Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Organisms Environment
Any living thing is Every thing around us is
organisms, it may be environment. Environment
plant, an animal, a means surrounding. It
mosquito tree, including derives from French word
human being. environment which means
Environment is sum total of all biotic (living) and biotic (non-living) components
factors that surround and potentially influence an organisms.
Environment is the sum total of all social, economical, biological physical and
chemical factors which constitute the surrounding of human, who are both creator and
destroyers (moulders) of the environment. “The term environment which
etymologically means t the conditions in which organisms live and thus consists of
air, water, food and sunlight. organisms and environment are interrelated,
interdependent and mutually reaches. Any organisms can only survive in appropriate
environment. They interact with each other and are influenced by whole complex
Types of environment:
It may be divided in to the following categories –
1. Natural environment
2. Anthropogenic Environment (Man-made Environment)
Natural Environment –
- It includes components such as air, water, land, forest, forest wildlife, flora and fauna.
- It operates through a self-regulating mechanisms (system). Any change brought about by
one component is counter balanced by some other changes in another component of the
- The natural environment is never static, the changes may sometimes be negligible or
Anthropogenic Environment:-
- Environment which have been created by human begins according to their need by
modern technology is known as Anthropogenic environment.
- It includes component that have been introduced by human beings depending on their
need and requirements.
- These may refer to alteration of surroundings for industrial, commercial, agricultural or
housing purposes.
Another way to understand environment is:-
Physical Environment Chemical Environment Biological Environment.
- It includes matter - Includes all the chemical - Includes life on earth.or
which directly components of like all living forms on earth.
influence the gasses, acids, water, in Such as- bacteria,
organisms and organic element & microbes herbs, shrubs,
determine the organic substances etc. mammals.
existence of any kind - May be different for - Also determines the
of life. different group of influence of factors such
Eg.- Solar energy is organisms as warmth ,moisture and
crucial for production of For ex: Chemical humidity.
food by plants which in Environment for farm
turn provide food to other, livestock includes
living beings temperature, fertilizers, warm drenches
humidity, soil rain. inset sprays etc.
Livestock ;- Refer collee-
tively all cattles, domestic
and other beneficial
- For aquatic environment
it pertains to different
gasses, nutrients dissolved
in water.
Segments of Environment
Components of Region of Environment
- There are four segments of or components of environment.
a) Atmosphere
b) Lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Biosphere
- Every sphere has a two-way linkage to every other sphere including itself.
- The two way linkage signifies that matter flow from one sphere (Compartment) to other
in both directions.
- The atmosphere is blanket of gasses and suspended liquids and solids that entirely
envelops the earth.
- “Atmosphere forms a protective shell over the earth.”
- It is composed of various gasses and water vapour.
- The major gasses of the lower atmosphere.
- Are nitrogen, oxygen, Argon and CO2 . White there are a number of trace or minor
gasses like – neon, helium CH 4 , H 2 , CO, O3 (ozone) etc.
- The four major gasses N 2 98.084% , O2 20.94% , Ar .93% & CO2 .0314% accounts for
more that 99% of the total atmospheric mass.
- On the other hand, the total of all the trace gasses does not exceed .02%.
- The amount of major & minor gasses very at different elevation of atmosphere.
- Water vapour is also present in lower atmosphere in very small quantity .01 5% but
its importance is great.
- Water enters the atmosphere by evaporation from the hydrosphere and by transpiration
and leaves the atmosphere by precipitation.
- It is never ending two-way traffic.
- Role of atmosphere;-
- It is the source of oxygen-essential for respiration.
- It is the source of carbon di oxide-esssential for photosynthesis.
On the basis of temperature profile and other related phenomena atmosphere is divided
into four major layers –
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
- It is the lower portion of atmosphere.
- Extending upto 15km. above the earth surface.
It contains about
3 th 75% of the total atmospheric mass.
- 4
- Thermal convection, cloud formation, storm and majority of our weather occur.
- This extreme rise in temperature is due to absorption of intense solar rachiatio by oxygen
O2 molecules.
- While these temp. seem extreme, the amount of heat energy is very small. As the air in
thermosphere again is very this i.e. intramolecular space is high.
- Although, the gas molecules exhibit high kinetic energy, & therefore have high
temperature; but they are too sparse to transfer significant quantities&difficult to
messure with an ordinary thermometer.
- That’s why the exposed hand of an astronaut would not feel hot in the thermosphere.
- In thermosphere region exhibit negative base rate (rise in temp with attitude) & charact
erized by high kinetic of gas molecules.
- Outermost solid zone of the earth is known as crust. It is about 8 40km above the
mantle. The surface of crust is covered with the soil.
- Directly below the crust is ‘mantle’ extends about 2900 3000km above the core and is
in the mother state.
- It constitutes largest volume of earth’s interior.
- The core is central fluid having diameter of about 2500kms from the centre. It is
composed of Nickel-Iron.
- Lithosphere includes different varieties of land masses and land forms with different
type of ecosystems ranging from ‘and dersert’ to “rain forest.”
- Of this 90.8% approximately 97% of water is contained in the oceans & seas. Where
the high salt content does not permit its use for human consumption.
- About 2% of the water resources are locked in the glaciers and ice caps. Which is frest-
- For ex- Green plants through photosynthesis accumulate life supporting O2 in the
atmosphere, animals in hole O2 during respiration and give out CO2 . Which is further
utilized by plant during photo synthesis.
- The term ecosystem was introduced by British ecologist.
Sir Arthur Tansley (1935).
- Who defined it as ‘the system resulting from the integration of all living and non-living
factors of the environment.”
- It can also be defined as a structural and functional unit of biosphere or segment of
nature consisting of community of living beings and physical environment both
interacting and exchanging materials between them.
It can be also defined as :-
‘Ecosystem is a region in which biotic components interact with their physical
- Or ecosystem is the minimal entity that has the properties required to sustain life.
In an ecosystem the biotic communities and a biotic environment influence, each other.
This relationship is called holcoenosis.
The set of ecosystems comprising of many similar ecosystems through out the world
grouped together, is called a ‘biome’.
Kind or Types of Ecosystem
On the basis of their habitat ecosystem are divided in to 2 categories:-
1) Natural Ecosystems.
2) Artificial or Man-mode or Anthropogenic ecosystems.
Terrestrial Aquatic
Ecosystem Ecosystem
Forest Fresh water Marine – water
Grass- Ecosystem Ecosystem (Ocean, Sea)
land 97% of world’s water
Cultiva area found in oceans &
ted seas
Natural Ecosystem –
- Natural ecosystem is operated by themselves under natural conditions without any major
interference by human beings.
- An ecosystem may be as small as drop of pond water or as large as an ocean.
- On the basis of kind of habitat, a natural ecosystem may be classified as –
1) Terrestrial ecosystem
2) Aquatic Ecosystem
Terrestrial Ecosystem
- Ecosystems found on land are called terrestrial ecosystem e.g.- forest, grass-land, desert
Aquatic Ecosystem
- Ecosystems found in water bodies are known as aquatic ecosystem.
- For e.g. Tanks, rivers oceans, lakes etc.
They are further divided in to –
A) Fresh-water Ecosystem
- Only 3% of world’s water is fresh.
- 2% is locked in polar ice-caps or glaciers.
- 1% is found in lakes, ponds, river, streams etc.
- Fresh – water ecosystem is further divided in to
1) Lentic or standing water ectosystem.
Eg.- Ponds, lakes, swamp etc.
Lotic or Running-water ecosystem
Eg. – Rivers, streams, springs.
B) Marine – water Ecosystem
- Two-third surface of earth covered by marine- water.
- Ecosystem which are found in marine water is known as Marine – water ecosystem.
For eg. Oceans, seas and tidal waves .
Balanced- Ecosystem
- Economic and environmental development of developing countries becoming critical
day by day.
- For economic growth agricultural and industrial bases becoming the priority at the cost
of environment.
- Depletion of resources leading to the situation of environmental degradation.
- Development should occur but by maintaining the ecosystem because it contains the
element of renewability.
- In the natural environment a balance or equilibrium exists among the various organisms
and a biotic components.
- This condition is known as eco-balance and this system is called ‘balanced ecosystem’.
- The important components of balanced ecosystem are –
a) Population stabilization.
b) Integrated land-use planning
c) Conservation of biodiversity.
d) Air and water pollution control
e) Renewable energy resources.
f) Recycling of water and residues.
- “An ecosystem is ideal or balanced when natural plants and animals and non-living
components integrate with each other.
- An ideal ecosystem should fallow some characteristics.
A biotic Components
Structurally a biotic components includes –
a) Climatic regime :- Temperature, light, wind, precipitation humidity etc.
b) Edaplic regime :- Soil, minerals, Topography etc.
c) Inorganic substaces:- N, S, P, H, O etc involved in material cycling.
d) Organic substances:- Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and humie substances that link
the biotic components to biotic components.
Biotic Components
- The biotic components represents the trophic structure of on ecosystem in which living
organisms are distinguished on the basis of their nutritional relationships.
- The living components of an ecosystem include –
1. Autotrophic Components
- They are autotrophs or self nourishing organisms such as algae, green plants & photo
synthetic bacteria.
- They are known as producers as they derive energy from sunlight and make organic
compounds from inorganic compounds (substances) as food in the process of photo
- As producers convert solar energy in to chemical energy they are also known as
convertors or transducers.
2. Heterotrophic Components
- They are consumers which are heterotrophs (dependent on others for food.)
- They consume organic matter built up by the producers or autotrophs.
- They are further categorized as;-A)-Macroconsumers B)-Microconsumers
A. Macro consumers
- Marco consumers are heterotrophs which become in an order as occur in a food chain.
1. Herbivores
- Also known as primary consumers, feed directly on living plants or plant residues.
For ex- deer, goat, grasshopper, cattle etc are some example of terrestrial ecosystem.
(Protozoon’s, moluscs & crustaceans for aquatic habitat.
2. Carnivores
- Are animals which feed or prey upon other animals.
- They categories as –
a) Primary Carnivore
- They feed upon herbivores
- Known as second order consumers
Ex – Prog. Birds, fox, eat etc.
b) Secondary Carnivores
- They feed on primary carnivores
- Known third order consumers
Ex- Owl, peacock, dogs
c) Tertiary Carnivores
- They prey up on secondary carnivores.
Ex.- Wolves,
d) Quaternary carnivores
- Feed on tertiary carnivores
- and are not eaten up by any other animals.
Ex- lion, tiger, panthers etc.
3. Omnivores
- They feed on plants & animals both.
- Bear, Human beings
B. Microconsumers or decomposers
- Decomposers are those organisms which feed on dead organisms (plant and animals) and
their organic wastes.
- They secrete digestive enzymes in the surrounding medium to digest the organic material
(extracellular digestion)
- and release inorganic mineral compound including water & CO 2 which are then used
by producers (plants) as nutrients.
For ex.- (Funge, bacteria etc. As they release minerals in to the soil, the process is known
as mineralization.
- Also called reducers as they decompose & reduce the dead bodies of the organisms.
On the basis of mode of nutrition
3. Decomposition
- It refers to the process by which complex organic materials of producers & consumers
are broken down by the decomposers to inorganic raw materials like CO 2 , water and
various nutrients.
- The upper layer of soil is the main site for decomposition.
- Decomposers makes inorganic raw materials available for reutilization by the plants.
4. Mineral- Nutrient Cycles:
- The circulation of materials involves trapping of the solar energy by the green plants.
Which is ultimately lost by the organisms in several ways.
- The mineral- nutrients move continuously from the non-living to the living organisms
and back to the non-living environment.
- This cyclic movement of minerals from reservoirs (air, water and soil) to the living
component and back to the reservoir is known as bio-geochemical cycles or mineral
nutrients cycles.
Need of Public Awareness;-
- As human society evolved and progressed, human being tried to device ways to make
their lives more & more comfortable.
- He uses much more material and energy for his agriculture, industry, transport, comfort,
communication, aesthetic pleasure and even war than any other species on the earth.
- This increasing human needs and greeds have disturbed the delicate ecological balance.
- Humans are depleting and degrading the vital life supporting systems including air,
water and land.
- Any government at its own level cannot achieve the goals of sustainable development
until the public has a participatory role in it.
- It is possible only when they aware about the ecological and environmental issues.
- There are several laws enacted by the govt. of India for conservation and prevention of
- But laws cannot be implemented unless education takes society aware of the risks of
living in a deteriorating environment.
- People can be both protectors and destroyers of the nature and their perception or
education or awareness is very important.
- Environmental protection and conservation is beyond the capacity of an individual, an.
Institution or a government.
- So, for active participation public awareness can play a key role.
For – ex.
Importance of Environment;-
- Environment is our life support system and its is impossible to truly estimate its value
- For example forest prevents soil erosion, landslides & flooding: maintains the purity of
the air and water affect local and global rainfall.
- Promote watershed and biodiversity.
- Biodiversity provides problem solving raw materials for shelter and useful products.
- The survival of all species are interconnected and dependent on each other.
- Bacteria and insects breakdown organic material to produce nutrients so plants can grow.
- Plants provide oxygen and food for animals & many other benefits.
- Bees and other species of insect disperse spread their seeds or spores.
- Nature providing us with penicillin, aspirin, morphine & steroids: the medicine Taxol,
which fights with breast and ovarian cancer comes from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree.
- According to physician and biochemist Michal Zasloff, “There’s so much we don’t
know about the natural world” and we are destroying large parts of it before we even
appreciate our ignorance.’’
- The fragile balance of plants and animals that share the earth took Millions of years to
- So, God’s gift must not be taken for granted – it must be cared for.
- If not humanity will face the grim consequences of its action.
Ecological Pyramids
- In ecosystem energy passes from one trophic level to another trophic level and in each
transfer much of its energy is lost as heat.
- Each trophic level receives less energy as compared to the previous trophic level.
- The energy level gradually decreases in the food chain forming a pyramid-like structure.
- Charles Elton(1927) a pioneer British ecologist developed the concept of ecological
He defined, “An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of trophic structure
in which producers occupy the base and top carnivore occupy the apex (top)”.
- These are also called Eltonian pyramids or food pyramids.
- Basically three types of pyramids are recognized:-
a) Pyramids of number
b) Pyramids of biomass
c) Pyramids of energy
Pyramids of Number
- A pyramid of number shows the no. of organisms of each trophic level of the ecosystem.
- Some important features of such pyramids are –
1. The producers have highest no., whereas the number decreases in each successive level
and becomes the lowest at the open to the pyramid.
2. The no. of individual decreases, from base to apex but the size of organism increases.
3. The pyramid is upright e.g. grassland & pond ecosystem.
4. Organisms of each trophic level are collectively called standing crop.
Example:- In grassland ecosystem the base of pyramid is formed by herbaceous producers
(grasses, herbs etc) and these are maximum in number.
Pyramid of Biomass
- ‘Biomass’ is defined as the total living material present in any organism. It is measured
in terms of dry weight in ecosystem at any one time .
- The pyramid shows the total biomass of organisms at each trophic level.
- In terrestrial ecosystem the pyramid of biomass is up right.
- The producers (crop plants, grasses or trees) have the maximum biomass.
- The primary consumers are less in number and have less biomass followed by secondary
and tertiary consumers respectively.
- But in Aquatic ecosystem (Ponds, rivers, lakes etc.) the pyramid of biomass in inverted.
- The phytoplankton, Algae & small aquatic plants (Producers) are lighter in biomass and
are rapidly catch by the primary consumers (water, fleas, insects, larvae etc). Which are
some-what heavier.
- In aquatic ecosystem, the biomass of primary, secondary and tertiary consumers
increases due to their large size and longer life.
- The pyramid shows the total mass of organisms at each trophic level.
For example:-
- In terrestrial ecosystem the pyramid of biomass is up right.
- The producers (crop plants, grasses or trees) have the maximum biomass.
- The primary consumers are less in number and have less biomass followed by secondary and
tertiary consumers respectively.
- But in Aquatic ecosystem (Ponds, rivers, lakes etc.) the h
- The phytoplankton, Algae & small aquatic plants (Producers) are lighter in biomass and
are rapidly catch by the primary consumers (water, fleas, insects, larvae etc). Which are
some-what heavier.
- In aquatic ecosystem, the biomass of primary, secondary and tertiary consumers
increases due to their large size and longer life.
Apart from the daily production and consumption of carbon (in the form of
CO 2 ), the earth has a vast stock of carbon in permanent form. This stock consists of
inorganic depostis (mainly carbonates like calcium carbonate, etc.) and organic fossil
releases a considerable quantity of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. In this cycling
or carbon in the biosphere, carbon may be stored for some time before it is returned to
the cycle via the atmosphere and water.
(This reaction can take place in the soil, in lakes, in sea water or sediments and whenever
NH 3 is being release and O2 is present).
(Both these process are performed by nitrite bacteria (nitrosomonas and nitrobactor)
Denitrification :- (pseudodomonos ,Acromobactor– denitrifying bacterias)
- Oxidized form of Nitrogen present in the soil are constantly decomposed in to nitrogen
by the action of denitrifying bacteria present in the soil.
- Thus, a part of nitrogen is again set free and return back to the atmosphere
Note-It is sedimentary type of cycle, in which the soil and sediments is the great reservoir
and safety valve of the system. The sulphur oxidation process is shown in the upper half
cycle in Fig. The lower section shows the conversion of sulphate into plant and animal
materia l by bacterial action and incorporated into proteins i.e. organic sulphur is
Note – Protoplasm is the living material (content) of the cell that is surrounded by
- It is composed of small molecules such as amino-acids, monosaccharide’s water and
macromolecules nucleic acids, proteins and polysaccharides.
Sulphur Cycle–
- Sulphur is an essential constituent of proteins and amino acids.
- Gasses released during volcanic system in to the atmosphere are water vapour, CO2
followed by SO2 . Volcano also releases smaller amount of other gasses like
H 2 S , H , CO, Hcl , HF2 and Hiliam).
- In the beginning ‘S’ comes in the atmosphere as H 2 S , shich under goes oxidation and
gets converted in to SO2 .
- The SO2 present in the atmosphere soluble in water and is carried book to the earth
after being dissolved in rain water in the form of dil. H 2 SO4 as ‘Acid rain’.
- Sulphur in a solution, mostly as SO4 ion is absorbed through plant roots, where it is
incorporated in to certain organic molecules such as amino acids & proteins.
- From the producers (plants) sulphur in amino-acids is transferred to the consumes
- The excess sulhur is exerted in the forces.
- When animal excreta/waste or dead & decaying material of plants and animals are
decomposed by micro-organisms sulphate is returned back in to the soil by aerobic
decomposition (oxidation) or by aerobic decomposition H 2 S gas is released which is
- In presence of Iron in wet soil and need it makes iron sulphide FeS after combination.
- ' Fes' which is insoluble firmly held in mud and wet soil when exposed to air produces
Presently, the natural resources are depleting very fast. Various causes
identified for the depletion of resources are:
o Over-use/irrational use;
o Non-equitable distribution:
o Technological and industrial development; and
o Population growth.
1. Over-use of Natural Resources: Over-exploitation of natural resources, to meet the
ever-increasing demand for economic and industrial growth, is the major cause for the
depletion of natural resources. The forest resources are depleting very fast due to
overgrazing, commercial logging, shifting cultivation, fuel wood gathering, mining,
quarrying and other forms of over-exploitation, both for commercial and household
needs. The unlimited exploitation of timber for commercial/industrial use leads to
Economic forces can encourage people to over-exploit their land for short term
gains, over-cultivation, over-grazing, wrong cultivation practices (like cutting fields
along the direction of hill slopes), excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
etc. are common practices that leads to land degradation (i.e., loss of fertility of
productivity of the soil).
The per capita daily consumption of minerals (including fossil fuels) is also
increasing day by day to meet the demands of industrial, transport power, and other
sectors. This over-use may lead to the depletion of fossil fuels and other important
minerals in the near future.
- The word biodiversity is derived from bios meaning ‘life’ and diversity meaning variety.
- It refers to wide variety of life on earth to all plants animals and microorganisms which
exist on this planet.
- Biodiversity is a concise form of biological diversity.
The term was coined by Harvard scientist ‘EO Wilson’ in 1985.
According to the world Resource Institute, “Biodiversity is the variety of the world’s
organisms, including their genetic diversity and the assembledge they form.
The concept become so popular during earth summit in “Rio de Janerio’ in the year 1992.
(Nations conference on environment and Development).
- The Global convention on Biological diversity (1992) defined it as, ‘the variability
among living organisms from all sources including inertia, terrestrial marine and other
aquatic ecosystem and ecological complexes of which they are apart, “this includes
diversity within species and of ecosystem.”
- It can be generally described (classified) in terms of its three fundamental and
hierarchically related levels of biological organizations-
1) Genetic diversity
2) Species diversity
3) Ecosystem diversity
1) Genetic diversity
- Genetic diversity is a concept of the variability within a species, as measured by the
variation in genes’ (chemical units of hereditary information that can be passed from one
generation to another) within a particular species, variety, subspecies or breed.
- Genetic diversity is the combination of different genes found, within a population and
the pattern of variation found with in different populations of the same species.
- For ex – Coastal populations of shrimps are generally different from fresh water
(genetic adaptations to local climatic conditions results in genetic differences between
two populations of the same species)
- Similarly all rice varieties belong to species oryza sativa but there are thousands of wild
and cultivated verities of rice which show genetic variations in their colour, size, shape,
aroma and nutrient content.
This is genetic diversity of rice.
2) Species Diversity
- Species diversity is a concept of the variety of living organisms on earth and is measured
by the total number of species in the world or in given area under study.
- The richness of species in an ecosystem is called as species diversity.
- The number species in a region is its “species richness.”
- Species are the basic and most important units in modern system for classifying living
(Note-Similar species are grouped together in genera, similar genera in families, families
in order and so on until the highest level of the kingdom.)
- More precise term for species diversity is “taxonomic diversity” also considers the
evolutionary relationship of species to earth other.
- For ex- An island with two species of birds and one species of lizard has a greater
taxonomic diversity than an island with three species of birds but he lizards.
3) Ecosystem Diversity
- Ecosystem diversity relates to their diversity and health of the ecological complexes
within which species occur.
- Ecological processes governs primary and secondary production (energy flow),
mineralization of organic matter in the soil and sediments, and storage and transport of
minerals and biomass.
- That’s why ecological diversity shows variations in ecological niches, trophic structure,
food webs, nutrients cycling etc and also in physical parameters such as moisture, temp
altitude precipitation etc.
Measurement of Biodiversity
- At the simplest level, diversity may be defined as the number of species, present in a
community, a measure termed as ‘species richness’.
- Actually, diversity is a single statistic is which the no. of species and evenness are
- The mathematical indices of biodiversity that have been developed to represent species
biodiversity at different geographical scale are –
Alpha Diversity (Diversity within community)
- Also known as local diversity
It refers to number species which share the same community habitat (in a single community)
and can be used to compare the number of species in different ecosystems.
- Alpha diversity, infect, refers to the popular concept of species richness in an ecosystem.
Beta Diversity : (Diversity between community)
- Beta diversity refers to the degree to which the species composition changes along an
environmental gradient in communities/habitats.
- There are differences in species composition of communities/habitats along
environmental gradients such as communities habitats.
- There are differences in species composition of communities/habitats along environment
gradients such as altitudinal gradient moisture gradient etc.
- For example – moss community on a mountain, beta diversity is higher if the species
composition of mass communities changes at successively higher altitudes on a
mountain slope, but it is low if the same species occupy the whole mountain side.
Note : ‘Species are set of organisms that resemble one an other in appearance and behavior”.
The organisms in a species are potentially capable of reproducing naturally among
4) Gamma Diversity : (Diversity of habital over the total landscape or-geographical
- Refers to the diversity of the habitals over the total geographical area.
- It reflect species turnover rate with distance between sites of the similar habitals or with
expanding geographical areas.
- It is applicable on larger geographical scales and is defined as the rate at which
additional species are encountered subsequent to geographical replacement.
India as a Mega diversity Nation
- Mittermeir and Werner (1990), using the criteria of species richness introduced the
concept of Mega diversity centres.
- Following their concept 12 courtiers/region have been classified as Mega diversity
- These include Australia, Brazil, China, Columbia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Mexico,
Malaysia, Madagascar, Peru & Zaia.
- Brazil occupies first whereas India is sixth on a list of 12 Mega diversified countries.
- Great wealth of biodiversity in India is its important strength.
- India has a great diversity of natural ecosystems from the cold and high Himalayan
ranges to sea coast, from the wet northeastern green forests to the dry northwestern arid
deserts, different types of forest wetland, island and the oceans.
- India shows a great diversity in climate, topography, & geology and hence the country is
very rich in terms of biological diversity.
For ex –
- India has only 2% of the total landmass of the world containing about 6% of the world’s
known wildlife.
- Country has 47,000 species of flora (plants) and 89,457 species of fauna (animals)
representing about 7.3% of world fauna and 10.88% of world’s flora.
- Eastern Himalayas and the western are the mountainous regions are the treasure house of
endemic species and genetic diversity.
- Western Himalayas are rich in Alpine flora.
- Western Ghats has 40% of total endemic plants, 62% of Amphibians 50% of lizards and
also have low elevation forest.
- Southern western ghats known as the Malabar is the major estate with biodiversity of
ancient linkage.
- Marine biodiversity has a coastline of 9516.5Km. with exclusive economic ozone of 200
million sq. km supporting the ecosystems such as mangroves, estuaries, lagoon and coral
- In India, by 2005-38 mangrove areas have-been identify the are disappearing due to
coastal development.
- Coral reefs are natural wonders of the ocean having steady ecosystem exhibiting high
productivity & biodiversity.
- During formation of shell it absorbs carbon dioxide as a part of ‘ C’ cycle.
- The reefs helps to protect the coastal zone from the impact of sea waves and storms.
- Human expansion, sewages, industrial outflow, increases in temperature of sea water are
the major threats to coral reefs.
- We can divide India’s rich biodiversity in land, plant animal, marine and agro
- There are 167 crops species and wild relatives.
- India’s rank in other aspect apart from being 6th in world.
Plant diversity - 4th in Asia and 10th in world
Mammals diversity - 10th in world
Endemic invertebrate - Eleventh in world diversity
Agriculture & animal- Seventh in world. Husbandry (Agro-bit diversity)
Threat to Biodiversity
- The elimination of species is a natural process and is known as ‘species extinction’
- The rate of extinction, in undisturbed ecosystem, is estimated to be about one species per
- But due to human impacts, the rate of extinction has accelerated, causing hundreds of
species of plants and animals to extinct every year.
- And, if present trend continues million of kinds of plants, animals and microorganisms
may be destroyed in the next few decades.
- The main causes of loss of biodiversity are :-
1) Habitat loss and degradation
- Destruction of natural habitat is the primary cause of biodiversity loss leading to the
species extinction.
- According to International union for conservation of nature & natural resources. (I
UCN), habitat destruction is responsible for 93% of species loss.
- Habitat loss and degradation has resulted to 89% of threatened bird species, 83% of
threatened mammals and 91% of threatened plant species to become extinct.
- The main causes of habitat loss are agricultural activities, harvesting or extraction
(including fishing, mining, logging etc.) and development of human settlements industry
and associated infrastructure.
- The greatest destruction of biodiversity has occurred during the last 150 years during
which the human population.
- Went from just one billion (1850 AD) to 6.2 billion (2002) and will reach to 7.8 billion
- Destruction of forest, wetlands, mangroves and other biologically rich ecosystems
around the world threatens to eliminate million of species.
- By destroying habitat we eliminate not only the prominent species but also may obscure
ones of which we may not even be aware.
2) Habitat fragmentation
- Sometimes, habitat that formerly (originally) occupied large area, are often divided in to
pieces by roads fields, towns, canals, industries, power line etc.
- This is known as habitat- fragmentation.
- And as a result of habitat fragmentation the population of species gets separated in to
isolated groups.
- The isolated, small, scattered population are more to inbreeding depressions, high infant
rate and thus to environmental stresses and finally load to extinction.
- For ex – (i) May wild life species such as beers and large c that require large territory to
survive, gets badly threatened,
(ii) Many singing birds are vanishing due to habitat fragmentation.
(iii) Large animals like elephant and tigers require large area to move about.
- Thus, habitat fragmentation due to human impact has many adversed impact (effect) on
3) Poaching of wild- life: Commercial hunting
- Poaching is the illegal trade to wildlife products by killing prohibited endangered and
rare species of animals.
- In recent decades it has emerged as an insidious threat to wildlife.
- Poaching of wildlife is pushing several species at the verge of extinction.
- Despite ban on trade in endangered and rare species and their proudest, smuggling of
wild-life and their products such as hide, skin, far, antlers, meat horn, tusk, musk
decorative & herbal products continuous.
- In India rhino is hunted for its horns, tigers for bones and skin, musk deer for musk,
elephant for ivory, crocodiles & ghariyal for their skin etc.
- Nine Indian animal species for ex – Fin Whale, Himalayan musk deer, Green turtle,
Hawksbill turtle, olive ridley turtle,
salt – water crocodile, Desert monitor lizard yellow monitor lizard and Bengal monitor
lizards have been severely depleted due to international trade.
4) Man-wildlife conflict
- Expansion of human population causes shrinkage of natural habitat.
- Therefore wildlife habitation faces problems.
- People and animals are increasingly coming on conflict over living space and food.
- People lose their crops, live stocks, property and sometimes their own lives.
- In order to prevent the future conflict, people often retaliate and kill the animals. Many
of them being endangered or threatened.
- For Eg – In Sambalpur, Orissa 195 humans were killed in last ‘S’ years by elephants
relation the villagers killed ‘98’ elephants.
Causes of Man-wildlife conflict
i) Shrinking of forest cover.
ii) Ill, wear ad injured animals have a tendeneg to attack.
iii) Due to electric wiring in fields, animals get injured, suffer in pain and turn violent.
Settlement of wild-life corridors through which the wild animals used to migrate
seasonally in groups to other area.
5) Over exploitation of Biological resources
- Over- exploitation of bio-resources is one of the chief causes of loss of not only species
of economic use, but also biological curiosities. For ex- insectivorous plants such as
Nepenthes bhasiana and animals sps – frogs, earthworms cockroaches etc needed for
laboratory work & overused.
6) Pollution
- Pollution alters the natural habitat and cause reduction and elimination of species.
- Excessive use of pesticides entering the water body and disturb water ecosystem
resulting in declination of fish eating birds & Falcons.
- Cd poisioning causes etai etai disease in fishes and lead poisoning
- Acid rain, global warming and ozone layer depletion affect adversely.
7) Introduction of exotic or Alien species
- Exotic species are also known as biological agents (pollutants) due to which native
species are subjected to competition for food and space.
For ex – Introduction of goats and rabbits in the Indian and pacific region has resulted in
the destruction of habitat so several plants, birds and reptiles.
Pathogenic microorganisms if introduced to new virgin area may cause epidemics
resulting total elimination of species.
Conservation of biodiversity is concerned with the protection of genes their numbers in
population, ecosystems or habitats.
When varieties of plants &animal species are destroyed the genetic diversity within a
species is diminished. Each variety within the species contains unique genes, so it is
important to conserve numerous varieties of plants &animals.
“Biodiversity conservation refers to the effort to maintain or enhance biodiversity
involving protection ,upliftment & scientific management at its optimum level.”
There are two approaches of biodiversity conservation:-
A)In-situ conservation (on-site )
B)Ex-situ conservation (off- site)
In-situ conservation deals with conservation of biodiversitythrough their maintenance
within their natural habitat.
This approach includes an extensive system of “ protected areas” such as National parks
,Wildlife sanctuaries ,Biosphere reserves , Nature reserves etc.
“A protected area is defined as an area of land or sea specially dedicated to the protection
& maintenance of biodiversity .” The protected area vary remarkably in size ,design, aim
&effectiveness of management.
A national park is an area which is strictly dedicated to the betterment & conservation of
wildlife ( plant & animal species ) where activities such as forestry , grazing or
cultivation are not permitted.
No private ownership is allowed.
The boundaries are limited by legislation.
Usually national parks are meant to the habitat for particular wild animal species like lion,
tiger, rhinoceros etc.
According to national wildlife database 2004, there are 92 existing national parks
covering an area of 37,921.66sq.km which is 1.15% of the total geographical area of
For ex;- Corbett N,P., Rajaji N.P., Periyar N.P.etc.
Wild-life sanctuaries are also protected areas dedicated to protect wild-life but they are
aimed at conserving animal species only.
Boundaries of a sanctuaries is not limited by legislation.
In these protected areas killing ,shooting ,hunting &capturing of wild-life is prohibited.
A sanctuary is generally species oriented, such as Great Indian Bustard.
- According to National data base resource, 2004 there are 492 existing wildlife
sanctuaries in India, which is 3.56% of geographical area of the country.
- Another 2/7 sanctuaries are proposed.
- Some wild-life sanctuaries in India are –
i) Annamalai Sanctuary (Tamilnadu) – for (Elephant, Panther, tiger, Sambhar, Sloth bea,
barking dear etc)
ii) Sultanpur Lake Bird s sanctuary – (Haryana, Gurgaon) – For crane, Duck spot bill, green
pigeon etc.
iii) Chilika – lake Birds Sanctuary (Balangao, Orissa) – For, water fowls, Duck, crane,
osprey, and piper etc.
Biosphere Reserves
- Biosphere reserves are special category of protected areas of land/coastal environment,
representing natural ecosystems or biomes.
- Unique biological communities (species of plants and animals) are selected for long term
in situ conservation.
- The concept of biosphere reserves was initial under the “Man and Biosphere”
programmer by UNES CO in 1971.
- The purpose of the formation of the biosphere reserves is to conserve in – situ (in their
natural habitat) all forms of life, along with its support system in its totality.
- In B.R.’s wild population as well as traditional life style of tribal’s and various plants
and animal genetic resources are also protected.
- There are three distinct zones in a biosphere reserve. They are –
a) Core zone: also known as natural zone compresses and undisturbed ecosystems (&
legally protected).
b) Buffer zone: Surrounding core zone is managed to accommodate a greater variety of
resource use strategies, research and educational activities.
c) Transition zone : Outer most part of biosphere reserves, is meant for active participation
between reserve management and the local people where in activities such as settlements
cropping, forestry, recreation and other economy uses are allowed with conservation
- Till may 2002 there were 408 B.R. spread over 94 countries.
- In India Nilgiri Biosphere reserve (first biosphere reserve) spread over kerala, Tamilnadu
and Karnatka (1986).
- There are 13 biosphere reserves in India and 14th was declared in 2005.
- Some biosphere reserves are – Nandadevi (18/1/1988), Gulf of Mannar (14/3/1989) &
Sunderbans (29/3/1989) etc.
Ex-Situ Conservation:
- Ex-situ approach of conservation implies conservation outside the bahitats such as in
genetic resource centers, zoos, botanical gardens, culture collection, etc.
- It also includes setting on germplasm banks for seeds, pollen ova, tissues etc.
- Ex – Situ conservation includes the following methods –
Zoos or Zoological Parks:
- Are the places where animals are kept for public showing.
- Zoos contribute to the conservation of animal diversity by propagating and reintroducing
rare and endangered species.
- They also act as centers for research to improve management of captive and wild
- There are more than 800 zoos around the world with 3,000 species of animals and many
of them have well developed captive breeding programme for restoring those animals
(sps) of animals chose no. of surviving sps. is so small and there is no realistic chance of
in situ survival.
- As the no. of individual increases in the capture breeding they are selectively released in
the wild.
- Till March 2006, there were 159 recognized zoos in India, (19 large, 12 medium and 27
small and many mine zoos.)
Botanical gardens:
- They play an important rate in the conservation plant species.
- There are several instances where plants believed to be extinct were found living only in
a botanical gardens.
- World over, there are more than 1,600 botanical gardens where specific tree and shrubs
species are cultivated, contain more than 4 million plants.
- The Royal Botanic England is a monumental centre that atone contains about 80,000
plant species i.e. about 30% of all known species.
- Plant resources centres Bhubaneswar is the largest botanical garden.
- Along with conservation of plant sps. B. G’s play a significant role in preservation in
wild and in supply of plants for research and education.
Seed- banks:
- The seed bank is an excellent method of conserving diversity.
- The seeds can be kept for several years without accumulation of mutations and with
minimum loss viability.
- Such sort of conservation is practiced by the help of cold storage in seed banks.
- For storage to recalcitrant seeds (i.e. those cannot be stored at low moisture content)
especially many fruits and forest species a three- fold strategy is adopted.
(i) Dry storage (ii) cryogenic storage (iii) 4 storage at fully hydrated seeds.
Pollen Storage:
- Pollen storage is of great importance in the conservation of genetic diversity.
- The life of pollen is much shorter than seed and a maximum.
Natural Resources on the basis of availability:-
- The “Natural resources” are the stock that can be drawn upon from nature & can be
used directly or after transformation to sustain life.
- The “Natural resources” are the components of the environment that can be drawn upon
for the supporting life.
- “Natural resources” are goods and services supplied by our environment. These include
energy, mineral, land (soil) food, forest, water, air (Atmosphere), plants and animals.
Natural Resources based on availability
- On the basis of availability Natural resources may be of the following type:-
A) Inexhaustible resources or Renewable resources:
- Renewable resources have the inherent ability to reappear or replenish or regenerate by
recycling, reproduction or replacement.
- It includes sunlight, plants, animals, soil, water and living organisms.
- Biological organisms are self-renewing.
Forest resources:- distribution
- The united Nation’s food and Agriculture organization (FAO) estimates the world’s land
area as of 1994 to be 144.8 million sq. kms (about 29% or the surface of the globe) of
which forest and woodland account for 30%.
- As per the state of forest report 1999, the total forest cover of India is 6,37,293 sq. km
which is 19.39% of the total geographical area of the country.
- Of which dense forest accounts for (11.48%)
- Open forest – 7.76%
- Mangroove forest occupies 0.15%.
- CO 2 gas and water is pumped through the reactor to take the heat away, this then
The ions H travel through the electrolyte to the cathode and react with oxygen
atom to generate waste heat in form of water vapour.
- And the freed electrons travel through a wire crating the electric current.
- A single fuel cell generates a little amount of direct current DC electricity,
7 to 1 volt.
- To increase the amount of production the fuel cells are assembled in series to form a
- A fuel cell stock may contain only a few or as many as hundreds of fuel cell. as per
Uses – (NASA- National Aero natives and space administration).
- Welsh physicist William grove developed the first crude fuel cell in 1839.
- In first commercial use of fuel cell was in NASA space program to generate power.
- Liquid Hydrogen fuel lifts the space shutter in to orbit Hydrogen batteries power the
shutters electrical system.
- The only by-product is pure water, can be used by crew.
- Fuel cells also can power the laptop, computer, home appliances, vehicle and central
power generation.
- Hydrogen is highly, inflammable and explosive in nature hence safe handling is
required for using hydrogen as a fuel.
- It is difficult to store and transport, being very light.
- Requires considerable energy to release hydrogen from combined forms such as water
and hydrocarbons.
- Because of high cost of build fuel cells, large hydrogen power plants want be built for
a white.
Energy From Biomass:- (Biomass is an organic matter produced by the plants or
- It is an organic matter (Compound) which decomposed itself without or with the
presence of oxygen (anaerobic/aerobic). Ex- crop residues, manure, cattle dung,
sewage etc.
- Energy from biomass can be obtained in three forms –
The energy obtained from the organic matter (wastes), after conversion is called
biomass energy.
1. In Solid form:-
- Crop residues, such as wheat and rice straw biogases (sugarcane residues), coconut
shells, peanut hulls, cotton stalk are some of the agricultural waste which can be used
to Produce energy by burning.
- In rural India, animal dung cakes are burnt to produce to produce heat.
- About 80% of rural heat energy requirements are met by burning agricultural waste,
wood and animal dung cakes.
- In brazil 30% of electricity is obtained from burning bagasse (sugar cane residues) -
cane stalk can be crushed and the pulp (called baggsse) can be burn to make steam to
drive turbines to produce electricity.
2. In Liquid form:-
- Sugarcane, sweet sorghum and sunflower are grown and can be fermented to make
alcohol. Which can be burnt to generate power. For ex:- ethanol, Methanol & Behrol.
- This process is known as Fermentation Potential substitute for petrol or diesel.
- Petro-crops are those plants which are used for production of biodiesel from their
fruits or seeds. Examples are Jatropha, Pongamia and oil palms are rich in
[Pongamia pinnata is a free sure source of 2nd generation biodiesel of has high
viscosity so ti is difficult to use to run auto mobile alone.
- So, we can yield oil like substance under high temperature and pressure known as
- They can be burn directly or by mixing with petrol & diesel, Best mixing of Zatropha
oil with Diesel or petrol is 20:80 ratio & 20% zotropha & 80% diesel or petrol.
Presented as B 20. Biotuel are characterizes Bs, B-10, B-15, B-20 etc.
- This process is known as bioconversion of plants.
The burning of plant residues or animal wastes cause air pollution and produce
a lot of ash as a waste residue.
Burning wastes destroy essential Nutrients of soil such as ‘N’ and ‘P’. So, it is
more useful to convert the bio mass in to biogas and bioethical.
3. In Gasseous form - Biogas:-
- Biogas is a clean fuel produced through anaerobic digestion of several organic wastes
may be agricultural animal, domestic or industrial waste.
- The composition of biogas is –
Methane – 50-75%
CO 2 - 25-40%
Nitrogen N 2 - 0-10%
Hydrogen – 0-1%
Hydrogen sulphide ( H 2 S ) – 0-3%
Oxygen - 0-2%
- It is a sustainable source of energy by virtue of its production.
- Biogas production is a naturally occurring biotechnological process that starts off
when anaerobic decomposition of organic matter takes place.
- Anaerobic digestion the process consists of a complex series of reactions catalyzed by
mixed group of bacteria which converts up to 90% combustible energy of degradable
organic matter to methane and carbon dioxide.
- The by-product produced during the process is a high grade manure.
- Biogas is commonly produced from cattle dung in a biogas plant; human excreta,
agricultural wastes can also be used for biogas (its) production.
Manufacturing Process:-
- The biogas plant consists of mainly two components.
1. A digester (fermentation tank made up of concrete called digester tank, a waterproof
2. A gas holder or cylindrical air proof container with an inlet which is made up of
stainless steel and also known as dome.
- In India two types (categories) of biogas plants are available.
a) Floating gas holder type gas plant:- In this type of plant gas holder or dome floats
on the slurry and collects the gas generated.
b) Fixed dome type biogas plant:- In this type of plant dome is made up of concrete
which is called the digester tank. Since the dome is fixed the plant is known as fixed
dome type.
- A slurry of waste organic matter is fed in to the digester from an inlet, and gas formed
is trapped by an inverted drum (dome). Fermentation of slurry takes 50 days known as
retention time.”
- As gas is produced drum rises – acting as gas storage chamber, from where gas is
drawn off as per requirement.
- Its calorific value is more than 5000 K eal/m3 depending on CO 2 content.
- It has a calorific value of more than 5000 Kcal/m3 depending on its CO 2 content.
- Its calorific value can be improved by reducing its CO 2 content by passing the
biogass through a lime solution.
- It liquefies at a pressure of 350 Kg/cm3.
- Such plants helping obtaining both fuel and manure from the same quantity of wastes.
- Optimum digestion takes place between a pH of 7.0 & 7.4 and at a temp of 20-400C.
Application of Biogas:-
- Common use of biogas is for cooking
- A plant capacity of 2m3 biogas production per day is enough for providing cooking
fuel to a family of 4 to 5 members.
- It is used to operate duel fuel engine a can replace up to 75% of the diesel.
Merits of Biogas Energy (Plants):-
- A non-polluting, renewable source of energy.
- It is an excellent way of energy conversion.
- During production high grade manure is produced as by product, can be used as
- The biogas plant provide a decentralized power generation.
Demerits of Biogas Plants:-
- Biogas cause obnoxious smells.
- Low production during winter month.
- High retention time.
- Low methane content.
Turbines used in Hydro electric plant are petro turbine Keplanubine francis for as per
head they used.
These are three type hydria electric power plant.
Food Chain:-
In all ecosystem food is the primary source of energy for all organisms only plants are
capable to synthesis them. All other organisms are only consumers.
- So, “The transfer of food energy from the source in plants through a series of
organisms with repeated eating and being eaten up is referred to as a food-chain.”
- The successive levels of energy flow constituting the links of the food chain are called
trophic levels.
- Any organism’s position in food chain is known as “trophic level.”
Producers Food
Primary consumers Food Sec. consumers Food
Tertiary Cons. (Sec.
(Green plants) (Herbivores) (primary carnivore) Cornivore)
Green (Plants) Mouse Snakes Howks