The transistor models introduced in chapter 7 will be used to perform smull signal ac analysis of a number of standard transistor network configurations. The effect of an output impedance is examined as provided by the hoe parameter of the hybrid equivalant model. A section is devoted to the small-signal analysis of BIT networks lIsing solely the hybrid equivalent model.
The transistor models introduced in chapter 7 will be used to perform smull signal ac analysis of a number of standard transistor network configurations. The effect of an output impedance is examined as provided by the hoe parameter of the hybrid equivalant model. A section is devoted to the small-signal analysis of BIT networks lIsing solely the hybrid equivalent model.
The transistor models introduced in chapter 7 will be used to perform smull signal ac analysis of a number of standard transistor network configurations. The effect of an output impedance is examined as provided by the hoe parameter of the hybrid equivalant model. A section is devoted to the small-signal analysis of BIT networks lIsing solely the hybrid equivalent model.
The transistor models introduced in chapter 7 will be used to perform smull signal ac analysis of a number of standard transistor network configurations. The effect of an output impedance is examined as provided by the hoe parameter of the hybrid equivalant model. A section is devoted to the small-signal analysis of BIT networks lIsing solely the hybrid equivalent model.