"#D%li # "+lti-Wi (Di /ha2% 2hi Ti Tra (2 #R"%R2 A//licati# (2 T# DC A (D "+lti-L%5%l 52i 2+//li%2
"#D%li # "+lti-Wi (Di /ha2% 2hi Ti Tra (2 #R"%R2 A//licati# (2 T# DC A (D "+lti-L%5%l 52i 2+//li%2
"#D%li # "+lti-Wi (Di /ha2% 2hi Ti Tra (2 #R"%R2 A//licati# (2 T# DC A (D "+lti-L%5%l 52i 2+//li%2
On request of the PCIM organizers, this paper is a reviewed issue of an ICEM 2000 contribution [6]
This paper deals with the modeling of multi-winding The DC power supplies are made of rectifiers [3]. Those are
transformers. Based on the real example of a railway DC - providing harmonics leading to a great inconvenience for
supply, a modeling methodology is presented as the original the power networks. Even if additional L-C filters are able
part of the paper. Afterwards two application examples of to absorb the most important part of the harmonics content,
multi-winding phase shifting transformers (18 and 24 pulse) they may introduce resonance problems. A more suitable
are described, these applications have been simulated using solution is to increase the pulse number of the rectifiers.
the SIMSEN simulation software package [1,2]. Harmonics This requires phase shifting transformers having multi-
analysis of simulation results (elimination of low order windings [4]. The most complex part to modelize such
harmonics 5, 7, 11, 13) has validated the proposed special transformers is the determination of all the needed
methodology. parameters: inductance and resistance values for each
winding, coupling coefficients between all the considered
Key:ords? Multi-winding transformer, phase shifting, windings. These parameters must be determinated using the
harmonics reduction, DC supply, simulation, measurements obtained from the typical tests under no-load
harmonics analysis. and short circuit conditions.
1U 1V 1W
-7.5° 22.5°
1U 2U 3U
1W 1V 2W 2V 2U 2V 2W
3V 3W 3U
2.1 Systematic names definition In a first stage, the stray reactances (xs1, xs2 and xs3) of
each terminal are calculated in [p.u.]:
The developed methodology is explained using the multi-
winding phase shifting transformer example given in the left xcc12 + xcc13 − xcc 23 (1)
xs1 = = 0.0822 p.u.
part of Fig. 1. The initial stage is to define the different 2
names and indexes for inductances and to use for the xcc12 + xcc 23 − xcc13 (2)
xs 2 = = 0.0056 p.u.
development, as shown in the right part of Fig. 1: 2
xcc13 + xcc 23 − xcc12 (3)
xs3 = = 0.0056 p.u.
L Inductance 2
X phase x (a, b, c)
I winding I (1, 2, 3…)
Y/D star/delta connection 2.4 Primary winding inductances
The necessary input data correspond to the data plate of the Z1Y (7)
L1Y = = 71.72 H
transformer as well as some additional measurements 2 ⋅ π ⋅ FN
coming from the typical tests under no-load and short circuit
conditions. These input data are: To obtain the delta-connected inductance L1D, the previous
value has to be multiplied by 3:
SN1 = 3146 kVA apparent power.
UN1 = 22 kV primary side line voltage. L1D = 3 ⋅ L1Y = 215.2 H (8)
FN = 60 Hz frequency.
Doing the same operation for the delta-connected stray
UN20 = 569 V secondary 1 line voltage inductance LS1D, we obtain:
UN30 = 569 V secondary 2 line voltage 3 ⋅ XS1 (9)
(no-load) LS1D = = 0.1006 H
2 ⋅ π ⋅ FN
i0 = 0.00569 p.u. no-load primary side
current. Finally, the main delta-connected inductance LH1D is:
xcc12 = 0.0878 p.u. short circuit reactance 1-2,
3 open. LH 1D = L1D − LS1D = 215.1 H (10)
xcc13 = 0.0878 p.u. short circuit reactance 1-3,
2 open.
xcc23 = 0.0112 p.u. short circuit reactance 2-3, 2.5 Secondary 1 winding inductances
1 open
R1 = 0.611 Ohm primary terminal The mathematical development is based on the elements
resistance. represented in Fig. 2.
R2 = 0.00088 Ohm secondary 1 terminal For the secondary 1 winding (index 2), the desired phase
resist. shifting angle is equal to –7.5°. This means that this
R3 = 0.00104 Ohm secondary 2 terminal secondary winding has to be a combination of Dy11 (-30°)
resist. and Dd0 (0°). The first step is to define the ratios n2y/n1d
and n2d/n1d between the turns numbers of the windings 2Y,
2D and 1D according to the equations (11) and (12):. & n2 y #
L 2Y = $ ! ⋅ L 2 D = 3.269 mH
% n 2d "
n2 y
=a (11)
n1d The equivalent star-connected stray reactance is calculated
n 2d
=b (12) using equations (2):
& UN 20 # (19)
XS 2 = xs 2 ⋅ ZN 1Y ⋅ $ ! = 0.5763 mOhm
The phase angle between the line voltages U1U-1V and U2U-2V % UN1 "
must be 7.5 o. The line voltage U2U-2V is the sum of the three
partial voltages: U2U-2U’, U2U’-2V’, U2V’-2V, as represented in The corresponding inductance is:
Fig. 2.
XS 2 (20)
LS 2 = = 1.528 µH
U 2U − 2V = a.U1U −1V + b.U1U −1V − a.U1V −1W (13) 2 ⋅ π ⋅ FN
1 (21)
L2YTOT = L2Y + ⋅ L2 D = 31.37 mH
7.5° 3
Under the assumption that primary and secondary line LH 2Y = L2Y − LS 2Y = 3.269 mH (25)
voltages are equal (a and b become a’ and b’ in equations 11
and 12) and by taking into account the angles at points 2V’ For all the secondary 1 winding, the total, main and stray
and 2V equal to 60o and 60 – 7,5 = 52,5o, the projections of inductances have been defined for both star/delta-connected
equation (13) on both horizontal and vertical axis lead to: windings. The same operations can be applied to the
secondary 2 winding.
cos 60o. a’ + cos 60o. b’ + a’ =cos 52.5o
sin 60o. a’ + sin 60o. b’ = sin 52,5o 2.6 Coupling coefficients
and finally: The last step is to define the coupling coefficients between
all the windings. The coefficients are calculated with the
n2 y UN 20 assumption that the 3 magnetic columns of the transformer
a= = a'. = 0,00389819 (15)
n1d UN1 are symmetrical. This leads to a magnetic coupling
n2d UN 20 coefficient km equal to –0.5 between the columns. Two
b= = b'. = 0,019795 (16)
n1d UN1 examples of coupling coefficients are calculated in
equations (26,27):
The delta-connected inductance L2D is:
LH 1D ⋅ LH 2 D (26)
k1d 2d = = 0.9997
& n 2d #
(17) L1D ⋅ L 2 D
L2D = $ ! ⋅ L1D = 84.31 mH
% n1d "
LH 1D ⋅ LH 2Y (27)
k1d 2 y = = 0.9997
Doing the same for the star-connected inductance L2Y, we L1D ⋅ L 2Y
2.7 Winding resistances
Finally, the resistance of each winding is calculated Name = T1LA1D
according to the measured terminal resistance and the Comment =
related connections. For the primary winding, this is easy, Writing = SI
because the terminal resistance is equal to the winding
resistance (delta-connection). - LINKED INDUCTORS :
(28) ;T1LA1D
R1D = R1 = 0.611 Ohm
T1LB1D -k1d1d*km
T1LC1D -k1d1d*km
With the assumption that the resistance is proportional to ;---------------
the square root of the inductance, we can write: T1LA2Y k1d2y
T1LB2Y -k1d2y*km
(29) T1LC2Y -k1d2y*km
R2 ;---------------
R 2Y = = 0.1243 mOhm
L2 D T1LA2D k1d2d
2+ T1LB2D -k1d2d*km
L 2Y
T1LC2D -k1d2d*km
R2D =
L2 D
⋅ R 2Y = 0.6313 mOhm
(30) T1LA3Y -k1d3y*km
L 2Y T1LB3Y k1d3y
T1LC3Y -k1d3y*km
T1LA3D -k1d3d*km
3 "#D%LI() A(D I"/L%"%(TATI#( I( 2I"2%( T1LB3D k1d3d
T1LC3D -k1d3d*km
The SIMSEN simulation software has been developed to
simulate electrical power and adjustable speed drive - RATED VALUES:
systems having an arbitrary topology [1,2]. A given system
topology (i.e. fig. 3 and 6) is built by choosing and linking Sn [VA] = 0.00000000000E+0000
the different necessary elements or modules from a Un [V] = 0.00000000000E+0000
module’s list. The actual module’s list of SIMSEN offers Fn [Hz] = 0.00000000000E+0000
about one hundred modules, one of them is the so-called - PARAMETERS :
“linked inductor”, this module is suitable for modeling
multi-winding transformers. R [Ohm] = 6.11000000000E-0001
Table 1. shows the input data for one linked inductor. In the L [H] = 2.15161475046E+0002
section - LINKED INDUCTORS - all the coupled linked
inductors as well as their related coupling coefficients are - INITIAL CONDITIONS:
I [A] = 1.37001402709E+0001
4.1 24-pulse transformer for a railway DC supply The studied circuit (see Fig. 6) corresponds to a multi-level
Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) feeding an AC motor. This
The first application example deals with the 24-pulse DC topology has been presented in [5].
supply of a railway substation. The corresponding circuit is
represented in Fig. 3.