Purpose: Lab 9 JFET Amplifiers
Purpose: Lab 9 JFET Amplifiers
Purpose: Lab 9 JFET Amplifiers
JFET Amplifiers
This experiment will investigate the characteristics of the common-source and common-
drain amplifier.
In this lab, two JFET amplifier configurations will be investigated; the common-source,
and the common-drain amplifier.
The basic common-source(CS) circuit is shown in Figure 9-1. In comparison to the BJT
common-emitter amplifier, the FET amplifier has a much higher input impedance, but a
lower voltage gain.
Av = -gmRD
Figure 9-2: The Junction Field Effect Transistor(NTE 312)
1) Common-Source Amplifier
a) Connect the circuit as shown in figure 9-1.
b) Use Cc1 = 1µF, Cc2 = 47µF, Cs=100 µF, RL =3.9 k, RS=RD=2 k, R1 = 200 k ,
R2=100 k, VDD = 12V.
c) Apply a sinusoidal signal with frequency 1kHz, amplitude 1Vp-p, supply
voltages at 10V.
d) Observe the output.
e) Capture both input and output waveforms.
f) Calculate the voltage gain.
g) Measure the operating point.
2)Common-Drain Amplifier
a) Connect the circuit as shown in figure 9-2.
b) Use RG = 1M Ω, RS = RL = 10k Ω, supply VDD =10 V and VSS= -10 V.
c) Apply a sinusoidal signal with frequency 1kHz, amplitude 2Vp-p.
d) Observe the output.
e) Capture both input and output waveforms.
f) Calculate the voltage gain.
g) Measure the operating point.