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Criminal Girls - Invite Only FAQ - Walkthrough For PlayStation Vita by JustTheFAQs89 - GameFAQs

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Criminal Girls: Invite Only

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FAQ/Walkthrough by JustTheFAQs89
Version: 1.01 | Updated: 03/27/15 | Search Guide | Bookmark Guide

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Tips, Strategies, and Reference
1. Missables
2. General Gam eplay Tips
3. Motivation Minigam e Tips
4. Girl's Wish
5. Skills
6. Bond Attacks
7. Item s
3. Walkthrough
1. Prison Block (Cell Block 832)
2. Morass Block
3. Inferno Block
4. Frost Block
5. Education Block
6. Purgatory
7. Final Battle Preparation
8. Final Boss Strategy
4. Post-Gam e Walkthrough
1. Warden's Block
2. Post-Gam e Characters
3. Garden of Mem ories
4. Ether Zone 437
5. Trophies (PS Vita)
1. Girl's Wish Trophies
2. Ending Trophies
6. Art and Scene Galleries
7. Resources
8. Usage

Welcome to my Criminal Girls: Invite Only guide. This is a simple game with few things to miss and no way to get irreversibly stuck, though many of the boss battles can be difficult due to
the apparent randomness of the attack prompts (if you know what you're doing, you can manipulate the outcomes greatly). Fighting battles by a save point to raise levels, learn skills, and
buy items helps greatly. So does a good strategy, and that's where this guide comes in handy. I've censored several of the boss names to keep the main game walkthrough reasonably
spoiler-free, so to find a boss quickly you can click on the dungeon name and read down to your current floor. None of the dialogue choices change the outcome of the events, so say
whatever you like.

There is one point in the game after which several collectibles can be missed (CG arts and ending trophies), but only if you don't make a backup save. I've pointed it out in the walkthrough
and you can read it in the short Missables section below. If you do make a backup save at that point, then you will be able to reload that save to unlock everything (including all the
trophies) in one playthrough.

If you're new to this game and want a head start on strategy, then I recommend reading the game's manual (press the Home button and tap the book icon at the top) and the tips section
below. Even with good strategy, you can expect to grind for hours.

Tips, Strategies, and Reference

Endings (and the associated trophies) and some art CGs. Before Knighting a girl to challenge the final boss, save in a separate file. Some of the CGs can only be unlocked while the girls
are in their criminal outfits, so this save can be used for both seeing all the endings and unlocking any missing art.

Besides that, there isn't anything significant that can be missed. None of the dialogue scenes make a difference, and you can return to anywhere at any time.

Actually Not Missable

•Consumable items found in treasure chests or stolen from bosses. These are not necessary to finish the game, and you can buy them all at the end of the game.
•Items found on the ground in dungeons that go away after examining them. These reappear when you need to find them for events.
•Any area in the game. You can warp to any save point you've visited.
•Locked doors that say they're sealed by a special force. These are opened in events later.

General Gameplay Tips

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Heal and Save Often: Game over means losing all your progress since the last save and you don't want that to be more than a few minutes. Tomoe's Return or the Rest Ticket item can
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be used to return to a save point from almost anywhere.
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Grinding Makes Everything Easier: There are two main ways to get stronger in this game: fight battles until the girls gain levels, and motivate them to learn new skills. Levels are
important in this game because defense stats are important. Even after learning the available skills, gaining a few levels can still make a boss battle easier. If you're having trouble at
any point, gain some levels and try again. It will be easier. Expect to do several hours of grinding next to a save point in a playthrough.

Use Items Frequently in Boss Battles: You can use 1 item per turn in addition to the normal command. If you anticipate needing to use multiple items soon, use one in advance
whenever possible. If you don't need to heal, instead use a Regen Medicine or an ATK/DEF Boost item to make your position even stronger. You can carry up to 15 of each consumable
item, so carry as many as you can afford to. Items sell for a fraction of what they cost to buy; I never found it worthwhile to sell items.

Use Sako's Shout next to the save point: The best place to fight random battles is usually next to the latest save point you've reached. Sometimes a save point on an earlier floor has
groups with more enemies, but usually the latest floor gives the fastest EXP and CM. Learn Sako's Shout field skill and use it to start battles because it's faster than walking around. Heal
and save whenever you run out of MP.

Use group attacks when training: A quick way to win random battles is with Tomoe's and Alice's bond attacks. If there are three or more enemies with the appropriate weakness, Tomoe
will always prompt to use the bond attack. Tomoe's Raid and Swallow Song skills and Shin's/Tomoe's OPR Heaven bond attack can defeat many enemies in one hit. I found myself using
Shin/Ran/Alice/Tomoe to fight most random battles.
Yes No   
Find the bond attack chests: Some bond attacks are very useful for random battles and boss battles. I've noted their locations in the walkthrough and in the bond attack section. Tomoe's
are especially useful because she will always prompt to use them when there are enough enemies; this makes training easier.

Early on, escape from costly random battles: A failed escape from a battle has no penalty, so feel free to try every turn on battles you prefer not to complete. This can be useful even
when you're training, so that you spend proportionally more time on the battles with bigger rewards.

Later, just turn off the random battles: Learn Ran's Alert Move field skill early, and use it as much as you can afford to. This way, you won't have to fight random battles unless you want
to. Alice's field skill can increase the number of times Ran can cast Alert Move between save points, and completing Ran's requests will lower Alert Move's MP Cost.

No good skills this turn? Reroll: Switching a party member or using an item can reset the commands. This can be useful if you got a turn of all weak commands or you're looking for a
skill to defeat a weak enemy party in one hit. If you cure a girl's confusion status effect with an item, she'll return to proposing a normal command. Sometimes, curing a party member can
remove a healing option, though, so be careful.

Attacks have specific prompts: The most exploitable prompts are those that occur on the first turn the girl is in battle (you can switch in an unused girl during a boss battle for a
guaranteed use of her support skill), and those that occur when a boss charges an attack (usually you want Ran to Guard, but sometimes Yuko's Attack Down is better because you'll
survive anyway).

Why won't she attack? A girl won't be able to use any skills until she learns Attack Lv 1. That means it's not a valid plan to hold back on motivating a girl until she gets her level 4 skill so
it'll be the only attack she prompts to use. It's best to learn all the skills as soon as you can.

Motivation Minigame Tips

Lv 1: Maintenance
Hold a finger on each side of the touch screen at all times. The whip takes time to restart when pressure is removed, so keeping a finger on each screen will let you whip Temptations
quickly. It's possible to pinch both sides of the screen to have a whip of each color active on each side of the screen at once. Temptations will never appear in the center, so you'll never
have to cross fingers, and can focus on each side individually.

There's a glitch affecting the Maintenance and Slippery Slope activities, where holding a finger on the screen before the activity starts will cause the item to be inactive until you
release and press again. To avoid this, don't touch the screen until the activity starts and the first Temptation appears.

Lv 2: Edgeplay
The switch on the Temptation must be touched directly in order to move it; swiping across the screen from another position will have no effect. The main difficulty here is identifying where
your back screen finger is. I had the screen turned sideways and kept my dominant hand's index finger on the screen; then, when a blue Temptation appeared, I moved the back finger to
the switch, lifted, and tapped lightly.

Lv 3: Slippery Slope
I found this activity somewhat difficult. Keeping several bottles active at once eliminates the time it takes to restart the pouring animation. One technique is to use a thumb on the front
screen and the other hand's index finger on the back screen. This usually works for 200 points but does require precision. There's also a fast and imprecise method that can be done by
pinching both sides of the screen with each hand. Keep the fingers towards the top so you can see the rest of the screen, and be careful not to cross hands since that will make bottles
merge. With that position, you can fine tune each bottle to hit the Temptations. There is some luck involved in the positioning of the Temptations; it's worse if they're at the top of the screen
because it's harder to aim and the water drops take longer to regenerate, and it's also worse if they tend to move more horizontally than vertically. If you're getting 170-190 points then try
again for a chance at a better result.

There's a glitch affecting the Maintenance and Slippery Slope activities, where holding a finger on the screen before the activity starts will cause the item to be inactive until you
release and press again. To avoid this, don't touch the screen until the activity starts and the first Temptation appears.

Lv 4: Tickle Party
The duster is active immediately upon touching the screen, so it's possible to keep your hand off and rub Temptations as they appear. The trick is to rub quickly and use a wide enough
motion to avoid missing. Blue Temptations sometimes appear near the bottom of the back touch screen's input area, so rub horizontally for the blue ones (turning the system sideways

Lv 5: Aftercare
This is similar to Edgeplay, and easier because the pillows have a larger detection radius than the switches. Drag the pillows close to the center of the target zone before releasing, and be
ready to occasionally drag it back in case you overshoot.

 Back
There's a trick to slightly reduce motivation CM cost for all the activities. Normally, if you do the motivation mini-games perfectly for 200 points each time, it will take 2-1-2-2 tries to Top
for skills
1-2-3-4. If you lose 90 to 120 points from the first three tiers, the fourth tier can be completed in one perfect 200 point activity, and it will instead take 2-2-2-1 tries, which costs less CM

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than 2-1-2-2. This can be accomplished by doing nothing in the first tier 1 activity for all the activities except Edgeplay and Aftercare, where you'll earn 120 points instead of 100 for doing
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nothing. For these two activities, make one more mistake anywhere else to be able to complete the fourth level in one session.
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Also, here are some stats on how much CM it takes to learn all the skills at each tier, assuming you're doing the 2-2-2-1 trick and do all the requests as soon as they appear:

Maintenance: 10*2 + 35*2 + 60*2 + 100 = 310 CM

Edgeplay: 100*2 + 150*2 + 300*2 + 450 = 1550 CM
Slippery Slope: 500*2 + 487*2 + 675*2 + 900 = 4224 CM
Tickle Party: 1125*2 + 1500*2 + 2250*2 + 3375 = 13125 CM
Aftercare: 11250*2 + 11000*2 + 15000*2 + 22500 = 97000 CM

Girl's Wish
Each girl has four requests that she makes as she learns more skills. Completing these requests gives each girl the following benefits. If a later request's conditions are reached before the
previous request has been completed, then the girl will make the next request after the next time you motivate her. None of the requests are available until Yuko joins the party on Morass
Block 2F.

Request # Requirement Completion Effect

Request 1 5 skills learned and Yuko has joined the party Skills cost 1 MP less
Request 2 9 skills learned and first request completed Motivating costs 75% of the full cost
Request 3 13 skills learned and second request completed Skills cost another 2 MP less
Request 4 17 skills learned and third request completed Motivating costs 50% of the full cost

When the request triggers, the girl will state the dungeon and floor to visit. If you forget, you can open the main menu and press Start at her status screen to see the area to visit. The
objective is marked on the map as a heart. Several of the requests require you to defeat an enemy, and sometimes these enemies are stronger than the current random battles, so heal
and save before starting fights just in case; if a request battle is too hard, you can come back later at a higher level and with all the available skills learned. At the recommended level to
beat the boss of the earliest possible section you can unlock the request, and with all the available skills, none of these battles will be a challenge.

The Maintenance skills are available soon after starting the game, the Edgeplay skills become available after beating Prison Block, the Slippery Slope skills become available after beating
Morass Block, and the Tickle Party skills are available after beating Inferno Block. The Aftercare skills are only available to Knighted girls.

The listed MP costs are the initial costs. The cost can be reduced by up to 6 MP for each girl by doing her first three requests and by Knighting her. Though I mention the Knight bonuses
here, they don't apply until the end of the main game and are relevant mainly to the post-game.

Skills marked "passive" raise stats and always apply to the girl once she learns them. Skills marked "auto" sometimes trigger for free at the end of a turn, while that girl is in the active
party. Bond attacks require the other listed girl to be in the party at the same time as the casting character.

Activ ity Skill MP Cost Effect
Maintenance 1 Attack Lv 1 0 Fight with max 2 cooperation
Maintenance 2 Treasure Hunt 0 Steals item from enemy*
Maintenance 3 Increase ATK passive P-ATK increases by 5
Maintenance 4 Find Treasure 4 [Field Skill] Displays treasure boxes
Edgeplay 1 Two Step Cut 6 2 continuous attacks to enemy
Edgeplay 2 Paralyze Slash 8 Damages enemy + Paralyze
Edgeplay 3 Poison Slash 9 Damages enemy + Poison
Edgeplay 4 HP Hunt 8 Damages enemy + absorb HP
Slippery Slope 1 Attack Lv 2 0 Fight with max 3 cooperation
Slippery Slope 2 Auto Venom auto Damages enemy + Poison
Slippery Slope 3 CM Hunt 4 Steals CM from enemy
Slippery Slope 4 Attack Lv 3 0 Fight with max 4 cooperation
Tickle Party 1 Para-sword 16 Big damage to enemy + chance to Paralyze
Tickle Party 2 MP Hunt 0 Damages enemy + absorb MP
Tickle Party 3 Veno-sword 17 Damages all enemies + Poison
Tickle Party 4 Big HP Hunter 13 Damages enemy + big absorb HP
Aftercare 1 Bad Break 46 Huge damage to enemy + Poison + Paralyze
Aftercare 2 Auto Hunt auto Steals item from enemy*
Aftercare 3 CM Up passive Increases CM obtained from battle**
Aftercare 4 Max HP Up passive Max HP increases by 50 (always active)
Bond Attack 1 (with Sako) Flame Fist 8 Huge fire damage to enemy
Bond Attack 2 (with Shin) Hunt and Heal 13 Big damage to enemy + heals all allies

*: Treasure Hunt always works the first time per enemy, then never works on that enemy again.
**: CM Up provides a 20% increase if Kisaragi was in the active party at any time during the battle. It stacks with other skills that increase CM.

Comments: Kisaragi is a strong attacker at the start of the game, and her ability to steal items remains useful for a while longer (I couldn't find anything good for her to steal in the
endgame.). She is the only character who can inflict poison on an enemy, which is useful in some boss battles. Eventually, her damage is outclassed by the other characters; I used her
the least of all the girls. Kisaragi does gain a second use when she learns CM Up: You can leave her in your active party when training to gain 20% more CM.

Activ ity Skill MP Cost Effect
Maintenance 1 Attack Lv 1 0 Fight with max 2 cooperation
Maintenance 2 Guard 0 All allies defend to decrease damage*
Maintenance 3 Increase DEF passive P-DEF increases by 5
Maintenance 4 Alert Move 11 [Field Skill] Avoid enemy encounters
Edgeplay 1 Revenge 6 Taunt all enemies and counter
Edgeplay 2 DEF Up 4 Raises P-DEF of all allies
Edgeplay 3 Life Save 10 Heals KO for all allies + small heal HP  Back to Top
Edgeplay 4 Electric Burst 7 Lightning damage to enemy

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Slippery Slope 1 Attack Lv 2 0 Fight with max 3 cooperation
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Slippery Slope 2 Auto Revenge auto Counter on enemy attacks
Slippery Slope 3 Thunderbolt 6 Lightning damage to all enemies + Paralyze
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Slippery Slope 4 Attack Lv 3 0 Fight with max 4 cooperation
Tickle Party 1 Final Revenge 12 Lightning counter + chance to Paralyze
Tickle Party 2 Big DEF Up 8 Big P-DEF raise for all allies
Tickle Party 3 Electric Slam 13 Big damage to enemy + Paralyze
Tickle Party 4 Soul Save 35 Heals KO for all allies + invincibility**
Aftercare 1 Knight's Guard 40 Invincibility for all allies***
Aftercare 2 Magic Shield auto Big M-DEF raise (for Ran)
Aftercare 3 Status Guard passive Heals all status ailments****
Aftercare 4 Increase DEF passive P-DEF increases by 15
Bond Attack 1 (with Alice) True Defense 12 Huge DEF and M-DEF raise for all allies
Bond Attack 2 (with Tomoe) Shield Smash 25 Huge damage to enemy

*: Paralyzed allies may not guard if they skip their action from paralysis that turn.
**: Soul Save says it gives invincibility, but it does not seem to have an effect beyond reviving the characters.
***: Knight's Guard invincibility always lasts two turns. You can keep the second turn of invincibility on a girl for later by swapping her out.
****: Status Guard prevents all status ailments on Ran (Poison, Paralysis, Confusion, Switch Ban).

Comments: Ran is useful the entire game. Ran's Guard skills go first and protect the entire party from the common boss charge attacks. Her field skill, Alert Move, should be used
constantly the entire game once she gains it, so that you fight random battles only when you're next to the save point. Her Revenge skills are much stronger than they appear, because
they make any single-target attacks an enemy uses target Ran instead; Ran has the highest P-DEF of any party member, so that's often like getting a free turn where you take less
damage and do a group attack (and in Final Revenge's case, paralyze the enemies too). Soul Save and Knight's Guard are immensely useful when you get them.

Activ ity Skill MP Cost Effect
Maintenance 1 Attack Lv 1 0 Fight with max 2 cooperation
Maintenance 2 Magic Attack 5 Magic damage to enemy
Maintenance 3 Increase M-ATK passive M-ATK increases by 5
Maintenance 4 MP Split 10* [Field Skill] +10 MP to ally
Edgeplay 1 Pain 9 Magic damage to enemy
Edgeplay 2 MP Suck 0 Magic damage to enemy + absorb MP
Edgeplay 3 Freeze 11 Ice damage to enemy + lower SPD
Edgeplay 4 Group Freeze 16 Ice damage to all enemies + lower SPD
Slippery Slope 1 Attack Lv 2 0 Fight with max 3 cooperation
Slippery Slope 2 Extra auto Ice damage to enemy + lower SPD
Slippery Slope 3 Giver 2 Big M-ATK raise
Slippery Slope 4 Attack Lv 3 0 Fight with max 4 cooperation
Tickle Party 1 Stalker 14 Raises power of next magic damage
Tickle Party 2 Shock 15 Lightning damage to enemy + chance to Paralyze
Tickle Party 3 Group Pain 25 Magic damage to all enemies
Tickle Party 4 Shiver 23 Big ice damage to enemy + lower SPD
Aftercare 1 Downpour 54 Huge magic damage to all enemies
Aftercare 2 Protect auto Big P-DEF raise (for Alice)
Aftercare 3 MP Use Down passive MP consumption lowers by 25%
Aftercare 4 Increase M-ATK passive M-ATK increases by 30
Bond Attack 1 (with Ran) The Return 25 Huge magic damage to all enemies
Bond Attack 2 (with Yuko) Slacking Nurse 9 Heals HP and status for all allies

*: The MP cost of MP Split cannot be lowered.

Comments: Alice has weak physical attack and defense, and is the strongest magical attacker. Early in the game her main uses are giving Ran more MP through MP Split so Ran can
use Alert Move again, and being in the party to cast Group Freeze and enable Tomoe's Freezing Sword so you can beat up random enemies in Inferno Block. When Alice gains her level 4
skills, she can do huge damage to bosses by charging then using Shiver (use a M-ATK Boost item before she attacks to do even more damage). Alice also has high M-DEF, and can
resist spells from the bosses that use them.

Activ ity Skill MP Cost Effect
Maintenance 1 Attack Lv 1 0 Fight with max 2 cooperation
Maintenance 2 Backhand 4 Damages enemy + chance to Paralyze
Maintenance 3 Increase P-ATK passive P-ATK increases by 5
Maintenance 4 Return 7 [Field Skill] Return to camp
Edgeplay 1 Kiku-ichimonji 9 Damages all enemies
Edgeplay 2 Double Crest 11 Huge damage to enemy
Edgeplay 3 Thousand Birds 12 Damages all enemies before first turn
Edgeplay 4 Matsuba Buster 13 Damages enemy + lower ATK
Slippery Slope 1 Attack Lv 2 0 Fight with max 3 cooperation
Slippery Slope 2 Charm auto Chance to Confuse all enemies
Slippery Slope 3 Raid 5 Damages enemy + chance to kill
Slippery Slope 4 Attack Lv 3 0 Fight with max 4 cooperation
Tickle Party 1 Lion Dance 15 Huge damage to all enemies
Tickle Party 2 Bridge 18 Huge damage to enemy
Tickle Party 3 Goshoguruma 20 Damages enemy + lower P-ATK and M-ATK
Tickle Party 4 Swallow Song 23 Damages all enemies + chance to kill
Aftercare 1 Botan Burst 45 Huge damage to all enemies
Aftercare 2 Swift Gallop auto Raises (Tomoe's) P-ATK and SPD
Aftercare 3 Gentle Night passive Cures all status ailments*
Aftercare 4 Increase P-ATK passive P-ATK increases by 30
Bond Attack 1 (with Alice) Freezing Sword 13 Huge ice damage to all enemies
Bond Attack 2 (with Ran) Bolt Sword 13 Huge lightning damage to all enemies

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*: Gentle Night prevents all status decreases (P-ATK/P-DEF/M-ATK/M-DEF/SPD down). This even prevents a status down effect from returning Tomoe's raised status to neutral.

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Comments: Tomoe is a strong physical attacker, though she tends to go after the enemies. Her skills are powerful, though her MP is low. Tomoe is good at defeating random enemies in
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one turn, especially with the Freezing Sword and Bolt Sword bond skills. Her Return skill can be used to save time on backtracking or return to a save point in a pinch, so I didn't use her in
the main party outside of grinding or the occasional boss battle. Her Matsuba Buster and Goshoguruma skills are helpful in boss battles to lower the boss's
 Jump strength.
to Location: Last Viewed 

Tomoe is also the exclusive provider of the death status effect. The death status effect either always kills the enemy (if it's vulnerable), or never kills the enemy (if it's a boss or
invulnerable). Many random battles can be ended in one turn with Raid, Swallow Song, or Shin's OPR Heaven bond attack with Tomoe, so try them when you get the chance.

Activ ity Skill MP Cost Effect
Maintenance 1 Attack Lv 1 0 Fight with max 2 cooperation
Maintenance 2 Lucky Punch 2 Damages enemy
Maintenance 3 Increase P-ATK passive P-ATK increases by 5
Maintenance 4 Shout 0 [Field Skill] Summons an enemy to battle
Edgeplay 1 Fire Punch 4 Fire damage to enemy
Edgeplay 2 Charge 2 Raises P-ATK for ally
Edgeplay 3 Fire Rush 9 Fire damage to all enemies
Edgeplay 4 High Charge 5 Raises P-ATK for all allies
Slippery Slope 1 Attack Lv 2 0 Fight with max 3 cooperation
Slippery Slope 2 Sako Rush auto Damages all enemies
Slippery Slope 3 Sako Chakra auto Heals (Sako's) HP and status + gradually heals HP
Slippery Slope 4 Attack Lv 3 0 Fight with max 4 cooperation
Tickle Party 1 Max Charge 8 Big P-ATK raise for ally
Tickle Party 2 Fire Drill 15 Huge fire damage to enemy
Tickle Party 3 Sako Charge 12 Raises damage of next attack
Tickle Party 4 Beatdown 38 Huge damage to enemy
Aftercare 1 Yin-Yang 48 Raises all abilities for all allies + gradually heals HP
Aftercare 2 Auto Chakra auto Fully heals (Sako's) HP
Aftercare 3 Super Energy passive Normal attacks critical hit
Aftercare 4 Increase P-ATK passive P-ATK increases by 30
Bond Attack 1 (with Yuko) Sako Cheer! 6 Gradually heals HP for all allies
Bond Attack 2 (with Shin) Sako's Mark 9 Fully heals HP for all allies + raises P-ATK

Comments: Sako is a strong physical attacker. Her skills are useful for most of the game. When she learns Fire Drill and Sako Charge, she becomes capable of dealing huge damage to
a boss by charging then using Fire Drill or Beatdown the next turn (use a P-ATK Boost on her to do even more damage). In the post-game, she gains a different use of being able to cast
Yin-Yang on the first turn she switches in. Sako's field skill, Shout, is incredibly useful for saving time while training. Use it to fight battles next to a save point so you can heal MP easily
and save regularly.

Activ ity Skill MP Cost Effect
Maintenance 1 Attack Lv 1 0 Fight with max 2 cooperation
Maintenance 2 Magic Attack 5 Magic damage to enemy
Maintenance 3 Increase MP passive Max MP increases by 10
Maintenance 4 Group Heal 10 [Field Skill] Heals HP for all allies
Edgeplay 1 Heal 7 Heals HP of all allies
Edgeplay 2 Attack Down 5 Lowers P-ATK and M-ATK of enemy
Edgeplay 3 Light Ball 10 Magic damage to enemy
Edgeplay 4 Guard Down 6 Lowers P-DEF and M-DEF of enemy
Slippery Slope 1 Attack Lv 2 0 Fight with max 3 cooperation
Slippery Slope 2 Auto Heal auto Heals HP for all allies
Slippery Slope 3 Cure 2 Heals status for all allies*
Slippery Slope 4 Attack Lv 3 0 Fight with max 4 cooperation
Tickle Party 1 X Heal 17 Fully heals HP for all allies before first turn
Tickle Party 2 Magic Guard 8 Big M-DEF raise for all allies
Tickle Party 3 Recure 7 Gradually heals HP for all allies
Tickle Party 4 Light Fall 16 Big magic damage to enemy
Aftercare 1 Curse 56 Lowers all abilities of enemy
Aftercare 2 Light Ball EX auto Magic damage to enemy
Aftercare 3 Bad Guard passive Heals all status ailments**
Aftercare 4 Increase M-DEF passive M-DEF increases by 30
Bond Attack 1 (with Sako) Sako Punch! 10 Huge damage to all enemies
Bond Attack 2 (with Kisaragi) Bad Festival 98 Damages enemy + lowers all abilities + heals status

*: Cure heals Poison, Paralysis, Confusion, and Switch Ban.

**: Bad Guard prevents Yuko from being inflicted with Poison, Paralysis, Confusion, and Switch Ban.

Comments: Yuko's most useful abilities lower the enemy's stats. She also can heal the party's HP in a pinch, sometimes even without using a turn; X Heal is especially useful since it
goes before any enemy can attack. She isn't strong offensively, but her Attack Down (and later Curse) skills are immensely useful since they lower the enemy's damage output. Yuko also
has the highest M-DEF of any girl, and can sometimes survive magic-based charge attacks on her own.

Activ ity Skill MP Cost Effect
Maintenance 1 Attack Lv 1 0 Fight with max 2 cooperation
Maintenance 2 Magic Attack 5 Magic damage to enemy
Maintenance 3 Increase M-ATK passive M-ATK increases by 5
Maintenance 4 Healing 7 [Field Skill] Fully heal HP for ally
Edgeplay 1 OPR Fire 13 Fire damage to enemy + Sako attack*
Edgeplay 2 Heal 7 Heals HP for all allies
Edgeplay 3 OPR Freeze 19 Ice damage to enemy + Alice attack
Edgeplay 4 OPR Assist 19 Raises M-ATK and M-DEF for all allies + Ran and Sako support
Slippery Slope 1 Attack Lv 2 0 Fight with max 3 cooperation
Slippery Slope 2 MP Return auto Heals (Shin's) MP  Back to Top
Slippery Slope 3 Tarot EXP 4 Increases EXP from battle

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Slippery Slope 4 Attack Lv 3 0 Fight with max 4 cooperation
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Tickle Party 1 OPR Shock 23 Lightning damage to enemy + Ran and Alice attack
Tickle Party 2 MP Steal 0 Magic damage to enemy + absorb MP
 Jump to Location: Last Viewed 
Tickle Party 3 Shadow Ball 21 Big magic damage to enemy
Tickle Party 4 OPR Next 0 No MP consumed for 1 turn for all allies**
Aftercare 1 OPR End 99 All allies damage enemy
Aftercare 2 OPR Charge auto Heals MP for all allies
Aftercare 3 MP Use Down passive Lowers MP consumption 25%
Aftercare 4 M-ATK Up passive M-ATK increases by 30
Bond Attack 1 (with Kisaragi) OPR Venom 16 Huge damage to enemy + Poison
Bond Attack 2 (with Tomoe) OPR Heaven 50 Huge damage to all enemies + chance to kill

*: Some notes on how the OPR attacks work. If the extra girl is in your active party and knows a particular skill, she'll use that skill for free the same turn Shin uses the OPR attack. The
extra attacks will only target the enemy Shin targeted; if that enemy died, then the extra girls will flash without attacking.

Here are the extra skills by move:

OPR Fire: Sako's Fire Punch
OPR Freeze: Alice's Frost
OPR Assist: Ran's DEF Up and Sako's High Charge
OPR Shock: Alice's Shock and Ran's Electric Burst
OPR End: Kisaragi's Para-Sword, Ran's Electric Slam, Alice's Shiver, Tomoe's Goshoguruma, Sako's Fire Drill, and Yuko's Light Fall

**: The OPR Next MP reduction applies only the next turn. The 0 MP cost does not carry over any longer.

Comments: Shin is weak physically and has good magical stats. She is also the strongest attacker in the game, especially in the post-game when she learns OPR End. OPR Next is
also powerful, and will usually result in all the other girls prompting to use their most powerful attacks. Earlier in the game, OPR Freeze and OPR Shock are great for beating bosses.
Shin's other use is to use OPR Assist on the first turn to boost everyone's M-DEF; if Ran is in the party at this time she will use DEF Up for free to boost everyone's P-DEF too, which is
very helpful (Sako can do a P-ATK boost too, but that isn't as helpful).

Tarot EXP sounds like it would be useful for training, but actually Shin prompts to use it only when the enemy is preparing a charge attack, which hardly happens against random enemies
(because you beat them in one turn) and is a terrible move to use during a boss battle (Ran should Guard instead). Oh well.

Bond Attacks
Each girl has two bond attacks that she can perform when a specific second girl is in the active party. In addition to the key item that teaches the bond attack, each girl must have learned
a certain skill in order to use each bond attack;

The key items required to use each attack are found on hidden blue chests on specific floors. The chests will appear when you approach them, and are counted in Kisaragi's Find Treasure
ability. Here are their locations.

Bond Attack Location

Kisaragi's Flame Fist Morass 3F
Kisaragi's Hunt and Heal Inferno 4F
Ran's Shield Smash Inferno 3F
Ran's True Defense Frost 1F (after reuniting the party)
Alice's Slacking Nurse Frost 4F (after reuniting the party)
Alice's The Return Education 4F
Tomoe's Freezing Sword Inferno 2F
Tomoe's Bolt Sword Frost 2F (after reuniting the party)
Sako's Sako Cheer Morass 4F
Sako's Sako's Mark Purgatory 4F
Yuko's Sako Punch Morass 2F
Yuko's Bad Festival Purgatory 3F
Shin's OPR Venom Education 4F
Shin's OPR Heaven Purgatory 1F

Consumable items can be bought in the shop. Items become available for purchase as the story progresses. Items can also be found from finishing battles, in chests, and by stealing with
Kisaragi. You can carry up to 15 of each item at a time.

Name Effect Buy Sell

Potion S Heals one ally for 30 HP 5 CM 1 CM
Potion M Heals one ally for 80 HP 40 CM 5 CM
Potion L Heals one ally for 150 HP 400 CM 40 CM
Full Potion Heals one ally to full HP (also cures status) 800 CM 80 CM
Group Heal S Heals all allies for 30 HP 30 CM 5 CM
Group Heal M Heals all allies for 60 HP 800 CM 80 CM
Full Group Heal Heals all allies to full HP 20000 CM 2000 CM
MP Charge S Heals one ally for 50 MP 1000 CM 100 CM
MP Charge M Heals one ally for 100 MP 3000 CM 300 CM
Full MP Charge Heals one ally to full MP 10000 CM 1000 CM
Rest Ticket Warp to portal you last visited 50 CM 5 CM
Antidote Heals Poison 10 CM 2 CM
Animation Tonic Heals Paralysis 20 CM 2 CM
Confuse Heal Heals Confusion 50 CM 2 CM
Remedy Heals status of one ally 150 CM 15 CM
Group Remedy Heals status for all allies 15000 CM 1500 CM
Revival Brew S Ally revives with 30 HP 15 CM 2 CM
Revival Brew M Ally revives with 100 HP 400 CM 40 CM
Full Revival Brew Ally revives with full HP 6000 CM 600 CM
Regen Medicine Ally's HP heals every turn 50 CM 5 CM
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P-ATK Boost Raises P-ATK in battle 200 CM 20 CM

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P-ATK Boost X Greatly raises P-ATK in battle 5000 CM 500 CM
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P-DEF Boost Raises P-DEF in battle 200 CM 20 CM
P-DEF Boost X Greatly raises P-DEF in battle 5000 CM
 Jump to Location: Last 500 CM
Viewed 
M-ATK Boost Raises M-ATK in battle 200 CM 20 CM
M-ATK Boost X Greatly raises M-ATK in battle 5000 CM 500 CM
M-DEF Boost Raises M-DEF in battle 200 CM 20 CM
M-DEF Boost X Greatly raises M-DEF in battle 5000 CM 500 CM
Secret Reward Perform a secret move (first level 5 skill) with MP cost 0 70000 CM 7000 CM
Proof of Bond 1 Proposes Bond Attack 1 (both girls must be active) 35000 CM 3500 CM
Proof of Bond 2 Proposes Bond Attack 2 (both girls must be active) 35000 CM 3500 CM
Medicine XG06 Heals 10 HP Can't buy 1 CM
Medicine UL77 Heals 5 HP Can't buy 1 CM
Waste No. 14 Heals 2 HP Can't buy 1 CM
Waste No. 38 Heals 1 HP Can't buy 1 CM

The last four consumable items are found in some chests. They can't be bought in the shop, and they are not useful.

This is the walkthrough for the main story of Criminal Girls: Invite Only.

Prison Block (Cell Block 832)

Let's start a new game. Name the warden, then talk to all the girls, then talk to Miu. The dialogue choices don't have any significant effect in this game, though there are a few that will
repeat until you select the correct choice, such as the next set.

Now talk to each girl again, and you'll get a conversation with two choices. When you pick the right choice both times, that girl will join your party. Talk to all the girls until you've passed all
their dialogues and gotten them all to join your party. Now walk south to exit the room.

Open the chest for 5x Potion S, then walk left for a scene. Choose to motivate Sako (she has the highest ATK), then a battle begins. Attack with the girl you just motivated, since the
others can't do anything. After the battle, walk left and up the stairs. Expect to fight more battles in this dungeon, which can be won easily by attacking.

Walk up to find a chest with 3x Potion S, then follow the other path right and up to reach the Infirmary, which looks like a purple portal. Always examine these when you see them,
because they'll let you heal, save, motivate the girls, and buy items. I'll call them save points from now on. Enter it now to heal and save.

Exit the save point and continue right to find a chest with 3x Revival Brew S, then walk up and talk to Miu for the Soft Whip item and 10 CM. Now return to the save point and the Motivate
command will be available. I recommend motivating Kisaragi next. Repeat the mini-game until she learns Attack Lv 1. If you need more CM, you can get it from walking around and winning
battles. The motivation mini-games give 200 skill points for a perfect score and 100-120 skill points for complete failure, so you can always learn all the skills even while failing all the mini-
games; it just takes longer. My party was at level 2 at this point; if your party is still at level 1, then fight a few more battles first.

(When motivating girls, the "Be Quiet" option doubles the CM cost to put a mask over the girl's mouth in the scene and mute her voice. There's no gameplay effect as far as I can tell, so if
you want to try it, it's better to wait until later when you can retry the motivation activities for free.)

Now heal and save, and talk to Miu in front of the gate to start a battle with an Egg Shadow. Attack with Attack x2 if it's available, otherwise make Sako attack since she's stronger. If a
girl's HP falls below 15, then use a Potion S on her before attacking.

Heal and save again after the battle (in Criminal Girls, it's good to save often since losing a battle sends you to the title screen). Continue along the path to the stairs and take them up.

Open the chest for 5x Potion S, then follow the path past the gate. The two enemies on the map are Egg Shadows. Fight the close one then open the chest behind it for 2x Rest Ticket.
Use one to warp to the save point, then heal and save. Retrace your steps and fight the second Egg Shadow at the top, then open the chest it was guarding for the key. Now return to the
gate, open it, and walk to the left and up the stairs (to be safe, ignore the enemy on the right until you've healed and saved).

Follow the path to the save point and use it to heal and save. It's safe to go back to B2F to fight the enemy on the right, which is an Egg Shadow guarding a chest with 30 CM. You should
now have enough CM to motivate the girls until they learn some level 2 skills. Motivate Sako until she learns Lucky Punch, and motivate Ran until she learns Guard. Fight battles on this
floor if you need more CM, and save when you're done.

If you go up, you'll find a locked gate and a chest with 3x Group Heal S. From the save point, walk to the left then up to fight an Egg Shadow guarding a chest with the first key. Heal and
save, then from the save point walk right then down to fight another Egg Shadow guarding a chest with the second key. There are two more Egg Shadows on the other paths guarding
chests with 2x Revival Brew S (on the left path) and 50 CM (on the right path). Fight them both in turn.

At this point, I fought a few more random battles until the girls reached level 4. At the save point, motivate Alice until she learns Magic Attack, then motivate Kisaragi until she learns Steal.
If you don't have at least 10x Potion S, then buy some from the shop until you do. This is enough preparation to challenge the first boss. Heal and save, then when you're ready examine
the gate to open it and walk all the way up.

Boss: Over Eat

For offense, use Alice's Magic Attack and Sako's Lucky Punch (Alice first if both options appear), then Attack x2. If an attack brings a girl under half health, use a Potion S on her
before attacking. When Overeat skips a turn of attacking to charge, make Ran use Guard. Use a Group Heal S if anyone's HP is under 15 before or after the charge attack.

Morass Block

Some tips for this block

•Poison goes away after a few turns and also goes away after the battle, so don't use Antidotes at the end of a battle when they won't help you stay alive. Also, feel free to 
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from the Brass Frogs if you feel they're taking too much effort to defeat. I was running from them and defeating only the Mermen.

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•Teach Sako Shout as soon as you can. It lets you fight battles quickly next to a save point, where you effectively have unlimited MP. Ran's Alert Move is the other half of gaming the
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random battles in this game, since Alert Move lets you avoid them. You won't have the MP to use Alert Move now, but you will soon, so keep it in mind.
 Jump to Location: Last Viewed 
•A girl won't be able to use any skills until she learns Attack Lv 1. That means you can't just teach Alice her Lv 2 spells so she'll never use the weaker regular attack.

•From this block onwards, there are several items lying on the floor (as sparkling brown blobs) that will disappear after being inspected. They're used in requests later and will reappear
when needed, so don't worry if you looked at one and made it go away.

Head left and up to find the save point. Use it. There are several gates in this dungeon that will lock behind you until you examine a switch ahead. Head up for a scene, then continue right
past the locked gate and up the second turn to find the switch that opens the gate. The chest at the first turn up has 100 CM. At this point, I returned to the save point to teach Sako and
Kisaragi their P-ATK Up skills. Next, walk up and through the previously locked gate to find the stairs.

Head right then up for a scene, then go left and inspect the locked door for another scene, then go right and up to the dead end marked on the map with an exclamation point. Now you
have to find a marked item and return to the marked area, and repeat this a total of three times to open the door. The first item is all the way to the left from the locked gate. The second
item is at the end of the first up turn to the left of the locked gate. The third item is to the right of the stairs down. After bringing the third item back to the dead end, the gate will open. Don't
enter it yet, because that will start a battle with a strong enemy.

Return to the 1F save point to heal and save. At this point, I had enough CM to teach Sako her Shout and Fire Punch abilities. Fire Punch is a strong attack that will help in the upcoming
battles. Shout is a field skill, which can be used by selecting Sako's icon on the main menu; it starts a random battle. Whenever you need to train to gain levels and learn skills, you
should use Shout next to a save point; that's much faster than walking around. I recommend doing that here until the party is at level 7-8. It helps to cherry-pick battles against Mermen by
escaping from the Brass Frogs, which take more effort to defeat.

Buy items until you have 15x Potion S, 5x Group Heal, and 5x Antidote. Heal and save. Now return to 2F and head through the locked gate to fight the enemy.

Boss: Dread Eye

Prioritize keeping the girls' HP above 25, and use Antidotes if everyone's HP is high and one is poisoned. If Dread Eye uses the attack that poisons all four characters, then it's okay
for one or two girls to stay poisoned (sorry, Alice) because poison goes away after a few turns. For offense, use Alice's magic first, then Sako's Fire Punch, then try to attack with both
Sako and Kisaragi whenever possible. I was at level 6 with plenty of items and this fight was somewhat close, so if it's trouble then try again at level 7-8. Make sure Sako and Kisaragi
both learned the Atk+5 boost because that does help.

After the battle, hit the switch to the left, then return to 1F to heal and save. Now that Yuko is in the party, we can receive Girl's Wish requests. The first set of requests happens after a girl
has learned five skills. Sako already learned five skills, so motivate her one more time (the 0 CM Maintenance activity counts) to see the Girl's Wish tutorial. Sako's first request is to find
an item on Prison Block B2F. To complete that request, use the Infirmary portal to warp (press Square at the save point instead of X) to Prison Block B1F and walk down the stairs. On
Prison Block B2F, examine the glowing brown spot marked as a heart on the map (one room to the south of the top left area). That completes the request, and Sako's skills will cost 1 MP

For the rest of the game, whenever a girl makes a request it's good to heal and save (some have battles; they're easy but it doesn't hurt to be careful) then complete it as soon as you can.
They're very simple and the rewards are helpful.

Now heal and save at the Morass 1F save point, then return to 2F and head down through the newly opened gate to find the stairs. You'll also get a scene where a hidden blue chest
appears. Open the chest to get Yuko's Sako Punch! bond attack. Continue up the stairs.

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