULTS / TOLERANCE. The BrR default settings shall be applied. If the load rater is unable to
reproduce previous ratings computed using BrR, the tolerance settings should be reviewed.
Report Cover
Summary of Bridge Rating
Breakdown (Legal Loads)
Breakdown (Permit Loads)
Description of Bridge
Agreement of Independent Reviewer