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Igbt Basics

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The key takeaways are that IGBTs combine the simplicity of drive of MOSFETs with the ability to handle high currents of bipolar devices. IGBTs offer good behavior in terms of voltage drop and have gained market share for applications over 400V.

IGBTs have a structure similar to a MOSFET with the addition of a P+ substrate and N+ buffer layer. When the gate is biased positively, an N channel is created allowing electron flow like a MOSFET. If the voltage is around 0.7V, junction J1 is forward biased injecting holes in the N- region, decreasing power losses and allowing both electron and hole current flows.

During turn on, the MOSFET current and bipolar hole current flows result in the typical waveforms shown in Figure 2.


M. Aleo (mario.aleo@st.com)

1. INTRODUCTION. IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) combine the simplicity of drive and the excellent fast switching capability of the MOSFET structure with the ability to handle high current values typical of a bipolar device. IGBTs also offer good behavior in terms of voltage drop. IGBT technology, developed in the early 1980s, has quickly gained market share for applications exceeding 400V and that work up to 130kHz. This paper includes a brief description of the structure and the physics of the device, followed by an analysis of the principal static and dynamic characteristics. Further details about the behavior in operation will also be analyzed and discussed in order to give a complete overview of the main parameters, features, and static and dynamic behaviors of this power component. 2. IGBT STRUCTURE AND OPERATION. Figure 1: IGBT Structure And Equivalent Schematic










J3 J2



IGBTs are a natural evolution of the vertical Power MOSFETs for high current, high voltage applications and fast end-equipment. This device eliminates the main disadvantage of current high voltage power MOSFETs characterized by an high value of RDS(on) caused by the high resistivity of the source-drain path necessary to obtain a high breakdown voltage BVDSS. The power conduction losses at high current levels are considerably less in IGBT technology even when compared with the latest generation of Power MOSFET devices that have been greatly improved in terms of RDS(on). The lower voltage drop,

December 2001


AN1491 - APPLICATION NOTE translated into a low VCE(sat), together with the devices structure allow a higher current density than a standard bipolar device simplifying the IGBTs driver schematic as well. The vertical section depicted in figure 1 together with the equivalent circuit shows IGBTs basic structure. 3. TURN-ON. The structure of the silicon die is evidently similar to that of a Power MOSFET with the fundamental difference of the addition of a P+ substrate and an N+ buffer layer (absent in NPT-non-punch-throughIGBT technology). This is represented in the equivalent schematic (figure 1), with a MOSFET driving two bipolar devices. The presence of the substrate creates a junction J1 between the P+ and the N zone of the body. When the positive gate bias allows the inversion of the P base region under the gate, an N channel is created, with a flow of electrons, generating a current in the exact same way as a Power MOSFET. If the voltage caused by this flux is in the range of 0.7V, then J1 is forward biased and some holes are injected in the N- region, modulating the resistance between anode and cathode, in this way decreasing the overall power conduction losses and a second flow of charges starts. The final result is the contemporary presence of two different typologies of current inside the semiconductors layers: - an electron flux (MOSFET current); - a hole current (bipolar). The typical waveforms with an inductive load are reported in figure 2. Figure 2: Typical Waveforms During Turn-On



IC gnd


AN1491 - APPLICATION NOTE 4. TURN-OFF. When a negative bias is applied to the gate or the gate voltage falls below the threshold value, the channel is inhibited and no holes are injected in the N- region. In any case even if the MOSFET current decreases rapidly in the switching off phase, the collector current gradually reduces because there are minority carriers still present in the N layer, immediately after the start of commutation. The decrease in value of this residual current (tail) is strictly dependent on the density of these charges in turn-off that is linked to several factors as the amount of dopant, dopant typology, layers thickness and temperature. The minority carriers density decay gives the characteristic tail shape (reported in figure 3) to the collector current that is responsible for: - an increase in power losses; - cross conduction problems, in peculiar appliances where the free-wheeling diodes are used. Figure 3: Typical Waveforms During Turn-Off




Considering that the tail current is linked to the minority carriers recombination its value and shape are strictly related to the holes mobility strictly related to the temperature reached by the die, IC and VCE. So depending on the temperature reached, it is possible to reduce the undesirable effect of this current acting on the end equipment design, as indicated in the graphs below, where the tail current (Itail ) behavior related to VCE, IC, and TC is depicted (figure 4).


AN1491 - APPLICATION NOTE Figure 4: Itail Dependance From IC, TC, and VCE

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Itail (A)

Itail (A)
4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300

Tc = 100C Vce = 400V Rg = 100 Vge = 15V

0 5 10 15 20 25

Tc = 100C Ic = 10A Rg = 100 Vge = 15V

400 500

IC (A) Itail (A)

4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 25 50 75


Vce=400C Ic = 10A Rg = 100 Vge = 15V

100 125

TC (C)
5. REVERSE BLOCKING. When a negative voltage is applied to the collector then J1 is reverse biased and the depletion layer expands to the N- region. This mechanism is fundamental because an excessive reduction of this layers thickness does not obtain a valid blocking capability. On the other hand increasing the dimension of this region too much consistently elevates the voltage drop. This second option explains clearly why NPT devices have a higher voltage drop when compared with an equivalent (equal IC and speed) PT part. 6. FORWARD BLOCKING. When gate and emitter are shorted and a positive voltage is applied to the collector terminal the P/N- the J3 junction is reverse biased. Again it is the depletion layer in the N- drift region that withstands the voltage applied. 7. LATCH UP. IGBTs contains a parasitic PNPN thyristor between the collector and the emitter, as evidenced in figure 1. Under particular conditions this parasitic device enters in turn on. This causes an increase in the current flowing between emitter and collector, a lose of control of the equivalent MOSFET and generally the disruption of the component. The turn-on of the thyristor is known as latch up of the IGBT, more in detail


the causes of this failure are different and strictly dependent on the status of the device. In general a static and a dynamic latch up are distinguished by the following: - Static latch up happens when the device is in full conduction. - Dynamic latch up takes place only during turn-off. This peculiar phenomenon strongly limits the safe operating area. In order to avoid this dangerous effect of the parasitic NPN and PNP transistors it is necessary: - to prevent the turn-on of the NPN part, modifying both the layout and doping level; - to reduce the overall current gain of the NPN and PNP transistors. Furthermore the latching current is strictly dependent on the junctions temperature since it affects the current gains of PNP and NPN parts; moreover with an increase of temperature, together with the gains, the resistance of the P base region becomes higher, aggravating the overall behavior. So particular attention must be paid by the manufacturer of the parts in order keep distant the maximum collector current value to the one of the latching current. In general the ratio is in the order of 1 to 5. 8. FORWARD CONDUCTION CHARACTERISTICS. Figure 5: Forward Characteristics And Equivalent Schematic Operation
10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.6 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Ice (A)



3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

VCE(sat) (V)




IC (A)

The IGBT in conduction can be modeled, as a first approximation, as a PNP transistor driven by a Power MOSFET. Figure 5 only shows the elements of the structure necessary for the understanding of physic the device in operation (parasitic elements are not considered). As showed in the graph reporting IC as a function of VCE (static characteristic), the collector current IC does not flow if the voltage drop between anode and cathode does not exceed 0.7V even if the gate signal allows the formation of the MOSFET channel, as evidenced in the graphs.

AN1491 - APPLICATION NOTE When the voltage across the channel is greater than VGE-V th the current is saturated and the output resistance becomes infinite. As the IGBT structure includes both a bipolar and a Power MOSFET, its temperature characteristics depend on the net effect of the two components that have contrasting properties. The Power MOSFET has a positive temperature coefficient, while the bipolars temperature coefficient is negative. The figure shows the change in VCE(sat) as a function of the collector current for two different values of junction temperature. This aspect becomes crucial when it is necessary to parallel two or more devices and can only be solved by selecting a device to be paralleled, based on VCE(sat) at a certain current rate. Sometimes the use of a NPT device for an easy parallel is helpful, but the payback is an increase of voltage drop when compared with a PT part with the same current level and speed. 9. DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS. The dynamic characteristics indicate the behavior of the device during the switching phases. Considering the equivalent circuit of the IGBT, it is evident that in order to control the device the MOSFET part must be driven. This means the driver system is practically the same as the MOSFETs one and less complex than the bipolars driver system. As explained before when the positive gate bias is provided via gate, an N channel is created in the MOSFET part. If the voltage caused by this flux is in the range of 0.7V the P+/ N- junction is forward biased and the minority carriers are injected in the N- region, creating a hole bipolar current. The turn-on time is a function of the output impedance of the drive circuit and the applied gate voltage. It is possible to control the speed of the device by varying the value of the gate resistance Rg (figure 6), obtaining in this way a different charge velocity of the input parasitic capacitances Cge, Cgc. Figure 6: Rg Effect On dV/dt

I = Cgc = dV/dt



C dV/dt


G Rg Cge

Vg = 0

Vg = -5V Rg = 100 Ohm

In other words, by varying the Rg is it possible to vary the time constant of the parasitic net (reported in figure) equal to Rg (Cge+Cgc) and then dv/dt. The gate drive voltage generally adopted and reported in the datasheets is 15V. In figure 7 waveforms for the switching of an inductive load are reported, while di/ dt as a function of Rg is showed in figure 8, where the effect of gate resistance on the turn on velocity of the IGBTs is evident.


Figure 7: Rg Effect On dI/dt And Energy In Turn-On

dl/dt (A/s)
300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Vce = 400V Vge = 15V Tc = 100C

IRM dl/dt VCC IC


VCE Rg (Ohm)

Therefore, the Rg value strongly impacts the power losses, since its variation also affects the dv/dt slopes, as shown in figure 8. Figure 8: dV/dt Dependance On Rg

dV/dt (V/s)
3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Vce = 400V Ic = 10A Vge = 15V Tc = 100C

Rg (Ohm)
During turn-off the behavior discussed in the equivalent model with a dual characteristic of both power MOSFET and BJT devices reemerges again. When the signal to the gate decreases to a value at which the Miller effect begins, VCE starts to increase. As explained before after VCE reaches its maximum level, dependent on the driver and affected also by the Cge together with Cgcmiller, the current does not immediately go to zero but assumes the typical shape of a tail, whose length is strictly dependent on the life times of the minority carriers. These charges have been injected into the N- region during the positive bias of the device and it is the main responsible for the worst behavior of IGBTs against MOSFETs in switching. There are several ways to reduce this effect. For example it is possible to reduce the percentage of the holes injected in turn-on

AN1491 - APPLICATION NOTE from P+ substrate and in parallel to increase the recombination-speed, by an increase in the dopant level and the thickness of the buffer layer. The withdrawal is a reduction in current handling capability due to an increase in VCE(sat) and possible associated latching problems. Figure 9: Behavior In Turn-Off With Inductive Load
Turn-off behavior Tj = 125C

VCE: 100V/div

ICE: 2A/div




SAFE OPERATING AREA -SOA The SOA of an IGBT can be divided into three main areas, distinguished by current and voltage as indicated in the table below. Table 1: Voltage Current Physical Limit Voltage Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 High Low High Current Low High High Physical Limit Breakdown Voltage Latch up Power Dissipation

The 3 zones are easily recognizable in figure 10. The curves describing robustness in forward conduction (Forward Bias Safe Operating Area, FBSOA), in reverse (Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area, RBSOA), and in short circuit (Short Circuit Safe Operating Area, SCSOA) are usually available in every datasheet. More in detail: FBSOA This part of the SOA represents the region where both electron and hole current flows during the turn on transient. The physical limit is given by the maximum voltage the device can withstand when the IC is saturated, as indicated in figure 10.



Figure 10: SOA

IC (A) 100 1s 10 10s 1 DC 10 100 IC (A)


0.1 VGE = 15V, TC = 100C 1 10 VCE (V) 100 1000 1 10 VCE (V) 100 1000

RBSOA This region represents the turn off transient, when the gate bias is zero or negative but IC is still present as the hole current is not extinguished. Here the parasitic transistor, described before, can start the latch up if the current increases too much. When this occurs, the device can no longer be controlled by the gate. The latest IGBTs do not exhibit this type of behavior, since the triggering of this parasitic SCR can be made to occur at a current much higher than the one encountered in normal operation (typically I latch> 5 IC nominal) with appropriate modifications to the structure and the process. Figures 11 and 12 show the variation in latch current as a function of junction temperature and gate resistance respectively. Figure 11: Variation Of Latching Current Ilatch With Temperature
IC (A)
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

VCE = 400V Rg = 100 ohm Vge = 15V

TC (C)


AN1491 - APPLICATION NOTE Figure 12: Variation Of Latching Current Ilatch With Rg
IC (A)
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

VCE = 400V TC = 100C Vge = 15V

Rg (Ohm)

SCSOA This is measured by turning on the device at the supply voltage and measuring the maximum time during which the drive circuit can control the device under test. Figure 13 shows the waveform and the off time for three devices with equivalent characteristics but manufactured using different technologies. 10. MAXIMUM OPERATING FREQUENCY. Figure 13: Short Circuit Test
VCE = 100V/div

IC = 50A/div


VG = 10V/div


VD = 10V/div

The switching frequency is a very important parameter when choosing a proper IGBT. This is important since it is strictly related to the power losses of the device. For this reason all silicon producers have different families tailored for working at different switching frequencies. In particular STMicroelectronics at the moment offers two different series of products (H, S types), but other families are in development (K, F, L), giving the customer the possibility to choose the best trade off in terms of total power losses associated to conduction and switching phases. In particular it is possible to define the conduction losses as the power dissipated when the current flows


and mainly related to VCE(sat). They could be expressed as: Pcond = VCE * IC *

where is duty cycle

The switching losses are the related to the IGBTs commutation, they are mainly associated with the total energy dissipated in operation Ets and strictly dependent from the frequency of the end equipment: Psw = E ts * The total losses are the sum of the two parts: Ptot = Pcond + Psw At this point it is clear that the overall power dissipation is intrinsically related to two main parameters Ets and VCE(sat). The right trade off between these two variables, strictly related to the IGBTs technology, offers the customer the option to minimize the overall heat dissipation of the end equipment. So depending on the frequency of the end equipment and the current level features intrinsically dependent on application specifications, different parts are chosen in order to minimize the power consumption. Figure 14: Main Cluster For End Equipment

Freq kHz


40 10

Home Appliances Automotive Lighting 3 7 10 20

Power Management





STMicroelectronics represents, especially at current level ideals for motor control, the best trade off between Ets and VCE(sat), as shown in the chart below. Moreover, the dopant typology used allows a decrease in VCE(sat) with the temperature rise, giving a further advantage during the use of the device. More than this, STMicroelectronics is now developing new families with different trade off between Ets and VCE(sat). A broader range of product is being offered in order to offer our customers and partners true independence in design criteria.


AN1491 - APPLICATION NOTE Figure 15: Trade-Off VCE(sat) - Ets


Ets [mJ]

2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1

F HK , V



VCE(max) @ 25C [V]

Application Frequency KHz






11.1 Electric Parameters.

IC -collector current The maximum DC current can flow in the devices at a rated temperature (typically 100C and 25C). Icm -pulsed collector current The peak of the collector current can flow without exceeding maximum junction temperature. This parameter is strictly related to pulse width, duty cycle and thermal conditions of the device. Ices -collector cut off current Maximum collector-emitter leakage current with gate and emitter shorted, under a rated VCE value (usually given @25C and @125C). Iges gate emitter leakage current Maximum gate-emitter leakage current with collector and emitter shorted, under a rated Vge value. Vces collector emitter voltage Maximum voltage between collector and emitter, with gate short-circuited with the emitter. This voltage indicates the physical limit related to the breakdown of the junction between the power terminals. VBRces -collector emitter breakdown voltage Breakdown voltage between collector and emitter with gate terminal shorted to the emitter one. This parameter is given at a rated current IC. Vge -gate emitter voltage Maximum applicable voltage between gate and emitter. Vgeth -gate emitter threshold voltage Gate emitter voltage necessary to reach a specified IC. VCE(sat) collector emitter saturation voltage Collector emitter voltage with a fixed Vge (in general 15V) and for a rated value of collector current. This

AN1491 - APPLICATION NOTE voltage is usually indicated with Ic flowing in the device at 25C and 100C and it represents the voltage drop for the rated IC.

11.2 Equivalent Capacitances.

Cies -input capacitance Input capacitance with collector and emitter shorted. Coes -output capacitance Output capacitance with gate and emitter shorted. Cres-reverse transfer capacitance Collector and gate capacitance. 11.3 Time Parameters.

Tf -fall time Time requested to reach 10% of the collector nominal current from 90% of its value. This parameter is fundamental for the understanding of the devices speed. Tr -rise time Time requested to reach 90% of the collector nominal current starting from 10% of its value. Tdon -turn-on delay time The time it takes for the collector current to reach 10% of nominal current value starting from the time a forward pulse is applied to the gate. Tdoff -turn off delay time The time it takes for VCE to reach 10% of the rated value when the voltages signal is removed from the gate. Tsc-short circuit withstand time This is the time an IGBT can resist without any permanent damage to the passage of a high value of current when VCC=Vces/2, like in the condition of a short circuit in a motor control system. The minimum value generally requested for a short circuit series is 10s.


AN1491 - APPLICATION NOTE 11.4 Power Losses Indicators.

Eon turn on switching losses Total amount of energy lost during the turn-off with inductive load. The time interval considered starts when IC rises from zero up to the time VCE decreases to zero. It includes also diode losses when inserted in co-package. Eoff turn off switching losses Total amount of energy lost during the turn off with inductive load. The time interval considered starts when VCE rises from zero up to the time IC decreases to zero. It also includes diode losses when inserted in co-package. Ets total switching losses Total amount of energy lost during the switching. It is the sum of Eon and Eoff. Ptot maximum power dissipation The maximum power dissipation esteemed when the Tj is at the maximum rated value. 11.5 Thermal Parameters. Tj -junction temperature Temperature of the junction. Industry standard range is from -55C to 150C. Tstg storage temperature Temperature range for storage and transportation. Industry standard range is from -55C to 150C. Rjc-Thermal junction to case resistance Thermal resistance between junction and package. When a diode is present, in the datasheet two values of Rjc are indicated, one for the diode and another one for the IGBT. Rcs-Thermal case to sink resistance Thermal resistance between case and sink. It varies with several parameters mainly related to materials and assembly systems. Rsa-Thermal sink to ambient resistance Thermal resistance between heatsink and ambient.


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