A Guide To Diagnostic Insulation Testing Above 1 KV: Toll Free Customer Service Number
A Guide To Diagnostic Insulation Testing Above 1 KV: Toll Free Customer Service Number
A Guide To Diagnostic Insulation Testing Above 1 KV: Toll Free Customer Service Number
Megger invented insulation testing before the beginning of the 20th century and has continued to lead the market
in innovation and technological advancement. So, why did we develop a 10 kV model when all other suppliers
stopped at 5 kV? The answer is in the IEEE standards. Megger developed a 10 kV unit to meet the new testing
recommendations outlined by the IEEE. Megger has offered a 10 kV insulation resistance tester since 2001.
In March 2000, The IEEE-SA Standards Board approved a revision to IEEE Std 43-1974. The “IEEE Recommended
Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery,” Std 43-2000, emphasizes the need for upgrading
current practices to accommodate changes and improvements in insulating materials and the value of higher voltage
testing that reveals otherwise hidden flaws.
Following is a brief summary of the highlights of the standard:
n Test voltages up to 10 kV are recommended for windings rated greater than 12 kV.
n Both the Insulation Resistance test and the Polarization Index test are recommended.
n Test results should be compared to historical values to identify changes.
n In
lieu of historical records, minimum acceptable values (based on the type of equipment) for both tests are
n Depending on the machine rating, the readings for one or both tests should exceed the minimum acceptable
n If the readings are below the minimum acceptable values, the winding is not recommended for an over voltage
IEEE Std 43-2000 recommends a procedure for measuring insulation resistance of armature and field windings
in rotating machines rated 1 hp, 750 W or greater and applies to synchronous machines, induction machines, dc
machines and synchronous condensers. It does not apply to fractional horsepower machines. It also recommends the
insulation test voltage (based on winding rating) and minimum acceptable values of insulation resistance for ac and
dc rotating machine windings.
For more information on the IEEE Standard, please turn to page 25 in the booklet.
Table of contents
Power Transformer
Some insulation testers have two terminals, others have n Thegoals of testing (basic installation checks don’t
three. As these are dc testers, two of the terminals are generally require a guard).
the + and -. The third (if present) is a guard. It does n The electrical composition of the items to be
not have to be used and many operators use insulation tested (motors and transformers can be tested for
testers satisfactorily without ever employing the guard. leakage between windings, with ground leakage
However, it affords the operator an extra function for eliminated).
diagnosis of equipment problems. The guard is a shunt
Final Words
Clearly, the guard terminal is a very useful feature, but
a few words of caution are necessary. The presence
of the guard terminal alone does not guarantee that
an insulation test set will give accurate results in the
presence of high levels of surface leakage. In particular,
it is difficult to maintain the performance of the guard
terminal if the instrument is also to offer a CAT IV 600V
safety rating. Make sure the insulation tester is able to
achieve its CAT rating without compromising the guard
Figure 15: Measurement circuit “protected” by high impedance
terminal performance.
There can be many reasons why some instruments
Figure 15 above shows an equivalent circuit of a 1000
achieve poor guard terminal performance, but one of
MΩ insulation resistance being measured with a surface
the most obvious is that, with a guard terminal, the
leakage of 6 MΩ across it. The surface leakage has been
instrument not only has to supply the current needed
connected to the guard terminal to ensure it is not
for the actual insulation test, but also the diverted
measured. However this instrument is protected with a
current that flows via the guard terminal. If the voltage
200 kΩ input impedance. The result is a measured value
generator in the test set has insufficient capacity —
of about 43 MΩ, over 2000% away from the 1000 MΩ
effectively having a high internal resistance — the result
that should have been measured.
will be that the test voltage falls, giving inaccurate
In a Megger insulation tester the guard deploys results. This is a very important consideration because
effective protection but the input impedance remains the current in the guard terminal circuit can be ten or
at an acceptable level as shown in the example below in more times greater than that in the test circuit itself.
figure 16.
n Voids
Figure 24 is the response from insulation with absorbed The current curves from different phases can also be
moisture. This could be caused by a long period of compared. All three windings should provide
disuse for example. This test, due to the sudden increase comparable results. A phase that shows a different
in current, would have been stopped to prevent response, such as shown in figure 27 will usually indicate
breakdown occurring. a problem with the insulation condition.
n Sharp points at the test lead connections should be It was this condition that inspectors from specifying
avoided since this will encourage corona discharge. agencies, like UL®, discovered among “testers” that
were “jury-rigged” from on-hand transformers and
n Instrument test jacks should be deep so that other components at job sites to perform high potential
unwanted leakage does not occur between the tests. The inadequacies of such systems led to the highly
terminals. specific language pertaining to output voltage that
now commonly appears in the standards literature.
Accuracy Statements
Megger insulation testers conform by delivering and
Pay close attention to an insulation tester’s accuracy
statement. Do not accept a mere plus/minus percentage
for digital units. The statement must also include plus/
minus a number of digits, as no digital display can fix
its last digit (least significant digit, or l.s.d.) to a single
number. Accuracies specified as “percent of reading”
indicate the same error at all points on the scale.
Figure 30: Megger MIT models ensure CAT rating applies to all
terminals for safety purposes. Some instruments on the market
today are misleading.
Figure 31: Electrical supply broken down into categories
During drying operations, when insulation resistance Perhaps you were taught to discharge a capacitor and
values are used as an indicator of the suitability of then to store the capacitor with the terminals shorted
windings for service or for application of test potential, together. Did you ever wonder why, since you have
the drying must be continued for a sufficient time discharged the capacitor and maybe had checked that
to make sure that the values are reliable. Often the there was no voltage across the terminals, you needed to
resistance curve will take one or more sharp dips before short the terminals?
leveling off or continuing to increase in a positive The reason is the dielectric absorption current. If the
direction. This is due to moisture working out of the terminals are left unshorted, the energy stored by
windings. When the machine is completely dried out, dielectric absorption will slowly release with negative
further work is required to remove any remaining dust. charge migrating to one terminal and positive charge to
This may be done through the use of dry compressed air the positive terminal. Over a period of time this charge
at pressure not exceeding 40 psi. can build up to a dangerous level, as high as the original
test voltage, and with a considerable amount of energy
to back it up. This energy can kill.
At the end of an insulation test the test sample
closely resembles a charged capacitor; there remains
a considerable amount of energy stored within the
insulation dielectric.
There is an important “rule of thumb” on charging
and discharging items under test. This rule suggests
that the operator discharge the item under test for five
times as long as it was tested. If the operator performs
a 10-minute PI test, he/she should allow the unit to
discharge for 50 minutes.
A good quality instrument will automatically discharge
the test sample as soon as a test is completed or
interrupted. Some lower quality instruments have a
separate discharge selection knob, or switch, which adds
a step to a test. If this step is forgotten, the test item can
be deadly for the next person who handles it.
Figure 34: Typical Drying-out Resistance Graph
However, all we have discharged at this point is the Alternative power sources were developed. The old
stored capacitive charge. As explained at the start of this generator was big and heavy as anyone who has tried
booklet, any capacitance is charged relatively quickly to hand crank one of these old instruments will attest;
at the start of a test. Similarly, the capacitive charge is you certainly wouldn’t want to do a PI test while hand
discharged relatively quickly at the end of a test. But the cranking, but if you lacked a mains supply there was no
dielectric absorption current takes much longer to go in alternative.
and also takes much longer to come out.
Technology advances meant that “electronic movements”
Thus while the sample is immediately safe to handle, if could be used which were more rugged and more
the terminals are not shorted they will gradually acquire accurate. New low-voltage generators were developed
charge and become dangerous once again. So, unless which made hand cranking much easier and then
the equipment is going back into service, ensure that the ultimately battery technology enabled pure battery
terminals are shorted and grounded. power to be employed. This resulted in the long term,
very stable power supplies that we see today.
Charging Time for Large Equipment
The use of electronics has resulted in lighter, more
One question we are often asked is, “How long will it rugged, more accurate instruments that respond more
take to charge a particular piece of equipment?” The quickly. They can provide more information, which results
answer is, “We don’t know!” in us seeing transient events that were previously totally
Why not? Well, the answer depends on the actual hidden by the relative instability of the power supply and
configuration of the particular piece of equipment the inertia of the movement.
concerned. For example, the Megger S1-5010 specifies Which is better? The decision is yours.
a charging rate of “less than 5 seconds per microfarad
with 2 mA short circuit current” and “2.5 seconds per Test Lead Design
microfarad with 5 mA short circuit current.” Thus, if you The design of the test lead sets is intended to facilitate
know the capacitance of the test sample you can work connection to a variety of de-energized systems for the
out the charging time; it doesn’t matter if it is a motor, a purpose of making insulation resistance measurements.
cable, or just a slab of insulating material. In all cases it is the responsibility of the user to employ
safe working practices and verify that the system is safe
Motor Driven Insulation Testers
before connection. Even electrically isolated systems may
Another question we are frequently asked is “What exhibit significant capacitance which will become highly
happened to the old wooden box motor driven charged during the application of the insulation test.
insulation testers?” Some people seemed to think that This charge can be lethal and connections, including the
they set the standard for insulation testing and still do. leads and clips, should never be touched during the test.
These motor driven wooden boxes, with an external The system must be safely discharged before touching
motor, were produced between 1910 and 1972 and used connections.
the original Evershed patented “Cross Coils Ohmmeter.” Test leads are a key component of any precision
This was a large heavy movement that, as the name instrument and that safety, long life, and the ability
suggests, had two coils set at an angle to each other. This to provide reliable connections to the wide variety of
was the first “true ohmmeter.” The construction of the test pieces found in real applications are of utmost
movement had benefits and drawbacks. importance.
The main benefit was, because of the weight of Careful design ensures repeatable connections, which
the movement, it had considerable inertia and are practical and safe to use. Only the best materials and
was, therefore, quite insensitive to interference or most appropriate materials should be used to provide
transient events. This resulted in a very smooth motion. the essential blend of performance and safety. As an
Unfortunately, the sheer weight of the movement made example the careful specification of the cable ensures
it fairly delicate and so the instruments needed to be it remains flexible in all conditions and has extremely
handled with care. Furthermore, the instruments needed good insulation properties which will not affect the
to be leveled before use and were, therefore, supplied measurements made.
Two hazards are considered: (1) the dangers of a probe 2. Protection from charged capacitance of long cables
tip or crocodile clip temporarily bridging two high Locked high-voltage plugs at the instrument end
energy conductors, and (2) the dangers of a contact reduce the likelihood of a plug losing connection
being broken while current is flowing. or pulling out which could result in the load
These hazards are particularly applicable to many of inadvertently remaining lethally charged at the end
the environments in which 5kV and 10kV insulation of a test and the instrument to incorrectly report
resistance testers are used. Should a probe or clip that no voltage was present. The lock facility is
momentarily short out two high energy conductors simple to use and prevents “plug end” disconnection
during connection, an extremely high current will flow and helps ensure the integrity of load discharge after
heating the metal and melting insulation. This itself may a test.
cause serious burns to the operator or bystander near the
clip or probe. Additionally, should the contact be broken 3. Protection from high voltage in CATIV 600V environment
while current is flowing, arcing may occur leading to an As a connection is made to more upstream supply
extremely serious situation known as arc-flash. systems, (Overvoltage Category IV relates to
incoming supplies of industrial premises), increased
The standard describes the danger of arcing as follows: protection is required from overvoltages. These
“The arcing will ionize the air in the vicinity of the arc, are transients that naturally occur on the supply,
permitting continued current flow in the vicinity of the which are typically caused by switching actions or
probe tip or crocodile clip. If there is sufficient available distant lightning strikes and present the connected
energy, then the ionization of the air will continue to equipment, test leads, clips etc with impulses of
spread and the flow of current through the air continues many thousands of volts. Such equipment must
to increase. The result is an arc flash, which is similar provide protection to the operator during the
to an explosion, and can cause injury or death to an process of connection. A clip rated for use on a 600V
operator or a bystander.” supply in overvoltage category CATIV must be able
IEC 61010-031:2008 requires probe tips and crocodile to withstand such impulses up to 8kV.
clips to be constructed to mitigate the risk of arc flash Clips that are molded from a high dielectric strength-
and short circuits, and this requirement applies to all insulating polymer with carefully defined dimensions
crocodile clips or clamps that are rated to Installation ensure electrical creepage and clearance distances
Category III or IV (CATIII or CATIV). The outer surfaces of are maintained even under adverse conditions.
crocodile clips must not, therefore, be conductive and
no metal parts should be accessible (as defined by the 4. Protection from instrument output (5 kV or 10 kV)
standard) with the clip closed. Many people fear the electrical output from their
insulation tester may be 5 or 10kV. However, in
During design phase, detailed measurement and test
reality the current available from the instrument is
procedures are used to assess the electrical creepage and
generally limited to a few milliamperes and in itself
clearance paths, to assure compliance with the standard.
presents a relatively low hazard.
Accessibility of conductive metalwork is assessed using an
IEC standard test finger. The danger here is not so much the output of the
instrument but more the working environment. If
MIT515 S1-1054/2