Restaurant Situational Teaching Lesson Plan: Teacher Sean
Restaurant Situational Teaching Lesson Plan: Teacher Sean
Restaurant Situational Teaching Lesson Plan: Teacher Sean
Restaurant Situational Teaching Lesson Plan: Teacher Sean
Goal – introduce restaurant vocabulary and situations to give students an understanding of
how to order food and interact with staff in an American restaurant
Time Activity Details
0:00-10:00 (10 minutes) Warm up -Discussion
10:00-15:00 (5 minutes) Vocabulary -Things on the menu
-People and things in
-Useful phrases
15:00-20:00 (5 minutes) Sample Dialogue -Arriving
-Getting the bill
25:00-40:00 (15 minutes) Write dialogues -Customer and waiter roles
-Design menu
-waffle toppings
40:00-65:00 (25 minutes) Waffles -Ingredients
-Clean up
65:00-80:00 (15 minutes) Perform dialogues
80:00-90:00 (10 minutes) Eat
90:00-100:00 (10 minutes) Wrap up worksheet
Warm up
Local teacher helps to make sure students understand and stay on task
Waffle making
1. Introduce ingredients
a. Waffle mix
b. Egg
c. Milk
2. Demonstrate cooking recipe and vocabulary (stir, crack, cup, bowl, mix, powder…)
3. Groups of 4 work together to mix ingredients
4. Groups cook waffles
a. Local teacher assists in cooking
5. Groups take responsibility to clean their own station and materials
6. Waffles used in conversation performance
Wrap-up Worksheet
Vocabulary section
o Fill in blanks
o Matching
Reading comprehension
o Answer questions based on sample conversation
o Finish sentences with correct English
Short answer questions
o Based on class activities and conversations
Eating at a Restaurant
FALL 2012
Warm Up Questions
1. Do you like going to restaurants? ___________________________________
2. How often do you eat at a restaurant?________________________________
3. What’s your favorite restaurant?____________________________________
4. Who do you usually go with?______________________________________
Ask your friends the same questions and write their answers
Sample Conversation
Waiter, Man, Woman
Making Waffles
Ingredients 原料
Waffle powder 粉
1 egg
1 cup of milk
Recipe 烹飪法
Write a conversation
Toppings Price Drinks Price
________________ $_____ __________ $_____
________________ $_____ __________ $_____
________________ $_____ __________ $_____
________________ $_____ __________ $_____
________________ $_____
________________ $_____
________________ $_____
A = waiter
B, C, D = customers
Hospital Situational Teaching Lesson Plan: Teacher Brandon
Introduce important medical vocabulary to students that will be of assistance to them if they experience a
medical emergency abroad.
Introduce and have the students complete a medical registration form that is required at a hospital/doctor visit
in America.
Use role play to provide the students with the real life experience of communicating their medical emergency
to a doctor using English.
Classroom Setup
3 Stethoscopes
3 Reflex Hammers
2 Scales
2 Measuring Tapes
25 clipboards
2 electronic blood pressure machines
When students see the pharmacist, he will give the students a “prescription.” The “prescription” could be a
plastic bag of jelly beans and a small paper cup of soda, tea, or juice.
Group Size
There will be 2 students per group
Lesson Implementation
Length Activity
10 minutes Introduction Why is this important?
20 minutes Vocabulary: Body and Symptoms
Key Vocabulary
Teacher Brandon
The Body
Eye Foot Ankle Ear Neck Arm
Chest Mouth Head Stomach Fingers Wrist
Leg Elbow Knee Shoulder Hand Toes
Symptoms 症狀
Get these answers from the posters on the walls.
_____ 叩診錘
_____ 聽筒 _______ 捲尺
______ ________磅
Registration and Health Check Form
Complete this form as you do the group work.
Background Information
Doctor's Report
Length of Treatment:_______________________________________________________________
Extra Treatment:_______________________________________________________________
Doctor and Patient Conversation Script
Use your sickness card to complete the conversation.
Doctor: Hello, I'm doctor ________________. Now what seems to be the problem?
Your Name
Make an appointment to see me next week if it doesn’t get better over the next few
Patient 病人
Doctor 醫生
Treatments 治療
Get these answers from the pharmacy poster.
Pharmacist and Patient Script
Use your prescription card to complete the conversation.
Pharmacist: Thanks. It looks like you have ______________. Let me get your ___________.
Pharmacy 藥房
Medicine 醫藥
Pharmacist 藥劑師
Prescription 處方
Supermarket Situational Teaching Lesson Plan: Teacher Yara
grocery store layout
o shopping bags
o fake money
o cash register
o sings for the food
o (toaster)
o Cutlery (knives, spoons, plates)
o Food ※ Bread
※Tuna cans
※Lettuce & Tomatoes
Time Convention Strategy Planning Notes
15 min Hook/ Concept Write the word “Grocery/Supermarket” on the board.
Vocabulary map Ask students what kind of things you can find at the
Expansion supermarket. Write what the students say on the board.
Common phrases:
"Where is the fruit section?"
"Do you sell ice cream here?"
"Where is the toothpaste?"
"Can you point me to the medicine area?"
"Where is the bakery section?"
"Do you sell fresh seafood?"
"Where are the shopping carts?"
"Where can I find a shopping basket?"
“What time do you open?”
“What time do you close?”
“Can I use this coupon?”
“How much is this?”
Ask the students :
Where do you or your family go grocery shopping on a
regular basis? What are typical things you buy and how
much does your family spend on groceries per week?
15 min Grammar Worksheet Refer to Grammar: Count Nouns Vs. Non- CountNouns
focus (count Review Handout.
vs. non-count
20 min Conversations Pair work Students will find a partner and read a conversation.
They will then highlight any of the words they don’t
understand. Once students are done, I will ask them to
write the words they don’t understand on the board and I
will explain to the class what each word means. Students
will then answer a set of questions about the
conversation that they read.
Refer to Grammar: Count Nouns Vs. Non- Count Nouns
Handout pg. 3-4
40 Family Acting/ Students will be divided into groups of 4. They will make
min Enactment Discussion a list of the food they need to make tuna sandwiches.
Then, they will take their grocery list and go to the
grocery store to find each product. They will have to
communicate in English and ask questions about
where the food is. Once they find the food they need,
they will purchase it. They will then return home and
make their sandwiches.
10 min Discussion Class Students will then discuss the following questions
questions Discussion/ As groups and with the entire class.
Exit Slips (Refer to Grammar: Count Nouns Vs. Non- Count Nouns
Handout page 6)
They will be asked to reflect on the difference between
shopping on a tight budget and not having to worry
about a budget.
Grammar: Count Nouns Vs. Non-Count Nouns
Question Answers
We have a few
How many tomatoes We have some
do we have? We have several tomatoes.
We have a lot of
We have many
Question Answers
How much milk do we We have a lot of
have? We have some milk.
We have a little
Charles: Ok honey, what do I need to buy?
Nancy: Well, do we have enough noodles?
Charles: We have some noodles but not enough.
Nancy: How about tomato sauce?
Charles: I don’t see any tomato sauce.
Nancy: Are there any onions?
Charles: Yes, we have a lot of onions.
Nancy: Do we need any tomatoes or garlic?
Charles: There are a lot of tomatoes but there isn’t any garlic.
Nancy: Are you making a salad?
Charles: Yes I am, but there isn’t any lettuce.
Nancy: Are there any apples for the pie?
Charles: There are a few apples. Maybe I’ll buy a couple more.
Nancy: Did you look in the freezer for ice cream?
Charles: There isn’t any vanilla but there is some chocolate ice cream.
Nancy: You should get vanilla ice cream. It goes best with apple pie.
Charles: So, I need some noodles, a can of tomato sauce, some garlic, a head of lettuce and a few apples. Is that
Nancy: Don’t forget bread and ice cream.
Charles: That’s right, a carton of vanilla ice cream and a loaf of bread.
Nancy: One more thing. Don’t forget your list.
Charles: Thanks for reminding me. Bye.
1. What is Charles doing?
8. Is he making spaghetti?
Activity: Grocery Charts
What is in your refrigerator right now? What is in your classmate’s refrigerator right now?
Cooking: Make a list of the things you would need for the following meal.
Tuna Sandwich
Discussion Questions:
1. Do you like to cook? Are you a good cook?
2. What is your favorite meal; breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
3. What is something that you always keep in your refrigerator?
4. Do you often eat bread?
5. Do you usually eat everything in your fridge or do you throw a lot of food away?
6. How often do you go to the supermarket, outdoor market, or night markets?
7. Do you ever make a shopping list? Why?
8. What kind of food do you keep in the freezer?
9. Why do we need to keep food cold?
10. Have you ever smelled spoiled food? How does it smell?
11. How often do you clean out your fridge?
Shopping cart: pushcart on wheels (you may have to put a coin deposit in the slot)
Basket: plastic container with handles; useful for quick grocery trips when you only need a few items
Box: sometimes available for free at the checkout
Plastic or paper bags: you may have to pay for these
Reusable bags: bring your own (or buy and reuse)
Express checkout: For people buying a few items. The sign will show how many items you are allowed to have (1-12).
Closed: Many stores use a lighting system to show which line ups are open for service. If the light is on the aisle is likely
Situational Teaching: Airport Lesson Plan: Lily Tsai
Time Frame: 100 Minutes
Teacher: Lily Tsai
Number of Students: 20 – 25 students total
Themes: Airport Situations
a) Purchasing Airline Tickets
b) Check In
c) Safety Procedures
d) On the Airplane
e) Customs & Immigration
f) Duty Free Shop
4) Importance of behaviour &
attitude while speaking to the officer
(PPT 27)
9:40 – 9:55 1) Role Play 1) Students will line up and wait 1) Role play
Practice outside to see the customs officer. questions
11:30 – 11:45 They will enter one/two at a time. 2) Role play
2) Customs & answers
2:30 – 2:45 Immigration 2) Need to submit proper documents 3) Stamp pad
a) Passport 4) Stamp
4:00 – 4:15 b) Role Play Card
*Students will get a chance to
look at the duty free shop to see
what they can afford upon leaving.
Once the next student passes the
(15 Mins) custom, the prior two students will
need to go outside. Only two
students should be at the duty free
shop “window shopping” at one
9:55 – 10:05 1) Duty Free 1) The group with the most points 1) Duty Free Shop
Shop added up will get to shop at the duty goods
11:45 – 11:55 free first, and the rest will follow in
2) Clean Up descending order of points.
2:45 – 2:55 Time
2) Once all the students are done
4:15 – 4:25 shopping, they will need to move the
desks back to the way it was
originally set up & pick up garbage
(10 Mins) on the floor.
Purpose of Visit:
Holiday: Education:
passenger 乘客
Airport pilot 駕駛員
aisle 走道 plane ticket 飛機票
aisle seat 靠走道的座位 row 排
assistance 協助 runway 跑道
baggage/ luggage 行李 seat 座位
beverage cart 飲品的購物車 seat belt 安全帶
in-flight movie security check 安全檢查
在飛機上的電影 shuttle bus 班車服務
blanket 毯子 steward (male) 空少
board the plane 登機 stewardess (female) 空姐
boarding pass 登機證 stopover 中途停留
business class 商務艙 take off 起飛
call light 呼叫燈 terminal 機場航站
captain 機長 turbulence 氣流
carousel 傳送帶 traveler's cheque 旅行支票
check in 報到 tray table 小桌板
cockpit 駕駛艙 window seat 靠窗的座位
complimentary 免費提供
currency 貨幣
customs 海關
delayed 延遲 Supermarket
departure gate 登機口 Mayonnaise 美乃滋
domestic 國內 pasta 麵食
duty free shop 免稅店 Tuna cans 鮪魚罐頭
economy class 經濟艙 long rice 長米
emergency exit 緊急出口 short rice 短米
exchange rate 匯率 brown rice 糙米
first class 頭等艙 strong flour 高筋麵粉
flight attendant 空服員 plain flour 中筋麵粉
headset, earphones 耳機 condiments 調味品
immigration 入境 snacks 零食
international 國際的 beverage 飲料
jet lag 時差 brown sugar 砂糖
landing 降落 rock sugar 冰糖
lavatory 廁所 lettuce 萵苣
life vest, life jacket 救生衣 instant noodles 速食麵
motion sickness 暈機 bill 帳單
on time 準時 service 服務
overbooked 超額預訂 tip 小費
overhead bin/compartment reservation 預訂
頭頂上方的行李箱 non-smoking 禁止吸煙
oxygen mask 氧氣面具 chef 廚師
passport 護照 recommendation 推薦
toppings 配料、餡料 ice cream 冰淇淋
fruit 水果 whipped cream 生奶油
butter 奶油 strawberry 草莓
honey 蜂蜜 vanilla 香草
cornstarch 太白粉
pepper 胡椒
red chili powder 辣椒粉
household items 居家用品
shopping cart 購物車 backache 背痛
basket 購物籃 earache 耳痛
box 盒子 headache 頭痛
paper bags 紙袋 stomachache 胃痛
plastic bags 塑膠袋 cold 感冒
reusable bags 環保袋 flu 流行性感冒
lichee 荔枝 fever 發燒
bamboo shoot 竹筍 sore eyes 眼睛痛
loofah 絲瓜 sore throat 喉嚨痛
lotus root 蓮藕 vomiting 嘔吐
frozens 冷凍食品 nausea 噁心
dairy products 乳製品 pills 藥片
packaged foods 包裝食品 vaccine 針筒
free sample 免費試吃品 ointment 軟膏
cash register 收銀機 bed rest 臥床休息
scanner 條碼掃描器 band aid 膠布
blood pressure machine 血壓器
medication 藥物治療
contacts 接觸
Restaurant surgery 手術
appetizer 開胃小吃 diagnosed 診斷
entrée 主菜 asthma 氣喘
salad 沙拉 allergies 過敏症
soup 湯
beverage 飲料
dessert 甜點心
side dish 小菜
sweet 甜的
sour 酸的
salty 鹹味濃的
spicy 辣的
bitter 苦的
juicy 多汁的
delicious 美味的
fresh 新鮮的
bland 無刺激性的
waiter 服務生