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An-Najah University: Electrical Circuits Lab

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An-Najah University


Lab(10641215) Experiment #9

Created by

Adel Bani Jaber


Instructor Name: Dr.Omar Khaled Tamimi Course Name: ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS LAB

Time: Wednesday (2-5) . Date: 3-4-2020.

Section: Electrical Engineering. Semster :second Semester

Group Members: Adel Bni Jaber .

Three-phase alternating current

*Introduction and Objectives *

Three phase circuit is the polyphase system where three phases are send
together from the generator to the load. Each phase are having a
phase difference of 120°, i.e 120° angle electrically. So from the total
of 360°, three phases are equally divided into 120° each. The power
in three phase system is continuous as all the three phases are
involved in generating the total power. The sinusoidal waves for 3
phase system is shown below.The three phase system is used to
reduce the costs .It does so by using smaller cross sectional area
power cables to transfer power than the single phase . As a result
less cost of the power system which means less power is lost in form
of heat and that is so good .

In three phase circuit, connections can be given in two types:

1. Star connection
2. Delta connection

In three phase circuit, star and delta connection can be arranged in

four different ways-
1. Star-Star connection
2. Star-Delta connection
3. Delta-Star connection
4. Delta-Delta connection

In this experiment two connections will be described and depending

on that ,this report is divided into three parts
1. Getting familiarize with three phase system.
2. Star Connected Source Star Connected Load .
3. Star Connected Source Delta Connected Load

**Tools and Equipment's

: the tools we used in this Exp are **

1. Power supply.
2. Digital multi-meter (DMM).
3. Training electronic board.
4. Wires.
5. Resistors: 1KΩ.


A) Potential gradient in three-phase current systems:

1. Connect the three sources to the digital oscilloscope and evaluate the phase

Measuring phase shift as shown :

Period for phase shift for L1L2 : 7 ms
Period for phase shift for L2L3 : 13.4 ms
Period for phase shift for L1L3 : 6.6 ms
Theta(measured) Theta (theo)
121.15=7/20.8*360 120 First phase
231.9=13.4/20.8*360 240 Second phase
114.23=6.6/20.8*360 120 Third phase
period for full cycle is : 20.8 ms

2. Measuring the the phase and conductor voltages using a digital multimeter
we get :
12.31 VL1L2 7.06 VL1
12.26 VL2L3 7.11 VL2
12.10 VL1L3 7.06 VL3

Verification VL= ξ 3Vɸ.

VL1L2=ξ 3 *7.06=12.31V

VL2L3=ξ 3 *7.11=12.26V

VL1L3=ξ 3 *7.06=12.10V

Q) What is the peak value of phase and conductor voltage?

VL theo=7 volt and the measured values were so accurate .

Vphase calculated = 7* sqrt(3)=12.124 volt

Peak value of phase voltage = sqrt(2)*12.124 = 17.145 volt

Peak value of conductor voltage = sqrt(2)*7 = 9.89 volt

-: Part 2 : star connected source star connect load
1. We connected the circuit as shown below, set three load resistor to 1 KΩ each
R1=R2=R3=1 KΩ (balanced load).
2. We measure the conductor (line) current (IL1,IL2,IL3) and the neutral current
IN, and we measure the conductor (line) and phase voltages and note the result
as shown at table below.
3. We change the values of the load resistances such that R1=1KΩ, R2=680Ω,
R3=330 Ω (unbalanced case) and note the result as shown below:
4. We measure the conductor and phase current and voltage as shown below:

Star circuit Load

Balanced Unbalanced
Conductor IL1(mA) 6.98 7.02
currents IL2(mA) 6.98 10.24
IL, IN, Iɸ IL3(mA) 6.98 18.69
IN(µA) 38.5 12.03*10^3
Conductor VL1-L2 12.30 12.03
voltages VL VL2-L3 12.29 12.24
VL3-L1 12.07 12.06
Phase voltages VL1-N 7.05 7.04
Vɸ VL2-N 7.13 7.14
VL3-N 7.05 7.01
Power PR1 48.7 mW 49.2 mW
PR2 48.7 mW 71.3 mW
PR3 48.7 mW 115.2 mW
Tot power 146.1 mW 235.7 mW

1) Is there any current flowing in the neutral when the load is balanced? Can we
ignore the neutral line connecting between the source and the load in the
balanced load?
There is no current flow in the neutral line when the system is balanced; we can
ignore the line as the currents in it are zero.
2) Is there any current flowing in the neutral line when the load is unbalanced?
Unlike the balanced system there a current flow in the neutral because the loads
are not equal so we will find a current in the line them so we can't ignore them.
C)Star connected source delta connected load:

1. We connected the circuit as shown below:

2. We measure the conductor (line) and phase currents as well as the conductor
voltages when R1=R2=R3=1KΩ. In this case we have a balanced load as
shown at the table below:

3. We change the load to an unbalanced load by setting the load resistances to

R1=1KΩ, R2=680Ω, R3=330Ω. Measure the conductor, phase currents and
voltages and tabulate the result as shown below:

Delta Connected load Load

Balanced Unbalanced
Conductor IL1(mA) 20.6 42.06
currents IL2(mA) 20.7 25.6
IL IL3(mA) 20.4 46.2
Phase currents IR1(mA) 12.12 11.7
Iɸ IR2(mA) 11.90 17.1
IR3(mA) 11.76 35.1
VL=Vɸ VL1-L2 12.17 12.05
VL2-L3 12.16 11.69
VL3-L1 11.99 11.7
Power PR1 146.8 mW 136.8 mW
PR2 141.6 mW 198.8 mW
PR3 138.2 mW 406.5 mW
Tot power 426.6 mW 742.1mW
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 Studying the state of the star and delta systems.

 Simple introduction to 3-phase system.
 The difference between unbalanced and balanced loads.
 Practical work on the calculation of current, voltage and power.

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