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Sword World 2.0 - Core Rulebook II Revised

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1 f

Introduction ..................................................................... 4
Part 1 Characters.............................................................. 8
Additional Data for PC Creation ......................... 21
Part 2 Game Rules ......................................................... 30
Supplementary Rules ........................................... 31
Sword Shards and Reputation ............................. 42
Part 3 Data ..................................................................... 74
Classes ................................................................... 75
Magic ................................................................... 101
Combat Feats ...................................................... 132
Items ................................................................... 139
Part 4 World ................................................................ 164
Gods, Races and Geography .............................. 165
Adventures in Raxia ........................................... 193
Part 5 Game Mastery ................................................... 208
Mastering Supplement ....................................... 209
Scenario .............................................................. 211
Faith of the Barbarous........................................ 231
Bestiary ............................................................... 239
Monster Variants ................................................ 319


Expanding World of Sword World 2.0

Do you like adventure?

This book is a collection of additional rules following "Sword
World 2.0 Core Rulebook I Revised Edition". In "Core Rulebook
I," you can find 7 races and 6 levels of progressions for classes, skills,
spells, and monsters. However eager adventurers might reach the
upper limit of 6 levels in no time.

That's where the "Core Rulebook II Revised Edition" comes into


You can find a new magic list with spells up to the 10th level. In
addition, in this book, you can find new classes, "Enhancer" and
"Bard", making it possible to further strengthen typical characters
and expand what is possible.
The techniques used by Enhancers are perfect for strengthening
warrior characters. In addition, there are many unique spellsongs
played by Bard. Also, small pets, such as small birds, are attracted
to Bard and can travel with them.
In addition, new races are presented in this book - the dragon-
man Lildraken, the cheerful wanderers Glassrunners, and the
enhanced human race Newman. With a strong physique, Lildraken
is suitable for a great warrior. Grassrunners are tricksters who are
incredibly quick and dexterous and are not easily affected by magic.
Newmen have high magical powers and are suitable to be good

Naturally, combat feats for characters over the 6th level have also
been added, and the game has become more intense and thoughtful.
New combat feats should make characters more special and unique.
In addition, "Core Rulebook II" describes how to use reputation
as a flavor for roleplay. With this book, you can personalize your
PC in many ways, such as getting special weapons and valuable items
and having a house or title.

In order to counteract PC enhancements, more than 100 unique
and powerful monsters have been added. GM can use those
monsters to their fullest to entertain or scare players as they see fit.
This book also contains a description of the northern Razeldawn
continent as a stage for new adventures. In addition, you can find
information about many well-known NPCs, mainly from the Zalts
region. GM can use this information as seeds for future
scenarios/campaigns or as a reference for making their own NPCs
or worlds.

Are you ready to embark on a new adventure?

You have more mysteries and threats, greater powers and classes,
and means to use them in front of you. All you have to do is read
this book carefully and use it on your path to adventure. Is treasure
waiting for you? Is it fame? Or is it a tragic defeat and death?

Enjoy "Sword World 2.0" even more by utilizing this book with
more rules and data.

May you all have the blessing of the dice god.

Precautions When Using This Book

References to Core Rulebook I

When it is necessary to refer to "Core Rulebook I" in this book,
it will be done in brackets “(see CR I p. X-Y)”.

Alterations of PC Data
After seeing the new classes and combat feats added in this book,
some players may want to "reselect their classes and combat feats"
for their character, which they have already played a few sessions
with. In that case, you can ask your GM if he allows this. However,
you cannot eliminate classes that were acquired through race

For example, suppose a character with a 5th-level fighter class

and 4th-level sorcerer class has acquired the combat feat MP
If a player wants to learn the [Multi-Action] Combat Feat added
in this book, he may change [MP Save/Sorcerer] to [Multi-Action]
if the GM approves.
Players may also drop the Sorcerer class to the 3rd level, and
with 1,500 experience points that were gained by doing so, the
player may acquire an Enhancer class at the 2nd level.

These alterations should not drastically change the character you

have played so far. In the previous example, the player was not
advised that they forgot that they had a sorcerer class and put all
their experience into the enhancer class.

Part 1 Characters

Lildraken Bodybuilder

Character Commentary
He is a heavy Lildraken warrior armed with powerful weapons
and metal armor.
Lildraken is a race that is also known as the "dragon man" and is
very different in appearance from other humanoid races. Its whole
body is covered with hard scales like a reptile, with large wings on
the back and a thick and long tail.
This character has the technique [Bear Muscle] and, with it, can
temporarily gain a bear-like strength. Techniques can enhance one’s
body and give different effects. It's different from magic but similar
in consuming and using MP.
You can fly in the sky for a brief time by using the racial ability
of [Sword Blessing/Wings of the Wind]. In addition, the [Scaly
Hide] racial ability makes the character less susceptible to injuries,
and the [Tail Whip] racial ability allows the character to attack with
its tail. It is a character who can use a variety of racial characteristics
and fight in a way that is different from everyone else.
Fly in the sky and defeat your enemies as a true warrior!

Grassrunner Minstrel

Character Commentary
This character is a grassrunner bard with a little harp.
Although the grassrunners are human-like, it is a race whose
origin is shrouded in mystery. Quick and curious, they are extremely
interested in everything.
Using bard class, this character can affect itself, its friends, and
its enemies by singing a special song, the spellsong. This character
can sing [Morale] to increase accuracy and [Resistance] to increase
Fortitude and Willpower checks. It also can use its crossbow and
the abilities of scout and ranger to track, follow and use medicine to
help its friends.
The racial abilities of the grassrunner are [Mana Interference]
and [Natural Communication]. Mana Interference is a racial ability
that prohibits grassrunners from having MP but instead increases
resistance to any magics. [Natural Communication] gives the ability
to sense approaching danger from the rustling of insects and growing
grass around the grassrunner.
Play your instrument, sing a song, and let everyone listen to it!

Newman Conjurer

Character Commentary
It’s a race called Newman. It was researched and created during
the Magic Civilization era. It was artificially created by humans to be
more suitable for using magic.
Newman looks like humans, but there are some differences.
They have thin bodies, and they have magical sigils marked
somewhere on their body. When Newman uses magic, the magic
sigil appears on its body and increases its magical power.
This character uses 2nd level spiritualism magic. Due to their
racial ability [Child of Magic], it can support allies and attack
enemies with its higher magical power than usual. This ability will
only grow as Newman learns more magical classes.
Another racial ability [Déjà Vu] can allow them to get a +2 bonus
to an Intelligence-based skill check once a day. Use it here and
Master magic and be the wisest of your fellow adventurers!

Additional Data for PC Creation

Sample Characters

Three types of sample characters introduced on the previous

pages can be selected and used for Easy Creation (see CR I: p. 28-
Those sample characters are each of new races/classes also
presented in this book. Choose these characters if you are intrigued
by new races and classes.

New Races and Backgrounds

Next, you can find descriptions of new races Lildraken,

Grassrunner, and Newman, and their background tables used for
Normal Creation (see CR I: p. 66-102).

Uplifted onto two feet, the smaller Lildrakens take their place
beside the rest of Raxia. They may look barbaric, but they have been
blessed by Lumiere, the Sword of Harmony, and live peacefully
among the other races. In fact, despite their brutish appearances,
many tend to be shrewd merchants and appreciate the contact they
have with the rest of Raxia.
Starting Languages: Can read and write Trade Common (see CR I:
p. 87-93) and speak in Draconic (see CR I: p. 87-93).
Restricted Classes: None

Racial Abilities
[Scaly Hide]: Lildraken receive +1 Defense.
[Tail Whip]: Lildraken may use their Tail (see p. 144) as a weapon,
regardless of class.
[Sword’s Grace/Wings of the Wind]: A Lildraken may spread their
wings and take flight, flying for a total of 6 rounds each day. These
rounds do not have to be consecutive. Movement speed remains the
same whether moving forward or ascending but doubles when
While flying, a Lildraken receives a +1 bonus to both Accuracy
and Evasion. In addition, they may carry additional weight, up to a
maximum of 200 kg. This may be equipment, supplies, or another

Lildraken Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-3 Hunter Ranger 6/11/8 2500
4-5 Brawler Grappler 6/13/6 2000
6-8 Warrior Fighter 5/14/6 2000
9-10 Merchant Sage 5/11/9 2500
11-12 Archer Marksman 7/11/7 2500

Curious and full of wanderlust, the short Grassrunners are often
seen wandering through various areas all throughout Raxia, making
them almost ideal adventurers. However, this wandering makes it
fairly difficult to keep track of the history of the race, and there is
truly little written about Grassrunners as a whole. Combined with
their innate resistance to magic, a common rumor is that
Grassrunners came from a different planet long ago (though this is
rarely mentioned directly to a Grassrunner).
Grassrunners reach maturity around 15 years old and can
theoretically live to around 200 or so. Their natural curiosity often
leads to shorter life spans, though.
Starting Languages: Can read and write Grassrunner and Trade
Common (see CR I: p. 87-93).
Restricted Classes: None

Racial Abilities
[Mana Interference]: Grassrunners do not have and cannot gain
MP, even if a class or ability would otherwise do so. Mako Stones
may still be used. If a Grassrunner succeeds on a Willpower check
against a spell, they will be completely unaffected (even if the spell
says otherwise).
[Natural Communication]: Grassrunners have a limited
understanding of plants and animals. They can sense danger or
environmental issues through subtle expressions, although they
cannot engage in full conversations.

Grassrunner Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Thief Scout 13/0/12 2500
5-6 Light Warrior Fencer 13/1/11 2500
7 Wanderer Scout & Ranger 14/1/10 2000
8-9 Apothecary Ranger 12/1/12 2500
10-12 Hobbyist Sage or Bard 12/0/13 2500

Possessing beautiful white skin and hair, Newmen are a vain
race. Marked with a magical sigil, they are an experiment by the
long-forgotten Durandal Empire to create the perfect person. While
Newmans have greatly increased intelligence and magic usage, they
are physically frail and have shortened lifespans.
A Newman comes into maturity around 15 years, but the average
lifespan is only around 30 years or so. While they may pass away
before truly aging like a human would, they can occasionally call on
memories of previous lives.
Starting Languages: Can read and write Arcana (see CR I: p. 87-93)
and Trade Common (see CR I: p. 87-93).
Restricted Classes: None

Racial Abilities
[Déjà Vu]: Once per day, a Newman can call upon memories of
previous lives and receive a +2 bonus to an Intelligence-based skill
check before roll occurs. This bonus cannot be applied to a
Spellcasting check.
[Child of Magic]: Increase all Magic Power by +1. Additionally,
if a Spellcasting check is automatically successful (i.e., the roll is
double 6s), no MP is spent. This applies even if the MP would come
from a Mako Stone or Familiar. Multiple simultaneous MP
expenditures, such as through the Combat Feat
[Metamagic/Targets], can only have one of the MP expenditures
become 0.

Newman Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Feytouched Fairy Tamer 7/6/14 2000
5-6 Scholar Sage 7/5/15 2500
7 Wizard Sorcerer 6/7/14 2000
8-9 Manipulator Conjurer 7/7/13 2000
10-12 Cleric Priest 6/8/13 2000

Determining Ability Scores

Lildraken, Grassrunner, and Newman roll the dice according to

the table below and determine their stats in addition to their Skill,
Body, and Mind scores.

Lildraken Grassrunner Newman

A 1d 2d 2d
B 2d 2d 1d
C 2d 1d 2d
D 2d+6 2d+6 1d
E 1d 1d 1d
F 2d 2d+6 1d

Advancing to 10th Level

With this book, you can grow your character to the 10th level.
Below is a chart to advance classes to the 10th level. More
information can be found under each class's descriptions.

Experience Points Table (up to 10 Levels)

Level Major Class Minor Class
1 1000 500
2 1000 1000
3 1500 1000
4 1500 1500
5 2000 1500
6 2500 2000
7 3000 2500
8 4000 3000
9 5000 4000
10 6000 5000

Updated Starting Backgrounds

From this point on, the following starting tables may be used
when creating characters with Normal Creation (see CR I: p. 66-

Human Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2 Spy Scout 10/6/5 2500
3 Archer Marksman 9/7/5 2500
4 Bodybuilder Enhancer 8/8/5 2500
5 Magician Sorcerer 6/5/10 2000
6 Brawler Grappler 8/9/4 2000
7 Mercenary Fighter 7/10/4 2000
8 Agile Warrior Fencer 9/8/4 2500
9 Cleric Priest 5/6/10 2000
10 Scholar Sage 5/7/9 2500
11 Herbalist Ranger 9/4/8 2500
12 Minstrel Bard 7/5/9 2500

Elf Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Bodybuilder Enhancer 11/5/10 2500
Marksman &
5-6 Hunter 12/3/11 2000
7 Magician Sorcerer 10/2/14 2000
8-9 Soldier Fighter or Grappler 12/6/8 2000
Minstrel Ranger & Bard 11/4/11 2000

Dwarf Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Bodybuilder Enhancer 5/9/6 2500
5-6 Minstrel Bard 4/8/8 2500
7 Brawler Fighter 3/12/5 2000
8-9 Cleric Priest 5/6/9 2000
10-12 Agile Warrior Fencer & Scout 7/8/5 2000

Tabbit Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Minstrel Bard 7/7/8 2500
5-6 Herbalist Ranger 8/6/8 2500
7 Magician Sorcerer 6/5/11 2000
8-9 Feytouched Fairy Tamer 4/7/11 2500
10-12 Archer Marksman 8/5/9 2500

Runefolk Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Hobbyist Sage or Bard 8/8/10 2500
5-6 Bodybuilder Enhancer 10/10/6 2500
Fighter or
7 Soldier 7/11/8 2000
8-9 Fencer & Scout 11/9/6 2000
Manipulator Conjurer 7/9/10 2000

Nightmare Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Manipulator Conjurer 5/12/13 2000
5-6 Hobbyist Sage & Bard 10/10/10 2000
Fighter or
7 Soldier 8/13/9 2000
8-9 Magician Sorcerer 7/10/13 2000
10- Agile Fencer &
12/12/6 2000
12 Warrior Enhancer

Additional Note on the Nightmare-born

Although there are very few Nightmares born, they may also
come from the eggs of Lildraken's parents. In such cases, their
[Weakness] is Wind.

Shadow Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Magitech Artificer 17/5/5 2000
5-6 Archer Marksman 18/6/3 2500
7 Bodybuilder Enhancer 16/6/5 2500
8-9 Hobbyist Sage & Bard 14/8/5 2000
10-12 Feytouched Fairy Tamer 13/7/7 2000

Lildraken Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-3 Hunter Ranger 6/11/8 2500
4-5 Brawler Grappler 6/13/6 2000
6-8 Warrior Fighter 5/14/6 2000
9-10 Merchant Sage 5/11/9 2500
11-12 Archer Marksman 7/11/7 2500

Grassrunner Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Thief Scout 13/0/12 2500
5-6 Light Warrior Fencer 13/1/11 2500
7 Wanderer Scout & Ranger 14/1/10 2000
8-9 Apothecary Ranger 12/1/12 2500
10-12 Hobbyist Sage or Bard 12/0/13 2500

Newman Background
2d Background Starting Classes Skill/Body/Mind Experience
2-4 Feytouched Fairy Tamer 7/6/14 2000
5-6 Scholar Sage 7/5/15 2500
7 Magic User Sorcerer 6/7/14 2000
8-9 Manipulator Conjurer 7/7/13 2000
10-12 Cleric Priest 6/8/13 2000

Additional Language

Grassrunner language appears easy to learn initially, with
straightforward expressions and phrases. However, Grassrunners
use extensive abbreviations and slang in everyday conversations,
making it cryptic for new learners.

Additional Random History

This is a chart of additional history options for new characters,

able to be used in conjunction with the charts from the Core
Rulebook I (see CR I: p. 61-64). If you do so, the first die result
means you use Chart A for a roll of 1~2, Chart B for a roll of 3~4,
or the new Chart C for a result of 5~6.
Chart C
2d Personal Experience 2d Personal Experience
1-1 You were (or are) married. 4-1 There was a wizard in the family.
1-2 You were bullied growing up. 4-2 Was imprisoned.
1-3 You had a rival for most of your life. 4-3 Described as "Hating to lose".
1-4 You had a posse. 4-4 Invited to go adventuring by others.
There is a dream you're still trying to Showed up to an important event in
1-5 4-5
reach. soaking wet clothes.
You have incredible potential for
1-6 You were innocent growing up. 4-6
When alone, you are incredibly self-
2-1 Grew up in a strict environment. 5-1
2-2 You are looking for your family. 5-2 Have 5 or more siblings.
Never traveled outside of your
2-3 5-3 There was an adventurer in the family.
2-4 Have many scars on your body. 5-4 Once got lost in a Sword Labyrinth.
2-5 Born to a warm, loving family. 5-5 No same-gender family members
2-6 Never gave up singing. 5-6 No opposite-gender family members.
You told a big lie about something
3-1 6-1 Grew up training with a sword in hand.
You are looking for your favorite Never stayed in one place for more
3-2 6-2
food. than a week.
Nursed an injured animal back to
3-3 6-3 Met the king once.
Have a nickname to hide an
3-4 6-4 Have been so hungry you've fainted.
embarrassing real name.
3-5 Named after a popular hero. 6-5 Flown on an airship at least once.
3-6 Made some vows to yourself. 6-6 Have attempted suicide at least once.

Part 2 Game Rules

Supplementary Rules

This section introduces rules for battles in special situations, as

well as adds new rules for skirmishes.

Actions and Combat in Special Situations

This section covers the rules for combat in special situations,

such as underwater, in mid-air, or any other time when combat is
not just a normal battle, as well as the actions a character can take in
such combat situations.

Underwater Behavior in Combat

Character movement is drastically reduced when underwater. A
Limited Move is only 1m, while both a Normal and Full Move are
reduced to 1/5 speed (rounded up).
When a skill check is required (except Fortitude and
Willpower), there is a -4 penalty to those skills. Characters in full
metal armor are unable to make any skill checks underwater at all.
Additionally, unless able to breathe underwater, characters cannot
speak while underwater, making communication and spellcasting
impossible. Spells may be used in water up to shoulder height
(though the -4 penalty for being in water would apply); anything
higher prevents spellcasting.
If unable to breathe underwater, a character can stay under for a
number of rounds equal to their Vitality. Any longer, and the
character's HP drops to 0, and they become unconscious. If
underwater, or floating face down in the water, and unconscious, a
Death Check needs to be made every minute, with the Target
Number increasing by +1 every minute.

Attacking While Underwater
When making a melee attack while underwater, both the
attacker's Accuracy check and the defender's Evasion check are
penalized, reducing the results by -4. This is applied regardless of
the attacker's weapon, strength, etc.
Ranged attacks (including thrown attacks) cannot be made

Casting Spells Underwater

Assuming the character is able to cast a spell underwater, the
spell works the exact same way as on land, no matter what the effect
would be. Yes, that means [Fireball] and other fire spells would still
work underwater.

Blocking Movement While Underwater

Underwater, a character can only block (see CR I: p. 191-200)
one opponent at a time, and only if that opponent doesn't have more
body sections than blocking characters. For example, a single
character cannot block a character or monster with two or more
body sections.

Special Underwater Abilities

Certain abilities allow for a character to function (or at least use
the ability) underwater. In particular, any ability that says
"Underwater" in the name, as well as the Elf Racial Ability "Sword’s
Grace/Gentle Water" (see CR I: p. 67-79), allows for unfettered
movement. These characters may move and speak freely
underwater (including casting spells), are not limited in movement,
and do not receive any penalties on skill checks. When blocking
movement, count the character as per normal rules, as well.

Actions and Combat in the Air
This section covers actions and combat for those characters who
can fly.

Movement in the Air

Characters with flight, as well as those with items that allow flying,
are able to move in the air. The distance traveled depends upon the
type of flight used, as well as the character's Agility score. Movement
is the same as it would be on the ground for those characters.

Falling from the sky forces a character out of a skirmish,
regardless of all other conditions. When falling, the time from the
start of the fall to impact with the ground is instantaneous, and fall
damage will be taken (see CR I: p. 207-213).
If a character that can fly ends up falling, reduce the height fallen
by 10m. If this reduces the fall height to 0m or lower, that character
doesn't receive fall damage (see CR I: p. 117-137).
Below are a couple of common situations that would cause
falling damage.

Falling from a Height

If a character is affected by something that would cause them to
fall (or be knocked prone) while in the air, they immediately start
falling. However, if the distance to the ground is more than 10m,
then the character can ready themselves and reestablish flight, albeit
10m lower than their previous position.

Knocked Unconscious
If a character is knocked unconscious, they fall to the ground
immediately. In this situation, Tumble checks cannot be attempted.

Loss of Flight
If a character loses the ability to fly, whether through the item
used failing, the magic effect used running out of its duration, or
whatever, they immediately fall. Tumble checks can be made in
order to minimize the damage dealt.
Characters with multiple sets of wings lose their flying ability
when half (rounded up) of their wings are rendered non-functional.
Characters with multiple flying abilities simultaneously will fall if
they lose all of them, not just one.

Notes on Fall Damage

This section has information on how to deal with fall damage

(see CR I: p. 207-213) in special situations.

Fall Damage Situational Modifiers

If falling into water or into trees, as opposed to directly to the
ground, there's a chance characters can use the different terrain to
cushion their fall somewhat. Below is a list of modifiers that will
either increase or decrease the fall distance for the purpose of
determining fall damage. If there are thorns or traps, etc., at the fall
location, that damage will be dealt with after determining fall

Falling Situations and increase/decrease in fall distance

Falling Situation Drop Distance (m)
Able to fly -10
Fall location is in the forest -10
Fall location is in the water -5
Sliding down a cliff -10
Fall location is harder than dirt +5

Catching a Falling Character
When attempting to catch a falling character, both the falling
character and the one trying to catch them can make a Tumble
check (see CR I: p. 117-137) in an attempt to reduce fall damage. In
doing so, the sum of both checks is subtracted from the fall damage,
but both characters will take the remaining fall damage.
If the falling character is unable to make a Tumble check, the
character catching them can still attempt the Tumble and reduce
damage accordingly.

Falling Monsters
If a monster is falling and attempts to make a Tumble check, use
their Evasion score when rolling.

Losing Flight
If a monster's Wings drop to 0 HP, they will be unable to fly,
and if in the air, they will fall immediately. Monsters with multiple
sets of wings will lose the ability to fly when half or more of their sets
of wings are at 0 HP.
However, monster abilities like [Flight] only actually offer
bonuses in combat. If those abilities are lost, it doesn't actually
remove the ability to fly.

Fall Damage for Multi-Section Monsters

Monsters with multiple sections will receive fall damage on each

Enhanced Racial Features

Once a PC's Adventurer Level is 6th or higher, their racial

features are enhanced. In most cases, there's a racial feature for each
race that's easier to use and more relevant than the other so that one
will receive the benefit.

Use This as Option Rule

Please use this rule as an optional rule. If using these rules, refer
to “Alchemist Works” p. 80 for levels 11 and beyond.

Race Human Strengthened Racial [Sword’s

Feature Grace/Change Fate]
Summary When using [Sword’s Grace/Change Fate], add +1 to the
result. However, this will not work if changing double 6s to
double 1s (which will also cause an automatic failure), or
vice versa. When using a Power Table, the maximum result
is 12.

Race Elf Strengthened Racial [Sword’s Grace/Gentle

Feature Water]
Summary Each companion who grabs a hand can also breathe and
function underwater for up to 1 hour. If contact is lost
underwater, so is this benefit.

Race Dwarf Strengthened Racial [Sword’s Grace/Body

Feature of Flame]
Summary Each companion who grabs a hand will no longer receive
any damage from fire, physical or magical, and their
equipment cannot burn or be damaged by fire.

Race Tabbit Strengthened Racial [Danger Sense]

Summary When making a Danger Sense check, add your Intelligence
Modifier to your Adventurer Level.

Race Runefolk Strengthened Racial [HP
Feature Conversion]
Summary [HP Conversion] now takes a Minor Action to activate.

Race Nightmare Strengthened Racial [Alternate

Feature Form]
Summary When in [Alternate Form], all melee attacks, ranged
attacks, and spells that deal damage directly to a target deal
an additional +1 damage.

Race Shadow Strengthened Racial [Moonlight's

Feature Protection]
Summary [Moonlight's Protection] also reduces Poison, Curse, and
Disease damage by -3, whether physical or magical.

Race Lildraken Strengthened [Sword’s

Racial Feature Grace/Wings of the
Summary When flying using [Sword’s Grace/Wings of the Wind],
maximum flight speed is equal to that of a Full Move (i.e.,
3x Agility).

Race Grassrunner Strengthened [Mana

Racial Feature Interference]
Summary Once per day, as a Major Action, a Grassrunner can
attempt to dispel a magical effect with a duration. By
touching it, you can make a check using your Adventurer
Level + Spirit Bonus, and if it's higher than the caster's
standard value, then the effect is dispelled.

Race Newman Strengthened Racial [Child of

Feature Magic]
Summary If a Spellcasting check comes up as an automatic failure
(double 1s), then no MP is spent.

Special Rules for Weapons and Armor

Custom-Forged Weapons
When purchasing weapons, the option exists to have weapons
custom-forged for the wielder. These weapons have their Minimum
Strength requirement adjusted, making it easier to wield a particular
weapon. This custom forging can either be assumed to have taken
place before the weapon was purchased or may be done at any time
after purchase by a qualified weaponsmith.
With these custom-forged weapons, the Minimum Strength
requirement can be either raised or lowered by up to 3 points from
the listed value, and the Power is adjusted accordingly using Power
Tables (see p. 325). For example, a weapon that was custom forged
to require an extra +3 Minimum Strength also gets +3 Power.
However, Guns cannot be custom-forged, as that would disrupt their
inner workings. Also, custom-forged weapons cannot have either
their Minimum Strength or their Power reduced to 0 or lower.
The cost increase for a custom-forged weapon is based on its
rank below:

B-Rank: +300 Gamels for each +1 or -1 modifier

A-Rank: +1,000 Gamels for each +1 or -1 modifier
S-Rank: +3,000 Gamels for each +1 or -1 modifier

This cost can be part of buying the weapon and paid upfront, or
it can be specifically paid out after the fact when custom-forging an
already purchased weapon. The same amount of money will be
charged whether there's an increase or a decrease in Strength and
Power. Custom-forged weapons may have unique names, though
this should be discussed between the PC and the GM.

Silver Weapons
Purchased weapons can also be silver and are more expensive as
a result. When purchasing a silver version of a weapon, it is +1,000G
for B-Rank weapons, +2,000G for A-Rank, and +4,000G for S-Rank
weapons. An already existing weapon cannot be made into a silver
weapon. Also, weapons made of mithril are already considered to
be silver weapons.

Handling High STR Weapons and Armor

At the GM's discretion, a PC may attempt to wield a weapon or
wear armor with Minimum Strength requirements higher than their
Strength score. These are referred to as "oversized weapons" and
"too-heavy armor".
In situations like these, the character takes a penalty to their
Accuracy equal to the difference between their Strength score and
the Required Strength of the weapon. For example, if a character
with 15 Strength tried to wield a Bastard Sword requiring 17
Strength, the character would receive a -2 Accuracy penalty as long
as they were wielding that sword.
Wearing heavier armor than capable limits characters just as
harshly. Meanwhile, in too-heavy armor, a character can only take a
Limited Move and may not perform any Major Actions until the
armor is taken off.

Handling Higher-Ranked Weapons and Armor

At the GM's discretion, a PC may attempt to use weapons and
armor of A-Rank or higher even without the appropriate [Weapon
Proficiency/**] or [Armor Proficiency/**] Combat Feats.
When using one of these higher-rank items, the Minimum
Strength requirement is increased by +10, and any extra annotated
benefits the weapon may give are ignored. For example, if a
character were to try and wield a Defender sword (Min STR 12)
without having [Weapon Proficiency/Sword], they would need a 22
Strength in order to even attempt to use it. Even then, the character
would not get the added Defense the sword offers. Additionally, if
Strength is not enough to handle a weapon, the wielder would
receive an Accuracy penalty depending upon the difference between
their Strength score and the Required Strength of the weapon as per
“Handling High STR Weapons and Armor”.
Similarly, for armor, the Minimum Strength increases by +10
when attempting to wear higher-rank armor. Even then, a character
can only take a Limited Move and may not perform any Major
Actions until the armor is taken off.
Characters may not attempt to wield weapons or wear armor two
ranks higher than what they are normally capable of.

Loss of Hearing Penalties

A PC may have issues with certain skills if they lose the ability to
hear, whether through going deaf or just an inability to distinguish
separate noises. Penalties can be applied to Hide, Evasion, Follow,
Listen, Danger Sense, Engineering, Search, Meteorology, Spot Trap
skills (see CR I: p. 117-137), and any other that GM deems

Example of Penalties Due to Hearing Difficulty

Situation Penalty
Deaf in one ear -1
Deaf in both ears -2
Strong wind blowing -1
Unable to distinguish due to noise -1

Staying Awake Longer Than 1 Day

If a character stays awake for more than 24 hours, they receive a

-1 penalty to all Actions taken and skill checks made, as well as a
maximum HP and MP reduction by -1 point. This effect
accumulates for each day spent awake and goes away when the
character can finally get at least 6 hours of continuous sleep.

Notes on Shielding

Objects, such as trees or skirmishes, that are easy to see but

difficult to see beyond are considered to shield whatever is behind
them. Shielding only obstructs vision, not a movement. The other
side of the shielding object cannot normally be targeted by attacks
or magic. However, Combat Feats, such as [Hawk Eye] (see CR I:
p. 280-286), allow targeting.
The following are examples of what is considered shielding; the
GM may consider any other covers as shielding, such as one that
partially obstructs the view.

Examples of Shielding
Hostile Characters, Skirmishes, Heavy Forest, Heavy Rain,
Muddy Water (when underwater), and Clouds (when in the air).

Torch and Lantern Light

By using a torch or lantern, a character is able to see in the dark.

Unless otherwise specified, the light from either a torch or lantern
illuminates a 10m area. Within the range, no penalty due to
darkness is applied, and any character or arbitrary point within the
range can be selected as the target.

Viewing Bright Areas from Dark Places

Even if a character is in complete darkness, they can target
characters in illuminated areas without suffering penalties from the

Sword Shards and Reputation

Over the course of an adventure, PCs may come across Sword

Shards. These powerful artifacts can be found as part of a treasure
trove, gifted by a grateful NPC, or wrested from the control of a
powerful monster.
However, they're found. Sword Shards provide a valuable
service, so while it is possible to sell them to the Adventurer's Guild
for money and reputation, it's also possible to offer them to the
kingdom for protection.

Using Sword Shards

Sword Shards can be sold for an average of 200G each, but there
are many other uses for them. Some buyers may offer a higher price,
while others may offer other rewards. There's not much point in
selling them to other PCs, though.
However, the Adventurer's Guild offers a different use for Sword
Shards. By donating Sword Shards to the Guild, they get passed on
to the kingdom and used as their Sword of Protection. It's very easy
to become famous by donating multiple Sword Shards, so many
adventurers go out in search of them.
If PCs choose to donate Sword Shards, they earn Reputation for
being able-bodied adventurers. For each Shard donated, one of the
PCs may roll a die, and each PC involved in that adventure receives
that much reputation.
Donating Sword Shards is done at the end of a session after
deciding whether or not to sell any Sword Shards. Once Sword
Shards are donated for reputation, the PCs cannot decide to get
money if the reputation rolls come up poorly.
Also, while it is recommended that Sword Shards be donated or
sold during the same session they're found, real-life matters may

make that difficult, so it may be possible to hold on to Sword Shards
over a lengthy period of time.


Those who return bearing Sword Shards are seen as brave. This
is only somewhat accurate, as this comes from the actual donating
of Sword Shards, though it is commonly thought that Sword Shards
are only found in the hands of the dangerous and powerful. This
doesn't consider any other heroic deeds or other circumstances that
might give an adventurer a title.
While the titles and renowned items below are meant as rewards
for achieving higher and higher reputation, it might also seem stifling
to keep with this exact setup in home campaigns. If the GM wishes
to have extra titles or rewards from other titles that don't include
anything from below, they should feel free to include it in their own
Theoretically, reputation is independent of any other fame and
fortune that may befall the PCs. However, that can still be useful, as
a higher reputation means that more people would pay attention to
the characters and can also give the GM a rough idea as to how
NPCs would react to someone with varying levels of reputation.
Given that the whole concept of reputation comes from defeating
powerful monsters and taking their Sword Shards, it comes as little
surprise that the various races of the Barbarous would look down
on characters with a lot of reputation. Increasing one's reputation
among the various player races also brings dishonor to one's self in
the eyes of the Barbarous and highly regarded heroes, who are at
the same time despised villains, depending upon who's asked.

GM's Guide to Sword Shards

While enemies fall all over themselves to grab and gain power
from Sword Shards, it is a good idea to recommend that players who
defeat said bosses receive Sword Shards. This is the most basic way
to get a Sword Shard.
However, the GM may hand them out as a reward or just allocate
them behind later rewards (such as treasure troves) in order to put
more Sword Shards into the player's hands.
The total number of Sword Shards that should be handed out
per session should be about 1x-2x the average Adventurer Level.
Below that, there are not as many boss monsters, and the resulting
combats will end up feeling weak and underpowered. Go high
enough over, though, and every enemy turns into a full boss fight,
and it becomes significantly more likely that the PCs will end up
getting beaten down over and over again.
If the players are looking to have a more epic game, something
a little more fitting for the scenario might be needed. While it may
seem like a good idea to just add in more Sword Shards, it's much
better to offer different ways to increase honor and reputation than
just overloading the PCs with Sword Shards.

Reputation and Rewards

A reputation earned by collecting Sword Shards not only

represents the popularity and notoriety of the PCs but can also be
used to allow the purchase of unique items. Upgraded tools, titles,
and even a house are available to characters with enough reputation.

Keeping Track of Reputation

Players who've earned a reputation need to keep track of that for
their individual characters. There is no "party reputation".
Additionally, it's important to distinguish between "Current
Reputation" and "Total Reputation".

Total Reputation
Total Reputation is the sum total of all reputation earned over
the character's career by collecting and donating Sword Shards.
With a few exceptions (see p. 72), a character's Total Reputation will
only rise over the course of a campaign. Refer to the "Reputation
and Fame" table (see p. 46) to see how well-known a character is.

Current Reputation
Current Reputation is a measure of how much reputation the
character currently has and can be spent to allow the purchase of
Renowned Items, special equipment, titles, social status, etc. (see p.
48). Narratively, these are rewards given by various kings, citizen
representatives, and merchants. Mechanically, this is dealt with by
using reputation as a sort of currency, allowing characters to buy
these Renowned Items. If it is important to know specifically who
the items came from, that is something to work out with the GM.
While a character can reduce their Current Reputation to 0, it
cannot go lower. Also, most items have a monetary cost in Gamels
as well as a reputation cost, which also needs to be paid for at the
time of purchase.

See "Renowned Item List" (see p. 48) to see what character can
get by the owned Reputation. When a PC gets a renowned item,
they should write the item and the Reputation used to get it in the
specified columns of the character sheet. The item is then entered
in the specified column on the character sheet.
If any of these Renowned Items are lost or broken, characters
may suffer an additional loss of reputation (see p. 72).

Reputation and Fame Table
A character's Total Reputation score represents how well-known
that character is throughout the world of Raxia.

Reputation and Fame

Reputation Degree of Fame
Unknown. Little is known outside of direct
1 - 20
Recognized. The name is known by a small community,
21 - 50
such as a local Adventurer's Guild.
Familiar. Small communities can match the name and
51 - 100 face to certain deeds, but they are still relatively unknown
outside of the area.
Popular. Opponents will begin to know the character,
101 - 200 and requests from other communities will ask for the
character by name.
Renowned. Rumors of deeds have hit the major cities,
201 - 500 and the character is a minor celebrity. However, there are
some who don't recognize them.
Celebrated. The character is a major celebrity in cities
501 - 1,000 and local communities. Their reputation precedes their
presence, for good or ill.
Famous. Recognized on the national level, the character
will receive preferential treatment at guilds and will often
1,001 -
receive complimentary goods and services. However,
there are those who will look to forge the character's
Illustrious. The character is a national celebrity and will
continue to be given preferential treatment, even if
2,001 -
unwanted. Aspiring writers may also ask to write the
character's biography, as well as poetry and words of
Legendary. A worldwide phenomenon, the character is a
living legend. Their exploits are the source of many books
and poems, and they are thought of as an icon of courage
and heroism.

Renowned Item List

This section introduces lists of items that can be purchased with

a character's Current Reputation.

Personalized Equipment
Equipment specially made for a particular PC, these weapons
and armor can come from a variety of places. A friendly blacksmith
looking to repay a favor, a merchant looking for fame by sponsoring
a popular adventurer, an old master trying to take advantage of a
generous offer; all of these and more can give a player access to this
personalized equipment.
Often covered with emblems and decorations that are
meaningful to the PC, this equipment is also designed to work with
the PC and that character alone. As such, the character receives a
+2 bonus to a particular ability (listed below), so long as they are
using that particular piece of equipment. Letting another character
use a piece of personalized equipment will not give them the same
Personalized equipment is available for 50 Reputation, though
the Gamel value is the same as the market value for the item in
question. New equipment can be purchased as such, spending both
the Reputation and the Gamels, or existing equipment can be
upgraded by spending only the Reputation. Even magical items can
be upgraded in such a way.
Losing personalized equipment will cause a loss of Total
Reputation, but storing it away and not using it will not. Selling
personalized equipment will also cause a loss of Total Reputation,
but the buyback price will be twice normal or equivalent to the
market value of the item (see p. 72).

Personalized Reputation Price Effect
Equipment (G)
Favored Weapon 50 Varies Dexterity +2
Favored Shield 50 Varies Agility +2
Favored Armor 50 Varies Speed +2
Favored Scout's Tools 50 Varies Dexterity +2
Favored Instrument 50 Varies Spirit +2
Favored Accessories ※ 50 Varies Maximum HP or
1, ※2 MP +2
※1: Any Accessory may be chosen.
※2: The same effect does not stack (i.e., no equipping two Maximum HP
+2 Accessories to get +4 Maximum HP; +2 HP and +2 MP will work,

Specialty Items
Specialty Items are items that are rare and difficult to find, often
unable to be mass-produced. Things like rare materials used in their
creation, requiring skilled craftsmen with waiting lists years long, or
a special horse being born. Often, one requires connections and
favors in order to find such items, and there are many looking for
the same goods, so competition is fierce whenever something comes
to market.
These specialty items are typically superior to those found
readily at most markets and can be shared among characters without
any loss of functionality. However, there are a few items that require
certain levels in specific classes and will not function otherwise.
Specialty Items can be sold back for the same amount of money
paid but will cause a loss of Total Reputation (see p. 72). Storing the
item and not using it, however, will not cause a loss of reputation.

Specialty Items Reputation Effect
Easy-to-use Cooking Cooking checks +1
5 50
Flammable Ignites in 5 minutes
5 20
Quick-Light Hu Starts in 30 seconds
20 100
Can withstand falls of 3m onto
Sturdy Lantern 10 40
Can be used as a weapon: B-Rank
Razor-Sharp Knife 5 20
Sword, Min STR 1, Power 1
The penalty for fighting while looking
Flat Hand Mirror 20 50+
in a mirror is reduced to -1
Swimsuit 10 20+ Swimming checks +1
Fluffy Snowsuit 15 80+ Water and Ice damage -1, Agility -6
Stylish Riding Riding checks +1
10 100+
Light Quill pen 10 50 Writing speed +10%
Fast Horse 30 5,000 Move at Horse's Speed +5m
Exceptional Horse 60 10,000 Move at Horse's Speed +5m
Manabike G 60 10,000 Move at Manabike's Speed +5m
1,000 + Requires Level 3 Ranger. Allows one
Rangers' Cloak ※1 20 Accessory to be equipped in the "Back"
1,000 + Requires Level 3 Scout. Allows one
Utility Belt ※1 20 Accessory to be equipped in the
"Waist" slot.
Headband of Requires Level 3 Sage. Allows a reroll
10 200 of a Sage class action, taking half the
Concentration ※2
time to do so.
Requires Level 3 Fairy Tamer. Jewelry
Ornate Jewelry 20 500 made with 6 Gems. It can be equipped
in any slot.
Black Belt (see CR I: p. 325-334).
True Black Belt ※
80 20,000 Requires Level 3 Grappler. Defense
3 +2.
※1: A special cloak/belt. In addition to the normal reputation cost, these
items require an extra 1,000G on top of the normal market price. Other
cloaks/belts cannot be worn at the same time.
※2: Half-time checks, only apply to the second roll and any subsequent
rerolls; the first check is normal. Equip Slot: Head
※3: Can be combined with Utility Belt, in which case the Reputation and
Gamel cost are combined as well.

Reputation and Real Estate

With enough of a reputation, players can find themselves as

owners of their own home.

PC with a residence is able to defray the various costs of living
that traveling adventurers may incur, such as lodging, food, and
other expenses. On the other hand, regular repairs and upkeep are
necessary and, depending on the size of the house, can be costly.
Additionally, for larger houses, servants will be needed to keep
everything in top shape, and the cost of not only their service but
their own food and expenses will need to be covered as well.
For housing up to the size of a Mansion, PCs only need enough
reputation to purchase the house (see p. 69). However, if the
character wants a Castle, they also need to be given Knighthood
from the local kingdom and must serve as a bannerman for their
A house can be sold at a specified price if the character is willing
to accept a reduction in reputation (see p. 72).

Upgrading Houses
Houses can be upgraded in stages and need not drive the owner
bankrupt. When upgrading housing, only the difference in cost
between the player's current housing and their desired building
needs to be paid. The location of the actual building itself can
change as well and even move across borders (though this requires
an actual upgrade, not a "side-grade").
If upgrading their home, the character cannot use their previous
home until the upgrade is finished. If moving to a new house, cash
from the sale of the old house will be received after moving.
Multiple homes may be purchased, and the exact grade of each
house is up to the PC buying it. However, the purchase price and
maintenance costs for each house must be paid.

Joint Ownership
A house, or larger building, may be shared by multiple PCs, with
each receiving their own room to live in. In situations like this, the
residence is owned by a common name, and each resident can pay
bills, though the exact split of both reputation and Gamels doesn't
have to be exactly even. Castles may be shared so long as at least
one of the PCs sharing it has been granted Knighthood.
Upgrading a jointly owned home is possible, so long as each
resident can agree on how the payment of reputation and Gamels
should go. It's also possible to turn a single-owner building into a
jointly owned building, allowing multiple people to share the cost of
upgrading instead of just one.

Leaving Joint Ownership and Compensation

PCs who leave joint ownership will suffer a loss of Total
Reputation equal to the reputation of the house they lost. The
remaining owners will have to cover the deficit or will lose the
residence. If this happens, each former owner will lose a Total
Reputation equal to the combined reputation of all former owners
(see p. 72).
A Knighted owner of a Castle cannot willingly leave the
residence. However, the castle will be sold if the Knighted owner is
permanently removed from joint ownership (i.e. if they die and
aren't resurrected), and the money from the sale thereof will be
distributed equally among all other joint owners.
If a PC is temporarily indisposed, such as if they leave the party
temporarily or are dead and waiting to be resurrected, then the
reputation deficit need not be covered. However, if the PC is dead
and unable to be resurrected or becomes an NPC Revenant due to
soulscar accumulation (see CR I: p. 213-218), then they will be
removed from joint ownership, and the missing reputation needs to
be accounted for.

Special Housing Installations
The following are special installations that can be placed in a
house. If jointly owned, the cost of such installations can be shared
among all owners.

Competent Treasurers
Treasurers are NPCs that can be hired by PCs with residences
the size of a Small Home or larger. Usually unrelated to the PCs,
this can be a family friend, relative, or old flame at the GM's
In addition to keeping track of the books and costs of running a
house, treasurers work to manage assets and keep up on repairs. In
doing so, the Maintenance Cost of the residence is reduced to 0.
The reputation required to hire a treasurer is equal to half that
required for the residence in question, no money required.
However, if the player wishes to upgrade their residence, they must
also pay reputation to upgrade their treasurer fairly soon afterward
or lose the benefit of them. Consult with the GM to determine what
this might consist of (whether improvement in skills, hiring an
assistant, etc.).
If the residence is sold, the treasurer will leave as well, causing a
loss of Total Reputation equal to the value of the treasurer at the
time (see p. 72).

Personal Theatre Troupe

PCs and parties who own Mansions (or larger residences) can
have their own theatre company. This company is usually assumed
to be a cadre of masked performers, but it can also be an orchestra,
a circus, or any other such large production.
The size of the troupe depends upon the amount of reputation
and money paid. For example, if the minimum amount is put
forward (50 reputation and 5,000G), then the troupe is a small
group, averaging about 5 regulars. However, if the purchaser goes
all out and goes for the maximum (1,000 reputation and 100,000G),

then they'll have a massive troupe, around 100 performers. At any
time, the PCs can add to the size of the troupe, paying the
appropriate reputation and money costs. It's also possible to scale
back the troupe, but this comes at a loss to the Total Reputation of
the PCs (see p. 72).
While some have a troupe for personal enjoyment, most owners
will have the troupe perform in order to defray the maintenance and
upkeep costs of running a theatre troupe. If there are no
performances, then it's likely that the troupe's exposure to the
general public will decrease, meaning that when they do perform,
there won't be as many coming to see them, leading to a loss in
revenue, performers leaving due to lack of payment, and so on.

Theatre Troupe Maintenance

1 Month's Upkeep = (2d-7) x (Reputation x 10) Gamels

For this check, Humans cannot use their racial feature [Sword’s
Grace/Change Fate].
If the result of this check is positive, then it is considered to be
profitable; if negative, then there's a deficit that needs to be covered.
The PC can bypass this check (which assumes the troupe didn't
perform), in which case the dice result would be 0. If the owner has
the troupe solely as a personal expense (and not a theatre open to
the public), then treat the dice result as a 2. In other words, the PC
needs to pay 50G times the reputation score of the troupe every
If there's a deficit incurred by poor income and increasing
maintenance costs, the PC owner must cover that deficit. If they
cannot, the troupe is sold off, with an appropriate loss in Total
Reputation (see p. 72).

Exhibition Hall
PCs and parties who own Mansions (or larger residences) can
have their own exhibition hall, allowing them to display various
items and trophies they've collected over their adventuring career.
Exhibits can include the various Personal Equipment and Specialty
Items the character has found and purchased, as well as various
body parts of larger enemies they may have slain.
Exhibition halls often have entry fees for the public, which helps
to offset the costs of maintenance and security. Displaying various
items in a hall allows a monthly income check similar to that of the
theatre troupe.

Exhibition Hall Maintenance

1 Month's Income = (2d-6) x (Reputation x 5) Gamels

For this check, Humans cannot use their racial feature [Sword’s
Grace/Change Fate].
If the result of this check is positive, then it is considered to be
profitable; if negative, then there's a deficit that needs to be covered.
The PC can bypass this check (which assumes the hall wasn't open
to the public), in which case the dice result would be 0.

If there's a deficit incurred by poor income and increasing

maintenance costs, the PC owner must cover that deficit, often by
selling exhibits until they can cover the costs. If they cannot, the hall
itself is sold off, with an appropriate loss in Total Reputation (see p.

Personal Goods
Works of art created to honor the character or group. These
works can include paintings, sculptures, biographies, songs, plays,
etc. While they tend to have no mechanical benefit to gameplay,
these works of art are very often exhibits in halls and are a sign of a
character or group's popularity and reputation.
These works have a number of factors that will cause prices to
vary wildly. Materials, size of the works, genre, etc. will all play a part
in setting the price. Additionally, the creators of said works will also
play a part in the pricing, as below:

Obscure Creator: ×½
Average Creator: ×1
First-Class Creator: ×5

Works created by Obscure Creators are those of up-and-comers

or those who are skilled but in remote areas. The actual quality of
the work isn't bad, but the general public will have a hard time
believing that due to not knowing who created it.
Some works created will only require reputation, while others
will differ wildly between reputation and gamel prices. For those
works paid for solely by reputation, they cannot be sold for money.
Average Creators tend to have a good track record with their
works, and those familiar with the genre can tell their work from
others. They'll produce works of art of standard quality.
First-Class Creators are those who've become famous, even
outside of the genre they work in. These creators can have their
work recognized by most people on the street.
Over the course of a campaign, it's possible for an Obscure
Creator to get recognition and become Average or even First-Class.
If this happens, for each of the work the PC owns, there are two
First, the PC could pay the difference in reputation (and gamels,
if necessary), and the work will still be seen as something of that
creator's signature handiwork.

Otherwise, while the item will still have value, it won't be seen as
on the same level as that creator's current works. Usually, it will be
written off as "part of the learning experience" or "rough work from
a rough era of the creator".
In either case, the actual value of the work (for determining the
sale price and value as an exhibit) will be determined by the
reputation paid for it.

Maintenance Price Notes

Housing Reputation
Cost (G) (G)
15 500 / month 2,000
Small Home 50 1,200 / month 5,000 Treasurer allowed
Average Treasurer allowed; co-
150 5,000 / month 20,000
House signers allowed
Treasurer allowed; co-
Mansion 400 20,000 / month 100,000
signers allowed
Knighthood Required.
100,000 /
Castle 1200 500,000 Treasurer allowed; co-
signers allowed.

Maintenance Notes
Household Reputation Price (G)
Cost (G)
Small Home or larger
Competent Housing × Housing Required. The
- -
Treasurer ½ Maintenance Cost of
Housing reduced to 0.
Personal (2d-7) × Mansion or larger
Theatre 50~1,000 (Reputation × Housing Required.
× 100
Troupe 10)
(2d-6) × Mansion or larger
50 Displayed Items' 5,000 Housing Required.
Reputation × 5

Portraits of the Character (And Their Adventuring Group)
Artwork Reputation Notes
About 30cm × 30cm; often a face shot or
Small 20 500
About 60cm × 60cm; from bust to full-
Medium 40 1,000
length portrait
About 1m × 1m; typically, a full-body
Large 80 2,000 portrait can include an adventuring group
as well
Extra About 2m × 3m; almost exclusively
200 5,000
Large adventuring groups
A textile reproduction of an existing
Tapestry ×1 ×1
picture (purchased separately)
Painted directly on the wall, it lasts as
Mural ×2 ×2
long as the wall does

Statues and Sculptures of the Character

Sculptures Price
Reputation Notes
Miniscule About 20cm high, it's fairly cheap
1 200
(unless made with precious metals)
Small About 60cm high, typically sculptured
40 1,000
Medium 120 3,000 Life-size full-body sculpture
Large 400 10,000 An immense sculpture
Sterling Made with sterling silver, it could be
×5 ×5
Silver considered jewelry
Solid Gold × 250 × 250 Crafted using jewelry-grade solid gold

Biographies and Stories of the Character's Life

Personalized Reputation Price
Goods (G)
Short Story / Similar to a paperback or
50 -
Abridged children's picture book
Hardcover volume, usually from
Novel 100 -
a single author
Ten or more epic volumes,
Collaboration 200 -
often by multiple authors

Poems Sung in Memory of the Character
Poetry Reputation Notes
10 - Only a few lines long
Several dozen lines lasts a couple
Ballad 40 -
Long enough to last from ten minutes to
Epic 200 -
a couple of hours

Music Played to Honor the Character

Musical Pieces Price
Reputation Notes
Concerto 20 - One melody lasting a few minutes
A longer piece, played by a small
Symphony 80 -
Symphonic Many songs, performed by a large
400 -
Suite orchestra

Theater Performances Re-enacting Famous Achievements of the

Price Notes
Performances Reputation
- A one-act performance lasting about
Skit 30
ten minutes
- Consists of multiple acts, often
Play 100
running several hours
- A collection of episodic plays,
Series 500 unlikely to be shown consecutively
due to the combined length

Personalized Goods Reputation Price (G)

Obscure ×½ ×½
Average ×1 ×1
First-Class ×5 ×5

Personal Titles (Nicknames)

Titles honoring an individual are listed below. While anyone can

come up with a nickname for themselves, it won't really spread until
the character earns some reputation to go along with that nickname.
These titles, earned through reputation, ensure that a nickname will
be as valid as a real name.
Titles are often created by combining multiple words, and the
exact combination is left up to the players. They can also change a
few things around, add particles, change cases, etc., in order to make
sure the title is grammatically correct. For example, by choosing
"Red" and "Warrior", the character could use "Red Warrior",
"Warrior of Red", "Crimson Warrior", and so on. However, once
decided, this title cannot change.
Each title has a certain reputation required in order to use it.
Words that leave stronger impressions will cost more, and monster
names, in particular, will cost as much as the monster's level. If a
player asks for a word, not on any of the tables below, it's up to the
GM to determine the reputation cost.

Word Combinations
Generally, a title is composed of two words, but some can be
three or more words.
Characters can extend their current titles in a few different ways.
The easiest is to just add words onto the title, such as adding
"Furious" to "Red Warrior", giving the character the title of "Furious
Red Warrior". Another would be to create another title as an alias.
However, words combined previously cannot be changed. For
example, if "Brave" and "Soldier" were combined for "Brave Soldier",
then if "War" was chosen after that, the character couldn't re-title
themselves "Brave War Soldier", as "Brave Soldier" was already
combined previously.
If a character wants a new title but doesn't want to tie it to their
currently existing title, they can start going by the new title, with the
old title being a "formerly" or "previously known as". It's also possible

to have a title be region-specific, so the same character can have
multiple titles depending on where in the world they are.

Removing a Title
If a PC claims a title, they should try to act in ways that uphold
that title. If the character's behavior strays too far, the GM should
warn the player about their actions. If these warnings are often
ignored, the GM should offer a final warning, then strip the
character of their title (and the appropriate Total Reputation that
comes with it) if they keep ignoring their poor behavior (see p. 72).
For example, a title like "Boggart Killer" assumes the character
will kill Boggarts if they show up. However, if the character leaves
NPCs they were escorting to the Boggarts and flees, it would be
grounds to strip that title from the character. It is OK to not have
run into the particular situation that your title aspires to, but once
that situation presents itself, it's important to at least attempt to keep
in line with the title.
Impersonating characters with famous titles or claiming titles the
character never intends to achieve can be done. However, if this
impersonation or false title is discovered, the character will
immediately lose the impersonated title's reputation from their
Total Reputation (see p. 72).

Joking Titles
There are some titles that are very obviously joking titles and are
not meant to be taken seriously. Words like "Phony" or "Self-
Proclaimed" should make it clear that the title is something the
character doesn't take seriously. If these are added, there is no
obligation to take the title seriously (as people will only see "Phony"
or "Fake").
The required reputation for these titles is -5; that is, the entire
reputation cost of the title will be reduced by -5 points for each of
these epithets in it.

In the future, it is possible to remove such words from a title by
paying 5 reputation. However, in doing so, the character will need
to begin abiding by the title.

Same Title
A PC can't choose a title that's obviously the same as someone
else's. However, if a character shows up at a later point and
coincidentally has the same title, both characters may continue to
use it.

Party Titles
Much like PCs, a party can earn a title for the entire group. Each
party member must pay the reputation for the title, and leaving the
party also removes the party title, causing a loss of Total Reputation
(see p. 72). Outside of those rules, choosing a party title is the same
as choosing a title for an individual PC.

Topographical Features
- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Sky River Hills Field Cave Shore
2 5 Earth Sea Valley Forest Peak Island
3 10 Heaven Canal Mountains Plains Cliff Edge
4 10 Ground Ocean Canyon Jungle Archipelago
5 15 Ether Waterfall Wasteland Overhang Coast
6 15 Continent Abyss Ravine Snowcap Reef

Locations and Facilities
-Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Place Castle Road Crossroads Market Mansion
2 10 Battlefield District Highway Port Guild School
3 10 Cemetery Citadel Town City Downtown Temple
4 10 Savage Castle Countryside Capital Red-Light Palace
Land Ruins District
5 15 Death Ruins Nature Labyrinth Thieves' Holy
Valley Den Ground
6 15 Emptiness Center of Horizon Summit World Dimension

Astronomy and Weather

- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Day Month Clear Skies Cloud Wind Fog
2 5 Sunny Star Rain Dew Calm Haze
3 10 Sun Planet Shower Frost Gale Lightning
4 10 Moon Meteor Drizzle Snow Whirlwind Tornado
5 15 Eclipse Nova Rainbow Flurries Windstorm Hurricane
6 15 Heat Wave Comet Overcast Hail Mountain Wind Storm

Seasons and Time

- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Spring Autumn Morning Noon Eternity Transient※
2 5 Summer Winter Evening Night Forever※ Instant※
3 10 Sprout Ripe Dawn Daylight Perpetuity Swiftness
4 10 Overgrown Wither Dusk Evening Immortal Thunderclap
5 15 Immortality Ephemeral Daybreak Midnight Infinite Moment
6 15 Incandescent Frigid Twilight Aurora Permanent Fleeting
※: Requires 10 Reputation instead.

Ranks and Positions
- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 One Two Three Four Five Six
2 5 Seven Eight Nine Zero/Ten Hundred Thousand
3 5 Ten Thousand Billion Trillion Former First Next
4 5 Elder Younger Previous Later Left Right
5 5 Inside Outside Under Among Surface Rear
6 5 East West North South Close Step

Epithets (1)
- Re 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Large/Sma High/Lo Deep/Shallo Far/Near Light/Hea Fast/Slow
ll w w vy
2 5 White/Bla New/Ol Object/Pers Existence/Nothi Sharp/Dul Light/Dar
ck d on ng l k
3 5 Joy Fury Sorrow Comfort Value Strange
4 5 Warm Heat Cool Fair Round Broad
5 5 Gentle Brave Firm Soft Harsh Unclean
6 10 Pure Good Evil Strong Saint Elegant

Epithets (2)
- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 10 Delicate Iron Wall Gallant Peerless Last Ultimate
2 10 Novel 11th Radiant Favorable Perfect Inevitable
Hour Winds
3 10 Reliable High- Dangerous Extraordinary Skilled Toxic
4 10 Mild Impulsive Bizarre Extreme Genuine Poor
5 10 Superior Ideal All- Useful Rational Free
6 10 Brilliant Graceful Attractive Willowy Unparalleled Meticulous

Metallic Colors
- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Red Blue Yellow Green Brown Beige
2 10 White Black Grey Scarlet Vermilion Golden
3 10 Indigo Purple Milky Aqua Yellow Amber
White Green
4 15 Red Jet Rouge Crimson Azure Blue Light Indigo
5 5 Lead Tin Mercury Zinc Brass Steel
6 10 Gold Platinum Silver Iron Copper Mithril

Actions (1)
- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Slaughter Defeat Sever Slash Pierce Bludgeon
2 5 War Trample Throwing Shooting Burn Bite
3 5 Walk Run Turn Fly Swim Rest
4 5 Enter/Exit Push/Pull Hold Shine Order Heal
5 5 Eat/Drink Madness Increase/Decrease Fall Rise Guard
6 5 Quiet Dance Sing Laugh/Cry Judge Gather

Actions (2)
- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 10 Rebirth Adventure Pride Breathe Use Drift
2 10 Disassemble Accept Appraise Training Fight Seek
3 10 Sublimation Reassemble Imitate Overturn Exterminate Inherit
4 10 Maintain Pioneer Confront Observe Subjugate Negotiate
5 10 Mount Reversal Collect Awaken Unconventional Discover
6 15 Patrol Wander Roam Busy Hide Pedantry

- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
Young Man/
1 5 Boy/Girl Prince/ss Elder Concubine Man/Woman
2 5 Fighter Grappler Fencer Marksman Sorcerer Conjurer
3 5 Priest Fairy Tamer Artificer Scout Sage Ranger
4 5 Enhancer Bard Rider General Paragon Mentor
5 5 Messenger Orator Actor Scholar Craftsman Merchant
6 5 Farmer Fisherman Hunter Artist Steward Chef

Social Status and Prestige

- 1 2 3 4 5 6
Apprentic Unremarkabl Alcoholi Up-and-
1 5 Ronin Thug
e e c Comer
2 10 Hermit Doctor Landlord Celebrity /
3 10 Talented Champion Virtuoso Darling Performe Exemplar
4 10 Hero Brave Warrior Giant Superman Marvel
5 15 Superstar Titleholder Authority Adult Expert Saint
6 15 Prodigy Legend Master Daemon Deity Emperor

Body Parts
- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Head Forehead Face Cheek Jaw Neck
2 5 Torso Chest Abdomen Back Waist Buttocks
3 5 Hand Arm Foot Leg Finger/Toe Limb
4 5 Eye Pupil Eyelid Eyebrow Eyelash Nose
5 5 Mouth Lips Tongue Tooth Ear Earlobe
6 5 Hair Beard Horns Fangs Wings Tail

- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Kobold Gremlin Goblin Ghast Skeleton Zombie
2 10 Boggart Grey Centaur Ghoul Gargoyle Deela
Lynx Harpy
3 10 Daemon Barbarous Mythical Undead Construct Daemon
4 15 Medusa Kyplox Gar-UI Hellhound Harpy Hippogryph
5 20 Gilman Troll DOOM Thunderbird Dusky Mandrake
6 25 Drake Gryphon Pegasus Unicorn Dullahan Zalbard

- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Insect Fish Lizard Beast Egg Chick
2 5 Dog Cat Ape Horse Fox Sheep
3 5 Sparrow Swallow Chicken Dove Duck Bat
4 5 Frog Snake Turtle Cow Bee Spider
5 10 Tiger Wolf Lion Elephant Bear Eagle
6 10 Swan Kingfisher Whale Butterfly Coral Beetle

- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
Stem/ Seeds/
1 5 Grass Roots Greens Seedlings
Branch Fruits
2 5 Sunflower Primrose Iris Chrysanthemum Orchid
3 5 Rose Lily Houttuynia Wheat Straw
4 5 Plum Bellflower Dianthus Clover Thorns
5 5 Wisteria Chestnut Peach Persimmon Sakaki
New Sterile
6 10 Flower Sprout New Grass Full Bloom
Leaves Flower

- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Unreasonable Absurd Reckless Slacking Fortuitous Hasty
2 5 Apathetic Careless Shrewd Happy- Forgiving Happy
3 5 Nonchalant Negligent Loafer Strenuous Rough Unkempt
4 10 Earnest Single- Passionate Desperate Thorough Uninhibited
5 10 Untiring Efficient Cheerful Gusto Plain Straightforward
6 10 Pleasant Lazy Easygoing Unsuited Bushy Fluent

- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Sword Axe Spear Hammer Club Staff
2 5 Gun Bow Crossbow Armor Shield Magitech
3 5 Fist Blade Fire Water Rock Boat
4 10 Medicine Art Will-o-wisp Trap Blood Crystal
5 10 Dream Treasure Ball Light/Shadow Love Words
6 15 Chaos Order Reality Darkness Nothingness Revolution

- Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 Warrior Person House Hands Childlike Married
2 5 Squad Army Party Team Company Mansion
3 5 Super- Special Truth Repetition Not- Nothing
4 5※ Color Shape Strength Target Gender Mind
5 -5 Phony -ish Fake -Plated Tentatively Self-
(x) Proclaimed
6 -5 Perhaps Immature Asunaro Provisional Substitute
※: Cost is 0 when used with other specific words (peach-colored, bow-
shaped, arm strength).

Social Positioning

Knighthood, Courts, and the Crown

With enough of a reputation, PCs can end up being knighted,
given rank in the noble courts, or even given a small kingdom to rule
over. While each country has its own ranks to work through, the
table below is just an example and can be modified by the GM as
they see fit.
As a general rule, knighthood is just for that character and is not
a hereditary title passed down among generations. Regardless of
gender, knights are typically addressed with the moniker "Sir".
The title of Baron is the lowest noble rank, and they are able to
pass down both the title and territory they rule to their descendants.
Earl is the next step up, allowing more freedom and controlling
more territory, and the title of Marquis is the highest noble rank. A
Duke is still technically a noble but is on the level of actually being
a possible successor to the throne. However, just having the
possibility isn't enough; the Duke must be able to pay the
appropriate amounts of reputation and money in order to actually
ascend to the throne.
Noble ranks are gifted with territories to rule over, and through
those, PCs are able to make money. However, there is also the cost
of domestic affairs, troubles, and general day-to-day expenses. Much
like owning a troupe, there is a check to see how much the monthly
income is from these territories.

Territory Maintenance
(2d - 7) × (Noble Rank Expenditure)= 1 month's income (G)

For this check, Humans cannot use their racial feature [Sword’s
Grace/Change Fate].
If the result of this check is positive, then it is considered to be
profit; if negative, then there's a deficit that needs to be covered. The
PC can bypass this check, in which case the dice result would be 0.
If there's a deficit incurred by poor income and increasing
maintenance costs, the PC owner must cover that deficit. If they
cannot, their title and land are sold off, with an appropriate loss in
Total Reputation (see p. 72).
Characters can have multiple ranks, in which case each rank
needs to be paid for and maintained individually.

Heirs and Regents

Listed below on the table, an heir is someone of noble rank who
has succession rights to the throne. These tend to be princes or
princesses or children of local Dukes but are considered to be of
the opposite gender of the PC. This is not a rank one can attain but
more of an arranged marriage into nobility, often with the hopes of
gaining control of the local crown. However, in order to arrange
such a marriage, the PC does need to pay half of the reputation and
money needed to take the throne to the noble parents.
In the meantime, these heirs tend to be fairly generous with their
spending and require a lot of money each month. When performing
a monthly Maintenance check (for a troupe, exhibition hall, etc.), if
the PC is engaged to an heir, any income will not change, but any
deficits will be increased fivefold.
A PC cannot be engaged to more than one heir apparent at the
same time. Additionally, same-gender relationships, while not
disallowed, do not allow the PC to inherit any sort of land or title.
These NPCs can be given the title "heir apparent", in which case
they are guaranteed to be the next in line to succeed the crown. In
doing so, the PC must pay an additional ¼ of the required reputation
(albeit no money is required), and the additional 5x expenditure
While it is in poor taste to break off such an arranged marriage,
characters may do so but lose Total Reputation equivalent to the
reputation paid to court the heir (see p. 72).

Succession of Heirs
When an heir succeeds to the throne, a new territory will be
created. If a PC is engaged or married to the said heir, then they,
too, will be in control of the new territory.
In the meantime, when showing interest in an heir, the GM
should determine the heir's place in the lines of succession. The
easiest and recommended method is to use 1d, but the player and
GM may collaborate and make the final decision.
At the end of each session, as long as the heir is still alive and
active in the campaign, the PC should roll 1d to check the status of
the heir's succession.

(a) The result is [1], and the heir's position is [1] → The heir
succeeds to the crown.
(b) The result is [2~6], and the heir's position is less than the roll →
The heir moves up a position in line.
(c) The result was higher than the heir's position → Nothing

Position Reputation Expenditure (G) Price Notes

Lasts for a lifetime. No
Knight 150 - 50,000
land is offered
(2d-7) × 10,000 / The lowest rank of the
Baron 750 500,000
month court
(2d-7) × 20,000 /
Earl 2,000 1,500,000 Mid-level nobility
(2d-7) × 30,000 / The highest rank of
Marquis 4,000 3,000,000
month nobility
(2d-7) × 30,000 / Heir Presumptive to the
Duke 5,000 4,000,000
month Throne
(2d-7) × 50,000 /
Sovereign 10,000 6,000,000
Heir ×½ (Expenditure) ×5 ×½
Heir Title Additional cost added to
- -
Apparent Rep.×¼ Heir
100 - 10,000

Renowned Item Loss and Reputation Loss

A PC may lose a renowned item obtained through Reputation in

several cases. One possibility is voluntary return, where the PC can
give back the item if it is no longer appropriate for them. However,
returning the item does not restore the PC's Reputation.
Another possibility is selling the item for money. A portion of
the renowned item gained through Reputation can be sold in
exchange for money, using the price listed in the "Renowned Item
List" (equal to the purchase price). Only money can be gained from
the sale, and the PC's Reputation is not restored (titles and items
without a price cannot be sold).
There is also the risk of the PC involuntarily losing the renowned
item, such as through theft of special equipment. If a PC repeatedly
misbehaves with a title, they may no longer be referred to by that
title. The GM has final authority in determining such unwanted
losses. In any case, when a character loses a renowned item, it is
removed from the character sheet. Additionally, the Total
Reputation is reduced by the amount of Reputation used to acquire
the item.
The Total Reputation, which usually only increases, is decreased
only when this renowned item disappears. Losing a symbol of
honor, regardless of the reason, results in a decrease in reputation.
On the character sheet, the sum of the Reputation used for the
renowned item and the possessed Reputation will always equal the
Total Reputation. If the renowned item is "recovered" in any way,
the Total Reputation is also restored by the equivalent number of

Courtly Debts
Knights, Nobles, and heirs can take on debt against their position
in order to make money quickly. By reducing both Current and
Total Reputation by multiples of 100, a character can come up with
10,000G per 100 reputation in order to cover any other debts they
may have incurred.
Of course, it is still possible to sell of their social rank in order to
pay back debts, but this will incur a loss of Total Reputation as well.

GM Notes: Stealing Renowned Items

It is always an option to have the goal of any given session be

"Reclaim the stolen Renowned Items". However, do give the PC a
chance to prevent the theft. Also, don't use this particular plot hook
too often, as then the PCs will feel that they are being unfairly
targeted, as well as having it seem that the GM wants to take these
items away permanently instead of just as a temporary plot device.

Part 3 Data


This section describes the new Other-Type Classes (see CR I: p.

219-227), Enhancer and Bard, as well as their various skill sets.

Enhancer Class

Enhancer Minor Class

Infusing their own body with mana to create advantages in battle,
Enhancers are a very physical class. While Enhancers don't allow
for the use of any sort of weapons, armor or magic, they instead use
various Techniques in combat, making them very dangerous even
when completely unequipped. While Techniques do cost MP to
activate and use, the Enhancer class does not add to the character's
MP pool.
Enhancers are not proficient with any checks.

Learning Techniques

Each time a character takes a level in Enhancer, they may choose

one Technique from the following list and learn that Technique.
Some Techniques require a minimum Enhancer level in order to
learn and cannot be learned by those Enhancers of the lower level.
For example, a 5th Level Enhancer would know five different
Techniques, and would be able to learn any Technique that requires
a 5th level or lower Enhancer.

Targets of Techniques

Techniques are trained skills that strengthen and change the

body. However, one's body requires vigorous training in order to
activate a Technique and not seriously injure oneself, so Techniques
are only able to affect the character performing them. Even if a
character has multiple sections, only the section performing the
Technique will be able to see any benefit. Each section can use its
own Technique simultaneously, though, if applicable.

Movement Restrictions
In order to use a Technique in combat, characters are limited to
taking either a Normal Move or a Limited Move. Running all out
via a Full Move prevents a Technique from being used in that same

Using a Technique

Activating a Technique is a Minor Action and does not require

any checks to be made, nor do any vocalizations or gestures need to
be made. In general, Techniques can be used as many times in a
round as wanted, though the actual effect of any given Technique
cannot be duplicated or stacked. Of course, there are always
exceptions, such as Techniques that can only be used once per
round or Techniques that explicitly have cumulative effects.

MP Consumption
Unless stated otherwise, a Technique costs 3 MP to activate.
This may change due to Combat Feats or may be paid with from a
Mako Stone.

Ending a Technique
Techniques with a duration may be ended at the discretion of
the user as a Minor Action.

Techniques aren’t Magical

Since Techniques are explicitly not magical, spells like [Dispel
Magic] or Combat Feats like [Wordbreak] will not work. Only
effects explicitly called out as being able to end a Technique, such
as [Perfect Cancellation], will work. Additionally, spells like [Sense
Magic] or [Mana Search] will not detect active Techniques.
At the same time, Combat Feats like [Metamagic/**] will not
work to alter the characteristics of any Technique. On the other
hand, there is a Combat Feat introduced later, called [Muscle
Mystery], that will only affect Techniques.

How to Read Techniques

Required Level
At the top of each list of Techniques, there is a header, "○ Level
Enhancer Required". The ○ will show how many levels of Enhancer
a character needs in order to learn any of the Techniques under that

① Name
The name of the Technique. Since Techniques can be used as
a Minor Action, there will always be a ☆ after the name, the same
as with spells.

② Duration
The time the Technique lasts, in rounds. Specifically, when
counting in rounds, the duration counts down at the beginning of
each of the Enhancer's turns.
③ Summary
A quick explanation of the Technique.

④ Effect
An in-depth look at the specifics of the Technique. The word
"user" is used for the character who uses the technique.

List of Techniques

1st Level Enhancer Required

Antibody ☆ Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Poison, Disease Resistance +4

The user of this Technique strengthens their immune system,
driving off poisons and diseases. When rolling a Fortitude or
Willpower check for a Poison-attribute or Disease-attribute
effect, the user gets a +4 bonus to that check.

Owl Sight ☆ Duration 3 minutes (18 r)

Sum. Gain Night Vision

The user's eyes radiate gold, like that of an owl's. This allows
the user to see through darkness as though it were daylight.

Gazelle Feet ☆ Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Evasion +1
The user's leg muscles become much more active, like that of
Eff. a gazelle bouncing away from a predator. This increased
reaction time gives the user a +1 bonus to Evasion checks.

Cat's Eyes ☆ Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Accuracy +1
The user's pupils stretch vertically, allowing them to watch an
Eff. opponent more carefully. This increased observation gives the
user a +1 bonus to Accuracy checks.

Scale Leggings ☆ Duration 1 hour

Sum. Free Movement Underwater

Pale scales sprout from the user's body, allowing for free
movement underwater. The user does not incur any penalties
Eff. for moving underwater, either.
However, this Technique does not allow for breathing while

Strong Blood ☆ Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Fire, Water/Ice Damage -5

By keeping a consistent body temperature, the user can keep
cool in hot environments and vice versa. When taking any
Fire-attribute or Water/Ice-type damage, reduce the total
damage taken by -5.

Chic Chick ☆ Duration 1 hour

Sum. Jump Better, Glide from Heights

A small bird's wings sprout from the user's back, aiding them
in any aerial movement. When making any jump checks, the
Eff. user receives a +5 bonus to those checks. Additionally, reduce
any fall damage the user takes by -20.
This Technique does not allow the user to fly.

Dragon Tail ☆ Duration 3 minutes (18 r)

Sum. Grow a Tail

The user grows a long, thick tail from their hindquarters. This
Tail can be used as a Wrestling weapon (see p. 144).
If the user already has a tail, then they can use this Technique
Eff. to increase either their Accuracy by +1 or damage with the tail
by +2. This Technique's effects are cumulative, to a total of +2
Accuracy and +4 bonus damage.
This Technique can be used once per round.

Beetleskin ☆ Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Defense +2
The user's skin becomes hard and chitinous, granting a +2
bonus to Defense.

Bear Muscle ☆ Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Strength Modifier +2

Revitalizes the user's muscles and reinforces them, giving the
Eff. user the strength of a bear. This increases the user's Strength
Modifier by +2 but does not affect the user's Strength score.

Meditation ☆ Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Willpower-Based Psychic Resistance +4

The user stabilizes their thoughts and strengthens their ego,
making their mind less susceptible to ill effects.
If the user makes a Willpower check against a Psychic-
attribute effect, they receive a +4 bonus to that check.

Rabbit Ears ☆ Duration 3 minutes (18 r)

Sum. Listen, Danger Sense +2

By making their ears bigger and more flexible, the user can
Eff. more accurately detect incoming danger.
The user gains a +2 bonus to Listen and Danger Sense checks.

5th Level Enhancer Required

Centaur Legs ☆ Duration 10 seconds (1 round)

Sum. Agility +12

The muscles in the user's lower body stiffen and thicken, becoming
incredibly powerful. The user increases their Agility score by +12.
Exceptionally, this technique can be used immediately before an
Eff. Initiative check, giving a +2 bonus to the Initiative check, and it is lost
at the start of the first round.
For fixed-value characters, instead, they gain +2 to Initiative and
Evasion. GM is free to make other modifications at their discretion.

Animal Shape ☆ Duration 1 hour

Sum. Transform into Common Animals

The user transforms into an animal that is common in society, such
as a horse, pig, cat, or dog. The user cannot transform while wearing
weapons, armor, or costumes. After the transformation, the user’s
Eff. ability score remains the same. The user can still speak and use skills
but cannot hold items or weapons nor wear armor or clothing. And
can only attack with a Punch. This Technique does not allow the user
to communicate with animals.

Giant Arms ☆ Duration 10 seconds (1 round)

Sum. Strength +12

The user's arms swell immensely, barely able to contain the
newfound power inside. The user increases their Strength score by
Eff. +12. For fixed-value characters, instead, they gain +2 bonus damage.
GM is free to make other modifications at their discretion.

10 seconds (1
Sphinx Knowledge ☆ Duration
Sum. Intelligence +12
The user becomes as intelligent as a sphinx. The user increases their
Intelligence score by +12. Exceptionally, this technique can be used
immediately before a Monster Knowledge check, giving a +2 bonus
Eff. to the Monster Knowledge check, and it is lost at the start of the first
For fixed-value characters, instead, they gain +2 to Magic Power or
other value that the GM determines to be based on Intelligence.

10 seconds (1
Daemonfinger ☆ Duration
Sum. Dexterity +12
The user's hands become incredibly flexible and supple like a
daemon. The user increases their Dexterity score by +12.
For fixed-value characters, instead, their Accuracy increases by
+2. GM is free to make other modifications at their discretion.

Fire Breath ☆ Duration 30 seconds (3 r)

Sum. Breathe Fire

The user can, as a Major Action, breathe fire in front of them.
Attack Roll: Enhancer Level + Intelligence Modifier; Target:
3m radius/5; Range/Area: 10m/Shot; Resist: Half; Type: Fire;
Effect: Deals Power 10 + Enhancer Level + Intelligence
Modifier damage.
If the user has the Combat Feats [Magic Convergence] or
[Magic Control], they can apply it to this Technique.
However, the Combat Feat [Metamagic/Area] has no effect.

Recovery ☆ Duration Instant

Sum. Restore HP
The user is able to refresh themselves and recover an amount
Eff. of HP equal to their Enhancer Level.
This Technique can be used once per round.

Wide Wings ☆ Duration 3 minutes (18 r)

Sum. Gain the Ability to Fly

A large set of eagle-like wings sprouts from the user's back,
allowing the user to fly. When flying, the user's movement
speed is 10 meters per round (so a Full Move would cover 30
If the user already has the ability to fly, this Technique
increases the user's movement speed by 20m. This extra
movement speed is not cumulative.
This Technique can be used once per round.

Bard Class

Bard Minor Class

Masters of music, Bards, are capable of performing such
intoxicating songs that leave one unsure if the performance itself was
magic. Able to support a large number of allies, Bards are unique
battlefield assistants and incredible force multipliers. While many of
their Spellsongs have similar effects to many spells, they do not
require MP to use.
Bards are also well-traveled, learning the local languages on their
way from one area to another. For each level of Bard, a character
takes, they can learn the verbal aspect of any language of their choice
(including Grassrunner). However, Bards do not automatically learn
the written forms of any languages they can speak.
Bards are proficient in the Insight skill (see CR I: p. 117-137).

Learning Spellsongs

Each time a character takes a level in Bard, they may choose one
Spellsong from the following list and learn that Spellsong. Some
Spellsongs require a minimum Bard level in order to learn and
cannot be learned by those Bards of the lower level. For example, a
5th Level Bard would know five different Spellsongs and would be
able to learn any Spellsong that requires a 5th level or lower Bard.

Spellsong Requirements
Movement Restrictions
When using a Spellsong in combat (whether activating one for
the first time or continuing to play an already ongoing Spellsong),
the performing Bard may only take a Limited Move. Any faster
movement would disrupt the Bard from being able to continue

In order to use a Spellsong, a musical instrument is required.
Averaging about 100G, the instrument must be capable of
performing melodies in order to be used in this fashion. Both hands
would be required to play Spellsongs, which naturally precludes the
use of any sort of weapon or shield.
Depending upon the specific Spellsong, singing might be
required as well. If unable to speak, Spellsongs that require singing
are unable to be used, and those that have optional singing effects
will be unable to activate those extra effects.

Spellsongs aren’t Magical

Despite the name, Spellsongs are not actually magical effects, so
spells like [Sense Magic] and [Mana Search] will not detect any
active effects of a Spellsong.

Using Spellsongs

Using a Spellsong is a Major Action and takes up the bulk of

Bard's turn. If a Spellsong requires a Magic Power check, that check
will usually be "Bard Level + Spirit Bonus". If the Spellsong persists
over a number of rounds (see p. 88), the same check result is used
without rolling each round.
Some Spellsongs have a prelude (see p. 89), which will delay the
effect of that Spellsong, but for the most part Spellsongs will take
effect immediately.
Combat Feats such as [Magic Control] and [Metamagic/**] have
no effect on Spellsongs, though there are Combat Feats that do
affect Spellsongs.

Targets of Spellsongs (Range of Effect)

Due to their loud nature, Spellsongs will indiscriminately affect
all those who hear them. The area of effect is centered on the Bard
and affects a range equal to the character's Bard Level x 10m radius.
If the Bard happens to move while playing (see p. 88), the affected
area will move with them.
Bards have the option to exclude themselves from their effects.
If a Bard has multiple body sections, this exclusion does not
discriminate; if the Bard chooses to exclude themselves from the
effects of a Spellsong, all sections will be excluded. If the Bard
wished to include themselves in their Spellsong's effects, then all
sections are included. There is no in-between.

Overlapping Effect Areas

When it comes to multiple Bards playing different Spellsongs,
only the Bard with the highest Magic Power check result (as noted
above) will have their Spellsong's effects active. In case of a tie, the
Bard, who has been playing for longer, will have their effects take

Spellsong Resistance

Some Spellsongs can have their effects be resisted with a

Willpower check, effectively negating the Spellsong for that
character, and this will be noted in their description. If a Spellsong
does not have this notation, then it is assumed that the Spellsong will
always affect those who can hear it.

Bardic Advantage
If a Bard hears a Spellsong being performed, even if they cannot
see the performer, they immediately know the name and effect of
the Spellsong.
On the other hand, non-Bards may be able to understand that a
Spellsong is being played if they've been exposed to Spellsongs in
the past but will be unable to determine the exact name and effect
of a particular Spellsong.
A GM-managed monster will basically attempt to resist with
Willpower all Spellsongs with "Resistance: Neg".

Spellsongs and Hearing

In order for a character to be affected by a Spellsong, they must
be able to hear the music being performed. Even if the Spellsong
doesn't allow for resistance, if a character cannot hear a Spellsong
being performed, they will be unaffected by it.
Characters who can hear may plug their ears, granting them a +2
bonus to resist the effects of the Spellsong. However, in doing so,
they also receive a -2 penalty for being hard of hearing for those
checks that would be affected (see p. 40).

Entering and Exiting the Area of Effect
As long as the Bard continues to play their Spellsong, it will affect
all those within the area of effect. However, if a character moves out
of that area and stays out at the end of their movement, the effect of
the Spellsong immediately ends for that character.
If, however, a character moves into the area of effect from
outside of it, they will be affected by the Spellsong at the end of the
next character's turn. If the Spellsong requires a Willpower check,
it will be made at that point.
If a character decides to move such that they are in the
Spellsong's area of effect at the beginning and end of the move, even
if they moved outside of the area of effect during their movement,
then they do not lose the benefit of the Spellsong.

Continuing Spellsongs

Some Spellsongs can have their effects extend over several turns,
so long as the Bard performing them chooses to continue
performing. If they do choose to continue playing, Major Actions
cannot be taken, only Minor Actions, and even then, Minor Actions
that do not involve gestures or vocalization cannot be performed.
If a character fails their check to resist the Spellsong, they remain
under the effect for as long as the Spellsong continues. However, if
they pass the check to resist Spellsong's effects, they do not need to
continue to make additional saves. If a character who has previously
resisted Spellsong leaves the area of effect and then later re-enters
the area of effect in a different round, they will still remain immune
to the effects of the Spellsong (so long as it is still the same Spellsong
being performed).
The Bard performing the Spellsong may, at the beginning of
their turn, choose to end the Spellsong they are performing. If they
do so, then as their Major Action that same turn, they may choose
to begin playing another Spellsong. Even if this new Spellsong is the
same one the Bard was playing prior, it is still treated as a new
Spellsong for the purposes of any checks and resistances that need
to be made.


Some Spellsongs require a small amount of time to pass before

they begin to have an effect. If a Spellsong requires a prelude like
this, it will be noted in the Spellsong description.
Once a Spellsong that requires a prelude begins to be played,
each time the player's turn begins, time is counted as if 10 seconds
(one round) had elapsed. At the end of the turn, when the time
required for the prelude has elapsed, the Spellsong will take effect.
If the Spellsong requires any checks to be made (for example, to
determine the Magic Power of the Spellsong or to resist the effects
of it), they are made when the Spellsong goes into effect, not when
the Spellsong is first played. However, if it's necessary to determine
the Magic Power of a Spellsong before that point (for example, if
two Bards begin playing and their areas of effect overlap), then the
check is made at that point and carries forward.
Characters entering the area of effect after the Spellsong has
begun will be affected by the Spellsong once the required prelude
time has elapsed. The time calculation isn't so strict as to determine
exactly when the character enters the area of effect but simplifies it
down to "one round has passed when the player's turn starts.
If a character leaves the area of effect before the prelude time
has elapsed, they receive no effect from the Spellsong. If they leave
and re-enter the area of effect, then the prelude time is reset to 0,
and the requisite time must pass again.

Ending Spellsongs

A Spellsong's effects end once the performing Bard ceases

playing. They can also be ended through some spells, as well as
some unique skills. Unless otherwise noted, a Spellsong is treated as
a Psychic-attribute effect and can be removed via applicable effects.
If the Spellsong itself is stopped, any lingering effect is
immediately lost. However, the player may choose to start playing
again on their next turn and may even choose to perform the same
If a specific character resists Spellsong's effects, the Spellsong can
continue to be played, but that character will be able to ignore any
effects that come from that Spellsong.


Some Spellsongs require singing lyrics along with playing an

instrument in order to get the full effect of the Spellsong. If the Bard
is using any sort of wind instrument, such as a flute or other
instrument that requires the character's breath to function, then they
cannot perform any of these Spellsongs.
Lyrics sung by the Bard in these Spellsongs are special words
from ancient times, passed down across the generations. At this
point, even the singers don't understand the words and their
meanings, though there are often attempts to decipher these old
songs. Even though the exact translation of these lyrics has been lost
to time, Bards know well enough that they still have the power within
them, released through the Spellsongs.
One theory is that these songs date back to the old Divine
Civilization, when the gods themselves walked Raxia. However,
even with the [Tongues] spell, these lyrics cannot be deciphered.

Requests/Guiding Lyrics
Some Spellsongs can ask or order the target to do a task. When
using such Spellsongs, the Bard weaves the request into the lyrics of
the Spellsong, using a language that they can speak. Only those who
understand the request (i.e., those who can understand the same
language the Bard is speaking) will be compelled to act accordingly.


Some Bards are skilled enough to charm various pets to follow

them, playing their own Spellsongs as well. Rules for these pets are
detailed below.

Buying Pets
When a character takes their 3rd level in Bard, they may choose
to have a pet aid them in playing Spellsongs. These pets are chosen
from among birds, frogs, and insects. Each category of pet allows a
different set of Spellsongs to be performed.
While specific species and individual characteristics should be
hashed out between the player and GM, these pets do not have any
HP or MP, nor do they have any in-game characteristics outside of
these Spellsong-related abilities.
At the 5th and 7th levels, the Bard may take an additional pet, to
a maximum of 3 pets, at any given time.
Pets are priced at a minimum of 100G. While the Bard is free
to acquire more expensive pets, this does not change the game's

Assisted Performances
When the Bard begins performing a Spellsong, unless
specifically ordered not to, Bard's pets will begin to perform along
with them. However, if there are any lyrics that need to be recited,
the pet will not be able to recite them.
At the end of Bard's next round, they can have their pet take over
performing. This is treated the same as if the Bard themselves were
performing the Spellsong, down to keeping the result of any checks
made, and can continue as long as the Bard chooses to have the
Spellsong continue to play.
A Bard can use a Minor Action to signal a pet to stop performing.
This signal can be completely nonverbal, can only be a simple
gesture or words, and does not need to be unique for each pet. If a
Bard has multiple pets, they may stop each pet's performance
Even if they watch and learn the gestures and words to do so, a
Bard cannot signal another Bard's pets to stop singing.
Once a pet stops performing a particular Spellsong, it will not
resume performing that particular Spellsong again. However, if the
Bard stops playing and then begins a new Spellsong (even if they're
just replaying the original Spellsong), then any pets will begin to
accompany the Bard during that new Spellsong.

Pet's Area of Effect

Regardless of the Bard class level, a pet's area of effect will always
be a 10m radius. Basically, the pet will sit on the shoulders of the
Bard, or in their pockets, or some other out-of-the-way spot, keeping
their position with the player. Much like with the Bard normally, if
the pet moves, the area of effect moves with them.
Pets can continue to perform even if the Bard takes a Normal
Move or a Full Move. However, if the pet leaves the owner, the
Spellsong will end immediately.

Pet Limitations
Pets can only sing up to 3 Spellsongs a day, and even then, the
maximum a pet can perform a specific Spellsong is 1 hour. If the
Bard chooses to tell the pet not to accompany them when beginning
to play a Spellsong, then that Spellsong will not count against the
pet's limitations.

Attacking Pets
Typically, any pets accompanying the Bard are immune to being
attacked and can avoid being affected by any wide-area effects.
However, if the Bard uses the pet for something other than
performing a Spellsong (for example, the Bard wants to use a bird
with them as a carrier pigeon), then the attack and wide-area effect
immunity go away. When exposed to the dangers of dungeons and
combat, it is almost impossible for the pet to survive in such
Ultimately, though, the survival of the pet rests with the GM.

How to Read Spellsongs

Required Level
At the top of each list of Spellsongs, there is a header, "○ Level Bard
Required". The ○ will show how many levels of Bard a character
needs in order to learn any of the Spellsongs under that header.

① Name
The name of the Spellsong.

② Prelude
If the Spellsong has a prelude needed before it takes effect, the time
needed will be listed here.

③ Singing
Indicates if the Spellsong has an effect that requires singing.
“-”: No singing required.
"Required": The Spellsong requires singing in order to function.
"Control": The Spellsong requires singing, and the Bard may also
control the listeners in some way, so long as they can understand the

④ Summary
A quick explanation of the Spellsong.

⑤ Resistance
If the Spellsong allows the listener to resist the effects, it will be noted

⑥ Pet
Shows which pets may accompany the Bard. If there is a -, then the
Spellsong doesn't allow any pet accompaniment. In general, if
singing is "Required" or allows "Control" of another character(s), then
pets cannot accompany the Bard.

⑦ Effect
A detailed description of the Spellsong.

List of Spellsongs

1st Level Bard Required

Early Bird Prelude - Singing -

Awakens Bird,
Sum. Res. Yes Pet
subjects Frog
This jaunty melody awakens any sleeping characters. Those
asleep naturally wake up without issue, but if a character was put
to sleep magically, the Bard needs to make a Magic Power
check against the magical effect. If Bard's result is higher than
Eff. the magical sleep caster, the character will wake up.
While the Bard is playing this Spellsong, characters cannot
naturally fall asleep. Spells and magical effects that try to put
characters to sleep must pass an opposed check against the
Bard's Magic Power.

Ambience Prelude - Singing -

Sum. Accuracy -1 Res. Yes Pet
This slow, droning melody calms the nerves and makes one unwilling
Eff. to fight. Characters who fail to resist this Spellsong receive a -1 penalty
to their Accuracy.

Summon Small
Prelude - Singing -
Sum. Attracts small animals Res. - Pet
This odd melody arouses the interest of nearby small animals and calls
them to the Bard. You can only call on mammals and birds up to the
size of both hands. The song begins to take effect immediately, but the
Eff. small animals gradually come together, and the assembly is complete
after 3 minutes (18 rounds).
If any of these small animals are harmed, the effect ends immediately,
and all of the gathered animals flee.

Summon Fish Prelude - Singing -

Sum. Attracts fish Res. - Pet
This lilting song must be used on the water, making the water flow and
attracting the interest of nearby fish. You can only call on non-ferocious
fish (that is, you cannot call sharks). The song begins to take effect
Eff. immediately, but the fish gradually come together, and the assembly is
complete after 3 minutes (18 rounds).
If any of these fish are harmed, the effect ends immediately, and all of
the gathered fish flee.

Cacophony Prelude - Singing -

Bird, Frog,
Sum. Spellcasting -1 Res. Yes Pet
This horrible racket disrupts the concentration of all within it, making
Eff. it very difficult to cast any sort of magic. Characters who fail to resist
this Spellsong receive a -1 penalty to all Spellcasting checks.

Ballad Prelude - Singing -

Sum. Evasion -1 Res. Yes Pet
This sad, somber song brings the mood down of all those who
Eff. hear it. Characters who fail to resist this Spellsong receive a -1
penalty to their Evasion.

3 minutes
Healing Prelude
(18 r)
Singing Required

Heals 1
Sum. Res. - Pet -
This vibrant song increases the natural recovery of all those who
hear it and allows those who listen to the full melody to recover
1 HP. However, characters can only benefit from this Spellsong
once every 10 minutes.

3 minutes
Vivid Prelude
(18 r)
Singing Required

Recovers 1
Sum. Res. - Pet -
This uplifting song refreshes the minds of all those who hear it
and allows all those who listen to the full melody to recover 1
MP. However, characters can only benefit from this Spellsong
once every 20 minutes.

Morale Prelude - Singing -

Bird, Frog,
Sum. Accuracy +1 Res. - Pet
A hard-hitting beat, this Spellsong helps listeners to focus.
Eff. Characters affected by the Spellsong receive a +1 bonus to their

20 seconds
Lullaby Prelude
(2 r)
Singing -

Puts the
Sum. subjects to Res. Yes Pet
A gentle melody invites listeners to fall asleep. Characters will remain
Eff. asleep unless another character takes a Major Action to wake them or
any HP or MP is lost (even if it's as little as 1 point).

20 seconds
Requiem Prelude
(2 r)
Singing -

Sum. Res. Yes Pet Frog,
actions -2
A mournful melody to remember the dead, this Spellsong only works
on Undead monsters. Affected Undead receives a -2 penalty to all
actions and checks, including Fortitude and Willpower checks.
This is not treated as a psychic-type effect.

Resistance Prelude - Singing -

Sum. Resistances +1 Res. - Pet Bird, Frog

This repetitive sonata toughens the listener's body and mind, allowing
Eff. them to shrug off ill effects. Characters affected by this Spellsong
receive a +1 bonus to both their Fortitude and Willpower checks.

5th Level Bard Required

Elements Prelude - Singing -

Elemental Damage Bird,

Sum. Res. - Pet
+2 Insect
This variable rhythm calls on elemental faeries for aid. When playing
this Spellsong, the Bard specifies one of the following types: Fire,
Water/Ice, Earth, or Wind.
All physical and magical damage of the chosen type to both characters
and structures is increased by +2. This is not treated as a psychic-type

Curiosity Prelude - Singing Required

Guides listeners
Sum. Res. Yes Pet -
to the Bard
A mysterious melody, this Spellsong drives those who hear it to find
the source. Characters who fail to resist this Spellsong are compelled to
move towards the Bard, taking Normal Moves to do so. If the character
can move within sight of the Bard with a Limited Move, though, the
character will do so. Characters already able to see the Bard are
unaffected by this Spellsong.

Charming Prelude - Singing Control

Coerce listeners to
Sum. Res. Yes Pet -
perform a task
This lilting refrain fascinates the listeners, making them more susceptible to
suggestions. If a listener fails to resist this Spellsong, the Bard can weave a task
to be done into the lyrics, such as "run-away" or "stop fighting". This task cannot
Eff. be one that would bring harm to the listener. If the listener fails another
Willpower check, they then attempt to perform the given task to the best of their
ability. This effect ends if the listener loses HP or MP (even if it's as little as 1
point) or if another character spends a Major Action to return them to sanity.

1 minute
Choke Prelude
(6 r)
Singing -

Sum. Res. Yes Pet Frog,
A startling melody that awakens a primal dread within the listeners. For
those who fail to resist this Spellsong, after the prelude, they will be
choking for (Fortitude x10) seconds (or (Fortitude) rounds), then will
fall unconscious. This Spellsong has no effect on behavior or speech.

1 minute
Nostalgia Prelude
(6 r)
Singing Required

This causes
Sum. listeners to wish Res. Yes Pet -
to return home
A wistful tune, this Spellsong invokes feelings of days long past in the hearts of
its listeners, causing them to wish to go back home. If in combat, those affected
by the Spellsong attempt to retreat from the battlefield and escape. This
Spellsong also has no effect if the listener is already at home.
Eff. Once affected, listeners will be under the effects of this Spellsong for 1 hour,
even if they move out of Bard's area of effect or the Bard stops performing the
Spellsong. After 1 hour, or if the listener manages to return home, Spellsong's
effect ends.
Bitterness Prelude - Singing -

Sum. MP -2 Res. Yes Pet Bird, Insect

This agonizing melody literally drains the mana from listeners. At the end of
Eff. each of their turns, affected listeners lose 2 MP. This is not treated as a Psychic-
type effect.

3 minutes
Love Song Prelude
(18 r)
Singing Required

Creates strong
Sum. romantic Res. Yes Pet -
This buoyant ballad stimulates romance, literally causing "love to be in the air".
Affected listeners will look to be with the closest partner of their choice, with
current lovers/spouses taking precedence over random people. If current
partners are not nearby, the closest available partner for the listener's orientation
will be subject to these magically enhanced feelings, regardless of race. If no
applicable partners are within the area of effect, Spellsong has no effect.
Those with budding romantic feelings will attempt to see if the partner
reciprocates these feelings, while current partners will attempt to retire to act on
these feelings. The effects of this Spellsong last for 1 hour, even if the Bard stops

1 minute (6
Threadbare Prelude
Singing Control

Sum. Remove target equipment Res. Yes Pet -

This delightfully whimsical and breezy melody has listeners feel free and
unhindered. As part of the lyrics, the Bard can choose one of the following:
Weapon, Shield, Armor, Accessory Section, or Clothing. Affected listeners must
do their best to remove the named item.
Weapons, Shields, and Decorations are removed as a Minor Action, taking 10
seconds (1 round) to do so, and are either dropped or sheathed/holstered.
Armor requires Major Actions to remove and takes 10 seconds (1 round) per point
of Defense to remove.
Clothing requires 30 seconds (3 rounds) to disrobe and does include underwear.
If a character is asked to remove Clothing while wearing Armor, they must remove
the Armor first.
Eff. Once the chosen item is removed, characters can act freely but cannot re-equip
the removed items or any substitutes.
The Bard may decide to change their lyrics mid-song in an attempt to remove
another article. This does force another Willpower check to resist the effects.
Additionally, if the first article has not been completely removed when the lyrics
are changed, the affected listeners can choose to either re-equip the removed items
(taking the same amount of time they spent removing it) or finish removing the
first article before moving to the next. As mentioned above, once removed, the
item cannot be re-equipped, even if the lyrics are changed.
This Spellsong is only effective within the line of sight of the Bard performing it. If
a listener can escape the gaze of the Bard at least once, the effect of the Spellsong
immediately ends.


Additions and Changes

The following are new aspects added in "Core Rulebook II".

Same Names
Spells with numbered names, such as [Protection] and
[Protection II], are considered to be the same spell, and thus their
effects will not overlap.

Multiple Attributes
When bestowing attributes on melee or ranged attacks, such as
with [Fire Weapon] (see CR I: p. 240-248) or [Icicle Weapon] (see
p. 106), multiple attributes cannot be applied to the same weapon.
For example, if [Icicle Weapon] is cast on a weapon that is already
being affected by [Fire Weapon], the target must choose which
effect they wish to retain.
If a spell increases damage without applying an attribute, it will
overlap with spells that apply attributes. However, even with [Fairy
Weapons] (see p. 154), a single weapon cannot have multiple

Range: Infinite
This new range increment allows the caster to affect the target no
matter where they are, regardless of line of sight.

Resistance: Temporary
A spell may have Temporary resistance. Even with a successful
save, the spell will still have an effect for 10 seconds (1 round).

Truespeech Spell List (7-10 Levels)

Analyze Enhancement Cost 4MP

1 Character or
Target Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Instant Res. N/A
Sum. See details of magic on the target
This allows the caster to see the name, duration, and Magic Power of any spells
Effect affecting the target. If used on a magic item, it reveals the magic of the item and how
to use it.

Apport Cost 5MP

Target 1 Object Range/Area Infinite/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Teleports marked item to the caster
The caster may specially mark a number of items up to their Sorcerer Level,
which takes one hour per item to draw and one week to cure. Once marked, the
caster may call any of these items to hand.
Items to be marked cannot be more than 3m in any dimension and can include
Effect items magically created by the caster (including golems). Each object may only have
one mark. This mark is permanent, though if erased or another mark is attempted
to be drawn on the item, the first mark is disabled.
This spell can be used without the caster having a Magical Implement (see CR
I: p. 149-157) on hand.

Steal Mind Cost 2MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Instant Res. Neg

Sum. Steals MP from target Type Curse
Deals Power 0 + Magic Power damage to the target's MP and restores the
Effect caster's MP equal to the damage dealt, up to a maximum of 1/10th the target's total

Tongues Cost 5MP

Target Tongues Range/Area Self/- Duration 3 minutes (18 r) Res. N/A

Sum. Speak and understand any language
For the duration of the spell, the caster can speak and understand conversations
in any language as though they were fluent.

Energy Javelin Cost 9MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Shot Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Compresses mana into a spear, hurled at a target Type Energy
Effect Deals Power 40 + Magic Power of magical damage.

Create Device Cost 4MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration Permanent Res. N/A

Sum. Crystallizes mana into a Magical Implement (see CR I: p. 149-157)
Creates a Magical Implement in the hand of the caster. It can take any shape,
so long as it's smaller than a two-handed weapon, but it is not able to be used in
combat as a melee weapon.
This spell can be used without the caster having a Magical Implement on hand.

Blink ☆ Cost 10MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration 3 minutes (18 r) Res. N/A

Sum. Creates an afterimage to take an attack instead
The caster automatically succeeds on their next Evasion check, whether for a
Effect melee attack or a ranged attack.
Casting this spell is a Minor Action.

Magician Cost 6MP

3 minutes
Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. Temporarily learn advanced magical feats
You gain the use of one of the following Combat Feats: [Guided Magic], [Hawk
Effect Eye], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], or [MP Save/**]. You must meet the
prerequisites for that Feat. With multiple castings, you can emulate multiple feats.

Erase Magic Cost 6MP

30 seconds
Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Res. Neg
(3 r)
Sum. Prevents weak magic use
Choose a magic system. The target cannot use spells on the 6th level and lower
from that system. Other actions, such as conversation, are not inhibited.

Telekinesis Cost 6MP

3 minutes
Target 1 Object Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. Lift and move objects with the power of mana
As a Major Action, one object can be moved up to 3m per 10 seconds (1
round). This object can be moved regardless of weight but must not be taller than
2m nor larger around than 1m radius.
Items worn by anyone, including the caster, are unaffected.

Blade Barrier Cost 10MP

Target Range/Area 10m/Target Duration seconds Res. Temporary
(3 r)
Sum. Lift and move objects with the power of mana Type Slashing
At the end of the target's turn, deals Power 0 + Magic Power damage. However,
the damage from this spell cannot be critical. Willpower save should be rolled only
Effect once at the moment of casting.
If the target does not move or act on their turn at all, they do not take damage
from the blades.

Absorb Magic Cost 5MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration 1 Day Res. N/A

Sum. Turns magical damage into MP
After taking magical damage, recover MP equal to the damage received. This
Effect effect disappears once activated.
This spell can only be cast once per day.

See-Through Cost 6MP

2m 10 seconds
Target Range/Area 10m/Shot Duration Res. N/A
Radius (1 r)
Sum. Allows caster to see through solid objects
The target area is made transparent, allowing the caster to see through to the
other side. Objects viewed through this area can be targeted by magic, though magic
with "Area: Shot" will be blocked due to obstruction. Creatures cannot be seen
through in this way.

Seal Enchantment Cost 7MP

Target 1 Object Range/Area Touch/- Duration Permanent Res. N/A

Sum. Hides the magic of an object
The target object has any magic effects sealed, appearing, for all intents and
purposes, as a mundane item. This spell cannot be used on living things.

Flight Cost 8MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Hour Res. N/A

Sum. Fly at will without wings
The character touched will be able to fly. Movement Speed is 150m per round
Effect (10 seconds), or around 50 km/h. This movement doesn't allow for complicated
maneuvers and is treated as the flier taking a Full Move.

Blizzard Cost 10MP

Target 6m Radius/20 Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Fly at will without wings Type Water/Ice
Effect Deals Power 30 + Magic Power magical damage.

Spiritualism Spell List (7-10 Levels)

Create Golem II Cost 10/12MP

Target 1 Object Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Day Res. Half

Sum. Create golems out of stronger materials
Same as “Create Golem” (see Core Rulebook I) but can create stronger golems
under the Conjurer's control.

Effect Create Golem Mana Costs

Golem Type MP Cost Ingredient
Flabby Golem (see CR I, p. 478) 10 Enchanted Flesh (see p. 151)
Stone Servant (see CR I, p. 480) 8 Enchanted Stone (see p. 151)

Drain Touch Cost 7MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Drains vitality from the target Type Curse
Deals Power 10 + Magic Power magic damage, and the caster heals HP equal
to the applied damage.

Resurrection Cost 20MP

Target 1 Corpse Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Recalls the soul of the dead
This can only be cast on a corpse, which will return to life if successful. The
Effect Target Number for this spell is equal to the days elapsed since death. This spell
takes an hour to cast.

Icicle Weapon Cost 5MP

3 minutes (18
Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. N/A
Sum. Freezes water onto a weapon
The target's weapons become magical dealing Water/Ice-type damage. Their
damage is increased by +3.

Acid Cloud Cost 10MP

Target 5m Radius/15 Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Turns air into acid Type Poison
Effect Deals Power 20 + Magic Power magical damage.

Illusion Cost 4MP

Target 3m Radius Range/Area 30m/Target Duration 1 Day Res. N/A

Sum. Create hallucinations
The caster creates hallucinations indistinguishable from real objects. The only
limitation on these hallucinations is size, in that they must fit within a 3m radius area.
Hallucinations have no smell, do not make noise, and are intangible. The caster
Effect must concentrate if they wish to have the hallucinations move freely. Otherwise,
they repeat simple movements up to about a minute long. It is possible to change
the appearance of a character or object, in which case the hallucinations would move
with the character or object.

Cremation Cost 8MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Shot Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Immolates the target in hellish flames Type Fire
Deals Power 20 + Magic Power magic damage. If the target is Undead or a
Construct, increase the damage by +5 points.

Cursed Doll Cost 6MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Curses a doll to harm its owner Type Curse
Deals Power 30 + Magic Power magic damage. The caster must attack in the
general direction of the doll in order to deal damage. Dolls and puppets used with
this spell will break and become useless. It can be cast on the same doll as the [Doll
Sight] spell (see CR I: p. 240-248).

Bind Operation Cost 8MP

1 3 minutes
Target Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. Temporary
Character (18 r)
Sum. Stagnates mana inside the target, limiting movement
An affected target will only be able to take Limited Moves and receive a -2
Effect penalty to all actions taken. Runefolk characters and Construct monsters have a -2
penalty to Willpower to resist this spell.

Protection II Cost 3MP

3 minutes
Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. Creates a stronger barrier out of mana
The target takes -3 damage from all physical and magical sources. Protection II
has no effect on Poison-, Disease-, or Curse-type damage.

Possession Cost 7MP

3 minutes (18
Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration Res. N/A
Sum. Bring dead souls into the caster's body and make it talk
This spell pulls the soul of someone dead into the caster's body, allowing them
to speak and interact with the living world. The caster can only call someone of the
same race.
If looking to call on a particular person, the belongings of that person must be
available to be touched in the process of casting this spell. If belongings are not
available, then the closest soul in 100m will be drawn to the caster. If the character
wishing to be called has not died (for example, if they have been resurrected), or if
the location doesn't have any restless souls nearby, then this spell has no effect.

Command Cost 10MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Permanent Res. Neg

Sum. Gives new orders to magically created creatures
Allows the caster to command Undead or Constructs with Servant-level
Intelligence. The target attempts to perform the commanded task to the best of their
abilities. If they cannot, they will stop in place, entirely immobile, until the order
Effect can be carried out. If the caster is the creator of the targeted creature, then the order
will be carried out immediately. However, if the caster is attempting to Command
another's creations, they must succeed on a Spellcasting check of [Command]
against the target's Willpower.

Scape Doll Cost 8MP

Target 1 Object Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Day Res. N/A

Sum. Transfers damage to specially marked dolls
The caster can mark one doll at a time with a special brand. If the caster then
receives any physical or magical damage to their HP at any time while this spell is
active, they may instead transfer that damage to the branded doll, regardless of the
distance between the caster and the doll. Once activated, the brand disappears, the
effect of the spell ends, and the doll is broken and unusable. It can be cast on the
same doll as the [Doll Sight] spell (see CR I: p. 240-248).

Physical Gimmick Cost 12MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Permanent Res. N/A

Sum. Magically repair missing body parts
Creates a replacement organ (eye, ear, etc.) to replace damaged/missing ones.
This replacement will work exactly the same as the original, but the body needs 1
week to adjust. A -2 penalty applies to all checks and actions that use the
Effect replacement during that time. This replacement organ will detect as magical with
[Sense Magic] (see CR I: p. 232-240), can be dispelled with [Dispel Magic] (see CR
I: p. 232-240), etc. Additionally, only one organ can be magically replaced with this
spell, as the body will reject any others.

Petri-Cloud Cost 9MP

Target Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. Neg
Sum. A cursed cloud that turns victims to stone Type Curse
Those who fail to resist this spell will permanently turn to stone after 1 minute
(6 rounds). If the caster is reduced to 0 HP or lower before this happens, the spell
ends without effect.
In order to restore petrified characters, a spell such as [Remove Curse] (see CR
I: p. 248-255) needs to be successful when compared to the caster's Spellcasting
check for this spell.

Basic Divine Spell List (7-10 Levels)

Cure Stone Cost 4MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Restores target from stone
Returns a petrified character to life, regardless of how they were petrified. No effect
on natural stones and fossils.

Quest Cost 6MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Special Res. N/A

Sum. Restores target from stone Type Curse
Assigns a mission to the target. The exact details of the mission to be done are left
up to the caster, but the parameters (success, failure, any restrictions, etc.) must be clearly
If the target consciously delays going on the quest or actively tries to fail, they will
receive 1 point of Curse-type damage per round. Once the quest has been fulfilled, this
effect ends.

Battle Hymn Cost 6MP

Target 6m Radius/20 Range/Area Self/- Duration Special Res. N/A

Sum. Sing battle songs to boost the fighting spirit
The caster chooses any number of targets within range, up to the maximum. As the
Major Action, the caster can sing a divine battle hymn, giving the chosen targets a +2
bonus to both Accuracy and damage. This bonus persists so long as the caster keeps
Effect singing using Major Actions each round.
This spell does not interfere with the effects of spellsong, nor spellsongs does not
interfere with the effects of the spell. Also, the caster's voice does not need to be heard
by the target.

Exorcism Cost 10MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Instant Res. Neg

Sum. Smites the undead with holy light
Only effective on Undead monsters Level 8 or lower. Sets the target's HP and
MP to 0. The target will crumble into dust on the spot.

God Hand Cost 8-12MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Shot Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Attacks with the power of a deity Type Bludgeoning
Deals damage based upon the rank of the Priest's deity.

Deity Rank MP Cost Power Crit Value

Ancient Deity 12 Power 40 + Magic Power 11
Major Deity 10 Power 30 + Magic Power 10
Minor Deity 8 Power 20 + Magic Power 9

Field Protection II Cost 7MP

Target 3m Radius/5 Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. A bright, shimmering light surrounds the targets and protects them from harm
The targets take -2 damage from all physical and magical sources. This effect
Effect lasts for 3 minutes (18 rounds). [Field Protection II] has no effect on Poison-Type,
Disease-Type, or Curse-Type damage.

Field Protection II Cost 12MP

Target 6m Radius/20 Range/Area Self/- Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Creates intense shockwaves around the caster Type Bludgeoning
Effect Deals Power 30 + Magic Power magic damage.

Preservation Cost 6MP

Target 1 Object Range/Area Touch/- Duration Permanent Res. N/A

Sum. Protects objects from decomposition
The affected item will not rot or decay in any manner. If used on a corpse,
treat the time elapsed since death as 0 when checking for Soulscars.

Holy Blessing Cost 8MP

3 minutes
Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Res. Neg
(18 r)
Sum. Temporarily grants the target divine vitality
The target receives 30 temporary HP. This extra HP is reduced instead of the
target's own and cannot be recovered. When dealing damage to this extra HP,
Defense is treated as 0, and damage cannot be reduced.
Effect If the target receives more damage than they have remaining extra HP, the
extra damage will be dealt to the target's actual HP. Defense and other damage
reductions will apply to the remaining damage.
A target can only be affected by this spell once per day.

Cure Injury Cost 8MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. Neg

Sum. Divine light heals the living and burns the undead
Heals the target for Power 50 + Magic Power HP. No effect on Constructs.
Effect If the target is Undead, it deals Power 50 + Magic Power magic damage. This
damage cannot be critical.

Refresh Cost 6MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Calls upon the divine to heal the target of all ailments
Removes all poisons, illnesses, and psychic effects (except curse effects) from
the target. This spell cannot heal the damage that has already been applied.

Revelation Cost 10MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Performs a holy ceremony, marking followers
Brands willing targets with the same holy symbol of the deity the caster follows.
The target can also gain their first level as a Priest by paying 1,000 Experience at
Effect this time. The deity they follow will be the same as the caster.
This spell takes one hour to perform. This spell cannot allow a Priest to
advance beyond the first level and has no effect on Tabbit or Runefolk characters.

Specialized Divine Spell List

Specialized Divine Spells of Lyphos, God of Creation

Peace Cost 8MP

Target Range/Area 30m/Target Duration 1 Hour Res. Neg
Sum. Calms emotions and suppresses instincts Type Psychic
Subjects who fail to resist become non-hostile and do not actively participate in
combat. If possible, attempts to stop others from engaging in combat will be made,
and new hostilities will be avoided.
This effect ends if another character is overly hostile or is attacked.

Grace of Lumiere Cost 10MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration 1 Hour Res. Neg

Sum. Grants the target a fraction of Lumiere's grace
Choose one of the following: [Sword’s Grace/Change Fate], [Sword’s
Grace/Gentle Water], [Sword’s Grace/Body of Flame], or [Sword’s Grace/Wings
of the Wind]. The caster cannot choose an ability the target already has. The target
receives the benefit of that racial ability for the duration of the spell.

Specialized Divine Spells of Tidan, God of the Sun

Fine Weather Cost 8MP

Target 1km Radius Range/Area Self/- Duration 3 Hours Res. N/A

Sum. Clears the weather in the area
Effect Instantly clears away any bad weather, resulting in a clear sky.

Daybreak Cost 10MP

Target Any Point Range/Area 1m/Target Duration 3 Hours Res. Half

Sum. Creates a small sun and illuminates the surroundings Type Energy
Creates a fist-sized shining ball. The ball, as well as a 30m radius around the
ball, is considered to be in direct sunlight.
As a Major Action, this ball can be thrown as an attack. In this case, treat it as
a spell as follows: Target: 5m radius/15; Range/Area: 10m/Shot; Duration: Instant;
Resist: Half; Effect: Deals Power 20 + Magic Power damage. Deals Power 40 +
Magic Power instead to Undead creatures. After the throw, the ball is lost.

Specialized Divine Spells of Sien, Goddess of the Moon

Shatter Symbol Cost 1MP

Target Range/Area Self/- Duration Instant Res. Neg
Sum. Destroy holy symbol to recover HP
Destroys the caster's holy symbol in order to recover 30 HP. The caster will be
unable to use Divine Magic for 1d days afterward, even if a new holy symbol is
This spell has no effect on Undead or Constructs.

Crescent Shine Cost 12MP

Target Range/Area Self/- Duration seconds (1 Res. Can't
Sum. Soft moonlight envelops the area, reducing damage
When a character rolls Power for dealing damage, the result of the 2d roll is
instead treated as a 3. [Sword’s Grace/Change Fate] cannot affect this result.

Specialized Divine Spells of Lu Lode, God of Wanderers

Past Hearing Cost 5MP

Target 3m Radius Range/Area Self/- Duration 1 Hour Res. N/A

Sum. Borrow divine hearing to understand the environment
You can hear sounds that have occurred in the area within the past day. Specific
times may be freely chosen to listen to, so long as it was within the past 24 hours.

Empathy Cost 3MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Hour Res. N/A

Sum. Understand the target's thoughts and emotions
The target's thoughts and emotions will be able to be read and understood by
Effect the caster, regardless of the distance between the two, for the duration of the spell.
However, this does not allow the caster to project their own thoughts or emotions.

Specialized Divine Spells of Zaiya, God of Knights

Force Field Cost 12MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration seconds (1 Res. N/A
Sum. Creates a field to protect the target from physical damage
Prevents all physical damage to both HP and MP for the duration. It cannot
be used on other Priests of Zaiya.

Rune Shield Cost 12MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration seconds (1 Res. N/A
Sum. Creates a field to protect the target from magical damage
Prevents all magical damage to both HP and MP for the duration. It cannot be
used on other Priests of Zaiya.

Specialized Divine Spells of Kilhia, God of Wisdom

Inspiration Cost 4MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration 1 Day Res. N/A

Sum. Receive a bolt of divine inspiration
When performing an Intelligence-based skill check (see CR I: p. 117-137)
other than Spellcasting, the caster can change a failing result into an Automatic
Success. Once used, this spell ends.
This spell can only be used once per day.

Precognition ☆ Cost 6MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration 1 Day Res. N/A

Sum. Predict the near future
When rolling 2d for any action or skill (but not any Power Table or Loot
Effect Determination rolls), set the result of one of the dice to 5 (roll the other die as

Specialized Divine Spells of Luferia, God of Water

Water Shell Cost 8MP

3 minutes
Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. Engulfs the target in a protective shell of water
The target takes -5 damage from all magical attacks for the duration of the spell.
[Water Shell] has no effect on Curse-Type damage.

Fountain Cost 10MP

Target Any Point Range/Area 30m/Target Duration 1 Hour Res. N/A

Sum. Water gushes forth from the ground
Creates a spring of natural water, 3m radius and 1m deep. The temperature of
Effect the water can be chosen, so long as it doesn't adversely affect a normal person. Even
after the spell's duration, water drawn from this spring will not disappear.

Specialized Divine Spells of Asteria, Goddess of Fairies

Confusion Cost 4MP

10 seconds
Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. Neg
(1 r)
Sum. Distorts the target's eyesight, making accuracy impossible Type Psychic
If the target is attempting an action that would take 1 minute (6 rounds) or more
to perform, that action automatically fails.
Effect Additionally, the caster may choose to have the target temporarily lose access
to either [Precise Shot] or [Guided Magic], as well as all Combat Feats derived from
the chosen Combat Feat, for the duration of the spell.

Charm Cost 4MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration 6 Hours Res. Neg

Sum. Entices the target, causing them to be less vigilant Type Psychic
The target will be less wary of the caster, even if originally hostile. The target
will treat the caster as a close friend, trying not to hinder them as much as possible
Effect and trusting what the caster says. However, the target will not trust any actions or
behaviors that are actively detrimental to their health.
This effect immediately ends if the caster is actively hostile toward the target.

Savage Discord Cost 7MP

10 seconds
Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Res. Neg
(1 r)
Sum. Confuses the target into attacking allies Type Psychic
The target assumes that a character specified by the caster is an enemy and
viciously attacks them. Only one character can be specified. The target will use its
Effect own turn to attack the specified character with the weapon (e.g., Claws or Bite for a
monster) equipped at that time. This spell has no effect if the target is a monster
with multiple segments or if the specified character cannot attack.

Jealousy Cost 10MP

1 minute (6
Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Res. Neg
Sum. Makes the target jealous of all those around them Type Curse
The target becomes jealous of every character around them, especially family,
partners, and close friends, and will explicitly express this newfound feeling. The
target will also become willing to take any action that would support or aid anyone

Specialized Divine Spells of Grendal, God of Dwarves

Signature Torch Cost 4MP

1 minute
Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Res. N/A
(6 r)
Sum. Marks the target with a flame
A bright flame emerges near the target, illuminating them as well as a 5m radius
Effect around them. This bright light eliminates the penalty for poor visibility and gives the
target a -2 penalty to their Evasion.

Heat Weapon ☆ Cost 4MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration 3 minutes (18 r) Res. N/A

Sum. Heats the caster's weapon to incredible temperatures
If the caster performs a melee attack, their weapon deals an extra +2 damage,
Effect and is treated as a magical Fire-Type weapon.
Casting this spell is a Minor Action.

Burning Soul Cost 5MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration 3 minutes (18 r) Res. N/A

Sum. Covers the caster in a fiery shield
Each time the caster is struck with a melee attack, the attacker immediately takes
5 damage. This damage is magical Fire-Type damage and cannot be resisted.

Flame Burst Cost 10MP

Target 5m Radius/15 Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Creates a large conflagration Type Fire
Effect Deals Power 30 + Magic Power magic damage.

Specialized Divine Spells of Sacaros, God of Drinking

Gather ☆ Cost 4MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Adds a little luck to find good loot
This spell can be cast when rolling for Loot Determination during Post-Combat
Effect Cleanup, gaining a +1 bonus to that roll.
Casting this spell is a Minor Action.

Drunk Cost 4MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration 3 Hours Res. Neg

Sum. Sprinkles mana-spiked liquor on the subject, causing drowsiness Type Poison
The target becomes so intoxicated they fall asleep, waking up after either a
decrease in HP or after 3 hours pass. If awoken during the duration of the spell, the
target still receives a -1 penalty for all actions and checks due to drunkenness.
This spell has no effect on non-sleeping or inanimate objects.

Stamina Cost 6MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration 3 Hours Res. N/A

Sum. Increases resistances and drinking capabilities
The caster receives a +3 bonus to both Fortitude and Willpower. Additionally,
they are able to drink any kind or quantity of alcohol and not get drunk.

Great Distortion Cost 8MP

3 minutes
Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. Neg
(18 r)
Sum. Makes the target spontaneously gain weight
The target gains an immense amount of weight, halving their Dexterity and
Agility, as well as lowering their Defense by -4.
If the target has fixed values instead, Accuracy and Evasion are reduced by -2,
and Defense is reduced by -4. This spell cannot lower Defense to lower than 0.

Specialized Divine Spells of Lills, Fused God

Little Words Cost 3MP

3 minutes
Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. Recite the name of a loved one and receive a blessing
The target needs to say the name of a person close to them, whether a close
family member, a partner, etc., that they wish to protect. After confessing, the target
will receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude and Willpower checks when resisting any
Psychic-Type, Poison-Type, Disease-Type, or Curse-Type spells and effects.

Life Fusion Cost 4MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Share your life with another
The current HP of both the caster and the target is added together and then
divided evenly between the two. This spell cannot increase HP beyond the
maximum of either character. Any extra HP that would exceed the maximum HP
of one character is given to the other character instead.

Conversion Cost 5MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Day Res. N/A

Sum. Change gender for a day
The target becomes the opposite gender for one day. This does not change
race, ability scores, classes, etc.

Engagement Cost 7MP

3 minutes
Target 2 Characters Range/Area Touch/- Duration Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. Bless two partners
This spell connects two characters together.
While in the same skirmish, both targets are humanoid or Barbarous of
opposite genders, and both characters have a romantic interest in the other, they
each gain a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion.
If, however, both characters join hands, that bonus increases to +2. The
characters will not be penalized for not being able to use that hand (see CR I: p.
141-144) (as though it were disabled), but they cannot also use weapons or shields
in that hand either.

Specialized Divine Spells of Nilda, Goddess of Clothing

Camouflage Cost 3MP

1 Character or 3 minutes
Target Range/Area Touch/- Duration Res. N/A
Object (18 r)
Sum. Enhances clothes with mana, blending into the scenery
The target's clothes are temporarily enchanted to allow them to blend into the
Effect background, giving them a +4 bonus to Conceal checks. However, this spell ends if
the target moves from its original position.

Mist Veil Cost 4MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration 3 minutes (18 r) Res. N/A

Sum. Creates a shimmering field around the target
Effect Increases the target's Evasion by +1.

Perfume Cost 6MP

5m 1 minute
Target Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. Neg
Radius/15 (6 r)
Sum. Creates an intoxicating scent Type Psychic
A pungent smell, chosen by the caster, fills the target area and decreases one's
Effect willingness to fight. Those who fail to resist this spell deal -4 points of damage, both
physical and magical.

Patchwork Cost 8MP

Target 1 Object Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Restore broken or damaged items to their original forms
This spell takes 10 minutes to cast. In that time, a broken or damaged item no
larger than 1m radius or 2m tall will be repaired to full functionality. If any parts are
missing, they will be magically replaced. Magic items and equipment cannot be
affected by this spell.

Fairy Spell List (7-10 Levels)

Chaos Blast Cost 7MP

Target 5m Radius/15 Range/Area 30m/Shot Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. An attack powered by the efforts of multiple fairies Type Energy
Effect Deals Power 20 + Magic Power magic damage.

Heat Metal Cost 5MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. Neg

Sum. Turns metal cherry red with heat Type Fire
A metallic item or armor worn by the subject glows red hot for a moment,
dealing Power 30 + Magic Power magic damage. If the targeted item is a weapon or
tool held in hand, a Willpower check can be made to drop the item, resulting in no

Fairy Wish II Cost 2MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration 6 Hours Res. N/A

Sum. You make a request of the fairies, and they guide your decisions
Same as [Fairy Wish] (see CR I: p. 261-269), except the bonus granted is
increased to +2, and the duration is greatly extended.

Seabed Walk Cost 4MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration 1 Hour Res. N/A

Sum. Allows the target to walk underwater
The target will be able to breathe and function underwater without restriction.
Effect Movement penalties while underwater do not apply to the character for the duration
of the spell.

Windstorm Cost 9MP

Target 6m Radius/20 Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Allows the target to walk underwater Type Wind
Deals Power 20 + Magic Power magic damage. All creatures that fail to resist
this spell are knocked prone, regardless of the number of segments they have.

Extended Healing Cost 9MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Heals from a distance with a light fairy's aid
Heals 12 + Magic Power HP.
Has no effect on Undead or Construct monsters.

Fairy Step Cost 4MP

Any 3 minutes
Target Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. N/A
Point (18 r)
Sum. Calls earth fairies to create a bridge or stairs
Creates a bridge, staircase, ladder, etc., reaching from the caster's side to the
chosen point. This creation is incredibly sturdy and will not crumble unless willed
by the caster or the duration ends.
These structures cannot penetrate walls or other objects, however.

Missile Protection Cost 5MP

3 minutes
Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. A wall of wind deflects some projectiles
When being attacked by ranged weapons, before Evasion is rolled, roll 1d. On
a 1~3, the target needs to make an Evasion check as normal. On a 4~6, however,
the projectile is deflected, and the attack misses automatically (no Evasion roll

Sink Cost 6MP

3 minutes
Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Res. Neg
(18 r)
Sum. Summon vengeful water fairies to drown a person
The target's natural buoyancy is lost, causing them to sink into the water. The
target descends with a Movement Speed of 20m per round, sinking until they reach
the seabed. No damage is dealt directly by this spell, but this spell does not protect
against drowning or water pressure.
This spell has no effect on characters with the racial trait [Sword’s Grace/Gentle

Stone Blast Cost 7MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. The earth itself attacks the chosen target Type Earth
Deals Power 30 + Magic Power magic damage. If the target fails to resist this
Effect spell, they will receive a -2 penalty to all physical damage dealt for the next 30
seconds (3 rounds).

Fairy Master
10MP & 5pt.
Mako Stone
Target Range/Area 10m/Target Duration 1 Hour Res. N/A
Sum. Calls upon a powerful fairy
Summons a Fairy (see p. 307) Level 7 or less to serve the caster. The
summoned fairy will carry out any orders to the best of its ability, including those
commands that may end up being harmful to the fairy. Commanding the
summoned fairy is a Minor Action.
This spell requires 10 MP as well as a Mako Stone with at least 5 MP to cast.
Larger Mako Stones can be used and will reduce the MP required of the caster.

Mist Hide Cost 4MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration 10 seconds (1 r) Res. N/A

Sum. Covers the target in a haze, making it difficult to see them
Effect The target gets a +2 bonus to all Evasion checks against melee attacks.

Ice Coffin Cost 8MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Permanent Res. Neg

Sum. Locks the target in a coffin made of ice Type Water/Ice
Has no effect unless the target has 20 HP or less, if the target is larger than the
Ice Coffin, or has multiple body segments.
If the target fails to resist this spell, they are encased in ice 1m radius, 2m tall.
Entrapped characters are unconscious but do not age.
The Ice Coffin itself does not melt at room temperature and will remain
indefinitely. If attempting to attack the Ice Coffin, it has 0 Defense and 100 HP, but
Effect all damage dealt is applied to the character inside as well. If the entrapped character
is brought to 0 HP or lower, they are immediately killed with no Death Check.
If attempting to melt the Ice Coffin, it takes 24 hours via torch or half that (12
hours) via bonfire. If attempting to use magic on the Ice Coffin, the spell needs to
beat the Magic Power of the Ice Coffin's caster to affect it.
Regardless of how they're released, the character trapped by the Ice Coffin will
remain unconscious for 1 hour.

Evil Dream Cost 10MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Infinite/- Duration Permanent Res. Neg

Sum. Haunts the target with horrific nightmares Type Curse
This spell can be cast without a line of sight to the target, so long as the caster
possesses a part of the intended target's body (i.e., a lock of hair will work).
If the target fails to resist this spell, they will be haunted every night by terrible
nightmares, disrupting their sleep and preventing any natural HP recovery. The
specific content of the nightmares is up to the caster.
This spell takes 1 hour to cast and requires a 1-hour ritual every 24 hours in
order to maintain effectiveness. This ritual can be performed anywhere but requires
the part of the body of the target originally used when casting the spell. If this ritual
cannot be performed, the spell ends. Additionally, the caster cannot perform any
Actions while casting the spell or performing the ritual.

Crack Cost 9MP

Target 6m Radius/20 Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Breaks the earth, causing quakes and massive damage Type Earth
Deals Power 40 + Magic Power magic damage. Any characters dealt damage by
this spell fall prone.
Effect The caster cannot use the Combat Feat [Magic Control] with this spell. This
spell has no effect if the target is in the sky or if the caster is not standing on the
ground or underwater.

Magitech Spell List (7-10 Levels)

Stun Bullet ☆ Cost 3MP

Small, 1 10 seconds (1
Target Range/Area Touch/- Duration Res. N/A
Bullet r)
Sum. Creates a low-power bullet to stun opponents
This spell creates a bullet that deals Power 10 + Magic Power magic damage.
If this bullet hits a character, that character makes a Willpower save against the
Effect caster's Spellcasting check. If this save fails, the character cannot use any Minor
Actions for an additional 10 seconds (1 round).
This spell can be cast as a Minor Action.

Timer Clock ☆ Cost 1MP

Target Small Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Hour Res. N/A

Sum. Changes "Bomb" spell duration
If used before casting a [**Bomb] spell, this spell adds a timer device to the
bomb to allow it to be used up to 1 hour later. An alert can also be programmed to
sound 1 minute (6 rounds) before exploding.
This spell can be cast as a Minor Action.

Telescope Cost 1MP

3 minutes
Target Small/Medium/Large Range/Area Self/- Duration Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. Creates a telescope to see far distances
Allows the caster to see up to 100m (with a small magisphere)/300m
(medium)/1km (large) away.

Life Sensor Cost 3MP

3 minutes
Target Small/Medium/Large Range/Area Self/- Duration Res. Can't
(18 r)
Sum. Magisphere detects living creatures
Detects living creatures within range. Size, as well as the number of sections, is
Effect known as well.
The range of detection is 30m (small)/50m (medium)/100m (large).

Airtight Armor Cost 8MP

Target Large Range/Area Touch/- Duration 1 Hour Res. N/A

Sum. Converts the Magisphere into a protective covering
It transforms the magisphere into a full-body covering, shutting out outside air
and protecting the caster from harsh environments. The caster is unaffected by
Poison-type damage from any source and can function freely underwater. The large
magisphere used for this spell cannot be used for any other spell for the duration.

Glider Cloak ☆ Cost 6MP

3 minutes (18
Target Medium Range/Area Self/- Duration Res. N/A
Sum. Fly in the sky with a magical cloak
A magical framework unfolds from a back-mounted magisphere, allowing those
already in the sky to be able to fly. By paying an additional 3MP, this spell can be
used while on the ground as well. Movement Speed in the air is 20m per round.
This spell can be cast as a Minor Action.

Flash Bomb Cost 5MP

Target Medium Range/Area 30m/Shot Duration Instant Res. Neg

Sum. Creates a non-lethal bomb that emits an intense flash
An area of 6m radius/20 is covered in a blinding light. All those with Five Senses
Effect or Mechanical Perception must make a Willpower save or become blinded for 10
seconds (1 round).

Mana Camera Cost 1MP

Target Small/Medium/Large Range/Area Self/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Creates a machine to record video
Everything within the caster's sight is recorded as a video. The video recording
capability depends upon the size of the magisphere used; small magispheres can
hold up to 50 minutes of videos, medium magispheres 200 minutes, and large
Effect magispheres 1,000 minutes.
In order to show any recorded videos, this spell must be cast again on the same
magisphere, which takes 3 minutes (18 rounds) to set up. When displaying video in
this way, it can be projected onto just about any surface without issue.

Telegraph Cost 3MP

Target Small/Medium/Large Range/Area Touch/- Duration Res. N/A
Sum. Creates a handset to transfer messages across distances
Allows characters to hear the caster's voice through a handset created from a
magisphere. Only the caster's voice can be transmitted, and the range is limited to
1km (small), 10km (medium), and 50km (large), depending upon the size of the
magisphere used.

Mana Dictionary Cost 3MP

10 minutes (60
Target Medium Range/Area Self/- Duration Res. N/A
Sum. A magical dictionary aids in translation
Unknown languages and characters are deciphered and displayed in a way that's
easy for the caster to read. If the language being translated has a spoken element,
the [Mana Dictionary] can instead output the translation through spoken words

Medical Kit Cost 3MP

Target Medium Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Creates equipment from the Magisphere to cure injuries and illnesses
Heals the target for Power 50 + Magic Power HP. This healing can affect
Constructs. If the target is a Runefolk, increase the healing by +5 points.
Additionally, any poisons, diseases, and petrification can be removed.
This spell takes 10 minutes to cast.

Laser Bullet ☆ Cost 3MP

Small, 1 10 seconds
Target Range/Area Touch/- Duration Res. N/A
Bullet (1 r)
Sum. Creates a deadly laser bullet Type Energy
This spell creates a bullet of light that deals Power 30 + Magic Power magic
damage. In addition, the bullet's Critical Threshold is reduced by -1 (criticals
become more likely).
This spell can be cast as a Minor Action.

Homing Laser ☆ Cost 4MP

Target Medium Range/Area Touch/- Duration 10 seconds (1 r) Res. N/A

Sum. Condenses mana to allow light bullets to be bent
Gives a +2 bonus to Accuracy when shooting a [Laser Bullet] (see previous
Effect page).
This spell can be cast as a Minor Action.

Holography Cost 5MP

3 minutes (18
Target Large Range/Area Touch/- Duration Res. N/A
Sum. Captures motion video and plays back 3d holograms
Everything in the caster's line of sight is recorded as a video, and the caster can
record up to 1 hour in total.
Effect In order to show any recorded videos, this spell must be cast again on the same
magisphere. When displaying video in this way, the caster can freely change the size
and content of the video (so long as it is captured in the field of vision).

Mind Bomb Cost 8MP

Target Small Range/Area 10m/Shot Duration Instant Res. Neg

Sum. Creates a bomb that emits a harsh noise, disrupting concentration Type Psychic
An area of 5m radius/15 is hit with an awful noise, like that of metal rending.
Failure to resist this spell results in any spells requiring concentration to fail for 30
seconds (3 rounds), as well as any Spellcasting checks receiving a -4 penalty. A Bard
playing a Spellsong will also cease playing if they fail to resist this spell.

Repeat Action ☆ Cost 10MP

10 seconds (1
Target Large Range/Area Self/- Duration Res. N/A
Sum. Clones the caster temporarily
Creates a copy of the caster from the targeted magisphere, who then repeats a
single action the caster made. If this action spends any MP, it comes from the caster's
MP pool.
Effect This spell can only be used once per round. Additionally, if the copy performs
an attack or any other Major Action, the chosen magisphere will break and become
useless afterward.
This spell can be cast as a Minor Action.

Combat Feats

Automatically Acquired Combat Feats

The following is a list of Combat Feats that are automatically

acquired when each class reaches a certain level. These Combat
Feats are all Passive Feats (see CR I: p. 280-286).

Class Level Combat Feat Reference Page

Fighter 7 [Toughness] 137
Grappler 7 [Counter] 135
5 [Treasure Hunt] 137
Scout 7 [Fast Action] 138
9 [Shadow Sneak] 135
5 [Healing Aptitude] 137
Ranger 7 [Indomitable] 138
9 [Potion Master] 138
5 [Keen Eyes] 136
Sage 7 [Weakness Exploit] 136
9 [Mana Save] 138

Passive Combat Feats List

Req. Adventurer Level 9 Class -
Sum. Move farther with Limited Movement.
Move up to 10m when taking a Limited Move. If Dexterity
is less than 10, move up to "Agility" meters instead.

Req. Grappler Level 7 Class Grappler
Sum. Strike back at an attacking opponent.
Once per round, after an opponent rolls Accuracy to hit,
instead of rolling Evasion, you can declare a [Counter].
Make an attack with a weapon that can be used with Grappler
class and compare the Accuracy rolls. If the Counter-
Accuracy roll is greater, the original attack is evaded, and the
Effect Counterattack is performed.
If the enemy's Accuracy is greater, the attack hits, and the
Power Table result is treated as a roll of 12 (resolve any
criticals as normal).
You automatically learn this feat when your Grappler level is
increased to 7. You may not learn it any other way.

Shadow Sneak
Req. Scout Level 9 Class -
Sum. Quickly move through blind spots.
When moving, you are not stopped by any sort of
obstructions or blocked movement (see CR I: p. 191-200).
Effect You do not need to declare intent to leave the skirmish.
You automatically learn this feat when your Scout level is
increased to 9. You may not learn it any other way.

Tenacity II
Req. Tenacity (see CR I: p. 280-286) Class -
Sum. Train your body to withstand further damage.
Your maximum HP increases again by +15 points (for a total
of +30 maximum HP).

Weakness Exploit
Req. Sage Level 7 Class -
Sum. Doubles the effectiveness of hitting weak points.
On a successful Monster Knowledge check, you double any
benefits from hitting that monster's Weak Point. For
example, "Physical Damage +1" becomes "Physical Damage
+2", or "Fire Damage +3" becomes "Fire Damage +6". Allies
will hit Weak Points normally (i.e., their bonuses aren't
You automatically learn this feat when your Sage level is
increased to 7. You may not learn it any other way.

Archer's Grace
Req. Marksman Level 7 Class Marksman
Sum. Dodge attacks like a professional dancer.
You may calculate Evasion using your Marksman Class
Level + Agility Modifier.

Keen Eyes
Req. Sage Level 5 Class -
Sum. Notice more and better treasure when defeating enemies.
When rolling for Loot Recovery (see CR I: p. 431-439)
during Post-Combat Cleanup, add +1 to the roll.
You automatically learn this feat when your Sage level is
increased to 5. You may not learn it any other way.

Req. Fighter Level 7 Class -
Sum. Train your body to withstand powerful attacks.
Your maximum HP increases by +15 points.
Effect You automatically learn this feat when your Fighter level is
increased to 7. You may not learn it any other way.

Healing Aptitude
Req. Ranger Level 5 Class -
Sum. Enhances recovery effects.
Whenever you recover your own HP (regardless of
method), increase the healing done by +1 point.
You automatically learn this feat when your Ranger level is
increased to 5. You may not learn it any other way.

Treasure Hunt
Req. Scout Level 5 Class -
Sum. Notice more and better treasure when defeating enemies.
When rolling for Loot Recovery (see CR I: p. 431-439)
during Post-Combat Cleanup, add +1 to the roll.
You automatically learn this feat when your Scout level is
increased to 5. You may not learn it any other way.

Req. Bard Level 5 Class Bard
Sum. Sing multiple songs and stack the effects.
Choose two Spellsongs to be harmonized. These
Spellsongs cannot have conflicting effects (GM's discretion).
The Bard and a chosen pet begin to play both Spellsongs
(note who is playing which Spellsong). The area of effect for
Effect both Spellsongs is limited to 10m but counts as one
Spellsong for determining Magic Power as well as resisting
the effects.
If the Spellsongs have different durations, the time elapsed
will count from the Spellsong with the longer prelude.

Fast Action
Req. Scout Level 7 Class -
Sum. Get the jump on enemies in the first round of combat.
If your party wins the initiative, you may take two Major
Actions in the first round of combat. However, you may
Effect only move once.
You automatically learn this feat when your Scout level is
increased to 7. You may not learn it any other way.

Req. Ranger Level 7 Class -
Sum. Continue past limitations with sheer will.
If your HP drops to 0 or less, you may make a Death
Check in order to stay standing, taking actions as normal.
Effect However, if you fail a Death Check, you die.
You automatically learn this feat when your Ranger level is
increased to 7. You may not learn it any other way.

Potion Master
Req. Ranger Level 9 Class -
Sum. Drink potions without a second thought.
It is now a Minor Action for you to drink a potion during
combat. Only one potion may be drunk per round.
You automatically learn this feat when your Ranger level is
increased to 9. You may not learn it any other way.

Mana Save
Req. Sage Level 9 Class -
Sum. Use mana more efficiently.
When using MP for any reason, reduce the MP spent by -1.
This cannot reduce an MP cost lower than 0 (i.e., you
Effect cannot spend negative MP).
You automatically learn this feat when your Sage level is
increased to 9. You may not learn it any other way.

Powerful Magic
2 Wizard-type Classes
Req. Class -
Level 8
Sum. Increase the strength of spells.
Effect Your Magic Power increases by +1 for all Classes.

Pinpoint Attack
Req. Adventurer Level 7 Class -
Sum. Improve the Accuracy of physical attacks
Increase your Accuracy with melee and ranged attacks by

Muscle Mystery
Req. Enhancer Level 5 Class -
Sum. Push your body to its limits, extending your techniques.
Double the duration of all Techniques. This does not work
on Techniques whose duration is "Instant".

Req. None Class -
Sum. Push your body to its limits, extending your techniques.
As a Major Action, attempt to negate a magical effect. Treat
this as a spell with "Target: One Magical Effect" and
"Range/Area: Touch/-". The name of the magical effect
Effect doesn't need to be known.
Compare your Magic Power against the Magic Power of the
magical effect. If yours is greater, the magical effect is

Active Combat Feats List

Aimed Attack III

Aimed Attack II, Fencer
Req. Class Fencer
Level 9
Sum. Strike with blinding speed.
Each of your Accuracy checks is made with a +3 bonus, but
your critical threshold increases by +3 (criticals become less
likely). If your critical threshold is already 11 or more, you
cannot use [Aimed Attack III].

Power Strike II
Power Strike, Fighter
Req. Class Fighter
Level 9
Sum. Strike with immense power, at great risk to yourself.
Your melee attacks do +12 damage. It can only be used
with two-handed melee weapons.
When you use [Power Strike II], you suffer a -2 penalty to
Evasion until your next turn.

Tail Swing
Req. Adventurer Level 3 Class Tail
Sum. Use your tail to attack.
You may attack up to 5 characters in the same skirmish
Effect with your tail. Details are on the Wrestling Weapon List,
under <Tail>.

Req. Adventurer Level 5 Class -
Sum. Cast spells and attack in the same round.
As a Major Action, you may both cast a spell and make a
melee attack on a character in range. There is no limit to
the spell that may be cast so long as the conditions to cast it
are met. However, as with casting a spell normally,
movement is restricted to a Limited Move. Additionally,
while a spell may be cast and a melee attack made in the
same round, casting two spells or making two melee attacks
are not allowed.


Melee Weapons

A-Rank Swords
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Sword] may equip the
following weapons.
Name Stance Min STR Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Fast Spike 1H* 1 +1 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ 820
Defender※ 1H 12 - 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ 1,770
Steel Blade 1H 19 - 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑩ 1,450
※: +1 Defense

S-Rank Swords
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Sword] may equip the
following weapons.
Min Crit
Name Stance Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price
STR Rate
Piercer 1H* 4 - 14 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 ⑨ 2,150
1H 15 - 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ 7,500
Slasher 1H 21 - 31 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 ⑩ 5,750
1H† 26 - 36 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 ⑩
Claymore 8,000
2H 26 - 46 4 6 7 9 10 10 12 13 13 14 ⑩
Sentinel 2H 35 - 55 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 ⑩ 14,000

A-Rank Axes
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Axe] may equip the
following weapon.
Name Stance Min STR Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Tabarzin 1H 13 - 23 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑪ 840
2Hᵴ 16 - 36 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 ⑪
Long Axe 990
2Hᵱ 16 - 31 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 ⑩

S-Rank Axes
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Axe] may equip the
following weapons.
Min Crit
Name Stance Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price
STR Rate
Hatchet 1H* 9 - 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑪ 2,300
Mithril 1H† 18 - 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑪
Axe 2H 18 - 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑪
Voulge 2H 34 - 59 5 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 ⑪ 13,400

A-Rank Spears
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Spear] may equip the
following weapons.
Name Stance Min STR Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Pilum 1H 8 -1 13 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 ⑨ 880
Trident 1H* 12 -1 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ 460
1H† 25 -1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩
Pike 1,750
2H 25 -1 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩

S-Rank Spears
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Spear] may equip the
following weapons.
Min Crit
Name Stance Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price
STR Rate
Partisan 1H 7 -1 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ 1,990
Mithril 1H† 18 -1 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑩
Spear 2H 18 -1 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩
1H† 30 -1 45 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩
Corsesca 12,800
2H 30 -1 55 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 ⑩

A-Rank Maces
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Mace] may equip the
following weapon.
Min Crit
Name Stance Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price
STR Rate
1H 13 +1 23 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑫ 710
2H 23 +1 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑫ 1,220

S-Rank Maces
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Mace] may equip the
following weapons.
Min Crit
Name Stance
Acc. Power ③ ④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price
STR Rate
Bludgeon 1H 5 +2 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑫ 1,360
1H 15 +2 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑫ 7,200
2H 30 +2 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑫ 10,800

A-Rank Staves
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Staff] may equip the
following weapon.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Leech Staff※ 2H 5 +1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑫ 7,000
※: Magic Damage +2.

S-Rank Staves
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Staff] may equip the
following weapons.
Min Crit
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price
STR Rate
Black Rod※1 2H 10 +1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑫ 22,500
Sorcerer's Staff
2H 10 +1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑫ 22,500
※1: Reduces MP use by -1 (to a minimum of 0).
※2: +2 bonus to Spellcasting checks.

A-Rank Flails
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Flail] may equip the
following weapon.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
1H† 14 -1 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑩
Rising Sun 1,200
2H 14 -1 34 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 ⑩
Scorpion Tail 2H 27 -1 47 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 ⑩ 2,600

S-Rank Flails
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Flail] may equip the
following weapons.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Jail Impact 1H 19 -1 29 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 ⑨ 5,100
Titan Flail 2H 32 -1 52 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15 ⑨ 12,500

A-Rank Warhammers
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Warhammer] may equip
the following weapon.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
War Pick 1H 5 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ 600
Guisarme 2H 25 -2 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ 1,680

S-Rank Warhammers
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Warhammer] may
equip the following weapons.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Chekan 1H 9 -1 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑩ 2,600
1H† 22 -1 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑩
Bec-de-Faucon 10,300
2H 22 -2 52 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩
Heavy Anchor 2H 31 -2 61 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 ⑩ 12,000

B-Rank Wrestling
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Tail ※ 1H# 1 +1 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑫ -
※: Requires a tail to use

A-Rank Wrestling
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Wrestling] may equip
these weapons.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Power Wrist ※ 1H 5 - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑨ 600
Power Anklet ※ 1H# 10 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑨ 900
※: Grappler only. A Power Wrist increases punch damage, while the
Power Anklet increases kick damage. A character can equip two of each,
one in each hand/on each foot.

S-Rank Wrestling
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Wrestling] may equip
the following weapons.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Tonfa 1H 5 +1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ 2,600
Accel Brogue 1H# 5 - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ 3,980
※: Grappler only. Tonfas increases punch damage, while Accel Brogues
increases kick damage. A character can equip two of each, one in each
hand/on each foot.

Ranged Weapons

A-Rank Thrown Weapons

Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Thrown Weapons] may
equip the following weapons. The range for these weapons is 20m,
except for the Trident, which only has a range of 10m.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Fast Spike 1H* 1 +1 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ 820
Dirk 1H* 4 - 9 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 ⑩ 100
Boomerang ※ 1H* 8 +1 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 ⑫ 500
Trident 1H* 12 +1 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ 460
Soliferrum 1H* 17 -1 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ 1,070
※: Returns to owner if attack misses.

S-Rank Thrown Weapons

Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Thrown Weapons]
may equip the following weapons. The range for these weapons is
20m, except for the Piercer, which only has a range of 10m.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price
Piercer 1H* 4 - 14 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 ⑨ 2,150
Mithril Dirk 1H* 4 - 14 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 ⑩ 5,000
Hatchet 1H* 9 - 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑪ 2,300
Assegai 1H* 13 -1 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑩ 3,800
Francisca 1H* 20 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑪ 5,500

A-Rank Bows
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Bows] may equip these
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Light Bow 2H 5 - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ 610
Fast Bow 2H 20 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ 1,200

S-Rank Bows
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Bow] may equip the
following weapons.
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Sniper 2H 10 - 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑨ 5,100
Composite Bow 2H 23 - 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ 9,800

A-Rank Crossbows
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Crossbows] may equip
these weapons.
Min Crit
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price Name
STR Rate
1H 5 - 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ 6 800
2H 10 - 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ 7 1,000
2H 20 -1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑪ 8 1,500
※1: Range 20m.
※2: Range 40m.

S-Rank Crossbows
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Crossbow] may equip
the following weapons.
Min Crit
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price Name
STR Rate
Bow ※ 2H 13 +1 38 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 11 ⑩ 5,640
1, ※2
2H 19 - 44 4 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 14 10 ⑩ 6,260
2H 25 -1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 10 ⑬ 9,200
※1: Range 30m.
※2: Can be used as a Musical Instrument.
※3: Range 50m.
S-Rank Guns
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Gun] may equip the
following weapons.
Name Max Magazine Stance Min STR Accuracy Magic Power Crit Rate Range Price
Bullet Shower 4 1H 5 - - 10 10m 8,000
Lancaster 1 2H 10 +1 +2 10 60m 14,500
Carnage 3 2H 15 -1 +4 11 40m 17,000


A-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Only those with [Armor Proficiency/ Nonmetallic Armor] may
wear the following armor.
Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price
Bone Vest 16 - 6 2,100

S-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Only those with [Armor Proficiency II/Nonmetallic Armor] may
wear the following armor.
Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price
Lynx Vest ※ 8 +2 3 2,750
Dragon Scale 14 +1 6 4,500
※: Grappler only.

A-Rank Metal Armor

Only those with [Armor Proficiency/Metal Armor] may wear the
following armor.
Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price
Steel Guard 12 - 5 1,600

S-Rank Metal Armor

Only those with [Armor Proficiency II/Metal Armor] may wear
the following armor.
Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price
Mithril Chain 10 - 7 6,000
Full-Metal Armor 17 -1 9 11,000
Mithril Plate 24 -2 11 23,000

A-Rank Shields
Only those with [Armor Proficiency/Shield] may wear the
following armor.
Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price
Mirror Shield ※ 5 +1 - 870
Heater Shield 10 - +2 1,000
Great Wall 20 -1 +3 1,800
※: Can be used as a Mirror.

S-Rank Shields
Only those with [Armor Proficiency II/Shield] may wear the
following armor.
Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price
Mithril Shield 8 +1 +2 4,700
Blade Killer ※ 22 - +3 7,300
※: Can be used as a weapon (see below) but does not gain the benefit of
Defense that turn.
Name Stance Min STR Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Price
Blade Killer 2H 22 +1 42 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 ⑫ 7,300

General Equipment

This is a collection of items, daily necessities, etc. that are useful

for adventurers to keep on hand. If you buy weapons and armor
and have enough money, you may want to buy some of this general

Luxury Goods
Name Price Notes
Tobacco 24 Average quality, 12 leaves
Smoking Pipe 75
Shredded 10 Pre-packaged cigarettes for pipe use;
Tobacco Contains 10.

Other Goods
Name Price Notes
Broom 30
Cosmetics Set 100
Tea Set 60 Pot, tea strainer, and 4 cups.
Hourglass 120 3-minute measuring time.
Oil Paint 10 7-color set.
Paint 20 1-liter can.
Paintbrush 5
Brush 5 General purpose brush.
Sketchbook 50 10 pages.
Magnifying Glass 100


Name Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price

Treat Potion※1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 500

Antidote Potion※2 500
Cure Stone Potion※
※1: Instantly restores HP, can be used during combat. It is custom-
designed for users only and cannot be used by others.

※2: Removes all effects of poisons with power 15 or less.

※3: Sprinkling on a petrified character will remove any petrification

effects power 15 or less. It can only be used within touch range.

Wizards' Items
Name Price
Enchanted Flesh 500
Enchanted Stone 1,000

Name Price
Bird 100
Frog 100
Insect 100


Head Accessories
Name Price Notes
A belt-like cloth hat, used in hot
Turban 10
Helmet 20
Snowflake [Magic] When thrown, deals Power
Hairpin 20 + 5 pts. Water/Ice damage
Lightning-Bolt [Magic] When thrown, deals Power
Hairpin 20 + 5 pts. Lightning damage
Illusory Wig 3,000 [Magic] Changes hair color
Cattleya [Magic] Increases Fairy Magic Range
Garland by 10m.

Face Accessories
Name Price Notes
[Magic] Never need to sleep while
Ruby Glasses 2,000
Keen-Flash [Magic] Insight, Search checks +1
Hound's Nose 4,000 [Magic] Track checks +2
Swirl Piercing 10,000 [Magic] Change voice pitch at will
[Magic] See in darkness as though it
Night Goggles 20,000
was daytime
Gentleman's [Magic] Translate spoken words into
Beard polite Arcana Language
Scale Mask 40,000 [Magic] Breathe underwater

Ear Accessories
Name Price Notes
Earplugs 20 Block out sounds
Golden [Magic] Willpower +2 vs. spellsongs
[Magic] Talk to another even over long
Linkpearls 20,000
Interpreter [Magic] Understand a specific spoken
Earrings language, even if not fluent

Neck Accessories
Name Price Notes
Necktie 10+ Popular in the late Al Menas period
Lariat Long, necklace without clasps; has
Necklace negative connotations in some regions
Crystal [Magic] Poison, Disease Resistance +1
Lamia [Magic] Change into a specific woman
Flapper's [Magic] Increase the area of effect of
Song Spellsongs.
Talisman of [Magic] Break to heal 20 HP to all in
Life 10m
Miracle [Magic] Reroll a Death Check.
[Magic] Increase the effect of [Bear
Bear Claws 30,000
Muscle] by +1
Back Accessories
Name Price Notes
Thermal Mantle 3,500 [Magic] Fire, Water/Ice damage -1
Hero's Mantle 10,000 [Magic] Breath Weapon damage -2
Breeze Cloak 30,000 [Magic] Evasion +1 vs. projectiles
Hand Accessories
Name Price Notes
Armlet 20+ Bracelet attached to the upper arm
Bandit King's
3,000 [Magic] Disable Device checks +1
Shining Ring 10,000 [Magic] Can cast "Light" on demand
[Magic] Magic damage +1; counts as
Mana Ring 10,000
"Magical Implement"
Storage [Magic] Stores a non-living object
Bracelet inside

Waist Accessories
Name Price Notes
Queen's Corset 10,000 [Magic] A painless corset

Foot Accessories
Name Price Notes
Oath [Magic] Wearer's liege knows the location
Anklet of the anklet
Frog Feet 4,000 [Magic] Swimming checks +2
5,000 [Magic] Jump higher than usual
5,000 [Magic] Hide checks +2

Magic Items

Ruby Glasses Base Price: 2,000

Glasses with ruby
Popularity 12 App. Equip Face
Summary Ignore the need to sleep Era Al Menas
Wearing these glasses will keep the wearer wide awake,
unable to sleep or be put to sleep.
However, these glasses do not actually remove the need
for sleep, so continuing to wear these glasses for more
than a day will still incur penalties for staying awake
longer than a day (see p. 40).

Unicorn Horn Base Price: Remaining Uses x 6,000

Cone about
Popularity 12 App. Equip -
50cm long
Treats any illness or injury,
Summary Era Unknown
destroys Undead
A horn poached from a Unicorn (see p. 296) acts as a panacea
for illnesses and injuries. It fully heals a character's HP when
touched and completely cures any poisons, diseases, curses, and
petrification power 17 or less.
However, this will not work on Undead or Constructs. Undead
Effect touched by the horn must make a Fortitude check against a value
of 17; if it fails, it is immediately destroyed.
If sold on the open market, anywhere from 1-8 uses may remain,
with no way to restore uses. Once these uses are expended, the
horn crumbles to dust.

Talisman of Life Base Price: 10,000
A talisman made
Popularity 10 App. Equip Neck
of white stone
Break to heal 20 HP for all
Summary Era Al Menas
characters in 10m
As a Major Action, when the wearer speaks a command
word, this talisman shatters into a 10m radius of light,
healing 20 HP to all those within. This healing does not
work on Undead or Constructs.

Swirl Piercing Base Price: 10,000

Spiral piercing,
Popularity 12 App. engraved with Equip Face
Arcana language
Summary Change voice pitch Era Durandal
The wearer of this piercing can change the pitch of their
voice at will. The pitch can be freely set to anything
within the range of normal human voices. However, this
cannot be used to mimic the tone of voice of any specific
person or animal.
This piercing is meant for one's tongue.

Scale Mask Base Price: 40,000

Jade mask,
Popularity 14 App. imitating a Equip Face
human face
Summary Able to breathe underwater Era Durandal
The wearer of this mask will be able to breathe normally
Effect underwater. However, anything requiring vocalization
(including magic) will not be able to be used.

Hero's Mantle Base Price: 10,000

Popularity 12 App. Long cape Equip Back
Reduces Breath Weapon
Summary Era Al Menas
damage by -2 points
A replica of a cloak used by famous dragonslayers, it
comes in a wide variety of colors and styles.
If the wearer is hit by a damaging Breath Weapon attack,
reduce the calculated damage of that attack by -2 points.
Frog Feet Base Price: 4,000
Popularity 14 App. Green fins Equip Foot
Summary Aids in swimming Era Al Menas
The person wearing these fins receives a +2 bonus to
checks made for the Swimming Adventuring Skill.

Cattleya Garland Base Price: 20,000

Circlet with
Popularity 16 App. engraved cattleya Equip Head
Summary Increases range of Fairy Magic Era Durandal
This circlet has tiny bells that, while inaudible to most
humanoids, are quite pleasing to fairies. The wearer of
Effect this circlet increases the range of any Fairy Magic spells
with "Range: 〇m" by +10m.

Miracle Necklace Base Price: 10,000

Necklace with
Popularity 12 App. magical stones Equip Neck
Summary Re-roll a failed Death Check Era Al Menas
If the wearer of this necklace is unconscious and fails a
Death Check, they can choose to have this item shatter.
If they do, they may re-roll that Death Check, but they
must take the result of this second roll.

Bandit King's Ring Base Price: 3,000

A jet-black ring
Popularity 14 App. Equip Hand
absorbing light
Summary Improve thief skills Era Al Menas
A replica of rings used by a band of famous thieves, this
Effect ring gives the wearer a +1 bonus to Disable Device

Bear Claws Base Price: 30,000
Bear-claw necklace
Popularity 10 App. decorated with Equip Neck
Enhancer Technique [Bear
Summary Muscle] (see p. 79) receives +1 Era Durandal
This rough necklace was said to be worn by a great
Enhancer during training. While worn, the effect of the
Effect Enhancer Technique [Bear Muscle] is increased by +1
(so the user's Strength Modifier is increased by +3
instead of +2).

Golden Earplugs Base Price: 2,000

Popularity 12 App. Gold earplugs Equip Ear
Summary Increase resistance to spellsongs Era Al Menas
When wearing both plugs, the wearer receives a +2
Effect bonus to Willpower checks against spellsongs.
The wearer can still hear other sounds normally.

Thermal Mantle Base Price: 3,500

A cloak made of
Popularity 12 App. thick, magical Equip Back
Reduces Fire, Water/Ice
Summary Era Al Menas
This cloak is designed to protect against extreme
temperatures. Whether heading to the desert or the
Effect middle of the arctic, the wearer will always be
comfortable. Additionally, the wearer will prevent -1
damage from all Fire and Water/Ice sources.

Silent Shoes Base Price: 5,000

Shoes sewed from
Popularity 14 App. Equip Foot
magical cloth
Summary Allows for silent movement Era Al Menas
These shoes are constructed from a special material that
Effect creates no sound. Anyone wearing these shoes receives a
+2 bonus to Hide checks.

Shining Ring Base Price: 10,000
Popularity 10 App. White metal ring Equip Hand
Summary Emits light Era Al Menas
As a Minor Action, the wearer of this ring can recite an
activating word to have the ring begin to shed light as the "Light"
spell (see CR I: p. 232-240). However, this effect only works
while the ring is worn; if removed, the ring stops shedding light.

Jack Beans Base Price: 100

Green beans the
Popularity 15 App. Equip -
size of a fingertip
Summary Can grow a sturdy vine Era Durandal
These magical beans, once planted and activated as a Major
Action by spending 1 MP, will grow into a long, sturdy vine in
any direction the user wishes.
It takes the vine one round to grow 1m, up to a maximum of
20m long. This vine is 10cm thick and can act as a replacement
for rope, holding up to 300kg of weight. However, this vine will
wither and die after 24 hours but may be used as a rope

Jump Boots Base Price: 5,000

Leather boots with
Popularity 12 App. Equip Foot
engraved wings
Summary Leap higher than normal Era Al Menas
The wearer of these boots receives a +4 bonus to both Long
Jump and High Jump checks (see CR I: p. 117-137).

Storage Bracelet Base Price: 30,000

Bracelet with a
Popularity 12 App. Equip Hand
large, black stone
Summary Store one object inside Era Durandal
The bracelet can be used to hold one non-living object inside.
As a Major Action, the user can recite an activating word and
store one item touching the bracelet's gem inside the bracelet.
This item cannot be more than 1m in diameter nor more than
3m tall, though there is no limit on the weight of the object to be
stored. Living objects, such as humanoids, monsters, or even
plants, cannot be stored in the bracelet.
To remove the object stored in the bracelet, the wearer simply
has to remove the bracelet to have the stored item appear on the
ground next to it.

Queen's Corset Base Price: 10,000
Popularity 12 App. Corset fit for royalty Equip Waist
Ignore entanglement and
Summary Era Al Menas
tightening penalties
This corset is said to have been worn by high-society women. Its
Effect perfect fit allows the wearer to ignore any penalties applied by
unique skills that entangle (see p. 241).

Gentleman's Beard Base Price: 20,000

A large, bushy,
Popularity 14 App. Equip Face
black full beard
Speak politely in the Arcana
Summary Era Al Menas
An interesting item: this false beard allows the speaker to sound
like they're politely speaking in the Arcana language, regardless
Effect of what language they're actually speaking. If a listener wishes to
resist this effect and hear the actual voice of the speaker, they
need to succeed on a TN 15 Willpower check.

Lightning-Bolt Hairpin Base Price: 1,500

A hairpin in the
Popularity 7 App. shape of a lightning Equip Head
Thrown hairpin becomes a bolt
Summary Era Al Menas
of lightning (Range 10m)
The wielder can throw this Hairpin with Major Action.
Throwing it will result in a lightning arrow spell-like effect, which
will fly to a chosen “Target: 1 Character” and "Range/Area:
Effect 10m/Shot". The success value of the Spellcasting check is 12
(2d+12) versus the Willpower of the target. Target takes full
Power 20 +5 lightning magic damage on a fail and half the
damage on a success. This item will break after one use.

Crystal Necklace Base Price: 3,000

Necklace with
Popularity 12 App. Equip Neck
hanging crystals
Increases Poison, Disease
Summary Era Al Menas
The crystal used in this necklace is specially enchanted to reflect
in rainbow colors when held over light. The wearer of this
necklace gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude and Willpower checks to
resist any Poison or Disease effects.

Breeze Cloak Base Price: 30,000
Blue single-shoulder
Popularity 10 App. Equip Back
Summary Easier to avoid ranged attacks Era Al Menas
This cloak, worn over one shoulder, is magically enchanted to
protect the wearer from incoming projectiles. Specifically, the
wearer increases their Evasion by +1 when attacked by a ranged
attack (a gunshot, javelin, thrown weapon, etc.).

Oath Anklet Base Price: 3,000

Anklet made of
Popularity 12 App. Equip Foot
magical metal
Liege knows the location of the
Summary Era Al Menas
Using a drop of blood and a command word, a person can
become the Liege of the Oath Anklet. When given to another,
the magic of the Anklet allows the Liege to know where in the
Effect world the wearer is, regardless of distance or direction.
It is rumored that these anklets came into fashion in order to
keep track of and control Runefolk slaves during the Al Menas
period, though this has not been proven.

Interpreter Earrings Base Price: 50,000

White ring-shaped
Popularity 14 App. Equip Ear
Able to understand a specific
Summary Era Durandal
The wearer of these earrings will be able to listen to and
understand up to five different spoken languages. Depending
upon the specific set of earrings, not all five of the languages may
Effect have been chosen and can be set by the wearer. However, once
a language is chosen, it cannot be unchosen.
Additionally, the magic of these earrings does not allow the
wearer to be able to read or write in any of the chosen languages.

Linkpearls Base Price: 20,000

Black drop earrings
Popularity 14 App. Equip Ear
(2 pairs)
Summary Wearers can talk with each other Era Al Menas
When each pair of earrings is worn, the wearer of one can talk
to the wearer of the other and speak freely once per day, up to a
maximum of 10 minutes. This magic functions regardless of the
distance between the two wearers.
However, a person cannot wear two complete sets using another
slot (thus having four earrings total) and talk between both pairs.

Night Goggles Base Price: 20,000
Goggles with
Popularity 10 App. Equip Face
yellow lenses
See in darkness as though it
Summary Era Al Menas
were daytime
As a Minor Action, the wearer of these goggles can
Effect spend 1 MP and gain Darkvision (see CR I: p. 67-79) for
10 seconds (1 round).

Keen-Flash Glasses Base Price: 4,000

Popularity 14 App. Equip Face
Summary Increases the wearer's attention Era Al Menas
The wearer of these glasses receives a +1 bonus to both
their Insight and Search checks.

Flapper's Song Base Price: 5,000

Choker woven
Popularity 12 App. Equip Neck
with magic beads
Summary Increases range of Spellsongs Era Al Menas
This choker, named after a famous singer, relaxes the
throat and allows singing to carry farther than it normally
would. Any Spellsong the wearer sings has its range
increased by 10m. This has no effect on a pet's singing.

Magic Cosmetics Base Price: 4,000

A makeup set in a
Popularity 13 App. Equip -
cosmetic box
Summary Improves one's make-up Era Al Menas
Magic is infused into all the different cosmetics in this
kit, making everything more vivid and intense. When
using this cosmetic kit, the recipient of the make-up
receives a +2 bonus to their Disguise checks.

Mana Ring Base Price: 10,000
Silver bangle
Popularity 14 App. engraved with Equip Hand
Arcana words
Summary Improves magic use Era Durandal
A facsimile of bracelets worn by old court magicians, this ring
still holds significant magical power inside. The wearer not only
Effect increases any magical damage they deal by +1 point but the ring
can also be treated as a Magical Implement for those classes that
require one in order to cast spells.

S-Rank Magic Weapon +1 Base Price: Weapon price +20,000

Popularity 10 App. Varies Equip Weapon
Summary S-Rank weapon enhanced by magic Era Al Menas
This is an S-Rank weapon, enhanced by magic to gain an
additional +1 bonus to Accuracy and damage.
A variety of magical weapons already exist, but a mundane
Effect weapon can be enchanted as well. This requires the same cost as
above and must be done by the local Institute of Magitechnology
(see CR I: p. 372-374). As with lower-ranked weapons, the
enchanting process takes one month to perform.

Illusory Wig Base Price: 3,000

Wig made of white
Popularity 10 App. Equip Head
Summary Change hair colors Era Al Menas
As a Minor Action, the wearer of this wig can recite a command
word and change the color of this wig.
Effect The wig must be removed in order to return to the wearer's
natural hair color or to change to another color. It takes 1
minute (6 rounds) to attach the wig.

Snowflake Hairpin Base Price: 1,500

A hairpin adorned with
Popularity 7 App. Equip Head
Summary Thrown hairpin becomes an icy arrow Era Al Menas
The wielder can throw this Hairpin with Major Action.
Throwing it will result in an icy bolt spell-like effect, which will
fly to a chosen “Target: 1 Character” and "Range/Area:
10m/Shot". The success value of the Spellcasting check is 12
(2d+12) versus the Willpower of the target. Target takes full
Power 20 +5 water/ice magic damage on a fail and half the
damage on a success.
This item will break after one use.

Fairy Weapon Base Price: Weapon price +3,000/+6,000/+12,000
Popularity 10 App. Varies Equip -
Summary Weapon enhanced by fairies Era Al Menas
These magic weapons have been blessed by various fairies,
imbuing them with one of a variety of different elemental
attributes (like a Fire Claymore or a Lightning Dagger).
A variety of magical weapons already exist, but a mundane
weapon can be enchanted as well. This requires the same cost as
above and must be done by the local Institute of Magitechnology
(see CR I: p. 372-374). This enchantment requires one month
to perform.

Fairy Lantern Base Price: 10,000

Popularity 18 App. Silver lantern Equip -
A fairy light invisible to those with
Summary Era Al Menas
A magic lantern, this lantern requires no oil or tinderbox to use.
As a Major Action, the holder can spend 3 MP and speak a
Effect command word to create a pale flame for 12 hours. This flame
sheds bright light out to 10m. However, anyone with any
soulscarring (PC or otherwise) cannot see this light.

Lamia Necklace Base Price: 5,000

Necklace with
Popularity 16 App. Equip Neck
hanging stones
Change form into a specific
Summary Era Durandal
When the wearer of this necklace speaks a command word, they
can change shape into that of a particular woman. The woman's
figure chosen is set at the first activation of this item, is different
for each item, and cannot be changed.
This effect is merely an illusion and does not permanently
change one's gender or stats. The wearer can change back to
their original form either by reciting the command word again or
by removing the necklace.

Hound's Nose Base Price: 4,000

Black ornament
Popularity 16 App. Equip Face
covering one's nose
Summary Improves one's tracking abilities Era Al Menas
Effect The wearer of this item gains a +2 bonus to Track checks.

Part 4 World

Gods, Races and Geography

Gods of the Zalts Region

Ancient Gods
"Goddess of Fairies", Asteria
An ancient goddess of nature, it is said that she gained her
divinity by touching the First Sword, Lumiere. She preaches living
in harmony with nature. Elves, too, hold Asteria in high reverence,
as they believe she was the one who created not only the Elves but
all the natural faeries and spirits that inhabit Raxia.
Because of her carefree nature, Asteria has gotten a reputation
as being a bit of a bohemian, and thus, some artists and creators
have put their faith in her as well. This has led to her becoming
known as a patron of the arts, and even some barbarous have
followed her teachings because of the freedom that she is said to

"Blazing Emperor", Grendal

The god of destruction and rebirth, represented by fire, is
Grendal. He received this domain from Lumiere, the First Sword.
Many dwarves worship Grendal because of this cycle, and he is
considered the creator of dwarves.
Grendal, like fire, is aggressive and also the god of war and
warriors. Military personnel often pay homage to Grendal, hoping
to win in battle. People who work with fire, such as blacksmiths,
bakers, and potters, also pay tribute to him.
However, there are barbarous followers of Grendal who only
focus on destruction. Dwarves particularly dislike these followers,
and many dwarves aim to resolve these ideological clashes.

Major Gods
"God of Drinking", Sacaros
The god of alcohol and drinking, as well as brewing alcohol,
Sacaros is often depicted as a heavy-set, handsome man. He teaches
that drinking, and drinking happily, makes friends rather than
enemies and that it is better to drink than to fight. In a roundabout
manner, merchants have used this idea to promote communication
and trade, and Sacaros has also gained followers as the god of
business relationships and prosperity.
Of course, being the god of drinking and interaction, Sacaros
also promotes relationships between men and women. However, he
also has the reputation of being a god of confusion and corruption
due to his drinking in excess, so there are those who don't wish to
have any followers of his nearby. Even in adventuring camps, there
are often many different followers of his, including merchants,
prostitutes, and brewers.

Minor Gods
"Fused God", Lills
A young god who controls love and all that it entails. They are
worshiped in the western part of Zalts, mainly in the Kingdom of
Fendil. Originally, a pair of lovers, Lilku and Rilni, were left behind
in a collapsed building during the Diabolic Triumph. It is said that
they gained their divinity with guidance from the Moon Goddess
Sien, who was impressed by the two figures who did not give up and
survived for 10 days under the fallen pillar.
Both of them were injured over a large part of their bodies, so
they were fused to make up for each other and became gods.
Therefore, they are a god that is often expressed as a figure with two
heads, a man and a woman, or an androgynous figure.
They have many young followers, and weddings in their temples
are becoming more and more common. However, there are few
devout priests and temples with their remains and relics are still
more common as tourist sites than religious centers.
"Goddess of Clothing", Nilda
A goddess of cloth and clothing, Nilda became a goddess during
the period. However, she was never a major deity, only really
followed by weavers and spinners in the Zalts region.
During the Diabolic Triumph, however, it was said an old
woman used various clothes and sewing techniques to create
illusions to deceive and drive away many barbarous from the
battlefields. Rumor has it that this old woman was, in fact, the
goddess Nilda, though no one can confirm this.
In modern times, Nilda has found a small resurgence of
followers, mainly among those interested in beauty and fashion.
Many urban merchants give thanks to Nilda, and this tradition has
rubbed off on the many young women who frequent these shops in
hopes of getting the newest fashions. These modern depictions
show Nilda as a young woman, wrapped head to toe in a wide variety
of colorful silks, veils, and other beautiful clothes.

Residents of Raxia

Carved into existence by swords, Raxia is home to many different

races. The following section goes into detail about the sentient races,
those who have intelligence, culture, and power.

Humans (Humanoids)
Said to be the first race of Raxia, humans are still one of the most
common races to be found. In the northern part of the Terastier
Continent, people have darker skin and hair pigmentation, often
with black or brown hair. In the south, the people are lighter,
pigmented, and taller, with blond hair and green or blue eyes.
Most humans live in large settlements and fortified cities with
defensive walls. Many of them worship Divine Ancestor Lyphos,
Tidan, the Sun God, and Zaiya, the knight god.

Elves (Humanoids)
A race born in ancient times by the goddess Asteria, elves lack
the numbers of humans but are still one of the more common races
in Raxia. While many still follow the teachings of Asteria, there are
also some who are followers of the Sun God, Tidan, as well as the
God of Wisdom, Kilhia.
Compared to humans, elves are tall and willowy, averaging about
180 cm for males and 170 cm for females. Typical hair colors range
from blonde to silver to brown, while only those elves who live near
the seas really have any sort of color to their normally pale skin.
While some elves will tolerate and live in human settlements, the
majority of elves will build wooden houses along rivers and on
lakesides, preferring to live in harmony with nature. Some even go
so far as to blend in with the trees entirely, showing no outward signs
of an elven settlement. Occasionally, there are sightings of villages
set up on islets in the middle of lakes, and often, there will be
sections of buildings that are entirely underwater.
As mentioned, there are also some elves who prefer the salty air
of the seas and will build settlements near the open water. These
settlements are often attacked by Gilmen (see CR I: p. 439-452),
leading to sour relationships between the two races. Seafaring elves
are typically known for their darker skin (compared to a normal elf),
as well as their penchant for fighting and getting into combat.
Elves also enjoy the benefit of a long life, topping out around 500
years or so, and this long life allows them to be rather creative. Many
great works of art and music have been elven in origin, and while
the stereotype of the aloof elven artist is a popular one, it is also not
too far off from the truth. Many elves are able to spend a significant
amount of time and effort learning various skills, whether crafting
and painting or swordplay and sorcery.

Dwarves (Humanoids)
A race born in ancient times, given protection by the Blazing
Emperor Grendal, Dwarves are stout, stocky humanoids built for
heavy-duty work. While the majority of dwarves follow Grendal,
some are followers of the Knight God Zaiya as well, with some even
paying homage to both deities.
Compared to humans, dwarves are shorter (around 150 cm for
men and 140 cm for women) but are much more muscular for their
frame, giving them incredible toughness. Dwarves also have much
darker skin, often ruddy shades of reds and browns, though their
hair color can be wild colors, from red to silver, and even greens
and pinks are occasionally seen.
A dour folk, dwarves find joy in training, whether it be crafting,
mining, or fighting. Dwarves also live rather frugally, preferring a
fairly minimalist lifestyle, and aren't afraid to move to new locations
if they feel they can train themselves better in the newer place.
A typical dwarven settlement is often in a mountainous region,
with underground cities carved from previously abandoned mines.
However, these settlements are mostly inhabited by artisans and
merchants, with most dwarves becoming mercenaries or weapon
merchants and traveling around the countryside. Dwarven
mercenaries are especially well known, as they are reputed to keep
their contract despite harsh environments. Dwarves have talent with
magical abilities as well, typically leaning towards artifice and divine
magic more than any of the others.
Due to their nomadic lifestyle, dwarves are frequently found in
human settlements, where they may have their own blacksmiths.
Surprisingly, many dwarves are also skilled chefs, creating exciting
dishes that have gained popularity. This has led to a rivalry with
kobold chefs, who have adapted to human culture and use elaborate
sauces in their cuisine (see CR I: p. 439-452).
Dwarves are known for their punctuality and occasional greed.
However, they are also seen as stubborn and unwavering, even to
the point of being socially awkward. Their commitment to
timeliness often clashes with the more laid-back nature of elves.
Tabbits (Humanoids)
A race whose origins are unknown, tabbits claim to be "the
reincarnation of a cursed god who fell in battle during the War of
the Gods". Whether there is any truth to that claim remains a
While the tabbit population isn't incredibly high, they are
nevertheless a common sight in human settlements, especially if
there is a library to be pored through. While an average tabbit is
around 1 m tall, their ears will typically add another 20 cm, and the
rhythmic back-and-forth sway and odd gait are what often catch
people's attention. A tabbit is covered head to toe in fur, ranging in
color from white to brown to black. While omnivorous, tabbits
prefer vegetable-heavy dishes over meat and will often have a
favorite spot to eat while engrossed in research.
Tabbits do not tend to have their own settlements but will stay in
and around areas with universities and magical guilds for quite some
time. However, when they're done with their research, a tabbit rarely
hesitates to move on to the next library.
Tabbit children are kept around until they're old enough to be
self-sufficient (usually until they're 5-6 years old) and will either
venture out on their own or assist their parents with their research.
Even though tabbits tend to have high intelligence and a lot of book
knowledge, they do still have some selfish, childish tendencies that
will stick with them throughout their lives.
Despite their incredible aptitude for most magic, tabbits cannot
"hear the voices of the gods speaking to them" and thus do not have
access to divine magic at all. In fact, the few tabbits who have looked
to the divine see this as a punishment for being "descendants of the
cursed god". There are those, even among the tabbits themselves,
that will disagree with this line of thought.
Well aware of their shortcomings, tabbits will often stick around
humans and dwarves for protection.

Runefolk (Humanoids)
Created during the Al Menas period, these androids were far
more prevalent in Raxia than they are now. Bearing the brunt of
combat against the barbarous during the Diabolic Triumph,
runefolk numbers are but a fraction of what they once were.
As runefolk are born from generators, the few settlements they
have of their own are always centered around one. Very rarely, there
may be a generator in a human settlement, allowing humans to co-
manage runefolk production. Once "born", they will shortly leave
their hometown to find someone to serve alongside. Once treated
as socially below humans during the Al Menas, runefolk have risen
and are seen as equals willing to fight against the barbarous.
Being a man-made race, runefolk cannot hear the divine or see
any natural faeries. Because of this, it is often said that runefolk does
not have a soul. Most runefolk will not answer either way, nor do
many of them care, though a couple has taken up philosophy and
are looking into the phenomenon.
In the past, runefolk were wholly subservient to the humans who
created them and controlled the generators. However, since the
Diabolic Triumph, many have begun to develop independence and
a sense of self-esteem and are more willing to do their own thing.
Whether this is due to the generators slowly failing, a lack of
coordination between runefolk as a race, or some other reason is
unknown. However, this need for independence does have
downsides, as some runefolk have been seen in the services of the
barbarous as of late.
Once a runefolk has decided someone is their master, they will
serve that person with unwavering loyalty. While many are often
quiet or rarely speak to others, that is not always the case, and there
are many different types of runefolk worldwide.

Nightmares (Humanoids)
Said to be born when a child receives a soul scarred and impure,
nightmares are often confused for barbarous and are often driven
away by other races. Their numbers are extremely small, and as a
race, they are rarely seen in Raxia. However, it is believed that they
are rarely found because they are abandoned shortly after birth.
Also, because they can seriously injure, if not kill, their mother in
childbirth due to their horns, rural communities with less access to
healing treatments and magics will be more likely to abandon
nightmare children after birth.
However, nightmares born from lildraken are more common
than any other because lildraken are born from eggs and not live
birth. In this case, the nightmare horns work exceedingly well to
crack the egg from the inside, and they are far less likely to be
abandoned as there is no chance to harm the mother. Such lildraken
nightmares are often seen as strange but are otherwise welcome in
lildraken communities. Regardless of their parentage, nightmares
will all look the same. Slightly taller than a human, they stand about
equal with elves, though their skin, hair, and eyes are all fairly pale
and will often lack pigment entirely. Despite this, they are still slim,
lithe humanoids ready to spring at a moment's notice.
Because of their small population, nightmares don't really have
settlements of their own and are often on the outskirts of any
settlement willing to take them in in the first place. As such, there
isn’t really a "nightmare culture", as they will pick up on their
environment's cultural norms and mores.
Many nightmares live up to the corrupted nature of their birth,
but there are just as many who seek faith and, through that, their
own salvation. They also have an incredible magical aptitude, and
because of their talents, many nightmares will find not only success
but wealth and fame (or infamy) in the adventuring world's

Shadows (Humanoids)
Mainly seen on the continent of Razeldawn, shadows are easily
distinguished by their pale grey skin and three eyes. Lithe and
willowy, their slim frame belies an incredible physical prowess.

Standing slightly taller than humans, male shadows average
around 180 cm, while female shadows only 160 cm. Their cheery
disposition during peacetime hides the precision killing machine
that shows itself during times of war. Rarely seen for much of Raxia's
existence, shadows began to show up in numbers to fight against the
barbarous during the Diabolic Triumph.
A mercenary race, a shadow is well known and respected
amongst warriors due to their righteous fury, their unwillingness to
renege on a promise, and their pride in their skills and abilities.
They are also highly resistant to magic and combined with their
night vision, many believe they have been blessed by the Moon
Goddess Sien. These abilities also give them nearly unmatched
potential as a spy or even as an assassin if necessary.
Because of their innate magic resistance, however, very few
shadows take the time to learn any sort of magic. The few that do
manage to earn a significant amount of respect among their peers
and are incredibly dangerous opponents, not to be trifled with.

Lildraken (Humanoids)
Although dragons existed as forces of nature long before the
human race, their arms were not designed to hold a sword and thus
could not grab hold of any of the Swords of Genesis. However, as
humans spread throughout Raxia, being a tool-using race, they could
wield the Swords of Genesis and create different tools and cultures.
Eventually, one of the humans found the dragons, uplifting them
using Lumiere's power into the race they are now.
While small compared to dragons, lildraken will stand at least 2
m tall, if not taller, due to their large tail and long wings. There is
little that is obviously different between the genders, and other races
will often confuse men for women and vice versa. Their whole body
is covered in fine scales, often cool colors such as blues and greens,
with purples and reds being much rarer. Some even have scales fine
enough to look akin to hair or a mane.
Lildraken have had their own nation since time immemorial and
have interacted and traded with many ancient civilizations with
records dating back to the Durandal period. Led by their smartest
and wisest kings, they travel worldwide, keeping trade one of their
highest priorities.
Contrary to their harsh exterior, lildraken are happy, cheerful
folk, welcoming of most other races and cultures. Many lildraken
cities and towns have buildings developed and constructed by
humans and dwarves decorated with textiles from elves and others.
Lildraken cuisine is entirely carnivorous, with some dishes even
serving raw meat, but they can consume dishes from other cultures
without issue. Drinking is also enjoyed by many lildraken, though
they will become incredibly exhausted after only a few drinks.
Because of their physique, lildraken are often asked to become
enforcers and guards and are often seen as members of traveling
caravans. Paying homage to the Creator God, Lyphos, the God of
Wanderers Lu Lode, and the God of Drinking Sacaros, lildraken
are quite religious and will often give thanks to those gods they see
as major parts of their culture.
Unlike most races, lildrakens are born from eggs, not through
live birth. A lildraken typically lays one egg at a time and will lay
several throughout their life. Specialized hatcheries will keep these
eggs warm, and while little emotion is shared from parent to child,
those lildraken that are born around the same time treat each other
as close siblings regardless of their actual relations.

Grassrunners (Humanoids)
A race that has recently started to be seen around Raxia, the
origins of the grassrunners are incredibly mysterious, with no
records of any show up throughout Raxia's history. They've only
started to be noticed here and there due to their natural wanderlust.
In a short race, grassrunners only stand around 1 m tall and are
often confused for human children. However, the pointed ears
sticking out from underneath the usually dark hair are a dead
giveaway of a grassrunner. Grassrunners are incredibly cheery and
optimistic, even though they have a bad reputation for "accidentally"
taking items without permission.
Constantly wandering, grassrunners do not have any sort of
settlements. They will often wander due to strong instincts to stay on
the move, only stopping for any significant period to have and raise
children. Any history of the race is lost to time, as grassrunners don't
keep any memoirs or journals. Despite this lack of past experiences
to draw from, grassrunners are almost completely unfazed and will
live life to the fullest regardless of what happened in the past.
A peculiar quirk of grassrunners is their difficulty in collecting
and using mana. There are very few spellcasters among the
grassrunners, though this quirk allows them to have significant
resilience against magical effects.
Grassrunners are also often seen around ancient ruins and have
been seen to talk to some monsters that live underground. Some
scholars are looking into these coincidences to see if there is any
causal relationship between the two, but nothing has been

Newman (Humanoids)
During the Durandal period, research was conducted to make a
superior human who could evolve beyond the limits of humanity.
As a result, the Newman race was created. Similar in height to a
human, a newman has massively increased intelligence, incredible
magical aptitude, and an almost flawless appearance.
However, the experiment was a failure. While newmans did have
increased intelligence and magical potential, this came at the cost of
poor health and a horrifically shortened lifespan compared to a
At the same time, when the Durandal period came to an end,
the history of the newman experiment and the newman race was
thought lost forever. In fact, it was assumed that newmans were
extinct after the fall of the Durandal. Ironically, though, the earth
shifted due to the Diabolic Triumph that unearthed and awoke the
few newmans that were lying dormant underground. Originally
believed to number less than 1,000, newmans are still a rare sight in
Raxia after 300 years.
Generally thin and delicate-looking, a newman has snow-white
hair and skin, while their eyes are either a pale blue or red. There is
also a magical crest somewhere on their body, often on the
forehead, chest, or back of a hand, and this crest expands and glows
when the newman is casting a spell. Often seen as sullen and
withdrawn into their research, some newmans still follow the tough
life of an adventurer. While some do so in search of truth or wealth,
others seem to have a mission they're trying to fulfill from a previous
Often compared to runefolk due to their mutual artificial nature,
newmans are still humans at their core, even if they are magically
enhanced, and thus still have a soul. This realization has led some
newmans to follow the path of the divine, serving the God of
Wisdom, Kilhia, and the God of Wanderers, Lu Lode.
A common trait among newmans is the ability to see into past
lives through flashbacks, invoking feelings of déjà vu. A newman's
soul will often hold on to memories and experiences of past lives,
and while the phenomenon is unreliable at best, the experiences and
sensations of these past lives can be brought forth in unexpected
flashes of insight.
There is also a rumor that a newman had left such a strong
memory of themselves that multiple newmans inherited their soul,
and a secret society was formed to bring this being back as the
perfect ruler of the world. Supposedly, they aim to restore the
magical might of the older civilizations and rule over the vast
kingdoms as one. However, there is no proof of such rumors, and
those who believe this rumor are seen as foolish at best.

Youma (Barbarous)
Kobolds, goblins, and boggarts: these low-level barbarous are
collectively referred to as Youma, known for their constant
chattering in the Barbaric language. Though kobolds aren't of the
same family as the others and, in fact, look quite like humanoid
dogs, they are still lumped together with the others due to their
similar lifestyles. Combined, their numbers are impressively high,
and they are rather militant and brutal, but they also lack intelligence
and will often flee when outnumbered.
Left to their own devices, youma are often seen as unruly mobs,
unregulated and rowdy, but pose little threat to strong adventurers.
However, under the rule of a powerful leader, these mobs become
incredibly dangerous. Because they flock to strong leaders, drakes
and basilisks are often at the head of a mob of youma.
While they are fairly low power, some unique individuals will
occasionally rise to prominence as dangerous leaders. Especially
common among boggarts, these stronger individuals pose a threat
even to seasoned adventurers on their own, let alone with the mob
that naturally gravitates toward their power.
Many youma are short-lived, often treated as adults at the age of
5 years and left to their own devices. Few will live longer than 30
years, and many will die in combat during their youth.

Trolls (Barbarous)
One of the most physically striking races among the barbarous,
the trolls are incredibly powerful and skilled fighters, always willing
to get into a fight. However, even they are not cruel and dislike
insane slaughter for the sake of it.
Trolls abide by the barbarous's basic social structures in that the
strong rule over the weak. Because they are incredibly strong, they
rarely desire to go out and flaunt it among the weaker races. Rather,
a troll is far more likely to be active and engage in combat if they
find an opponent they feel is strong enough to test their mettle. In
fact, a troll would rather die in combat against a powerful foe than
grow old while lording over weaker races.
Most trolls are enthusiastic followers of Dalkhrem and are always
looking for the next strongest opponent to test themselves. There is
also an ancient alliance with the various drakes of the barbarous, and
if asked, a troll will go to their aid.
Unless cut down in combat before their prime, a troll will hit
their physical peak around 200 years old and has been known to live
for around 300 years.
Drakes (Barbarous)
Among the barbarous, drakes are known to be particularly
powerful, cunning, and dangerous enemies. Their strong charisma
is matched by their sheer power, often with an army to back them
up regardless of their desires. Drakes have a strong ambition to rule
the world and often conspire against the humanoid realms.
Astonishingly intelligent, drakes often exude a sense of calm fury,
like a snake poised to strike at any moment. Extremely long-lived,
often 1,000 years or more, a drake will only become stronger and
wiser as they age. There have been stories of young drakes
collaborating with adventurers for mutual benefit, often resulting in
tales of incredible wealth being heaped upon the adventuring party.
Many drakes were killed during the Diabolic Triumph as they
attempted to take over the world. Those that remain are sharpening
their fangs, patiently awaiting the next chance to make their move.
While drakes are proud and will not often work with one another,
rumors of a "king of drakes" that can bring them all to heel persist
even now, and the mere thought of such a being is enough to worry
about the future of Raxia.

Basilisks (Barbarous)
Another powerful barbarous, and the perfect companion to the
drakes are the basilisks. Hidden in their eyes is the power of
petrification, while their blood is poisonous to most living creatures,
and their attitude is brutal, warlike, and cunning. Long-lived, a
basilisk can terrorize an area for 500 years or more.
Unlike drakes, basilisks have little ambition to rule, though they
do take delight in invasions, slaughters, and looting. They rarely
participate in such matters, though, often directing their underlings
to do so in their name. Seeing themselves as an "aristocrat of the
barbarous", basilisks will collect treasure, often statues and other
works of art. They will often have other weaker barbarous to do
their bidding. They see those underneath them as not mattering and
will often underestimate adventurers seeking them out.
While nearly equal in power, basilisks and drakes often disagree.
Basilisks see drakes as threats to their seat of power and control of
their armies, while drakes simply see basilisks as foolish and sloppy,
not willing to put in the effort of ruling. These differences are
enough to make a drake-basilisk alliance incredibly rare, though if
such an alliance could form, it would be one of the largest threats in
recent memory.
As with the drakes, basilisks can transform into a more
monstrous form. However, unlike drakes, who retain their
intelligence, basilisks become less intelligent and almost feral when
transformed. This has led to a theory that basilisks were, in fact,
magical beasts that somehow gained the ability to shapeshift into a
form fit for the barbarous.

Nosferatu (Barbarous)
The most mysterious of the Barbarous, nosferatu are immortal
monsters with powerful regeneration and other unique skills,
making them enemies more dangerous than even drakes or
However, these incredible powers come at a cost, and there are
a few fatal weaknesses of the nosferatu, the most well-known of
which is the constant need to drink the blood of others. This has led
to the nosferatu earning the moniker "vampire". Other weaknesses
include the sun's rays, which limit a nosferatu's activity to the
Slim to the point of being nearly paper-thin, a nosferatu is often
created when one's soul is scarred nearly to the limit, leaving it
Undead. Unable to have a child through reproductive methods,
nosferatu will create their own families using what they call a "Blood
While not actively involved with the other Barbarous, some
nosferatu did join in the carnage and revelry of the Diabolic
Triumph. While many other Barbarous hate the undead, nosferatu
have no issue working alongside them and may even lead an army
of the undead.
Believing that beautiful people of the opposite sex are the best
prey, nosferatu will often hide in the shadows of abandoned
buildings. However, their hubris may lead them to hide in plain sight
in the middle of major cities. Due to their scarred souls, they also
hate the various Swords of Protection and will often try to
manipulate others to destroy them.

Only humans can have children of different races (most
commonly, elves and dwarves). Some scholars consider this
evidence of the derivation of races, such as elves and dwarves, from
humans. A newborn child will have the same appearance and
abilities as either of the parents (if a human and an elf have children,
they will be born human or elf). Nightmares can also arise from time
to time but will still follow the same rules (i.e., if the elf in the
previous example was an elf-born nightmare, the children could still
only be human or elf, with normal chances for nightmares). The
only exception is lildraken-born nightmares, as they cannot have
children with other races.
Very rarely, two humans can give birth to an elf or dwarf, though
this can only happen if both parents have had mixed blood
sometime in the past. Again, nightmares can occur as per the usual
chances. It should be noted that, though very rare, humans or
nightmares can have children with barbarous. Minotaurs, among
others, are said to be the result of such crossbreeding, though
nothing has been confirmed.

The Continent of Terastier

The City-State of Zalts

The Zalts region, in the northern part of the Terastieran
continent, is home to five different countries, both large and small.
It is a relatively peaceful region, with few barbarous sightings near
the major cities. However, once outside of the city's protection,
danger awaits. The Diabolic Triumph changed the landscape only
300 years ago, and the effects of that are still felt throughout the
region. Additionally, there are rumors of buried ruins, full of
dangers and treasure, waiting for a lucky adventurer to find them.

A fortified city located two days' travel north of the capital of
Lukythra. The local population is around 5,000 inhabitants, with
many of them serving in the city's defense corps. Barless is popular
not only for its position as a border with Durlesburg but also as a
starting point for adventurers heading north. However, it's said that
the barbarous in the area has been increasing over the past few years,
and tensions are running high in the defense corps waiting for the
inevitable attack.

Located a day and a half's walk west of the Imperial Capital, this
fortified city is the second largest in the region, holding more than
8,000 inhabitants. Located between Rocyletta and Fendil, Aldrea
has a reputation as a bustling trade city. There is also a harbor, as
well as ferry services out to Rocyletta and back.

A fortified city located about one and a half days south of the
Imperial Capital, Dyza is the Lukythra Empire's Major food source.

With the Laura River flowing out of the Divine Staircase, joining
with the Naura River from the Oddo Mountains, the land in and
around Dyza is incredibly fertile, making farming a major part of life
in Dyza. The large drawbridge over the Laura River is also an
amazing landmark in its own right, serving as the cornerstone for the
Empire's southern defenses.

The Marquis of Kudelia

The territory of the Marquis of Kudelia lies between the Jagged
Coast and the Caputi Mountains. The first Marquis was an aristocrat
in the Lukythra Empire and was given autonomous control over his
land by the Emperor. Currently, there are around 6,000 or so
inhabitants living under the Marquis' rule. However, it is said that
the current Marquis, Cader Kudelia (38 years old), rarely leaves the
territory and has not been seen in public for quite some time.
Barbarous ships have been seen coming and going off of the
Jagged Coast, and rumors that the Marquis may be trading with
them have persisted despite attempts to quell them. Additionally,
many criminals flee to the Marquis' territory in order to evade
capture in the Empire. Because of these security risks, there are an
increasing number of the Emperor's court that is looking to strip the
Marquis of autonomy.

Allied Free Cities

A collection of free cities south of the Lukythra Empire in the
Zalts region. Clockwise from the westmost city, Eiras (about 3,000
people), Burlint (about 10,000 people), Sess (about 6,000 people),
Drambal (about 7,000 people), Ilmar (about 5,000 people) and
Footland (about 9,000 people). In recent years, the common threat
of the barbarous has diminished, leading each city to have a bit of
ego built up around them, shaking the alliance. In particular, the
concentration of wealth in Burlint, as well as its prominent position
on the trade routes, is a hot point of contention.

Swords of Protection and Cities
Most major cities in the Zalts region are protected from both the
barbarous and the undead thanks to various Swords of Protection.
Naturally, most barbarous are looking to capture and destroy these
swords, so they are kept strictly under lock and key.
While each particular Sword of Protection has its own power,
and it's not always possible to measure the strength by the number
of swords available, in general, the more Swords of Protection are
in any one location, the stronger the effects they will have. Larger
cities also benefit, as the large number of adventurers bringing in
Sword Shards tend to increase both the strength and the range of
the swords' effects. However, if the number of Swords of Protection
is insufficient for the size and population of a city, there exists the
possibility of barbarous attacks.

City Number of Swords

Lukythra 8
Barless 2
Aldrea 4
Dyza 3
Marquis of Kudelia 2
Durlesburg 6
Kashkarn 1
Dilcoeur 5
(capital of Fendil)
Rocyletta 3
Eiras 1
Burlint 2
Sess 1
Drambal 2
Ilmar 1
Footland 1

Unique Locations of the Zalts Region
Obsidian Desert
As the name implies, it is a desert made entirely of black sand.
There used to be a large city named Pilks in the area, but it was
sacked and burned down to ashes by the barbarous during the
Diabolic Triumph. These ashes are mixed with the surrounding
sand, and centuries later, the land is still blackened and empty.
The black sand is poisonous, and it is ill-advised to spend any
significant time in the area. However, the ruins of Pilks,
underground evacuation shelters, and small cave-towns remain
almost completely swept away by the black sand. So adventurers are
often drawn to the area to find and recover what they can before
succumbing to the effects of the black sand.

Caputi Mountains
A mountainous area in the north of the Zalts region, the steep
peaks of the Caputi Mountains are home to a variety of winged

Jagged Coast
The Jagged Coast is eroded by the ocean's waves, with steep cliffs
and caves carved from the surrounding stone. These caves are
popular hiding spots for pirates and Barbarous, who often
collaborate to avoid capture. Despite the Lukythraian Emperor's
order to eliminate these outlaws, the Marquis of Kudelia does not
appear to be actively patrolling these waters.

Luma Lakes
Five lakes are in the shape of a star, and in the center are the
ruins of an Elven kingdom destroyed during the Diabolic Triumph.
Elf settlements are scattered around the lakes as explorations into
the ruins continue. Despite being a heavily Elven area, the Lukythra
Empire considers it neutral territory and outside adventurers are
welcome to join in on the expeditions.
Divine Staircase
Said to be the highest mountain in the Zalts region, this mountain
reaches over 10,000 m tall, the peak often obscured by clouds.
Rumors say that those who can reach the highest peak will find
themselves in the land of the Gods. Few winged creatures can find
a usable nesting area to live between the steep cliffs and high winds
surrounding the mountain.
However, plenty of explorers are looking to venture onto the
mountain, as there have been many incredible archaeological finds.
Higher areas on the mountain have even held relics from the
Schnell period, so the allure of such finds has driven some to do the
difficult climb despite the dangers.

Roc's Gouge
Named as such because it seems as though a roc tore at the
ground itself, this canyon appeared during the Diabolic Triumph.
Some say that it was powerful earth-type magic that devastated the
ground like this. The actual depth of the Gouge is still unknown,
though it seems that it was deep enough to disturb the rest of some
Mist Towers
A series of ruined high-rise buildings built before the Diabolic
Triumph, the Mist Towers get their name from the ever-present
mist coming off the surface of the adjacent Neres Lake. While the
towers seem relatively untouched on the outside, the mist obscures
a lot of internal damage done by the Diabolic Triumph, and a stable
building can turn into a crumbling deathtrap in a second.
Oddo Mountains
A mountain range in the Zalts region, running north to south.
Near the southern end are caverns known as the "Jaws of the
Barbarous", named after the countless barbarous inhabitants. The
caves are treacherous and winding, making the mountains perilous
due to the barbarous and occasional dragon sightings. Approach
with caution.
The Continent of Razeldawn

Connected to the northern section of the Terastieran continent,

the continent of Razeldawn is still largely under the control of the
barbarous. However, in recent years, expeditions from Terastier
have proven fruitful in driving off some of the barbarous, and so
humanoids have finally been able to create settlements on the so-
called "Twilight Continent", or "Continent of Mist".
The northernmost city of Terastier, Durlesburg, has reopened
the bridge across the two continents, and any adventurer in
Razeldawn has crossed over it at one point or another. Currently,
there is little movement from the native barbarous. Some see this as
a sign of relief that they were able to beat them back, while others
are uneasy, expecting some retaliation soon.

The Agia Region

A small area in the southern section of Razeldawn, the Agia
region is the only known humanoid settlement on the continent.

Kashkarn, "The Open Town"

Kashkarn was the first pioneer village established after the bridge
to the new continent was opened by the "Bridge Country"
Principality of Durlesburg. It now has around 3,000 permanent
residents, making it a small town. Several Adventurers Guilds are
open. There are still many Barbarous threats lurking around the
town, and adventurers have a lot of work to do, such as guarding the
town and exterminating Barbarous. However, many of the
Barbarous in Razeldawn are vicious, and most of the jobs are
difficult for novice adventurers.
There is a "Sword of Protection" in the town center, believed to
ward off the Barbarous. Some doubt its authenticity, considering it
a mere gesture to appease conservatives in Durlesburg.

Dark Forest
The Dark Forest, located northeast of Kashkarn, is known for its
dangerous mythical beasts. Despite the danger, the forest provides
high-quality wood used in Kashkarn. Logging in the forest is a
dangerous yet profitable job, with lumberjacks staying near the
forest's outer edges.

Haaze, "The Decaying City"

This is a huge complex of ruins of the Al Menas Period, located
in the northwest of Kashkarn. It seems to have been a large city in
the past, with countless stone structures and vast underground
spaces. Today, the city has become a den of Barbarous, and many
adventurers challenge the city to both exterminate Barbarous and
explore the ruins. The suburbs of this city used to extend as far as
the Dark Forest, and ruins are often found in the vicinity of

City of Mist
This ruined city, north of Kashkarn, dates to the Al Menas
period but is now home to many barbarous. It gets its name from
the combination of the fog in the area blocking off easy travel to the
town, as well as its hazy appearance off in the distance.
It is said that there were many people living here before the
barbarous, and that only a few descendants of the original
inhabitants remain, used as slaves among the barbarous. These
slaves, estimated to be around 10,000 people, have been the target
of several operations in the city in attempts to free them and
evacuate them from the city.
Often, undercover adventurers offer their aid in attempts to
gather any sort of intel, but of the few who do end up returning,
oftentimes, they have very little usable information. There is a
rumor that contact with an underground resistance movement has
been made, but this cannot be confirmed one way or another due
to confidentiality.

Dragon Spear Mountains
A long mountain range, it is said to be the backbone of the
Razeldawn continent. Hidden in the corner of the mountain range
is said to be Val Clair Castle, the seat of a barbarous kingdom ruled
over by a powerful drake.

Val Clair Castle

Located in the northwest region of the Dragon Spear Mountains,
Val Clair Castle was once a beautiful castle constructed using the
best methods available during the Al Menas period. After falling to
the barbarous, however, it was turned into a dreadful fortress,
inspiring fear in all those who would look upon it.
It is said that over 100,000 barbarous have gathered under the
drake ruling from Val Clair Castle, and it is quite possible that this
army has gathered to fight back against the humanoid races. Even
strong barbarous, like trolls and basilisks, have been seen falling in
under the incredible charisma that the ruling drake has. We know
of this thanks to the great wizard Rigon, who was sent by the
Lukythra Empire to gather data. However, as of late, Rigon has gone
silent, and it is quite possible he has been found and killed.

Scorching Desert
A vast desert spreading across much of western Razeldawn, this
desolate waste is a harsh environment, with a few humanoids
scattered across the vastness. However, it is also a prime area for
both androscorpions and basilisks to inhabit, making the desert a
very dangerous place to live.

Bloody Mountains
This mountain range in the northeast of the Agia region gets its
name from the bare, red rocks that seem to weep a thick, reddish
liquid. Originally a flourishing dwarven mining settlement, there
were a number of human fortresses and trading towns all along the
range. Once the Diabolic Triumph hit, however, there has not been
a friendly soul to be seen. Some say the rocks were dyed red from
the combined bloodshed of both the dwarves and the barbarous, as
neither would back down from a fight. However, as the barbarous
eventually won out, they took over the caves and fortresses and used
the area to stave off a number of attempts to take the region back.

Lake Chess
Four lakes surround the City of Mist, and the largest, Lake
Chess, is the source of much of the mist and fog that protects it from
invaders. Additionally, the waters of the lake itself are home to a
multitude of aquatic Barbarous, such as the scyllas and lizardmen.
Between the fog and the Barbarous threat, many adventurers who
think themselves strong enough to take on the Barbarous find
themselves lost and dying.
Even General Otfield Yates, the hero of Durlesburg, was
hindered by the lakes and fog, losing a number of soldiers to the
dangerous waters. It is said that those who lost their lives in the area
have become restless ghosts, some looking to save the living from
sharing their fate, while others seek to draw more adventurers into
the water forever.

Adventures in Raxia

Thieves Guild

In larger cities, there is often a seedy underbelly behind the

bright lights and packed markets. Many who lurk in the shadows
and engage in illegal activities often band together, offering mutual
aid in their illicit dealings. The Thieves' Guild is the resulting
organization of criminals, and especially large cities may even have
more than one Guild in operation. The Guild offers jobs to those
who would work outside the law, including bandits, drug and human
traffickers, and even assassins. Information is readily exchanged, as
are mutual aid offers in performing jobs and escaping the
authorities. While such a gathering would immediately be a valuable
resource for the authorities, a Thieves' Guild is occasionally allowed
to function as an unofficial state entity, as it's easier to track criminals
through the Guild than were they to work individually.

Locations of the Thieves' Guild

For obvious reasons, Thieves' Guilds do not have signs above
their doors advertising their location. Instead, they are often hidden
within bars or betting parlors. These guild facilities are typically
located in basements or nearby storage areas, with the doorkeeper
being alerted by a specific password or phrase. Customer: "Give me
a glass of fine wine." Barkeep: "We have only cheap ones."
Customer: "A cold ale, then." The customer drinks a little, then turns
back to the barkeep. Customer: "This tastes like horse piss. Do you
have anything else?" Barkeep: "Yeah, let's go to the back."
The Adventurer's Guild can provide the locations of these
hidden guild establishments, usually for a small fee (around 50-

Relationship between the Adventurer's Guild and Thieves Guild
While most adventurers aren't members of both guilds, some
are, and these people can offer valuable information for the right
price. Some secret treasures and sites can only be found with the
help of the Thieves' Guild, so it's wise not to cross anyone who's a
known member. While the Adventurer's Guild and Thieves' Guild
will rarely cross paths as organizations, there have been times when
one guild has a particular relic or set of relics the other is looking
for, so there's no bad blood between the two.
If one successfully contacts the Thieves' Guild, purchasing
information and joining the ranks is possible. However, just joining
up with the Thieves' Guild costs 1,000 Gamels, and individual
information will cost more, sometimes much more. The exact price
depends upon how useful the information is, how fresh it is, and
how powerful the target of said information gathering is. For
example, digging up information on a local thug will only cost
around 100G or so, while finding out who the lover of the local
noble can run at least 500G. Of course, there's the rare bit of juicy
information that can lead to something like state secrets, or involve
wealth valued at hundreds of thousands of Gamels. The information
alone for such top-end jobs will run 1,000G, if not more, though
such intel is incredibly rare.
Whether an adventurer is, a member of the Thieves' Guild is up
to the player (though they should also consult with the GM

Famous Thieves' Guilds

In Lukythra, the Dark Night's Falcon's guild is the largest
Thieves' Guild in the Zalts region, with hundreds of members. On
the other hand, the Deathcrimson guild from the Marquis of
Corderia's lands is known for its reputation as murderers, drug
traders, and human traffickers. There are rumors about the
barbarous nature of Deathcrimson, but it is impossible to confirm
their truth.


One of the most valuable and rarest magical items in the entirety
of Raxian history is the airship.
During the heyday of the Al Menas, airships swarmed the sky,
easily providing trade and passage across the world. While modern
thought is that such airship rides were only for the wealthy, the truth
is the average person could afford to take an airship ride to the next
country over.
As it stands now, however, making airships is mostly lost to the
ravages of time. The technology to create the magicore needed to
create flight has been lost, so most of the existing airships have been
cobbled together from remnants of older airships and relics and
other articles from excavated Al Menas ruins. Current airships are
made by placing an existing magicore into a ship modified for such
a purpose. Once attached correctly, the new airship can take flight,
though it does need a steady supply of mako stones as fuel for
propulsion. There are a few different types of magicores, though
they all work similarly by turning the air that meets the ship's hull
into a more buoyant gas that lifts the ship and propels it forward.
Most modern airships use a balloon shape for their hull, allowing
for lower fuel consumption, though it makes up for this by having a
smaller carrying capacity and slower speed than a more traditional
Medium-sized airships will tend to be the most common,
holding around 50 occupants (not including crew). Smaller ships,
with a capacity of 10 occupants, and larger ships, able to hold around
100 people, have also been sighted over recent years. Some nations
still travel and trade via airships, though prices can get expensive
even for small flights. Tickets tend to start at 500 Gamels for short
flights and can increase to 5,000 Gamels or more depending upon
the distance and quality of the airship.

Veteran Adventurers

Adventurers of 5th level or higher should have enough of a

reputation to be recognized in most major cities, while those of 7th
level or higher are referred to as "veterans". The following is a quick
description of the role of veteran adventurers in Raxia.

More Difficult Adventures

Most of the work given to fledgling adventurers often involves
exploring urban ruins and exterminating low-level barbarous who've
moved into abandoned places. However, veterans are given more
dangerous missions, often involving explorations into uncharted
areas or assassinations of much more powerful enemies. Even in the
Terastieran continent, the areas where humanoids can safely live are
limited, and so incursions into barbarous lands and attacks on high-
ranking leaders help to drive the barbarous back, opening up more
land to settle on.
Sometimes, veteran adventurers will find unexplored ruins and
will sell this information back to the Adventurer's Guild and thus to
lower-level adventurers, keeping the cycle going. As the new ranks
of low-level adventurers explore these newfound ruins and become
veterans themselves, the current group of veterans is advancing yet
further into the unknown.

Powerful Connections
Adventurers of the 7th level and higher may be sponsored by
powerful aristocrats, merchants, temples, or even the state itself in
the hopes of preferential treatment when trying to acquire relics
from the past.
Depending upon the reputation of the adventurers, there is a
possibility to earn titles, power, and property. However, in gaining
these material benefits, the adventurers do give up a bit of their
freedom, and their priority becomes that of their sponsor. There
are stories of adventurers whose sponsors overestimated their
abilities and led them into attempting impossible tasks (such as
attempting to slay a dragon or map out the continent of Razeldawn)
and were slain in the effort. At the same time, though, there have
also been adventurers who knew their limits and were able to
successfully leverage their reputation and power to take over
important positions in their home country.

Found Your Own Country

Becoming an adventurer of 10th level, 15th level, or even higher
is an amazing task, and at that level of power and privilege, it
becomes possible to think about starting one's own country in areas
that the barbarous have been driven from.
Founding one's own country is no trivial task, but once it is
known that a high-level adventurer is seeking to do so, other
powerful adventurers and servitors will often follow them, looking
to become subordinates and court members in their new country.
People will also flock to charismatic leaders, those who can win over
the hearts of the masses, and by keeping the will of the people
strong, their following will continue to grow.
Of course, such new countries are prime targets for barbarous
invasion, as the remaining barbarous seek to take back the land they
consider theirs. If there is a considerable threat of barbarous in the
area, the Adventurer's Guild will quite often set up a location in the
new kingdom, providing newer adventurers with jobs to help out the
new country.
Additionally, there may be a neighboring country or kingdom
that doesn't appreciate young blood coming in and setting up. Such
neighbors will keep the new country on their toes as much as a
barbarous incursion would, if not more so. Just because one founds
their own country doesn't mean they can sit on their laurels and rest.

Celebrities of the Zalts Region

This section includes short descriptions of famous NPCs in the

Zalts Region. It is up to the GM to make use of these NPCs as they
see fit, whether as clients and sponsors for adventuring jobs, rivals
searching the same deserted ruins for treasure, or adversaries willing
to take out the competition. Feel free to change any aspect of the
following NPCs, such as their age or personality, as the scenario

"The Ambitious Emperor" Julius Krause, Emperor Lukythra

(Human/Male/28 yrs.)
"Ambition? Hahaha. Big or small,
everyone has it, right?"
A young emperor who governs over
the Lukythra Empire. Polite and gentle,
Julius is very ambitious and secretive.
He is actively seeking out relics from lost
civilizations in order to increase his
power base. Specifically, he is constantly
on the hunt for magicores in order to
build a fleet of airships.
It is said that when his predecessor
fell ill, his brother-in-law, who was set to
take the throne next, had a terrible
accident and perished. Officially, it is all just a coincidence, yet most
people believe otherwise. The truth remains a mystery, though.

"Former Swordsman" Luther Ellerden (Human/Male/50 yrs.)
"Oh, a newcomer! I've got the job for
The owner of the adventurer's store,
"Blue Thunder Swords". Luther is an ex-
adventurer, and the tale of how he beat
a basilisk in sword combat is legendary.
Known to help newcomers out, he takes
time to make sure new adventuring
parties are well-equipped to take on the
job they've accepted.
While his store is often full of veteran
adventurers, each with their own bit of
advice, one elven ranger, "Mayael of the
Leaves," is a frequent visitor. She often has decent information about
the nearby ruins, even though some of her stories might be
exaggerated somewhat.
"The Great Artificer" Drucken Gardel (Dwarf/Male/52 yrs.)
"Understanding this device will advance
our recovery efforts by 30 years!"
Drucken Gardel is the head of the
Institute of Magitechnology in the
Imperial Capital, Lukythra. Passionate
about finding old relics and technology
from the Al Menas period, it's said he
gets a little crazy when presented with
new findings.
Over the years, Drucken has met
and worked with many different
adventurers in the hopes of finding new
and exciting magitech. While somewhat
quiet and stoic, when excited, he becomes almost childlike in his
outbursts. Basically, he's a good person, but he does tend to get
carried away and is almost mischievous when asking adventurers to
try out new technology...
"Princess General" Magdalena Yates (Human/Female/19 yrs.)
"Even if you replace me, there will be
those who will take up my cause."
Daughter of the great Durlesburg
General, Otfried Yates. A proud warrior
known for standing with the barbarous,
she is also a powerful knight-priest of
Zaiya. She is an optimist, looking for a
way to live peacefully with the
barbarous. Of course, some are looking
to discredit the princess, as well as
having to deal with barbarous attacks.
However, she feels there's no turning
back at this point and is also smart
enough to hire adventurers to aid in her plans while actively
conducting research herself. As the daughter of General Yates, she
does stand in line to inherit some political power, so there have been
mumblings about an arranged marriage with Emperor Lukythra.

"The Knight of Steel" Howl Barkman (Human/Male/25 yrs.)

"Another barbarous attack? Don't let the
princess know. I'll handle it."
Known as Magdalena's Right Arm,
Howl is the current General of the
Kashkarn garrison. Constantly at the
forefront of battle and wishing to help
Lady Magdalena, he is currently helping
to guard against barbarous and manage
adventurers as head of the garrison.
Often seen as stern, serious, and
inflexible, Howl is actually very
enthusiastic about his job. However,
due to poor sleeping habits, he always
has a bit of a scowl on his face, leading people to believe he's a lot
harsher than he really is.

"Twin Princesses" Kokul and Rafensa (Human/Female/14 yrs.)
"Will you ever become a queen?" "If I
must, but not now."
Twin princesses who effectively rule
the Fendil Kingdom, they took over
when their father, the last King of
Fendil, took ill and died over a year ago.
The eldest child was Kokul, though she
refused to take the throne unless her
twin sister Rafensa could co-rule with
her. While very unusual, they have been
able to govern Fendil fairly effectively as
a pair, and even those opposed to the
idea have come around and recognized
the pair's political ability. Their powerful magical abilities and pretty
appearance have also made them quite popular among their people.
"The Painted Merchant" Dan Shirow (Lildraken/Male/73 yrs.)
"The most important thing you can have
is trust. Not like you can buy money
Based in the port of Rocyletta, Dan
has made a fortune of trade with various
foreign countries, though now he finds
himself stuck in the Zalts region without
a ship. He has made himself known by
buying various relics and antiques for
high prices, so there is a reputation that
he may pay out big money for something
worth his while. Some of his dealings
have even attracted royal attention, and
some very powerful aristocrats have been seen doing business with
Dan. Just recently, he acquired a medium-sized airship and is
beginning to go flying around Raxia in search of the best trades and
deals. If he can get some passengers to pay up for the privilege of
tagging along, all the better.
"The Demented Assassination Machine" Gertrude
"Steal this. Kill that. Do these, and “that
man” will be pleased."
Leader of Deathcrimson, the
Thieves' Guild from the Marquis of
Kudelia. She has a cold beauty with her
red hair and eyes and a ruthless
personality. Her references to "that man"
are vague, but it is speculated that she is
referring to the previous guild owner
whom she had murdered.
She is rumored to be on the verge of
a war with the Dark Night's Falcons, who
are now expanding their reach to the
capital and surrounding areas.

"The King of Wanderers" Albert Duraland (Human/Male/27 yrs.)

"Surely I can find a place of my own...
A well-known adventurer in the Zalts
region, his wanderlust is legendary. It is
said that Albert is on a quest, as though
he were obsessed with something
known only to him. While he has
achieved significant fame over the years,
something still haunts him, something
that he still searches for. Because of this,
he has started towards the continent of
Razeldawn, searching for the City of
The adventures he undertakes are extremely demanding, and his
party is often short. For this reason, he has recently been called the
"Grim Reaper," but he does not mind it at all.

"The Happy Blue Child" Blue Lip Revett
"Since you met me, you can be happy
A famous bard, he travels around
the Zalts region seemingly without rest.
Rumor has it that if you listen to his
cheery, upbeat songs, you will
experience wonder and good luck, so
adventurers will often flock to hear him
sing before going off on an expedition.
It is said that he knows quite a bit
about the Zalts region, and he is pretty
skilled as both a Bard and a Scout.
Because of his knowledge, some
scholars and historians have been trying to track him down to
preserve some of the knowledge he claims to have.
"The God Chaser" Nono Vanillatte (Tabbit/Female/17 yrs.)
"Oh, you found a new god!? I must go
see it!"
Based out of Lukythra, Nono is a
Tabbit wizard of some renown in the
Zalts region. Contrary to her cute
appearance, she is familiar with most
kinds of magic, from Truespeech to
Magitech. However, her true calling is to
find the truth of the relationship between
Tabbits and the gods. In doing her
research, it is possible to find Nono in
any given temple, scribbling away in one
of many different journals.
Recently, because a young god has been discovered in the
southern area of the continent, Nono has been looking to head
south to add to her research. However, because of a fear of heights,
she's unsure whether to fly down in an airship.
"Captain of the Sky" Amelia Skyfish (Nightmare/Female/45 yrs.)
"Moutes? Ah, he was a good man. No,
A merchant from Luferia, Amelia,
has recently come across a magicore and
managed to build herself a small airship.
Although she hides her true nature as a
nightmare and tries to live as a human,
her confident aura and good looks are
rather eye-catching to those around her.
Currently, she has a contract to work
under the merchant Dan Shirow and
operates regular flights out of Rocyletta.
Her prices are fair, as well, only charging
1,000 Gamels for a one-way trip, up to 3 days out of Rocyletta.

"Archbishop of the Lake" Batelden Erra (Elf/Male/321 yrs.)

"No way, 300 years? I never thought I'd
take care of my friend this long."
The archbishop of the temple of
Luferia, goddess of the Lake Kingdom
of Luferia. While virtuous and strong in
the ways of the church, he tends to keep
services and rituals rather short, as his
solemn, priestly tone of voice doesn't
last very long. A survivor of the Diabolic
Triumph, it is not uncommon to see
Batelden lead a group of paladins to the
frontlines to fight against the barbarous.
A childhood friend of Luferia when
she was alive, he rose to power in her church after her apotheosis,
and it is said that the two of them still have long talks with one
another. However, the recent influx of foreigners and merchants
requires diplomatic work and priestly duties. His appearance shows
that the stress of dealing with it all is getting to Batelden.

"One-Eyed Falcon" Shawn Graham (Nightmare/Male/45 yrs.)
Leader of the Dark Night's Falcons, based out of the Imperial
Capital Lukythra. He can gather information with astounding speed
and accuracy with branches throughout the Empire. While
technically a criminal, he dislikes being a conspicuous target and acts
like everyone else.
However, adversaries and traitors receive absolutely no mercy
from Mr. Graham. He's a master of weapons and magic, and his
power has led to the rumor that he's unable to be assassinated.
"Swordsman with the Broken Sword" Alfred III (Human/Male/66
The current King of Durlesburg, this thin, willowy old man, is
surprisingly lazy, even for someone his age. It's said that his
memories and thoughts are fading, and he has little interest in
politics. Rumor has it that he can't even raise a sword to honor a new
knight. Because of his frailty and poor decision-making, the
aristocrats in Durlesburg have split, some staying on the more
conservative side of things. In contrast, others are optimists, looking
for the good in every situation. These two groups are trying to
compete with one another to see who should rule over Durlesburg,
but both sides remain about equal in power for the moment.
"The Cruel Sovereign" Cader Kudelia, Marquis (Human/Male/38
Cader, the current Marquis of Kudelia, has rarely been seen
outside the castle in recent years. Those who claim to have seen him
remark that he is unusually cruel and brutal as of late. While he
claims to be ill to avoid meeting with Emperor Lukythra, some
suspect he's planning to build an army and fight for independence
from the Empire. Sightings of barbarous in and around the castle
only help to bolster these rumors, as well as tales of servants going
missing while working at the castle. There are also rumors of the
Marquis becoming enthralled with magical study and possibly
attempting to raise an army of undead to do his bidding. Still, no
one has returned from any investigation into such a rumor.

"Immortal Sequoia" Rasun El Charade (Human/Male/66 yrs.)
In Fendil, the Land of Flowers, the oldest noble family is the El
Charades, and Rasun El Charade is the first of that line. A rare
politician who excels not only in politics and diplomacy but also in
strategy and war, Rasun is a diehard protector of the kingdom of
Fendil. While he's stepped aside to let others take command in his
place in recent years, his grand presence and strong voice can often
overwhelm his successors.
Loyal to the royal family, almost to a fault, Rasun is a valuable
member of the court of Fendil due to his accumulated knowledge.
Even if his opinion differs from the Twin Princesses, they will still
listen to him speak his piece and consider his words wisely.
"Charity" Shadornik Shuligan (Lildraken/Male/59 yrs.)
A former adventurer, this lildraken is the owner of the guild
"Lonely Dragon", a popular adventurer's guild in Durlesburg. With
his kobold manager, Dolly, he takes care of everyone who comes
in, regardless of race. This openness is what has caused him to earn
the nickname "Charity".
"Unreliable" James Kovar (Human/Male/44 yrs.)
One of the consuls appointed to rule over Kashkarn. Because
he was appointed as a consul instead of sitting back in Durlesburg
as an optimist, he complains about returning to his more
comfortable home in Durlesburg every day. This complaint has
worn on the people of Kashkarn, and he is not very popular among
the people because of it.
"Moonlight Genius" Valentin Carnot (Human/Male/26 yrs.)
An artist living in Fendil, he is always on the lookout for avant-
garde pieces and motifs and has even hired adventurers on multiple
occasions to help him with one project or another. Even something
as simple as restocking his supply of paints has been turned into a
job for novice adventurers. However, he does have a bad habit of
trying to hit on any woman he sees, hoping his good looks will win
them over.

The Three Incompetents of Rocyletta
This disgraceful nickname was given to the unfortunate trio of
Adela Calvert (Human/Female/46 yrs.), Simon Bonnefois
(Elf/Male/122 yrs.), and Jorgen Reigliff (Dwarf/Male/71 yrs.) by the
people of Rocyletta.
They are the race representatives of the council that governs
Rocyletta. However, Adela consistently makes aggressive claims,
which Jorgen refuses to accept. Meanwhile, Simon responds with
"I'll think about it" and delays giving an answer. The council in
Rocyletta is notorious for taking a long time to reach conclusions.
Moreover, since most matters are ultimately left to the
adventurers, the council's effectiveness has not improved, leading to
a growing dissatisfaction among the residents.

"Alliance Chairman" Helmin Kartz (Human/Male/45 yrs.)

A native of Burlint, Helmin Kartz is the chairman of the Free
Cities Alliance. A man with a strong, stubborn personality, he has
been finding it harder and harder in recent years to maintain some
semblance of balance between the Free Cities and accusations that
his pro-Lukythraian diplomacy has not helped his position.

"Living Saint" Ishmael Church (Human/Male/63 yrs.)

A gentle soul who leads the church of Lyphos in Lukythra. He
is called a "living saint" because of his quiet demeanor and peaceful
soul, and he is willing to walk throughout the Zalts region to bring
light and harmony to every devotee of the gods.

"Desecrator" Seth Susaro (Human/Male/32 yrs.)

A very intelligent conjurer living in Kashkarn, he has earned the
despicable nickname "Desecrator" as he will attempt to animate and
revive anything that has left behind a corpse. It is rumored he loves
the undead and has a small army of Revenants to do his vile bidding.

Part 5 Game Mastery

Mastering Supplement

General Guidelines for Money Rewards

Below is a guideline for the total monetary rewards each

character should be earning at the end of each session. This includes
such things as completing the mission successfully, other loot (such
as random treasures and scavenging from monsters), and how many
Sword Shards should be given out per person.

Estimated Rewards Per Player

Adventurer Base Completed Other Sword
Level Reward the Mission Rewards Shards
First 500 400 100 3~5
1~3 1,000 800 200 4~6
3~4 2,000 1,500 500 5~8
4~5 3,000 2,500 500 6~9
5~6 4,000 3,000 1,000 7~11
6~7 5,000 4,000 1,000 8~12
In the case of dungeon exploration missions, consider the
"Completed Mission" as the total treasure found.

Other Rewards
Other rewards that are possible for PCs to get would be various
monster parts, magical items, hidden treasures found in dungeons,
and even honors for accomplishing astonishing feats. However, do
keep the level of the PCs in mind when handing out these rewards
so as not to give away the whole kingdom. Also, when handing out
magical items, be aware that not all magical items can be divided,
and so offer adequate measures to keep players relatively balanced
with each other. This helps to keep the party a cohesive whole and
prevents jealousy from forming.
If you want to give out a lot of offbeat rewards like this, it is
suggested that the Base Reward is decreased in order to make up
for the other treasure being handed out. Again, these are guidelines,
and while they don't need to be strictly followed, they should at least
be kept in mind when creating your adventures.


Sample Scenario: "Brutal Assailant"

Scenario Overview
This scenario aims to discover and defeat a dangerous Mythical
Beast attacking a developing village. The party will be asked by the
survivors of one of the beast's attacks to head to the village and track
the beast back to its lair. Along the way, the party will encounter a
band of Barbarous who are also heading to fight the Mythical Beast,
and the path to the creature will pass through a small set of ruins as
This scenario, unlike Bartou's Mansion, is mainly combat-
oriented and rather tough.

Scenario Preparation
This scenario is designed for a party of 4 adventurers whose
average Adventurer Level is 7. If the party has either 3 or 5 PCs, the
number of monsters should be adjusted accordingly.
A 2-player party will have difficulty taking this adventure on, so
the average Adventurer Level should be at least 9, if not higher,
before taking on this scenario.
If players are running this scenario as a single game and not as a
part of a campaign, characters should be created under the following

Experience Points: Initial Character Creation + 17,000 pts.

Stat Growth: 15 times Money: 30,000G Total Reputation: 300

Example characters can include the following:
Character 1: Fighter Level 7, Artificer Level 5, Enhancer Level 1 (0
Experience remaining)
Character 2: Sorcerer Level 7, Sage Level 5 (2,000 Experience
Character 3: Fencer Level 7, Scout Level 5, Bard Level 4 (500
Experience remaining)
Character 4: Priest Level 6, Conjurer Level 6 (1,000 Experience

Scenario Setting
The adventure begins in the city of Kashkarn, the southernmost
city on the continent of Razeldawn.
Razeldawn is still a very wild continent, with many of its lands
and resources under the control of the Barbarous. It is only quite
recently that there have been attempts to push north and take
control of the continent, and Kashkarn represents that first step.
However, many of the developing villages around Kashkarn are
subject to attacks from both Barbarous and the native monsters,
many of which are much stronger than can be found on Terastier.
On the other hand, many adventurers have been flocking to
Kashkarn in hopes of finding any ruins from long-lost civilizations,
and it is quite possible for adventuring parties to make their name
in defense of the northern continent.

Reading the Scenario

In the following text, some text will be in italics. These sentences
are meant to be read aloud by the GM in order to set the scene in
each player's mind. Other non-italicized text is for the GM to know
what is going on in the scene, as well as any tricks, traps, and
treasures that may be found.

The Main Story
The Continent of Razeldawn. Also called the "Twilight
Continent", the lands of Razeldawn are still heavily dominated by
the Barbarous.
Twenty years have passed since humans have attempted to push
north from Terastier, and the city of Kashkarn is the seat of that
progress. One day, one of the outlying villages was attacked and,
with the exception of a few survivors, completely wiped out. The
garrison at Kashkarn has sent out a number of men to investigate
the situation, but they, too, never returned. The head of the
garrison, Howl Barkman, is taking the loss of his men very seriously
and is looking for skilled adventurers to find out what is going on.

Scenario Flowchart

Kashkarn is the busiest town on the continent of Razeldawn,
positioned almost like it was the entrance into the continent. Despite
the actual population numbering only around 3,000 or so, it is a very
lively city.
The party has come north in search of more adventure, riches,
and fame. However, the local Adventurer's Guild, named "The
Bridge of Dreams", doesn't have any work available for you at the
time. As you relax in the hall, disappointment is written clearly on
your faces, and a small contingent of soldiers comes up to the party.

The party has come to the city of Kashkarn in search of

adventure and treasure. As seasoned adventurers, they are pointed
to "The Bridge of Dreams" as a place to find rooms and
employment. The guild hall is quite popular with adventurers
passing through, and today is like any other day in that respect.
However, while they do find rooms available (for a nominal fee),
there aren't any jobs that match the party's abilities.
While the party sits and kicks back a few drinks in order to wash
away the disappointment, a couple of soldiers approach the party,
an air of importance about them.
"We have been sent here on orders of the garrison captain Howl
Barkman to recruit capable adventurers for a mission of
importance. Considering the current state of things, we wish to invite
you to follow us back to the garrison and talk with Captain

With that said, the soldiers wait to see if the party will join them.
Being seasoned adventurers (around 7th level or so), they have a bit
of fame and should be used to being specifically asked for by name.
As for Captain Barkman, it is well known in Kashkarn that, despite
his young age (25 years old), he is incredibly talented and commands
a significant amount of respect. He is also quite serious when talking
about Kashkarn's safety and would never lie to the PCs.

Barkman's Request
The garrison headquarters is located on the north side of town.
A stone wall stretches on either side of the building, a visible sign of
the borders of Kashkarn. However, the garrison itself has two large
wooden doors opening into a two-story wooden building. There is
a feeling of rushing around inside, making it difficult to forget that
Kashkarn is still a relatively new city.
Once inside, the messenger soldiers will direct you to the
captain's office. Sitting behind a desk is a young man with a stern
expression on his face, and you have no doubt that this is the young
captain of the garrison, Howl Barkman.

Barkman dismisses the soldiers, greets the party, and invites

everyone to find seating around his office. Once everyone was
seated and comfortable, he began to go into detail regarding the
"There have been rumors of an attack on the village of Tyr, north
of here by the Dark Forest. I am here to say that those rumors are
true, and the village has been completely annihilated by an attack by
an unknown agent. We assume that it was a pack of Barbarous, as
they had been seen in the vicinity, but we don't have any proof.
"Tyr was a small village, around 100 or so residents, but five of
my soldiers were also stationed there. If whatever wiped the village
out was able to withstand the attacks of five of my men, then we have
a serious problem. Specifically, the village of Molsen, not too far
from Tyr, is in great danger. With that in mind, I'd hired a small
adventuring party, not too dissimilar from yours, to go north and
report on what they found in Tyr. It was only this morning that I
received that report, confirming the entire village of Tyr had been
razed to the ground, with no survivors.
"And so, I find myself here, asking for your assistance. I've heard
stories of your group, and I believe that you are well suited to this
particular mission. I can't let a threat like this be ignored, so I'm
offering a 4,000 Gamel reward per person to investigate the situation
and take care of whatever had attacked the village of Tyr.
Additionally, our garrison will offer what we can with regard to food
and supplies, as well as the option of two Treat Potions or five Mako
"As it stands right now, the assailant is currently unknown.
However, I've received word that one of the adventurers that had
gone north has made their way to Molsen, and so I ask you to head
there yourselves and see what information they have. It is a two-day
ride to Molsen by horseback, so the sooner you can get prepared,
the sooner I can have you figure out what's going on."

If the PCs accept Barkman's offer, whichever of the Treat

Potions or Mako Stones will be provided immediately, as Barkman
will pull them out of a drawer in his desk. If the PCs don't have any
horses to ride, they will also be provided by the garrison as rentals.
Even considering a quick trip to the marketplace for some last-
minute purchases, it is likely that the PCs will reach Molsen by the
next evening if they leave immediately by horseback.
However, if they choose to go on foot, it will take an additional
two days (for a total of 4 days one way).

Molsen Village
At the end of the second day's ride, the players come across the
village of Molsen.
As the sun begins to drop behind the Dragon Spine Mountains
off to the west, the village of Molsen begins to come into view. It is
a small village, and as you approach, you can see a number of
farmers bringing their livestock in from the fields, keeping them
behind a number of wooden fences. You notice that they seem to
be moving awfully quickly, more likely than not frightened by the
horrible attack on Tyr.
Molsen is a small farming village with around 300 or so
permanent residents. There is a village square, where most of the
markets and such are, with around 50 other houses for the residents
surrounding it. A larger house also faces the square. This home is
owned by the mayor, Tonto Linde (Human/Male/47 yrs.). An older
man with tanned, leathery skin from working out in the fields, Linde

is willing to talk to the party as they come into town but has become
frightened and overprotective of the Molsen villagers after the
destruction of Tyr. He invites them into his home, both to rest and
to discuss Tyr.

Information from the Survivor - Helena

Also inside the mayor's home is a young elf, Helena Raystein.
Resting in a bed in a spare bedroom, she is the sole survivor of the
previous adventuring party. It is obvious that she is terribly saddened
and depressed, but she is willing to talk if it helps to avenge her fallen
The mayor's house is also where Helena Raystein, a priestess of
the Elven goddess Asteria, is resting. She is the sole survivor of the
previous adventuring party sent to scout Tyr by Captain Barkman.
While her physical wounds have been treated and dressed, it is
obvious she feels incredible survivor's guilt over the loss of her
friends. When the party asks, she is willing to tell what she knows
about the attacker in the hope it will help her deal with the guilt.
"We were a five-man group... At the Captain's request, we
headed out in search of what had attacked Tyr. Be careful of what
you wish for, you know?
"...We did end up finding the monster's lair, though it appeared
empty. Not sure when it would return, our leader planned out a
surprise attack in hopes that we could fight off whatever it was. The
only thing is, whatever the beast was, it was lurking over our heads
at the time and kept to the air as it attacked us, at first anyway. It
knew before we did that we were outclassed, and when it finally
came down to the ground to fight, it was all over. By the time we
even thought of withdrawing, we were getting overrun. I was the only
one... the only one who..."
As Helena recalls the horror of the battle, she gets choked up
remembering the loss of her friends. After a few minutes, though,
she continues.

"The beast... It had the head of a lion, a goat, and a dragon. Not
only was it able to fly around like it was nothing, but it was able to
use magic as well."
A PC with the Sage class can make a Monster Knowledge check
(TN 13) and, if successful, knows that the monster Helena is
describing is a Chimera.
"It lives over in some ruins in Bloodrain Mountain, past the Dark
Forest to the east. The ruins are fairly large, but when I escaped, I
found a much faster way out. I'm sure if you go through that way,
you'll come across the monster's lair much faster than we did."

If the PCs ask for more information about Helena's party, she
will tell them the following information.

Dan (Human/Male/22 yrs.)

Fighter Level 5, Party Leader
Rex (Runefolk/Male/14 yrs.)
Fencer Level 5, Scout Level 5
Io (Human/Male/26 yrs.)
Sorcerer Level 4
Giglitte (Grassrunner/Male/33 yrs.)
Bard Level 4, Marksman Level 4

Helena can draw a map to the lair and is willing to accompany

the PCs if they would let her. As GM, if the party has 3 or fewer
PCs, it is recommended that Helena comes along. While she may
not be the most dangerous in melee, her healing magic should be
more than enough to help the PCs when necessary.

Helena Raystein
(Elf/Female/26 yrs.)
Dexterity 17 (+2) Adventurer Level 5
Agility 21 (+3)
Fortitude 7 HP 30
Strength 10 (+1)
Willpower 9 MP 40
Vitality 15 (+2)
Intelligence 24 (+4)
Spirit 25 (+4)

Class Level Combat Feats,

Priest 5 (Magic Techniques/Spellsongs
(Asteria) Power 9) [Metamagic/Targets]
Fencer 2 [Metamagic/Distance]
Ranger 3 [MP Save/Priest]
Crit Extra
Name Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
Rate Damage
4 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 ⑨ 3
Equipment Evasion Defense Equipment, Items, etc.
Cloth Armor Adventurer's Kit, Holy Symbol
6 2

Known Trade Common Money Cash

Languages Elven 2,000G

Before the party leaves, Helena speaks one last time.

"Oh, I just remembered something! As I was running, I saw a

group of Trolls heading toward the beast's lair. It was quick, and I
didn't want to be killed by them after escaping the monster, but I
think there might have been four of them."

As the conversation with Helena winds down, there is a sudden

commotion and significant noise outside. Screams echo through the
town, and a fire can be seen reflecting in the window.

Chimera Attack
The attack was quick and sudden. As the party looks outside,
fires have spread throughout the small village. A strange creature is
in the air, spewing flames as it hovers over the town. Against the
twilight sky, the red flames give this beast a hellish appearance.
As Helena fled from the Chimera, it assumed that she was fleeing
towards another settlement. Taking its time to lull the people into a
false sense of security, the Chimera strikes at dusk in hopes of
causing the most confusion and panic. Over the screams of the
townsfolk and the raging fires, it's possible to hear the Chimera
talking to itself.

"Gahahaha! Letting that woman run away was the right idea, after
all! Now I have a whole town to feast on!"

The Chimera is deliberately speaking in Trade Common,

hoping to demoralize anyone who hears it. Currently, the Chimera
is hovering around 50m up from the village. If the PCs attempt to
attack it, it will fly another 10m high (to 60m), attack the party with
its magic (as it has the Combat Feat [Metamagic/Distance]), and then
fly away.
Chimeras are typically very smart, very cunning creatures and will
take any chance they get to be sneaky when approaching what they
would consider to be prey. In this situation, the Chimera avoids any

provocation and only attacks in a situation that is decidedly in its
favor. Once attacked, the Chimera will only stay in the area for two
rounds at most. The GM should make it obvious that the PCs are
outmatched when trying to fight the Chimera in this situation.
Should the PCs take cover, hide, or try to help out the villagers,
the Chimera will stick around for another round to see the panic it
has caused, then fly off. In the morning, it is apparent that the
Chimera had taken any unprotected livestock away as food when

Into the Dark Forest

With Helena's map and knowledge, it is apparent that the fastest
way to the Chimera's lair is through the Dark Forest. If the PCs
know it is a Chimera (due to earlier Monster Knowledge checks),
they will know that the cows the Chimera has taken will only feed it
for a week. Helena will let the party know if they are still unaware of
what kind of creature it is when discussing travel preparations.
It will take a minimum of three days to head to Bloodrain
Mountain, though the party will reach the outskirts of the Dark
Forest after a half-day's travel.

As the name suggests, the Dark Forest is a deep forest with a

thick canopy, letting very little light through, even at midday.
Though you could see the peak of Bloodrain Mountain during the
travel here, nothing can be seen beyond the trees in your way. (Map
in hand/With Helena's guidance), you press forward in search of the

Inside the Dark Forest, the light is dim but enough that
additional light from torches isn't required.
Each day the party is in the Dark Forest, a PC Scout or Ranger
can make a check, adding their Intelligence Modifier, in order to
determine if the party is lost or not. If the party is alone, the TN for
this check is 12; if Helena is accompanying them, her advice reduces

the TN to 10. Each failed check results in another day lost in the
Dark Forest.
After the second check is rolled (whether it is successful or not),
the party will come across a group of Barbarous.

Troll Encounter
As the party continues through the woods, the light of a bonfire
catches your attention. Carefully approaching it, it reveals a small
group of Barbarous sitting around the fire. Though few in number,
these Barbarous are quite large and covered with rocky skin.
These Barbarous, a group of Trolls, have been sent from the
City of Mist in order to kill the Chimera. Typically nocturnal, they
camp during the day. There are five trolls altogether. The leader is
a Dark Troll with 8 Sword Shards.
A successful Danger Sense check (TN 12) will notice the Trolls
at 20m away. Failure will mean the Trolls notice the party
If the Danger Sense check is successful, a PC who speaks
Giantish can listen to the Barbarous openly discussing their plans to
attack the Chimera. Their plan, however, is to attack the Chimera's
lair head-on, and until they get there, they will try to avoid any sort
of combat in order to fight at their full strength.
A failed Danger Sense check will have the Trolls on edge, though
they will not attack immediately. Due to the daylight, the Trolls are
at a disadvantage and will try to leave if approached aggressively. If
approached with the intent to negotiate, the Trolls will not respond.
The Trolls can be attacked, in which case they will attack back
in kind. However, if one of the Trolls falls in combat or three rounds
have passed, they will attempt to retreat and use [Cure Heart] in
order to heal any wounds they may have. If retreat is not possible,
they will fight to the death.

If the PCs defeat all of the Trolls, they will find a missive in
addition to whatever loot the Trolls have. This missive is written in

both Barbaric as well as Giantish and has a small map showing
where the Chimera's lair is.

Barbaric: "Top Priority. Find the Beast. Defeat. Never forgive."

Giantish: "Find and kill the monster that attacked our city. As it
is, the damage done has delayed our counteroffensive operation
significantly. Therefore, that beast cannot be overlooked any longer.
This mission takes top priority, even over combat with humans. Do
not return until this mission is complete."

To the Ruins of Bloodrain Mountain

After the third successful check from a Scout or Ranger, the PCs
will find themselves at the foot of Bloodrain Mountain. It is just after
noon, and the sun is still quite high in the sky.
Upon seeing the mountain, you can see why it is called Bloodrain
Mountain. Streaks of red run down the sides of the mountain,
almost as if the earth itself is bleeding. The mountain itself is quite
steep, and there are few trees that will grow in the shadow of the
mountain. Looking at the peak of the mountain, you can see the
ruins of an ancient fortress built into the rock. Perhaps this is the
lair of the beast that you've been looking for.

Attacking the Lair from the Front

If the party attempts to attack the ruins from the front, they will
have to climb a mountain slope that offers a good view but poor
footing. When climbing the slope, every 10m requires a Climb
check, with a total of 5 successful Climb checks to reach the peak.
Additionally, the Chimera can see the party approaching and will fly
out and attack from the sky.

Looking for Alternate Entrances

If the party decides to look around for alternate entrances or
exits to the ruins, a successful Search check (TN 12) will reveal a
forgotten entrance to the ruins behind some overgrown shrubs at
the foot of the mountain. Looking inside, a long staircase stretches

up into the distance and appears as though it can reach the peak of
the mountain.

a: Entrance
A sturdy entranceway made entirely of smooth, carved stone. It
seems to be a typical ruin from the Al Menas period, perhaps an old
fortress or barracks. There are a couple of heavy wooden doors,
broken and fallen over, and there are countless scars of battle carved
into the smooth walls.
The width of the corridor is about 3m wide, large enough for two
average people to walk side by side. There is a short corridor, about
5m long, then a long stairway reaches up into the darkness. In order
to continue, a light needs to be used.

There is no special mechanism to open the doors, as they are

already on the ground outside. Looking around, it is obvious this
entranceway has seen no use in quite some time due to the thick
dust and lack of footprints. In order to continue up the staircase, a
torch or other light needs to be used.

b: Crossroads
This small area used to be a crossroad within the ruins. However,
the left passageway continues for 5m, then ends abruptly in a pile of
collapsed dirt and stone. There is a door 10m down the right
passageway, and the staircase in front continues upward,
disappearing into darkness.

The collapsed passage to the left is a dead end, with no possible

passage through to whatever may have been on the other side. The
door to the right is locked and requires a Scout's Disable Device
check (TN 14) to open successfully.

c: Armory Room Size: 15m x 20m
The door opens into a rectangular room with countless old
weapons lined up against the walls. It's possible there may be some
usable weapons where you could spend some time looking through
the racks. There is also a large chest against the far wall.

Weapons of all kinds line the walls. These weapons are fairly old
B-rank weapons, so even if the party were to take them back and
sell them, they would be worth half as much due to age. A Scout can
find a couple of special weapons with good Search checks. A Search
check (TN 14) finds a Magic Flamberge +1, while a Search check
(TN 18) finds a Magic Tempest +1. These weapons can also be
found using [Mana Search]
The chest is locked and trapped. A Search check (TN 15) will
find there is a mechanism that triggers when the chest is opened,
and a Disable Device check (TN 15) will disable the mechanism. A
separate Disable Device check (TN 15) needs to be made to actually
open the chest.
The trap will trigger if the chest is opened without disabling the
trap or if the Disable Device check to disable the mechanism fails
twice. The chest explodes, dealing 2d + 20 fire magic damage to
everyone in the room, with a Fortitude check (TN 16) to take half
the damage.
The chest contains 3 Treat Potions, 2 10MP Mako Stones, and
5,000G in silver. If the trap is triggered, only the coins remain among
the rubble. Everything else is broken and useless.

d: Guarded Room Room Size: 15m x 30m
This room originally was a much larger room. However, it seems
there was a great collapse on the left side of the room, burying it in
dirt and sand. There are a couple of crushed sentry robots among
the rubble, but the intact sentries along the back of the room seem
to be a more pressing issue.

The room was originally a storage area for Gar-UI robots, though
only two remain intact and functional. They will attack any intruders
who come into the room and will chase them throughout the ruins.
However, they will not follow any intruders outside.
There is a hidden door behind where one of the Gar-UIs stands.
After defeating the robots, the closest PC will notice the door
without any check required.

e: Spiral Staircase
Behind the secret door is a short passage leading to a spiral
staircase heading up. A foul odor drifts from above, some vile mix
of rotten meat and monster musk.

This staircase leads to the room where the Chimera has its lair.
The Chimera is too large to fit into the staircase, and so uses it like
a trash chute, tossing old carcasses and such into the staircase. As
the party heads up the stairs, they will come across a number of
bodies. Most of these are skeletons, though there are some bodies
of animals and humanoids with some rotting flesh still clinging to
the bones.

Showdown with the Chimera

At the top of the staircase is a half-open door. Peeking through
the gap in the door, you see the source of your recent troubles.
Prepare yourselves - the Chimera is near!

At the top of the staircase is a door, behind which is the lair of

the Chimera. The room is about 15m x 30m, with one wall
completely collapsed, allowing the Chimera to see outside. From
here, the Chimera can come and go as it pleases, flying out over the
Dark Forest without hassle.
From here, the encounter will proceed differently, depending on
how the party progresses throughout the adventure.

① The Party never got lost heading to the lair

If the party never lost its way during any sort of travel, the
Chimera is awake, though lying about 15m away from the door. Two
Stone Servants created by the Chimera are each standing about 20m
from the door, facing out over the mountain to keep a lookout. If
the party attacks now, they will receive a +2 bonus to Initiative.

② The Party is a day late or waits for a while

If the party is late to the top, whether due to getting lost for a day
or just waiting around, the Troll warriors from the Dark Forest will
make their way to the peak and begin fighting with the Chimera.
If the party sits by, the Chimera will win the fight, completely
annihilating the Trolls. However, it will lose both Stone Servants as
well as half its MP (though it will be at full HP due to using Drain
Touch on a Troll).
If the PCs choose to fight alongside the Trolls, they will work
together to fight the Chimera. However, a Troll will have fallen for
each round the PCs were on the sidelines. Of course, if the PCs had
attacked and defeated the Trolls back in the Dark Forest, this would
not have happened.

③ The Party is 2 or more days late

In this situation, the battle between the Chimera and the Trolls
will have already occurred, with the Trolls being wiped out. By this
point, the Chimera has repaired its Stone Servants and is in a perfect
position to fight. Because of the Troll attack, the Chimera is alert,
and so the party does not receive any bonuses.

Adjusting the Chimera's Strength
If there are 4 PCs in the party, the Chimera should be given 9
Sword Shards in order to increase its HP and MP by a considerable
amount. For 3 or fewer PCs traveling without Helena, reduce the
Sword Shards to 5, and remove the Stone Servants entirely. For 5
or more PCs, increase the Sword Shards to 15 and double the
number of Stone Servants (to four).

Fighting the Chimera

The Chimera has high Intelligence and should be played as a
smart, cunning monster. It will use magic and Flame Breath against
those enemies in heavy armor while moving into melee range against
those with light armor. It will also send Stone Servants to attack
those in the Rearguard/hiding in the back (depending upon the
Combat rules used).
The Chimera has 5 sections, so there needs to be three or more
opponents in order to block its movement. The PCs will be
overwhelmingly disadvantaged if they do not attack swiftly and with
their full power. However, due to its large size, the Chimera cannot
easily attack anything within the doorframe.
As long as the Goat Head is alive, it will try to cast [Spark] on any
party member hanging back, as well as use [Drain Touch] on those
in melee with it. It will also use [Forbid Magic] in order to try and
shut down any spellcasters and strengthen the Stone Servants using
[Intense Control].

Chimera's Treasures
In addition to the loot that drops upon the Chimera's defeat,
there is also 10,000G worth of silver coins scattered around the
monster's lair.

The Trolls
If the PCs get the jump on the Chimera and manage to defeat it
before the Trolls arrive, they will appear after the battle is over.
However, they will not attack the PCs unless attacked and will
respect them for taking out the Chimera. Upon leaving, the Dark
Troll leader will speak to the party in Trade Common.

"I didn't think there were strong enough heroes among the
humans that could take out the Chimera. I'm glad to be proven
wrong. However, the next time we meet, we will be enemies. And
I'm looking forward to that day, so that way I can fight the great
heroes at their best."

Upon defeating the Chimera and returning to Kashkarn, the
scenario ends. On the way back, there are no special events, and the
PCs can stay in Molsen for a day to regain their bearings.
In addition to the reward from Captain Barkman, the party will
receive 1,000 + (1d x 10) Experience Points, as well as the
Experience Points for all of the monsters defeated along the way. If
the party manages to avoid the fight with the Trolls in the Dark
Forest, they will receive Experience for that as well.

Subsequent Developments
By killing the Chimera, the PCs will have earned the trust and
respect of Captain Barkman, and further requests may come
directly from his master, Princess General Magdalena Yates. Also,
if the party managed to talk to the Trolls at all, they are aware that a
Barbarous invasion of Kashkarn is planned soon, and preparations
need to be made for that.
In any case, the continent of Razeldawn is always full of threats
and danger, so the players have no end to the adventures to choose

Faith of the Barbarous

Some Barbarous, like humans, do find solace in the gods and

have taken to worshiping them and performing miracles in their
name. These Barbarous are followers of the Gods of the Second
Sword, Ignis, which are known among the civilized races as the
Malevolent Gods.
As with humans, there are Barbarous of the same type, the same
clan who have widely differing beliefs. Much like humanoid priests,
they seek to go out and spread the word and teachings of their gods
to others.

Alternate Basic Divine Spells

While Barbarous can become priests, able to learn and cast

divine spells, some spells are unavailable to them due to their very
natures. At the same time, there are some spells that are only
available to Barbarous priests.
Specifically, Barbarous priests are unable to use the 1st level spell
[Banish], as well as the 4th level spells [Sacred Weapon] and [Sacred
Shield]. However, they make up for it by being able to cast the 1st-
level spell [Fear] and the 4th-level spells [Vice Weapon] and [Vice

Fear Cost 3MP

Target Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. Neg
Sum. Strikes fear into the hearts of Humanoids
For each Undead or Humanoid in the area that fails to resist, roll 2d6
and consult the table below to determine Fear's effect.
Fear Effects
Die Effect
The target panics and goes berserk. For 30 seconds (3 rounds),
it receives a +2 bonus to Accuracy and a -2 penalty to Evasion.
If the target has an intelligence score, it cannot use any actions
that require a reason or cast any spells.
The target is consumed by fear, slowing its movements. For 3
5-9 minutes (18 rounds), it receives a -1 penalty on all Accuracy,
Evasion, and other Skill Checks.
The target flees. If it cannot flee, it cowers in fear and cannot
take any actions for ten seconds (1 round). After that round, it
can act normally again.

Vice Weapon Cost 3MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Imbues the target's weapon with divine power that harms Humanoids
The target's melee and ranged weapon attacks receive a +1 bonus to
Effect Accuracy and deal +2 physical damage when attacking an Undead or
Humanoid creature.

Vice Shield Cost 4MP

1 3 minutes
Target Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Res. Neg
Character (18 r)
Sum. Invokes a divine shield on the target that wards off Humanoid attacks
The target takes -3 physical damage from attacks by Humanoid and
Undead creatures.

Gods of the Barbarous

Barbarous follow the gods of the Second Sword, Ignis. When

using a Barbarous character that is a Priest, choose which god the
Barbarous follows and grant them the appropriate spells. The gods
introduced here are unavailable for PC Priests to choose from.

Ancient Gods
"God of War", Dalkhrem
The oldest and most powerful of the gods is given power by
Ignis. For more information, refer to the Core Rulebook I, p. 358.

Major Gods
"Goddess of Decay" Bragzabas
A major god born during the War of the Gods, Bragzabas is the
master of poisons, illnesses, and rot. Often seen as a beautiful
woman with a mysterious smile, there are other depictions showing
fetid wings and rotten tails.
During the War of the Gods, she suffered greatly at the hands of
those enlightened by the First Sword, Lumiere. In retaliation, she
crafted a plague so vile that even the other gods powered by Ignis
could see the true evil inside Bragzabas' heart.
Reveling in turmoil and despair, she delights in spreading death
and disease indiscriminately. Her followers see these acts and follow
in her footsteps, trying to kill as many as they can and dedicating
their own souls to the goddess. However, despite appearing to be
carefree and wild, Bragzabas is incredibly crafty and often has brutal
plans secretly carried out by her followers.

"Immortal God" Metissier
The god of death and immortality, Metissier, is a blasphemous
god, seeking to control over an army of immortals himself. Often
depicted as a thoughtful, handsome young man, there are some who
show Metissier as an older, muscular, and robust man. Those who
yearn for immortality no matter the cost can find solace among his
worshipers, and occasionally even power-mad sorcerers, self-
centered and corrupt, will take up the worship of Metissier.
Irredeemably scarring the souls of his followers to the point
where they become undead, he looks to see if the power granted by
such gifts can be collected into a single vessel for his own use. By
following Metissier, a Barbarous Priest is taking steps to try and
become immortal themselves. Perhaps as a by-product of this path,
or perhaps by failing their quest, these priests are accompanied by
several various undead. Those who succeed in their quest for
immortality become Nosferatu, and even go so far as to consider
themselves "nobles" among the Barbarous. Such nosferatu tend to
settle in the castles and labyrinths they grew up in originally,
surrounding themselves with throngs of undead servants.

"Mad God" Laris

A mysterious god, his origins are shrouded in mystery. As they
have a far different, nearly alien, way of thinking and set of morals,
daemons are almost exclusively followers of Laris. Their worship is
exceedingly incomprehensible for humanoids or Barbarous, and so
the power of the Mad God is extremely difficult to acquire. And
powerful he is indeed, allowing even the undead to return the dead
to life, making Laris one of the most powerful gods in Raxia. Due
to the various contracts and binding magics, daemons are often
unable to act on their own desires. However, when unleashed upon
Raxia and given Laris' protections, the actions of these daemons is
both incredibly cruel and amazingly reckless. Despite the risks of
following the Mad God, there are those humanoids and Barbarous
who have slipped into the embrace of madness, and these few have
been able to learn of Laris and his power.

Specialized Divine Spells of Dalkhrem, God of War

War Cry Cost 6MP

6m 10 seconds
Target Range/Area Self/- Duration Res. Neg
Radius/20 (1 r)
Sum. Raise a savage cry, uplifting allies, and frightening foes Type Psychic
All Barbarous within the area of effect deal an extra +2 physical damage
with melee and ranged attacks.

Frenzy Cost 8MP

6m 3 minutes
Target Range/Area Self/- Duration Res. Neg
Radius/20 (18 r)
Sum. Extinguishes fear and drives all affected into a blind fury Type Curse
All those affected by this spell will fight to the death so long as they detect
any characters hostile to them. While affected by Frenzy, a character cannot
be affected by any Psychic-type effects, and they increase all damage dealt
(physical or magical) by +2 points.

Berserk☆ Cost 8MP

3 minutes
Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. Fly into an anger-fueled rage Type Psychic
While affected by this spell, the caster increases their Accuracy,
Fortitude, and Willpower by +3 points, as well as dealing an extra +6 physical
Effect damage with all melee attacks. However, they also receive a -3 penalty to their
Evasion, and cannot cast any other spells.
Casting this spell is a Minor Action.

Troops of Ignis Cost 20MP

6m 3 minutes
Target Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Res. N/A
Radius/20 (18 r)
Sum. Grants the target Dalkhrem's blessings
If the target is Barbarous, that character can use Dalkhrem's Specialized
Divine Spells up to 7th level for the duration of this spell. If this spell's
duration expires while another spell is active, the spell remains active for its
total duration.

Specialized Divine Spells of Bragzabas, God of Decay

Wounding Word Cost 2MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 30m/Target Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. Speak a word so vile it hurts the target Type Curse
Effect Deals Power 0 + Magic Power damage.

Rot Cost 5MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. Neg

Sum. Rotting touch damages the body and ruins herbs Type Neg
Deals 6 damage. Additionally, if the target fails to resist this spell, any
held medicinal herbs and potions decay and are rendered useless.

Disease Cost 10MP

Target Range/Area 10m/Target Duration 3 Days Res. Neg
Sum. Causes disease in those affected Type Disease
A vile disease, those affected reduce their Dexterity, Agility, and
Strength by -6 points (this cannot reduce an attribute to 0 or less), as well as
reducing their HP by -1. If the target has fixed values, instead, they take a +6
to their movement speed and a -1 to their Accuracy and Evasion.
This effect can only be cured by an effect that restores the disease type,
such as [Cure Disease] (see CR I, p. 252).

Poison Mist Cost 15MP

Target Range/Area Self/- Duration Instant Res. Neg
Sum. Creates a deadly fog, hiding the caster Type Poison
A poison mist fills the area, dealing Power 10 + Magic Power poison
damage to all in the area. Additionally, if a character fails to resist this spell,
they are blinded for 30 seconds (3 rounds), and if they are in a skirmish, the
next Major Action they take during their turn must be "Retreat the skirmish".
Characters with "Magic" or "Mechanical" Perception are immune to
being blinded and driven away but will still receive damage.

Specialized Divine spells of Metissier, God of Immortality

Self Regeneration Cost 3MP

Target Caster Range/Area Self/- Duration minutes Res. N/A
(18 r)
Sum. With divine blessings, regenerate your own HP
Recover 3 HP at the end of your turn. This healing also affects Undead
and Constructs.

Steal Life Cost 6MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Instant Res. Neg

Sum. Drains the target of vitality, restoring it to the caster Type Curse
Deals Power 10 + Magic Power damage. The caster then recovers HP
Effect equal to the total damage dealt. This healing also affects Undead and

Summon Undead Cost 12MP

Target Any Point Range/Area 10m/Target Duration 1 Hour Res. N/A

Sum. Calls an Undead monster and gives it directions
An Undead monster, whose level is equal to or lower than the Priest
level of the caster, is summoned to the area the caster desires. The called
undead will follow the caster's directions for the duration of this spell, after
which they will revert to their own instincts.

Raise Dead Cost 20MP

Target 1 Corpse Range/Area Touch/- Duration Instant Res. N/A

Sum. Resurrects the dead
This can only be cast on a corpse, which will return to life if successful.
Effect The Target Number for this spell is equal to the days elapsed since death.
This spell takes an hour to cast.

Specialized Divine spells of Laris, God of Madness

Mana Sink Cost 5MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Instant Res. Half

Sum. A sudden mental attack, preventing the use of magic Type Curse
Effect Deals Power 0 + Magic Power magic damage to the target's MP.

Deafness Cost 8MP

Target 1 Character Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Instant Res. Neg

Seizes mana around the target's ears, preventing them from
Sum. Type Curse
Effect The target's hearing is lost for 3 minutes (18 rounds).

Summon Aetherbeast Cost 6MP

Target Any Point Range/Area 10m/Target Duration Permanent Res. N/A

Sum. Summon and control an Aetherbeast
Call an Aetherbeast (see p. 312) to the spot directed by the caster.
Effect Directions are given by the caster as a Minor Action, but left undirected, the
Aetherbeast will act on their own desires.

Summon Insects Cost 10MP

1 3 minutes
Target 3 10m/Target Duration Res. Temporary
Character (18 r)
Sum. Conjures poisonous and stinging insects around the target Type Poison
At the end of your turn, the target is dealt Power 10 + Magic Power
damage. This damage cannot be critical. If this spell isn't Temporary, the
target automatically fails any Willpower checks from damaging spells with
Effect "Resist: Half" or "Resist: Neg".
If the target is subject to a wide range of spells, such as Fire, Water/Ice,
Wind, Earth, Bludgeoning, and Energy type spells, the insects will be driven
away, and this spell's effect will end.


Here are a number of new monsters for the GM to use in

creating their own threatening scenarios.

New Additions

This book has a few new additions to the bestiary.

New Monster Type: Fairy

These fairies are much larger and more powerful than those
commonly seen around Fairy Tamers. Infused with a significant
amount of mana, they retain the child-like nature and mischievous
streak of their smaller brethren. However, they are not actively
malicious but have a short attention span and will create accidents
due to their negligence.

Core Section: ** (##)

Some monsters may have multiple core sections. ** will be the
name of the core section, while ## is either (one) or (all).

Core Section: ** (One)

If a monster has even one of its core sections reduced to 0 HP,
it will be unable to continue fighting.

Core Section: ** (All)

A monster with this designation requires all of its core sections
to be reduced to 0 HP in order for it to stop fighting.

Using Techniques with Multiple Sections

Some monsters may have multiple sections that can use
techniques similar to Enhancers. In such cases, the monster

subtracts the appropriate MP from each section to be affected. For
example, if a Manticore (with 2 sections, Front and Back) were to
use the technique [Beetleskin], both the Front and Back sections
would each have to spend 3 MP to be affected.

Experience for Monsters with Multiple Sections

When determining how many Experience Points to give to
players, a GM may consider a monster with multiple sections as the
equivalent number of monsters of that level. To use the Manticore
again, it is a level 6 monster with 2 sections, so the GM can treat that
as two level 6 monsters defeated.

Treasure and Looting Monsters with Multiple Sections

When searching a monster with multiple sections for loot after
combat, the GM may allow the players to roll a number of times
equal to the total sections of the monster defeated. However,
"Always" found loot can only be found once, no matter the number
of sections the monster may have had.


2 Sahagin
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses Lang: Barbaric, Gilman
Hab: Coast, River Delta Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 10 / 13 Init: 10 Move Spd: 12 / 16 (Swimming)
Fort: 4 (11) Will: 3 (10)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 3 (10) 2d+2 3 (10) 2 20 10
Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts.
[Underwater Aptitude] Loot
A Sahagin is able to move in water without 2-7 None
penalty. Sahagin Trident
8 - 10
Ornate Trident

An aquatic barbarous, Sahagin are a slave tribe to Gilmen, often used as labor and soldiers.
Their appearance is little more than that of a fish with limbs, so as a race, Sahagin are very
self-conscious and timid. However, when ordered, they will move out of the deeper waters
towards the shore and attack, sometimes going after smaller boats, sometimes attacking
those who may be on the shore.

3 Centaur
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Barbaric, Centaur, Trade Common
Hab: Grasslands Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 10 / 13 Init: 12 Move Spd: 22 Fort: 5 (12) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 5 (12) 2d+2 3 (10) 1 25 18
Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts.
[Fairy Magic (Level 2) / Magic Power 4 (11)] Loot
A Centaur may cast Fairy Magic as a second- 2-7 None
level Fairy Tamer. For individual spell effects, 8 - 10 Battle Gear (30G)
refer to that spell's description. 11+ Fine Outfit (120G)
[Charge / 5 (12) / Evasion / Negated]
This attack can only be used after moving, in
which case it does 2d+7 physical damage.
A tribe of barbarous whose upper body is connected to the body of a horse. While
considered to be one of the many tribes of barbarous, Centaurs are incredibly proud and
independent, rarely interacting willingly with other barbarous. Centaurs also tend to be
excellent soldiers, their pride leading them to be among the first to charge into battle.

4 Deep Gremlin
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses
Lang: Barbaric, Youma, Trade Common, Arcana
Hab: Mountains, Highlands Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 8 / 13 Init: 11 Move Spd: 10 / 18 (Flying)
Fort: 4 (11) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 4 (11) 2d 5 (12) 0 21 27
Unique Skills W. P.: Wind Damage +3 pts.
[Truespeech Magic (Level 4) / Magic Power 7 Loot
(14)] 2-6 None
A Deep Gremlin may cast Truespeech Magic as 7 - 10 Strange Necklace
a fourth-level Sorcerer. For individual spell (160G)
effects, refer to that spell's description. 11+ Beautiful Necklace
[Flight] (300G)
A Deep Gremlin receives a +1 bonus to
Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
A variant of Gremlin (see CR I: p. 439-452), these barbarous have strikingly purple skin.
They are also a bit larger than their kin, ending up roughly the size of a human child. Deep
Gremlins are also much more brutally cunning, going above and beyond what would
normally be considered harmless pranks. For example, a Deep Gremlin "prank" will see
them kill some livestock, disguise themselves as one of the dying animals, and call out to
human children in order to scare and terrify them.

4 Boggart Swordsman
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Youma
Hab: Forest, Mountains Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 9 / 14 Init: 11 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 5 (12) 2d+3 6 (13) 2 21 14
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Twin Strike & Double Attack] Loot
A Boggart Swordsman can make two Weapon 2-5 Weapon x2 (60G)
attacks each round, though each attack requires 6+ Keen Weapon x2
its own Accuracy check. They may choose to (200G)
attack different characters with each attack.
[Continuous Attack]
If a Boggart Swordsman successfully hits a target
in melee, they may make a second attack against the same target.
A Boggart Swordsman may use the [Cat's Eyes] Technique.
Much leaner than most Boggarts (see CR I: p. 439-452), these Boggart Swordsmen more
than make up for it in speed and agility. They leverage this improved agility by dual-wielding
weapons, turning them into very dangerous opponents. Even among Boggarts, a Boggart
Swordsman is often involved in scouting and covert operations.

4 Lizardman
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Barbaric, Lizardman, Dragonic
Hab: Swamps, Wetlands Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 11 / 14 Init: 10 Move Spd: 13 / 13 (Swimming)
Fort: 6 (13) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 6 (13) 2d+4 4 (11) 5 22 15
Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts.
[Tail Swing] Loot
A Lizardman can use their tail to attack up to 5 2-9 None
targets. Accuracy and Damage is the same as a 10+ Seven-color Scales
normal attack, and this attack cannot be used in (220G)
consecutive rounds.
[Underwater Aptitude]
A Lizardman is able to move in water without
Lizardmen are one of the more aquatically inclined barbarous, preferring to spend time in
swamps and other wetlands worshiping their dragon gods. Standing just shy of 2m, they
look like upright lizards, though they take offense if mistaken for lildraken.
While they are unable to breathe underwater, Lizardmen can hold their breath for up to
an hour, like elves, and similarly have houses with both dry and wet sections.

5 Androscorpion
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Androscorpion, Magitech
Hab: Desert, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 12 / 15 Init: 12 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 7 (14)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon (Upper Body) 7 (14) 2d+5 7 (14) 6 24 26
Tail (Lower Body) 8 (15) 2d+4 6 (13) 5 28 12
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts.
Main Section: Upper Body
Unique Skills Loot
• Upper Body Always Scorpion Shell (50G)
[Magitech (Level 4) / Magic Power 6 (13)] 2-6 None
An Androscorpion may cast Magitech spells as 7 - 11 Poison Stinger (100G)
a fourth-level Artificer. For individual spell 12+ Poison Stinger with
effects, refer to that spell's description. Intact Poison Sac
[Ranged Attack (Precise Shot) / 6 (13) / Evasion (800G)
/ Negated]
An Androscorpion is able to attack with a readied gun, whose Max. Magazine is 4, and the
range is 20m.
• Lower Body
[Tail Poison / 5 (12) / Fort / Negated]
If the Androscorpion's Lower Body hits with their Tail attack, the target must immediately
make a Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra 6 Poison magic damage.
When the Lower Body section is reduced to 0 HP or fewer, the Androscorpion receives
a -2 penalty to Evasion.
These odd barbarous have a humanoid upper body growing out of the lower body of a
giant scorpion.
Living in deserts and around ruins, androscorpions are fairly capable Artificers in their own
right, and they will often be seen carrying and wearing the various spoils of their expeditions,
whether armor, weapons, or strong magical artifacts.

5 Boggart Trooper
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Youma
Hab: Forest, Mountains Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 10 / 15 Init: 10 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 6 (13) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 7 (14) 2d+5 5 (12) 7 32 17
Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts.
[Power Attack] Loot
A Boggart Trooper can deal an additional 4 2-7 High-quality Weapon
damage on their next attack. However, any (150G)
Evasion Check made by the Boggart Trooper 8+ Extravagant Weapon
this turn receives a -2 penalty. (500G)
[Continuous Attack]
If a Boggart Trooper successfully hits a target in
melee, they may make a second attack against
the same target.
A Boggart Trooper may use the [Beetleskin] and [Bear Muscle] Techniques.
This particular breed of Boggart (see CR I: p. 439-452) is twice as tall as normal Boggarts
and is just as muscular. Often seen at the head of Boggart groups, Troopers are often in
charge of defending their home base, if not leading the attack. A favorite hobby is seeking
out the largest and most foolhardy braggarts and taking them down with little effort.

5 Merman
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Merman, Elven
Hab: Oceans Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 11 / 14 Init: 12 Move Spd: 5 / 20 (Swimming)
Fort: 6 (13) Will: 7 (14)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 7 (14) 2d+6 7 (14) 4 30 19
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Underwater Specialization] Loot
A Merman can breathe and vocalize while Always Rusty Spear (50G)
underwater and does not suffer any penalties for 2-6 None
moving while underwater. While outside of 7+ Beautiful Shell (180G)
water, all actions receive a -2 penalty.
[Water/Ice Immunity]
A Merman takes no damage from Water/Ice-type effects.
A Merman can choose any number of allies in the same skirmish and will automatically
receive any damage dealt to those allies instead.
They are a so-called mermaid whose lower bodies are fish. Since they lived in the sea, they
had little contact with other Barbarous and Humanoids, and they remained neutral during
the Magitech Civilization Period. They are mild-mannered, thoughtful, and do not like
conflict; they are enemies with Gilman, and are sometimes allied with Elves because of it.

6 Centaur Impaler
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Barbaric, Centaur, Youma
Hab: Grasslands Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 11 / 17 Init: 15 Move Spd: 30 Fort: 8 (15) Will: 7 (14)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 8 (15) 2d+8 7 (14) 6 43 28
Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts.
[Fairy Magic (Level 4) / Magic Power 6 (13)] Loot
A Centaur Impaler may cast Fairy Magic as a 2-6 Spear (50G)
fourth-level Fairy Tamer. For individual spell 7-9 Heraldic Spear (150G)
effects, refer to that spell's description. 10+ Well-Balanced Spear
[Charge / 7 (14) / Evasion / Negated] (600G)
This attack can only be used after Normal
Move, in which case it does 2d+14 physical damage.
Spear cavalry of centaurs, Impalers are often young and anxious to show off their military
training. Despite their youth, Centaur Impalers are the equivalent of knights in their
hierarchy and will often have subordinates following their commands. In combat, a Centaur
Impaler will often seek out and fight the strongest enemy on the battlefield, looking to prove
themselves on the field of battle.

6 Siren
Int: High Perc: Five Senses Lang: Barbaric, Youma, Elven, Trade Common
Hab: Coast, Ocean Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 11 / 15 Init: 12 Move Spd: 12 / 24 (Flying) Fort: 7 (14) Will: 8 (15)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claw 7 (14) 2d+4 8 (8) 3 26 26
Unique Skills W. P.: Wind Damage +3 pts.
[Spellsongs / 10 (17)] Loot
A Siren can use all of the Spellsongs 2-8 Siren's Feathered Kimono (100G)
listed in this book. Spellsongs have an 9 - 10 Beautiful Feathered Kimono (300G)
effective range of 50m, centered on
11+ Shining Feathered Kimono (1000G)
the Siren.
A Siren receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
These barbarous, resembling human women live out on open water, often on a reef, small
island, or other isolated areas. Sirens have an entertaining personality and will often create
mischief and have fun using their Spellsongs with visitors, regardless of if they're humanoids
or barbarous. Sirens are very dangerous to those at sea, however, as their beautiful, nearly
nude appearance and powerful Spellsongs can cause the entire crew of a ship to jump
overboard. It's also said that the feathered kimonos of sirens are what gives them the ability
to fly, and so people go out to try and trade for these kimonos.

6 Merman Bishop
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Merman, Elven
Hab: Ocean Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 12 / 15 Init: 12 Move Spd: 5 / 20 (Swimming) Fort: 7 (14) Will: 8 (15)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 6 (13) 2d+4 7 (14) 4 28 38
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Divine Magic (Level 6) / Magic Power 8 (15)] Loot
A Merman Bishop may cast Basic and Always Rusty Spear (50G)
Specialized Divine Magic as a sixth-level Priest. 2-6 None
[Underwater Specialization]
7 - 12 Beautiful Shell (180G)
A Merman Bishop can breathe and vocalize
13+ Silver Pearl (3,000G)
while underwater and does not suffer any
penalties for moving while underwater. While outside of water, all actions receive a -2
[Water/Ice Immunity]
A Merman Bishop takes no damage from Water/Ice-type effects.
Merman Bishops are powerful leaders who follow the gods and lead their tribes. They have
political influence and the ear of Merman chiefs. While most Merman Bishops follow the
old Gods of the first or second god, some follow recently ascended gods that are unknown
to Humanoids or Barbarous.

7 Ogre
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Ogrish, Arcana
Hab: Various Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 12 / 15 Init: 14 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 9 (16)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 10 (17) 2d+11 10 (17) 7 48 30
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
[Truespeech Magic (Level 5) / Magic Power 8 Loot
(15)] 2-8 Bag of Silver (1d x
An Ogre may cast Truespeech Magic as a fifth- 100G)
level Sorcerer. For individual spell effects, refer 9 - 12 Gems (1d x 150G)
to that spell's description.
13+ Sword Shard x3
[Magic Aptitude] (600G)
An Ogre can use the Combat Feats [Guided
Magic] and [Wordbreak].
As a Minor Action, an Ogre may take on the appearance and mannerisms of a character
they have eaten. When transformed, the Ogre's maximum HP and MP are decreased by
5. Accuracy, Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower are also reduced by 1 point each. This
form can be held up to a total of 18 hours per day.
Much larger than the Lesser species, Ogres wield significantly more power, both physically
and magically. Standing close to 3m tall, they are able to use larger equipment, to the point
that an Ogre's sword seems to be more a slab of metal with a handle than a forged sword.
Ogres want to act as though they are master tacticians, using Lesser Ogres and other
barbarous as fodder for their evil (and often cowardly) operations to attack humanoid races.
However, their success rate isn't the greatest, and those who fail often tend to be sent on
those same suicide missions by other Ogres.

7 Caesarscorpion
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Androscorpion, Magitech
Hab: Desert, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 13 / 18 Init: 14 Move Spd: 17 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 9 (16)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon (Upper Body) 9 (16) 2d+6 9 (16) 7 36 35
Pincers (Pincers) 9 (16) 2d+10 8 (15) 4 22 14
Tail (Lower Body) 8 (15) 2d+7 8 (15) 8 42 16
Sections: 3 (Upper Body / Pincers / Lower Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts.
Body) Main Section: Upper Body
Unique Skills Loot
• Upper Body Always Scorpion Shell (50G)
[Magitech (Level 5) / Magic Power 7 (14)] 2-6 None
A Caesarscorpion may cast Magitech spells as a 7 - 10 Poison Stinger with
fifth-level Artificer. For individual spell effects, Intact Poison Sac
refer to that spell's description. (800G)
[Ranged Attack (Precise Shot) / 7 (14) / Evasion 11+ Poison Stinger
/ Negated] w/Deadly Poison Sac
A Caesarscorpion is able to attack with a (1,200G)
readied gun, whose Max. Magazine is 4, and the
range is 30m.
• Lower Body
[Tail Poison / 8 (15) / Fort / Negated]
If the Caesarscorpion's Lower Body hits with their Tail attack, the target must immediately
make a Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra 8 Poison magic damage.
When the Lower Body section is reduced to 0 HP or fewer, the Upper Body and Pincers
sections of the Caesarscorpion receive a -2 penalty to Evasion.
A warrior branch of the Androscorpions, Caesarscorpions are often seen leading groups in
sorties or at the head of a squadron of Androscorpions in emergencies. As the name says,
Caesarscorpions have a pair of large pincers that can cut through enemies like scissors
through paper.

7 Minotaur
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Minotaur
Hab: Various Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 10 / 17 Init: 12 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 7 (14)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 9 (16) 2d+12 7 (14) 8 82 18
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Techniques] Loot
A Minotaur may use the [Bear Muscle], Always Minotaur Axe (475G)
[Beetleskin], [Cat’s Eyes], [Gazelle Feet] and 2-6 None
[Recovery (5 HP)] Techniques.
7-9 Big Horn (150G)
[Simultaneous Attack]
10+ Beautiful Horn (600G)
A Minotaur's Weapon attacks up to 5
characters in the same skirmish. Accuracy Check is made with a -2 penalty.
[Power Attack]
A Minotaur can deal an additional 4 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion
Check made by the Minotaur this turn receives a -2 penalty.
The creature has the body of a human and the head of a bull, a gigantic monster. It has low
intelligence, and it is ferocious, becoming uncontrollable when enraged. It is skilled at
finding sword labyrinths and sometimes lives inside them like a guardian. It prefers
Humanoid women, tormenting them for several days before devouring them.

8 Gory
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Giantish
Hab: Forest, Mountains, Caves Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 13 / 17 Init: 15 Move Spd: 26 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 8 (15)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 10 (17) 2d+11 10 (17) 8 58 12
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Rage] Loot
When the Gory's HP is 35 or less, their Fist 2 - 6 None
damage increases to 2d+14. 7 - 10 Bag of Silver (1d x 100G)
When the Gory's HP is 20 or less, their Fist
11+ Gems (1d x 300G)
damage increases to 2d+17.
When the Gory's HP is 5 or less, their Fist damage increases to 2d+20.
[Blow Away / 9 (16) / Evasion / Negated]
The Gory unleashed a massive blast of air, attacking everyone in the skirmish and dealing
2d+10 damage. Anyone hit by this attack is ejected from the skirmish and blown 10m in
the direction of the Gory's choice.
The Gory is an incredibly strong monster, standing around 3m tall. It has a hairless, dark
brown body with arms that dangle to the ground. Its hands are larger than a man's head,
making it very dangerous in melee combat. While usually seen with a smile, a serious Gory
will have a ferocious grimace. Gorys are usually found alone, but can also be employed as
bouncers by other barbarous. However, due to their fierce love of fighting, controlling a
Gory when they get riled up is often difficult.

8 Scylla
Int: High Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Youma, Arcana
Hab: Swamp, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 13 / 16 Init: 13 Move Spd: 10 / 16 (Swimming)
Fort: 10 (17) Will: 11 (18)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
9 (16) 2d+6 10 (17) 8 40 52
10 (17) 2d+9 8 (15) 3 22 10
Sections: 4 (Body / Tentacle x 3) Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts.
Main Section: Body
Unique Skills Loot
• All Sections Always Strange Cane (150G)
[Underwater Aptitude] 2 - 10 None
A Scylla is able to move in water without 11+ Skull Necklace
penalty. (2,000G)
• Body
[Truespeech Magic (Level 8) / Magic Power 11
A Scylla may cast Truespeech Magic as an eighth-level Sorcerer. For individual spell
effects, refer to that spell's description.
[Magic Aptitude]
A Scylla can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets], [Magic Convergence], [Magic
Control], [Guided Magic] and [Wordbreak].
• Tentacles
[Entangling Tentacles]
A successful hit from a Tentacle entangles the target. Each round, the entangled target is
hit automatically by the Tentacle, and makes all Accuracy and Evasion Checks with a -2
penalty. This penalty is not cumulative.
Removing the entangling tentacles requires an (Adventurer Level + Strength Modifier)
Check as opposed to the Scylla Tentacle's Accuracy check. This check may be made by
another person as well. If successful, the target is not entangled anymore.
[Soft Body]
Blunt weapons treat Scylla's Tentacle Defense as 3 points higher.
The upper half of this particular barbarous is similar to that of a beautiful human woman,
while the lower body is a mass of a dozen octopus-like tentacles. Living in swamps and
rivers, Scyllas will have their upper bodies above the water line in order to lure victims
closer. Rather intelligent, a Scylla will use the full extent of their Truespeech Magic in order
to raise an undead army to do their bidding as well. While normally quite cunning and
brutal, a Scylla will occasionally treat their favorite people as pets and allow them a little
more leniency than they would victims they plan on eating right away.

8 Dark Troll
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Giantish, Trade Common
Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 13 / 18 Init: 14 Move Spd: 17 Fort: 12 (19) Will: 10 (17)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 11 (18) 2d+12 9 (16) 9 66 44
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Weakening] Loot
As long as a Dark Troll is under sunlight, it Always Troll Blood (100G)
receives a -2 penalty to all Accuracy and Evasion 2 - 11 Gems (1d x 300G)
Checks. Strange Holy Symbol
[Divine Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 10 (17)] 12+
A Dark Troll may cast Divine Magic as a
seventh-level Priest. It is up to the GM to
determine any Special Divine Spells. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's
[Magic Aptitude]
A Dark Troll can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets], [Multi-Action], and
At the end of each round, a Dark Troll recovers 5 HP. This has no effect if the Dark Troll
is at 0 HP or lower or is under sunlight.
[Mana Strike]
A Dark Troll may deal an additional +10 damage to their next melee attack. If they do,
they receive a -1 penalty to Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower checks until their next turn.
Much leaner than a typical Troll (see CR I: p. 439-452), a Dark Troll has both an intense
sense of faith as well as a powerful love for combat. A high-ranking member of Troll society,
they stand out with their jet-black skin and dangerous aura. Dark Trolls violently hate
cowardice and will respect those who show their strength, even if they're humanoids who'll
end up getting crushed under the Dark Troll's immense power.

8 Basilisk (Human Form)
Int: High Perc: Five Senses
Lang: Barbaric, Youma, Trade Common, Basilisk, Drakish, Arcana
Hab: Desert, Ruins Disp: Various
Rep/Weak: 13 / 16 Init: 14 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 9 (16)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 10 (17) 2d+12 9 (16) 9 49 45
Unique Skills W. P.: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts.
[Truespeech Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 10 Loot
(17)] Always Basilisk Blood (200G)
A Basilisk (Human Form) may cast Truespeech 2 - 10 None
Magic as a seventh-level Sorcerer. For 11+ Petrified Eyes
individual spell effects, refer to that spell's (1,200G)
[Magic Aptitude]
A Basilisk (Human Form) can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Distance],
[Metamagic/Time], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak].
[Petrifying Gaze / 9 (16) / Will / Negated]
As a Minor Action once per round, the Basilisk (Human Form) can attempt to petrify a
target within 50m with this Curse-type effect. The target needs to pass a Willpower Check
or receive a cumulative -6 penalty to either Dexterity or Agility (randomly determined).
If either ability score drops to 0, the character immediately turns to stone. If the target uses
fixed values, they instead receive a -1 penalty to Accuracy or Evasion, turning to stone when
either reaches -3.
The target can reflect the gaze with a mirror in hand and a Willpower check of 20 or
higher, with the Basilisk petrifying itself after the third successful reflection.
[Poison Blood / 11 (18) / Fort / Negated]
Anyone who deals damage to this monster in the same skirmish will receive 2d poison
magic damage at the end of their turn.
[Monstrous Form]
As a Major Action, the Basilisk (Human Form) can change into a monstrous form,
restoring HP and MP to maximum and removing any lingering magical effects. For more
information, see the Basilisk (Monstrous Form) data. Once transformed, the Basilisk
cannot return to human form for 1 hour.
Indistinguishable from humans at first glance, a Basilisk is Barbarous with the power of
petrification. Basilisks are often seen wearing blindfolds in order to suppress their petrifying
gaze until they find the right target. Even then, the petrifying gaze can be used through the
blindfold, and petrified animal remains can often be found around a Basilisk den.
Often found in deserts, they collect various lesser Barbarous as followers and slaves, though
they have a rivalry with Drakes as to who is stronger. Despite this, if the situation calls for
it, Basilisk and Drake may work together for a greater goal, and woe comes to those who
stand in their way.

9 Basilisk (Monstrous Form)
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses
Lang: Barbaric, Youma, Trade Common, Basilisk, Drakish, Arcana
Hab: Desert, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 15 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None (Evil
- - 13 (20) 3 30 22
Bite (Head) 10 (17) 2d+10 11 (18) 8 48 45
Talon (Body) 11 (18) 2d+14 10 (17) 10 57 33
Sections: 3 (Evil Eyes / Head / Body) Weak Point: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts.
Main Section: Head
Unique Skills Loot
• All Sections Always Basilisk Blood (200G)
[Poison/Disease Immunity] 2 - 10 None
A Basilisk (Monstrous Form) is immune to all 11 - 12 Petrified Eyes
Poison-type and Disease-type effects. (1,200G)
[Poison Blood / 12 (19) / Fort / Negated] 13+ Petrified Fangs
Same as for Basilisk (Human Form), (3,200G)
• Evil Eyes
[Petrifying Gaze / 10 (17) / Will / Negated]
Same as for Basilisk (Human Form),
• Head
[Truespeech Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 8 (15)]
A Basilisk (Monstrous Form) may cast Truespeech Magic as a seventh-level Sorcerer. For
individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description.
[Magic Aptitude]
A Basilisk (Monstrous Form) can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Distance],
[Metamagic/Time], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak].
• Body
When the Body section is reduced to 0 HP or fewer, the Evil Eyes and Head sections of
the Basilisk (Monstrous Form) receive a -2 penalty to Evasion.
[Human Form]
As a Major Action, the Basilisk (Monstrous Form) can change into a humanoid form.
However, the Basilisk does not recover any lost HP or MP, and any lingering magical
effects remain affecting the Basilisk. This can result in death if the Basilisk's HP is now 0
or lower. For more information, see the Basilisk (Human Form) data.
The true identity of a Basilisk, this eight-legged beast, looks like a lizard 5m long. While
the Basilisk's intelligence and speed are a little lower, the ability to petrify foes has increased,
making the Basilisk even more dangerous. However, most Basilisks feel that this form is
quite ugly, and hate being seen by others in this form. As such, they will almost certainly
try and either kill or petrify those who see this hideous form.

8 Faceless
Int: High Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Youma, Drakish, Arcana
Hab: Ruins, etc. Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 15 / 20 Init: 14 Move Spd: 22 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 11 (18)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 9 (16) 2d+4 9 (16) 7 43 72
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
[Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic (Level Loot
6) / Magic Power 9 (16)] Always Mysterious Mask
A Faceless may cast both Truespeech and (200G)
Spiritualism Magic as sixth-level Sorcerer and 2-8 Tattered Grimoire
Conjurer. For individual spell effects, refer to (300G)
that spell's description. 9 - 12 Ordinary Grimoire
[Flash of Insight / Magic Power 11 (18)] (500G)
Once per turn, as a Minor Action, the Faceless
13+ Rare Grimoire
can roll a single die.
On a result of 1~2, the Faceless can use 8th-
level Truespeech spells.
On a result of 3~4, the Faceless can use 8th-level Spiritualism spells.
On a result of 5~6, the Faceless can use 8th-level Basic Divine spells.
Once the Faceless has used this ability, they cannot use spells other than those from the
list they have rolled for the remainder of the round. At the end of the round, the Faceless
loses access to these extra spells.
[Magic Aptitude]
A Faceless can use the Combat Feats [Hawk Eye], [Metamagic/Targets],
[Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Time], [Metamagic/Area], [Magic Convergence],
[Magic Control], [Guided Magic] and [Wordbreak].
Standing at nearly 2m, this slender creature has an unnerving face like that of a blank white
mask and strange, awkward movements. The Faceless are incredibly powerful evil
spellcasters, often seen with various magical books in hand. They are constantly
experimenting with numerous dark magics, often without discriminating between friend
and foe. It is rumored that the Faceless were failed experiments from the early magical
civilizations, and they are always looking for more magic to play with. Occasionally, they
can be seen as officers of barbarous armies, allowing them to experiment as much as they'd

8 Werewolf
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Lycan
Hab: Various Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 16 Move Spd: 21 Fort: 11 (18) Will: 10 (17)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claw 12 (19) 2d+10 11 (18) 9 62 15
Unique Skills W. P.: Silver Weapon Damage +3 pts.
[Lycanthrope Body] Loot
A Werewolf is immune to damage from normal 2-6 None
weapons, though silver and magical weapons 7 - 10 Beastman Fur (200G)
deal damage normally. 11+ Shining Fur (1,200G)
Additionally, a Werewolf receives a +1 bonus to
Accuracy and Evasion on the night of a full
moon. Conversely, they receive a -1 penalty to Accuracy and Evasion while under sunlight.
[Twin Strike & Double Attack]
A Werewolf can make two Claw attacks each round with each hand, though each attack
requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters with each
A Werewolf can use the [Strong Blood] and [Beetleskin] Techniques.
[Beast Shift]
As a Minor Action, the Werewolf can turn from humanoid to a bestial form and back
again. The Werewolf can only make Claw attacks while in beast form.
One of many different shapeshifters that fall under the classification "lycanthrope", a
Werewolf is the most common of the beastmen. Other were-animals exist as well, such as
Weretigers and Werebears, but their numbers are nowhere near those of the Werewolf.
When in their humanoid form, they would very easily be able to pass among civilized folk
without issue. However, they can turn into a bestial form, growing fur over their body, their
face turning to that of a wolf, and sharp claws growing from both hands. They form their
own clans, with strict hierarchies based on age, so that the young Werewolves help the
elders out when necessary.
While Werewolves cannot breed on their own, they create more by kidnapping humans
and forcing them to perform dark rituals. Some of these newly created Werewolves are
more than happy to accept their new abilities and do their best to infiltrate human society
to advance whatever secret plans they have. For humanoid Werewolves, the "Bandit Chief"
(see p. 317) data will work in a pinch.

9 Drake Baron (Human Form)
Int: High Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Drakish, Arcana
Hab: Various Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 12 / 19 Init: 17 Move Spd: 20 / 40 (Flying)
Fort: 12 (19) Will: 13 (20)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 12 (19) 2d+13 10 (17) 10 53 48
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Spiritualism Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 10 Loot
(17)] Sword Shard x5
A Drake Baron (Human Form) may cast Always
Spiritualism spells as a seventh-level Conjurer. Draconian Horn
For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's 2-9
description. Majestic Draconian
[Magic Aptitude] 10+
Horn (4,200G)
A Drake Baron (Human Form) can use the
Combat Feats [Guided Magic],
[Metamagic/Targets], [Magic Convergence], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak].
A Drake Baron (Human Form) can use the [Beetleskin], [Cat’s Eyes], and [Recovery (5
HP)] Techniques.
A Drake Baron (Human Form) receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for
melee attacks.
[Mana Strike]
A Drake Baron (Human Form) may deal an additional +10 damage to their next melee
attack. If they do, they receive a -1 penalty to Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower checks
until their next turn.
As a Major Action, the Drake Baron transforms into a draconic form, healing all HP and
MP. Any lingering magical effects are removed as well. For more information, see the
Drake Baron (Dragon Form) data. A Drake Baron cannot transform for an hour after
using this ability.
Similar in appearance to the lesser Drakes (see CR I: p. 439-452), yet with a much more
regal presence, Drake Barons are imposing leaders of the barbarous. While it's rumored
there are little more than 100 of these Drake Barons throughout the entirety of Raxia, even
those few are enough to bring much of humanity to its knees.

10 Drake Baron (Dragon Form)
Int: High Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Drakish, Arcana
Hab: Various Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 13 / 20 Init: 19 Move Spd: 20 / 40 (Flying)
Fort: 13 (20) Will: 14 (21)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Body) 12 (19) 2d+15 11 (18) 12 70 58
Wing (Wing)
14 (21) 2d+12 9 (16) 9 39 26
Sections: 3 (Body / Wings x 2) Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts.
Main Section: Body
Unique Skills Loot
• Body Always Sword Shard x5
[Spiritualism Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 10 (1,000G)
(17)] 2-9 Draconian Horn
A Drake Baron (Dragon Form) may cast (500G)
Spiritualism spells as a seventh-level Conjurer. 10+ Majestic Draconian
For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's Horn (4,200G)
[Magic Aptitude]
A Drake Baron (Dragon Form) can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic],
[Metamagic/Targets], [Magic Convergence], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak].
A Drake Baron (Dragon Form) can use the [Beetleskin], [Cat’s Eyes], and [Recovery (5
HP)] Techniques.
[Energy Breath / 11 (18) / Fort / Half]
The Drake Baron (Dragon Form) may vomit a mass of pure energy directed towards a
single target. The energy travels to a range of 50m and deals 2d + 16 Energy-type magic
damage. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns.
As a Minor Action, a Drake Baron (Dragon Form) can change from a draconic form to a
human. However, any HP lost as a dragon is carried over as a human, which may cause
death if enough HP is lost. For more information, see the Drake Baron (Dragon Form)
• Wings
A Drake Baron (Dragon Form) receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for
melee attacks. If one of the wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used.
A much larger form of the smaller Drakes, the draconic form of the Drake Baron is as
impressive and menacing as their human form. Their scales deepen and take on a steelier
shine from the original silver-white, and the abilities of the Drake Baron are overall much
more powerful than lesser Drakes.

9 Minotaur Caster
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Minotaur, Varies based on learned Magic
Hab: Various Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 11 / 18 Init: 12 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 11 (18) Will: 10 (17)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 9 (16) 2d+12 7 (14) 8 77 60
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Magic (2 Systems) (Level 8) / Magic Power 11 Loot
(18)] Always Minotaur Axe (475G)
A Minotaur Caster can choose two of the 2-6 Big Horn (150G)
following and cast as an eighth-level caster: 7-9 Beautiful Horn
Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic, Divine (600G)
Magic, or Fairy Magic. For individual spell
10+ Majestic Horn
effects, refer to that spell's description.
[Magic Aptitude]
A Minotaur Caster can use the Combat Feats [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control] and
[Guided Magic].
[Simultaneous Attack]
A Minotaur Caster's Weapon attacks up to 5 characters in the same skirmish, but a separate
Accuracy Check is needed for each character. Each Accuracy Check is made with a -2
A much smarter variety of Minotaur, these masters of magic are ferociously cunning.
Willing to lie in wait in their labyrinth, a Minotaur Caster will use a variety of traps, spells,
and other monsters to wear down any intruders before joining the fray themselves.

10 Hill Giant
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses Lang: Giantish
Hab: Hills Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 15 / 18 Init: 15 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 14 (21) Will: 11 (18)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
(Upper 12 (19) 2d+14 11 (18) 10 55 20
Kick (Lower
13 (20) 2d+10 10 (17) 12 68 10
Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Body) Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts.
Main Section: Upper Body
Unique Skills Loot
• Upper Body 2-7 None
[War Cry / 12 (19) / Will / Negated] 8 - 12 Gold Bracelet
The Hill Giant unleashes a powerful yell, (2,500G)
causing fear in those who fail to resist. This fear, 13+ Giant Helmet
treated as a Psychic-type effect, gives a -2 penalty (9,000G)
to all Action rolls for the next 30 seconds (3
• Lower Body
[Large Body]
As long as the Hill Giant Lower Body's HP is 1 or more, any attack on the Upper Body
receives a -4 penalty to the Accuracy Check. When the Lower Body falls to 0 HP or lower,
this effect disappears.
Standing around 5m tall, the Hill Giant is actually the smallest of the giants. It is not too
bright either; a Hill Giant will chase down prey and attempt to eat just about anything once.
While other barbarous do use the services of Hill Giants because of their immense power
and strength, it's also fairly easy to exploit the poor giants, and more than a few end up as
butts of jokes.

11 Lesser Vampire
Int: High Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Nosferatu, Arcana, Local Dialect
Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 12 / 20 Init: 18 Move Spd: 18 / 36 (Flying)
Fort: 14 (21) Will: 14 (21)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claw 14 (21) 2d+14 13 (20) 11 77 77
Unique Skills W. P.: Silver Weapon Damage +3 pts.
[Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic (Level 8) / Loot
Magic Power 12 (19)] Always Corrupted Ash (300G)
A Lesser Vampire may cast both Truespeech and 2-8 None
Spiritualism Magic as eighth-level Sorcerer and
9 - 12 Vampire Cloak (1,000G)
[Divine Magic (Level 10) / Magic Power 14 (21)] 13+ Jet-Black Cloak (3,000G)
A Lesser Vampire may cast Divine Magic as a tenth-level Priest.
[Gaze / 13 (20) / Will / Negated]
Lesser Vampire may attempt to paralyze with “Target: 1 Character” within “Range: 50m”. If the
target fails to resist the Gaze, they are paralyzed for 10 seconds (1 round) and cannot take any
Minor Actions. If the target's resistance roll is 16 or less, the target is instead charmed by the
Lesser Vampire and will move to aid and defend it for the next minute (6 rounds). This effect is
treated as a psychic type.
[Vampire Bite / 13 (20) / Evasion / Negated]
The Lesser Vampire bites the target as an attack, dealing 2d+10 Physical damage. The Lesser
Vampire heals HP equal to the applied dealt. If the target is reduced to 0 HP or lower from this
attack, they receive a -10 penalty to their next Death Check. If the character fails this Death
Check, they receive an extra 5 soulscars and rise as a Blood Sucker. Lesser Vampires lose 6 HP
and MP per day (cumulative) they do not drain blood via Vampire Bite and also cannot use their
[Regeneration] unique skill. These penalties immediately go away once the Lesser Vampire
successfully drains blood via Vampire Bite.
A Lesser Vampire receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
[Normal Weapon Immunity]
A Lesser Vampire is immune to damage from normal weapons and can only be harmed with
silver or magical weapons.
At the end of each round, a Lesser Vampire recovers 7 HP.
[Vampire Body]
As long as a Lesser Vampire is under sunlight, it receives a -2 penalty to all Accuracy and Evasion
Checks. Additionally, the Lesser Vampire cannot use their [Regeneration] or [Normal Weapon
Immunity] abilities, and at the end of each round, the Lesser Vampire is dealt 7 Magic damage.
This damage cannot be reduced by any means.
Immortalized by a Blood Kiss from an older Nosferatu, Lesser Vampires are powerful beings,
even among the Barbarous. They were once humans who abandoned their humanity after gaining
favor from other vampires. Despite this, they possess beauty and a gaze that can paralyze and
fascinate lesser creatures. Lesser vampires must consume blood daily to maintain their peak
performance. They can obtain blood from any living being, but they often target attractive
individuals of the opposite gender. Sometimes, they will even starve themselves to blend into
society and get closer to their desired prey, making the feeding experience more satisfying.
However, caution must be exercised to avoid draining a target completely and turning them into
subordinate Blood Suckers. Lesser Vampires usually have a small group of followers.
Despite their powers, sunlight is the ultimate weakness of Lesser Vampires. It reduces them to
ash within a short time. They rarely venture outside during daylight hours to avoid this fate.

12 Garuda
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Barbaric, Aviary
Hab: Mountains Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 14 / 19 Init: 20 Move Spd: 25 / 50 (Flying)
Fort: 15 (22) Will: 15 (22)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Beak (Head) 14 (21) 2d+13 14 (21) 7 61 19
18 (25) 2d+10 13 (20) 9 72 26
Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: Head Weak Point: Impact Damage +2 pts.

Unique Skills Loot

• All Sections 2-5 None
[Flight II] 6 - 11 Large Feathers
A Garuda receives a +2 bonus to Accuracy and (200G)
Evasion only for melee attacks. 12+ Wind-Edge Feathers
• Head (3,500G)
[Continuous Attack II]
If a Garuda successfully hits a target in melee,
they may make a second attack. If a second attack hits, they can make a third attack against
the same target.
A Garuda can use the [Cat’s Eyes], [Bear Muscle] and [Beetleskin] Techniques.
• Body
[Turbulent Winds / 15 (22) / Fort / Half]
At the end of the turn, the Garuda creates an area of turbulent winds around itself, affecting
up to 20 characters within a 6m radius. Any character that fails to resist falls prone and
receives 2d+12 Wind magic damage. Those that successfully resist do not fall prone but
do still receive half damage.
[Wind-Edge Blade / 15 (22) / Fort / Half]
The Garuda uses a blade made of feathers to deal with one target within 30m 2d+15
slashing magic damage.
A 3m tall barbarous with a bird-like head and large wings on their back, Garudas are
masters of the winds. In fact, they are known as "Sky Kings" among lower ranks of the
barbarous, and with good reason. They despise any others flying in what they consider their
airspace and will often go out alone in order to drive out or kill the interlopers.


2 Killer Bee
Int: None Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 7 / 12 Init: 10 Move Spd: 18 (Flying) Fort: 2 (9) Will: 2 (9)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Stinger 4 (11) 2d-2 3 (10) 0 5 1
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
[Poison / 4 (11) / Fort / Negated] Loot
If the Killer Bee hits with their Stinger attack, Always Poison Stinger (15G)
the target must immediately make a Fortitude 2-6 None
check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra 7+ Thin Wings (50G)
7 poison magic damage.
A Killer Bee receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
A poisonous bee that has grown much larger, averaging around 50cm. Ecologically, they
are similar to normal bees, except they look for blood from living organisms rather than a
flower's nectar. The home nest is roughly 5m long and is usually located in the branches of
larger trees. When the nest is disturbed, a swarm of Killer Bees will come out and protect

2 Sidewinder
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Forest, Grassland, Desert, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 7 / 11 Init: 10 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 3 (10)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 3 (10) 2d 2 (9) 1 14 8
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Paralyzing Poison / 3 (10) / Fort / Negated] Loot
If the Sidewinder hits with their Bite attack, the 2-5 None
target must immediately make a Fortitude 6-9 Snake Skin (20G)
check. If they fail to resist, they receive a -2
10 - 11 Fine Snake Skin (120G)
penalty to Evasion checks for 30 seconds (3
12+ Premium Snake Skin
Similar to a rattlesnake, a Sidewinder is a snake 1m long and is often found in deserts or
other dry areas. As they are nocturnal, a Sidewinder is rarely seen during the day and only
comes out at night to hunt. Rarely there is a snake skin of high quality, and these skins are
used to make a variety of Chandelle products, such as boots, bags, and wallets.

2 Poison Toad
Int: None Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Various Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 9 / 12 Init: 8 Move Spd: 10 / 20 (Swimming)
Fort: 5 (12) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tackle 3 (10) 2d-1 2 (9) 2 20 5
Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts.
[Poison / 3 (10) / Fort / Negated] Loot
If the Poison Toad hits with their Tackle attack, 2-6 None
the target must immediately make a Fortitude 7 - 10 Toad Oil (20G)
check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra 11+ Clarified Toad Oil
6 poison magic damage. (100G)
A giant poisonous toad that has grown to around 1m long. These Poison Toads inhabit a
variety of areas, with those in the forests and grasslands taking on an exceptionally green
hue. The numerous warts that cover their body constantly ooze toxins, which can be
dangerous to those who wish to prey on these toads. However, pharmacists will buy these
toxins and oils for a decent price.

3 Shark
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Ocean Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 9 / 12 Init: 10 Move Spd: 20 (Swimming)
Fort: 5 (12) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 4 (11) 2d+6 4 (11) 2 28 5
Unique Skills W. P.: Slashing Damage +3 pts.
[Underwater] Loot
The Shark doesn't receive penalties for moving Always Jagged Tooth (30G)
or taking Actions in water. However, it can't 2 - 10 None
perform any Action without water.
11+ Clean Gills (200G)

Living in relatively clear water, a Shark is sensitive to the smell of blood in the water and
will unerringly hunt down the bleeding prey. Once they have the scent of blood, they will
move quite quickly, and the chances for escaping a hungry shark are slim.

3 Giant Spider
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: None
Hab: Ruins, Forest Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 8 / 12 Init: 10 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 4 (11) 2d+4 4 (11) 1 22 10
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Sticky Silk / 4 (11) / Evasion / Negated] Loot
The Giant Spider shoots a sticky silk web at a 2-5 None
target, and if it hits the target, takes a -2 penalty 6-9 Sticky Silk Ball (20G)
to Evasion for 3 minutes (18 rounds). If a target
10+ Large Sticky Silk Ball
is already affected by Sticky Silk and then hit (150G)
again, they also becomes unable to make any
melee or ranged attacks and cannot cast spells.
If there is a nearby fire (such as a torch), the silk will burn away in 30 seconds (3 rounds).
However, if the target is hit with any Fire-type damage (i.e., from a [Firebolt] spell), the silk
instantly burns away. Sticky Silk cannot be used in consecutive rounds.
Giant Spiders can often be found in deep forests and labyrinths and will move stealthily
despite their 2m size. Nesting in passages and holes, they will wait until prey walks into their
territory, cover them with webs until they stop moving, and then move in to feed. While
Giant Spiders will go after prey larger than they are, any open flames (such as those from a
torch) will deter the spider from attacking.

3 Giant Slug
Int: None Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Wetlands Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 8 / 12 Init: 3 Move Spd: 5 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tackle 4 (11) 2d+6 1 (8) 2 45 4
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
None Loot
2-7 None
8+ Mucus (20G)

A huge slug exceeding 2m in length, the Giant Slug will crawl towards its target without care
for anything in the way. Even if there is an obstacle in the way, it will change course just
long enough to get around whatever is in the way, then continue on its way. Often found in
damp areas, such as underground labyrinths, caves, and swamps, there is a very real risk of
a group of Giant Slugs destroying a village as they move towards whatever unknowable goal
they have.

3 Black Scorpion
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Forest, Grasslands, Desert, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 8 / 12 Init: 10 Move Spd: 16 Fort: 5 (12) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tail 4 (11) 2d+2 4 (11) 2 24 8
Unique Skills W. P.: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts.
[Poison / 4 (11) / Fort / Negated] Loot
If the Black Scorpion hits with their Tail attack, Always Poison Stinger (15G)
the target must immediately make a Fortitude 2-8 None
check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra
9+ Black Scorpion Liver
8 poison magic damage.

Just over 1m in length, a Black Scorpion is not much different from a regular scorpion,
barring the glowing black shell it carries. Pharmacists are very interested in Black Scorpion
livers, though, and will pay decently for intact specimens brought back.

4 Gorgol
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Forest Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 11 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Arm Swing 6 (13) 2d+5 4 (11) 4 38 10
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Throw / 5 (12) / Evasion / Negated] Loot
The Gorgol attempts to grab a target. If Always Broken Horn (30G)
successful, the target is thrown out of the 2-8 None
skirmish 10m in the direction of the Gorgol's
9+ Glossy Fur (150G)
choice. Upon landing, the target will receive 2d
physical damage and be knocked prone.
A ferocious animal closely resembling a gorilla, the Gorgol is much more dangerous. For
the fun of it, a Gorgol may attack and kill larger animals than them, break off any fangs and
horns, and wear them as decoration. If a couple of Gorgols come into conflict, a show of
strength from both is displayed, and the loser will give all of their fangs and horns to the
winner. Through this, a very strong Gorgol can be seen wearing a layered collar of fangs
and horns it has won from weaker rivals.

4 Giant Crab
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Coast, Ocean Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 11 / 14 Init: 10 Move Spd: 14 / 14 (Swimming)
Fort: 6 (13) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Pincer 6 (13) 2d+4 5 (12) 7 22 6
Unique Skills W. P.: Impact Damage +3 pts.
[Twin Strike & Double Attack] Loot
A Giant Crab can make two Pincer attacks each Always Sharp Pincers (60G)
round with each claw, though each attack 2 - 10 None
requires its own Accuracy check. They may 11+ Crab Innards (600G)
choose to attack different characters with each
[Underwater Aptitude]
A Giant Crab is able to move in water without penalty.
Measuring on average 2m, a Giant Crab uses its size, bulk, and powerful pincers to take
down their prey. It's even said that some land-based animals have been caught and eaten
by some Giant Crabs.

4 Lizard Fly
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Desert Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 9 / 13 Init: 12 Move Spd: 10 / 17 (Flying)
Fort: 6 (13) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 6 (13) 2d+7 3 (10) 1 27 12
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Flight] Loot
A Lizard Fly receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy Always Sand Lizard Skin
and Evasion only for melee attacks. (70G)
2-7 None
8 - 11 Thin Wings (120G)
12+ Glittering Feathers
Lizard Flies appear to be larger than average lizards, ranging in size from about 50cm to
1m, with two pairs of thin, translucent wings on their back. Carnivorous, they will stay
buried under sand until prey comes near, then spring out and attack.

5 Crocodile
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: River, Swamp Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 12 / 15 Init: 11 Move Spd: 12 / 20 (Swimming)
Fort: 8 (15) Will: 6 (13)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
7 (14) 2d+8 6 (13) 6 44 11
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Underwater Aptitude] Loot
A Crocodile is able to move in water without 2-8 None
penalty. 9 - 11 Crocodile Skin
12+ Superior Crocodile
Skin (600G)

A large beast, Crocodiles inhabit murky waters near rivers and swamps where they can hide
from prey. Their speed while in water is incredible, and their jaws will crush any prey caught
within. Once dragged underwater, there is no escape. It is said that high-quality crocodile
skins can be used for a number of goods, such as weapon sheathes and wallets, from the
Chandelle area.

5 Keratos
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Forest, Grassland Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 12 / 15 Init: 14 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 6 (13) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Horn 8 (15) 2d+6 7 (14) 3 30 6
Unique Skills W. P.: Wind Damage +3 pts.
[Double Attack] Loot
A Keratos can attack the same target twice in Always Sharp Horn (50G)
one action with its Horn. Each attack requires 2-8 None
its own Accuracy Check.
9+ False-Dragon Scale

A slender, bipedal lizard, a Keratos is often confused for being a type of dragon, where it
is simply a lizard. Standing at an average height of 2m, a Keratos will use its horns to pierce
through the toughest hides of prey. They are ferocious carnivores and will relentlessly chase
down its prey if it tries to escape. Typically seen either as solitary creatures or as a mated
pair, there are rare sightings of large groups of Keratos in the wild.

5 Huge Antlion
Int: None Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Desert, Grasslands Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 10 / 15 Init: 9 Move Spd: 10 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 6 (13)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 7 (14) 2d+7 4 (11) 5 42 18
Unique Skills W. P.: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts.
[Hidden Nest] Loot
The Huge Antlion can create a hidden nest Always Large Fangs (50G)
while in sandy terrain, forming a bowl-shape 2-9 None
divot with a 5m radius. Loose sand flows 10+ Sand Crystal (500G)
towards the center, causing all who enter the
area to move at half speed, as well as receive a -
2 penalty to Evasion checks. A character looking for the nest will notice it if their Dange
Sense check result is 11 or higher.
[Drain Life]
When the Huge Antlion successfully hits with a Bite attack, it immediately heals 5 HP.
A massive insect, these Huge Antlions will dig themselves into a nest beneath loose sand
and ground, lurking in wait for prey to pass near. Able to detect the vibrations of footfalls
through the sand, it can detect exactly where a creature is without having to see it. Once the
potential prey blunders too close to the nest, the Antlion will spring out and drain the
creature of its vital fluids.

6 Golden Gorgol
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Mountains, Forest Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 10 / 15 Init: 13 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 6 (13)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Arm Swing 7 (14) 2d+7 6 (13) 5 52 14
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Throw / 6 (13) / Evasion / Negated] Loot
The Golden Gorgol attempts to grab a target. If Always Broken Horn (30G)
successful, the target is thrown out of the 2-8 Glossy Fur (150G)
skirmish 15m in a direction of the Golden
9+ Golden Fur (800G)
Gorgol's choice. Upon landing, the target will
receive 2d+4 physical damage and is knocked
When the Golden Gorgol successfully hits with an Arm Swing attack, the target is knocked
prone in addition to receiving damage.
[Power Attack]
A Golden Gorgol can deal an additional 4 damage on their next attack. However, any
Evasion Check made by the Golden Gorgol this turn receives a -2 penalty.
A much larger, much older Gorgol, its fur has turned a brilliant gold due to repeated
groomings. Its mere presence is something to be worried about, due to their ferocity, not
to mention the small group of other Gorgols that follow it around.


1 Furu
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Forest, Grasslands Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 5 / 10 Init: 8 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 1 (8) Will: 2 (9)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tackle 1 (8) 2d-2 3 (10) 0 20 3
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
None Loot
Always Beautiful Leaf (10G)
2-6 None
7+ Leaf Blade (40G)
Appearing to be a spherical mass of leaves, a Furu collects mana in its leaves, which can
enhance their natural appearance. While not very harmful on its own, they can appear in
large enough groups to devastate orchards and farms.

2 Needle Archer
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 7 / 11 Init: 7 Move Spd: 0 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 3 (10)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Needle 4 (11) 2d 2 (9) 0 28 12
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Vine Network] Loot
It has thin vines stretching out in a Radius of Always Thorn Arrow (15G)
10m around itself. If characters don't 2 - 10 None
successfully make a Danger Sense check against
11+ Strong Vine (300G)
target number 12, they will step into it
unknowingly and become surprised (see CR I,
p. 211) by Needle Archer.
[Light Needles]
A Needle attack may be made within a range of 20m, though any attacks made at targets
outside the Vine Network receive a -1 penalty to Accuracy.
[Million Needles]
A Needle Archer may attack all characters within range of the Vine Network
simultaneously during its turn.
This plant gets its name from the arrow-like needles it shoots at prey entering the range of
its network of vines. These vines are hidden on the forest floor by dirt and dead leaves, and
once unsuspecting prey walks within the area, they are violently attacked by needles being
shot at their feet and lower legs.

3 Giant Balloon Seed
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Forest, Swamp Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 10 / 13 Init: 10 Move Spd: 8 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 3 (10)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
4 (11) 2d+5 3 (10) 1 26 10
5 (12) 2d+2 2 (9) 2 20 10
(Vine) x2
Sections: 3 (Flower, Vine x 2) Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts.
Main Section: None
Unique Skills Loot
• Vine Always Mysterious Seeds
[Substitution] (30G)
When the Flower would take damage from a 2-9 None
melee or ranged attack, one of the Vines can 10+ Beautiful Bulbs
move in the way and take the damage instead. (300G)
This ability can only be used once per round.

An ancient species of plant, Great Balloon Seeds date back before the Diabolic Triumph.
The main body of the plant, typically growing to around 3m, attacks prey by launching fist-
sized seeds out of the flower. It can also move by using its roots, as well as attack with
extended vines. There's also rumors of variants with multiple flowers and extra vines.

4 Overeater
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 7 Move Spd: 0 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Vine 6 (13) 2d+5 3 (10) 1 45 12
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Mimicry] Loot
Until disturbed, the Overeater will disguise itself 2-8 None
as a harmless plant. A successful Danger Sense 9 - 12 Bag of Silver (1d x
check against a value of 13 will let the PC 30G)
become aware of the Overeater. 13+ Gems (1d x 150G)
[Long Vines]
The Overeater can attack any target within 10m,
regardless of location.
If the Overeater hits with their Vine attack, the target is consumed by the Overeater. An
Overeater with a living organism inside will recover 5 HP at the end of its turn, while the
organism inside cannot move, receives a -3 penalty to all Actions, and receives 5 Poison
magic damage at the end of its turn. Only one organism may be Engulfed in this way,
though the plant may disgorge any organisms inside in order to take in a new organism.
As a Major Action, the Overeater may be pried open using an Adventurer Level + Strength
Modifier check against a value of 12. This check can also be made by another character
who is not Engulfed. A character escaping the Overeater falls prone once outside of the
A large, boxy plant, the Overeater looks like a tree trunk overgrown with ivy and vines.
However, it captures and feeds off of animals and other organisms and will attract prey by
waving its flowers. Occasionally, there are some small bits of metal or gems from previous
victims at the bottom of the plant.

5 Mandrake
Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 8 Move Spd: 7 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 8 (15)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Arm Swing 7 (14) 2d+5 4 (11) 2 42 36
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Fairy Magic (Level 4) / Magic Power 6 (13)] Loot
A Mandrake may cast Fairy Magic as a fourth- Always Energetic Roots
level Fairy Tamer. For individual spell effects, (100G)
refer to that spell's description. 2 - 11 None
[Deadly Scream / Special / Fort & Will / 12+ Mandrake Seed
Negated] (1,500G)
Once per day, when its HP is reduced, the
Mandrake can unleash a terrifying, deadly
scream. Every living character in 30m must immediately make both a Fortitude and
Willpower check.
Those characters that fail a Fortitude check against a value of 10 instantly drop to 0 HP,
are knocked unconscious and fall prone.
Those characters that fail a Willpower check against a value of 14 cannot perform any
Major or Minor Actions, and receive a -4 penalty to Evasion, for 10 seconds (1 round).
The bulk of the perennial Mandrake is it's large, human-shaped root. The root is about
60cm and is typically buried in soil for most of the year, with only a small amount of leaves
sprouting from the top. Under normal circumstances, a Mandrake will prefer to grow in
dimly-lit sections of deep forests, and have distinctive pale, pink flowers. As winter grows
near, the Mandrake will uproot itself and wander in search of a mate, looking to create a
new batch of seeds.
Due to their purported uses in medicines and other concoctions, Mandrakes have been
overhunted by both humanoids and barbarous, and so hold grudges against both groups.
A Mandrake can call upon Fairy magic in order to help protect itself, as well as the signature
screaming, they are known for. It's said that those who hear the scream and live will still be
afflicted with any number of mental disorders.

6 Big Archer
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 10 / 15 Init: 7 Move Spd: 0 Fort: 8 (15) Will: 6 (13)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Needle 7 (14) 2d+8 4 (11) 2 60 14
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Vine Network] Loot
It has thin vines stretching out in a Radius of 10m 2-4 None
around itself. If character doesn't successfully make 5-8 Poisonous Needle (50G)
a Danger Sense check against target number 15,
9+ Strong Vine (300G) x 2
they will step into it unknowingly and become
surprised (see CR I, p. 211) by Big Archer.
[Poison Needle / 8 (15) / Fort / Negated]
The Big Archer has two possible poisons it can use with its Needles. If the Big Archer hits with
their Needle attack, the target must immediately make a Fortitude check.
For "Rotting Poison", if the target fails to resist, they receive an extra 7 poison magic damage.
For "Paralyzing Poison", if the target fails to resist, they receive a -1 penalty to Accuracy and
Evasion checks for 10 seconds (1 round).
[Million Needles]
A Big Archer may attack all characters within range of the Vine Network simultaneously during
its turn.
This plant hides on the ground, similar to the Needle Archers. However, the needles launched
by Big Archers are much more resilient and can carry a couple of different debilitating poisons
as well.

8 Poison Mold
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Caves, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 16 / 19 Init: 0 Move Spd: 5 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 9 (16)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None - - 7 (14) 0 120 16
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Poison Spores / 11 (18) / Fort / Negated] Loot
The Poison Mold scatters spores around itself, Always Green Dye (80G)
forcing all characters in the same skirmish to make 2-6 Fertile Soil (300G)
a Fortitude check. Those that fail to resist the
7+ Soil of Abundance (2,000G)
poison receive 2d+10 Poison magic damage.
[Disease Spores / 9 (16) / Fort / Negated]
Each time the Poison Mold's HP is damaged, disease spores fly out from the wound, and all
characters in the same skirmish must make a Fortitude check. Those that fail reduce their
maximum HP and MP by 10 (to a minimum of 0). If a character's maximum HP is reduced to
0 in this way, they immediately die (no Death Check needed). This reduction does not go away
normally and must be removed via [Cure Disease] or other such effects.
A dark green mold with deadly poison spores, commonly found deep underground or in the
depths of large forests. Spreading over an area anywhere from 5m to 20m in radius, the mold
will blast any interlopers with a variety of debilitating spores. Those who managed to live through
these spore blasts describe the feeling as a "hell of suffering". Those who don't, however, are
simply more food for the mold.

11 Fungal Parasite
Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: Trade Common
Hab: Forest, Caves, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 19 / 22 Init: 15 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 14 (21) Will: 13 (20)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 13 (20) 2d+10 12 (19) 12 78 12
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Disease Spores / 11 (18) / Fort / Negated] Loot
Once per round as a Minor Action, the Fungal Always Wilted Mushrooms
Parasite can spread these red-violet spores, (30G)
affecting up to 20 characters with a 6m radius. 2-7 None
Any character within the area that fails their
8 - 10 Forest Marvel
Fortitude check becomes infected with spores.
This infection can be removed via spells like
11+ Forest Marvel
"Cure Disease" or "Refresh" at this point.
(2,000G) x 3
One day after being infected with spores, small
magenta mushrooms begin to grow over the body of the host, reducing all ability scores by
6 points (fixed value characters receive -1 to Accuracy, Evasion, Fortitude and Willpower).
Even if these mushrooms are removed, new ones will grow in their place. These penalties
are cumulative per day (though no ability score can go below 0).
Once an ability score reaches 0, or after 3 days, the character becomes immobile, and will
spread spores unconsciously. Additionally, the character suffers from severe hallucinations
as the Fungal Parasite takes over the body.
After 7 days of infection, the character's will be totally lost, the Fungal Parasite now in total
control of the character's body. If the character has fallen into this state, it cannot be
recovered by effects that heal disease, such as [Cure Disease].
[Phantom Spores / 13 (20) / Fort / Negated]
These blue-violet spores are scattered around the Fungal Parasite, and all those in the same
skirmish must make a Fortitude check. Those that fail will see the Fungal Parasite as
someone close to them and will move to protect the Fungal Parasite from anything and
anyone who wishes to do it harm. Even if the Fungal Parasite attacks an affected character,
they will still remain under the effect of these spores. This is a Disease-type effect and is
cured appropriately.
This monster is actually a humanoid covered in parasitic mushrooms, feeding the
mushroom as it decomposes. Typically found in dark, damp places, the Fungal Parasite
will attack any humanoid or animal passing by, hoping to infect them and use them as a
new host. Fungal Parasite hosts will last for a year or two before becoming desiccated husks,
drained of all vital nutrients. It is possible to save a victim of the Fungal Parasites, though it
involves casting a "Refresh" spell on a host whose HP has been reduced to 0.
Rarely, a mushroom called "The Phantom of the Forest" may grow among the various
Fungal Parasites. This mushroom is non-toxic, and quite delicious, so it is valued by many
among the culinary community. Additionally, it is thought to have some anti-aging
properties, and some elder priests have sent out adventurers specifically to look for these


2 Ghost
Int: Average Perc: Magic Lang: Trade Common Hab: Various Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 10 / 13 Init: 11 Move Spd: 10 (Flying)
Fort: 5 (12) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Smash 3 (10) 2d 3 (10) 0 20 20
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Tempting Lure / 4 (11) / Will / Negated] Loot
The Ghost whispers to a target, attempting to None
lure it under its control. If the target fails to
resist, the Ghost may have that character move according to the Ghost's whim. Affected
characters cannot move very quickly and cannot use magic or attack. If the Ghost does not
order the character to move, the character will stand in position stunned. This effect is
removed if the character loses any HP or MP or has the spell [Sanity] cast on them.
[Normal Weapon Immunity]
A Ghost is immune to damage from normal weapons and can only be harmed with silver
or magical weapons.
Ghosts are a manifestation of the thoughts of the dead and dying, given an ethereal form
after their original body has passed away. They retain their appearance in life, as well as
what knowledge they had learned over their lifetime, though this may be of questionable
usefulness as time passes. While some Ghosts can be fought like other monsters, others
just want to see their last wish fulfilled, and will pass peacefully into the afterlife after doing

4 Death Sword
Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Labyrinths, Wasteland Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 9 / 12 Init: 8 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 6 (13) Will: 6 (13)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 6 (13) 2d+4 5 (12) 4 36 18
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Death Blade / 5 (12) / Evasion / Negated] Loot
The Death Sword swings with ill intent, dealing Always Rusty Sword (50G)
10 Curse magic damage if it connects. 2 - 10 None
11+ Ornate Sword Hilt
A spirit trapped in a sword; the Death Sword possesses a decaying body in order to carry
out its foul grudges. When encountering a stronger opponent, the Death Sword will seek
to slay the stronger and possess that body, and so it is often looking for stronger and stronger
foes to face.

4 Wight
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Various Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 11 / 14 Init: 11 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 5 (12) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claw 6 (13) 2d+4 4 (11) 4 31 10
Unique Skills W. P.: Silver Weapon Damage +3 pts.
[Poison Claw / 5 (12) / Fort / Negated] Loot
If the Wight hits with their Claw attack, the Always Wight Claw (50G)
target must immediately make a Fortitude 2-9 None
check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra
10+ Cursed Claw (400G)
3 Poison magic damage to both their HP and
[Wight Curse / No Resistance]
If a character is reduced to 0 HP or lower by a Wight's attack, they cannot be revived until
a [Remove Curse] spell is cast upon that character. If left unattended, the affected character
will accumulate 1 soulscar every 3 days. If 5 soulscars are accumulated as a result of this
curse, the character will rise as a Wight.
A Wight is a vile thing, an undead whose extremities have rotted to the bone. Its signature
red eyes and bloated, discolored body are telltale signs of a foul creature. Originally thought
to be the risen bodies of those who died in water, the bony claws of a Wight don't just
poison the body but curse the soul of those they rend through. It's said that a powerful
Wight's claws may be used as ritual tools, though what rituals are better left unsaid.

5 Sin
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: None
Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 12 Move Spd: 9 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 7 (14)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 6 (13) 2d+6 5 (12) 5 43 12
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Power Attack] Loot
A Sin can deal an additional 4 damage on their 2-6 None
next attack. However, any Evasion Check made 7-9 Gems (1d x 150G)
by the Sin this turn receives a -2 penalty.
10+ Rare Gems (1,500G)
At the end of each round, the Sin recovers 5
With its glassy, clouded eyes and pallid skin, a Sin is a type of undead that single-mindedly
focuses on a single obsession. Violently fighting anything and anyone that stands in its way,
a Sin will go out of its way to collect everything relating to its obsession. There is no thought
or reason left behind, just madness and desire. Sometimes, the body of a Sin will
accumulate a peculiar water within, and this water is sought after for magical experiments.

6 Blood Sucker
Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: Regional Dialect
Hab: Various Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 12 / 15 Init: 13 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 8 (15) Will: 7 (14)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claw 8 (15) 2d+7 7 (14) 6 39 6
Unique Skills W. P.: HP Recovery (deals damage
instead) +3 pts.
[Continuous Attack] Loot
If a Blood Sucker successfully hits a target in 2-8 None
melee, they may make a second attack against 9+ Corrupted Ash
the same target. (300G)
[Gaze / 7 (14) / Will / Negated]
Once per round as a Minor Action, a Blood
Sucker may attempt to paralyze a single target.
If the target fails to resist the Gaze, they are paralyzed for 10 seconds (1 round) and cannot
take any Minor Actions.
[Vampire Fangs / 7 (14) / Evasion / Negated]
The Blood Sucker attacks with draining fangs, dealing 2d+4 Physical damage. The Blood
Sucker heals HP equal to the total damage dealt.
At the end of each round, a Blood Sucker recovers 3 HP.
[Vampire Body]
As long as a Blood Sucker is under sunlight, it receives a -2 penalty to all Accuracy and
Evasion Checks. Additionally, the Blood Sucker cannot use their [Regeneration] ability,
and at the end of each round, the Blood Sucker is dealt 6 Magic damage. This damage
cannot be reduced by any means.
A person drained by a Lesser Vampire, then revived into a subservient unlife, a Blood
Sucker is still a dangerous monster to encounter. With pale skin and bloody eyes, they lack
the grace of their sires and stand out as something unnatural. Their memories distorted,
they will attack humans and animals alike in order to stave off hunger and thirst. Due to
their vulnerability to sunlight, Blood Suckers move and attack solely at night.

7 Jack O'Lantern
Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana
Hab: Unknown Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 13 / 17 Init: 14 Move Spd: 18 (Flying)
Fort: 9 (16) Will: 9 (16)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Scythe 8 (15) 2d+11 9 (16) 6 48 54
Unique Skills W. P.: HP Recovery (deals damage
instead) +3 pts.
[Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic (Level Loot
6) / Magic Power 9 (16)] Always Pumpkin Lantern
A Jack O'Lantern may cast both Truespeech (100G)
and Spiritualism Magic as a sixth-level Sorcerer 2-6 Rusty Scythe (100G)
and Conjurer. For individual spell effects, refer 7 - 10 Large Scythe (600G)
to that spell's description.
11+ Soul Harvesting
[Soul Harvesting]
Scythe (3,000G)
If the target is reduced to 0 HP or lower from a
Jack O'Lantern's Scythe attack, they receive a -10 penalty to their next Death Check.
A pumpkin-headed monster dressed in a black veil, a Jack O'Lantern carries a massive
sickle to harvest souls from the living. A phantom that can appear unexpectedly, it may be
seen wandering through villages in the middle of the night looking for victims. It is said that
when a soul is harvested, a bright flame appears in its eyes.

8 Specter
Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana Hab: Labyrinths, Graveyards Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 14 / 17 Init: 13 Move Spd: 18 (Flying) Fort: 9 (16) Will: 11 (18)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 10 (17) 2d+4 10 (17) 7 51 60
Unique Skills W. P.: HP Recovery (deals damage
instead) +3 pts.
[Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic (Level 8) / Loot
Magic Power 12 (19)] 2-9 None
A Specter may cast both Truespeech and 10 - 12 Old Cloak (200G)
Spiritualism Magic as an eighth-level Sorcerer and
13+ Ancient Robe (3,300G)
A Specter receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
[Normal Weapon Immunity]
A Specter is immune to damage from normal weapons and can only be harmed with silver or
magical weapons.
A Specter is believed to be the vengeful spirit of a powerful magic user from the age of the
Durandal period. They maintain their form due to their intense hatred for the living, which drives
them to kill anyone they encounter. It cannot exist under the sun and disappears. At night,
however, they reappear.

8 Blank
Int: Average Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana Hab: Labyrinths, Cities Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 13 / 19 Init: 14 Move Spd: 18 (Flying) Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Smash 10 (17) 2d+10 9 (16) 8 64 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Mana Interference] Loot
If a Blank succeeds on a Willpower check against 2 - 10 None
a spell, they will be completely unaffected by that 11 - 12 Mist of Oblivion (1,000G)
spell (no damage will be taken, and any other
13+ Water of Oblivion
effects are ignored).
[Normal Weapon Immunity]
A Blank is immune to damage from normal weapons and can only be harmed with silver or
magical weapons.
[Blank / 9 (16) / Will / Negated]
If a character is hit by a Blank's Smash attack, they need to make a Willpower check or lose the
ability to use their most recently acquired Combat Feat for the next 3 minutes (18 rounds). This
effect is treated as a Curse-type effect.
[Feint Attack]
A Blank receives a +1 Accuracy bonus to the next attack. Characters wearing Metal Armor are
Appearing as little more than unnaturally long arms emerging from a dense haze of mana, a Blank
lurks around populated areas during cold, rainy nights. Rumor has it that if the dense haze is
touched, your memory is lost, your arms get stretched like taffy, and you wander aimlessly trying
to regain your lost thoughts. However, there is no current record of a victim who has recovered
from a Blank's attack, so this theory remains unproven.

9 Bone Knight
Int: Average Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana
Hab: Wasteland, Graveyards Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 14 / 19 Init: 16 Move Spd: 30 Fort: 13 (20) Will: 11 (18)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
11 (18) 2d+13 11 (18) 11 62 58
12 (19) 2d+10 10 (17) 8 48 28
Sections: 2 (Knight / Horse) Main Section: Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals damage
Knight instead) +3 pts.
Unique Skills Loot
• All Sections Always Ghostly Reins (900G)
[Normal Weapon Immunity] 2-9 None
A Bone Knight is immune to damage from 10+ Bone Knight Helmet
normal weapons and can only be harmed with (4,200G)
silver or magical weapons.
• Knight
[Spiritualism Magic (Level 8) / Magic Power 11 (18)]
A Bone Knight may cast Spiritualism Magic as an eighth-level Conjurer. For individual
spell effects, refer to that spell's description.
[Twin Strike & Double Attack]
A Bone Knight can make two Weapon attacks each round, though each attack requires its
own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters with each attack.
[Magic Aptitude]
A Bone Knight can use the Combat Feats [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Accuracy], and
• Horse
[Large Body]
As long as the Horse's HP is 1 or more, the Knight receives a +2 bonus to melee Evasion
checks. When the Horse falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears.
[Power Attack]
The Horse can deal an additional 4 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion
Check made by the Horse this turn receives a -2 penalty.
At first glance, this appears to be a mounted knight in armor. However, as the Bone Knight
draws near, it's easy to see the skull peering out of the armor, its malice towards the living
almost tangible. An old knight from the Durandal age, it is on the search for its lost lord,
and will let nothing get in its way. Though dead for a while, a Bone Knight's swordsmanship
and magical prowess remain as sharp as they were in life, making the undead knight a truly
fearsome foe.

9 Mummy
Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 15 / 18 Init: 14 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 12 (19) Will: 12 (19)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Smash 11 (18) 2d+11 11 (18) 9 66 30
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Twin Strike & Double Attack] Loot
A Mummy can make two Smash attacks each 2-7 None
round with each hand, though each attack 8 - 10 Golden Ring
requires its own Accuracy check. They may (1,000G)
choose to attack different characters with each 11+ Golden Bracelet
attack. (2,000G)
[Decaying Curse]
When a character is hit by a Mummy's Smash
attack, their Maximum HP value is decreased by the same amount as the damage dealt. If
a character's maximum HP is reduced to 0 in this way, they immediately die (no Death
Check needed). This effect is treated as a Curse-type effect. If the Mummy is defeated, any
maximum HP reductions it caused are restored (though this will not revive any dead
[Flame Vulnerability]
When the Mummy is hit by Fire-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.
Guardians of a wizard-kings of ancient times, Mummies are dried corpses completely
covered with bandages. Their loyalty is unwavering even in death, and they will mercilessly
attack anyone venturing in their king's crypt. A Mummy can also cause a debilitating curse
just from touching the living, so contact is highly discouraged.

11 Mummy Lord
Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana
Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 16 / 19 Init: 17 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 14 (21) Will: 14 (21)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Staff 10 (17) 2d+12 11 (18) 13 73 75
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Spiritualism Magic (Level 10) / Magic Power Loot
14 (21)] Always Staff of the Wizard-
A Mummy Lord may cast Spiritualism Magic as King (3,000G)
a tenth-level Conjurer. For individual spell 2-7 Golden Ring
effects, refer to that spell's description. (1,000G)
[Magic Aptitude] 8 - 12 Golden Bracelet
A Mummy Lord can use the Combat Feats (2,000G)
[Metamagic/Targets], [Magic Convergence],
13+ Golden Mask
[Magic Control], [Guided Magic], and
[Decaying Curse]
Same as for Mummy (see the previous page).
[Flame Vulnerability]
When the Mummy Lord is hit by Fire-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.
It is believed that, in ancient times, royal families from the Durandal period would often
have themselves bound and buried in ornate crypts, in order to keep their family together
and protect them from what may lie beyond. A Mummy Lord is unliving proof of such
claims and wields incredible power in order to preserve the family's crypt. Able to
command other Mummies that were buried alongside them, a Mummy Lord also has
incredible combat prowess and magical power at its command.
While a Mummy Lord is typically only roused from its slumber to deter any intruders into
the crypt, there are stories of large armies of the undead attacking settlements under the
watchful eye of a Mummy Lord.

12 Cast Armor
Int: Average Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana
Hab: Various Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 15 / 20 Init: 18 Move Spd: 16 Fort: 14 (21) Will: 14 (21)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 15 (22) 2d+15 14 (21) 15 76 60
Unique Skills W. P.: HP Recovery (deals damage
instead) +3 pts.
[Divine Magic (Level 10) / Magic Power 13 Loot
(20)] Always Cursed Sword
A Cast Armor may cast Divine Magic as a tenth- (1,300G)
level Priest. It is up to the GM to determine any 2-8 None
Special Divine Spells. For individual spell 9 - 12 Cloudy Eye (660G)
effects, refer to that spell's description.
13+ Red Eye (4,400G)
[Magic Aptitude]
A Cast Armor can use the Combat Feats [MP Save] and [Multi-Action].
[Cursed Sword / 14 (21) / Fort / Negated]
The Cast Armor attacks with draining fangs, dealing 2d+15 Physical damage. The Cast
Armor heals HP equal to the total damage dealt. This effect is treated as a Curse-type
[Paralyzing Gaze / 14 (21) / Will / Negated]
Once per round as a Minor Action, a Cast Armor may attempt to paralyze a single target
within 20m. If the target fails to resist the Paralyzing Gaze, they cannot take any Major
Actions for 30 seconds (3 rounds). Minor Actions and Movement are possible. This effect
is treated as a Psychic-type effect.
An empty wandering armor. The gaze that can be seen peering out from the helmet is able
to paralyze, while the cursed sword it holds steals the life of the living. Cast Armors are
strange in that they retain the ability to call on divine magic, despite their obvious
corruption, and it is widely held that these are spirits of crusaders and other paladins who
have fallen in battle.
While some are harmless due to the vows they had taken while alive, others seek out
enemies and look to destroy them. However, time and undeath have distorted exactly who
is an enemy, and so these Cast Armors attack nearly everyone indiscriminately.


1 Renguard
Int: Servant Perc: Mechanical Lang: None
Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 7 / 12 Init: 7 Move Spd: 16 Fort: 2 (9) Will: 2 (9)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Electric Bolt 3 (10) 2d-2 2 (9) 0 12 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Lightning Damage +3 pts.
[Linking] Loot
As a Major Action, a Renguard can attach itself 2-9 None
to another Renguard in order to increase 10+ Old Recording
offensive power. Each Linked Renguard gives Device (100G)
the boosted Renguard a +1 bonus to Accuracy
and +3 damage. Up to 4 Renguards can be
Linked to another in this way, for a total bonus
of +4 Accuracy and +12 damage (so a 7 (14) Accuracy, dealing 2d+10 damage). After the
boosted Renguard attacks, all Links are disconnected.
These small robots were simple security, designed for use during the Al Menas period.
Sporting four short legs with wheels coming off a flat body, these robots will first attempt to
drive away intruders using a simple warning in the Magitech language but will resort to
electric shocks is this warning is not heeded.
Renguards, while small, can swarm a guarded area in a short time, and will often link to
each other in order to drive away larger intruders. Though they reduce the number of
attacks when doing so, the intensity of the attacks becomes much larger. Unprepared
adventurers have been killed by underestimating the power of linked Renguards.

2 Ghast Lurker
Int: Servant Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Unknown Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 5 / 11 Init: 8 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 3 (10)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Smash 4 (11) 2d+4 3 (10) 1 18 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
None Loot
2-8 None
9+ Magical Stone (250G)
A Ghast that has survived long enough to grow to the size of a normal human. While a few
have been found to be independent, most Ghast Lurkers will remain under the control of
their masters.

2 Creeping Coin
Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 10 / 13 Init: 9 Move Spd: 10 (Flying) Fort: 2 (9) Will: 2 (9)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tackle 3 (10) 2d-1 2 (9) 2 10 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts.
[Mimicry] Loot
A Creeping Coin can choose to appear as 2-9 None
though it was an ordinary gold coin. Its true 10+ Old Gold Coin
form cannot be detected by the normal eye, but (100G)
Sense Magic will reveal the truth.
[Flame Breath / 3 (10) / Fort / Half]
A Creeping Coin may vomit a fireball directed
towards a single target. The fireball travels to a range of 5m and deals 2d+2 Fire magic
A magical creature that looks a lot like a gold coin, Creeping Coins are usually found in
groups of 20 or more. Careless adventurers will often approach piles of these monsters and
get burned for their greed. However, there may be actual gold coins mixed in with the
monsters, and those coins may be worth a significant amount of Gamels.

3 Kuga
Int: Servant Perc: Mechanical Lang: None
Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 10 / 13 Init: 11 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 5 (12) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Smash 5 (12) 2d+3 4 (11) 4 28 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Lightning Damage +3 pts.
[Mechanical Body] Loot
The Kuga is immune to criticals from edged Always Iron (20G)
weapons. 2-8 None
9+ Crude Magitech
Components (100G)

A prototype bipedal magitech machine, the Kuga is a relic of the Al Menas society. Sporting
little in the way of arms and armor, Kugas were rarely operated as-is, but were kept in
storage until they could either be outfitted or scrapped.

3 Gorghan
Int: Servant Perc: Mechanical Lang: None
Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 9 Move Spd: 10 Fort: 5 (12) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Drill 2 (9) 2d+8 4 (11) 4 42 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Mechanical Body] Loot
The Gorghan is immune to criticals from edged Always Iron (20G)
weapons. 2-8 None
9+ Crude Magitech
Components (100G)

Developed from the base Kuga, the Gorghan is a machine designed not for combat, but
excavation. To this end, one hand is outfitted with a massive drill, and armor is added in
order to protect from flying rubble. However, in combat this drill can be used to deliver a
massive blow, giving the Gorghan a method to protect itself from attackers. The other hand
is a manipulator, allowing the Gorghan to perform small, precision work.

3 Nezha
Int: Servant Perc: Mechanical Lang: None
Hab: Ruins, Seabed Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 10 Move Spd: 15 / 15 (Swimming)
Fort: 5 (12) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 5 (12) 2d+3 4 (11) 4 21 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Underwater Aptitude] Loot
A Nezha is able to move in water without 2-8 None
penalty. 9+ Underwater Magitech
[Alarm] Components (180G)
As a Major Action, a Nezha can sound a loud
alarm, alerting all within the area (50m indoors,
100m underwater).
A Nezha is a 1m long construct, able to most both in and out of water. While physically it
resembles a snake, the garish red or yellow coloring sets it apart. These robots are
responsible for patrolling specific routes known only to their long-lost masters and are able
to move both on land and in water in order to make their rounds. It can even patrol through
narrow spaces, due to its snake-like body.
When an intruder is found, the Nezha will attack with its powerful bite. If the intruder
proves to be a formidable opponent, the Nezha will set off a loud alarm, drawing allies to
its position.

4 Ghast Knight
Int: Servant Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 7 / 13 Init: 11 Move Spd: 8 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 4 (11)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 6 (13) 2d+8 5 (12) 2 32 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
None Loot
2-6 None
7 - 11 Magical Stone (250G)
12+ Dense Magic Jewel

These Ghast Knights have been trained to use weapons, and still retain some martial
prowess from when they were once alive. Now able to fight and move efficiently, their
understanding of commands has grown as well. Lately, there's been rumors of a Ghast
Knight commanding other Ghasts (see CR I: p. 462-468) as well...

4 Barringer
Int: Servant Perc: Mechanical Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 11 / 15 Init: 12 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 6 (13)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Smash 5 (12) 2d+2 5 (12) 5 30 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Bludgeoning Damage +3 pts.
[Work Light] Loot
The Barringer constantly sheds light in a 10m Always Iron (20G)
radius around itself. 2-5 None
[Discharge / 5 (12) / Will / Half]
6-8 Crude Magitech
The Barringer unleashes a wave of electricity,
Components (100G)
attacking up to 5 characters within a 3m radius.
This shockwave deals 2d Lightning magic damage. 9+ Magitech Components
[Mechanical Body] (300G)
The Barringer is immune to criticals from edged weapons.
A large magitech machine, the Barringer was designed to supply power to other magitech
constructs and industrial machines on-site. They are often found around other magitech robots
and large machines because of this.

5 Deck Chest Trap

Int: Servant Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 9 / 13 Init: 12 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 8 (15) Will: 8 (15)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Smash 7 (14) 2d+6 6 (13) 6 34 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
[Twin Strike & Double Attack] Loot
A Deck Chest Trap can make two Smash 2-5 None
attacks each round with each hand, though each 6-9 Magical Wood
attack requires its own Accuracy check. They (200G)
may choose to attack different characters with
10+ Premium Magical
each attack.
Wood (500G)
If a Deck Chest Trap successfully hits via Double Attack, the target is captured and
automatically hit each successive round.
Removing the capturing arms requires an (Adventurer Level + Strength Modifier) Check.
This check may be made by another person as well. If successful, the target is not captured
A Deck Chest Trap can choose to appear as though it was an ordinary piece of furniture
(chests, bookcases, doors, etc.). If it does not move, it is basically unidentifiable, but can
be detected by [Sense Magic] or similar effects.
A stronger version of a Chest Mimic, the Deck Chest Trap can disguise itself as a variety
of ordinary furniture, such as bookcases, doors, beds, etc. If you approach the target
unintentionally, you will be taken by surprise unless you succeed in the Danger Sense check
of Target Number 15.

5 Rigaqua
Int: Servant Perc: Mechanical Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 11 / 15 Init: 13 Move Spd: 15 / 20 (Swimming)
Fort: 7 (14) Will: 7 (14)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 7 (14) 2d+5 6 (13) 5 40 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Lightning Damage +3 pts.
[Twin Strike & Double Attack] Loot
A Rigaqua can make two Weapon attacks each Always Iron (20G)
round, though each attack requires its own Always Underwater Magitech
Accuracy check. They may choose to attack Components (180G)
different characters with each attack.
2-9 Crude Magitech
[Underwater Aptitude]
Components (100G)
A Rigaqua is able to move in water without
10+ Magitech Components
[Mechanical Body]
The Rigaqua is immune to criticals from edged weapons.
A magitech machine designed for underwater movement, the Rigaqua's streamlined chassis
allows it to move and fight underwater with ease. Dealing with even one while underwater
will be a difficult task.

8 Rock Golem
Int: Servant Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Labyrinths Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 13 / 18 Init: 8 Move Spd: 10 Fort: 11 (18) Will: 11 (18)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist (Right) 10 (17) 2d+14 7 (14) 12 45 -
Fist (Left) 10 (17) 2d+14 7 (14) 12 45 -
Sections: 2 (Right / Left) Weak Point: Energy Damage +3 pts.
Main Section: None
Unique Skills Loot
• Rock Golem 2-8 Magical Stone (250G)
[Rock Body] 9+ Mithril (2,600G)
The Rock Golem is immune to criticals from
edged weapons and all non-Energy-type magic damage.
[Aimed Attack]
When attacking, the Rock Golem can gain a +2 bonus to Accuracy but receives a -4 penalty
to damage dealt when doing so.

Rock Golems are humanoid constructs built entirely out of rocks of various sizes and stand
menacingly around 3m tall. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Conjurer class, they
automatically know the lore and value of the Rock Golem. A Monster Knowledge check is
still required in order to determine the Rock Golem's Weakness. It can be given simple
instructions, like "move to that spot", "attack that target", or "attack anything that approaches".

8 Sinker House
Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 14 / 18 Init: 8 Move Spd: 5 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Drill 12 (19) 2d+7 3 (10) 7 60 -
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Triple Attack] Loot
A Sinker House can attack the same target three 2-6 None
times in one action with its Drill. Each attack 7 - 10 Premium Magical
requires its own Accuracy Check. Wood (500G)
[Room Rotation]
11+ Luxury Magical
Once per turn, as a Minor Action, the Sinker
Wood (3,600G)
House can flip itself 180 degrees, swapping the
floor and ceiling. All non-flying characters will
fall 5m (taking fall damage) and will fall prone. This ability cannot be used in consecutive
[Floor Softening]
The Sinker House can make the floor soft and difficult to walk on. Characters standing on
the floor will receive a -2 penalty to Evasion, but any character falling on a softened floor
will take no damage.
[Floor Ignition / 10 (17) / Will / Half]
The Sinker House sets the floor on fire, dealing 2d-2 Fire magic damage to all characters
standing on it.
[Floor Lubrication]
The Sinker House soaks the floor and makes it slippery, giving all characters on the floor
a -2 penalty to Accuracy. Additionally, any character standing on the floor at the end of
their turn must make an (Adventurer level + Agility Modifier) check against a value of 13,
falling prone if they fail this check.
A Sinker House can choose to appear as though it was an ordinary room. Its true form
cannot be detected by the normal eye, but Sense Magic will reveal the truth.
A monster that mimics a small traveler's hut, room, or other such building, the Sinker
House is deceptively dangerous. Fitting in an area usually around 5m in height, width and
depth, the Sinker House can be attacked through the floor or walls. The house can create
a large conical drill to attack the inhabitants, changing the floor to make it more dangerous
for the inhabitants all the while.
While the Sinker House is often seen as a small hut, it can actually appear as any kind of
room, both indoor and outdoor, in order to trap victims inside. However, these rooms do
appear to be slightly distorted, and this distortion can give away the Sinker House's mimicry.
Additionally, Gargoyles and other flying creatures find the interior quite welcoming, which
only makes it all the more dangerous for unaware adventurers.

9 War DOOM
Int: Servant Perc: Mechanical Lang: None
Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 14 / 18 Init: 14 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 14 (21) Will: 11 (18)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Machine Gun (Chassis)
12 (19) 2d+10 9 (16) 9 60 -
Main Battery (Turret) 9 (16) 2d+20 11 (18) 6 40 -
Sections: 3 (Chassis x2 / Turret) Weak Point: Lightning Damage +3 pts.
Main Section: None
Unique Skills Loot
• All Sections Always Iron Ingot (100G)
[Ammunition] 2-8 Rare Magitech
The War DOOM's Machine Gun holds 6 Components (900G)
bullets and has a range of 10m, while the Main 9+ Mysterious Magitech
Battery has a 30m range and 2 shots. Once the Components
magazine is empty, the War DOOM must take (2,400G)
a Major Action to replicate ammunition and
reload its guns before firing again.
[Mechanical Body]
The War DOOM is immune to criticals from edged weapons.
• Chassis
Unless one Chassis of the War DOOM is reduced to 0 HP or less, the Turret may not be
engaged in melee combat. If both Chassis are destroyed, reduce the Turret's Evasion by -
[Anti-Personnel Missile / 12 (19) / Fort / Negated]
Once per turn, as a Major Action, the War DOOM may fire this attack and hit up to 20
targets on the skirmish within a 6m radius, dealing 20 Physical damage. This ability can
only be used twice per combat.
• Turret
[Hawk Eye & Precise Shot]
Attacks fired into a skirmish cannot cause Stray Shots. The War DOOM can attack
characters in front of it that are outside the skirmish or shielded.
[Protective Shield Deployment]
When the War DOOM takes Physical or Magical Fire-, Water-, Wind-, Earth-, or
Lightning-type damage, a protective shield forms around it, nullifying any subsequent
attacks of the same element. The War DOOM may form a new shield automatically upon
hit but loses the effect of any previous shields in doing so.
A massive machine made solely for war, the War DOOM was the pinnacle of the DOOM
series of robots. Built during the Al Menas period, these machines were mass-produced
and sent to fight innumerable battles. With a cannon the size of a human torso, anti-
personnel missiles, and a pair of machine guns, its offensive power is unmatched.
Additionally, it retains the protective shielding from the Queen DOOM models as well,
giving it substantial defenses. A true killing machine.

11 Iron Golem
Int: Servant Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Labyrinths Disp: Instructed
Rep/Weak: 16 / 22 Init: 9 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 14 (21) Will: 14 (21)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist (Right) 12 (19) 2d+18 9 (16) 16 60 -
Fist (Left) 12 (19) 2d+18 9 (16) 16 60 -
Sections: 2 (Right/Left) Weak Point: Energy Damage +3 pts.
Main Section: None
Unique Skills Loot
• All Sections 2-7 Magic Iron Ingot
[Iron Body] (680G)
The Iron Golem is immune to criticals from 8 - 12 Mithril (2,600G)
edged weapons and all non-Energy-type Magic 13+ Pure Mithril (8,800G)
[Aimed Attack]
When attacking, the Iron Golem can gain a +4 bonus to Accuracy but receives a -8 penalty
to damage dealt when doing so.
A massive golem, Iron Golems tower over most adventurers at 5m tall.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Conjurer class, they automatically know the lore
and value of the Iron Golem. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to
determine the Iron Golem's Weakness. It can be given simple instructions, like "move to
that spot", "attack that target", or "attack anything that approaches".

12 Buckbaird
Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: None
Hab: Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 18 / 21 Init: 18 Move Spd: 14 (Flying)
Fort: 16 (23) Will: 16 (23)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tackle 14 (21) 2d+16 14 (21) 11 77 90
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Triple Attack] Loot
A Buckbaird can attack the same target three Always Giant Eyeball (500G)
times in one action with its Tackle. Each attack 2-8 Crystallized Magical
requires its own Accuracy Check. Eye (1,000)
[Flight] 9 - 12 Crystallized Magical
A Buckbaird receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy Eyes (1d x 1,000G)
and Evasion only for melee attacks.
13+ Crystallized Magical
[Eye Ray / 15 (22) / Will / Negated]
Eyes (2d x 1,000G)
The Buckbaird can shoot one of five different
rays from its eye; Target: 1 Character, Range/Area: 20m/Shot. A character cannot be
targeted by more than one Eye Ray.
1: Paralysis
Those affected reduce both their Dexterity and Agility by -12 points (to a minimum of 0)
for 30 seconds (3 rounds). This effect is cumulative.
2: Sleep
Those affected fall asleep on the spot for 3 hours and cannot be awoken by normal means.
Magical methods need to be compared to Buckbaird's result to be effective.
3: Frost
Those affected receive 2d+20 Water/Ice magic damage.
4: Brainwash
Those affected will follow the Buckbaird's orders and move to protect it for the next minute
(6 rounds). Orders given cannot be harmful to the target.
5: Rust
Those affected lose all metal objects of A-Rank or lower, including weapons, armor,
shields, and ornaments. This includes those magical items from the Al Menas era. S-Rank
metal objects, as well as those from the Durandal period and earlier, remain unaffected.
A giant monster about 1m in diameter, a Buckbaird has one huge eye in the front and a
myriad of much smaller eyes around its body. It's covered in fine black fur and floats using
a mysterious power. The front eye has incredible magical power and can fire five different
rays at targets in front of it. Due to the structure of the eye, only one ray can be used at a
time. In combat, the Buckbaird combines the usage of these rays with incredibly fast
tackling attacks, making it dangerous both in melee and at a range.
There are many mysteries about the ecology of the Buckbaird, and it is thought that they
are the creation of some mad wizard during the Durandal period. However, their origin is
unknown, their diet is unknown, and even their thoughts and possible breeding habits are
an absolute mystery. What little is known is they enjoy the spaces in underground

Mythical Beasts

3 Harpy
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Trade Common, Harpy, Sylvan
Hab: Mountains, Highlands Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 9 / 14 Init: 10 Move Spd: 10 / 20 (Flying)
Fort: 4 (11) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Talon 4 (11) 2d 4 (11) 1 22 26
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
[Bow] Loot
Instead of making a Talon attack, a Harpy may 2-9 Beautiful Feathers
use a bow with both feet, allowing it to attack at (30G)
ranges up to 20m. This attack uses the same 10+ Seven-Colored
Accuracy and damage as the Harpy's Talon Feathers (200G)
[Fairy Magic (Level 3) / Magic Power 5 (12)]
A Harpy may cast Fairy Magic as a third-level
Fairy Tamer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description.
[Spellsongs / 6 (13)]
A Harpy can use the [Curiosity], [Charming], and [Love Song] Spellsongs. For individual
Spellsong effects, refer to Spellsong's description. Spellsongs have an effective range of
30m, centered on the Harpy.
A Harpy receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
Superficially similar to a human female, a Harpy differs in that it not only has brilliant
rainbow-colored wings on both arms, but its feet end in wickedly curled talons. Their
mouth is also filled with razor-sharp fangs, perfect for tearing flesh from bone.
Despite the beauty of its appearance and voice, its character is brutal and evil. They attack
in groups of 3-5, flapping their wings and using magic to attack.
They breed by mating with Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Nightmares and then devour
them for sustenance.

4 Hippogryph
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses Lang: None Hab: Grasslands, Mountains Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 12 / 15 Init: 15 Move Spd: 25 / 50 (Flying)
Fort: 6 (13) Will: 5 (12)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Beak 5 (12) 2d+4 5 (12) 2 25 8
Unique Skills W. P.: Slashing Damage +3 pts.
[Flight] Loot
A Hippogryph receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy 2-5 None
and Evasion only for melee attacks. 6 - 10 Gems (150G)
[Continuous Attack]
11+ Gems (150G) x 1d
If a Hippogryph successfully hits a target in
melee, they may make a second attack against the same target.
Said to be born from the crossbreed between horses and gryphons, a Hippogryph has the
front half of an eagle, whose large wings allow it to fly at incredible speeds. Although they
can attack herbivores and other animals as pretty, they are not as good at hunting as
gryphons, and their overall disposition is much milder. It is possible to tame a young
Hippogryph to ride it as an adult, so occasionally Hippogryph young will be auctioned off
for 1,000G or so, if not more, as people jump at the chance to own a fantastic mount.

4 Pooka
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Sylvan, Local Dialect Hab: Forest Disp: Friendly
Rep/Weak: 11 / 14 Init: 11 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 5 (12) Will: 6 (13)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bare Hands 5 (12) 2d 5 (12) 2 28 32
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
[Fairy Magic (Level 4) / Magic Power 6 (13)] Loot
A Pooka may cast Fairy Magic as a fourth-level Always Thin Cloth (10G)
Fairy Tamer. 2-8 None
[Spellsongs / 6 (13)] 9+ Pooka Flute (50G)
A Pooka can use all of the Spellsongs listed in
this book. Spellsongs have an effective range of 30m, centered on the Pooka.
[Animal Transformation]
As a Major Action, a Pooka can transform into any animal, allowing conversation as normal
for that animal. If the Pooka transforms into a monster of the "Animal" classification that's
also level 3 or lower, they can use all of that animal's Unique Skills. This transformation is
natural, not magical, in nature, and this cannot be detected with [Sense Magic].
A mythical beast with the upper half of a human child and the lower half of a forest animal,
Pookas are naturally friendly, mischievous creatures that dwell in forests and help the local
animals. While there is no custom to dress up, it is unlikely to see a Pooka in their natural
form, as they will tend to transform into animals in order to hide from forest intruders.
However, their mischievous nature shows through even while transformed, and it is
possible to detect a transformed Pooka by their unnatural tendency towards causing
trouble, as compared to most forest animals.

5 Pegasus
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Mountains Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 9 / 16 Init: 16 Move Spd: 20 / 40 (Flying)
Fort: 6 (13) Will: 6 (13)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Hoof 7 (14) 2d+5 6 (13) 3 41 33
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
[Poison/Disease Immunity] Loot
A Pegasus is immune to all Poison-type and Always White Feathers (50G)
Disease-type effects. 2-9 None
[Flight] 10+ Pure White Mane
A Pegasus receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and (800G)
Evasion only for melee attacks.

A white horse with wings on its back, a Pegasus is a rare sight due to its somewhat skittish
personality. The image of a Pegasus is popular in folktales and legends, and it is said that
riding one is like running in the sky. They do not simply allow anyone to ride them, so the
few adventurers and aristocrats seen on a Pegasus have just that much more prestige.

6 Frost Wyvern
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses Lang: None
Hab: Mountains Disp: Hungry
Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 13 Move Spd: 15 / 30 (Flying)
Fort: 8 (15) Will: 8 (15)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fang (Head) 7 (14) 2d+10 8 (15) 6 42 21
Talon (Wing) x2 8 (15) 2d+8 6 (13) 5 24 13
Stinger 8 (15) 2d+6 7 (14) 5 26 15
Sections: 4 (Head / Wing x2 / Tail) Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts.
Main Section: Head
Unique Skills Loot
• All Sections 2-7 None
[Water/Ice Immunity] 8 - 10 False-Dragon Scale
A Frost Wyvern takes no damage from (350G)
Water/Ice-type effects. 11+ Ice Scales (1,600G)
• Head
[Blizzard Breath / 11 (18) / Fort / Half]
The Frost Wyvern may vomit a mass of cold air directed towards a single point. The cold
air travels to a range of 20m and explodes into a 3m radius localized blizzard upon impact,
dealing 2d+7 Water/ice magic damage to up to 5 targets in the area. This ability cannot be
used in consecutive turns.
A Frost Wyvern can use the [Beetleskin], [Cat’s Eyes], and [Recovery (5 HP)] Techniques.
• Wings
A Frost Wyvern receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
• Stinger
[Deadly Poison / 8 (15) / Fort / Negated]
If the Frost Wyvern hits with their Stinger attack, the target must immediately make a
Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra 2d+6 Poison magic damage.
Frost Wyverns are similar in appearance to dragons and are often thought of as a variant
of the dragon family. However, unlike a dragon, a Wyvern's arms and wings are integrated
into the same limb, and most Wyverns have much lower intelligence than dragons.
Wyverns also instinctively know a few techniques to strengthen their body, rather than rely
on magic.

6 Lesser Manticore
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Arcana, Sylvan
Hab: Labyrinths Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 14 Move Spd: 15 / 23 (Flying)
Fort: 8 (15) Will: 9 (16)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claw (Front) 9 (16) 2d+7 8 (15) 6 38 52
Tail (Rear) 8 (15) 2d+9 7 (14) 4 32 16
Sections: 2 (Front / Rear) Weak Point: Wind Damage +3 pts.
Main Section: Front
Unique Skills Loot
• Front 2-6 None
[Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic (Level 7-9 Fine Mythical Beast
5) / Magic Power 8 (15)] Hide (300G)
A Lesser Manticore may cast both Truespeech 10+ Beautiful Mythical
and Spiritualism Magic as a fifth-level Sorcerer Beast Hide (800G)
and Conjurer. For individual spell effects, refer
to that spell's description.
[Fairy Magic (Level 3) / Magic Power 5 (12)]
A Lesser Manticore may cast Fairy Magic as a third-level Fairy Tamer. For individual spell
effects, refer to that spell's description.
A Lesser Manticore can use the [Beetleskin] and [Cat’s Eyes] Techniques.
• Rear
[Numbing Poison / 7 (14) / Fort / Negated]
If the Lesser Manticore hits with their Tail attack, the target must immediately make a
Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, they receive a -6 cumulative penalty to their Dexterity.
If the target's Dexterity is reduced to 0, the character becomes unable to move or attack. If
the target uses fixed values, they instead receive a -1 penalty to Accuracy, becoming
paralyzed when the penalty reaches -3.
This is a Poison-type effect and wears off after 1 hour has passed.
A horrific conglomeration of parts, a Lesser Manticore has the body of a lion, the wings of
a bat, the tail of a scorpion, and the face of an old man, all standing 3m in length. Very
intelligent, Lesser Manticores have a deep knowledge of magic and history, with some
having lived since the Schnell period or even longer. However, they are vile creatures,
twisted in mind and body, and any information gleaned from them is likely to be incorrect
at best, if not outright malicious.

6 Unicorn
Int: High Perc: Five Senses Lang: Sylvan
Hab: Forest Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 10 / 15 Init: 14 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Horn 8 (15) 2d+6 7 (14) 5 50 86
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
[Fairy Magic (Level 6) / Magic Power 10 (17)] Loot
A Unicorn may cast Fairy Magic as a sixth-level Always Unicorn Horn
Fairy Tamer. For individual spell effects, refer (Remaining MP x
to that spell's description. 300G)
[Magic Aptitude] 2+ None
A Unicorn can use the Combat Feats [Guided
Magic], [Metamagic/Targets], [Magic
Convergence] and [Magic Control].
[Healing Horn / 10 (17) / Fort / Negated]
Completely recovers the target's HP and removes any poisons, diseases, curses, and cures
petrification. This has no effect on Constructs, and any Undead are instantly destroyed
instead. Costs 10 MP to use.
[Horn of Mana]
If the Unicorn's MP reaches 0, it dies instantly, its horn crumbling into useless dust.
Unicorns are elegant creatures, horses with long, iridescent spiraling horns on their
forehead. They are intelligent but very skittish, only appearing to human maidens and, even
then, quite rarely.
They are hunted by both outlaws and Barbarous for their horns, which can cure diseases
and heal wounds even after it is removed from the Unicorn. The horn has the entirety of
the Unicorn's MP stored in it, and when cut, it retains the Unicorn's current MP (killing the
Unicorn in the process).
Once all of the stored MP is spent using the [Healing Horn] ability, it will crumble into
useless dust.

7 Jii
Int: High Perc: Five Senses Lang: Trade Common, Sylvan
Hab: Unknown Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 14 / 18 Init: 12 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 11 (18)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Hoof 7 (14) 2d+6 8 (15) 6 48 70
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
[Divine Magic, Fairy Magic (Level 7) / Magic Loot
Power 11 (18)] 2-6 None
A Jii may cast both Divine and Fairy Magic as a 7+ Sharp Hoof (950G)
seventh-level Priest and Fairy Tamer. It is up to
the GM to determine any Special Divine Spells.
For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's
[Magic Aptitude]
A Jii can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Metamagic/Accuracy], and [Wordbreak].
As a Minor Action, a Jii can gain a +2 bonus to Evasion however they also receive a -2
penalty to their Accuracy.
A cow with a human face, the Jii walks on two legs like a human would. There is a tradition
of the Jii appearing before a major disaster and spouting prophecies, and some nations
even take the appearance of the Jii in itself as a precursor to a disaster. While normally
kind and welcoming, they will fall upon opponents with malicious intent. It is unknown
where they come from, though there have been sightings in deep forests and on high
mountain peaks.

9 Chimera
Int: High Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Lang: Trade Common, Barbaric, Dragonic, Arcana Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 13 / 20 Init: 15 Move Spd: 13 / 25 (Flying) Fort: 11 (18) Will: 12 (19)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Lion Head) 11 (18) 2d+13 10 (17) 9 46 12
Horn (Goat Head) 9 (16) 2d+9 10 (17) 8 28 60
Bite (Dragon Head) 10 (17) 2d+11 10 (17) 10 34 18
Snake Bite (Body) 12 (19) 2d+9 11 (18) 6 52 12
Wings (Wings) - - 9 (16) 8 24 12
Sections: 5 (Head x3 / Body / Wings) Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts.
Main Section: Head (All)
Unique Skills Loot
• Lion Head Always Chimera Horn (500G)
[Techniques] Always Chimera Fang (500G)
The Chimera's Lion Head can use the 2-9 Chimera Mane (500G)
[Beetleskin], [Cat’s Eyes], and [Recover (5 HP)] 10+ Golden Chimera Mane
Techniques. (2,900G)
• Goat Head
[Spiritualism Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power 10 (17)]
The Chimera's Goat Head may cast Spiritualism spells as a seventh-level Conjurer.
[Magic Aptitude]
The Chimera's Goat Head can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets],
[Metamagic/Distance], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Guided Magic] and
• Dragon Head
[Flame Breath / 11 (18) / Fort / Half]
The Chimera's Dragon Head may vomit a fireball directed toward a single target. The
fireball travels to a range of 50m and deals 2d+10 fire magic damage.
• Body
[Cursed Poison / 11 (18) / Fort / Negated]
If the Chimera's Body hits with its Snake Bite attack, the target must immediately make a
Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, the target receives a -2 cumulative penalty for their
Accuracy. This effect lasts until the Body's HP is reduced to 0.
• Wings
A Chimera receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
A Chimera is fearsome in appearance, with the heads of a lion, goat, and dragon, the body
of a snake used for a tail, and the wings of a massive bat on its back. Their origin is unclear,
but it can only be assumed that a crazed wizard from the Durandal period came up with
this beast as part of some deranged experiment.
With multiple heads comes incredible intelligence, and Chimeras excels in cunning
strategy. They are also quite cruel and will offer hope to their opponents only to snatch it
away at the last second. Chimeras also tend to have Undead and Constructs under their
control and will have each head sleep at different times, making them incredibly difficult
opponents to take advantage of. However, Chimeras tend to be overconfident, and it is said
that this hubris may be their downfall.

10 Cockatrice
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: None
Hab: Forest, Wasteland Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 15 / 20 Init: 15 Move Spd: 18 / 18 (Flying)
Fort: 13 (20) Will: 13 (20)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Beak 13 (20) 2d+9 11 (18) 10 78 27
Unique Skills W. P.: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts.
[Poison/Disease/Curse Immunity] Loot
A Cockatrice is immune to all Poison-type, 2-6 None
Disease-type, and Curse-type effects. 7 - 12 Cockatrice Beak
[Techniques] (1,000G)
A Cockatrice can use the [Meditation],
13+ Crimson Beak (3,200G)
[Beetleskin] and [Recover (5 HP)] Techniques.
A Cockatrice receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
[Continuous Attack II]
If a Cockatrice successfully hits a target in melee, they may make a second attack. If a
second attack hits, they can make a third attack against the same target.
[Petrifying Beak / 11 (18) / Will / Negated]
If the Cockatrice hits with their Beak attack, the target must immediately make a Willpower
check. If they fail to resist, they receive a -12 cumulative penalty to Agility. If this drops the
character's Agility to 0, the character immediately turns to stone. If the target uses fixed
values, they instead receive a -2 penalty to Evasion, turning to stone when either reaches -
Resembling a giant chicken with the legs and tail of a lizard, a Cockatrice is a dangerous
beast, able to petrify anyone with its beak. Standing taller than most humanoids,
Cockatrices are often hostile to anyone they perceive as threatening them or their nest.
However, they absolutely hate Basilisks with every fiber of their being and will break off
combat with others in order to attack one on sight.

10 Draconet
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Dragonic
Hab: Various Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 15 / 20 Init: 17 Move Spd: 13 / 25 (Flying)
Fort: 13 (20) Will: 12 (19)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Body) 13 (20) 2d+14 12 (19) 12 63 32
Wing (Wing) x2 12 (19) 2d+9 10 (17) 10 41 16
Sections: 3 (Body / Wing x2) Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts.
Main Section: Body
Unique Skills Loot
• All Sections Always Dragon Scale
[Fire Immunity] (5,000G)
A Draconet takes no damage from Fire-type 2-6 Dragon Fang
effects. (1,200G)
• Body 7+ Dragon Fang x2
[Flame Breath / 11 (18) / Fort / Half] (2,400G)
The Draconet may vomit a mass of superheated
air, directed towards a single point. The hot air
travels to a range of 20m, and explodes into a 3m radius fireball upon impact, dealing
2d+15 Fire magic damage to up to 5 targets in the area. This ability cannot be used in
consecutive turns.
• Wings
[Flight II]
A Draconet receives a +2 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks. If one of
the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used.
[All-Out Attack]
A Draconet can deal an additional 8 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion
Check made by the Draconet this turn receives a -3 penalty.
"Draconet" is a name used for dragons 100 years or younger, and a Draconet's attitude
reflects its immaturity. Often angry, they will destroy their environment until they either
run out of energy or have leveled their surroundings. However, it is possible to
communicate with a Draconet when they are in a good mood.
As with older dragons, Draconets tend to hoard things with a significant amount of stored
mana, including magical items, Sword Shards, and even whole Swords of Defense. They
are loathe to give up any of their hoard but may be convinced if there is appropriate
replacements for the items to be taken. While the most common Draconets breathe fire,
there are subspecies that can exhale ice, lightning, or poison as well.

13 Lesser Dragon
Int: High Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Trade Common, Arcana, Dragonic
Hab: Cave Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / 20 Init: 18 Move Spd: 15 / 30 (Flying)
Fort: 17 (24) Will: 17 (24)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 17 (24) 2d+18 15 (22) 14 79 84
Tail (Body) 16 (23) 2d+16 13 (20) 16 103 30
Wing (Wing) x2 15 (22) 2d+14 13 (20) 13 54 28
Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Wing x 2) Main Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts.
Section: Head
Unique Skills Loot
• All Sections Always Dragon Scale (5,000G)
[Fire Immunity] 2-6 Dragon Fang (1,200G)
Takes no damage from Fire effects. 7 - 12 Dragon Fangs (1d x 1,200G)
• Head 13+ Dragon Jewel (10,000G)
[Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic (Level 10)
/ Magic Power 14 (21)]
A Lesser Dragon may cast both Truespeech and Spiritualism Magic as tenth-level Sorcerer and
Conjurer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description.
[Magic Aptitude]
The Lesser Dragon can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Distance],
[Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Guided Magic] and [Wordbreak].
[Flame Breath / 15 (22) / Fort / Half]
With "Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot", spits fire at "Target: 6m Radius/20", dealing 2d+20 fire magic
damage. This unique skill cannot be used on consecutive turns.
A Lesser Dragon can use the [Strong Blood], [Beetleskin] and [Recovery (7 HP) Techniques.
• Body
Unless the Body of the Lesser Dragon is reduced to 0 HP or less, the Head may not be engaged
in melee combat.
[Tail Swing]
A Lesser Dragon can use their tail to attack up to 5 targets. Accuracy and Damage are the same
as a normal attack, and this attack cannot be used in consecutive rounds.
• Wings
A Lesser Dragon receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks. If one of
the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used.
[All-Out Attack]
A Lesser Dragon can deal an additional 8 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion
Check made by the Lesser Dragon this turn receives a -3 penalty.
A young dragon, less than 500 years, yet older than a Draconet. Even though it is relatively young
for a Dragon, Lesser Dragons tend to be around 10m long, so any sort of melee attack on the
head is nigh impossible. Able to spit flames and cast spells while flying over the skirmish, a Lesser
Dragon's offensive power is second to none. Because of this, Lesser Dragons tend to be very self-
centered and overconfident, looking down on others they consider “lesser creatures.” Lesser
Dragons look to hoard treasure and valuables, just like any other dragon. Any brave adventurer
(or adventuring party) that can kill a Lesser Dragon will not only earn the title “Dragon Slayer”
but will have access to the vast hoard that the dragon had acquired. Additionally, very rarely do
dragons have Dragon Eggs inside their bodies, which are incredibly valued on their own due to
their use in several magical experiments.


7 Undine
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Sylvan
Hab: Waterfront Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 13 Move Spd: 15 / 15 (Swimming)
Fort: 9 (16) Will: 9 (16)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 10 (17) 2d+7 8 (15) 8 46 50
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power Loot
10 (17)] None
An Undine may cast the Fairy Magic spells
[Water Screen], [Purification], and [Ice Bolt] as
a seventh-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects,
refer to that spell's description.
[Magic Aptitude]
An Undine can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets] and [MP Save].
[Water Gun / 9 (16) / Fort / Half]
An Undine sprays a jet of water towards a single target. The water jet travels to a range of
20m and deals 2d + 6 Water/ice magic damage. If the target fails to save, they are also
knocked prone.
[Water Body]
An Undine takes no damage from Water/Ice-type effects. Bludgeoning weapons treat the
Undine's Defense as 3 points higher.
[Underwater Specialization]
An Undine can breathe and vocalize while underwater and does not suffer any penalties
for moving while underwater.
[Flame Vulnerability]
When the Undine is hit by Fire magic damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.
Water fairies that have become stronger with time and mana, Undines appear as beautiful
humanoid women (often humans and elves). Often seen in larger bodies of water, they
have also been sighted in rivers, and are very curious about travelers on the water. However,
their curiosity may occasionally be dangerous, as Undines tend not to know that other races
can drown in water.
They greatly dislike ugly people on the water, and try to deliberately sink their vessels, so
they can't be seen on the water. However, an even more hated enemy are those who would
pollute water sources. These people the Undines actively and aggressively try to drown, in
order to protect themselves and their habitat.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the
lore and value of the Undine. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to
determine the Undine's Weakness.

7 Salamander
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Sylvan
Hab: Volcano, Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 14 Move Spd: 17 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 8 (15)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Tongue 10 (17) 2d+11 9 (16) 7 41 50
Unique Skills W. P.: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts.
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power Loot
10 (17)] None
A Salamander may cast the Fairy Magic spells
[Fire Bolt] and [Heat Metal] as a seventh-level
Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that
spell's description.
[Magic Aptitude]
A Salamander can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets] and [Metamagic/Distance].
[Fire Breath / 8 (15) / Fort / Half]
A Salamander breathes a gout of flame towards a single target. The flame travels to a range
of 20m and deals 2d + 9 Fire magic damage.
[Fire Immunity]
A Salamander takes no damage from Fire-type effects.
[Water/Ice Vulnerability]
When the Salamander is hit by Water/ice magic damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.
Salamanders are 2m long lizard-like fairies drawn to flames and fire and tend to live in areas
with higher temperatures than normal. They're driven to burn everything around them,
and there's often charcoal strewn about their lairs because of this tendency. However,
despite being drawn to fire, Salamanders aren't aggressive, though they are still dangerous
when not threatened.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the
lore and value of the Salamander. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to
determine the Salamander's Weakness.

7 Sylph
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Sylvan
Hab: Mountains Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 15 Move Spd: 22 (Flying)
Fort: 9 (16) Will: 9 (16)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Fist 9 (16) 2d+6 10 (17) 5 38 50
Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts.
[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 7) / Magic Power Loot
10 (17)] None
A Sylph may cast the Fairy Magic spells [Wind
Voice], [Wind Guard], [Wind Cutter], [Silent
Move], [Hovering] and [Shoot Arrow] as a
seventh-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects,
refer to that spell's description.
[Magic Aptitude]
A Sylph can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic] and [Metamagic/Distance].
[Gale Breath / 9 (16) / Fort / Half]
A Sylph breathes a mass of compressed air towards a single target. The mass travels to a
range of 30m, and explodes into a 3m radius hurricane, dealing 2d+6 Wind magic damage
to up to 5 targets in the area.
[Wind Body]
A Sylph takes no damage from Wind-type or Slashing-type effects. Slashing weapons treat
the Sylph's Defense as 3 points higher.
A Sylph receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks.
[Earth Vulnerability]
When the Sylph is hit by Earth-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.
Whimsical wind fairies, Sylphs appear to travelers as half-transparent humanoids, often
choosing to appear as either humans or elves. They are not malicious, but sometimes their
pranks may be dangerous, such as flying around a mountaineer trying to climb. Sylphs
prefer to fly freely wherever they want, though occasionally some will follow a group of
travelers that appreciate their pranks.
In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the
lore and value of the Sylph. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to
determine the Sylph's Weakness.


4 Aetherbeast
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Daemonic
Hab: Labyrinths Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 12 / 15 Init: 12 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 5 (12) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite 6 (13) 2d+5 5 (12) 3 32 15
Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts
None Loot
Always Daemon’s Blood
2-9 None
10+ Daemon’s Fangs

Beasts from another world, Aetherbeasts are loyal to and follow around other daemons.
Often taking the appearance of a much larger wolf, they will savagely bite any who threaten
them. While the stats given are for this particular form, GMs may use other stats to
represent other Aetherbeast forms as well.

6 Valbravers
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Daemonic, Arcana
Hab: Cave, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 12 / 16 Init: 13 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 8 (15)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
None (Body) - - 6 (13) 5 43 35
Crushing Blow (Large
8 (15) 2d+10 6 (13) 6 33 8
Fist (Small Arms) 9 (16) 2d+5 8 (15) 4 27 6
Sections: 3 (Body / Large Arm / Small Arms) Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts.
Main Section: Body
Unique Skills Loot
• Body Always Daemon's Blood
[Regeneration] (100G)
Once per turn, as a Major Action, the 2-4 None
Valbravers can choose one of its Arm sections 5-8 Twitching Arm
that is at 0 HP and revive it to half its maximum (200G)
HP. Only one Arm section can be Regenerated 9+ Fresh Arm (500G)
per turn.
[Truespeech Magic (Level 5) / Magic Power 6 (13)]
A Valbravers may cast Truespeech Magic as a fifth-level Sorcerer. For individual spell
effects, refer to that spell's description.
• Large Arm
When the Valbravers' Body would take damage from a melee or ranged attack, the Large
Arm can move in the way and take the damage instead. This ability can only be used once
per round and does not protect against wide-area effects.
[Simultaneous Attack]
A Valbravers' Crushing Blow can attack up to 5 characters in the same skirmish, but a
separate Accuracy Check is needed for each character. Each Accuracy Check is made with
a -2 penalty.
• Small Arm
[Continuous Attack]
If the Valbravers' Small Arms successfully hits a target in melee, they may make a second
attack against the same target.
A strange, horrifying daemon that barely looks like a humanoid. A Valbravers stands about
4m tall, though its head is sunken into its oversized chest muscles and its right arm is
abnormally enlarged. The left arm is much longer and slender, though 4 or 5 are growing
from the same shoulder. While a Valbravers can use magic, its intelligence isn't the greatest,
and so there's not a whole lot of power behind its spells.
Often, Valbravers is called by a much more powerful daemon or are used to guard
labyrinths. Able to regenerate at an incredible rate, they make good guardians as they can
deter most intruders. It's said that an arm that is removed from Valbravers will continue to
move on its own for a few days after.

6 Gildrekk
Int: Low Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Daemonic
Hab: Labyrinths Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 12 / 16 Init: 15 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 7 (14)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claw 8 (15) 2d+7 8 (15) 8 42 18
Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1
[Continuous Attack] Loot
If the Gildrekk successfully hits a target in Always Daemon's Blood
melee, they may make a second attack against (100G)
the same target. 2-8 None
[Long Tail / 8 (15) / Evasion / Negated]
9 - 10 Smooth Tail (300G)
The Gildrekk attacks 1 target within 10m with
11+ Flexible Tail (620G)
an outstretched tail, dealing 2d+5 Physical
damage on a successful hit. This is treated as a weapon of the Thrown category (though
the tail stays attached).
A Gildrekk is an unusual daemon, a 3m tall monstrosity with the head of a lizard and an
unusually long tail. They walk while leaning forward, their head far in front of their body,
and are able to quickly lash out with their tail. Often seen in the service of other daemons,
Gildrekks are a soldier-type, and will swarm to protect their leader with their lives.

7 Grunel
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Daemonic, Arcana
Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 14 / 19 Init: 15 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon (Body) 9 (16) 2d+10 9 (16) 7 53 60
Tail (Tail) 10 (17) 2d+8 8 (15) 4 25 22
Sections: 2 (Body / Tail) Main Section: Body Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts.
Unique Skills Loot
• Body Always Daemon’s Blood
[Truespeech Magic, Divine Magic (Level 7) / (100G)
Magic Power 10 (17)] 2-7 None
A Grunel may cast both Truespeech and Divine 8 - 10 Daemon’s Earrings
Magic as a seventh-level Sorcerer and Priest. It (260G)
is up to the GM to determine any Special 11+ Daemon’s Bracelet
Divine Spells. For individual spell effects, refer (1,200G)
to that spell's description.
[Magic Aptitude]
A Grunel can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets] and [Guided Magic].
[Mana Strike]
A Grunel may deal an additional +10 damage to their next melee attack. If they do, they
receive a -1 penalty to Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower checks until their next turn.
• Tail
[Entangling Tail]
A Grunel may use its tail in an attempt to entangle the target. Each round, the entangled
target is hit automatically by the Grunel, and makes all Accuracy and Evasion Checks with
a -2 penalty. This penalty is not cumulative. Removing the entangling tail requires an
(Adventurer Level + Strength Modifier) Check as opposed to the Grunel Tail's Accuracy
check. This check may be made by another person as well. If successful, the target is not
entangled anymore.
A humanoid daemon with bronze skin and a height of about 3m, Grunels have long tails
that they treat like whips. Some individuals may have magic weapons as well (increasing
both Accuracy and damage by +1), and with their aptitude with magic, it is assumed that
the Grunel handmade this weapon. If the Grunel does use a magical weapon, assume it is
included in the loot as well.
Oddly enough, Grunels have been seen in the company of Grassrunners. It is not quite
sure what the relationship between the two races is, and neither side is willing to talk about
it. However, this has led to the rumor that Grassrunners come from another world.

8 Dark Bully
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Daemonic
Hab: Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 15 / 18 Init: 15 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 11 (18) Will: 10 (17)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Claw 10 (17) 2d+7 10 (17) 7 46 30
Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts.
[Continuous Attack II] Loot
If a Dark Bully successfully hits a target in Always Daemon’s Blood
melee, they may make a second attack. If a (100G)
second attack hits, they can make a third attack 2-8 None
against the same target. 9+ Crystallized
[Poison Claw / 9 (16) / Fort / Negated] Daemon’s Blood
If the Dark Bully hits with their Claw attack, the (800G)
target must immediately make a Fortitude
check. If they fail to resist, they receive a -1
cumulative penalty to Evasion checks for 1 hour.
[Shadow Cross]
The Dark Bully moves by disappearing into shadows and reappearing anywhere within
20m. At night, the Dark Bully may reappear anywhere instead. Additionally, the Dark
Bully can use the Combat Feat [Shadow Sneak] when performing a Normal Move. This
ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Standing at 2m tall, the Dark Bully appears to be a figure completely enshrouded in
shadow. A long claw grows from each hand, instead of fingers, giving the appearance of the
scythes of the god of death. Moving from shadow to shadow, a Dark Bully can unleash
such an onslaught of attacks from out of nowhere, slaying even veteran adventurers near

9 Ragnakang
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Daemonic
Hab: Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 16 / 19 Init: 16 Move Spd: 15 / 20 (Flying)
Fort: 12 (19) Will: 11 (18)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) 11 (18) 2d+13 11 (18) 10 48 44
Tail (Body) 11 (18) 2d+12 9 (16) 8 56 28
Wing (Wings) x2 12 (19) 2d+9 9 (16) 5 29 14
Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Wing x2) Main Weak Point: Slashing Damage +3 pts.
Section: Head
Unique Skills Loot
• Head Always Daemon’s Blood
[Divine Magic (Level 5) / Magic Power 7 (14)] (100G)
A Ragnakang may cast Divine Magic as a fifth- 2-6 None
level Priest. It is up to the GM to determine any 7 - 12 Daemon’s Horn
Special Divine Spells. For individual spell (600G)
effects, refer to that spell's description. 13+ Large Daemon’s
[Magic Aptitude] Horn (1,400G)
A Ragnakang can use the Combat Feats
[Metamagic/Targets], [Guided Magic] and [Wordbreak].
[Poison / 11 (18) / Fort / Negated]
If the Ragnakang hits with their Bite attack, the target must immediately make a Fortitude
check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra 2d+8 Poison magic damage.
A Ragnakang may use the [Cat’s Eyes], [Beetleskin], 'Bear Muscle" and "Strong Blood"
• Body
[Paralyzing Poison / 10 (17) / Fort / Negated]
If the Ragnakang's Body hits with their Tail attack, the target must immediately make a
Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, they receive a -1 cumulative penalty to all checks for
1 minute (6 rounds).
[Large Body]
As long as the Ragnakang Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head receives a +4 bonus to melee
Evasion checks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears.
• Wings
A Ragnakang receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee attacks. If one
of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used.
A daemon that appears as an upright dragon, with huge membranous wings. When a
Ragnakang fully extends its neck, it stands around 5m long, and will use that long neck and
tail in combat. Thoroughly infused with poison, a Ragnakang is dangerous to touch, let
alone engage in combat. Some still stand guard at the entrances to old ruins, and such
places have seen no intrusions because of the Ragnakang's diligence.

11 Cerberus
Int: Animal Perc: Five Senses (Darkvision) Lang: None
Hab: Ruins, Labyrinths Disp: Hostile
Rep/Weak: 15 / 20 Init: 18 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 14 (21) Will: 13 (20)
Fighting Style Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bite (Head) x3 13 (20) 2d+16 12 (19) 10 44 35
None (Body) - - 12 (19) 12 80 20
Sections: 4 (Head x3 / Body) Weak Point: Bludgeoning Damage +3 pts.
Main Section: Head (All)
Unique Skills Loot
• All Sections Always Crystallized
[Fire Immunity] Daemon’s Blood
A Cerberus takes no damage from Fire-type (800G)
effects. 2-7 None
• Heads 8 - 12 Binding Chain (500G)
[Breath] 13+ Jet-black Binding
Each head of the Cerberus can use the following Chain (3,000G)
breath attacks. Each breath has a 6m radius
centered on the Cerberus and will affect up to 20 creatures in the area. If two heads breathe
the same attack, then the Roll Modifier gains a +2 bonus, and the breath deals an extra +4
damage. If all three heads breathe the same attack, then the Roll Modifier gains a +4 bonus,
and damage is increased by +8.
1: [Flame Breath / 11 (18) / Fort / Half]
This breath attack deals 2d+12 Fire magic damage to those affected.
2: [Blizzard Breath / 10 (17) / Fort / Half]
This breath attack deals 2d+8 Water/ice magic damage to those affected. If a target fails to
save, its Defense is decreased by -5 for 30 seconds (3 rounds).
3: [Miasma Breath / 9 (16) / Fort / Half]
This breath attack deals 2d+6 Poison magic damage to those affected. If a target fails to
save, its Evasion is decreased by -3 for 30 seconds (3 rounds).
Each Cerberus Head may use the [Beetleskin] and [Bear Muscle] Techniques.
• Body
[Large Body]
As long as the Cerberus Body's HP is 1 or more, each Head receives a +4 bonus to melee
Evasion checks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears.
A three-headed daemon dog, a Cerberus is really more the size of a horse. Able to conjure
up breath weapons of fire, ice, and poison, it can be a dangerous foe in combat. Also known
as the Watchdog of Hell, Cerberuses are typically seen guarding something, whether the
entrance to a labyrinth, a vault inside, or something else. While its intelligence is that of a
normal dog's, a Cerberus will remain loyal to its orders, and will fight to the death in order
to carry them out.


2 Bandit Trooper
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Trade Common, Local Dialect
Hab: Various Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 5 / - Init: 9 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 3 (10)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 4 (11) 2d+2 3 (10) 3 20 10
Unique Skills W. P.: None
[Sword’s Grace / Change Fate] Loot
Once per day, a Bandit Trooper may choose to 2-6 None
change the result of a Skill Check or Damage 7 - 10 Bag of Silver (50G)
roll, by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to Bag of Silver (1 d x
the opposite sides. 11+

Thugs with a single weapon and leather armor. Typically attacking peddlers, traders and
lone travelers, Bandit Troopers tend to act in groups of 3-5, and will more likely go after
smaller groups than not. This data may also be used for low-level soldiers, as well as armed

2 Bandit Archer
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Trade Common, Local Dialect
Hab: Various Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 5 / - Init: 8 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 3 (10)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Bow 4 (11) 2d+1 3 (10) 2 18 10
Unique Skills W. P.: None
[Bow] Loot
The Bandit Archer's Bow attack is treated as a 2-6 None
ranged attack from a Bow category weapon, 7 - 10 Bag of Silver (50G)
with a range of 20m.
Bag of Silver (1d x
[Precise Shot] 11+
Ranged attacks fired into a skirmish cannot
cause Stray Shots.
[Sword’s Grace / Change Fate]
Once per day, a Bandit Archer may choose to change the result of a Skill Check or Damage
roll, by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the opposite sides.
Bandit Archers tend to stay behind the front lines, taking aim at those on the battlefield.
As befitting cowardly bandits, their targets will tend to be who they perceive as the weakest
in the group. This data may also be used for low-level soldiers, as well as armed villagers.

3 Corrupted Priest
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Trade Common, Local Dialect
Hab: Various Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 6 / - Init: 8 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 4 (11) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Staff 4 (11) 2d 3 (10) 2 22 25
Unique Skills W. P.: None
[Divine Magic (Level 3) / Magic Power 5 (12)] Loot
A Corrupted Priest may cast Divine Magic as a 2-6 None
third-level Priest. It is up to the GM to Bag of Silver (1d x
determine any Special Divine Spells. For 7 - 10
individual spell effects, refer to that spell's
Bag of Silver (2d x
description. 11+
[Sword’s Grace / Change Fate]
Once per day, a Corrupted Priest may choose
to change the result of a Skill Check or Damage roll, by switching the faces of the rolled
2d to the opposite sides.
These Corrupted Priests spread evil and destruction where they go. Whether they've been
turned from the way of the righteous and fallen in with bandits or are followers of the
Malevolent Gods and living among the Barbarous, there is naught but darkness where these
Priests go.

4 Bandit Chief
Int: Average Perc: Five Senses Lang: Trade Common, Local Dialect
Hab: Various Disp: Neutral
Rep/Weak: 7 / - Init: 12 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 6 (13) Will: 5 (12)
Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP
Weapon 6 (13) 2d+7 6 (13) 4 30 15
Unique Skills W. P.: None
[Power Attack] Loot
A Bandit Chief can deal an additional 4 damage 2-6 None
on their next attack. However, any Evasion 7 - 10 Bag of Silver (1d x
Check made by the Bandit Chief this turn 50G)
receives a -2 penalty. 11+ Bag of Silver (2d x
[Sword’s Grace / Change Fate] 50G)
Once per day, a Bandit Chief may choose to
change the result of a Skill Check or Damage
roll, by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the opposite sides.
The leader of a group of bandits, a Bandit Chief is always followed by a group of 3-5 other
bandit followers and may have a spellcaster or two in the group as well. They will stand on
the front lines and fight, though if the tides turn, they may try to run and live to fight another

Monster Variants

Monsters, much like PCs and NPCs, can strengthen themselves

by holding high-ranking weapons and shields, or even magical
variants thereof.

Switching Equipment

For monsters equipped with weapons, it's possible to change the

Accuracy and damage of a weapon by changing the specific weapon
being held. Some abilities may also be changed in this manner, as
they would end up using the weapons being held.

Numerical Changes Based on Weapon Type

Weapon Type Numbers Changed
Sword, Axe No Changes
Spear, Warhammer Accuracy -1, Damage +2
Mace, Staff Accuracy +1, Damage -2
Thrown, Bow, Crossbow Ranged Attack Possible, Damage -2

Numerical Changes based on High-Quality Equipment

Weapon Type Numbers Changed
Magical Swords, Other Magic Weapons Accuracy +1, Damage +2
Shields, etc. Evasion +1, Defense +1

Adding or Changing Unique Skills

As a GM, you are free to give monsters unique skills they did not
have before, as well as replace existing abilities with others. These
could be custom abilities created out of whole cloth, or they could
be abilities that already exist, pulled from another monster.
If the new unique skill has references to Resistances, determine
the value by using the following tables. Multiple different effect
elements should be averaged out, if only to make the final
determination a little easier on the GM.

Guidelines for Determining Values for Unique Skills

Effects and Use of Reference Value Effects and Use of Standard Value
Unique Skill Guideline Unique Skill Modifier
Gives the target a It cannot be used
ML+2~ML+3 +1
penalty continuously
The effect is negated Has a cumulative
ML+1~ML+2 -1
if resisted effect
The effect has half
ML±0~ML+1 Multiple segments -1
effect even if resisted
Damages a wide
ML+1~ML+2 Is a Drake, Daemon +1
range of targets
Damages a single
ML+2~ML+3 Monster Level 10+ +1
Has an Effect outside
a Major Action
※1: [ML] in the table refers to the Level of the Monster with the unique
※2: When using fixed values, add "7" to the reference value.

For example, let's say you wish to give a Sahagin the [Poison
Claw] ability of a Wight. [Poison Claw] is an ability that "is negated
if resisted", "damages a single target", and "has an effect outside a
Major Action" (as it causes damage in addition to the normal attack's
damage). Thus, for the 2nd Level Sahagin, [Poison Claw] would
have a Standard Value of 3 (10).
Altering the type of damage a unique skill does or altering the
damage type a monster is weak to, is possible, but must be done with
care to not unbalance a monster's power.

Humanoid Monsters

Humanoid monsters are written using Humans as the baseline

but can be changed to any humanoid race. One of the key
differences is the different racial traits available. Humans are given
[Sword’s Grace/Change Fate], so if a humanoid monster is changed
to a different race, change the racial trait appropriately.

[Sword’s Grace/Change Fate]: Once per day on any Skill
Check, Damage Calculation, or Loot Determination, you
can switch the face on the rolled 2d to the opposite side. A
die roll of [1] becomes [6], [2] becomes [5], and [3]
becomes [4].

Damage -1, Magic Power +1, HP -5, MP +5
[Sword’s Grace/Gentle Water]: Can breathe and vocalize
underwater and does not receive penalties for moving
while underwater.

Accuracy +1, Evasion -2, Defense +2
Racial [Sword’s Grace/Flame Body]: HP and MP are not
Traits reduced by any Fire-type effects.

Stat Changes Accuracy +1, Evasion -2, Magic Power +2, MP +5
Racial Traits None

[HP Conversion]: In exchange for reducing your HP to a
Racial certain number of points, you recover that same number
Traits of MP. The conversion requires 10 seconds (1 round) and
can only be used once a day.

Accuracy +1, Magic Power +1
[Weakness]: When damaged by a silver weapon or a
damaging effect of one of (Fire, Water/Ice, Wind or
Earth) type, increase that damage by +2 points.

Stat Changes Accuracy +1, Evasion +1, MP -5, Willpower +3
Racial Traits None

Evasion -2, Defense +2, HP +5
[Sword’s Grace/Wings of the Wind]: Fly for a total of 1
minute (6 rounds) per day. While flying, increase
Accuracy and Evasion by +1.

Damage -4, Evasion +2, No MP
[Mana Interference]: If a Grassrunner succeeds on a
Willpower check against a spell, they will be completely
unaffected (even if the spell says otherwise).

Stat Accuracy -1, Evasion -1, Defense -2, Magic Power +2,
Changes HP -5
Racial [Child of Magic]: If a Spellcasting check is automatically
Traits successful (i.e., the roll is double 6's), no MP is spent.

Changing a Monster's Strength

In order to strengthen a monster (increasing its level) or weaken

a monster (decreasing its level), there are a lot of numbers that need
to be changed.
When changing a monster's level, it is recommended that any
change only is by a single level either way (i.e., either the monster's
level +1 or the monster's level -1). Larger changes are much harder
to keep balanced, and players may have false expectations due to
the appearance of the monster, but that's not to say that such changes
absolutely cannot happen.

Strengthening Monsters
A monster may be strengthened in a number of ways, such as
"training under a powerful master", "obtaining special occult
knowledge", or even "is a mutant". When strengthening a monster,
the following monster statistics are increased by +1:
Reputation/Weakness (Rep/Weak), Initiative, Fortitude,
Willpower, Accuracy, Evasion, Magic Power (if any), Standard
Values of Unique Skills (if any).

Once those are increased, then the GM may choose to increase

either the monster's HP by +2 or increase both the HP and Defense
by +1. This is in addition to the extra +5 HP and +2 MP the monster
receives from increasing by a level.

Other statistics, such as Movement Speed and Weak Points,

remain unchanged.

Special Equipment
As mentioned above, monsters may have different equipment
from what their stat block shows. While changing a monster's
weapons and equipment doesn't increase their level, increasing a
monster's level does mean they are more likely to have stronger
weapons and equipment to bring to bear in combat.
Weakening Monsters
Monsters may also be weakened, decreasing their level and
overall power. Such reasons for this occurring could be "child of the
species", "already injured", "detrimental mutations", or "is unfinished
(for Constructs)". When weakening a monster, all of the statistics
listed in "Strengthening Monsters" are instead decreased by the same
number. A number cannot be less than 0, and Standard Values
always have 7 added to them.

Changing Abilities and HP Reduction

It's possible to weaken monsters by taking away any beneficial
unique skills they may have. Additionally, detrimental abilities can
be added in order to weaken a monster.
Even halving a monster's HP (rounded up) without changing
other numbers is enough to weaken a monster.
Depending upon the monster, these changes may have different
effects, so they should be carefully balanced for each monster.

Power Tables
Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
0 * 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
1 * 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4
2 * 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4
3 * 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5
4 * 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5
5 * 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5
6 * 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5
7 * 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6
8 * 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6
9 * 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7
10 * 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
11 * 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7
12 * 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7
13 * 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 3
14 * 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8
15 * 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8
16 * 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8
17 * 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8
18 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8
19 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9
20 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
21 * 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10
22 * 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10
23 * 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10
24 * 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10
25 * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10
26 * 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 9 9 10
27 * 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10
28 * 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10
29 * 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 10
30 * 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
31 * 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11
32 * 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 10 11
33 * 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11
34 * 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11
35 * 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12
36 * 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 11 12
37 * 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12
38 * 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13
39 * 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 11 12 13
40 * 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
41 * 4 6 6 7 9 10 11 12 12 13
42 * 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13
43 * 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
44 * 4 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 14
45 * 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14
46 * 4 6 7 9 10 10 12 13 13 14
47 * 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 15
48 * 4 6 7 9 10 12 12 13 13 15
49 * 4 6 7 10 10 12 12 13 13 15
50 * 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 14 15

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
51 * 5 7 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15
52 * 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15
53 * 5 7 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 15
54 * 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
55 * 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16
56 * 5 8 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 16
57 * 5 8 10 11 11 12 13 15 16 17
58 * 5 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 16 17
59 * 5 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17
60 * 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
61 * 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18
62 * 5 9 10 11 13 13 14 16 17 18
63 * 5 9 10 11 13 13 15 17 17 18
64 * 5 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 17 18
65 * 5 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 18
66 * 5 9 10 12 13 15 15 17 18 19
67 * 5 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 19 19
68 * 5 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 19 19
69 * 5 9 10 12 14 16 16 17 19 19
70 * 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19

Power ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
71 * 5 9 10 13 14 16 17 18 19 20
72 * 5 9 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 20
73 * 5 9 10 13 15 16 17 19 20 21
74 * 6 9 10 13 15 16 18 19 20 21
75 * 6 9 10 13 16 16 18 19 20 21
76 * 6 9 10 13 16 17 18 19 20 21
77 * 6 9 10 13 16 17 18 20 21 22
78 * 6 9 10 13 16 17 19 20 22 23
79 * 6 9 10 13 16 18 19 20 22 23
80 * 6 9 10 13 16 18 20 21 22 23

Designer's Notebook
More than five years have passed since "Sword World 2.0 Core
Rulebook I" arrived. In the meantime, the staff of SW2.0 has done
their utmost to make the game more fun, easier to play, and more
dramatic with your support.
Last year, one of our goals was to publish Core Rulebook I
Revised Edition, which was received better than expected by
everyone, and we are pleased to continue to deliver the Core
Rulebook II Revised Edition.
The publication of this book, which was originally unforeseen,
was the result of a collective effort on the part of our staff to take
SW2.0 to the next level. Although there are not many changes from
Core Rulebook II, we feel that we have done a good job of updating
the book for the future of SW2.0.
We would be happy if those who started playing SW2.0 with
Core Rulebook I Revised Edition would continue to play with us.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those

who have allowed me to publish this book and to all those who have
worked with and continue to support SW2.0.
Thank you for your continued support of SW 2.0.

June 2013 Tanaka Kouji/Group SNE

Group SNE official website: http://www.groupsne.co.jp/

Staff List
Game design Development
Kei Kitazawa Group SNE
System Design Supervisor
Tanaka Kouji Hitoshi Yasuda
Ryo Mizuno
World Design
Miyuki Kiyomatsu
Kei Kitazawa
Miyabi Akita Editing
Sanae Fujisawa Shinobu Murakawa
Yuki Ito
Cover Illustration
Kiyoshi Kaneko
Kususaga Rin
Masaru Ogasawara
Anji Majima
Keiji Kariya (Arclight
Sample Character Illustrations Co., Ltd.)
Kususaga Rin
Anji Majima
Mihoko Deguchi
NPC Illustrations (Arclight Co., Ltd.)
Hiroyuki Aigamo, Usui Rina, Hiroyuki Kiyono
Mikako Mikaki, Haruyuki (Arclight Co., Ltd.)
Morisawa, Midori Hitoiro
Cover Design
Map Illustrations
Yuya Kobayashi Production
Monster Illustrations
Fukuda Minoru
Koji Nishino Yuko Nagase

Revised Staff List
Cover Illustration Editing
Kususaga Rin Ken Inagaki
Anji Majima
Editorial Cooperation
Cover Design Keiji Kariya (PoSiCo
Yoshikazu Co., Ltd.)
Sample Character Illustration Design
(Newman) Shinya Sasaki (Arclight
so-bin Co., Ltd.)
English Translation
Lead Translator
Additional Translation, Proofreading, and Editing

Original Release Date: 2013/07

Translation Release Date: 2021/09 (Reedited 2023/12)

This is a free, unofficial, fan-based translation.

Please support original creators by buying Sword World books
and supplements.

Experience new power to fight through Raxia! For players
who have advanced through CR I, we have added a list of
extraordinary spells and combat feats from levels 7 to 10,
as well as the new Enhancer and Bard classes.
Additionally, the three new races - Lildraken,
Grassrunner, and Newman - will make your gameplay
more exciting!

※This book is a revision of "Sword World Core

Rulebook II" and requires "Sword World 2.0 Core
Rulebook I Revised" to play.

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