Eccentrically Loaded Strip Foundation On Geogrid-Reinforced Sand
Eccentrically Loaded Strip Foundation On Geogrid-Reinforced Sand
Eccentrically Loaded Strip Foundation On Geogrid-Reinforced Sand
Technical note
Results are presented for laboratory model tests conducted to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of an eccentrically loaded strip
foundation supported by geogrid-reinforced sand. Only one type of sand at one relative density of compaction and one type of geogrid
were used for the tests. The depth of the foundation was varied from zero to B (width of foundation). Based on the laboratory test results,
an empirical relationship called reduction factor has been suggested that correlates the ratio of the ultimate bearing capacity of an
eccentrically loaded foundation with that for a foundation where the load is applied centrally.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Eccentric loading; Geogrid; Sand; Strip foundation; Ultimate bearing capacity
0266-1144/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.R. Patra et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 254–259 255
on sand, Table 1
Variations of a and K (Eq. (4))
quðeÞ ¼ qN qðeÞ þ gBN gðeÞ , (2)
2 Df/B a K
where Nq(e) and Ng(e) are the bearing capacity factors ¼ 0 1.862 0.73
f(j0 ,e/B). 0.25 1.811 0.785
The above equation does not include the depth factors as 0.5 1.754 0.80
shown in Eq. (1). 1.0 1.820 0.888
Purkayastha and Char (1977) carried out stability
analysis of an eccentrically loaded strip foundation on
sand using the method of slices proposed by Janbu (1957).
Based on this study, they proposed that
¼ 1 RK , (3)
e K
RK ¼ reduction factor ¼ a . (4)
Based on a statistical analysis, it was also shown that B
and j0 have no influence on RK. The variations of a and K
determined by this study are summarized in Table 1. The
magnitude of a decreases with the increase in Df/B up to a
minimum at Df =B ¼ 0:5, and increases thereafter. From
this table, it can be seen that the average values of a and K
are, respectively, 1.81 and 0.8. For Df =B ¼ 0 and e/Bo0.2,
this solution provides practically the same results as the Fig. 1. Assumed failure mode under a centrally loaded surface strip
equivalent area method suggested by Meyerhof (1953). foundation on geogrid-reinforced sand.