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"#D%li # "+lti-Wi (Di /ha2% 2hi Ti Tra (2 #R"%R2 A//licati# (2 T# DC A (D "+lti-L%5%l 52i 2+//li%2

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"#D%LI() #* "+LTI-WI(DI() /HA2% 2HI*TI() TRA(2*#R"%R2

A//LICATI#(2 T# DC A(D "+LTI-L%5%L 52I 2+//LI%2

On request of the PCIM organizers, this paper is a reviewed issue of an ICEM 2000 contribution [6]

A. Sapin, P. Allenbach, J.-J. Simond

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Electrical Machines Laboratory (LME)
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel: +41 21 693 56 09, Fax: +41 21 693 26 87, E-mail: alain.sapin@epfl.ch


This paper deals with the modeling of multi-winding The DC power supplies are made of rectifiers [3]. Those are
transformers. Based on the real example of a railway DC - providing harmonics leading to a great inconvenience for
supply, a modeling methodology is presented as the original the power networks. Even if additional L-C filters are able
part of the paper. Afterwards two application examples of to absorb the most important part of the harmonics content,
multi-winding phase shifting transformers (18 and 24 pulse) they may introduce resonance problems. A more suitable
are described, these applications have been simulated using solution is to increase the pulse number of the rectifiers.
the SIMSEN simulation software package [1,2]. Harmonics This requires phase shifting transformers having multi-
analysis of simulation results (elimination of low order windings [4]. The most complex part to modelize such
harmonics 5, 7, 11, 13) has validated the proposed special transformers is the determination of all the needed
methodology. parameters: inductance and resistance values for each
winding, coupling coefficients between all the considered
Key:ords? Multi-winding transformer, phase shifting, windings. These parameters must be determinated using the
harmonics reduction, DC supply, simulation, measurements obtained from the typical tests under no-load
harmonics analysis. and short circuit conditions.

1U 1V 1W
-7.5° 22.5°
1U 2U 3U

1W 1V 2W 2V 2U 2V 2W

1U 1V 1W 2U 2V 2W 3V 3W 3U LA2Y LB2Y LC2Y

2U' 2V' 2W'


3V 3W 3U


Primary Screen Secondary 1 Secondary 2


Vector group T1 = Dd11.75d0.75

*igure 1 - "ulti-:inding phase shiJting transJormer example

2 "%TH#D#L#)N 2.3 Stray reactances in per unit

2.1 Systematic names definition In a first stage, the stray reactances (xs1, xs2 and xs3) of
each terminal are calculated in [p.u.]:
The developed methodology is explained using the multi-
winding phase shifting transformer example given in the left xcc12 + xcc13 − xcc 23 (1)
xs1 = = 0.0822 p.u.
part of Fig. 1. The initial stage is to define the different 2
names and indexes for inductances and to use for the xcc12 + xcc 23 − xcc13 (2)
xs 2 = = 0.0056 p.u.
development, as shown in the right part of Fig. 1: 2
xcc13 + xcc 23 − xcc12 (3)
xs3 = = 0.0056 p.u.
L Inductance 2
X phase x (a, b, c)
I winding I (1, 2, 3…)
Y/D star/delta connection 2.4 Primary winding inductances

For the primary winding, the rated impedance ZN1Y is first

Example: LB2D inductance, phase b, winding 2, delta- calculated according to equation (4):
UN12 (4)
ZN 1Y = = 153.8 Ohm
The different coupling coefficients also have to be defined SN 1
Using equations (1) and (4), the equivalent star-connected
k Coefficient stray reactance XS1 is:
i winding i (1, 2, 3…)
y/d start/delta connection XS1 = xs1 ⋅ ZN 1Y = 12.64 Ohm (5)
j winding j (1, 2, 3…)
y/d star/delta connection The star-connected equivalent no-load impedance Z1Y is
calculated taking into account the no-load current i0:

Example: k1d2y coupling coefficient between delta- 1 (6)

Z1Y = ⋅ ZN1Y = 27.04 kOhm
connected winding 1 and star-connected i0
winding 2.
Using the angular frequency, the equivalent star-connected
2.2 Necessary input data inductance L1Y is calculated:

The necessary input data correspond to the data plate of the Z1Y (7)
L1Y = = 71.72 H
transformer as well as some additional measurements 2 ⋅ π ⋅ FN
coming from the typical tests under no-load and short circuit
conditions. These input data are: To obtain the delta-connected inductance L1D, the previous
value has to be multiplied by 3:
SN1 = 3146 kVA apparent power.
UN1 = 22 kV primary side line voltage. L1D = 3 ⋅ L1Y = 215.2 H (8)
FN = 60 Hz frequency.
Doing the same operation for the delta-connected stray
UN20 = 569 V secondary 1 line voltage inductance LS1D, we obtain:
UN30 = 569 V secondary 2 line voltage 3 ⋅ XS1 (9)
(no-load) LS1D = = 0.1006 H
2 ⋅ π ⋅ FN
i0 = 0.00569 p.u. no-load primary side
current. Finally, the main delta-connected inductance LH1D is:
xcc12 = 0.0878 p.u. short circuit reactance 1-2,
3 open. LH 1D = L1D − LS1D = 215.1 H (10)
xcc13 = 0.0878 p.u. short circuit reactance 1-3,
2 open.
xcc23 = 0.0112 p.u. short circuit reactance 2-3, 2.5 Secondary 1 winding inductances
1 open
R1 = 0.611 Ohm primary terminal The mathematical development is based on the elements
resistance. represented in Fig. 2.
R2 = 0.00088 Ohm secondary 1 terminal For the secondary 1 winding (index 2), the desired phase
resist. shifting angle is equal to –7.5°. This means that this
R3 = 0.00104 Ohm secondary 2 terminal secondary winding has to be a combination of Dy11 (-30°)
resist. and Dd0 (0°). The first step is to define the ratios n2y/n1d
and n2d/n1d between the turns numbers of the windings 2Y,
2D and 1D according to the equations (11) and (12):. & n2 y #
L 2Y = $ ! ⋅ L 2 D = 3.269 mH
% n 2d "
n2 y
=a (11)
n1d The equivalent star-connected stray reactance is calculated
n 2d
=b (12) using equations (2):
& UN 20 # (19)
XS 2 = xs 2 ⋅ ZN 1Y ⋅ $ ! = 0.5763 mOhm
The phase angle between the line voltages U1U-1V and U2U-2V % UN1 "
must be 7.5 o. The line voltage U2U-2V is the sum of the three
partial voltages: U2U-2U’, U2U’-2V’, U2V’-2V, as represented in The corresponding inductance is:
Fig. 2.
XS 2 (20)
LS 2 = = 1.528 µH
U 2U − 2V = a.U1U −1V + b.U1U −1V − a.U1V −1W (13) 2 ⋅ π ⋅ FN

2U Now, the global stray inductance LS2 has to be distributed

on both star/delta-connected part of the secondary 1
_ 2U' winding. Therefore, a total equivalent star-connected
a U1U-1V inductance L2YTOT has to be defined:

1 (21)
L2YTOT = L2Y + ⋅ L2 D = 31.37 mH
7.5° 3

Then, the star-connected stray inductance is:

b U1U-1V L2Y (22)
LS 2Y = ⋅ LS 2 = 0.159 µH
52.5° L2YTOT

60° The remaining delta-connected stray inductance LS2D is:

2V' (23)
LS 2 D = 3 ⋅ ( LS 2 − LS 2Y ) = 4.108 µH
-a U1U-1V Finally, the two main inductances of the secondary 1
winding are deduced:
*igure 2 O 5ector diagram Jor the secondary 1
:inding LH 2 D = L2 D − LS 2 D = 84.31 mH (24)

Under the assumption that primary and secondary line LH 2Y = L2Y − LS 2Y = 3.269 mH (25)
voltages are equal (a and b become a’ and b’ in equations 11
and 12) and by taking into account the angles at points 2V’ For all the secondary 1 winding, the total, main and stray
and 2V equal to 60o and 60 – 7,5 = 52,5o, the projections of inductances have been defined for both star/delta-connected
equation (13) on both horizontal and vertical axis lead to: windings. The same operations can be applied to the
secondary 2 winding.
cos 60o. a’ + cos 60o. b’ + a’ =cos 52.5o
sin 60o. a’ + sin 60o. b’ = sin 52,5o 2.6 Coupling coefficients

and finally: The last step is to define the coupling coefficients between
all the windings. The coefficients are calculated with the
n2 y UN 20 assumption that the 3 magnetic columns of the transformer
a= = a'. = 0,00389819 (15)
n1d UN1 are symmetrical. This leads to a magnetic coupling
n2d UN 20 coefficient km equal to –0.5 between the columns. Two
b= = b'. = 0,019795 (16)
n1d UN1 examples of coupling coefficients are calculated in
equations (26,27):
The delta-connected inductance L2D is:
LH 1D ⋅ LH 2 D (26)
k1d 2d = = 0.9997
& n 2d #
(17) L1D ⋅ L 2 D
L2D = $ ! ⋅ L1D = 84.31 mH
% n1d "
LH 1D ⋅ LH 2Y (27)
k1d 2 y = = 0.9997
Doing the same for the star-connected inductance L2Y, we L1D ⋅ L 2Y
2.7 Winding resistances
Finally, the resistance of each winding is calculated Name = T1LA1D
according to the measured terminal resistance and the Comment =
related connections. For the primary winding, this is easy, Writing = SI
because the terminal resistance is equal to the winding
resistance (delta-connection). - LINKED INDUCTORS :

(28) ;T1LA1D
R1D = R1 = 0.611 Ohm
T1LB1D -k1d1d*km
T1LC1D -k1d1d*km
With the assumption that the resistance is proportional to ;---------------
the square root of the inductance, we can write: T1LA2Y k1d2y
T1LB2Y -k1d2y*km
(29) T1LC2Y -k1d2y*km
R2 ;---------------
R 2Y = = 0.1243 mOhm
L2 D T1LA2D k1d2d
2+ T1LB2D -k1d2d*km
L 2Y
T1LC2D -k1d2d*km
R2D =
L2 D
⋅ R 2Y = 0.6313 mOhm
(30) T1LA3Y -k1d3y*km
L 2Y T1LB3Y k1d3y
T1LC3Y -k1d3y*km
T1LA3D -k1d3d*km
3 "#D%LI() A(D I"/L%"%(TATI#( I( 2I"2%( T1LB3D k1d3d
T1LC3D -k1d3d*km
The SIMSEN simulation software has been developed to
simulate electrical power and adjustable speed drive - RATED VALUES:
systems having an arbitrary topology [1,2]. A given system
topology (i.e. fig. 3 and 6) is built by choosing and linking Sn [VA] = 0.00000000000E+0000
the different necessary elements or modules from a Un [V] = 0.00000000000E+0000
module’s list. The actual module’s list of SIMSEN offers Fn [Hz] = 0.00000000000E+0000
about one hundred modules, one of them is the so-called - PARAMETERS :
“linked inductor”, this module is suitable for modeling
multi-winding transformers. R [Ohm] = 6.11000000000E-0001
Table 1. shows the input data for one linked inductor. In the L [H] = 2.15161475046E+0002
section - LINKED INDUCTORS - all the coupled linked
inductors as well as their related coupling coefficients are - INITIAL CONDITIONS:
I [A] = 1.37001402709E+0001


Leff [H] = 2.15161475046E+0002

TaSle 1. Input data Jor linUed inductor T1LA1D

The SIMSEN simulation software automatically takes into

account all the differential equations of a multi-winding
transformer defined with linked inductors. The fact that a
linked inductor can be coupled with an infinite number of
other linked inductors is one of the SIMSEN’s features, it
makes possible combining any kind of magnetic coupled

For further information: http://simsen.epfl.ch

*igure 3 - 24-pulse DC supply Jor rail:ay
4 A//LICATI#( %VA"/L%2 4.2 Multi-level Voltage Source Inverter 18-pulse DC supply

4.1 24-pulse transformer for a railway DC supply The studied circuit (see Fig. 6) corresponds to a multi-level
Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) feeding an AC motor. This
The first application example deals with the 24-pulse DC topology has been presented in [5].
supply of a railway substation. The corresponding circuit is
represented in Fig. 3.

The DC supply is made of two 12-pulse transformers

parallel connected. Each of them is modeled by using 15
linked inductors. The first transformer has the connection
Dd11.75d0.75 and the second one has the connection
Dd0.25d11.25. The parallel connection allows supplying the
4 diode rectifiers with shifted angles –22.5°, -7.5°, +7.5°
and +22.5°. This leads to a 24-pulse rectifier system. Note
that the rectifiers are parallel connected. To equalize the
load of both 12-pulse transformers, additional chokes are
connected in the DC-link. The next figures present
simulation results in steady state at 100% load with
symmetrical transformers, as calculated in point 2.

As expected, the first dominant AC supply phase current

harmonics are the 23rd and the 25th. The harmonics analysis
results confirm the proposed 24-pulse modeling.

*igure X - 1Y-pulse DC supply Jor multi-level 52I.

The VSI is made of several DC-cells, each supplied through

a 6-pulse diode rectifier. Regarding the present paper, the
most interesting part of the above topology is the 18-pulse
*igure 4 - AC supply phase current. multi-winding transformer. The VSI requires many floating
voltage potentials. A special transformer having many
output or secondary windings fulfills this specification.

*igure W - 2pectrum oJ AC supply phase current. *igure [ - AC supply phase current.

W C#(CL+2I#(2

Multi-winding phase shifting transformers are a suitable

solution to supply DC systems with low harmonics content
in the AC supply phase current. Based on a real example, a
modeling methodology has been developed. This method
requires the main data of the transformer, the phase shifting
angles as well as the windings connections. Multi-winding
phase shifting transformers have been simulated using the
SIMSEN simulation software, which proved to be a
powerful tool to simulate such complex transformers.
Harmonics analysis of simulation results (elimination of low
order harmonics 5, 7, 11, 13) has validated the proposed
*igure Y - 2pectrum oJ AC supply phase current. methodology.


[1] A. Sapin, J.-J. Simond: SIMSEN : A modular software

package for the analysis of power networks and
electrical machines, CICEM’95, Hangzhou, China.
[2] J.-J. Simond, A. Sapin, B. Kawkabani, D. Schafer, M.
Tu Xuan, B. Willy: Optimized Design of Variable
Speed Drives Based on Numerical Simulation, EPE
[3] Paice D.: Power Electronic Converter Harmonics,
Multipulse methods for clean power, IEEE Press.
[4] Enjeti P.N, Choi, S., I.J. Pitel : Polyphase Transformer
Arrangements with Reduced kVA Capacities for
*igure \ - "otor phase voltage, current and air- Harmonic Current Reduction in Rectifier-Type Utility
gap tor^ue Interface, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 11,
No. 5, Sept. 1996.
The transformer is modeled using 48 linked inductors. Each [5] Peter W. Hammond: A New Approach to Enhance
linked inductor is coupled with the 47 other linked Power Quality for Medium Voltage AC Drives, IEEE
inductors. The calculation of all the needed parameters is Transaction on Industry Applications, Vol. 33 No 1,
based on the same principle as the one developed in point 2. 1997.
As expected, the first dominant AC supply phase current [6] A. Sapin, P. Allenbach, J.-J. Simond: Modeling of
harmonics are the 17th and the 19th. The simulation results Multi-Winding Phase Shifting Transformers,
have been compared successfully with measurements Applications to DC Supplies. ICEM 2000, Helsinki
coming from [4].

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