Regression Model For Bearing Capacity of A Square Footing On Reinforced Pond Ash
Regression Model For Bearing Capacity of A Square Footing On Reinforced Pond Ash
Regression Model For Bearing Capacity of A Square Footing On Reinforced Pond Ash
Technical Note
This paper presents the regression analysis of the bearing capacity of a square footing on
reinforced pond ash. A power model has been developed to estimate bearing capacity of a
square footing ðqrs Þ on reinforced pond ash at any settlement using all possible regression
techniques based on 2088 model test data to select the significant subset of the predictors.
From the regression analysis, the predictors viz., the bearing capacity of a square footing ðqs Þ
at the same settlement on unreinforced pond ash, settlement to width of the footing ratio ðs=BÞ
in percentage, number of layers (N) of reinforcement, friction ratio (f), i.e. the ratio of the
pond ash—geotextile interface friction angle (c) to the direct shear friction angle of pond ash
ðfd Þ; depth of the upper most layer of reinforcement from the base of the footing to width of
the footing ratio ðu=BÞ; length of reinforcement sheet to width of footing ratio ðLs =BÞ and
vertical spacing of the reinforcement to width of the footing ratio ðSv =BÞ are found to be
significant to the model. The adjusted coefficient of determination ðR2adj Þ for the proposed
model is found to be 0.9448 and for the regression model 72% data out of 2088 observed data
have prediction with less than 15% error. The additional set of 99 data was used for validation
of the model.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Bearing capacity; Square footing; Regression; Power model; Pond ash; Geotextiles
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A.K. Bera), (A. Ghosh), (A. Ghosh).
0266-1144/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
262 A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285
B width of footing
Dlr depth of last reinforcement layer below base of the footing at which qrs
attains maximum value
Ep percentage of error
f friction ratio ðc=fd Þ
Ls sheet length of the reinforcement
N number of layers of reinforcement
p number of independent variables
qs bearing capacity of square footing on unreinforced pond ash at any
qrs bearing capacity of square footing on reinforced pond ash at any
q^ rs predicted value of the dependant variable qrs
qru ultimate bearing capacity of square footing on reinforced pond ash
s settlement of the footing
Sh horizontal spacing between two consecutive reinforcement strips
Sv vertical spacing between two consecutive layers of reinforcement
u depth of first layer of reinforcement below footing
x1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xp are independent variables
y is dependent variable
x1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xp are unknown parameters
x is a matrix ðn pÞ made up of observations on each of p independent
y is n 1 vector of observations
x is p 1 vector of unknown parameters
x0 is transpose of x
x1 is inverse of x
fd direct shear friction angle of pond ash
c pond ash geotextile interface friction angle
1. Introduction
The solution of bearing capacity problems are getting significantly more important
with the advent of research to improve the foundation soil conditions by introducing
new materials into the soil in various forms. Although the concept of reinforced soil
exists since biblical times and the first commercial use of reinforced earth was
developed by Vidal (1966), more recently this concept is being widely used to
improve the bearing capacity of footing on soil. Significant published valuable
literature documents model testing of the bearing capacity of shallow foundation on
reinforced soil.
A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285 263
Bearing capacity of small scale model footings on reinforced sand has been
studied by Binquet and Lee (1975a), Akinmusuru and Akinbolade (1981), Fragaszy
and Lawton (1984), Guido et al. (1985), Ramanatha Ayyar et al. (1988), Mahmoud
and Abdrabbo (1989), Omar et al. (1994), Abedin et al. (1997), Yamamoto
and Kusuda (2001), Dash et al. (2001), Shin et al. (2002), and Boushehrian and
Hataf (2003).
Adams and Collin (1997) investigated the potential benefits of geosynthetic
reinforced foundations using large scale model footing load tests on geosynthetic
reinforced sand.
Small scale model footing tests on reinforced clay were studied by Samtani and
Sonpal (1989), and Mandal and Sah (1992).
Raza et al. (1999) studied the shape effect of surface footings in terms of load
carrying capacity and settlement on treated and reinforced fly ash through model
Fly ash is a solid waste commonly produced from the combustion of coal at
thermal power plants. Generally there are two types of ash: fly ash and bottom ash.
When these two ash materials are mixed together and transported into the ash pond
they are commonly called pond ash. Every year huge amounts of pond ash are
produced by thermal power plants throughout the world, which creates problems of
disposal, as it is an environmental hazardous. To partially solve the problem,
reinforced pond ash can be used as a foundation medium. However, there still is a
paucity of data regarding the bearing capacity of shallow foundations on reinforced
pond ash.
A number of researchers have presented the theoretical analyses for determining
the bearing capacity of shallow foundations on reinforced soil. Binquet and Lee
(1975b) discussed the analysis of the bearing capacity of a strip footing on a granular
soil containing horizontal layers of reinforcements. Dixit and Mandal (1993) studied
the bearing capacity of geosynthetic reinforced soil using the variational method,
while Otani et al. (1998) carried out bearing capacity analysis of strip footing on
geosynthetic reinforced cohesive soil by using a rigid plastic finite element method.
Yamamoto and Kusuda (2001) employed approximate solutions for bearing
capacity of reinforced soil using the upper-bound theorem of limit analysis.
Boushehrian and Hataf (2003) investigated the bearing capacity of circular and ring
footings on reinforced sand by finite element method. Michalowski (2004) suggested
a method for estimating the bearing capacity of strip footings over foundation soils
reinforced with horizontal layers of geosynthietics.
A review of the literature indicates that the laboratory model tests and also
theoretical analyses for bearing capacity of strip, rectangular, circular and square
footings on different types of soils viz., sand, clay and fly ash reinforced with
different types of reinforcing materials—metallic, plastic, geosynthetic, jute-cloth
and other natural fibres were carried out by the above researchers. The effects of
various vital parameters viz., number of layers (N) of reinforcement, depth of the
upper most layer of reinforcement from the base of the footing (u), horizontal
spacing of the reinforcement (Sh), vertical spacing of the reinforcement (Sv), friction
ratio (f), i.e. the ratio of the pond ash–geotextile interface friction angle ðcÞ to the
264 A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285
direct shear friction angle of pond ash ðfd Þ; length of reinforcement sheet (Ls),
bending stiffness, tensile strength of reinforcement and density of soil on the ultimate
bearing capacity ðqru Þ of footing on reinforced soil as well as the bearing capacity
ðqrs Þ of footing on reinforced soil with respect to settlement (s) have been studied by
the above authors. To the present development of empirical formula to estimate the
qrs by considering all the above parameters has not received much attention. In the
present study an attempt has been made to develop a regression model on the basis
of the experimental data, for estimating the bearing capacity ðqrs Þ of square footing
on reinforced pond ash corresponding to any s=B ratio in terms of qs (the bearing
capacity of square footing on unreinforced pond ash corresponding to the same s=B
ratio), s=B; N, u=B; Ls =B; f and S v =B for the purpose of using this model in design
i:e: y ¼ x x : (4)
np p1
x0 y ¼ x0 x x^ (6)
The x0 x matrix is made up of the sum of the squares and cross products of the
independent variables. For the p p matrix, x0 x is to be inverted, the rank being p.
266 A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285
A measurement of how well the multiple regression line fits the data or what
proportion of the total variation has been explained by regression line can be
assessed through a statistics called multiple coefficient of determination (R2) and it is
used universally.
Now multiple coefficient of determination, R2 ; can be expressed as
sum of squares due to regression
R2 ¼ :
sum of squares about the mean
For determination of multiple coefficient of determination ðR2 Þ; Draper and Smith
(1966) demonstrated an equation that can be written in matrix notation as:
The sum of the squares about the mean or the sum of the squares corrected for the
mean is y0 y nȳ2
x^ x0 y nȳ2
R2 ¼ : (9)
ðy0 y nȳ2 Þ
The range of R2 is 0 to 1.
Sometimes with addition of explanatory variables to the model, value of R2 will
never decrease, even if the additional variables are explaining an insignificant
proportion of the variation in y. The addition of this explanatory variable is not
desirable. Then an alternative measure of the goodness of fit that is useful in multiple
regressions is R2 adjusted ðR2adj Þ:
A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285 267
ðn 1Þ
R2adj ¼ 1 ð1 R Þ 2
: (10)
ðn pÞ
x^ x0 y nȳ2 y0 y þ x^ x0 y y0 y nȳ2
R2 ¼
y0 y nȳ2 y0 y nȳ2
y0 y x^ x0 y
y0 y nȳ2
The efficiency of the regression line can be assessed through the estimation of
standard error. An unbiased estimate for the variance, E 2s is given by:
P 2
E 2s ¼
ðn pÞ
P 2
Es ¼ : (11)
ðn pÞ
Estimation of E s indicates that the smaller that the value is, the better the
prediction is.
If the null hypothesis in the case of the F test is rejected then t statistics should be
performed to evaluate the contribution of individual variables to explain the
variation of dependant variable. From the t statistics, if any regression coefficient
found not to be statistically significant then a new regression equation is proposed
eliminating the corresponding variable of statistically insignificant regression
The decision rule for the ‘t’ test is:
x^ i
tcal ¼ : (13)
sx^ i
Where, sx^ i is the positive square root of C 1
ii E s :
And C ii is the ith diagonal element of ðx xÞ1 :
1 0
A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285 269
Data used in the regression analysis are obtained from experimental model
tests of 80 mm square footing on pond ash reinforced with geotextiles performed
by the authors at the Civil Engineering Department, Bengal Engineering College,
India. The properties of the materials used in the present investigation are given
Pond ash: In the present investigation pond ash, used as a foundation medium,
has been procured from the thermal power plants at Budge Budge in West Bengal,
India. The chemical composition of Budge Budge pond ash in percentage by
weight is as follows: SiO2:50.50, Al2O3:25.01, Fe2O3:0.71, CaO:9.73, MgO:4.18
and Loss on ignition (LOI):9.80. A grain size analysis of pond ash has been
conducted in the laboratory as per ASTM Standard D 422 (1990). From the grain
size analysis it has been found that 4%, 72% and 24% of particles of the pond ash
are gravel size, sand size and silt size, respectively. Uniformity coefficient (C u )
and coefficient of curvature (C c ) are 3.0 and 1.46, respectively. The pond ash used
in the present work is non-plastic and its specific gravity is 2.16. The maximum
dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) of pond ash have been
found to be 10.40 kN/m3 and 37%, respectively, from the compaction test conducted
as per ASTM standard D 698 (1991). The value of angle of internal friction at OMC
and MDD is 361.
Geotextile: Four types of geotextile sheets viz., jute geotextile (made of jute—a
natural fibre) and synthetic geotextiles: GT—320, GT—240 and GT—135 have been
used in the present investigation. The engineering properties of geotextiles as
determined in the laboratory are: Thickness of jute geotextiles, GT—320, GT–240
A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285 271
and GT–135 are 1.25 mm, 0.75 mm, 0.55 mm and 0.30 mm, respectively. The
breaking strength in warp direction of jute geotextiles, GT—320, GT—240
and GT—135 are 18, 40, 30, and 16 kN/m; and corresponding elongation at
break are 14%, 32%, 40%, and 36%, respectively. Whereas breaking strength in
weft direction of jute geotextiles, GT—320, GT—240 and GT—135 are 16, 36, 28,
and 12 kN/m while corresponding elongation at break are 12%, 30%, 34% and
27%, respectively.
Friction ratio: Friction ratio (f) is a vital design parameter for reinforced earth
structures. The basic mechanism of reinforced earth involves the generation
of frictional forces between the soil and reinforcement. The angle of internal
friction angle ðfd Þ of pond ash and the interface friction angle ðcÞ between pond
ash and geotextile sheet have been determined through a series of direct shear
tests. These direct shear test are conducted at OMC (37%). In case of jute—
grotextile the values of friction ratio, ‘f’ at different dry densities of pond ash
viz., 9.30, 9.80, 10.50 and 10.70 kN/m3 are 0.9230, 0.9125, 0.8902 and 0.8809,
respectively; whereas in case of GT—320, GT—240 and GT—135 the values
of friction ratio, ‘f’ at dry density of pond ash 9.30 kN/m3 are 0.7949, 0.8974
and 0.7179, respectively.
Based on existing experimental data, the regression models have been developed
for estimating the bearing capacity (qrs ; expressed in kN/m2) of a square footing at
different s=B ratios on reinforced pond ash. The parameters used in the models are
bearing capacity of square footing (qs ; expressed in kN/m2) at different s=B ratios on
unreinforced foundation medium, i.e. pond ash, ðs=BÞ in percentage, N, u=B; f, Ls =B
and S v =B: From the scatter plots matrix, it is revealed that the relationship is non-
linear. In the present study a non-linear power model has been chosen, which is given
below in the multiple variable form:
y ¼ x0 xx11 xx22 xpp : (17)
Eq. (18) can be best fit using the least squares technique. Goodness of fit statistics,
such as R2 or R2adj and E s of the Eq. (18) are determined, which reflect the efficiency
of the model. Further for assessing the accuracy of the model (Eq. (17)) the
percentage of error (E p ) is calculated.
y y^
Ep ¼ 100: (19)
272 A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285
Based on the experimental data, a power model has been developed to estimate qrs
relating qs and s=B ratio in percentage as given below:
s b2
qrs ¼ b0 ðqs Þb1 : (20)
The values of multiple regression coefficients (b0 ; b1 and b2 ), coefficient of
determination ðR2 Þ; standard error ðE s Þ and percent predictions having less than 3%
error (PE3) corresponding to S v =B; u=B; Ls =B; f and N are presented in Table 1. For
all the cases, the coefficient of determination ðR2 Þ has been found to be 0.99. Fig. 1
illustrates a typical graph of observed data versus predicted data of bearing capacity
of square footing on reinforced pond ash for Sv =B ¼ 0:3125; N ¼ 3; u=B ¼ 0:3125;
Ls =B ¼ 7 and f ¼ 0:7179 with maximum percentage of error of less than 3%. From
this analysis it is revealed that there exits a strong relation between qrs and the
predictors qs and s=B:
From the above model (Eq. (20)) qrs can be estimated by using the values of qs and
s=B for specific values of other different bearing capacity parameters like N, u=B; f,
S v =B and Ls =B: The authors have greater comfort with this model because one has
to conduct field testing to obtain qs to be used in the model to assess qrs ; which will
take into consideration the types of pond ash, compaction procedure, etc. But other
than the specific values of N, u=B; f, Sv =B and Ls =B (Table 1), the model is not
useful. To avoid this limitation a generalized model to predict qrs is developed in the
following section.
7.2. Numerical model for qrs in terms of qs, s/B, N, u/B, Sv/B, f and Ls/B
A regression model has been developed to estimate qrs considering all of the vital
bearing capacity parameters viz., qs ; s=B; N, u=B; f, Ls =B and S v =B: Analyzing the
scatter plot matrix obtained from the experimental data, a non-linear power model
has been chosen as follows:
a12 a15
a11 s a13 a14 Ls ðu=BÞ ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qs N f a16 a17v : (21)
All possible regressions procedure is used to select the best subset of predictors.
In the present investigation the number of data points, n ¼ 2088 and number of
predictors (independent variables)=8, one of which is always equal to 1 to produce
the intercept term. Then numbers of possible equations are 2ðp1Þ ¼ 2ð81Þ ¼ 128:
But from the physical significance point of view in the present analysis every
possible equation should contain a10 qas 11 ðs=BÞa12 ; because qrs is the improved form
of qs due to inclusion of reinforcement into the foundation medium and qrs is
mobilized only when settlement(s) takes place. Then the number of equations
reduces to 25 ¼ 32:
A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285 273
Table 1
Constants in multiple regression, coefficient of determination (R2 ), standard error (E s ) and PE3 from
Eq. (20)
Table 1 (continued )
Table 1 (continued )
f = 0.7179
u / B = 0.3125
Ls / B = 7
1000 Sv / B = 0.3125
Observed qrs
0 % variation line
1 10 100 1000 10000
Predicted qrs
Fig. 1. Typical observed qrs versus predicted qrs from Eq. (20).
s a12
ðu=BÞ ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 N a13 a16 a17v ; (M.12)
s a12
Ls ðu=BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 f a14a16 ; (M.13)
a12 a15
a11 s a14 Ls ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qs f a17v ; (M.14)
s a12
ðu=BÞ ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 f a14 a16 a17v ; (M.15)
s a12 L a15
s ðu=BÞ ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 a16 a17v ; (M.16)
s a12
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 N a13 f a14 ; (M.17)
s a12 a15
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 N a13 ; (M.18)
s a12
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 N a13 a16 ; (M.19)
s a12
ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 N a13 a17v ; (M.20)
A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285 277
s a12 a15
a14 Ls
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 f ; (M.21)
s a12
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 f a14 a16 ; (M.22)
s a12
ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 f a14 a17v ; (M.23)
s a12 L a15
s ðu=BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 a16 ; (M.24)
s a12 L a15
s ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 a17v ; (M.25)
s a12
ðu=BÞ ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 a16 a17v ; (M.26)
s a12
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 N a13 ; (M.27)
s a12
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 f a14 ; (M.28)
s a12 L a15
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 ; (M.29)
s a12
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 a16 ; (M.30)
s a12
ðS =BÞ
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 a17v ; (M.31)
s a12
qrs ¼ a10 qas 11 : (M.32)
Based on 2088 numbers of experimental data using logarithmic transformation,
the multiple regression coefficients of the above models are determined. The values
of R2 ; R2adj ; and E s of the logarithmic transformed models are calculated. After
examining the values of R2 and R2adj for all of the 32 numbers of models, it has been
found that, the values of R2 ð¼ 0:9450Þ and R2adj ð¼ 0:9448Þ are the highest in case of
the relevant parameters. The value of standard error, E s ð¼ 0:079Þ for model (M.1)
has been found to be the minimum considering the values of E s for all the models.
The percent predictions having less than 5%-, 10%-, 15%-, 20%- and 25% error
(viz., PE5, PE10, PE15, PE20 and PE25) are calculated. From these calculated values, it
is found that model (M.1) gives the highest values of PE5, PE10, PE15, PE20 and PE25,
the corresponding values being 30, 52, 72, 86 and 97, respectively. From the above
observation, it is opined that model (M.1) is the best one. Thus the final equation to
278 A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285
Observed qrs
0 % variation line
1 10 100 1000 10000
Predicted qrs
Table 2
Values of t statistics for different parameters of model (M.1)
the coefficients; the decision rule for rejection of the null hypothesis is satisfied, i.e.
all the explanatory variables help explain the variation of qrs :
Table 3
Optimum values of u=B; Dlr =B and Ls =B from several authors
From Table 3, it is also found that Dlr lies in between 1.75 B and 2 B. The
maximum value of Sv is so chosen that the last layer of reinforcement should be
within the value of Dlr ; otherwise uneconomical conditions would be created. From
Table 3 it is further observed that the optimum value of sheet length lies between 5B
and 7B and beyond this length it becomes uneconomical. So, the length of the
reinforcement should be used within the range of 5B and 7B. Value of friction ratio
(f) is to be found out from laboratory testing. In the proposed model the value of
friction ratio (f) used lies within the range of 0.7179 and 0.9230 (Table 4).
It is recommended that for a particular field condition, the results from the
regression model should be checked for at least one series of model tests to ensure
that the regression model is acceptable for the particular field condition.
Table 4
Comparison of q^ rs (predicted, using additional data not used in developing the model) and corresponding
observed qrs
Table 4 (continued )
8. Conclusions
Pond ash reinforced with geotextiles may find potential application as safe
foundation medium. Numerous research has been carried out on the bearing
capacity of footing on sand or clay. However, there is paucity of data regarding
prediction of bearing capacity on reinforced or unreinforced pond ash. This study
presents a regression model based on 2088 data points, to predict the bearing
capacity of square footing on pond ash reinforced with geotextiles. The significance
of different predictor variables, governing the bearing capacity is also examined
through statistical analysis.
On the basis of analysis of the results obtained from the present investigation, the
following conclusions may be drawn:
1. Power model obtained through regression analysis of the model test results of this
study may be used for predicting qrs :
2. A non-linear power model has been developed to estimate the qrs in terms
of qs and s=B for different parameters viz., N, f, u=B; Ls =B and S v =B: For all
the cases values of R2 have been found to be 0.99 and for most of the cases PE3
is 100%.
3. All possible regression techniques have been used to select the best subset of
predictors and from this analysis all the parameters governing bearing capacity
viz., qs ; s=B; N, f, u=B; Ls =B and S v =B are included in the best model. It is also
revealed from this statistical analysis that all these predictors have significant
contribution to qrs :
4. The best model, obtained through the present analysis considering all the
predictor variables, has shown that 86% data have less than 20% error.
5. The authors have greater comfort with this model because one has to conduct
field testing to obtain qs to be used in the model to assess qrs ; which will take
into consideration the types of pond ash, compaction procedure, etc. in addi-
tion to other parameters like friction ratio ‘f ‘which is to be determined
from laboratory direct shear testing, and this will also take into considera-
tion the reinforcement mechanism between the pond ash and types of
284 A.K. Bera et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2005) 261–285
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