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Eccentrically Loaded Strip Foundation On Geogrid-Reinforced Sand

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Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 254–259


Technical note

Eccentrically loaded strip foundation on geogrid-reinforced sand

C.R. Patraa, B.M. Dasb,, M. Bhoia, E.C. Shinc
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 769008, India
College of Engineering and Computer Science, California State University, Sacramento, CA 95819, USA
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Incheon, Incheon Metropolitan City 402-749, Republic of Korea
Received 20 August 2005; received in revised form 16 December 2005; accepted 17 December 2005
Available online 21 February 2006


Results are presented for laboratory model tests conducted to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of an eccentrically loaded strip
foundation supported by geogrid-reinforced sand. Only one type of sand at one relative density of compaction and one type of geogrid
were used for the tests. The depth of the foundation was varied from zero to B (width of foundation). Based on the laboratory test results,
an empirical relationship called reduction factor has been suggested that correlates the ratio of the ultimate bearing capacity of an
eccentrically loaded foundation with that for a foundation where the load is applied centrally.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Eccentric loading; Geogrid; Sand; Strip foundation; Ultimate bearing capacity

1. Introduction 2. Eccentrically loaded strip foundation on unreinforced

During the last two decades, the results of a number of
studies have been published relating to the ultimate bearing Meyerhof (1953) proposed a semi-empirical procedure to
capacity of shallow foundations supported by multi- estimate the ultimate bearing capacity of a shallow
layered geogrid-reinforced sand. The results were mostly foundation subjected to eccentric load that is generally
obtained from small-scale laboratory model tests (Omar referred to as the equivalent area method. According to
et al., 1993; Yetimoglu et al., 1994; Das and Omar, 1994; this method, the average ultimate bearing capacity, qu(e), of
Khing et al., 1993; Adams and Collin, 1977). Most of the a strip foundation on unreinforced sand is given as
experimental studies cited above were conducted for
surface foundation condition (i.e., depth of foundation, Qu 1 0 B
Df ¼ 0). Shin and Das (2000) provided the results of a quðeÞ ¼ ¼ qN q F qd þ gB N g F gd , (1)
B 2 B
limited number of laboratory model studies for the
ultimate bearing capacity of strip foundations with Df/B
(B ¼ width of foundation) greater than zero. None of the where qu(e) is the ultimate bearing capacity with load
published studies, however, address the effect of load eccentricity e, Qu is the ultimate load per unit length of
eccentricity on the ultimate bearing capacity. The purpose foundation, q ¼ gDf , g is the unit weight of soil, Df is the
of this paper is to report some recent laboratory bearing depth of foundation, B is the width of foundation;
capacity test results on eccentrically loaded strip founda- B0 ¼ B  2e, e is the load eccentricity, Nq, Ng are the
tions with Df/B varying from zero to one. bearing capacity factors, depth factors, Fqd ¼ Fgd (Meyer-
hof, 1963) ¼ 1+0.1(Df/B)tan(45+j0 /2) and j0 is the
friction angle of sand.
Prakash and Saran (1971) provided a comprehensive
mathematical formulation to estimate the ultimate bearing
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 916 278 6127; fax: +1 916 278 5949. capacity of a rough strip foundation under eccentric
E-mail address: dasb@csus.edu (B.M. Das). loading. According to this theory for a strip foundation

0266-1144/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.R. Patra et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 254–259 255

Nomenclature qu(e), qu(e ¼ 0) ultimate bearing capacity on unreinforced

sand, respectively, with load eccentricity, e, and
B foundation width e¼0
B0 ¼ B ¼ 2e effective foundation width quR(e), quR ultimate bearing capacity on reinforced
Df depth of foundation sand, respectively, with load eccentricity, e,
d depth of reinforcement measured from the and e ¼ 0
bottom of the foundation QuR load per unit length (reinforced sand)
d f ¼ d þ Df Qu ultimate load per unit length (unreinforced
e eccentricity sand)
Fqd, Fgd depth factors RK, RKR reduction factor for unreinforced and rein-
h distance between two consecutive geogrid forced case, respectively
layers u distance between the bottom of the foundation
K a constant and the first geogrid layer
N number of goegrid layers a, a1, a2, a3 constants
Nq, Nq(e), Ng, Ng(e) bearing capacity factors g unit weight of sand
q ¼ gDf j0 drained friction angle of sand

on sand, Table 1
Variations of a and K (Eq. (4))
quðeÞ ¼ qN qðeÞ þ gBN gðeÞ , (2)
2 Df/B a K
where Nq(e) and Ng(e) are the bearing capacity factors ¼ 0 1.862 0.73
f(j0 ,e/B). 0.25 1.811 0.785
The above equation does not include the depth factors as 0.5 1.754 0.80
shown in Eq. (1). 1.0 1.820 0.888
Purkayastha and Char (1977) carried out stability
analysis of an eccentrically loaded strip foundation on
sand using the method of slices proposed by Janbu (1957).
Based on this study, they proposed that
¼ 1  RK , (3)
 e K
RK ¼ reduction factor ¼ a . (4)
Based on a statistical analysis, it was also shown that B
and j0 have no influence on RK. The variations of a and K
determined by this study are summarized in Table 1. The
magnitude of a decreases with the increase in Df/B up to a
minimum at Df =B ¼ 0:5, and increases thereafter. From
this table, it can be seen that the average values of a and K
are, respectively, 1.81 and 0.8. For Df =B ¼ 0 and e/Bo0.2,
this solution provides practically the same results as the Fig. 1. Assumed failure mode under a centrally loaded surface strip
equivalent area method suggested by Meyerhof (1953). foundation on geogrid-reinforced sand.

3. Foundation on geogrid-reinforced sand

soil block is formed under the foundation, and this block
A reliable procedure for estimating the ultimate bearing behaves as if it were an embedded foundation. Based on
capacity under centric loading for a strip foundation this observation, the failure mode is shown in Fig. 1. In this
supported by geogrid-reinforced sand is yet to be devel- figure, QuR is the ultimate load per unit length of the
oped. Takemura et al. (1992) conducted several centrifuge foundation. Thus, the ultimate bearing capacity without
tests for surface foundation to determine the ultimate depth factor can conservatively be given as
bearing capacity of a strip foundation on geogrid-
reinforced sand. Based on the model tests they concluded 1
quR ¼ dgN g þ gBN g , (5)
that, just before the load intensity reached its peak, a rigid 2
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