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Chapter 08 BJT Small Signal Analysis

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336 BJT Small-Signal Analysis 8.1 INTRODUCTION ‘The transistor models introduced in Chapter 7 will now be used to perform asm signal ac analysis of a number of standard transistor network configu networks analyzed represent the majority of those appearing in practice today. fications of the standard configurations will be relatively easy to examine content of this chapter is reviewed and understood. Since the r, model is sensitive to the actual point of operation it will be primary model for the analysis to be performed. For each configuration, however, effect of an output impedance is examined as provided by the /i,. parameter of hybrid equivalant model. To demonstrate the similarities in analysis that exist tween models a section is devoted to the small-signal analysis of BIT networks solely the hybrid equivalent model. The analysis of this chapter does not ine load resistance R;, or source resistance R,. The effect of both parameters is reser for a systems approach in Chapter 10. ‘The computer analysis section includes a brief description of the transistor mod employed in the PSpice software package. It demonstrates the range and depth of th computer analysis systems available today and how relatively easy it is to enter ‘complex network and print out the desired results. A program in BASIC is includ permit a comparison between the use of a software package and a computer languag 8.2 COMMON-EMITTER FIXED-BIAS CONFIGURATION The first configuration to be analyzed in detail is the common-emitter fixed-bids network of Fig, 8.1, Note that the input signal V, is applied to the base of the transis: tor while the output V,, is off the collector. In addition, recognize that the inpul current /, is not the base current but the source current, while the output current {iy the collector current. The small-signal ac analysis begins by removing the de effects of Vec and replacing the de blocking capacitors C, and C, by short-circuit equiva ents, resulting in the network of Fig. 8. Note in Fig. 8.2 that the common ground of the de supply and the transistor emitter terminal permits the relocation of Ry and Re: in parallel with the input and output sections of the transistor, respectively. In addition, note the placement of the important network parameters Z,, Z,,. [;, and I, on the redrawn network. Substituting the r, model for the common-emitter configuration of Fig. 8.2 will result in the network of Fig. 8.3 Figure 8.1 Common-cmitter fixed-bias con: Figure 8.2 Network of Figure 8.1 following figueation, the removal of the effects of Vee, Cy and Cs 1 Figure 8.3. Substituting the r, model into the network of Fig 82. ‘The next step is find @ and r,. The magnitude of f is typically obtained from a specification sheet or by direct measurement using a curve tracer or transistor testing instrument. The value of r, must be determined from a de analysis of the system. Assuming that both and , have been determined will result in the following equa- tions for the important two-port characteristics of the system. Zz Figure 8.3 clearly reveals that ohms: B.D For the majority of situations Rp is greater than Bre by more than a factor of 10 (recall from the analysis of parallel elements that the total resistance of two parallel resistors is always less than the smallest and very close to the smallest if one is much larger than the other), permitting the following approximation: _Zi= Bre ohms. (8.2) Zp: Recall that the output impedance of any system is defined as the impedance Z, determined when V; = 0. For Fig. 8.3, when V; = 0, J; 0, resulting in an open-circuit equivalence for the current source. The result is Z=Re ‘ohms (8.3) Solving for V,, gives Vo = —tRe ‘The minus sign specifies that the polarity of V,, is opposite to that defined by the indicated direction of /,, Substituting /, = Bly yields Vo = ~BloRe 8.2 Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Configuration 337 Figure 85 Including r, in che output circuit ofthe common: emiter equivalent circuit. 338 Assuming that Ry > Br, permits the approximation J, = J, resulting in —BLRe 7 Miz os iz oe: Vv, and v, -al Ae)Re . EE] Note the explicit absence of 6 in Eq. (8.4), although we recognize that B utilized to determine r,. Ag The current gain is determined in the following manner: Jo = Bly = Bly and ‘The approximation sign of Eq. (8.5) is present due to the assumption that Ry > Phase Relationship: The negative sign in the resulting equation for A, r that a 180° phase shift occurs between the input and output signals, as shown j 8.4. Mo v 7 Vee Re ¥ . ol 7 Figure 8.4 Demonstrating 180° phase shift between and output waveforms Effect of r,: Including r, in the output circuit of Fig. 8.3 will result in the network of Fig. 8.5. Z; will remain the same but Z, is now defined by However, r, is typically so much larger than Re that Eq. (8.3) can often be with a high degree of accuracy. In fact, if we assume that r,l|Rc = Ro, the equ for A, and A; are unaffected. If r, must be included, the voltage gain is now To determine A;, the current gain, 1, of Fig. 8.5, is first determined by the divider rule: Tolga NOs BIN To + Re Ty to + Re he Chapter 8 BJT Small-Signal Analysis and the current gain and Ae (8.8) For the network of Fig, 8.6 EXAMPLE 8.1 (a) Determine r,. (b) Find Z; (with r, = 2 ©), (©) Calculate Z, (with r, = 9). (d) Determine A, (with r, OD). (e) Find A; (with r, = » 0). (f) Repeat parts (c) through (e) including r, = 50 kQ in all calculations and compare results. Figure 8.6 Example 8.1 Solution (a) De analysis: — Veo = Var _ 12V=0.1V Ra 470 KO. Tp = (B+ ly = (101)(24.04 pA) = = 24.04 pA Z; = Rpl|Br. = 470 kO)|1.071 kOQ = 1.069 kQ (©) Z, = Ro = 3kO Re ___3kO r 10.710 = 100 role = 50 kO||3 kO = 2.83 kO vs. 3 kQ rllRe _ 2.83 kO arnt 10 71 roB — _ (50 kQ)C100) ret Re S0KD+ 3 KO = = 280.11 he 264.24 vs, —280.11 = 94.34 vs. 100 8.2 Common-Emitter Fixed:Bias ‘Configuration 339 8.3 VOLTAGE-DIVIDER BIAS The next configuration to be analyzed is the voltage-divider bias network of Recall that the name of the configuration is a result of the voltage-divider input side to determine the de level of Vy. Figure 8.7 Volagedivi configuration Substituting the r, equivalent circuit will result in the network of Fig. 8: the absence of Rr duc to the low-impedance shorting effect of the bypass Ce. That is, at the frequency (or frequencies) of operation, the reactance capacitor is so small compared to Ry that it is treated as a short circuit When Vcc is set to zero it places one end of R, and Re at ground potential as Fig. 8.8. In addition, note that R, and Ry remain part of the input circuit while part of the output circuit, The parallel combination of R, and Rp is oy ee RR =p | Rit Re R From Fig. 8.8, Dy From Fig. 8.8, Chapter 8 BJT Small-Signal Analysis Vo = —loRe = —BlyRe -a( +) re and (8.12) Ag Since the resistance R' is often too close in magnitude to Br, to be ignored, the effect of R’ should be included in the current gain equation. Referencing Fig. 8.8, we have RIL Ip = Rt pr (current-divider rule) Be cop eae i R+ Bre For the output side, or The current gain and, (8.13) Phase relationship: The negative sign of Eq. (8.12) reveals a 180° phase shift between V, and V; Effect of r,: If r, is included, the output circuit will have the same appearance as Fig. 8.5. The input impedance is unaffected and alle (8.14) For the voltage gain, Rellro te (8.15) For the current gain the following equation was derived from Fig. 8.5: i, ne Th to +Re 83. Voltage-Divider Bias 341 while the following was derived for this configuration: ty Using the fact that we have ‘The complexity of Eq. (8.16) suggests that we return fo an equation such (7.10) which utilizes the above results. That is, EXAMPLE 8.2 For the network of Fig. 8.9, determine: @) Fe () Z. © Z,. @) A). (©) Ai. (£) The parameters of parts (b) through (€) if ry = 1/Aye = 50 kO and comy sults. Solution (a) DC: Testing BR: > 10 Ro (90)(1.5 kQ) > 10(8.2 kA) 135 KO > 82 KO satisfied 342 ‘Chapter 8 BJT Small-Signal Analysis

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